
MiningForMacanyone here?01:45
MiningForMacI have a VERY specific ubuntu question01:45
=== zmoylan-2i is now known as zmoylan-pi
MiningForMacand i can't find the answer anywhere01:45
zmoylan-pican't hurt to try01:46
MiningForMacIs there a way to empty a windows recycle bin through a bootable ubuntu flash drive?01:46
daftykinswhen does that scenario even come up?01:47
MiningForMacIn a TV Production class where your tricaster is lagging incredibly because you have 300+ gigs in the recycle bin01:47
MiningForMacbut you can't access it because the computer crashes every time you exit the program01:48
MiningForMacand the program opens on startup01:48
MiningForMacI was thinking of booting into safe mode and trying it that way, but I'm not sure if that'd work01:48
zmoylan-pipress shift while starting windows prevents windows loading programs iirc01:48
MiningForMacis this really a thing?01:49
MiningForMacI've never heard of this01:49
MiningForMacoh my god01:49
zmoylan-pii used it in windows 3 :-) i'll check to see if it still works :-)01:49
MiningForMacI think you've solved all my problems01:49
MiningForMacI just checked, it works on XP01:49
MiningForMacalso, just in general, should I start using ubuntu as my daily OS? Like is it worth getting into?01:50
zmoylan-pithis is why i hate gui's a lot of the otions are invisible unless you know the secret combo01:50
MiningForMacor are is there a better starting linux distro?01:50
zmoylan-piwell we might be biased here a smidge :-D01:50
MiningForMacwhat advantages would I get from using it?01:51
MiningForMaclike why Ubuntu > Windows?01:51
zmoylan-pisecurity is better, runs on cheaper hardware, more sane software01:52
MiningForMachmm I see01:53
daftykinsMiningForMac: never... ever set software to autorun.01:54
MiningForMacbut with everything running natively on windows nowadays, are those pros really worth it?01:54
MiningForMacI don't, my teacher did01:54
daftykinseducate him or her ;)01:54
MiningForMacthe only reason we have it is to stream our morning announcements01:54
zmoylan-piyes, i get to decide what runs on my system and when.01:54
MiningForMacit outputs to a tv channel only within the school and an internet stream01:55
MiningForMachmm, that does seem mighty nice01:55
MiningForMacI always see ubuntu and want to get into it, but see no point in doing so01:55
MiningForMaclike I get that it's a LOT more customizable and secure01:56
daftykinsruns on cheaper hardware? that might be true of xubuntu or lubuntu but hasn't been true of ubuntu for years.01:56
MiningForMacand it seems great01:56
zmoylan-pibuy a rasp pi and learn linux without having to risk a parents laptop and they're cheap.  also robotics are good on the pi01:56
MiningForMacbut idk, I have no reason to switch from windows, although I want a reason01:56
MiningForMacthat might be a good idea actually01:56
zmoylan-pii'm now looking at getting my second pi to build a netbook/pda :-)01:57
daftykinshappy October \o01:59
zmoylan-pilet the christmas adverts commence02:00
daftykinsso glad i don't use broadcast TV02:01
zmoylan-pii ended up with my first tv in years as i had no hdmi monitor to connect to so i connected it to scart tv :-)02:01
zmoylan-pithe rasp pi that is02:02
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:06
brobostigonmorning SuperMatt06:18
SuperMattso, I was in Italy for the last week. Shellshock?06:20
brobostigonmoin Myrtti06:22
brobostigonSuperMatt: everything more or less, fixed and patched up.06:23
SuperMattbut I don't know what it did or how it worked06:23
=== msm is now known as Guest21018
foobarrySuperMatt: you probably owe your colleagues a beer08:24
SuperMattbut lots of people on my team were out when heartbleed struck, so I got my own back this time08:42
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Vegetarian Day! :-D09:06
jpdsSuperMatt: Why were you in a trench in Italy?09:29
SuperMatthardly in a trench09:38
diploOpening your link crashed my Xorg SuperMatt :D09:53
* diplo is trying again09:53
diploah so it was trying to scroll around a panorama :/09:54
ali1234who wants a £35 xbox voucher code?09:58
davmor2JamesTait: Yay I love Vegetarians, mind you I like them most with roast potatoes, peas, yorkshire puddings and gravy09:59
JamesTaitMe too, davmor2, as long as they're of the bovine variety. ;)09:59
davmor2JamesTait: :)10:00
* zmoylan-pi hogs the bacon10:02
davmor2JamesTait: I don't mind bacon sandwiches either but I understand their omnivores10:02
davmor2they're even10:02
davmor2JamesTait: and stuff vegetarian at christmas is a must10:03
zmoylan-pipigs turn rubbish into nicest of meats10:03
JamesTaitI took some bacon out of the freezer this morning, so I can have bacon sandwiches for lunch.10:05
popeyali1234: my son probably would. he never has enough minecraft skins ☻10:10
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
foobarryi need to learn how to microwave bacon10:39
popeyToday I learned http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velology10:40
zmoylan-pimicrowave bacon is ok in a pinch but it's not the same10:40
Seeker`foobarry: why not use a frying pan?10:40
Seeker`popey: seems a little late to start a collection :P10:41
zmoylan-pibecause the last time he tried to microwave a frying pan it got smoky :-p10:41
* Seeker` sighs at zmoylan-pi 10:41
* zmoylan-pi grins at Seeker` 10:41
Seeker`popey: hows things?10:43
popeysee this? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2040419302/matchstick-the-streaming-stick-built-on-firefox-os10:44
Seeker`popey: chromecast without the chrome?10:45
foobarryi like grilled bacon best10:45
foobarrywondered if microwave bacon tasted any different10:45
foobarryfried bacon requires too much washing up10:45
dutchiefoobarry: i agree10:46
dutchiemicrowave bacon is ok10:46
Seeker`foobarry: ah. I see you're missing someone to do washing up for you :P10:46
dutchiebut you can't get it crispy ime10:46
Seeker`which probably also means you don't have anyone to cook bacon for you either :(10:46
ujjainIf you have bupa private health care, can't you use NHS things anymore or you can? Because I think bupa care is free at my job.11:43
diployeah you can still use NHS11:44
diploAs you will still pay your National insurance even though you pay for private11:44
popeyof course you can, yes.11:44
zmoylan-pionly the freshest leeches will be used :-p11:45
Azelphurpopey: I noticed you added me on steam, but under my alt account I use for catching cheaters, I added you on my main one :)11:45
ujjainah ok, I'll just sign up for that then.11:46
AzelphurI think I broke uplink, I started playing yesterday morning, I got the bare essentials, hacked every single bank account in the game, cleaned out the ones with any money in them, fast forwarded through the story line, put all the money I stole on the stock market, I now have 30 million credits :P11:49
directhexujjain: bupa don't offer comprehensive care, so you *can't* use them for most things11:49
* directhex catches Azelphur, locks him up11:50
Azelphurdirecthex: I'm thinking about cleaning out every single account in the game regardless of value, just to see what the news says.11:50
ujjainso the only good ething about bupa is that I can go to a private hospital for the ENT doctor? not even sure about that11:50
ujjainI had an operation on my ear 18 months ago, better care ewould be better I guess,11:51
popeyyou can also skip queues for ops if needed11:51
popeyand maybe get private rooms11:51
awilkinsujjain, My perception is that private has 2 advantages  i) nicer accommodation  ii) shorter queues11:52
ujjainah wow, that's nothing, only good if you are operated on11:52
awilkinsujjain, But aside from that, you'll be treated by NHS doctors, often in NHS facilities11:52
ujjainshorter queues for everything, right?11:52
ujjainah right11:52
popeyshorter queues can be beneficial to some11:52
popeyalso, you may get drugs that aren't available on nhs11:52
ujjainalthough queues are quite crappy on NHS, but I had a doctor only working on fridays, and on holiday for a month and they told me I couldn't switch doctors either, argh11:53
awilkinsThe key phrase is that it's "affecting your ability to work"11:53
ujjainah nice popey11:53
ujjainso like cocaine?11:53
awilkinsCocaine is available on NHS! It's routinely used in opthalmic surgery.11:53
ujjainand they might pay for more boots drugs, right?11:53
ujjaininstead of paying yourself?11:53
popeylike expensive treatments that the NHS can't afford or choose not to use11:53
ujjainyeah, right11:54
ujjainI heard bupa paid 2k to people so they would use NHS instead of them for operation11:54
popeyi haven't had to go private for anything so far in my life and I'm 42.11:54
popeyperhaps in 20 years that might be different11:54
* awilkins likewise11:54
ujjainand you have paid monthly for many years something like 50-100 per month?11:55
awilkinsMy only operation involving an anaesthetic has been my wisdom teeth which I needed out in my early 30s11:55
directhexi got bupa to pay for physio when my shoulder hurt11:55
awilkinsI waited 6 weeks for the op, which I didn't think too onerous (although they were really ruining my ability to work)11:55
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
awilkinsI have a new job and if they offer me private healthcare I will seriously think about turning it down, just on the grounds that I think it harms the NHS11:56
* awilkins has worked for the NHS much of his working life11:56
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
awilkinsThat said, if the Tory plan to destroy the NHS comes to fruition, I am not so stupid as to cut off my nose to spite my face11:57
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
awilkinspopey, I think the opposite is true in some cases about expensive treatment - BUPA don't want to foot the bill for complex and uncommon surgeries and will defer the cases to the NHS11:58
popeyujjain: i dont have private health care, never have11:59
awilkinsPrivate health companies in general want the common, predictable, assembly-line medicine they can make a sure profit margin on11:59
ujjainah right.11:59
popeyujjain: but you can on-demand go private for some things11:59
ujjainyeah, I've heard, they given you a better price if you say you have no privatea health insurance and have to pay yourself11:59
popeye.g. my father in law has back surgery, he went private for that11:59
awilkinsujjain, In the case of the USA, you'd best be prepared to negotiate (and that's one of the major roles your insurer fills)12:00
ujjainUS seems like a nightmare when it comes to costs of health care and education.12:00
awilkinsYes, it is. By design, I feel.12:01
christelthe NHS is brilliant.12:02
awilkinsThere have been many enormous protest marches in the last few years over what the incumbent government has done to the NHS12:03
awilkinsSadly you don't see them reported on in mainstream media12:03
awilkinsI was at one in Manchester last year. Oxford road (if you know it) was nothing but a sea of banners from the heart of the city, through the university district, down to the park near the Royal Infirmary.12:04
christeli've had surgery on the NHS and i've had surgery at a private hospital as a private patient -- bar being given a drug menu for postoperative analgesics i can't say that the quality of care was in any way or form better when i went private12:04
awilkinsOver 50,000 people by the police count12:04
awilkinsThey gave that protest a 2 minute slot on the local news, and shot the crowd across a narrow street from a low angle to make it look like a mothers meeting.12:04
ujjainA lot of people truly love the NHS, but I haven't been that impressed by my GP and hospital, they ignore phone calls always.12:09
awilkinsHaving worked on the clinical side - they are doing their best with what they have.12:11
awilkinsWhat they have, sadly, has been greatly curtailed by the government.12:12
christelujjain: as in, your calls are not being answered or you do not receive a call back?12:18
ujjainlnot being answered12:18
ujjaini have to try 5 times a day12:19
ujjainfor days12:19
ujjainat least the GP is close to my house, 50 meters and waiting time is <30min, so pretty acceptable still12:19
ujjainjust the phone communication bothers me, and 2 month queue for ent appointment12:19
christel*nod* yeah, i find with my GP surgery i have to make sure to call within a specific window in the early morning if i want to get through/make an appointment, etc.12:21
christelsorry you're having to wait so long to see an ENT specialist12:21
ujjainyeah, 5 weeks until hospital processed the referreal12:22
christelthe only thing that really grates at me is how slow it takes to get medical records from surgery a to surgery b when moving!12:22
ujjainthen another 5-6 weeks, etc.12:22
christel(i moved from surrey to somerset in march -- my GP has still not received a copy of my medical records from my previous GP surgery)12:22
ujjainah yeah12:24
ujjainin holland my GP lost it, :p12:24
ujjainso it's not a just UK thing haha :p12:24
ujjainCan you withdraw from your pension? I'm thinking of adding 5% of my income to my pension, as it's taxed 40% right now anyway, just wondering if I could withdraw some if I needed, even if it'd cost 40%12:46
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
MyrttiI've no idea how things work in here but nothing stops you from using different investment/savings instruments...12:48
ujjainIf you break these rules you'll be charged 55 per cent tax. And if you don't tell us about it in good time, you may have to pay penalties on top.12:49
ujjainEven if you've reached 55 there are still rules as to how you can take your pension pot without being liable to a tax charge.12:49
MyrttiI'm in Finnish taxation and national insurance so I'm still using my Finnish accounts and savings methods.12:50
MyrttiI'm putting 90€ on voluntary pension scheme a month, and 75€ each to two different investment funds a month12:50
Myrttiaforementioned I can't touch12:50
ujjainah right.12:50
Myrttibut things are probably different in UK.12:50
daftykinsexcuse me i appear to have stepped into #finance-advice instead of #ubuntu-uk...12:59
daftykinshang on a minute O_O12:59
directhexisn't linux cool! you can compile kernels!13:00
popeyThat's what I like about this channel. Discussion of Ubuntu is almost never topic of the day.13:00
Guest3848finance advice is standard acceptable chat13:00
daftykinsyeah i get tired of the nazi like regime in #ubuntu :/13:00
Guest3848who is guest13:00
popeynow now.13:00
Guest3848christ who stole my nick13:01
=== Guest3848 is now known as arsenip
popeylets not equate irc to systematic destruction of people13:01
popeyand to be fair you can be somewhat grumpy in there13:01
daftykinshaha, yes, very true13:01
daftykinslast night there was a bot/troll that joined in both #ubuntu asking for when the new version would be out - and in #xbmc at the same time asking the same13:02
arsenipi can't handle the ubuntu chan13:02
daftykinsit's a wonder that there are people out there who actually find nothing better to do than to waste time like that13:02
MyrttiI could, but I haven't wanted to for months13:02
daftykinsi still like to help but the idiot critical mass gets too much at times13:03
christelwelcome to the internet :s13:03
arsenipi caiv enever been one for rigid rules from opers :p13:03
MyrttiI had to stop when I couldn't tell which side of the triangle had the most idiots.13:03
daftykinsarsenip: ;)13:04
Myrttiarsenip: opers or ops?13:04
MyrttiI still have sympathies for everyone in #ubuntu13:04
MyrttiI just can't do it right now.13:04
arsenipnow to figure out how to get my nick back13:04
arsenippretty sure it's protected13:04
Myrttiin fact, this is the only Ubuntu channel I can withstand at the moment.13:04
christeli like your current nick13:04
christelit makes me smile13:05
daftykinsit was all about arsensen13:05
daftykinstotally has nothing to do with me having come up with it all those years ago :P13:05
arseniptbh Myrtti - most heavily technical channels i find have similar stalin'esque regimes controlling them13:06
arsenipparsenip, daftykins13:06
Myrttiarsenip: if they're as big as #ubuntu, I can't see how they could even be anything else13:06
arsenipwhy is it - when i forget to log in to nickserv - it happily forces me to change my nick13:06
arsenipbut when someone steals my nick ... noooo nickserv nowhere to be seen13:06
Myrttinot going to detail how different ops enforce the rules13:06
Myrttibut still13:07
diplochristel, you're in Somerset now ?13:07
daftykinsarsenip: XD13:07
christeldiplo: yesss!13:07
arsenipMyrtti  - ive never been one to subscribe to IRC hierarchy, i still work on the assumption irc is like IRL13:07
christeli'm in the chew valley, surrounded by cows13:07
christel(quite literally surrounded by cows)13:07
diploWhere abouts? If you .. beat me13:07
christelmoved to a teeeny little village called compton dano13:07
daftykinschristel: i bet they're not even Guernsey golds13:07
christelabsolutely LOVE it here13:07
foobarry#ubuntu is a motorway, #ubuntu-uk is a country lane13:08
diploAh I know it! Not toooo far away13:08
christelwe should beer!13:08
diploSounds good, I'm in Trowbridge, just the other side of Bath13:08
daftykinsi had my first pint last night since the hospital ;_; that is to say, being in hospital... they didn't have a bar at the hospital13:08
Myrttifoobarry: I've not had it explained better13:08
christeldaftykins: i wish they had bars at hoospitals13:09
Myrttiapplause to you.13:09
christeli'd go there a lot more!13:09
* foobarry bows13:09
daftykins"another tumble down the stairs christel? very well here's your booze delivery for breakfast"13:09
diploWhy have you moved christel ? Work ?13:09
arsenipi doth not understandings. Apparently i'm always arsenip. makes no sensing to me.13:10
arsenipi think most non-serious injuries would dissapear if ther were a bar in hospital A&E's13:10
christeldiplo: i work from home so i took work with me -- gareth is from bristol originally so we decided to head back to the west country to be closer to family before david started school :)13:12
daftykinssome of my friends over here are still using the old ADSL2+ service that's only 16/0.75Mb - i went to look at ones setup last night, where the router said it was only syncing at 8Mb13:15
daftykinshilariously they had two routers networked together by cable, so you got online only if the primary one connected to the DSL service responded quicker to the DHCP request13:15
daftykinsquickly killed DHCP on the second once i worked out what was going on :D13:16
daftykinsthen i took to the half-speed situation, firmware updates... current: v1.02.xx - new: v2.02.xx13:16
daftykins8Mb turned into 13Mb with 2 minutes effort \o/13:16
diploAh nice, better schools here than down in the SE :D13:18
christeldiplo: he's going to marksbury which is brilliant :)13:18
christelso i am chuffed with that!13:18
diploJust down the road for you then13:18
christelyeah, not at all far -- they even do a compton dando mini-bus service so we don't even have to drop/collect, he gets picked up on the doorstep13:19
christeland he absolutely LOVES school (fingers crossed he continues to love it for some time seeing how he's got another 12 years to go!)13:20
diploBlimey great service! How old is he now, last time I saw him was at popeys BBQ13:20
christel4 and a half! just started reception :)13:21
daftykinscor i don't envy anyone starting the grind right over13:21
arsenipits less of a grind at 4yo :p13:22
christelhttps://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10646741_10152651497210937_3153305172141467762_n.jpg?oh=2af3b7353b953a1f9f96f8d14e1896c3&oe=54CF0FDD&__gda__=1418241160_e1a3514256e041e4fe227ad080c6103d first day of school, waiting for the bus in the morning! :)13:22
christeldiplo: how old are your boys now? :)13:22
diploHarry is 6 and Tom just turned 8 on Sunday13:23
diploGod he's changed!13:23
christeli know! he is growing up so fast!13:23
* diplo doesn't do very well on photos, see if I can find my kiddos13:23
diploThat's Thomas13:26
christelAWW :D13:26
arsenipoh how times are terrible13:27
arsenipi'd feel wrong for opening a link of someone elses kids13:27
arsenipjust because its a computer13:27
arsenipgoddamn mainstream media.13:27
daftykinsarsenip: i understand what you mean, strange isn't it13:27
diploThat was last year, I can't find uploaded copies13:27
christeloh they are lovely :D13:27
arsenipkids are awesome13:28
arsenipespecially 3-6yo13:28
diplodaftykins, arsenip : Image this, I'm a single dad and quite often I can have up to 12-15 kids come round my house to play, majority of them girls13:28
arsenipunder 3 = crying, over 7 = bratty13:28
diploI'm pretrified most of the times13:28
arseniplol diplo13:28
arsenipyou should be able to apply for a "please dont investigate me" license13:28
diploNot of the kids, more of the young girls in a house with a male13:28
daftykinsdiplo: you must be gold to single mums ;) *ahem* anyway enough of that13:29
diploSo each time a 'new friend' turns up I go to the parents house and let them know who I am, give them mobile and everything and text them to let them know their kids are with me13:29
daftykinsdiplo: that's very wise13:29
christelarsenip: you should meet my daughter! she doesn't do crying -- she does a lot of GRINNING LIKE A MANIAC and shouting (happily) loudly13:29
christeladmittedly i do suspect she might be a bit simple13:29
diploI'm much more easy going than all the other parents it seems, so my house is like a magnet to kids13:29
christelbecause i am sure she isnt supposed to be so bloody cheerful all the time13:30
daftykinschristel: d'aww, a little hellraiser in the budding13:30
arseniplol made me laugh christel13:30
arsenipsounds like a good kid to have.13:30
Myrttichristel: time to consider getting a shotgun, then13:30
christelshe has just worked out that whole walking thing -- i fear my life is about to become much more complicated!13:31
daftykinschristel: you need to start plotting your productivity on a graph13:31
diplochristel : +1 - I always say to parents you shouldn't really wish them to walk13:31
diploYour life will become even more hard :D13:31
davmor2christel: no that is what prison cell ermmm play pens are there for ;)13:32
christeldavid was quite easygoing (he was careful) at her age ... she is just complete and utterly insane13:34
christeli can't turn my back on her for two seconds as stuff like https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10487574_10152515257690937_9029092255154474954_n.jpg?oh=f72a0fb6265c119a840470211e66e2ad&oe=548878C6 happens13:34
daftykinsmy cat is plenty responsibility for me13:35
daftykinsthat was not checked.13:54
* awilkins laughs14:23
awilkinsAlso : genuis (some foul language) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YBumQHPAeU14:23
diddledanawilkins: funny14:35
LaneyI just absent mindedly cleaned my teeth and didn't realise I was doing it until spitting at the end14:43
daftykinssurely you noticed with the whole bathroom walk? 0o14:45
arsenipgotta love morning autopilot.14:46
LaneyI went to wash my hands after using the loo and then ended up cleaning my teeth too14:48
diddledanseriously offtopic, but the windows 10 reveal is in video on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfveyXCsiA8&feature=youtu.be&list=UUVGOyzms_XJNk_DHqrffXCw14:48
Seeker`diddledan: yeah, we've just had a short interlude about brushing teeth, and then you think that something OS-related is seriously offtopic? :P14:51
diddledanit seems ms are mirroring apple with os X vs windows 10 - os x was the last major release with multiple incrementals since and that's what ms seem to want to do14:53
diddledanso that probably means we'll end up with windows 10.1014:53
diddledanyosemite :-p14:53
awilkinsWow, WIndows 10.10 when we're on Ubuntu 14.10 soon :P14:55
diddledanorange, surely?14:56
arsenipwindows users can move to mac or ubuntu really14:56
awilkinsI thought it had all gone purple14:56
arsenipi'm personally of the opinion that ubuntu isnt very suited to enterprise, but maybe thats just me14:56
directhexannouncing new Enterprise SteamOS!14:56
directhexcontrol your access rights with Steam Groups, the smart person's alternative to Active Directory!14:57
awilkinsarsenip, I've of the opinion that "Enterprise" is harmful for my personal productivity, maybe that's just me :-)14:57
arsenipfor home use - definitely awilkins14:57
awilkinsarsenip, Not just home, I use it for work, and get far more done than I would using the standard issue OS14:57
arsenipah yes - but do you use it standalone at work, or part of any 'enterprise' services?14:58
awilkinsarsenip, Standalone but it can consume the enterprise services I need (with a little effort in some cases)14:58
awilkinsThere are some things that I fall back to the Windows laptop for14:58
arsenipi dont dissagree, i like ubuntu - dont get me wrong - i am in here :)14:58
awilkinsEvil things. Things that need IE to work.14:58
arsenipbut i'd not consider ubuntu outside of desktop/laptop use.14:59
diddledan"group policy" invented for enterprises made IS departments think they needed to lock everything down14:59
awilkinsWe run a few servers on it14:59
arsenipor 'home server' via ubuntu server14:59
awilkinsThese servers are typically the happiest and least-touchy ones14:59
diddledan"ooh, we can make people change their passwords regularly? let's set that to hourly!"15:00
awilkinsThe windows ones get rebooted all the time and periodically broken by ICT (who are their overlords)15:00
awilkinsThe Ubuntu ones they won't touch in case they catch Linux Cooties.15:00
awilkinsThey have much better uptime.15:00
diddledanoh dear, that's nasty, the linux cooties15:00
diddledanyou can't get rid of them easily15:01
diddledanonce the genie is out it's very difficult to lock-down again15:01
awilkinsMy new employer has seen fit to order me a laptop and a bunch of Windows productivity software15:01
arsenipi have a work mac, and i does what i wants with it :D15:01
awilkinsThey asked if I wanted anything else to put on it15:02
directhexi have no windows license for work15:02
awilkinsI said "Linux" ... :P15:02
arsenipi couldnt ever use windows for anything other than gaming now15:02
awilkinsYeah, that's my primary use for Windows15:02
awilkinsThe gaming is even creeping into the Linux though15:02
foobarryhardly touched win at work or home in 10yrs now15:02
diddledanunfortunately I like to use photoshop to generate assets from designs made by our designers - it's easier for me to pull them out myself at times15:02
awilkinsHave Neverwinter Nights installed on my "house" laptop and it runs fine even on the Intel chip15:03
arsenipi need some more steam mac games15:03
arsenipfor when im travelling15:03
awilkinsIf it was my setup I'd probably keep a Windows VM15:03
arsenipunderstandable, there's always something that demands windows15:04
awilkinsOne happy advantage being that you could move it between hardware without it complaining about licensing...15:04
arsenipusually some crappy software.15:04
awilkinsI have a WinXP VM just for VB615:04
diddledanVB6! \o/15:04
awilkinsVB6 is a PITA to set up and configure to be good15:04
diddledanVB6 was awesome15:04
diddledanit's fugly now tho15:05
awilkinsI've still only ever managed to get integrated debugging with ASP / VBScript working once, and man, was that some dark voodoo15:05
diddledanI remember making VB6 CGI apps15:05
awilkinsMain advantage to VB6 was that with a few choice libraries you could knock out a GUI app really quickly15:05
awilkinsWhich still holds true for C# and other .NET langs I suppose15:06
diddledanyeah, c# and vb.net are quite nice, actually15:06
awilkinsThe GUI dev toolkits for most things are a total joke15:06
awilkinsMS correctly got with the program and did a GUI toolkit that works well with version control15:06
awilkinsie code-behind files for .NET forms15:07
arsenipi find large hardware manufacturers tend to build management software that relies on windows and/or IE15:07
awilkinsEveryone else is still scrabbling to make a GUI dev toolkit that actually works well15:07
awilkinsarsenip, Ick, yes. We had some IBM servers that the management GUI for the lights-out card only works on IE15:07
awilkinsAnd a particular version of IE15:07
awilkinsWhen you've downloaded the right DLLs15:08
diddledanIE6 is common pre-req for enterprise web apps15:08
directhexvb.net is evil and wrong.15:08
awilkinsOur cheif sysadmin keeps a VM just for that tool15:08
awilkinsVB.NET is evil and wrong and I refused to learn it15:08
awilkinsIt's almost but not entirely unlike VB615:08
directhexvb6 is eviler and wronger15:08
arsenipi had a VM for the same for a fujitsu infrastructure management tool15:08
awilkinsYeah, but VB6 will be the COBOL of our generation15:08
arsenipthough i did a naughty and deleted it from my PC when i left15:08
arsenipthough they deserved it.15:09
awilkinsIf I wipe out my VB6 knowledge with VB.NET I'm doing myself out of my retirement fund15:09
awilkinsI'm seriously contemplating just doing a full crypto wipe of my work-issue laptop when I leave15:09
awilkinsThey'll re-image it anyway15:09
awilkinsEver since I discovered they were MITM attacking all our SSL I stopped using any kind of personal account on it15:10
awilkinsThey're running all our VoIP through a freaking SIGINT program as well15:10
awilkinsAnd all our internal phones are VoIP15:10
daftykinsthis is clever http://xkcd.com/1427/15:11
awilkinsI don't work for GCHQ or any other kind of high-security agency15:11
daftykinsawilkins: why are they doing that?15:12
awilkinsdaftykins, I have no idea WHY15:12
daftykinssurely one would demand answers from an employer15:12
awilkinsI just know they ARE because we get the ICT changelogs and they are moaning about not being able to copy the data to the right SAN node15:12
awilkinsSo I looked up the product name (curious as to why they needed to retain a load of VoIP data)15:12
awilkinsWe asked about the MITM on the SSL15:13
awilkinsWe created a support ticketc for it15:14
awilkinsIt just got closed, no comments15:14
arsenipawilkins  - i had the same in my last role15:14
arsenipMITM ssl via <wahtever the california named firewall company is called - i forget>15:14
arsenippalo alto networks.15:14
awilkins(it was breaking some of our tools because they check certificates and the root CA list didn't have their mickey-mouse self-signed one in it)15:14
awilkinsEven when we leave the building, the laptop is configured to send traffic through their servers15:15
arsenipheh nice.15:15
awilkinsThe firewall is also configured to block EVERYTHING15:15
arsenippalo alto does SSL/SSH decrypt15:15
arsenipi noticed one day15:15
arsenipbecause a 'senior' sysadmin from our umbrella corp (who basically only existed to provide us internet..) told me he knew i was on IRC talking about buying a bicycle15:16
arsenipso i set the motd on my dedi server to "<my company name> IT dept sucks d***" :)15:17
arsenipevery time i log in...15:17
arsenipmakkes me laugh anyway.15:17
diddledansucking dogs, eh?15:17
arsenipnot like they can complain about what it says - they shouldnt me monitoring it.15:17
diddledanyeah, we've got enough problems with GCHQ and NSA and various other countries' agencies15:18
diddledannow please bare with me while I use google15:19
diddledanam I hypocrite? yes, yes I am15:19
diddledandamn j00 nsa/gchq - google? have all my things15:19
foobarrybare with you? take our clothes off?15:28
diddledanif you like15:30
diddledanonly make sure you take some explicit photos for icloud15:30
diddledannow tell me how to hack icloud?15:31
foobarryyou want to see a naked foobarry ?15:31
diddledannot me, but surely someone somewhere on the net does?15:32
daftykinsgood lord man, think of the children that might inadvertently see this conversation!15:32
foobarrythey might be able to help15:32
diddledanlike Jennifer Lawrence15:32
diddledanit's in the public interest15:32
diddledanspeaking of which, did the mirror publish the photo that the tory mp took of his tackle and sent to their reporter?15:33
diddledanI think if a random woman started talking to me inciting me to send her a n0rty picture I'd rather do it via googley hand-outs15:35
diddledanthat way she has to be responsive via video and therefore a real person15:36
foobarryshe was a swedish model posing as an activist15:39
foobarrythe rule for 50-something MPs should be that nobody wants to see your bits, don't fall for it15:39
diddledanit was a male reporter posing as an activist with a stolen photo of a swedish model15:40
foobarryah, even worse15:40
foobarrythats entrapment15:40
shaunoI'm alive!16:10
daftykinscrikey a wild shauno!16:14
daftykinsshauno: you survived?!16:14
shaunobarely.  I'm sore in all the places.16:15
shauno(granted that's more ryanair than the 2000m climb ..)16:15
=== Azelphur_ is now known as Azelphur
daftykinsshauno: :D16:17
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
shaunogood stuff though.  lots of this kinda thing; https://www.dropbox.com/s/re6jkor4xdhfnu1/IMG_2056.JPG16:24
daftykinsoooh nice16:25
shaunoalthough slightly odd when it takes you 9 hours to get up a hill.  and at the top there's an old man in a hut selling soup and beer16:25
shaunohow does he get the beer up there?  I could barely carry my legs!16:26
* christel nods16:27
daftykinsi rememer trekking in Thailand, i'm slipping around in skate shoes climbing up and down and around these hill sides, then a Burmese guy in just flipflops is following laughing his ass off as i fall on my ass a few times :>16:30
shaunoapparently the czechs have a bad reputation for that.  heading up the tatry in shorts & sandles, and then costing the slovak state when they need to go haul them down again16:31
daftykinserk! yeah planning needed there16:32
dwatkinspeople regularly need to be rescued from Athurs Seat in Edinbrugh because they go up to watch the sunset.16:32
daftykinsthese days i own some proper hiking shoes, they've been good to walk around in whilst i've been recovering from my accident.16:32
daftykinsdwatkins: lol, then can't see the path down?16:32
dwatkinsIt's a great big volcanic plug near the city centre, you don't want to be climbing down it in the dark.16:32
dwatkinsor perhaps a craig, I forget which16:33
shaunoI've thought about that one a few times, but never got around to it.  it seems odd to go to edinburgh and walk *away* from the pubs16:33
dwatkinsI went for a walk in converse all-stars and slipped over on a rock, it wasn't fun16:33
daftykinsyeah those are not practical shoes for even road.16:34
dwatkinsI wasn't expecting to be needing traction.16:34
shaunoI am curious why everyone had poles to walk with though.  like skiing sticks, but without the snow.  I'm curious if they help, or if it's just an extra pair of feet to think about16:36
dwatkinsI've been in places where walking poles would have been useful.16:37
shaunoI did get odd looks when everyone's out there with their fancy gear and walking sticks and such.  and I'm plodding along with a smoke and a small flask of whisky.16:37
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
daftykinssounds like that nordic walking shenanigans16:39
daftykinsshauno: lol, love it16:39
daftykinsi was headed down the Grand Canyon catching up with friends, some old woman at the side said "alright, no need to run!"16:40
daftykinss'like, mmkay you're old i'm young, deal with it ;)16:40
shaunolol, ouch16:40
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Myrttiooh nordic walking16:43
MyrttiI wonder where our sticks are16:43
daftykinsfunny fads ;)16:44
dwatkinsdang, forgot I had someone coming round to quote for a boiler replacement, and I'm still at work16:57
Laneyget him to kick the door in16:57
dwatkinsI did consider suggesting he ring my neighbor's doorbell16:57
zmoylan-pithe only set of conditions that guarantees they'll be on time :-p16:57
dwatkinsyeah, the best way to get through to some companies for support is to call the sales line16:58
shaunoI think the trick with ours is to call on days they're closed.  the out-of-hours guys are bored and loney, and you might be the first person they got to talk to all day16:59
davmor2Myrtti: sticks are on the trees they need them more than you ;)17:07
daftykinsbtw i still have an invite if anyone wants to buy a http://oneplus.net/17:08
Myrttidaftykins: have they fixed the privacy leak yet?17:09
daftykinshave who the what?17:09
Myrttidavmor2: mine are carbon fiber17:09
Myrttidavmor2: https://forums.oneplus.net/threads/security-breach.129297/17:09
Myrttioh, looks like they have17:10
daftykinsdwatkins: replacing mine cost me £2,000 \o/ gas boiler17:10
daftykinsMyrtti: nothing major then17:11
dwatkinsdaftykins: yeah, I'm expecting that ballpark as I need to have a drain pipe fitted to mine17:11
dwatkinsalso, I need to put in a hatch to the attic17:11
daftykinsbest thing i did for my house since moving in, the existing one was going between lukewarm and cold for the shower17:12
zmoylan-pior a rasp pi with camera and robotic arm :-)17:12
shaunoa really big robotic arm that lifts you into the attic!17:12
zmoylan-pino just a small arm to do the jobs you'd need the hatch to climb in for.  the first scutter17:13
dwatkinscome to think of it, this boiler quote guy called me last week to arrange an appointment, then called me this Tuesday having realised he'd made the entry in his calendar a week later than I had17:17
zmoylan-pihe was using the gregorian calender? :-)17:19
dwatkinshaha, maybe17:19
dwatkinswouldn't that be 5 days out?17:20
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
zmoylan-pi13 days https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_calendar#Difference_between_Gregorian_and_Julian_calendar_dates17:21
dwatkinsah ok, not a week17:30
dwatkinsanyway, I should go home now my meeting's over, toodles!17:30
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== foobarry_ is now known as foobarry
ujjainhey, Cameron is from the conversatives, right?19:55
ujjainhe has such a nice voice in his music video, I hope one day to have lost my Dutch accent and talk like that19:56
MartijnVdSujjain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8lmb9m4-tw19:57
ujjainhaha, I meant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YBumQHPAeU&feature=youtu.be, but that one seems awesome too, let me see19:58
MartijnVdSujjain: I know but that one reminded me of the one I posted ;)19:58
DJonesHeh, Nick Griffin has been kicked out of the BNP20:02
MartijnVdSDJones: isn't that the guy from Family Guy?20:03
DJonesMartijnVdS: Never watched that, but if the character was offensive, racist & generally unpleasent, the probably20:03
MartijnVdSDJones: apparently that character is "Peter Griffin"20:05
* diddledan laughs familyguy style20:05
ujjainUKIP said they are not as racist as the Dutch PVV20:16
foobarryalso...seen this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-2941099920:19
ali1234not really very interesting20:23
ali1234all the different CPU architectures are very... what you might call "typecast"20:24
ali1234in the sense that everyone "knows" x86 is for desktops, arm is for phones, mips is for routers... etc20:24
ali1234ARM trying to get into IoT is like intel trying to make x86 phones20:25
ali1234or ARM servers for that matter20:26
foobarryARM seem ideal for "things"20:32
zmoylan-pilow power? go arm20:32
MartijnVdSor mips20:32
zmoylan-pineeds to run cool? go arm20:33
ali1234AVR will destroy any of them20:33
ali1234if you want low power / low heat20:33
ali1234also much cheaper, and don't need an OS20:33
MartijnVdSmy Hue Bridge runs "FreeRTOS"20:34
MartijnVdSon some kind of STMicro20:34
MartijnVdS(I think)20:34
ali1234STM do ARM chips and they have their own CPU arch too20:34
MartijnVdSSo... ARM :)20:36
ali1234the thing about the cortex M chips is they have a powerful ARM core combined with the memory and peripherals you'd find in a microcontroller20:37
ali1234which is completely pointless20:37
ali1234i mean how much processing power does your smart-toilet actually need?20:39
MartijnVdSwell.. depends on how big the thing you drop in there is20:39
zmoylan-piyour toilet might be doing a massive core dump... :-p20:40
MartijnVdSzmoylan-pi: yeah but you could just flush its buffers20:40
zmoylan-piand a smart-toilet is perfect for water cooling20:41
ali1234basically those chips are jack-of-all-trades20:42
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