
Kilosgood morning peeps04:55
Kiloshi nlsthzn  theblazehen  Squirm  inetpro  04:55
Kiloshi Vince-0  05:05
Trixar_zaMorning Kilos and Squirm05:43
Kiloshi there Trixar_za  05:43
Trixar_zaWhat's new with you Kilos?05:44
Kiloswaiting for a new drive then installing kubuntu 64bit05:44
Kilosthen major recovery on crashed 500g drive05:45
SquirmKilos: you just got a new drive?05:45
Kilosits coming today hopefully , 1TB05:45
Kilosi couldnt do data recovery on a 500g drive from an 80g05:46
Kilosall my everything is/was on the 500g05:46
Kilosbut it crashed bad, had to zero it to get mbr working again05:47
Squirmthat means writing over everything...05:48
Kilostotally wiped05:48
Squirmyou probably should have started with something else first05:48
Squirmlike testdisk or ddrescue05:48
Kilosim banking on testdisk foremost and scalpel finding stuff05:48
Squirmbut the problem is you've written over everything05:49
Kilosit was dead completely, bios didnt even see it05:49
Squirmtestdisk would have helped you before the format, I doubt it'll help you know05:49
Kilosoh well heres hoping, ive run testdisk on it now again internally, and there are lots of the old folders but all empty05:50
Kilosanyway it should keep me busy for a while i think05:51
SquirmI use foremost every other week05:53
Squirmor not05:53
Kilosone of those days05:59
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:05
Trixar_zaSquirm: https://scontent-a-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/l/t1.0-0/10177920_10152789328334903_1540246397221109551_n.jpg?oh=2968b4fc495057851c7bcc8e5f640aa4&oe=54BABCCE06:23
Trixar_zaThat's how I feel06:23
SquirmTrixar_za: you sound like a woman :/06:24
Squirmman up06:24
Trixar_zaDidn't I once say that to you? :|06:24
Squirmbut go back and look at all you've said to me today06:24
Trixar_zaYeah Yeah - I'll probably keep at it. New Month, New Life. hey?06:25
Squirmactually, you said woman in their 50's and 60's are better than you, so did you compare yourself to an 70/80 year old woman?06:25
Trixar_zaThey ran longer and harder than I did. So they did kick my unfit ass06:26
* Squirm prods Trixar_za and watches him roll on the floor in agony06:26
Kiloshaha whats with this new running thing with you guys06:27
Kilosian also started06:27
Squirmmeh, I can't run :P06:27
SquirmI need to start with the squash thing again though06:27
Squirmit's been a while06:27
Squirmover a month now06:27
Kilossquash is good06:27
Trixar_zaKilos: He gave me the idea and I started again today. And I got cocky.06:28
Trixar_zaIt really did hurt pushing myself that hard06:28
Trixar_zaLearned my lesson06:28
Kilosya you gotta take it easy in the beginning06:28
SquirmKilos: I've tried to tell him06:28
Squirmhe obviously can't stand to be beaten by older woman06:29
Kilosrun/walk 1 to 2 ks for starters06:29
Trixar_zaNo, No I can't06:30
Kilosand only after a week or two or when you get to the running only stage then extend the distance06:30
Trixar_zaAnd this was chubby older woman too06:30
Trixar_zaSo I was really motivated to outdo them06:30
Kilosthen just fast walk for starters06:31
Kilosit gets better06:31
Trixar_zaI used to be able to run 2KM without stopping. Ageing sucks.06:32
SquirmKilos: he's not old :/06:34
Trixar_zaI was 18 at the time06:34
Trixar_zaUsed to be able to walk 8K without sweating too - at 2206:34
Kilosyou are just unfit man06:34
SquirmTrixar_za: A friend of mine is 28, he can cycle 60km :P06:35
Squirmso age isn't the problem06:35
Kiloskeep up the good work just dont try beat anyone06:35
Trixar_zaYeah, but like my cousin he's a show off :P06:35
SquirmTrixar_za: my girlfriend can run 10km ^^06:35
SquirmI can't :/06:35
Kilos10k fun runs are fun06:35
Trixar_zaOne thing kept me going though06:35
Trixar_zaAnd it wasn't motivation or anything. It was pure spite06:36
Kilosyou get to ogle all the cute butts in front of you06:36
Trixar_zaI want to spite my sister and her fitness goonies06:36
Kilosfitness doesnt come overnight06:36
Trixar_zaProve to them I can get fit without being a complete idiot that believes in Atkins06:36
Trixar_zaShe avoids fruits because her trainer told her it had sugar in it06:37
Squirmshe needs to see a dietician06:37
Kilosfruit is the healthiest sugar06:37
Squirmnot a trainer :/06:37
Squirmdieticians believe Atkins is aweful06:37
Squirmmy girlfriend wants to punch anyone on the Atkins Diet06:38
Trixar_zaYeah, he wasn't even a doctor06:38
Squirm(she's a dietician)06:38
Trixar_zaHe was like a pharmacist if memory serves06:38
Trixar_zaAtkins that is06:38
Squirmhe has his bsc06:38
Trixar_zaSo does my sister, but that doesn't make her a dietitian06:39
SquirmI don't have any qualification and I can see it's bad :/06:39
Squirmall round, balanced diet06:39
Squirmand if you want to refine it for a specific purpose, speak to a dietician06:40
Trixar_zaWorking my way back up. If I keep at it, in 2 months there should be a big difference in my fitness level06:41
Trixar_zaI just need to learn how to watch what I eat06:41
Trixar_zaBefore I stopped growing (so before 25), I could eat anything and actually LOSE weight.06:41
Kilosweight is only a mouth prob, closed mouth dont put on weight06:44
Trixar_zaI have trouble keeping mine closed. Mostly because I talk too much.06:45
Trixar_zaI even greeted random strangers today06:45
Trixar_zaSince this the Cape, they looked at me with fear and suspicion06:45
Squirm<ajf> lol... beardy flannel wearing hipster is sitting on the floor, despairing angrily into his iPhone because he's got on the wrong train06:46
Trixar_zaI sometimes wonder where hipster ends and emo begins06:47
SquirmI have a beard and wear flannel but I don't see myself as a hipster :P06:48
SquirmI have an Android phone06:48
Squirmso that rules it out already06:48
Trixar_zaAlso you can use Linux06:51
Squirmalthough, I'm getting an Apple laptop when I start work :P06:55
Squirmstill won't make me a hipster though ^^06:56
Squirmand I do love my coffee06:56
Squirmbut I started loving it before it went hipsterish06:56
Trixar_zaConsidering neither you or I knew what an Americano was until your girlfriend explained it to us, I'm pretty sure you're safe.06:57
Trixar_zaAlso you're clearly not Metrosexual either06:57
Kiloshi bushtech  06:59
Trixar_zaBye bushtech06:59
ThatGraemeGuyanyone jumped to 14.10 yet?07:08
ThatGraemeGuywife's laptop needs a clean install, wondering if its stable enough by now07:09
ThatGraemeGuyfinal beta is usually pretty solid in my experience07:09
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: can't wait a few days?07:12
Squirmif you're worried07:12
ThatGraemeGuyi guess you are single?07:12
Squirmno, but windows 8 seems to keep her happy07:12
Squirmwho knows why though07:12
* Squirm needs to start the conversion process07:13
ThatGraemeGuyditch her, there's no future for you 2, lol07:13
Squirmwell, she can find her way around my PC07:13
Squirmwhich I think is a good improvement07:13
Squirmshe now handles my multiple displays too07:13
ThatGraemeGuykde getting fatter and fatter for her 2007 vintage HP, time to go XFCE07:13
Trixar_zaWhy not try a few of the other options? :P07:14
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: I wonder how it would handle Cinnamon07:14
ThatGraemeGuybecause i'm familiar with xfce and i couldn't be bothered to learn a new thing07:14
* Squirm updates CyanogenMod07:16
ThatGraemeGuyCM doesn't like my phone07:16
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: which is?07:17
ThatGraemeGuyHTC One X07:17
Squirmhave myself an S307:17
ThatGraemeGuytoo many random reboots07:17
ThatGraemeGuyat least twice a day and usually picks a time when it would be least convenient07:18
ThatGraemeGuyoh you have snapscan, cool let me pay quickly. d'oh! wait my phone is being a twat07:18
ThatGraemeGuynever mind, take my card07:18
Squirmthough I've been alright07:19
Squirmmy camera app sometimes doesnt work07:19
Squirmand phone dies when the flash goes off07:19
ThatGraemeGuyHTC's software may not be the latest greatest but it is absolutely rock solid07:19
Squirmhoping this update will fix it07:19
* ThatGraemeGuy upgrades to 14.10 beta07:20
ThatGraemeGuybetween the ssd and the mad fast internet this shouldn't take long07:20
SquirmI'm tempted to stick an ssd in the mac I'm going to get07:22
Squirmand by an enclosure for the drive inside it07:22
charlgood morning all07:22
charlMaaz: coffee on07:22
* Maaz starts grinding coffee07:22
ThatGraemeGuypretty sure they have them by default, no?07:22
Squirm'lo charl 07:22
charlhi Squirm :)07:22
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: only the Macbook air07:22
Squirmthe Macbook pro's don't07:22
ThatGraemeGuyeven my samsung comes with ssd by default07:23
ThatGraemeGuyYou have to download a total of 941 M. This download will take about 07:23
ThatGraemeGuy21 minutes with your connection. 07:23
Trixar_zaLol. CM huh?07:24
Squirmnice ThatGraemeGuy 07:24
Trixar_zaYou know that Modded Intel driver I did? Somebody asked me if they could use it to develop for CM.07:24
SquirmWhen I went for my interview, they were busy putting in 20Mbit fibre, should be running by the time I get there07:24
Trixar_zaFirst time I ever heard of it >.>07:25
Squirmand they had a 20Mbit VDSL line07:25
Squirmlol Trixar_za 07:25
Squirmit's been around for a while :P07:25
* Squirm tests flash07:25
ThatGraemeGuySquirm: what are you going to be doing there?07:26
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!07:26
ThatGraemeGuy100mbit fibre at our new offices... only 2.5 more weeks07:26
Squirmyay, flash works without killing my phone07:26
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: IT Technician07:26
ThatGraemeGuylike desktop support stuff?07:26
Squirmbut taking load off of the current sys admin. 07:27
Squirmmore server administration07:27
ThatGraemeGuyah ok07:27
Squirmbut some dsktop support07:27
Squirmso... inbetween07:27
Squirmthere's a guy there who will be doing mainly dsktop support07:27
* Squirm smacks his letter 'e'07:28
Squirmwhen I type desktop it doesn't work too well :/07:28
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: yeah. I'm hoping it'll set me up for something a lot bigger than where I am now07:29
SquirmI'm hoping I can do my RHCE through them, but if not, it will be great experience07:29
ThatGraemeGuyIn my experience the more a place cares about that sort of thing the less likely I am going to enjoy working there07:32
Trixar_zaThat's with MCSE and A+, N+ and Linux+07:32
Trixar_zaRHCE is actually decent07:33
Trixar_zaI once lost my temper with such a employer. After I established that I wont get the job, I told them exactly what I think about people that only hire certification over experience.07:34
Trixar_zaFunny enough, when I get angry, I also get more articulate and my choice of wording improves.07:35
Trixar_zaAlthough I do have a horrible habit of also using words I've heard before, but don't really know what they mean...07:36
bdukMore almal07:41
Kiloshi bduk  07:41
SquirmThatGraemeGuy: I don't want them to push it, but I'd like to do it07:46
SpekkoMorning peeps!07:48
Kiloshi Spekko  charl  07:50
ThatGraemeGuydownloading done, installing07:50
Kiloswow that was fast07:51
charldoes anyone happen to have any experience with the lenovo thinkpad t440?07:51
charlhi Kilos 07:51
charli can get it at a really good price (647 euro)07:51
charlso i'm looking at buying one07:51
ThatGraemeGuyyeah even less than the 21 minutes it said it would take07:51
ThatGraemeGuycharl you mean experience as in linux-friendliness or?07:52
charlyes or experience in general07:52
charli'm just asking around before ordering it07:52
ThatGraemeGuynot that specific model, but i've used other thinkpads, would definitely use again07:52
charlthinkpads afaik are regarded as some of the ugliest but best laptops around (especially for gnu/linux users)07:53
charlit's ubuntu certified too07:53
ThatGraemeGuyyeah you should be good07:53
charlthat's a slightly older model though07:53
charlmine would be a newer version of that07:54
ThatGraemeGuyonly problem i had with my last thinkpad was the fingerprint reader wasn't useable07:54
charloh i never use that in any case07:54
ThatGraemeGuyyeah its gimmicky07:54
charli don't trust it for one bit07:54
ThatGraemeGuyi'm a bit spoiled with this ultrabook thing though, not sure if i can ever go back to a normal, fat laptop :-D07:54
charlthis is also considered an ultrabook07:55
charlthe t44007:55
ThatGraemeGuyah, cool07:55
charlright now i have a lenovo b56007:55
ThatGraemeGuywhoops lost mouse07:55
charlnot something you would find in a regular store07:56
charli ordered it online for 400 euro07:56
ThatGraemeGuyrelease upgrade is causing bluetooth to have a fit it seems07:56
charlah :(07:57
charli don't use any external mice anymore07:57
charli have gotten so used to the touchpad i just use that now07:57
Kilosthats the worst thing about lappies07:58
ThatGraemeGuycan't play minetest with a touchpad :)08:01
charlah you addicts...08:02
charlwell better that than meth08:02
Kilosbluetooth will most likely work once installed and upgraded08:05
ThatGraemeGuy70% installed08:08
ThatGraemeGuyreboot time08:19
ThatGraemeGuythat was painless08:21
Squirmuntil it fails on boot ;)08:22
ThatGraemeGuyjust rebooted, all good08:22
Kiloslekker when evrything just works08:32
theblazehenHey Kilos, others08:33
Kiloshi theblazehen  08:33
theblazehenHi ThatGraemeGuy 08:36
inetprogood mornings09:12
Kiloshi inetpro  09:12
charlhi inetpro 09:13
charlok order for the laptop has been placed09:20
charllooking forward !!09:20
theblazehenHey inetpro 09:31
Kiloshi superfly  Private_User  13:32
Private_Userhi Kilos13:33
superflyhi Kilos13:33
charlterve Kilos 14:08
Kilosi beg your humble pardon?14:09
charli said i would greet you in finnish14:09
charlnow i did14:09
charli dare you to say that's hollywood influence14:09
charlwhat, you mean to tell me you don't speak finnish ?! who doesn't speak finnish ... :D14:10
charlvittu perkele helvetti14:10
Kilosnormal peeps14:10
Kilosi only speak englikaans14:11
charlah you speak the island language14:11
charli speake no ingurishu14:11
Kiloshmm... are we an island or continent14:11
charlingurishu is the language of the island natives14:11
Kilosya well i dont speak that14:12
charlalthough you speak englikaans, that's a regular continental dialect thankfully14:12
charlvery good14:12
charli speak dunglish, it's a crappy english14:12
charlit's actually dutch-english14:12
charlwhen you say things like "good busy, young!" and people look strange at you14:13
charlthen you realise you just spoke dunglish14:13
Kilosdutch is a very difficult language14:13
charlit's not as difficult as finnish thoughn14:13
Kilosi dont know why they add on all the bits and pieces14:13
Kilosafrikaans is so much easier14:14
charldutch is almost as difficult as german14:14
charlgerman is also a very hard language14:14
charlmein deutsch ist echt scheisse14:14
charli need to take german lessons14:14
Kilosbut english is the worlds language so speaking it properly is good14:15
Kilosuniversal language14:15
charldeutsch ist komplex... ich begreife es nicht14:15
charlNL is one of the best english speaking countries in the world... dunglish and all14:15
charl#3 on teh list !14:16
Kilosthe main thing is each group understands each other, its only when branching out that english is needed14:17
charli really feel like drinking german beer now... i'll buy some hefeweissbier at the shop later14:17
Kilosim glad i dont drink alcohol14:19
Kiloswaste of money14:19
charlthe bayerische staatsbrauerei weihenstephaner makes some excellent beers, they have been brewing since 104014:19
Kilosi have never enjoyed beer unless it was 80+% lemonade14:20
charlah the radler... i wouldn't touch it with a stick14:20
charlwe don't drink pink drinks, dave. always, keep it real14:20
charli wonder where weihenstephaner got its first brewing license from, probably the romans14:23
inetproMaaz: translate vittu perkele helvetti14:31
Maazinetpro: I couldn't translate that: Please use Translate v2.  See http://code.google.com/apis/language/translate/overview.html.14:31
inetprorather not14:32
charleh... yup14:32
charlbe careful what you translate inetpro :P14:32
charlESPECIALLY if it's finnish :D14:33
Kilossjoe did you say bad stuff here14:33
charlKilos: it's all in the interpretation ... ;)14:34
Kiloslike the f word14:35
Kilossome peeps use it in every sentence regardless of company14:35
charl"the f word" is the name of a town in austria14:35
inetproKilos: anyway, add that to your list of improvements for Maaz14:35
Kilosi think its very common14:35
charlin german it isn't profanity14:35
charllike i said, it's all in the interpretation :P14:36
charli happen to speak *some* of a great variety of languages... believe me14:36
charli can say things in one language that's perfect everyday language and in a different language it's profane14:36
Kilosim sure it isnt used by the more educated or higher class peeps14:36
Kilosmovies are full of it now14:37
charlyeah but those are english speaking movies, then it's profane in any case14:37
charlsome people just have a limited dictionary in their minds14:37
Kilosya and use it for empasis14:37
charl"f* you f*'ing motherf*'er"14:37
Kilossjoe that looks wrong14:38
charlif you talk like that you just demonstrate that you're uneducated14:38
Kilosyip i dislike that lots14:38
KilosMaaz  spell emphasis14:38
MaazKilos: Yes, you *can* spell14:38
Kilosoh yay14:38
Kilosi battle with spelling in both languages14:39
Kilosbut can normally see when a word looks wrong14:39
Kilosseems like the spelling section of my brain leaked out14:40
charlhome time14:43
charlhave a good evening all!14:43
Kilosnlsthzn  how was waterworld16:25
nlsthznhey uncle Kilos ... it was a lot of fun... still slightly sore and stiff :)_16:30
Kiloshi magespawn  17:25
magespawnhi Kilos 17:26
magespawnhow are things up there? been very windy down here17:28
Kilosya and cooler17:29
magespawnunseasonably cold here, but not really cold17:30
Kiloswe going to 12 again tonight17:32
Kiloslast week we even had a 1717:32
magespawnyou mean number of people?17:39
Golynxhey , Shuttleworth got his R250 mill back from the reserve bank , but his giving it away lol17:43
Golynxi thought the guy was broke17:44
Kilostemp man17:44
Golynxoh charl not here :/17:47
Kiloshi Joe_knock  17:48
Kiloscharlwft this avy already Golynx  17:48
Kiloscharl left this avy already17:48
GolynxKilos i saw charl today17:49
Kilosaha  you didnt see him leave17:49
Kilos[16:43] <charl> home time17:49
Kilos[16:43] <charl> have a good evening all!17:49
Golynxyeah must've been an incredible sight17:50
Kilossometimes he comes back at night17:50
Kilosrarely though17:50
Golynxi like the guy we talked about random news stuff alot, heard his moved to some land 17:51
Kiloshe is in the netherlands17:53
Kiloswas here long ago17:53
Golynxcool, unlimited speed and bandwidth there :p17:54
Golynxgoogle launching its internet baloons next year in the southern hemisphere17:56
Golynxbut they starting only in Australia17:56
Kiloslol typical17:57
Golynxfree LTE doming in the future :)17:57
Golynxvoice calls will be free in a few years time aswell17:58
Golynxit always seems these chanhes comes too late17:58
Kilosthat will take some doing in za17:58
Kilosthe isps here wont make stuff free for as long as they can hold out17:59
Golynxi mean the cellular newtwork providers18:00
Golynxthey have to find other ways of generating money in the future, since data is taking over everything18:01
Kilosthey are the worst, look how slowly they are bringing prices down18:01
Golynxwhatsapp will have voip soon18:01
Golynxso they will be hard hit18:02
Golynxthey have to keep profit margins for their investors18:03
Golynxbut they wont hold out for long18:03
Kiloslong is relative18:03
Kilos5 years maybe18:04
Kilosnothing here is free18:04
Golynxvoice wont last that long18:04
Golynxyeah 5 years give or take 18:04
Golynxtrue, they will probably make you pay a set amount p/m for voice but at extremely cheap rates18:06
Golynxthey have to put their money into other services to stay alive , like vodacom going into the banking services sector18:07
Golynxthe wait is painful, but paradise is coming :)18:09
magespawnsome of the service providers say they will charge extra fro voip traffic18:10
Kilosi think the closest you gonna get to free internet is free wifi when they set it up there18:10
Kilosand then you gotta buy a coffee to get the password thing18:11
magespawncertain places already offer free wifi18:11
Kilosya but too far from me magespawn  18:11
Kilos7 ks and about 100 metres higher than here18:12
Kiloswith a hill in between18:12
Golynxmagespawn: true, but when you look at the high demand for video in the future they will break under the pressure18:13
magespawnuse the ubiquiti google earth plugin to see how to link up Kilos, but you still need permission18:14
Golynxfree wifi is limited by use like they only give you 250 MB per day, which is fair18:14
Kilosna its not line of site with me magespawn  , ive even tried a yagi18:14
Kiloswe inna bit of a hole here18:15
Kilosneed a 100 metre mast to get line of site18:15
Kiloseasier to just use 8ta18:15
GolynxKilos: my hole is bigger than yours lol 18:15
Golynxtelkom is making telkom mobile cheaper, but still lack alot in footprint18:17
Kiloscheaper than the 2+1 promo bundle?18:17
magespawnput a wireless relay point on top of the hill. who owns the hill?18:18
GolynxKilos: thats a good bundle, surely kicks the other offerings18:19
Kilosyip ive been using it since they started it18:20
Golynxwith googles ballons you gotta have a special kinda antenna attached to your roof to recieve the LTE signal18:21
Golynxjust wished they started rolling it out in africa first18:21
Kilosi make antennae18:21
Kilosjust need the frequency and you can make your own18:22
Golynxyeah you can make anything :D18:22
Kilosbut thats years from now as well18:22
Golynxyip :(18:23
Golynxfacebooks internet streaming drones are even farther years away18:24
spinzagoogle loon18:25
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:31
Golynxhi kbmonkey sir18:56
kbmonkeyhi Golynx 18:57
magespawnturn away for two seconds and hey presto Kilos goes to bed19:22
magespawngood night all19:47
Joe_knockOom Kilos. Hoe gaanit?20:00
bushtech[20:31:20] <Kilos> night all. sleep tight20:05

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