[01:52] DonkeyHotei: I'm ALWAYS up early, I have a 4yr old! [02:29] Roguehorse: ha, I remember those days. [02:30] jyo: ping [03:38] wait when the wiki says you don't need to make a seperate efi boot partion with manual partitioning does that mean you can't in manual partitioning earlier [03:39] I just did install entirely to ssd but wanted /home on the bigger spinny hdd on my new desktop [03:39] It means you don't need to. [03:40] ah so let the installer do it and don't try to mount it as /boot/efi manually [03:40] because I assembled myself didn't have any paritions [03:41] I'd leave it all to GRUB. The /boot/efi stuff is only in case you don't have a bootloader for some reason. [13:56] Good Morning [15:39] Roguehorse: good morning! [15:49] Hey! Slow day today? [15:50] It will be if I can help it. [15:53] Yeah, no doubt [15:54] I had a VP in SF tell me my resume sucks so I'm revising it (again) [15:56] haha [15:56] Well, at least that's honest feedback you can use. [16:05] I know! Seems like trying to pull teeth to get feedback out of people - so in a way I'm grateful [16:07] The awkward part was when I asked if I could do an "informative interview" they choked and I didn't hear back again [16:07] Aw. :) Well, that's a discrimination lawsuit just waiting to happen, I'm sure. [16:08] You think? [16:10] Yup. It's why no one fires with cause anymore. Because at-will employment means they can fire you at any time, but if they fire you for a reason it has to be legally valid. :) [16:31] The problem with that is then their unemployment insurance rates go up and they hate that. Many prefer to take the "constructive discharge" way to avoid the unemployment possibilities. [16:31] http://labor-employment-law.lawyers.com/wrongful-termination/constructive-discharge-an-abusive-atmosphere.html [16:31] Title: [Constructive Discharge: An Abusive Atmosphere - Lawyers.com] [16:32] Well yes, that's when they try to make you quit. [16:32] Different way sof doing it I guess. [16:34] Been there - it sucks [16:36] The most obvious sign is when they terminate you and then very quickly (usually a few days later) offer to bring you back - that's when the fun starts [16:36] ha [16:37] oh yeah, but the difference is between being terminated and asked back or being laid off and asked back [16:38] if you're laid off under good terms - you're probably ok going back [16:40] If you get into a scuffle with management (or something) and they cut you loose in a huff or as retaliation? Don't bother [16:40] I suspect my salary requirements would be fierce. [16:40] http://www.twc.state.tx.us/news/efte/how_ui_claims_affect_employers.html [16:40] Title: [How Do Unemployment Claims Affect an Employer?] [16:41] That's why I prefer to be self-employed. It's not all roses, though. [16:41] Sure the hours are great, but my boss is a real asshole. [16:41] LOL! [16:42] Self employed - everyone is your boss if you want to get and keep contracts [16:44] Right now tech writing is mostly paying the bills, so that's kinda fun. [16:44] the big trend these days is to be a hired gun - as no one wants to be dictated to about how to do things [16:44] tech writing is good, honest work [16:45] I wouldn't mind a gig doing that all day - wouldn't bother me a bit [16:46] Heh, it's a bit of a drag. Writing is mental exhausting. [16:46] and if you're not in the mood for it, it doesn't happen [16:46] there's no free lunch in anything [16:46] pleia2: oh, it happens anyway. It's just more excruiating. :) [16:47] I can usually soldier on with *something* at Work Work even when my brain is elsewhere, but not writing [16:47] the hardest part for me is when I can't get any peace and quiet to concentrate [16:47] I think I've determined I can write about 15,000 words in an 8 hour day if I don't take breaks. [16:47] This never happens though. [16:47] because, squirrel [16:47] Yup. [16:47] Pomodoros are basically an excuse to goof off every 25 minutes. [16:48] I have to do a lot of hands on testing when I write tech stuff, so I don't think I could ever get to 15k unless I was writing fiction (which I don't do ;)) [16:48] in other news, I got computer glasses yesterday, no longer squinting at my monitor :) [16:49] Cool! The pair I have are mostly prescription reading - I can't read JS without them [16:50] Yeah, getting old sucks [16:50] yay, I'm not the only one :) [16:50] Oh, my book chapter 1 involved 3 weeks of me installing Ubuntu 11 times. It was something like 14,700 words, and I have to do a Mac section later. [16:50] At the end of the hour-long server install when I was tired I kept hitting Host+R (reboot) instead of Host+E (screenshot). I wanted to throw my keyboard through the window. [16:51] was that on different machines or just going through different processes? [16:51] Different proceesses. [16:52] either way, it's good experience and fun! =) [16:54] I just picked up a new 1TB internal I need to install so I can expand my virtual home lab. My little 350G is too full - need more space [16:59] Hey pleia, what do you know about D-RAM over at HP Labs? [16:59] nothing [17:00] Ah man, have you heard of it? [17:00] Researchers have been working on it since the 70's [17:01] yeah, but not more than anyone outside the company :) [17:01] I heard it's perfected but can't get it to market yet - sounds exciting from what I've heard [17:03] Ha, remember, she can't say anything that hasn't been in a press release. Because they're a publically traded company it's an SEC violation. :) [17:03] Imagine a MOBO that comes WITH 1TB of RAM 10x faster than what we know today [17:03] I know - but she can say "can't say" [17:04] my cousin at Apple says that all the time =) [17:04] At WDC I just told people the truth--sometimes we don't find out about a product until people start calling in because Best Buy broke a street date. [17:06] When I worked at Onyx Optics we weren't allowed to talk about anything - but no one understood it anyway so... [17:07] The only time we found out anything more than a week out was when I got a My Book Live put on my desk 2 months before the came out. Which I immediately enabled SSH on. [17:08] Yeah, what's the difference between the caviar colors? The one I have now is green and the one I just bought is a blue? [17:10] Black is for heavy use, blue is for 8 hour a day office casual use, green is low power, heat, and volume drives, and red is for NAS use. [17:11] I work on open source software all day and don't know any secrets [17:11] and the company is huge [17:11] It's the PERFECT cover story! [17:12] I learned HP bought Eucalyptus when I went to a Speakers' dinner at Fossetcon and someone said "You bought Eucalyptus!" [17:12] LOL! [17:12] "I did? Huh." [17:12] "I was wondering what that charge was." [17:12] I know, people tend to think when a person works at a company they know EVERYTHING that happens there [17:12] yeah, right [17:13] pleia2: add that to your expense report! LOL [17:13] hehe [17:13] I was mostly in charge of knowing whether or not certain drives or features were Ubuntu or Linux compatible so we could either tell the customer "don't waste your time" or what to Google. [17:14] the bigger the company, the less you know (or sometimes want to) =) [17:14] Otherwise my specialty was network drives, legacy drives, and I was pretty good at the settop boxes. too. [17:14] Someone called on a 17yo IDE hard drive, like a 120 MB one or something. [17:14] OMG! [17:15] My first "real" drive was a 8G IDE [17:15] I was like: http://i.lvme.me/o1tyf0h.jpg [17:15] Content type: [image/jpeg] Size: [47927] [17:15] My first real drive was an 80MB IDE drive. [17:15] then I bought a 16G to hold all my junk for Drive D: [17:17] I still have a hard time believing how much space we can get and cheap! [17:17] It's pretty magical. :) [17:18] am I going to have to do anything "special" when I plug this drive in? Or is it just going to be seen and work? Since 2009 when I started Linux I've only used the same single drive. [17:19] You'll have to format it and then add it to /etc/fstab. [17:21] ok, I haven't decided if I want to cut it in half or just have one big partition. I'm thinking of separating out half just for VM and the other half for storage. [17:23] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive [17:23] Title: [InstallingANewHardDrive - Community Help Wiki] [17:29] Hey, SVLUG is going to do a panel discussion on Shellshock if anyone wants to drive out and join in...should be fun [17:31] If I were you I'd probably just format the entire thing and share it. If you want you can always preallocate the VM drive space. [17:33] Yeah, probably just easier that way - then I wouldn't end up kicking myself later wishing I hadn't done that [17:34] At least you can resize file systems. :) [17:41] True [17:41] Gotta run to the bank - TTYL [17:43] Have fun! [19:02] Why is it so hard to find SATA cables? [19:05] Because they all just come with the motherboard. [21:19] Well, not enough of them