
MoPacHello. I'm hoping someone might know a tidbit of background on the upcoming BQ platform. My S3 just bricked to a final grave, and I'm interested in getting a phone now that could run Ubuntu when it's ready. Is the BQ Ubuntu version just going to be a current model that the software is certified on?00:17
kokoye2007hi all00:17
kokoye2007who can help #ubuntu-keyboard build00:20
kurt_do we have anything for showing volume, i'm wanting to see a rise and fall like a UV meter or some kind of gauge? I see nothing under QML types should I try html5?02:09
kurt_can we use source from qt nokia stuff? I need to add C++ to the QML so i imagine to nokia stuff may work.03:56
lotuspsychjeyou all tested the omgubuntu app? its great!04:36
nhainesI have not!04:37
lotuspsychjeand some news here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/ubuntu-phones-three-things-to-expect04:37
lotuspsychjenhaines: try it mate, its pretty lightweight and interesting ubuntu news04:37
nhainesYes, I sent Joey-Elijah a note over G+ about a factual error in that story.  ;)04:37
lotuspsychjeoh :p04:38
nhainesThe error's still there. :P04:38
lotuspsychjei also use the rss feed app for my favorite news04:38
nhainesI kept OMG Ubuntu in my podcatcher until they stopped providing articles in the RSS feeds.  Then I dropped it.04:38
nhainesI do check in a couple times a week though.04:38
nhainesI'll have to play with the app next time I'm using Ubuntu.04:39
lotuspsychjewell omgubuntu is the best news site i could find..if you know others?04:39
lotuspsychjeubuntu fridge and ubuntu news arent so good04:40
lotuspsychjejose: whats up?04:41
josenothing, nothing.04:41
nhainesI just try to stick with the mailing list for news.  :)04:42
nhainesI moderate /r/Ubuntu so a lot of it passes through there too.04:42
lotuspsychjefound some new news: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2687847/ubuntu-touch-finalized-first-phones-coming-this-year.html04:42
nhainesThe article's completely wrong, too.04:43
lotuspsychjewhats wrong on it exactly?04:43
lotuspsychjewell you guys are the devs, so knows best whats going on :p04:44
nhainesWell, the news it reports on is from September 11th, so it's not new, but it also talks about Ubuntu being released to RTM which hasn't happened.04:44
lotuspsychjei see04:45
lotuspsychjei also tested the new torrent app, also great04:46
nhainesI haven't heard about that one.  What's it called?04:46
lotuspsychjejust dont know where the download folder is04:46
nhainesHehe, details.  :)04:46
lotuspsychjeits a green arrow down app04:46
lotuspsychjeforgot its name sorry04:47
kurt_any good tutorials or source showing an ubuntu touch app useing qml and C++, all i find is for nokia04:47
lotuspsychjekurt_: tnx :p04:47
lotuspsychjewith a torrents search inside , just great!04:47
kurt_im trying it now lol04:48
lotuspsychjesomeone should invent an easy ubuntu touch creator, so more apps come to life04:48
nhainesI'd be surprised if there wasn't something like that for QML.  :)04:49
lotuspsychjeoh really04:49
lotuspsychjeif you find one lemme know :p04:49
lotuspsychjeim dying to make terminal apps, like nmap, links2 etc04:50
nhainesWell, that you just do with ncurses.04:51
lotuspsychjewell im not really a dev/programmer so :p04:52
nhainesYes, but the alternative to using a library is to write your own library and use that instead.  :P04:53
nhainesBesides, it's like learning a new language, or how to paint. :)04:53
lotuspsychjeif someone show it in real life maybe04:53
lotuspsychjeor a real easy touch app creator04:54
nhainesIf I could learn German, you can learn Javascript.  :)04:54
lotuspsychjehahaha, you make it all easy mate04:54
lotuspsychjefor now ill stay the happy touch user :p04:55
nhainesAt least with a programming language words only mean one thing ever. ;)  And you can practice in your web browser.04:55
lotuspsychjekurt_: if you find the downloader folder let me know ok, so i can find my magazines04:56
lotuspsychjei tryed find / magazine from terminal but shows me huge list04:57
kurt_will do04:58
kurt_cant you use the terminal to search by date modified throught the whole file system?05:01
kurt_just tap on the iteam afte its down loaded05:01
kurt_inside the app stil and a list opens up then jpegs05:02
lotuspsychjeis that a picture app05:04
kurt_ya what you download has a big green check mark next to it right05:05
lotuspsychjeclick on it?05:05
lotuspsychjeoh lol, well it was a pdf i tested maybe thats why not opening?05:06
kurt_then a list of whats inside the folder comes up05:06
kurt_that is why not sure if we have a pdf reader yet05:06
lotuspsychjei use the pdfjviewer for magazines05:06
kurt_opens pictures05:06
lotuspsychjebut it doesnt open on extension yet05:06
kurt_it just added it to my gallery app when i clicked on it05:07
lotuspsychjeyou need to manually browse pdf on system05:07
lotuspsychjebut also pretty lightweight pdf viewer05:07
kurt_ill try to see where its stored05:07
lotuspsychjeits neat!05:07
lotuspsychjethink its in utilities05:08
kurt_whats the password for full access in file manager05:09
lotuspsychjethe password you provided for your tablet05:10
lotuspsychjeyou can set a password in system settings05:10
kurt_i never set up one just a passcode number for the devolper mode05:10
lotuspsychjethen might be this number05:11
lotuspsychjedidnt test dev pass05:11
lotuspsychjei use passphrase on the tablet05:11
lotuspsychjeand im being asked on filemanager and terminal05:11
kurt_haha it is the number05:11
lotuspsychjeyeah you can choose pincode indeed05:12
lotuspsychjei recently tested the clean phone to factory settings05:12
lotuspsychjeand was nice, puts ubuntu touch back clean state first use05:13
lotuspsychjevery neat also05:13
kurt_clean phone?05:13
lotuspsychjein its original ubuntu touch state yes05:13
lotuspsychjelike you just installed it05:13
lotuspsychjesystemsettings/reset device to factory settings05:14
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_kaisoz_hi there07:02
nhainesHmm.  Somebody here should tell me how to change the useragent string in the Ubuntu web browser.07:02
nhainesSo I can make an Amazon Cloud Reader webapp and put it in the store.07:02
dholbachgood morning07:18
_kaisoz_normally, what's the usual time when I can find the developers here?07:20
nhainesdholbach: good morning.  :)07:23
nhaines_kaisoz_: usually about now... maybe another hour or so.07:23
_kaisoz_ahh, I was wondering since AFAIK they are differents countries and probably they'll have different timezones07:24
dbarthpitti: guten morgen; me again on the langpacks; the issue is fixed in utopic, thanks! can i get the same for rtm?07:28
pittibonjour dbarth07:28
pittidbarth: sorry, which issue?07:28
nhaineskaxing: mostly EU business hours.  :)07:30
nhainesIs there still a way to override the user agent string on the command line with webbrowser-app in utopic?07:30
dbarthpitti: the accept-language headers in oxide, which end up being in .mo files07:32
dholbachhi nhaines07:32
pittidbarth: ah, ok; hang on07:32
pittidbarth: hm, they aren't in the Launchpad exports on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/14.09/+language-packs07:34
pittiindeed, they aren't in RTM at all07:34
pittidbarth: I see it in the import queue; I approve them now, then tomorrow's automatic LP export should have them07:34
dbarthpitti: perfect, thanks! i'll check tomorrow, but will consider that this test passes in my testing of oxide07:35
pittidbarth: we'll autobuild new RTM packages tomorrow evening, so they won't make it onto a new image before Friday, I figure07:36
pittidbarth: but at least we can verify tomorrow afternoon that the .po files are in the new export07:36
dbarthok, noted07:36
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kaxingnhaines, hi?08:18
nhaineskaxing: hi!08:21
kaxingnhaines, did you find the solution for your question?08:35
nhaineskaxing: nope!08:36
ogra_pitti, seems we have a prob with phonesim ... scroll to the bottom of http://dev-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-touch_stable-krillin-smoke-daily/262/artifact/clientlogs/dialer_app/syslog/*view*/08:41
pittiogra_: does this "init: sys_prop" tell anything to you?08:58
ogra_pitti, that you try to use "setprop" as phablet user ?08:58
ogra_(if thats the case we need some kind of dbus service to shouled this08:59
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pittiogra_: what is "you" here? (I don't know what setprop is, I certainly don't use it in the phonesim setup scripts)09:06
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Vegetarian Day! :-D09:06
ogra_pitti, hmm, ok09:06
pittiogra_: I grepped phonesim for setprop, no hit09:07
ogra_well, something seems to try to set android rpoperties here09:07
pittiogra_: I suppose "init" is the session init09:07
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pittiperhaps that's some indicator trying to change the modem status directly with setprop or so?09:08
ogra_hmm, i was assuming android init, but i think thjat shows up as "./init"09:08
pdxwebdevDoes anyone have a qr code scanning repo that would work for mako?09:08
pittiogra_: grepped ofono itself for setprop, also no hit (this could use something else than the setprop program, maybe through a library?)09:09
ogra_pitti, yeah, looking closer i see pulse, might be the sound indicator ... thanks, i'll talk to rsalveti09:09
ogra_(we still have dialer app issues though ... but thtas likely for a different reason)09:10
ogra_pdxwebdev, what is a "qr code scanning repo" ?09:10
pittiI suppose he means an app09:11
pdxwebdevMy apologies. I'm looking to scan qr codes using the camera on a nexus 409:11
ogra_pdxwebdev, "tagger"09:11
ogra_search for it in the store09:11
pdxwebdevsweet. thank you09:11
mzanettijgdx: ping11:28
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jgdxmzanetti, pong12:07
robertoperohi, Does anybody know how can I open the power/shutdown dialog on Ubuntu Touch in the emulator. If I push the F7 button the emulator freezes out.12:08
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mzanettijgdx: hey, I commented on that branch...12:56
mzanettihope that's ok12:56
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jgdxmzanetti, what happened?12:59
jgdxmzanetti, sure. Won't reset launcher work without this change?13:00
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mzanettijgdx: yeah13:02
mzanettijgdx: you'd just need to remove the assertThat which checks for the mock call on the dbusmock13:02
mzanettijgdx: but then add some check that validates if dconf has been reset13:03
mzanettiwhich is where I failed and gave up13:03
mzanettidoesn't sound too hard, but... debugging AP is not my thing13:03
jgdxmzanetti, right, should be straight forward13:03
jgdxmzanetti, that assertion was pretty bad :P It's going to be much better now.13:07
jgdxmzanetti, here you go https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/update-reset-launcher-test/+merge/23670413:18
mzanettijgdx: it misses the "items" key13:18
mzanettijgdx: to clarify, unity7 uses the "favorites" key to store launcher stuff, unity8 uses "items"13:19
mzanettijgdx: and I guess we'd need to change the key before in order to verify if resetting actually works :)13:20
jgdxmzanetti, but the values of both keys are the same?13:21
jgdxand they are both in com.canonical.Unity.Launcher schema13:21
mzanettijgdx: yes, they are both in the same schema, but have different values and different defaults13:22
jgdxmzanetti, so we'll just check that both were reset. Right.13:23
mzanettijdstrand: if this version of systemsettings is ever intended to be used with unity7, yes, otherwise I'd say testing the "items" is enough13:24
mzanettisorry jdstrand13:24
mzanettijgdx: unity8 doesn't touch the "favorites" at all13:24
jgdxmzanetti, ack, gimme two minutes13:25
jdstrandI was like, "?"13:25
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mzanettijdstrand: yeah, sorry.. I seem to be unable to not mix up jd<tab> and jg<tab>13:26
jdstrandI do the same thing all the time. I need to force myself to do 3 chars then tab13:26
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* jgdx should really consider changing his nick13:28
jgdxit does noth rolleth of the tounge13:28
mzanettijgdx: it doesn't at all :)13:31
* mpt is slightly disappointed that nobody checked his algebra in bug 137340413:33
ubot5bug 1373404 in Ubuntu UX "No warning of high volume level" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137340413:33
jgdxmzanetti, you want the fix or not13:33
jgdxmzanetti, ;p pushed13:33
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rsalvetiogra_: android's init would show up as '(1)[847:init]init:'13:39
rsalvetior similar13:39
ogra_rsalveti, yeah13:40
ogra_rsalveti, well, something in the sound setup seems to try to call setprop13:40
ogra_as phablet user13:40
rsalvetihm, setprop?13:40
rsalvetimaybe via hal13:40
ogra_well, there are set_propery failures13:40
rsalvetiogra_: which ones you saw?13:41
ogra_rsalveti, http://dev-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-touch_stable-krillin-smoke-daily/262/artifact/clientlogs/dialer_app/syslog/*view*/13:46
ogra_scroll down13:46
ogra_(to the end)13:46
rsalveticrap, vpn13:46
ogra_(1)[842:init]init: sys_prop: permission denied uid:32011  name:af.recovery.mic_mute_on13:46
ogra_(3)[842:init]init: sys_prop: permission denied uid:32011  name:af.modem_1.status13:46
ogra_these two ... sometimes a few in a row13:47
ogra_(orf the same one)13:47
rsalvetiright, let me see who is trying to set such properties13:47
rsalvetibut probably via a HAL13:47
ogra_shouldnt that run as root ?13:47
ogra_being a backend13:47
rsalvetiogra_: nops, hal is just a lib13:47
rsalvetiif used by phablet, will be called as phablet13:48
cwaynenik90: ping13:48
nik90cwayne: hey :)13:48
cwaynenik90: heya!  in the clock there was some part that showed sunrise/sunset for that day right?  did you use some API to get that?13:49
nik90cwayne: yes in the old clock app I had that feature. I used the API in geonames.org to get that info for a location.13:49
cwaynenik90: ah, perfect, thanks! :)13:50
matv1lately i have been locked inside an app (any app apparently). ie not being able to swipe out of it or lauch a home view. Otherwise phone seems to remain functional.13:50
matv1cant do anything except reboot though.13:50
nik90cwayne: In case you are interested in qml code, -> https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/trunk/view/head:/clock/EasterEggModel.qml13:51
matv1sounds familiar anyone?13:51
nik90matv1: I have very rarely had that case.13:51
nik90matv1: usually I just lock the phone and then unlock it which brings back swipe, access to launcher etc13:52
nik90matv1: so I don't need to reboot the phone13:52
mzanettijgdx: I'm afraid this doesn't cut it yet... https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/update-reset-launcher-test/+merge/236704/comments/57996113:52
nik90rsalveti: hey, I don't recall asking this to you before, but can clock app fix bug 136207813:53
ubot5bug 1362078 in Ubuntu Clock App "[Clock] Alarm volume slider should lose the hint and play the alarm sound while changing volume" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136207813:53
nik90rsalveti: once your silos for the individual audio roles land?13:53
matv1nik90 that doesnt do it for me lately. but i know what u mean13:54
matv1nik90 if it happens again, what kind of logs might be usefull? if any?13:55
nik90matv1: not sure, you will have to ask a unity8 developer for that13:55
jgdxmzanetti, then I suggest we drop the assertions.13:55
nik90mzanetti ^^13:55
barrykenvandine: we have a built silo13:56
mzanettijgdx: I think a "simple" gsettings.setValue("items", "some other stuff") before the reset call would do...13:56
mzanettijgdx: however, putting "simple" in quotes because that's what I failed at13:56
mzanettinik90: ?13:57
matv1nik90 okay thnx. Otherwise i will just report it against unity and see what happens. cheers fr the info13:57
nik90mzanetti: sometimes an app just locks up and the user is unable to swipe out of it or launch the home view forcing a reboot of the phone.13:57
nik90mzanetti: so matv1 would like to know which logs would be useful to help debug the issue.13:58
nik90matv1: yw13:58
mzanettinik90: uh... does that happen with devel-proposed?13:58
mzanettinik90: or is this the promoted image?13:59
nik90mzanetti: I have had it happen to me in rtm devel-proposed (very very rarely). Although for me, locking the phone and then unlocking it, brings back the unity launcher.13:59
matv1nik90 mzanetti yes I am only on promoted images14:00
mzanettimatv1: ah, I believe the fixes for that didn't make it to promoted yet14:00
mptjgdx, hi, could you check in the System Settings code for me, in the “Sound” panel, what is the name of the icon used at the left end of the volume slider?14:00
jgdxmzanetti, oh right, that's easy.14:00
mzanettijgdx: unless you're not familiar with python syntax and AP doesn't let you print() anything14:01
kenvandinebarry, woot!14:01
jgdxmpt, minIcon: "image://theme/audio-volume-low" – is that it?14:01
jgdxmzanetti, it's actually printing if you fail the test :P14:01
barrykenvandine: i'll start testing s-i on my end14:01
matv1mzanetti aha i will have to be patient then. thnx14:01
rsalvetinik90: yes, I'll get back to that once I land the volume changes (which is currently in progress)14:02
kenvandinebarry, thx, i have one more branch to add to it, but i won't rebuild s-i :)14:02
mptjgdx, aha. Is there an “audio-volume-none” or “audio-volume-muted” or something that could be used instead?14:02
mzanettijgdx: but not what I want to print :) just the line that failed. I tried to inject some meaningful stuff into that line but eventually gave up14:02
mzanettimatv1: yeah, we fixed a bunch of those issues lately and I'm confident it shouldn't happen any more in the next promoted image14:02
barrykenvandine: oh THANK YOU. it took me and my monkey army about a jillion rebuilds to get it to pass.  that ppa was slooooooooooooooooooow14:02
mptjgdx, it’s a little misleading to suggest that the left end of the slider is ~1/3 volume. :-)14:02
nik90rsalveti: no worries, I just wanted to know if clock app would have the permission to change the alarm volume in the first place. Or would this be reserved to the sound indicator?14:02
mptjgdx, and indicator-sound looks like it uses an icon with zero waves rather than one14:03
kenvandinejgdx, can i get a review?14:03
rsalvetinik90: pulseaudio will export a dbus interface for that, now we just need to see if the app will be able to change that14:03
rsalvetiwe might need to change some security related things, but I think it's doable14:04
nik90rsalveti: cool, thnx14:04
jgdxkenvandine, sure14:04
kenvandinejgdx, ^^ i'd like to get that into silo 2 with the other update branch14:04
jgdxmpt, good point..14:04
kenvandinemy other update branch makes the install all/pause all bugs more obvious... this fixes them :)14:04
rsalvetiogra_: yeah, don't need to worry about such properties14:05
rsalvetiogra_: but got a wi to clean that up at some point14:05
jgdxmpt, yeah, low-zero14:05
jgdxmpt, file:///usr/share/icons/suru/status/scalable/audio-volume-low-zero.svg14:06
mptjgdx, cool. Would you like a bug report for that?14:07
jgdxkenvandine, you have a related bug?14:07
jgdxmpt, that'd be great14:07
kenvandinenot that i've seen14:07
mterryted, updated greeter-profiles-test this morning with some small changes -- works slightly better now.  You sometimes get indicator content switches, but not always....14:11
tedmterry, Ah, okay, it's in silo 13. I can rebuild it.14:11
mterryseems like it takes a while for the menu content to update, oddly...14:13
mterryted, oh that branch has a merge conflict with trunk, let me update before silo is rebuilt14:13
mterryted, OK updated14:16
tedmterry, Cool, building14:16
mptjgdx, reported bug 137628614:20
ubot5bug 1376286 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Slider minimum-volume icons differ in System Settings vs. Sound menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137628614:20
jgdxmpt, thanks14:24
jgdxkenvandine, want me to try this on the device?14:30
jgdxI can't seem to be able to download the debs (404)14:30
kenvandinejgdx, something is wrong with jenkins... hang on14:30
kenvandinejgdx, can you access the qa lab vpn?14:35
kenvandineif you can14:35
kenvandinejgdx, that isn't the latest14:36
jgdxkenvandine, my vpn has been shaky lately14:37
jgdxso no14:37
kenvandinejgdx, ok, seb128's testing it14:38
jgdxkenvandine, I've looked through the code though. Excepts for the nits, it LGTM14:39
jgdxmzanetti, pushed the thing we talked about14:43
mzanettijgdx: cool, thanks14:47
mzanettijgdx: verified and merged. thank you very much!15:09
jgdxmzanetti, and thank you15:10
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sergiusenspitti: hey, do you know what the timeout for a DBus.Error.NoReply is and where it's configured?15:13
* sergiusens needs enlightenment15:13
ogra_sergiusens, e17 ?15:15
jgdxsergiusens, I once found that 60 seconds was the timeout, and it's defined in whatever dbus client you use. Add a pinch of salt, though.15:22
jgdxsergiusens, no, 25 seconds, sorry.15:25
sergiusensjgdx: thanks15:33
pittisergiusens: it's usually 25 seconds15:44
pittisergiusens: a call can set a different one15:44
pittisergiusens: I don't know whether the default can be changed in /etc/dbus-1/system.conf15:45
ogra_we should probably drop that to 5sec15:45
ogra_(if it  can)15:46
ogra_i find 25 exhaustingly long15:46
pittiit's usually for accomodating dbus activation15:46
pittia daemon might need some time to initialize itself15:46
ogra_yeah, but 25 sec ?15:47
ogra_some service that takes this long for activation should probably rather be a daemon15:47
pitti./dbus/dbus-connection-internal.h:#define _DBUS_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_VALUE (25 * 1000)15:48
pittiso that's a per-client default in libdbus (not the daemon), it can't be changed in a config file15:49
pittionly per call15:49
pittior we'd have to change it globally15:49
sergiusenspitti: ok, makes sense, thanks15:49
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charly_is java required to compile ubuntu-touch?16:13
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qqztrying to reboot into the bootloader or recovery mode by adb reboot bootloader/ recovery but my device always just boots the normal way.16:57
qqzMay it be locked in some way?16:57
dobeyqqz: can you not use the hardware buttons method to go to bootloader?17:11
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dobeymardy: still around?17:33
dobey2014-10-01 17:37:05,885 - DEBUG - ../../../../lib/SignOn/authsessionimpl.cpp 184 errorSlot QDBusError("com.google.code.AccountsSSO.SingleSignOn.Error.PermissionDenied", "Client has insuficient permissions to access the service.Method:getAuthSessionObjectPath")17:37
dobeyanyone know why that would happen? or how to debug it?17:38
barrykenvandine: s-i 2.5 from the silo works well, although i did not test the integration with the new system-settings .Information() key.  i'll leave it to you from here on to test as necessary and publish the silo.  do ping me if you find any problems with si, want more testing, etc.17:38
taiebotAnyone on r.264 looks like i have loss the ability to receive text messages. I am still able to send them and receive phone calls but i have not received some from my girlfriend. I am looking for someone here with r.264 to send him a text message to confirm. This looks like it was happening on r.26317:38
sergiusenstaiebot: don't you have access to a webportal for sending? My operator provides one17:47
sergiusensto send to my operator17:47
sergiusens's operated sims17:47
taiebotsergiusens: Not that i know. My provider is not that great (vectone) and it could be the reason that i cannot receive text that's why i want to confirm before reporting a bug.17:49
taiebotsergiusens: i have already tested with my girlfriend and from all the text she send I have receive none of them.17:52
dobeytaiebot: try sending an sms to your own number from your phone17:52
sergiusensthat would work too :)17:52
dobeywfm anyway17:52
sergiusenstaiebot: sms work fine here, so it has to be the operator or an operator specific bug17:52
dobeyon 263 on my n517:52
dobeyalthough, just noticed that it's not showing the name from my address book for some people who did sms me recently17:53
sergiusensdobey: restart address-book-service or ping renatu before you do ;-)17:54
dobeywhy am i having such trouble talking to online-accounts now :(17:54
sergiusensdobey: seems to be an eds/address book race17:54
renatudobey, a fix was released today17:54
taiebotOk it worked could it be that if my phone is in deep sleep the service is not trigger.17:55
dobeyi guess mardy is already gone :-/17:58
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kenvandinebarry, thx18:13
dobeykenvandine: do you have any idea how to debug this permissions problem talking to onlin-accounts?18:15
kenvandinedobey, sorry... no idea18:15
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qqzdobey: no it is a GT-I570018:19
taiebotI have tested this myself and it seems to work as expected. The way i did it. In /usr/share/ofono/scripts . i typed ./send-sms /ril_0 myphonenumber mymessage 0. and i correctly receive my message18:19
qqzboot buttons for booting into the bootloader are not documented18:19
nhainesqqz: they're hardware-dependant.18:19
qqzyes, I know but I did not see any docs for a GT-I570018:20
qqzsimply try it with some of them?18:20
dobeyis there a community build for that device already available? or are you trying to port to it?18:20
qqzno I am just trying an existing build; will not care if the device will be usable as telephone or not; just wanna use it as dictionary18:22
qqzthe device is very old; it did not even support adb backup ...18:23
dobeyi don't know what to tell you then. i don't think a recent built of ubuntu touch will run on it, and i'm guessing the port is not maintained18:25
qqzwell I had been here some time ago and we found that it would be worth a try18:26
qqzas long as the code is compiled for armhf I guess it should work; do not care if all device drivers are supported.18:29
dobeywell, some drivers are necessary18:29
dobeyeven if the phone radio or bluetooth isn't ones you want18:30
qqzunfortunately none of the documented key combinations do work.18:30
qqzwell could look at how the kernel modules are called18:30
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qqzmay it be that the magic key combination or the adb reboot bootloader are blocked by some constraint which limits the device to be used with a certain provider only (am not absolutely sure whether this is the case).18:36
qqzwould be nice to know at least what needed to be done to make that device usable, if so.18:38
dobeyi have no idea really. sorry :-/18:38
qqzwhom to ask?18:39
ichigo-rokuIs that possible to disable the vibration each time I tap on something in Ubuntu Touch ?18:41
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kenvandineichigo-roku, you can turn it off for the keyboard18:52
kenvandinebut i don't think you can turn it off for everything18:52
ichigo-rokukenvandine, Yes I turned it off for the keyboard. I really hate when my phone vibrate for almost each tap18:54
ichigo-rokuThanks for your help18:54
kenvandinemaybe that should be a setting :)18:54
kenvandineichigo-roku, you can file a bug against ubuntu-ui-toolkit18:55
kenvandineichigo-roku, can't promise anything will happen, but couldn't hurt18:55
kenvandineif the toolkit used a setting, i could add it to system-settings18:56
ichigo-rokukenvandine, OK thanks18:57
kenvandineichigo-roku, no problem18:58
mardydobey: I'm around now, but briefly :-) Please tell me :-)19:07
dobeymardy: i'm setting 2014-10-01 18:14:25,321 - DEBUG - ../../../../lib/SignOn/authsessionimpl.cpp 184 errorSlot QDBusError("com.google.code.AccountsSSO.SingleSignOn.Error.PermissionDenied", "Client has insuficient permissions to access the service.Method:getAuthSessionObjectPath")19:11
dobeymardy: not sure why it's happening or how to debug it. just started happening for me today :-/19:12
mardydobey: looks like you don't have the "accounts" apparmor policy19:12
dobeymardy: is that needed for an unconfined app?19:12
mardydobey: ops, now I notice, that this is not from apparmor but from signond19:13
dobeythere are no DENIED in syslog for it either19:13
mardydobey: can you set the logging level to 2 in /etc/signond.conf and try again? Then please paste me the last part of the syslog19:14
dobeyOct  1 19:15:51 ubuntu-phablet signond[6664]: Process "com.canonical.payui_payui_0.3.25" access to "unconfined" DENIED19:16
dobeymardy: i guess that's the line you're looking for?19:17
mardydobey: a bit more than that, I hope that somewhere the ACL is printed19:18
dobeyOct  1 19:15:51 ubuntu-phablet signond[6664]: ../../../../src/signond/accesscontrolmanagerhelper.cpp 81 isPeerAllowedToUseIdentity "Access control list of identity: 11: [].Tokens count: 0#011"19:18
mardydobey: yes!19:18
mardydobey: so, it seems that when the U1 plugin creates the account, it doesn't add "unconfined" to the ACL19:19
dobeydid something change yesterday/today with ACLs?19:19
mardydobey: no, we haven't had updates of signond since weeks19:19
mardydobey: ah!!!19:19
mardydobey: the signon-apparmor-extension package was not installed, so in practice no ACL controls were made19:20
dobeyso why is it only happening now, and was working fine for me when i was furiously testing payui on monday and yesterday morning?19:20
dobeyand that's in the image now?19:20
mardydobey: it must have been added to the seed in these days19:20
mardydobey: I cannot check now, but most likely that's the case19:20
mardydobey: you should see a mention of apparmor in the logs19:21
dobeyyes it's installed in the image19:21
dobeyii  signon-apparmor-extension                            0.1+14.10.20140521-0ubuntu1                 armhf        AppArmor access control extension for signond19:21
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dobeymardy: so what do i need to do now to fix this? shouldn't i get a UI pop up to ask for access to be added?19:22
mardydobey: so, that's the reason; we need to fix the U1 plugin to add that token to the acl19:22
mardydobey: I'm not sure that works for "unconfined" apps, but it actually should...19:22
dobeymardy: if i make the app be confined, would it work?19:23
mardydobey: does the PayUI use the OnlineAccounts.Client module (the Setup element) to request access to the U1 account?19:23
mardydobey: the simplest fix is make the U1 account plugin add "unconfined" to the ACL when the account is created19:24
dobeymardy: not exactly. it's using libubuntuoneauth19:24
dobeymardy: i guess this is a problem for the scope now too as well, though?19:24
dobeyhmm, no, the scope seems to work still, so i guess it's ok19:26
mardydobey: weird... if the ACL is empty, it's strange that the scope works...19:27
dobeywell, according to the logs it's working19:28
dobeyi guess maybe because it's not a click, and doesn't have a .application file19:29
dobeyno idea though19:29
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dobeymardy: have a link to example code for how to add the ACL when account is created?19:43
elopioping ted.20:00
elopiodo you have some time to talk again about a temp home dir?20:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1376423 in Ubuntu Application Launcher "There is no easy and future-proof way of starting an app in a clean environment" [Undecided,New]20:00
tedpong elopio20:00
elopioubuntu-qa, thomi and balloons: ^ feel free to also comment that bug.20:01
tedI kinda disagree with your statement there.20:01
ted"In the past we were able to get a reasonably clean environment setting the value of $HOME to a temporary directory."20:01
tedThat was always a bad idea.20:01
mardydobey: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~online-accounts/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/trunk/view/head:/online-accounts-ui/module/OAuth.qml#L6720:02
tedelopio, Why can't you just wipe the device for a clean environment?20:02
elopioted: that's clear for me now.20:02
tedThat's really the only way it's really "clean"20:02
elopioted: we are not always testing on phones, we also need to test on dev machines.20:02
elopioted: and some of the devices we are using are also the ones we dogfood.20:03
tedelopio, Okay, in a container.20:03
elopioit's bad to have to reset them every time.20:03
tedelopio, dog fooded devices can't ever be clean.20:03
elopioted: a container can be a good solution.20:03
tedI'm hoping people don't use that for real testing.20:03
elopioted: not for something like running the whole suite to decide if a version is promoted or not.20:04
elopiobut we need to use the dogfooding devices to check that a new test we added works.20:04
elopioor to debug a test that started failing.20:04
elopiootherwise we would need two devices. Of every model.20:05
mardydobey: sorry, that was QML; the code that needs changing is here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-credentials/trunk/view/head:/libubuntuoneauth/keyring.cpp#L16120:05
tedBut, you'll need to wipe it to land the silo with the new test, no?20:05
* balloons settles in20:05
tedSo you kinda need a device you can wipe of every model you care about.20:05
mardydobey: add a info.setAccessControlList(QStringList() << "unconfined");, or something like that20:05
dobeymardy: ok20:05
elopioted: that's for the silo testers.20:06
tedDon't we silo MRs for tests?20:06
elopiothey are not necessarily the same as the dogfooders or automation devs.20:06
balloonsted, we do need a way to run tests sanely as a developer or test writer too20:07
tedSure, but those folks don't need a clean test environment either.20:07
elopioted: I didn't get that last question. But I think you would agree that any solution we find, needs to be easily runnable from a dev machine. Do we agree there?20:07
balloonsbut you can argue about whether the test or the test harness should prep the environment20:07
tedI'm just saying that we're not going to get "clean" on a device that isn't wiped.20:08
tedIt's always going to be sullied in some way.20:08
elopioted: maybe we could get a container on a device that is not wiped20:08
tedOr there's enough of a chance that it could be that it's not a "result" just a checkup.20:08
balloonsat the very least the test shouldn't be polluting, while still allow us to setup at least the parts we are responsible for correctly20:08
elopioand generally we will run on an unwiped device just a small subset of tests.20:09
elopiomaybe for that case we don't need a perfectly clean environment. Just something that doesn't delete all the photos I took yesterday.20:09
tedSure, the testing shouldn't be destructive.20:09
dobeyelopio: can you not run the tests in a schroot?20:10
balloonsright.. I feel like for the things the app reads and writes, we should be able to control and initialize and clean up well20:10
elopioted: but we need to test the behavior of the gallery app without existing tests. So we need to have an environment that temporarily doesn't see any photos.20:10
elopiodobey: I think we could. Here we just want to start the discussion of which is the right way.20:10
elopiowe need to take into account how slow it is, because if it takes 10 minutes to run two tests, tests are not going to be run often enough.20:11
tedSure, so I think that a chroot is an option.20:11
tedI like creating another user for the tests.20:11
balloonsright.. if the test harness creates the environment, the setup is not easy20:11
tedThat creates a cleanish environment for that user.20:11
elopiobut if we find a way to do it in a reasonable amount of time, it works for me.20:11
tedIf it's a system image based device, then the new user should be very clean.20:12
dobeyted: or just run them as "guest" user20:12
dobeyted: and everything gets destroyed on logout20:12
balloonselopio, well technically adt-run is more or less there, as it sets up the env for it's tests20:12
elopioted: so if the solution is creating another user for the tests, we need to start working on reducing the amount of time it takes unity to start or on launching apps without unity.20:12
teddobey, Yeah it'd be roughly the same, but I dont' think we'd want automatic delete like guest does.20:12
elopiobut that's also a perfectly valid option.20:12
balloonsthere was issues with just jumping to another user, but the apparmor stuff too would be easier20:12
balloonsI know jamie preferred that route20:12
dobeyted: then a scrhoot is probably the best thing (and i think that's what adt-run uses anyway)20:13
tedelopio, I can't think of anyone that doesn't want U8 to start faster, but I don't think that blocks working on a new user based solution.20:13
elopiodobey: adt-run can use anything. lxc, schroot, ssh into a real or emulated device, or even just run on the local machine.20:13
dobeyan lxc/chroot with nested apparmor support would be more in the right direction20:13
elopiodobey: that's something I like.20:14
elopiothen we need to talk about a virtual framebuffer for MIR, and an easy command that fires up the lxc with all the app armor rules and upstart vars that we will find on ubuntu touch.20:15
jdstrandyou can't run click apps confined in lxc20:15
jdstrandnot yet anyway. that needs the apparmor stacking work to be completed, which we are working on20:15
elopiojdstrand: welcome to the party :) I'm glad you are here, sorry for not pinging you before.20:15
jjohansenwell you can but it takes some work, and won't be generally supported yet20:15
balloonsjdstrand, welcome indeed :-)20:16
jjohansenyou have to turn off the existing apparmor mediation on lxc, and setup an apparmor policy namespace for the lxc container20:16
elopioall we are asking is for a blessed way to start apps for testing. And get this blessed way under automated tests so we can rely on it working forever.20:16
jjohansenthen you can in fact do it20:16
elopioI don't know if the solution should live in ubuntu-app-launch, upstart, autopilot, phablet-tools, or something else.20:17
jdstrandelopio: for it to work forever in lxc, you need to wait for our 15.04 work. maybe something could be done like jjohansen mentioned, but thinking that wouldn't work fantastic20:17
dobeyelopio: emulator? :)20:17
balloonsso this does seem to push everything into the harness. Should the tests then be 'dumb'?20:17
jjohansenelopio: sorry I can only offer you a shim atm, I won't promise it will work forever20:17
jdstrandwhat about the emulator?20:17
tedelopio, I don't think you need anything in Mir really, it already supports nesting for the system compositor case.20:17
jjohansenjdstrand: it works fine, I use it all the time, there just isn't any tooling around it so it is a pita20:18
dobeyelopio: can you not create/destroy emulator instances and run the tests inside the emulator?20:18
elopioemulator is also an option. But the apps will eventually work on desktop too20:18
jdstrandjjohansen: sure, that is what I meant be not working fantastic-- would have to do the tooling etc and then it would be tossed out down the road20:18
elopioit would feel weird to launch an emulator that emulates your actual development device. But if it's fast and reliable, I'm also ok with that.20:18
dobeyelopio: well, that's all a chroot is20:19
jjohansenjdstrand: ah okay, yep20:19
dobeyelopio: when we get to a converged state, i would expect the emulator to be able to have layouts for tablet and other things as well as phone.20:19
jdstrandso, I've been welcomed to the party, but what is the topic of the discussion at this party exactly?20:19
dobeyif it doesn't then the emulator itself loses a lot of usefulness20:20
elopiodobey: I guess you would be able to choose if you want to run on a brand new and clean chroot, or on your real machine with the risk of affecting your contests.20:20
tedjdstrand, Creating a way to run tests, with mock data, in a semi-clean fashion on a dogfooding device.20:20
elopiothat's also fine by me.20:20
balloonsI feel like the tests should be a bit better behaved and not offload everything to the runner, imho. I'm somewhat concerned about the idea of only being able to run tests in an isolated enviornment20:20
jdstrandwe are supposed to also gate on the emulator working correctly. we don't now, but that is planned aiui20:20
dobeyelopio: we can already do that though :)20:20
balloonsjdstrand, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-app-launch/+bug/137642320:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1376423 in Ubuntu Application Launcher "There is no easy and future-proof way of starting an app in a clean environment" [Undecided,New]20:20
jdstrandballoons: ok, so this is a continuation of our discussion20:21
balloonsjdstrand, it's a continuation and evolution of Matla discussions yep20:21
jdstrand(longtime discussion)20:21
elopiodobey: but we don't have a way now to get the same environment you would get on ubuntu-touch from a chroot.20:21
balloonsand before matla :-)20:21
elopioat least not easily.20:21
jdstrandI maintain that creating a new user is the likely the easiest short term solution20:21
elopiowe need to launch the apps with ubuntu-app-launch, and that's not currently possible without unity, I think.20:21
dobeyelopio: well, that's what the emulator is; or you could download the image and unpack it, and use that as the chroot20:22
elopioand if we need to start unity, then it's slow.20:22
dobeyubuntu-app-launch works fine without unity20:22
jdstrandonce we have lxc stacking, we should be able to leverage lxc for this more easily20:22
elopiodobey: it doesn't work on an xvfb. We need to do some extra work to get it set up.20:22
elopiowhich is fine. As long as that extra work is encapsulated on a simple API call, with the API being maintained by the devs that will eventually break it.20:23
dobeyelopio: not sure what you're missing there, but it works fine inside my lxc while redirecting DISPLAY to my host20:23
dobeyoh, well it used to. maybe it doesn't any more20:24
balloonsjdstrand, I too am curious about blockers for the new user route20:24
elopiodobey: so there are two more or less related problems. Run tests in a virtual X, and then run the tests with a clean home.20:24
dobey"unable to setup cgroup"20:24
dobeywhich i guess is the apparmor nesting problem20:24
balloonsif we created a new user, could we simply start the app outside of unity running?20:25
elopiodobey: and what you are finding is what has brought us to an unmanageable mess. There are simple solutions that work at some point.20:25
elopiowe put them on the test set up, and then they stop working.20:25
elopiothe solution to get them back to green is again simple, so we do it.20:25
dobeyelopio: welcome to the joy of developing things on top of a moving target20:26
elopioand that has happened for a long time, so the solution is now not simple, nor clean, and will keep breaking.20:26
balloons^^ that is the primary concern.. the complexity only continues to grow20:26
elopiodobey: it wouldn't be hard at all to make sure the solution keeps working always. We just need to make sure that it's tested when releasing new app armor rules, new upstart versions, new container versions. All the weird details will be encapsulated behind a single call.20:27
elopiowe just need to find which is the team that has to implement that testability API.20:27
elopiocurrently I don't know. I think that ted and jdstrand agree that a clean environment means a new user.20:28
tedSo I'm with jdstrand on creating a new user20:28
balloonsright.. if there's one proper way to do it, we can test it and keep it working20:28
elopioif that's the case, where do we put a script that gives us that new user with an env as close as what we will see on ubuntu-touch as possible?20:28
tedI think you can steal the code from the guest account setup, and do basically the same thing.20:28
elopioted: but I don't want to steal code and duplicate it on every test suite set up.20:29
dobeyelopio: it is hard to make a solution that always works, because requirements change, and we get better at doing things. as that happens, stuff will stop working in the same way.20:29
tedBasically you create the new user and then poke lightdm to autologin as that user the next time it runs.20:29
balloonselopio, related, would we take the new user concept to the desktop and other platforms as well (instead of mocking)?20:29
tedBasically a new device at that point.20:29
elopioI want to just make a single call, and that call to be the same on all the set ups.20:30
balloonsdobey, right.. we have helpers that elopio has maintained for some time to improve the backend and keep things working without breaking tests, all while letting us do simple things20:30
balloonsI would invision this to be more or less the same20:30
elopioted: I like how it sounds, and on the test clean up we can reset lightdm to the real behaviour and delete the new user.20:31
dobeyright. it's a matter of getting all the brains in the same room and coming up with something that is implemetable, maintainable, and pushes things further in the right direction20:31
tedelopio, Correct and you can also suck up the whole home directory as test artifacts on failure.20:32
tedYou'll get the upstart logs, etc all for free without having to know which to grab.20:32
balloonsall good stuff20:32
elopioif we all agree that's the best solution, then we can start thinking of where to maintain that fixture. And the next problems we will find, like restarting unity.20:32
tedTo be clear, you won't be restarting unity. You'll be logging out the current user and logging in the new one.20:33
elopioI guess we will be able to call the same fixture from an LXC, schroot or emulator. So it sounds independent from the test runner.20:33
tedWhich, in effect, restarts unity.20:33
elopioted: oh, but then if I run it on the machine where I'm writing the tests, the IDE and everything will be closed.20:33
elopiocan't we start an additional user session?20:34
tedIn theory, but you'll be testing Mir in a new way there today.20:34
tedIn the long run that should work, but I'd imagine you find interesting bugs today.20:34
balloonsahh that was the issue.. I couldn't remember the ! with a new user20:35
elopiowell, I'm not too concerned about how hard would it be. If that's the right(tm) solution, then we look for resources to implement it and while it's done we can keep maintaing our hacks.20:35
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balloonsit needs to happen for MIR anyway.. right, we can be a catalyst20:36
elopiowell, I think that it's an essential feature for upstart, ubuntu-app-launch, app-armor, mir and unity to provide these testability features we are requesting.20:37
dobeyted, elopio: well, you should be able to just run a second X session as the new user too. you don't need to log out the current user. you just need to run the session for the new user somewhere20:37
elopioit doesn't sound to me like we are spoiled and want extra easy things. I might be wrong, because I'm spoiled :)20:37
dobeynot sure how you do that with mir though20:37
tedelopio, Everyone thinks their features are essential :-)20:37
teddobey, Ubuntu system compositor20:38
elopioted: yes, but we have a better argument. If we don't test everybody else's features, they will break :D20:38
dobeywe had to drink from a rolled up newspaper!20:38
tedelopio, I think of it the other way, if you don't test I don't have more bugs to fix! ;-)20:39
elopiofunny guy.20:40
elopiook, I'll put all this discussion on a paste and link it to the bug.20:40
elopioit will be open I guess for a couple of weeks before we decide a course of action.20:40
balloonsted, lol.. no bugs found, no bugs to fix ;-)20:40
dobeyif you're going to paste it, just paste it in the bug report20:40
dobeydon't link to pastebins in bug reports20:40
elopioI guess kgunn and the ci-team would also like to be involved in the discusssion.20:41
dobeypastebins can expire20:41
elopiodobey: ack.20:41
tedelopio, Probably a session for the next sprint, seems to align with your timelines.20:42
elopiothanks everybody for your time. And don't worry, we will keep bothering you20:42
balloonsted, most certainly it will be discussed at the sprint ;-) live and in person means I hope we have a solution by the end eh?20:42
* ted looks to see what weapons he can pack in his suitcase20:43
dobeyballoons: if solution is "drink more beer" then maybe20:43
balloonsa possible solution!20:43
tedHonestly, I think what we have is reasonable, it's more a matter of working out the details at this point.20:44
pdxwebdevWhich package to edit the "pull down menu" feature21:23
pdxwebdevWhere you slide from the top of the screen to see transfers, networks, etc.?21:24
nhainesThat's part of Unity 8.21:35
nith1210Kinda love that the connected Wifi is green now. Orientation switching doesn't seem to be working for me today.21:38
cwayneis there an easy way to not have click-buddy leave a bunch of stuff in my src dir22:22
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