
TerosFFFa dead topic00:00
k1l_TerosFFF: a support channel without people asking for support is a good sign :) if you want to chat join #ubuntu-offtopic00:01
usr13no news is good news00:02
k1l_TerosFFF: and btw: you are ban evading. please leave the channel and talk in #ubuntu-ops about that behaviour00:02
lakitudoes anyone have any experience with apt-offline?00:02
lakituit's only working with some packages00:03
lakitucan't figure out why00:03
ShadowSpirithelloo dudes00:03
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ShadowSpiriti need help to install ubuntu in my macbook pro00:03
ShadowSpiritwhat i have to do00:03
WulframnShadowSpirit, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro00:06
WulframnShadowSpirit, no worries. Let us know if you have specific questions. =)00:07
wadiehow can I make this script run after the boot http://paste.ubuntu.com/8469477/00:09
ShadowSpiriti need install the ubuntu but i need the MAC OS too00:09
AlexQdaftykins: Can I move that recovery partition to the end of my HDD, to have the fastest space for system files then :D? Can I have a primary partition after an extended partition? Or maybe it doesn't have to be on a primary partition at all?00:11
might_get_loudcan someone help me with conky file?00:17
might_get_loudim running xubuntu 14.0400:18
might_get_loudi can send code via pastebin00:18
daftykinsAlexQ: i wouldn't even attempt that without a backup00:19
Krixvarhey all, having some issues getting my routing table to save over reboots.. gotta run the same command every time haha00:19
Krixvaris there something I have to run after the route command to get it to save?00:19
daftykinswhat are you adding?00:19
daftykinsshouldn't be necessary to add anything at all00:19
AlexQdaftykins: Okay, thank's very much. Maybe I'll try to Google for MS solution to rebuild the partition table on Windows side (back to basic), if that doesn't work maybe then try to remove D: drive and leave 3 primary partitions and then try if that back to basic option is available, if not, maybe I'll just purge the whole HDD then.00:22
wadiedaftykins, how can I make this script run after the boot http://paste.ubuntu.com/8469477/00:22
axscodehi guys i have a huge list of images about 7 gigs, and some of the filename has comma on it like this "123412341,12312321,12.jpg"  and i would like to rename them all into "123412341_12312321_12.jpg" from comma to underscore, is there a one liner command than can walk through each file in the directory.00:23
Krixvaryou mean what am I adding with route?00:23
daftykinsKrixvar: ...yes...00:23
AlexQdaftykins: If I decide to purge the whole partition table, should I re-create the partition table using Xubuntu, or Windows? And what about those UFI and MSDOS formats?00:23
BarnacleBobaxscode, man rename00:24
Krixvardaftykins: sorry couldn't tell if it was another conversation -- I have to add my router every time... I have no idea how but it was just on a few days ago and my internet connection dropped00:24
daftykinsAlexQ: i would nuke the disk from xubuntu live session, install Windows (and pick a partition size smaller than the HDD) then install xubuntu after00:24
Krixvara friend helped me find a command but it doesn't persist00:24
daftykinsKrixvar: is your system set to get an IP via DHCP or static?00:25
Krixvardaftykins: dhcp00:25
Krixvardaftykins: I have to run sudo route add default gw (router ip) every boot00:25
daftykinsKrixvar: doesn't sound like it's setup quite right, have you got an install that's been upgraded between releases in the past?00:26
axscodeBarnacleBob: ah so rename 'y/,/_/' *00:26
AlexQdaftykins: Okay, thanks. Going to bed lol, goodnight to those in more compatible timezones! :D00:26
daftykinsKrixvar: yeah i know what you're running :) but it should be totally unnecessary00:26
Krixvardaftykins: gotcha, and yeah I know, its been working fine for months though and it just dropped when I was writing an email a few days ago... I thought our isp had dropped our connection or something because I wasn't doing anything remotely system-breaking :P00:27
hfpHi all, my gf's laptop now shows `no suitable module for running kernel found` when booting and stops there. We suspect her drive is full. What can I do besides freeing some space? Is the kernel missing?00:27
daftykinsfull disk does not stop booting00:27
daftykinshfp: hold left shift as the system is about to read from the disk to boot, then try picking an older kernel00:28
usr13hfp: could be missing initrd.gz00:28
might_get_loudaxscode: you can use python00:29
daftykinsKrixvar: so, is it an upgraded install or not?00:30
Krixvardaftykins: yes, multiple times iirc but at least once from 13.10-14.0400:31
somsipaxscode: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/19058/how-to-replace-one-char-with-another-in-all-filenames-of-the-current-directories00:31
hfpdaftykins: It has about 20 other kernels. I tried a few, they all say the same error00:31
daftykinsKrixvar: test what it does from a live session, if it's ok - you need to reset your network-manager config somehow00:32
Ben64hfp: virtualbox?00:32
daftykinshfp: time to boot a live session00:32
Krixvardaftykins: I've tested on windows dual boot and multiple other devices and it works fine, should I still test kubuntu live in addition on this machine?00:32
hfpBen64: No and all I can find in Google about that issue is with virtualbox00:32
usr13hfp: Use a boot disk and mount your file systems and have a look around.  Oh, is it a client on a vbox?00:33
Ben64hfp: yeah thats why i asked00:33
hfpdaftykins: Ok, and then what?00:33
daftykinshfp: we'll cross that bridge once you get to it00:33
usr13hfp: Is it a guest os on vbox?  Or a normal install?00:33
daftykinsguys the original question was a screen up, and states laptop00:34
daftykinsdon't waste a users time if you're not willing to look up =|00:34
usr13daftykins: Well, looks like Ben64 wanted to make sure it wasn't a vbox system, (a valid question).00:35
daftykinsoh as in a vbox host - ok i understand, apologies.00:35
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Ben64hfp: done anything weird with kernels? ppa, compile, etc00:36
hfpBen64: not that I know of00:36
hfpall: It's not a vbox, it's an actual system00:37
usr13hfp: Did you just do updates to it?00:37
hfpdaftykins: Ok I'm booted on a LiveCD00:37
hfpusr13: Yeah I think she did, then rebooted and then that00:37
daftykinshfp: install pastebinit and share "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"00:37
hfpdaftykins: I cant pipe it through to pastebinit because it's asking whether this is a GPT partition table Y/n00:41
daftykinspastebin manually then sir00:41
mjayksexual presumption there00:41
daftykinsmjayk: inappropriate speak for this channel, thanks00:42
hfpdaftykins: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/15a33016a302fc2302a300:43
usr13hfp: I think you should chroot to the filesystem.00:43
daftykinsusr13: that's what i would've gotten to next, would you like to takeover?00:44
mjaykre-read it daftykins paying attention to your previous statment; you should not assume a person in here is a particular sex. You wouldn't do it with skin colour00:44
daftykinsmjayk: don't waste my time00:44
mjaykim not im educating you its up to you if you think thats time wasting00:45
daftykinsmjayk: do not speak such rubbish to me again.00:46
mjaykif you want to contiune in your uneducated sexist ways then don't worry i shant be speaking to you again :)00:46
rypervencheHa! Saying "shant" without the apostrophe makes you a big man :)00:48
usr13hfp: http://paste.linuxassist.net/view/2384c21b00:48
hfpguys/girls, my gf is putting pressure on us to solve this mystery00:48
daftykinshfp: an emergency on her part does not make one on ours i'm afraid00:49
hfpusr13: Thanks, do you think that will work for 12.04 too? Forgot to mention she's running 12.04 and not 14.0400:50
daftykinsit'll be fine00:50
hfpAlright, let me try this and report back00:51
usr13hfp: Yea, should be good for both.00:53
hfpNot sure which one I should mount for the first command. I have sda, sda{1,2,5}00:54
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tontrehi, I'm having problems with flash as well as other things, which I think has to do with broken repos, it would be awesome if someone would be willing to PM for a few minutes and help out00:56
usr13hfp: Probably hda1  Which one is swap?00:56
usr13hfp: sudo fdisk -l00:56
daftykinstontre: no, all help is in channel - you ask here.00:57
xanguatontre: ask the channel00:57
daftykinsusr13: do you have me on ignore?00:57
usr13daftykins: No, sorry, was on the phone....00:57
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daftykinsusr13: we pastebin'd parted -l earlier00:57
tontreok well I ran 12.04 perfectly for a few months but I stopped GPU mining, I tried upgrading to 14.04 but haven't been able to get it right yet00:57
hfpusr13: Yeah it was sda100:58
usr13daftykins: Oh, didn't see it.00:58
usr13hfp: Ok good.00:58
hfpOk but before I reinstall the kernel, I need to make some space. I think there are 0 bytes free on the disk00:58
tontreI have a red error at the top that says an error occurred when looking for updates, and my flash doesn't work with chronium and firefox constantly crashing00:58
hfpHow can I get into /boot and delete the 20 unused older kernels?00:58
hfpIs the /boot once I'm chrooted the /boot on the disk? or is it the one from the LiveCD?00:59
tontreI've tried a few clean installs with different boot sources with no luck00:59
usr13hfp: is your boot partition sda1?01:00
hfpusr13: Yes01:00
usr13hfp: Just looking at the output of parted and looks like your main filesystem is on sda5  and you have boot on sda1  Right?01:00
tontrelet me know if there is any information I could provide that would help solve the issue01:01
daftykinsusr13: sda5 being 4GB is swap no doubt01:01
usr13hfp: You don't have swap?01:01
usr13daftykins:   Oh ok.  Yea I see.01:01
daftykinsi was a tad surprised parted didn't label it as such, in fact01:02
hfpusr13: According to `sudo fdisk -l`, sda1 is the main volume, sda2 is extended and sda5 is swap01:02
usr13hfp: daftykins Sorry, was a bit distracted.01:02
daftykinsno problemo01:02
usr13hfp: Yea, your / is on sda101:02
usr13hfp: (root partition)01:02
usr13Ok guys I'm probably going to have to leave for a while, have a few things to take car of right quick.01:03
hfpusr13: Right, so if I `cd /boot`, that will be the /boot that's on sda, not the /boot of the LiveCD01:03
usr13hfp: Yea after you've chrooted to the filesystem.01:03
hfpusr13: Ok01:04
hfpI can't `apt-get` or ping once I'm chrooted. It seems like I have no network from within the chroot01:06
reisiomaybe you haven't01:06
hfpreisio: Was that for me?01:06
Wulframnhfp: yes. Why would you assume your chroot has network access if you can't ping?01:08
daftykinshfp: the channel is hardly busy. you might not have anything in the chroot's /etc/resolv.conf01:08
daftykinshfp: inside the chroot - "echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf01:09
daftykinsoops forgot a trailing "01:09
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tontrenow I'm getting 'Error: BrokenCount>0'01:09
ubottusodluv: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».01:11
daftykinshfp: my bad i didn't read your messages enough to see it was a little further than DNS.01:12
daftykinsi think this is a sign i should call it a night.01:12
sodluvverified western union account in france01:12
daftykinssodluv: do you have an ubuntu support question?01:12
daftykinsany active ops, time for a kicking ^01:13
sodluvany hackers here ?01:13
hfpafter apt-get install linux-image-generic, I get `grub-probe: error: can't find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1. Check your device.map`. Does that matter since sdb is the LiveCD?01:13
arthurfiggisHello :) I'd imagine this is getting to be a popular question lately...but is there any way that I could completely replace bash as the shell for both my user account as well as all others created in the future? I'm not sure what I'd use in its place so any recommendations there would be helpful as well!01:14
daftykinsarthurfiggis: that's a very unnecessary over reaction01:15
arthurfiggisdaftykins: i'm thinking of this only as a temporary measure, i run a server that i provide shell accounts for and...well, until the holes aren't so big that you could drive a truck through them, i'd like to at least switch to something a bit less risky :) not on a permanent basis of course, i'm sure the issues will be fixed swiftly enough!01:16
pbxsodluv, no, go away.01:16
Ben64arthurfiggis: pretty sure they're already all fixed01:17
daftykinsarthurfiggis: well, /etc/passwd contains users and their respective default shells at the end of the line... that would be one way to change en masse01:17
reisioarthurfiggis: the largest potential exploit had to do with web servers01:17
reisiobash as it relates to ssh'ing is basically exactly the same01:18
reisioif you can beat ssh, you win, always01:18
arthurfiggisBen64: hmm...that may be the case, although it seems that opinions are divided on the matter...some places i've read up on it suggest that there are still issues, but I'm not exactly an expert on shells I'll admit :) I'll have to do some more checking, thanks01:19
arthurfiggisreisio: that was the other one i was concerned about, the same server runs nginx...and obviously people are using ssh to connect to it, telnet is a bit too old fashioned for some people ;)01:20
arthurfiggisdaftykins: ahh, i wasn't sure if manually editing /etc/passwd might cause more problems than it would solve...that might be a good way of temporarily flipping a switch toward csh or zsh maybe, thanks for the suggestion!01:21
daftykinsnp, i still disagree with the action though, fwiw :)01:21
reisioarthurfiggis: heh01:22
reisioarthurfiggis: you probably already have dash as the default shell01:22
reisioarthurfiggis: you should be fine01:22
reisioutterly so if you keep up-to-date01:22
arthurfiggisdaftykins: well no problem having a disagreement with me, i could very well be wrong after all :) out of curiousity though, considering the recent news surrounding the potential exploits...why do you consider it a bad decision to temporarily switch? not trying to be grating or anything, just curious01:23
hfpdaftykins: Still the same issue after the chroot, deleting some older kernels and running `apt-get install linux-image-generic`01:23
arthurfiggisreisio: ahh, well i'm sure things are probably fine in that case...it's an up to date virtual server, so even if there were still vulnerabilities i can roll it back to a daily image in about 10 minutes :)01:24
daftykinsarthurfiggis: eh it's not based on any technical understanding, just i think the patch status is good enough if not complete now - and so action is just time wasting01:24
daftykinshfp: yeah none of those actions i would have done and none affect your issue01:24
reisioarthurfiggis: :)01:24
daftykinshfp: what's the latest kernel version? 3.2.0?01:25
hfpdaftykins: 3.2.0 got installed during the chroot, otherwise I have various 3.5.0 and 3.13.0 assortments01:26
arthurfiggisdaftykins: well that's a good point...my own understanding of it is limited to the original "exploit" and that's definitely been fixed, but i figured maybe just to be safe until the dust has settled a bit :)01:26
function9hi guys, when is the ETA for ubuntu 14.10 stable please?01:26
daftykinsfunction9: oh so you're a troll. goodbye01:27
daftykins(FYI: same user is in other software channels asking for next version release dates too)01:27
daftykinshfp: ok, that suggests the trusty hardware enablement stack is installed01:27
daftykinshfp: i'm way too asleep now to assist i'm afraid, backup data and clean install if you want a result quickly, or hope another volunteer shows up01:28
hfpdaftykins: I'd rather backup but of course her homedir is encrypted and there are no previous backups01:28
daftykinsugh encryption01:29
daftykinshfp: you should be able to unlock it via the chroot or something01:29
hfpI'm kinda hoping I can still somehow get in and decrypt to save the files and reinstall01:29
daftykinshfp: tell her her kitten pics aren't that special, in future ;)01:29
arthurfiggisdaftykins: ahh...i was wondering where i was reading that there might potentially be more issues beyond "shellshock" (why every security bug needs a cutesy nickname now I'll never know): http://www.itnews.com.au/News/396256,further-flaws-render-shellshock-patch-ineffective.aspx01:30
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daftykinsarthurfiggis: to feed to the great unwashed, so that the sensationalist media can waffle about it, sadly.01:30
daftykinsi don't know - and it's bed time for me01:31
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arthurfiggisdaftykins: well...sensationalist perhaps, that's the nature of most news sites, but the fact that someone's written a patch for the issues mentioned in the article is encouraging :) thanks, have a good day!01:32
hfpdaftykins, usr13: thanks for your help01:32
guest-lkajdf_431Can someone help me interpret the comment at the bottom of this tutorial for python on ubu 14? The person in the comment seems to be indicating something important but I'm not clear on what he is saying to do (maybe over my head).01:37
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arthurfiggisguest-lkajdf_431: all they're really saying there is that the particular ppa version of python they're talking about installs pip to /usr/local/bin...so if that breaks anything, they suggest modifying your path env variable to fix it :) i just use the version provided in the repo's01:41
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arthurfiggis(pip is a package for installing and tracking a lot of python-based stuff)01:42
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sherohello. Currently running Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit on VM Workstation. Trying to get multi-touch gestures to work. Currently two finger only works for vertical scrolling. I'm trying to get horizontal, but no success. Also, three finger swipe up types "e" while four finger swipe up types "d".01:43
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sparrI've booted the Ubuntu installer in graphical mode on a laptop with a bad internal screen and a good external monitor. I can see empty desktop and the right half of the top bar on the monitor. How can I get everything onto that monitor?01:44
snadgewhat is the status of hybrid nvidia/intel on laptops?01:45
reisiosnadge: working01:47
sheroactually, three finger swipe up does the following command (windows key + e) and four finger swipe up does (windows key + d)01:47
sheroanyone know how to edit this to make use of my multi-touch?01:47
sparrhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/278516/how-to-disable-laptops-lcd-and-use-external-monitor-as-only-output <-- can someone walk me through how to do this when I can't see the monitor with the main (top left) button on it?01:48
sheroso basically my question is: how can I edit my super + e and super + d combos to get actions01:49
lakitui used compiz settings manager's key bindings01:50
lakituoh - i wasn't reading you, maybe that's not what you need01:50
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sherolakitu i think youre right01:51
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sherolakitu I see a buch of Run commands01:51
TyrfingMjolnirMy /lib/modules is 3.8GB01:51
TyrfingMjolnirWhat to delete?01:51
sherolakitu how do I assign an action to it?01:52
ubottuGNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.01:52
lakitui forget shero, but i think it was pretty straightforward. just install compizconfig-settings-manager & compiz, & then open the compiz settings manager & find the bindings01:53
lakituprobably just like a line of shell01:53
lakitufind the key bindings*01:54
sherolakitu ok ya I just made the key binding for it. Now to just figure out what command line to use01:54
sparrapt-get and software center on my ubuntu live environment can't find photorec or testdisk. Do I need to add some package sources?01:54
sherolakitu how do I know command lines for actions?01:54
samthewildoneso when installing the minimal version of ubuntu, and I only want to install gnome 3 I would just do "install gnome-shell" ?01:54
lakituif you want to e.g. show desktop, then i think there's a different setting somewhere in compiz where you can assign something like Show Desktop to the super+d or whatever01:55
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sherolakitu so like if I want to show desktop action, how do I find that command01:55
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lakitushero: better off using compiz's premade thing for that - just find show desktop, i think it's in there01:55
lakituuse the search box for desktop01:55
lakituif you want super+e to be your filemanager, probably just need something like "gksudo dolphin" if it's dolphin01:56
lakitu"gksudo nautilus" etc01:56
lakituif it's nautilus01:56
lakitui'm a little in over my head, maybe someone else can help you the rest of the way01:56
TyrfingMjolnirhttps://bpaste.net/show/764d1bfa72b7 with uname -a01:57
sheroso the program that launches my file manager01:57
lakituthe program IS your file manager01:57
lakitucompiz will launch it when you use the key combination you bound the command to01:57
sherolakitu ubuntu has a shortcuts in the keyboard applet01:59
sheroit allows me to edit it01:59
lakitui think you can also assign key shortcuts to launchers02:01
lakituin their properties02:01
lakitui forget02:01
ZZRMikeI need to expand the available size of this directory (which is currently almost filling the drive it's on), is it possible to set up LVM on a second drive, move the current data over, then expand the LVM to utilize the first drive also? Is there a better solution?02:02
arthurfiggison a completely unrelated note to my questions re: bash earlier, has anyone been using steam with ubuntu 14.04 and had a good experience with it? i have an intel processor and a relatively new nvidia card for video, so i suspect if the games would run at all, they would run, but i figured i'd poll people here before i buy anything :)02:04
timmmaaaayyyon ubuntu server, i just installed some fonts to /usr/share/fonts and eerything seems to be working when i run my webserver as my user.  however, when i run it as the ruby user, it doesn't work.  do system users (or whatever that would be called) not use the same font locations or something?02:06
edvetimmmaaaayyy, look into the bashrc configuration of your user02:08
edvethere might be something for you there02:09
timmmaaaayyynothing really at all in there02:10
nishantjr_Any idea why/how firefox on 12.04 would be bypassing pulseaudio?02:12
nishantjr_* Flash on firefox02:12
Bashing-omTyrfingMjolnir: Is it your desire to remove old kernels ? dpkg -l | grep linux | pastebinit , and will craft up the command to do so.02:14
TyrfingMjolnirpaste bin it? or pastebinit ?02:15
Bashing-omTyrfingMjolnir: pastebinit , as given, please.02:15
cfhowlett!paste | TyrfingMjolnir02:16
ubottuTyrfingMjolnir: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:16
=== CoreIT84 is now known as Corey84
CapprenticeI have a squid cache configured for transparency, i want to have a setup where i will be able to let my squid send the IP Address of the client not the IP address of the squid. in summary i want the IP Address to be generated from the client and not from my squid IP Address.02:16
CapprenticeHow can I achieve this?02:16
TyrfingMjolnirBashing-om: https://bpaste.net/show/22bfaa48f63d02:16
Bashing-omTyrfingMjolnir: K .. gimme a bit.02:17
cfhowlettTyrfingMjolnir, sudo apt-get autoremove will remove all but the most recent 2 kernels.02:17
TyrfingMjolnircfhowlett: But uname -a says an older kernel...02:18
TyrfingMjolnirHow will I enable a new one in grub?02:18
cfhowlettTyrfingMjolnir, then you booted an older kernel.  remove kernels.  reboot.  the most recent kernel is the default - unless you manually specify otherwise.02:19
TyrfingMjolnirapt-get autoremove is removing about half of them02:19
TyrfingMjolnirBut only the headers02:20
cfhowlettTyrfingMjolnir, http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-uninstall-the-old-kernels-in-ubuntu/02:20
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AaraigathorHow do I set Ubuntu 14.04 to boot into "degraded" automatically if a drive fails in RAID1?02:26
Bashing-omTyrfingMjolnir: cfhowlett // sudo dpkg -P linux-image-3.2.0-{37,38,39,40,41,43,44,45,48,51,53,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,63,64,65,67}-generic , next is to remove those few headers that remain on the system.02:27
rwpAaraigathor, That should be the default. Except the BIOS often only boots the first drive. So make sure the first drive is the good one. Or don't reboot.02:29
TyrfingMjolnirBashing-om: I just did apt-get purge 37-5302:29
Aaraigathorrwp : Isn't there some option to set 'bootdegraded=true' ? I am using ssh to connect remotely and I need the system to boot into degraded in a drive fails, not just drop into a initramfs console02:33
allenevening folks, anyone had this error before, i'm running a game through Play On Linux, the error is. This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows"02:33
rwpAaraigathor, If the machine is running and the system is up, but has a failed device, my best advice is NOT to reboot until you are prepared to replace the device.02:34
rwpAaraigathor, And replace the failed device as soon as possible. Before the remaining one fails.02:34
rwpBecause if the failed device is the first one the BIOS would boot then it won't boot unattended.02:34
rwpIn that case it would be necessary to manually reconfigure the drives so that the good drive is the boot device.02:35
rwpAnd you can't do that remotely.02:35
rwpAaraigathor, Background needed: Are you using LVM?02:35
Aaraigathorrwp : Both the drives are bootable independantly of each other02:35
Aaraigathorrwp: No, not using LV<02:35
rwpAaraigathor, I have seen systems with /dev/sda and /dev/sdb and sda fails and the BIOS will not boot /dev/sdb because the other drive is still there, but failing.02:36
rwpAaraigathor, Does your /proc/cmdline show a UUID for the root file system?02:37
rwpcat /proc/cmdline02:37
Aaraigathorrwp: I have tested each drive independently and they boot. I have not tried it with a primary dead drive still attached to see if it would boot. Hope it doesn't come to that.02:37
rwpHope not too. But that is a motherboard firmware (not always BIOS these days) dependent issue.02:38
rwpBasically the initramfs has a copy of /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf UUIDs for each of the /dev/md* devices.02:38
AaraigathorYes, it shows a UUID02:38
rwpAt boot the initramfs will try to create all of those /dev/md* devices from that table that is cached into the initrd.02:38
Bashing-omTyrfingMjolnir: Why not all those old kernels ? // and why booting from such and old kernel ?02:38
rwpSince you are not using LVM I expect one of those file system UUIDs will map to one of the /dev/md* file systems.02:39
rwpIt will try to assemble the raid. It will then try to use that root file system.02:39
rwpIt fails to boot if it can't do those things.02:39
hfpJust curious, why does Ubuntu keep a zillion old kernels in /boot ? Is there a way to autoremove say anything else than the 5 last?02:39
rwphfp, those old kernels are just lint. It is housekeeping to clean them up. But nothing does it automatically. Must do it manually.02:40
rwphfp, Because if it were done automatically then assuredly someone would come back with "Hey! I was using that."02:40
rwpAaraigathor, Just fyi but RHEL/CentOS does the raid assembly completely differently.02:41
guest-lkajdf_431arthurfiggis: sorry for delay, something came up unexpectedly. Thank you. I can look up how to do that.02:41
rwpAaraigathor, No transfer of knowledge possible.02:41
Aaraigathorrwp : My worry is that I will be hours away from the system and all of a sudden a drive might fail but I will still need to be able to access that system with the single drive in there02:41
TyrfingMjolnirBashing-om: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS \n \l02:41
TyrfingMjolnirBashing-om: How do I install a newer kernel?02:42
zenlikeeeee, the xkbmodmap command you gave me worked in ~/.profile02:42
rwpAaraigathor, If you have your system swap on raid1 too then the system will keep running okay. Just as long as you don't reboot it.02:42
zenlike:) good lookin' out02:42
TyrfingMjolnirUsing apt that is02:42
hfprwp: Right, so every now and then I have to rm old kernels02:42
TyrfingMjolnirI can download and compile the kernel, but would like to keep the packaging system working02:42
Aaraigathorrwp : The swap is on raid1. How would I know if a drive has failed though without doing cat /proc/mdstat everytime I ssh into it though?02:43
rwphfp, Right. At whatever time you feel you should clean then you can clean older kernels out. I always leave a couple for booting back to if needed.02:43
TyrfingMjolnirapt-get install linux-image-3.8.0-44-generic ?02:43
rwpAaraigathor, The mdadm daemon will notify you, usually by email. Let me double check how that config works. You have email out from the server to you?02:44
TyrfingMjolnirBashing-om: linux-image-3.13.0-36-generic appears to be latest02:44
Bashing-omTyrfingMjolnir: Once you have the operating head room. I would -> sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade , sudo apt-get dist-upgrade . The latest kernel will be installed . as to what you will boot when you re-boot, should be that ltest kernel, but with you presently booting such an old kernel I have to wonder if there is a system problem.02:45
jkhlis there are convenient way to decrypt, open, save and encrypt files on a USB pen drive?02:45
Aaraigathorrwp : I ran dpkg-reconfigure mdadm and set the email notification to my email. I'm not sure how that'll work though, I don't have a mail server or anything set up02:45
jkhlwhich is also secure02:45
arthurfiggisguest-lkajdf_431: oh no problem, hopefully that part won't be too difficult...they seem to explain it there but i've never used that particular version of python from a ppa...so i'd say their instructions are probably the best in that case! just a minor alteration to the script02:45
TyrfingMjolnirWill python 2.7 still work if I do: apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade ; apt-get dist-upgrade02:47
Bashing-omTyrfingMjolnir: 3.13 series is the kernels for trusty .. your series is precise . you do not have HWE (good) so will not have the later kernel series.02:47
MDTech-us_MANI have ubintu server and I would like to assign some static IPv6 addresses02:47
TyrfingMjolnirMDTech-us_MAN: ifconfig02:47
TyrfingMjolnir /etc/network/interfaces02:47
MDTech-us_MANsadly, I don't know what the gateway should be02:47
rwpAaraigathor, AFAICS mdadm daemon sends email by default, no config changes needed. See the man page. Search for email.02:48
MDTech-us_MANI though I could set it to dhcp and write down the gateway it gives02:48
MDTech-us_MANbut I have no idea how02:48
MDTech-us_MANhow to see what gateway I mean02:48
TyrfingMjolnirMDTech-us_MAN: Are you connected to an IPv6 source?02:48
rwpTyrfingMjolnir, Please pastebin your interfaces that you have and I will peek at it.02:48
MDTech-us_MANwhat do you mean?02:48
MDTech-us_MANI do have IPv6 internet access02:49
TyrfingMjolnirMDTech-us_MAN: Is there IPv6 at the other end of the cable?02:49
Aaraigathorrwp : So if I enter my email into the config, it'll just send it without any questions? Do I not need some type of email server setup?02:49
Bashing-omMDTech-us_MAN: does not -> route -n <- give you your gateway IP ?02:49
rwpAaraigathor, It will send to root by default.  You should definitely have root email set to mail to you. Because there will be a lot of other notifications that way too.02:50
TyrfingMjolnirMDTech-us_MAN: ifconfig interface [inet6] dhcp start02:50
MDTech-us_MANroute -n only gives IPv4 gateway02:50
rwpAaraigathor, If you haven't been reading it there will be a lot of noise. But after you take care of the noise things will be just what you need.02:50
Bashing-omMDTech-us_MAN: ahhh .. :(02:50
TyrfingMjolnirifconfig interface [inet6] dhcp inform02:50
MDTech-us_MANwhat is [inet6] supposed to mean02:51
MDTech-us_MANdo I have to put my nic there?02:51
Aaraigathorrwp : I had changed the email target to my email address instead of the default root. Should I be changing that back then?02:51
MDTech-us_MANor did you mean it literally02:51
rwpAaraigathor, Your best thing is to set up a test / victim machine on a work bench and set up raid1 for testing.  Then test it. Pull a drive. Observe the mail going out. Play. Experiement on the victim machine.02:51
rwpAaraigathor, Doesn't really matter. But you should get the root email. And if so then you don't need to change the mdadm (or anything else) specifically.02:52
MDTech-us_MANif I do it literally, I get "[inet6]: Unknown server error"02:52
Aaraigathorrwp : How do I access root email?02:52
MDTech-us_MANI think I understand what you ment02:53
MDTech-us_MANsudo ifconfig eth0 inet6 dhcp inform02:53
MDTech-us_MANgetaddrinfo: dhcp: -202:53
MDTech-us_MANdhcp: No address associated with name02:53
MDTech-us_MANthat is what i eget02:53
unopasteMDTech-us_MAN you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted02:53
rwpAaraigathor, uhmm...  Deep question.  I use "mutt".  It is a text mode mailer.  But if you forward the email to your main email account then you can read it as you would normally.02:53
rwpAaraigathor, The question of mailers can go on for hours.02:54
rwpAaraigathor, But this tells me that you probably don't have your server set up to forward mail either.02:54
MDTech-us_MANany ideas TyrfingMjolnir02:54
rwpAaraigathor, Probably more than I can help with at this moment. But others can. Or on the mailing list.02:54
Aaraigathorrwp : Unfortunately I haven't looked into all of this. I'm not the most experienced. The server is being built as a minecraft server for a bunch of locals who asked me and I said why not. I've made a few basic servers before but never dealt with details like mail or mail forwarding. Is there no easy way to have the server send me an email directly to my main email account? Or is that an in-depth process02:57
rwpAaraigathor, Usually you have an MTA (mail transport agent) installed such as Postfix.02:58
rwpAaraigathor, Postfix will need reasonable configuration for the hostname. As in, don't make up a domain name for it.02:58
rwpAaraigathor, Then it will be set to exchange email from that server to the outside world.02:59
rwpAaraigathor, Basically install Postfix and try to send email from the local machine to your main email address.02:59
rwpAaraigathor, Maybe you will be lucky and everything will work out great!02:59
rwpAaraigathor, To send email just a very simple test works. Such as "echo test | mailx -s test you@example.com"03:00
rwpAaraigathor, Of course that assumes that mailx is installed.  An old command line mailer. Simple for testing. Don't use it to read email. But for got simple tests like the above.03:00
rwpAaraigathor, If that works then you know the system (aka mdadm) can send you mail in the event of a raid problem.03:01
rwpAaraigathor, I think there is even a way for mdadm to send test messages.03:01
Haugli92Hi, does anyone know how to just visit a page on Ubuntu server ? Page requires htaccess user/pass?03:01
rwpAaraigathor, Without an MTA installed the email will simply sit on the local machine in /var/mail/root and you would have to log in to read it. Not as nice.03:01
Aaraigathorneither mailx or postfix are currently installed. Wouldn't be difficult to install though. I'll have to look into setting it up. So, forgetting this idea for now, if I have it sent to root, how can I access that?03:02
rwpLog in as root. Depending upon things you should see a mail file sitting in /var/mail/root or possibly /var/mail/nobody.03:02
rwpPostfix for example delivers root mail not as the root (uid=0) user but as the nobody (uid=-2) user by default. Security and all of that.03:03
rwpIf it is /var/mail/root then simply "mutt".  If /var/mail/nobody then "mutt -f /var/mail/nobody".03:03
rwpYou can get out of mutt with 'q'.03:03
rwpAll else you can read the on screen menus and other help for it.03:03
rwpPress F1 for the manual.03:04
rwpBut remember that mailers like mutt are like a favorite editor. Everyone has their favorite.03:04
Basketball i have a cronjob to suspend and wake my pc except as soon as the pc sleeps the clock stops working so it never wakes up and i have to manually wake it03:05
Basketballwhen i wake it it still has the time that it slept at03:05
AaraigathorI do not login as root though. Tbh I don't even know how to. Ubuntu picks some random password for root and doesn't tell you afaik03:06
Aaraigathorrwp : Could I set the email target to my user name? Would that send the email to my user in that location?03:07
TyrfingMjolnirHow can I check which packages are installed from backports?03:07
TyrfingMjolnirusing dpkg or apt?03:07
=== zzz_Ridley is now known as Ridley5
trismTyrfingMjolnir: synaptic allows you to list packages by Origin (with the button on the left), otherwise this is similar: http://askubuntu.com/questions/313806/how-to-list-available-backport-upgrades03:17
rwpAaraigathor, You can always use "sudo mutt -f /var/mail/nobody" just fine03:18
RustyShacklefordcan you change the behavior of alt+tab to include instances of the same program?03:23
RustyShacklefordsay I want to alt+tab between two instances of my browser, as opposed to alt+`03:23
TyrfingMjolnirHow can I list packages by origin using dpkg, apt or aptitude?03:27
cfhowlettTyrfingMjolnir, origin meaning repo?03:28
sparrIs there an NTFS undelete utility for linux that can determine [partial] file paths and names? There are a few for Windows (Recuva, in particular, comes to mind), but things like photorec in linux seem to assign arbitrary folders and names to files.03:28
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away
TyrfingMjolnircfhowlett: yes03:29
cfhowlettTyrfingMjolnir, apt-cache show           includes the repo source03:29
rwpTyrfingMjolnir, Install apt-show-versions and use it03:30
rwpTyrfingMjolnir, apt-show-versions does *exactly* what you want.03:30
TyrfingMjolnirapt show is a gui or command line app?03:31
TyrfingMjolnirWhat I want is dpkg -l backports03:31
cfhowlettTyrfingMjolnir, command line            apt-cache show packagenamehere03:31
rwpapt-cache show is a command line tool.03:32
=== CoreIT84 is now known as Corey84
shahid56831hi everyone03:46
TyrfingMjolnirDoes that mean if I do: apt-show-versions | grep backports and there is no output backports was never used?03:47
Bashing-omshahid56831: Hello, this is support for ubuntu, You have a request ?03:50
shahid56831yes,how to use wifi on ubuntu.....i many time try but i can't connect03:51
usr13shahid56831: Does iwconfig show a section for wlan0 or eth0 or?  (One that does *not* say "no wireless extensions".)03:58
usr13shahid56831: And if you do see a section for one of the interfaces, does it show a proper ESSID:? (Network name that belongs to the desired Wireless Access Point.)04:00
shahid56831i don't know anything....is there any driver installation??04:00
usr13shahid56831: Is it a laptop or desktop?04:00
usr13shahid56831: Open a terminal window and type "iwconfig" (without quotes), and hit enter.  See what it says.04:01
usr13shahid56831: Do all the interfaces say "no wireless extensions"?  (In the output of iwconfig.)04:02
usr13shahid56831: lspci |grep ireless   #Tell us what that says.04:05
yousirwinhuge noob here04:05
yousirwinwhy is this returning undefined?04:05
yousirwinvar fps = document.getElementById('feas');04:05
yousirwinvar afps = fps * .2;04:05
yousirwinvar aafps = fps - afps;04:05
yousirwindocument.getElementById('field').value = aafps.value;04:05
usr13shahid56831: (It should identify your wireless device.)04:05
unopasteyousirwin you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted04:05
yousirwinwrong channel lol04:06
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList04:07
shahid56831but is there any driver installation??04:11
guest-lkajdf_431How can I share make a shared folder on the local system (ubuntu 14)?04:14
guest-lkajdf_431To share between users on the same04:14
guest-lkajdf_431I see stuff on the internet about sharing files between computers on a network but this is users on the same box04:17
somsipguest-lkajdf_431: add them to the same group, and make the group sticky on the folder04:18
aarcaneDoes the Ubuntu Project provide a download that mixes the best of both a livecd (fully functional live environment) and netinstall (none of the overhead of a full ondisk package repository) ?04:18
guest-lkajdf_431somsip: Cool, can do that. What about a location for the folder? I recall trying to do this once in the past and ran into probs bc I was locating it inside the home folder or something.04:19
somsipaarcane: best? You seem to want a live install that is very small. Is that right? There is only the liveDVD or an install iso04:19
somsipguest-lkajdf_431: you'd need to set permissions correctly if you wanted inside a directory that was not accessible to the group04:20
=== Ridley5 is now known as zzz_Ridley
aarcanesomsip, The idea I'm thinking about is the general fact that the distro is generally updated significantly after the initial iso download.  I want a disk that I can stick in to do hardware testing, or perform an install from, but that doesn't include the whole install repository, doubly so since updates that occur after install are often upwards of 200-300MB, or a third of the original ISO size04:21
aarcanesomsip, I think it would reduce overall bandwidth usage for the normal usecase of "download iso once, install one-two times at most"04:22
somsipaarcane: Maybe you will need to roll your own https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization04:22
guest-lkajdf_431somsip: I'd rather locate it outside /home   but I know some system folders have funny perms too that I don't want to change/ mess with (situations where the parent dir has tighter perms gets weird?). What do you think would be normal? /usr/share   or something?04:23
aarcanesomsip, Meh, no point for me to just roll my own.  One user isn't a lot of bandwidth compared to all the users who download the iso to do the install once.04:23
somsipguest-lkajdf_431: if you want to try to stick to a standard, /srv probably. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard04:25
guest-lkajdf_431its cool man. I gotta run anyhow. Thx n' peace04:25
somsipaarcane: well you say "I want a disk" then say there is "no point for me to roll my own". I don't think I can help you04:26
aarcanesomsip, Replace "I want a disk" with "What I was hoping would be available now or in the future because it seems like a generally good idea is..."04:27
TyrfingMjolnirapt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade?04:31
usr13shahid56831: Establish a wired internet connection, do all updates, reboot, see if it works then.  If not tell us the make and model of the wireless network interface and we can help you further.  (Without specific information about your equipment, there is not much we can do.)04:31
TyrfingMjolnirmany errors on extracting templates from packages under dist-upgrade04:36
=== mgolisch_ is now known as mgolisch
samthewildoneis it possible to push all screenshots to a folder by default ?04:40
samthewildoneexample, when I press screenshot on my keyboard, the default folder with be a path to folder I have.04:40
samthewildoneInstead of having to manually go to that path everytime.04:41
=== hacdc is now known as summakor
abaddonHey guys, I know this is the wrong site for this but does anyone know an chat site for html discussions?04:50
lotuspsychje!alis | abaddon04:50
ubottuabaddon: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:50
abaddon!alis html04:51
TyrfingMjolnirIs linux-image-3.13.0-36-generic latest kernel in trusty?04:52
abaddonlotuspsychje: Thanks =]04:53
samthewildoneTyrfingMjolnir, yes04:55
samthewildoneTyrfingMjolnir, err I would assume so.04:55
samthewildoneTyrfingMjolnir, I did a check on my system looks like it.04:55
TyrfingMjolnirQuite old still04:56
TyrfingMjolnirBack in the days when there was 1.3 and 2.0 kernels we used to compile them ourselves.04:56
Moogly2012people still do04:57
wamichoi need assistance with this error when i run boot repair on my pc04:57
wamichoThe boot files of [The OS now in use - Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS] are far from the start of the disk. Your BIOS may not detect them. You may want to retry after creating a /boot partition (EXT4, >200MB, start of the disk). This can be performed via tools such as gParted. Then select this partition via the [Separate /boot partition:] option of [Boot Repair]. (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootPartition)04:57
TyrfingMjolnirI still do sometimes04:57
TyrfingMjolnirBut only experimental04:57
LoshkiTyrfingMjolnir: but then what a pain in the ass to maintain...05:02
TyrfingMjolnirLoshki: I only do for certain development projects05:03
TyrfingMjolnirNever in production05:03
rostamwhat is the difference between between  zlib1g_1%3a1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb package and zlib1g_1.2.8.dfsg-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb05:05
TyrfingMjolnirIs there a GeoMirror for ubuntu? https://wiki.debian.org/DebianGeoMirror05:08
TyrfingMjolnirrostam: %3a = :? http://www.robelle.com/smugbook/ascii.html05:09
Loshkirostam: dunno, does apt-cache showsrc zlib1g say anything. I suppose you could download the source and look at the changelog (if there is one).05:12
Loshki10 quatloos says they're identical...05:14
TyrfingMjolnirWhat is 10 quatloos?05:14
LoshkiTyrfingMjolnir: a fictional currency...05:17
TyrfingMjolnirSo now web diff thing05:17
TyrfingMjolnirWhy not download them both and do a diff -b?05:17
Loshkiwamicho: I assume it used to boot? In that case, you shouldn't need to move /boot, and something else has gone wrong. Or has this never worked?05:21
=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest63529
LoshkiTyrfingMjolnir: a fictional currency, roughly equivalent to 4 elvish shillings.05:25
TyrfingMjolnirI see05:26
TyrfingMjolnirI guess bitcoin is between USD and elvish shillings somewhere?05:26
LoshkiIf it doesn't disappear up its own behind first...05:27
wamichoLoshki : it has never worked05:28
wamichojust installed ubuntu on uefi machine which had windows 7 ...05:29
Loshkiwamicho: sorry, I've no experience with uefi. Anyone?05:29
wamicholoshki: read in u buntu forum  if i need to dual boot i need to boot repair but it give me that error ?05:30
=== dodie|off is now known as dodie
=== dodie is now known as Guest92131
ecstoianMorning. I've a problem with my Ubuntu 14.04. My Unity doesn't load anymore after I login, I only see the desktop wallpaper and I am able to right click on the desktop... nothing else. I remember changing some compiz settings and removing some unity-lens* packages.05:31
eeeeecstoian: can you access a tty? ( ctrl+ alt + f1 )05:32
squintywamicho,  maybe see if any of the following information applies to your system    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:32
ecstoianI can acces the normal GNOME desktop05:32
ecstoianjust not Unity05:32
eeeeecstoian: ok, access that05:33
eeeeand launch compiz, check if the unity plugin is enabled05:33
ecstoianeeee, how do I launch compiz ?05:34
eeeetype ccsm in a terminal05:34
ecstoianCan't find it in the applications menu, and don't know the commandline for it05:34
ecstoianeeee, the unity plugin is not enabled05:35
malkaunsecstoian: what do u mean by "launch compiz" ?05:35
malkaunsyes you'll have to enable unity05:35
ecstoianmalkauns, I meant the settings manager05:35
eeeeecstoian: enable it05:35
squintysudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager05:36
ecstoianthanks, brb to check if it works now :)05:36
ecstoianUnity still doesn't load fine when I choose it from the Login screen; but it is loaded fine on top of the already started GNOME session.05:40
ecstoianany idea how can I fix this ?05:40
eeeeecstoian: ok, open a terminal and type05:40
eeeedconf reset -f /org/compiz05:40
ecstoianeeee, I should run that from within this GNOME session ?05:41
eeeesorry i mean dconf -reset -f /org/compiz05:41
eeeeecstoian: yeah05:41
bojanglesi installed ubuntu server edition on an old computer at home, and then installed a gui environment ontop of it, would it run faster as a personal computer if i just reinstalled normal ubuntu?05:41
ecstoianeeee, error: unknown command -reset05:41
ecstoianit is without -05:41
lotuspsychjebojangles: try lubuntu or xubuntu 14.0405:41
ecstoianeeee, brb05:42
eeeeoh my05:42
lotuspsychjebojangles: or install a fast ssd inside with ubuntu05:42
bojanglesis it possible to directly install lubuntu via terminal to the machien lotuspsychje ?05:43
bojanglesor debian? i'm more used to debian05:43
ecstoianeeee, same behavior.05:43
eeeeecstoian: you don't need to exit05:43
eeeedoes the guest account work?05:44
ecstoianlet me check05:44
ecstoianeeee, yea, Guest works fine.05:46
eeeeecstoian: ok, it's a configuration issue05:46
ecstoianeeee, can I reset my config to default or something ?05:47
eeeeyeah, try to remove rm -rf ~/.compiz05:47
eeeewe can try to remove them05:47
eeeehold on05:47
ecstoianthat diretory is absent05:47
eeeeok dont exit05:47
eeeeare you sure?05:47
eeeewhat's the exact command you're typing?05:48
eeee( seems odd it wouldnt be there )05:48
ecstoianls -al ~/.compiz05:48
ecstoianmay be it's .config/compiz-1 ?05:48
ecstoianI remember removing that yesterday, but in vain05:49
eeeethat's another folder05:49
eeeetry rm -rf ~/.gconf05:49
ecstoianokay brb05:49
ecstoianeeee, nope, doesn't work.05:51
eeeeas a last resort, you could rename ~/.config05:51
eeeesee if it works05:51
Kanaguany body help me i have major problem in ubuntu05:55
ecstoianeeee, nope, renaming .config doesn't work. I reverted back to the old .config now.05:57
eeeeecstoian: weird05:57
eeeeecstoian: you could try sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop05:57
ecstoianisn't there any way to send a terminal window to the gnome session from without X ?05:57
ecstoianthis way I may be able to start ccsm05:57
Kanagueeee:  hello05:57
Kanaguca n u help me05:57
eeeeecstoian: say what05:58
eeeeKanagu: chill05:58
eeeeecstoian: you want to open a terminal window in gnome?05:58
Kanagueeee : after restart my ubuntu 12.04 going 6 months ols status05:58
ecstoianeeee, yea, but I have no menus, nothing.05:58
eeeei thought gnome was working?05:58
ecstoianno, I mean Unity, sorry05:58
Kanagueee : i cant find my find my which is in home folders05:58
eeeeecstoian: oh ok05:59
eeeeyou can do export DISPLAY:0.05:59
eeeethen type ccsm05:59
eeeeit'll open that in whatever is in ctrl+alt+f705:59
eeeesorry DISPLAY=:006:00
ecstoianeeee, thanks, I'll try that.06:00
eeeeKanagu: what's the problem?06:01
RustyShacklefordunity works pretty well IMO06:12
RustyShacklefordbut its so ugly06:12
RustyShacklefordcartoon-y icons, purple everywhere06:13
swift110-phoneI hate unity06:13
swift110-phoneBut mate is great06:13
RustyShacklefordswift110-phone, is the the lightweight Qt one?06:15
RustyShacklefordor Mint's gui?06:15
LabanI think it's pretty nice actually.06:16
swift110-phoneMate the desktop environment06:16
swift110-phoneIs awesome06:16
chemdr1121i need help connecting my computer to my hp printer06:16
RustyShacklefordi hate to say it, but windows has a much more visually pleasing GUI06:17
RustyShacklefordblue is very easy on the eyes06:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:17
somsipRustyShackleford: there are many different WMs that will work with ubuntu. If you don't like unity, dont use it06:17
chemdr1121i need to print my 30 day notice but i cant get the wireless to connect from my laptop to hp printer06:17
eeee!ot | homophobic chatter not supported in06:17
ubottuhomophobic chatter not supported in: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:17
chemdr1121anyone help06:18
RustyShacklefordfair enough. Not trying to start a flame war or anything, just discussing things I like and don't like about Unity06:18
hateballchemdr1121: Are they on the same LAN, or are you trying to create an ad-hoc connection?06:18
swift110-phoneIts not a sin to say u dont like unity06:18
chemdr1121same lan06:19
RustyShacklefordwell I do like Unity. I just think it's rather ugly too06:19
chemdr1121should be a straight shot from comp to router out to printer06:19
RustyShacklefordthe keyboard shortcuts for managing windows are great06:19
swift110-phoneBesides ubuntu is doing a mate remix anyway06:19
chemdr1121its an hp 352006:19
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swift110-phoneWhich is what they should have done sooner06:19
swift110-phoneStill it may very well have an effect on linux mint06:20
eeeeRustyShackleford: i think once you get past the purple, it's pretty elegant, and i find 14.04 icons to very nice compared to 12.10 or so, the simplicity is awesome06:20
swift110-phonePersonally i loved ubuntu 10.1006:20
eeeeRustyShackleford: i mean the windows borders and everything is way better than any other DE06:20
RustyShacklefordi'm still on the fence about the window borders06:20
eeeeit's more refined and elegant06:21
RustyShacklefordalso, I don't really like the way it handles multiple instances of a program06:21
RustyShacklefordanyway to make alt+tab switch between multiple instances too?06:21
eeeeRustyShackleford: if you leave it over the instance it'll let you choose between them, or you can press alt+~06:22
RustyShacklefordI know there is alt+~, but my muscle memory goes for alt+tab haha06:22
eeeethis just it over them06:22
eeeelol, im sleepy06:23
eeeejust leave it over them06:23
eeeei use the launcher icon06:24
eeeeclicking twice on it opens them up06:24
eeeeand i use compiz's click to minimize, so if you open with the launcher you can minimize with it by clicking it again06:24
swift110-phoneI miss the spinning cube06:26
RustyShacklefordhaha I always thought the spinning cube was really gimmicky06:29
QAEngineerdoes anyone here know if video chat site (e.g. chaturbate, myfreecams) run on a linux server farm?06:39
somsip!ot | QAEngineer06:40
ubottuQAEngineer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:40
erespondcan i make login ubuntu like starx06:49
Guest____yes you can06:49
=== Guest____ is now known as necro666
dreamcat5can anyone recommend a good but cheap 802.11n + bt4.0 mini pci-e module for a cheap laptop?06:50
dreamcat5it looks like it has 1 antenna for wifi, and 1 antenna for bluetooth06:51
dreamcat5(must also work well in windows)06:51
bipulHello I am getting this messages on my terminal frequenlty when ever i am trying to upgrade my Ubuntu 14.10 LTS via commad line "sudo apt-get upgrade" http://paste.ubuntu.com/8471068/06:54
necro666sudo apt-get install -f06:54
HikaruBGhi guys, how to find out which user:group does apache uses to access my local server files?06:55
bipulnecro666: Are you talking to me? if yes then yes, I have tried that command, but it does not worked out.06:56
=== kiwicam is now known as Guest34914
john_ramboI have enabled spell checking in Midori by Preferences > Behavior > Enable Spell Checking but its not working. Any ideas ?06:56
necro666bipul: then clear apt cache :D06:56
hateballHikaruBG: it would depend on website06:57
necro666john_rambo which languafe?06:57
john_rambonecro666, US English06:57
john_rambonecro666, Its not working on any website06:57
HikaruBGit should be www-data, but when I change the ownership of the necessary project to www-data so Apache can manipulate it - and it still gives me 500 Server Error06:58
hateballHikaruBG: assuming you only have a "standard" setup, with webroot in /var/www, "ls -lasvh /var/www" should show you all you need06:58
HikaruBGthanks hateball, let me see....06:59
HikaruBGhateball, /var/www belongs to root:root user/group07:00
HikaruBGi use virtual hosts to have sites directly from my work folder07:00
lkthomasanyone using preseed with permitrootlogin string yes?07:01
lkthomasI can't get it function properly07:01
hateballHikaruBG: well *where* are the files you want to show?07:02
hateballHikaruBG: Are you using mod_userdir ?07:03
HikaruBGhateball, i don't know. how can I check if I use that and how can I enable it07:04
hateballHikaruBG: Well. What are you trying to acheive, and what steps have you taken? You say your "work folder", which doesnt tell me anything07:05
hateballHikaruBG: at any rate, I am guessing #httpd is a better place for apache specific questions. If you are looking to use mod_userdir, the offical docs are pretty good http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_userdir.html07:08
HikaruBGthanks hateball07:09
eeeeHikaruBG:  apache2ctl -M | grep userdir , if it shows up it's enabled07:09
HikaruBGthanks eeee07:09
eeeeHikaruBG: you need sudo for that btw07:10
bipulstill there is a problem necro66607:18
bipulHello I am getting this messages on my terminal frequenlty when ever i am trying to upgrade my Ubuntu 14.10 LTS via commad line "sudo apt-get upgrade" http://paste.ubuntu.com/8471068/07:18
hateball!ubuntu+1 | bipul07:19
ubottubipul: Utopic Unicorn is the codename for Ubuntu 14.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+107:19
hateball!ask | rieit07:20
ubotturieit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:20
bipulhateball: I am asking the issue of 14.1007:20
bipulhateball: it's 14.04 LTS07:21
bcvery1!info /q ubottu07:25
ubottu'ubottu' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed07:25
bcvery1!info youtube-dl | rieit, use this, and stop shouting07:25
ubotturieit, use this, and stop shouting: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2014.02.17-1 (trusty), package size 231 kB, installed size 1080 kB07:25
Novice201yHello. Where is "update button" in Utopic "about computer"?07:26
cfhowlett!ubuntu+1 | Novice201y07:27
ubottuNovice201y: Utopic Unicorn is the codename for Ubuntu 14.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+107:27
Novice201ycfhowlett: TU07:27
cfhowlettNovice201y, happy2help07:27
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garnushow to install ubuntu on btrfs partition scheme(no gpt or mbr)?07:46
ikoniaI don't think btrfs is a selectable install option yet07:46
garnusikonia: any alternative methods?07:47
ikonianone that I'd recommend if you're asking how to do it07:47
garnussomthing like archlinux install?07:47
ikoniaarchlinux is nothing to do with ubuntu07:47
ikoniaso not sure why an archlinux install would be relevant to ubuntu07:47
garnusi know07:48
ikonia....ok ?07:48
tonwhat's wrong here? http://p.defau.lt/?rcn_tL9JmZqXU3anOCSjxA07:52
somsipton: see here http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2364-1/07:54
tonsomsip: I'm using 13.1007:55
somsip!13.10 | ton (unsupported, so best to upgrade)07:55
ubottuton (unsupported, so best to upgrade): Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy07:55
tonk :)07:55
cfhowlettton, unsupported.  no security upgrades.  update07:56
tonthank you guys07:56
dreamcat5hi. i'm looking for a good usb bluethooth dongle to work on ubuntu, bt 4.0 if possible07:57
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga
bipul!info balsamiq08:00
ubottuPackage balsamiq does not exist in trusty08:00
usr13dreamcat5: https://www.thinkpenguin.com/gnu-linux/penguin-usb-bluetooth-micro-adapter-gnu-linux-v208:03
usr13dreamcat5: http://www.amazon.com/Plugable-Bluetooth-Adapter-Windows-Compatible/dp/B009ZIILLI08:05
dreamcat5thanks usr13, will check them out08:05
lyxusHello folks, is there any way to create a deb (python script) but I only want to put the source files and run the setup.py when the user install the .deb08:05
usr13dreamcat5: http://www.amazon.com/IOGEAR-Bluetooth-Micro-Adapter-GBU521/dp/B007GFX0PY08:07
usr134.0  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^08:08
somsip!packaging | lyxus08:09
ubottulyxus: The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring08:09
prajithis it possible to play windows games in ubuntu?08:09
cfhowlett!steam | prajith,08:10
ubottuprajith,: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.08:10
DJonesprajith: Its possible with some using Wine, but it can be a hit or miss experience, other methods are using steam08:10
DJones!wine | prajith08:10
ubottuprajith: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu08:10
prajiththanks for the info dude08:11
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usr13dreamcat5: About the GBU521, I see: "this adapter uses a Broadcom BCM20702 Bluetooth 4.0 chip"08:12
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dreamcat5usr13: thanks for the information08:12
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=== Guest47130 is now known as Aquila
manlinhi, I'm using byobu 5.74 on Xubuntu 14.04 and Ctl+F2 for vertical split isn't working. Anyone experienced this? any ideas? Also there is no keyboard shortcut/mapping for Ctl+F2.08:17
vahidhi. i have a problem with ubuntu 14.04: MY keyboard press down work with problem . that I should press hardly to type. any one can help me?08:20
PepitoGomezHello friends08:21
Guest-5871hey hey08:21
aalhamahello for me Windows is the best :)08:22
thebigpen3heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey brother08:22
lyxussomsip, I saw that, but even the example is compiling the script (http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html)08:22
thebigpen3ah okey!08:23
vahidhey. any one help me?08:23
somsiplyxus: well, that's the official guide on how packages are built. I can't help further08:23
thebigpen3como estan usteedes?08:24
vahidhi. i have a problem with ubuntu 14.04: MY keyboard press down work with problem . that I should press hardly to type. any one can help me?08:24
somsipvahid: sounds like a hardware problem08:25
tabbunm,e cagho en tus umetos08:25
vahidsomsip: it work good when logining08:25
vahidafter login to ubuntu it has problem08:25
tabbunshut up08:26
vahidsomsip: it work good in the guest user08:27
tabbundas pena08:27
ubuntucreadortabbun de yimmak08:27
somsiptabbun: ubuntucreador can you stop now please08:27
ubuntucreadorfuck you08:27
Wulframnsomsip: don't feed the trolls08:27
ubuntucreadormother focker08:28
tabbunlick my penis08:28
ubuntucreadorswa dyemmak08:28
somsipWulframn: we start by being polite, then call in the mods08:28
unopasteubuntucreador you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted08:28
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang08:28
jishjishhi all, i'm interested in terminal commands to get a picture of every file on my had drive (similar to directory printer programs). Can I just navigate to the root of a drive and say find . -type f with no other parameters? Then i'm not sure how to then pipe that list to somewhere to get just the extensions so I can count i.e. how many .mp3 I have08:31
vahidhi. i have a problem with ubuntu 14.04: MY keyboard press down work with problem . that I should press hardly to type.but the keyboard work with no problem in the guest user. any one can help me?08:32
somsipjishjish: find . -name "*.mp3" -type f  | wc -l08:33
somsipjishjish: is your starter08:33
jishjishthanks somsip, and if I didn't know what file type I wanted to count, I.e I wanted to explore what various file types were on my drive --> how can I modify it to do that?08:34
somsipjishjish: ls -lR . will give you a recursive list. A very long recursive list probably08:34
iptablejishjish, find / -type f |while read filename; do extension="${filename##*.}"; echo ${extension}; done |sort |uniq -c |sort -n08:35
iptablejishjish, this will go through ALL the files, print their extensions only, then sort them, count them and sort by count occurances. you will only get output once it is finished due to the sort algorythm obviously08:37
somsipiptable: nifty :)08:38
iptablejishjish, note that extensions are not something you should treat as useful in linux. file extensions is more of a windows thing08:38
iptablesomsip, why thank you :)08:38
iptablejishjish, on linux files, you would be better off using the "file" command (as in `file /some/where/filename`) and sorting by output of the file type identification.08:39
=== p1l0t is now known as Guest75381
dreamcat5hi. what is best for 802.11n networking card? i need to decide between the intel 5300AGN, the intel 4965AGN, or something else08:43
iptablevahid, so on the same machine only your username is affected and guest user works?08:43
iptablevahid, do you have a keyboard with key press pressure sensors?08:43
jishjishiptable:that is amazing that line how on earth did you learn to write it?08:43
dreamcat5i need a mini pci-e module BTW (either half or full length)08:43
somsipdreamcat5: can you stop asking hardware questions in here please.08:43
jishjishI do excel vba programming but it looks like that on steriods.08:43
mortal__If i open more than one shell then my history gets separated.  How can i make bash history global08:43
dreamcat5somsip: can you recommend any place else better then here then?08:44
somsip!alis | dreamcat508:44
ubottudreamcat5: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*08:44
iptablejishjish, someone game me this 12 years ago when I was starting linux: find /path -name "*.php" -type f |while read filename; do sed -i 's/old_password/new_password/g' $filename; done08:44
iptablejishjish, and ever since then I just learnt to script mroe and more since I discovered the power of bash08:44
dreamcat5somsip: thanks08:45
=== Caroga is now known as Caroga_afk
jishjishiptable: Ah i see, one problem I am having since I just started learning unix commands is It's easy to find documentation on a single command "e.g. find" but for me the hardest part is finding out about the command. Is there a way of getting a list of every command that can be run on a linux system? For example when I type help I know there are mor08:46
jishjishe commands that can be run than are listed there.08:46
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
manlinhi, pressing Ctrl+F2 takes me to the second virtual terminal. how can i disable this as I want to use Ctrl+F2 as a shortcut for another application (byobu)?08:48
Labanjishjish: I suppose one way is to just do `ls /bin` and `ls /usr/bin`, but it's not very descriptive.08:49
jishjishthanks Laban08:50
LabanOr http://images.linoxide.com/linux-cheat-sheet.pdf08:51
iptablejishjish, no08:52
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga
iptablejishjish, pretty much every command can be piped into another command.08:53
iptablejishjish, most command are externals and will be either in /bin, /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin (or sbin for root-only commands)08:53
iptablejishjish, and then lookup bash scripting to see the internal bash commands and the way these should be written08:54
eeeejishjish: http://www.tldp.org/guides.html08:54
eeeejishjish: check out the command line tools summary08:54
sgenwhen I run apt-get update I get the error:  Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. Im assuming the maintainter of the repos hasnt updated them to reflect the new version of ubuntu. How can I accept the old version of his repos?08:54
iptablejishjish, to find out what command and how: man pages! man find. man while. man sort. in man pages press slash ( / ) and your search term and press enter. then press n for next search result.08:55
somsipjishjish: in short - man man, man08:55
jishjishiptable:im good with manpages and tutorials once I know the command my problem is finding the name in the first place. I'm not sure what you mean by sbin in etc directories? and commands being external. cAn you elaborate for a newbie?08:56
eeeejishjish: ls /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin08:57
eeeeif you type that you'll get a list of most of the commands of the system08:57
eeeejishjish: if you need to search for a command, apropos is useful08:57
jishjisheeee: are the "terminal commands of the system" stored as files in those directories you listed?08:57
iptableeeee, you chased me to it :D08:57
iptablejishjish, yes08:58
eeeejishjish: yes, if you type echo $PATH , you'll see what the system uses every time you type a binary name08:58
iptablejishjish, they are not terminal commands. they are small tools that you use. small binary files. find, sed, sort, uniq - every one I mentioned apart from the "while loop" is an external binary08:58
iptablejishjish, while loop is a bash scripting thingie. lookup "bash scripting" on google for more info. Or "bash while loop", "bash string operations", "bash for loop" etc08:59
jishjishiptable: ah I see they are not commands, they are programs I am running when I type commands like "find" is that right? and bash is another language in addition to these little binary pograms I cal "terminal commands" and both the bash and the binaries can be used together in scripts?09:00
iptablejishjish, find, ls, locate, cat - all external binaries you can find in your /bin /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin09:00
iptablejishjish, correct :)09:00
eeeebash is what is doing the magic, between the commands, like redirecting stuff09:00
eeeeit's a shell09:00
iptablejishjish, you call a command, pipe it to another command, pipe it to some bash loop if needed ,pipe it to another command and pipe it to output file or leave that bit out to pipe to screen09:01
jishjishiptable: lastly if I didn't know (you already told me - thank you) that binaries were in sbin etc directories, is there a way I could search for them, since linux doesn't work using file extensions?09:01
iptablejishjish, search for the binaries?09:01
iptablejishjish, ls /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin09:01
eeeejishjish: apropos searches for strings in the binary's description09:01
iptablejishjish, and sbin instead of bin to see root-only-need-privileges binaries09:02
iptablejishjish, to find out what type a file is, use the "file" command (yes, it's another binary haha).09:02
iptablejishjish, type in: file /bin/bash09:02
eeeejishjish: if you type apropos rename , you'll get a list of commands relating to renaming files09:02
iptablejishjish, or file /etc/hostname09:02
iptableeeee, that rocks. didn't know about apropos. we live and learn09:03
jishjishah ok what if I wanted to search for and find all the binary's rather than only ones relating to a particular search term? "terminal programs themselves" Can I type something like find / "all binary progframs"?09:03
iptablejishjish, the only binary programs you can run where you do not need /full/path/to/it are in /bin /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin. otherwise called in your $PATH. echo $PATH to see your paths09:04
somsipjishjish: use what you're being told. man find then /executable to find your answer09:04
iptablejishjish, all other binaries would need a full path. also libraries (.so, windows equivalent would be loosely called .dll) are also executable quite often, but you can't run them yourself :D So stick to your $PATH09:05
jishjishiptable who runs the binaries if I don't? or can I just run anything so long as I am root?09:06
iptablejishjish, that's how linux is organised. /bin - binaries (hence the name), /etc - config files, /var - variable files, /usr - user stuff (has /usr/bin /usr/etc etc). /usr/local has stuff you compiled yourself or written yourself (or should...)09:06
iptablejishjish, libraries are loaded as a dependency by binaries, you do not run them. they have no execution point, just a set of functions.09:06
=== gnu is now known as Guest88576
iptablejishjish, so, as stated, all the stuff you install and want to run as binaries by default in linux will be in /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin. you have to go very custom to find your application installed elsewhere. it will probably be some proprietary, self contained application. usually in /opt. like /opt/zimbra if you install zimbra09:08
jishjishoh great. thanks guys.09:10
iptablejishjish, best approach is LOGIC. Logically you wanted: 1. find all files, 2. get only their extensions, 3. sort by name, 4. get count of each name.09:10
iptablejishjish, then you google for each thing separately and join using pipe ;) No magic involved. google "find all files linux". google "bash get file extension". google "get unique count of file linux". ;)09:10
jishjishiptable: thanks i'll logically break them into parts next time. lastly I would like to have two versions of python installed on my machine 3.3 which I normally use, and 2.7 for a specific gmail script written by https://github.com/charlierguo/gmail. but I don't know the best way to run two instances of python side by side using linux? and a gui for09:13
jishjish writing it.09:13
iptableuhm, no sure what the best method would be, but in ubuntu yout can install both versions using the repos09:14
eeeejishjish: i think you already have 2.7?09:15
iptablethen in /usr/bin you will have python3.3 and python2.7 binaries. you have to modify any pythong scripts to not call for #!/usr/bin/python (first line of script) but for #!/usr/bin/python2.7. /usr/bin/python will always point to latest version unless you manually change that09:15
iptablejishjish, if you want a GUI to write scripts, try gedit, gvim, or something more advanced like eclipse09:16
bcvery1jishjish, consider using python-virtualenv if you're going to be messing around with multiple versions of python09:16
jishjishbcvery1: can I just run #!/usr/bin/python2.7.?09:17
jishjishI Mean put that at the front of my script?09:17
eeeejishjish: type file `which python`09:18
bcvery1If you put that at the front of the script is will run using that version of python, but there are dependency advantages to creating osolated virtual environments, especially if you're going to be distibuting the program09:18
susundbe1giptable, jishjish : at least on my system (ubuntu 14.04 ) python points to 2.7 and python3 to python 3.409:18
jishjishsusundbe1g: so all I would have to do then is call the script with python instaed of python3 in terminal?09:19
susundbe1gjishjish: that depends on your setup, see what 'python --version' outputs09:20
jishjishbcvery1: for now I just want 2.7 to write one script to sort through my 8K emails.09:20
eeeejishjish: yes, you can confirm with file `which python`09:20
zaggynlHeya, anyone know what is up with x11vnc crashing like this: *** Error in `x11vnc': malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0000000002305170 ***09:20
asher1Hello someone can please give to me link about install smtp server?09:21
zaggynlI'm having litte luck googling it, I'm thinking it's a rather generic error that can happen with any app?09:21
susundbe1gzaggynl: try install debug symbols; search for bug; report bug09:21
susundbe1gzaggynl: excatly, its very general in that form09:21
zaggynlsusundbe1g: thanks, how should I go about that?09:21
zaggynl(feel free to point me towards a howto)09:21
susundbe1gzaggynl: did you get that 'program crarshed prompt' ?09:22
zaggynlunfortunately no09:22
zaggynlseeing the x11vnc session crashed09:22
zaggynlssh is fine though09:23
zaggynl/var/crash is empty09:23
zaggynlI guess I could run it with gdb attached09:23
susundbe1gmm, can you run that on top of ssh09:24
susundbe1gzaggynl: are you having the crash on local or remote machine ?09:24
susundbe1gthe x11vnc has no debug symbols on the repository :O09:25
zaggynlsusundbe1g: remote09:28
asher1Hello someone can please give to me link about install smtp server?09:29
iptableasher1, http://iptable.co.uk/mw_linux_as_a_server.php#mail09:29
saturejayou know what, I hate indian people09:30
iptableasher1, https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=postfix+with+virtual+users09:30
cappehow do I activate encryption of my home directory in 14.04?09:30
saturejacappe: install09:30
cappewhat program?09:30
cfhowlettsatureja, such comments are unwelcome and not permitted here.  adjust yourself.09:30
saturejaat the install09:30
rieithello i m using  youtube dl command to download video after downloading where video will saved09:30
iptablecappe, you can do that by following a guide on ubuntu.com https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome09:30
cappethanks a bunch, now I know exactly!09:30
cfhowlettrieit, in /home09:30
hateballrieit: By default, in the directory you run it from iirc09:30
saturejacfhowlett: how come you are not agree with me?09:31
iptableasher1, you're welcome09:31
DJonessatureja: COmments like that aren't appropriate for the Ubuntu channels, please don't make them again09:31
cfhowlett!guidelines | satureja09:32
ubottusatureja: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines09:32
asher1i need to ubuntu09:32
iptableasher1, are you seriously asking that09:32
cappedo I have to make a new user to encypt the homedirectory?09:32
asher1this my first time i install this09:32
iptableasher1, first link I gave you IS for ubuntu.09:32
cfhowlett!encrypt | cappe, no09:32
ubottucappe, no: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory09:32
somsipcappe: we see a large number of 'help, I've encrypted my home dir and now I can't get it back' requests here that do not end well. Fair warning...09:33
iptableasher1, and then you can add "ubuntu" at the end of google search term (second link I sent you) if you don't like my tutorial09:33
iptableasher1, https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=postfix+with+virtual+users+ubuntu09:33
iptablecappe, please follow the tutorial you have been sent09:33
iptablecappe, here is an easier manual: http://www.howtogeek.com/116032/how-to-encrypt-your-home-folder-after-installing-ubuntu/09:34
=== dannixon is now known as Guest31700
blackyboysudo service dnsmasq restart09:35
blackyboyHi anyone have dnsmasq setup documentations ?09:35
iptableblackyboy, man dnsmasq ?09:35
iptableblackyboy, https://wiki.debian.org/HowTo/dnsmasq09:36
debianMaxciao max funziona davvero anche qui09:36
cfhowlett!it | debianMax09:36
ubottudebianMax: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:36
blackyboyman page not helped me tried 3 times by reinstalling and configuring so what asking here09:36
iptableblackyboy, found as first result via google search for "dnsmasq howto"09:36
iptableblackyboy, refer tothe link I just sent you.09:36
cappehow do I check if my home directory is already encrypted?09:37
melottimassigrazie ubottu era solo un esperimento con un altro utente ciao!09:37
iptableblackyboy, if you try to configure and get any specific errors when it doesn't work, that is when "support" kicks in. you tell us what error you see and what doesn't work and we try to help you fix your config09:37
iptablecappe, refer to links provided09:37
iptablecappe, first link I sent you describes how to check it.09:37
blackyboyiptable: ok ill and i need all three in one DNS, DHCP, TFTP09:38
iptablecappe, alternatively reinstall your system and tick "encrypt my home directory" during install09:38
blackyboyiptable: let me try and ill be back09:38
iptableAnyone else need me to google something for them?09:38
iptablesorry, ignore that last comment. I need a coffee.09:39
brontosaurusrex iptable i thought it was funny09:39
eeeeiptable: can you make me a coffee while you're at it? :P09:39
iptablewhy thank you09:39
iptableeeee, I DO have an awesome coffee machine. where you based?09:39
Labaniptable: You should start using lmgtfy.com09:40
iptableLaban++. that's brilliant. I definitely will09:41
iptableeeee, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Delonghi-Stainless-Premium-EC860-M-Espresso/dp/B0091EJWWS/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1412156553&sr=8-16&keywords=delonghi+latte09:42
saturejaiptable: stop phishing09:43
iptableonly my one automatically froths milk for me ;)09:43
iptablesatureja, what?09:43
cfhowlettnow if we just get back on topic ... ubuntu!09:43
iptableubuntu-powered coffee machine would be nice actually.09:43
iptableso I could tell it to make me a coffee from upstairs09:43
iptablesatureja, you do realise what phishing is, right?09:44
saturejaiptable: you are trying to hack Amazon ubuntu channel user credit card number by sending phishing links to the channel with weird call-to-action09:44
iptablesatureja, uhm, no. that's an amazon.co.uk website link in case you didn't notice. so far you are not making any friends on the channel. and now you are also chowing you cannot see the difference between an amazon link and a phishing link09:45
eeeeyeah that's true09:45
eeeenobody's falling for that09:45
cappecan't find a /quit09:45
eeeeunless he's fiddled with my dns ?09:45
iptableit's an amazon search term. are you all real or lost your minds?09:46
iptabledefinitely the link takes me to amazon.co.uk09:46
eeeeiptable: we're kidding09:46
eeeedoh. O.o09:46
iptableok, eeee, I believed you there. I definitely need that coffee lol09:46
iptableeeee, it's following the fact that some user has put in abusive and worthless comments only in the last 1 hour I have been here09:47
vibvibgyor1_I am a newbie at this irc09:48
cfhowlett!details | vibvibgyor1_,09:48
ubottuvibvibgyor1_,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:48
vibvibgyor1_I have just started with ubuntu...I want to know why linux is so much popular...what windows or mac can't do and linux can?09:49
iptablevibvibgyor1_, windows and mac can't stay virus-free without buying antivirus software.09:50
cfhowlettvibvibgyor1_, ask ##linux09:50
iptablevibvibgyor1_, windows and definitely MAC cannot give you 99% of software you will ever want for free09:50
brontosaurusrexvibvibgyor1_: linux is not popular, afaik it takes less than 2% of desktops, check your facts09:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:51
vibvibgyor1_but I have heard that linux can also be infected by virus09:51
iptablevibvibgyor1_, linux is freedom - make it do what you want and look what you want and all for free.09:51
cfhowlettvibvibgyor1_, ASK  ##linux09:51
iptablevibvibgyor1_, I also heard that apples cause cancer :/ You have to install the virus yourself to have it. although yes, ask on ##linux channel for more information. this is ubuntu support.09:52
=== dannixon_ is now known as Guest95379
vibvibgyor1_ohh I am sorry09:52
vibvibgyor1_I mean ubuntu is popular among developers :P09:52
vibvibgyor1_not in general09:52
iptablevibvibgyor1_, off topic a bit, but here: http://www.fastcoexist.com/3026165/how-a-panic-over-cancer-causing-apples-created-the-modern-organic-food-market09:53
vibvibgyor1_@iptable please :'(09:53
iptablevibvibgyor1_, ubuntu is very easy to install, simple to use and comes with nice GUI tools, pleasant to the eye and has a very good software manager (GUI). it also installs on most systems09:53
vibvibgyor1_but why cli is useful?09:54
iptablevibvibgyor1_, it also has excellent community support on the forums and here for any issues you might have. excellent hardware support as well.09:54
k1l_guys, vibvibgyor1_ iptable . if you dont have a specific technical ubuntu support issue please move that talk to #ubuntu-offtopic09:54
cfhowlettvibvibgyor1_, please go to ##linux for this off-topic discussion09:54
vibvibgyor1_sorry ty and bye09:54
iptablegoing PM09:55
SkutovNice easy one, how do I change the default java version to 64-bit?09:55
hateballSkutov: Java as in... browser plugin or what?09:56
Skutovhateball, whatevers used to run eclipse.09:56
OerHeksSkutov, default java is openJDK, you should have the 64 bit version unless YOU specify 32 bit09:57
SkutovOerHeks, So assuming that it's been changed away for some reason, what would be the best way to change it back?09:57
hateballSkutov: I'd use update-alternatives09:57
iptableshuduo, if you have 64 bit OS, you install java from repos and it will be 64 bit09:57
iptableSkutov, ^09:58
OerHekshateball +109:58
iptableSkutov, reinstall the 64 bit version of java09:58
hateballSkutov: "update-alternatives --get-selections|grep java" shows the current state of things09:58
saturejaiptable: your Amazon link wasnt even https, I consider you are a grocery clerk!09:59
SkutovHmmm... mostly pointed at java-8-oracle, guessing that's wrong.09:59
iptablesatureja, are you drunk or drugged? do I need https to share a link to a product?10:00
SkutovAh, fixed now. update-alternatives to change it back. Thanks for the help guys!10:00
LabanBut it was a pretty hillarious remark.10:01
susundbe1gzaggynl: still there ?10:05
susundbe1gzaggynl: i would do ssh to the remote server, and try to run the x11vnc on shell (over ssh) to see if it prints something out when charsing10:06
susundbe1gif possible, with debug symbols so you can get some stack trace10:06
=== CoreIT84 is now known as Corey84
iptablesatureja, and while I am a systems developer, my wife is a grocery clerk. what is wrong with that mr I am awesome shit?10:10
* iptable expands his ignore list and stops feeding trolls10:10
cfhowlettiptable, no profanity.  you know better.10:11
iptablecfhowlett, yes I do. Please do excuse me.10:12
iptableI let it get to me personally10:12
cfhowlettiptable, we've all been there.10:12
pak101hi anybody online to help me with some ubuntu stuff10:12
iptablecfhowlett, although that would be a swearword in this context, not profanity. but yes, equally wrong.10:13
pak101unable to detect a 8tb raid disk in ubuntu 14.0410:13
iptablepak101, more info please. how did you create/attach it. where did you create it, etc.10:13
alex__hey guys10:13
pak101i am trying to install ubuntu from scratch and it is showing that disk as 3.2 tb only10:13
iptablepak101, how many disks have you got?10:14
alex__does anyone here have some xp with mounting azure storage?10:14
pak1012 discs of 4tb each10:14
alex__it works super with 14.04, but since I'm porting an old system I need it to work with 12.0410:14
JCTcan someone guide me through an installation10:14
saturejaiptable: are you chinese or israeli hacker10:14
iptablepak101, ok, and trying a fresh raid install on those? which RAID did you choose?10:14
alex__and I really can't seem to get the hang of it10:14
garnusikonia: i installed ubuntu on btrfs partition schame10:15
cfhowlettsatureja, stop the insults - now.10:15
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy10:15
k1lsatureja: that is not a topic for this channel. please stop in here10:15
JCTi want to install ubuntu on a drive D10:15
pak101@iptable - it is dell bios raid on T561010:15
DevDaemonHi anyone need parental control standalone software for ubuntu 14.0410:15
iptablepak101, which raid? raid1, raid0 ?10:15
OerHeks!info dansguardian10:15
ubottudansguardian (source: dansguardian): Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 462 kB, installed size 1724 kB10:15
pak101sorry for being dumb10:15
saturejaDevDaemon: we won't provide you anything like that here, your childrens have the right to know.10:16
pak101@iptable raid010:16
iptablepak101, on that machine, that's fakeraid, not HW raid.10:16
nrbrtxDear all! Today I have installed Ubuntu Utopic from beta2 CD and discovered that many bugs are still not fixed. These bugs are: 1245137, 1242572, 1263228, 1244090, 1270574, 1270579, 1280759.10:16
JCTcan someone help me install ubuntu as i am using it on CD right now??10:16
OerHekssatureja, stop it now, please, you already have been warned.10:16
pak101iptable yes i agree10:16
pak101iptable i am able to use 8tb in Windows but not in ubuntu10:16
alex__so, can anyone help with a mount related issue?10:17
OerHeksnrbrtx, join #ubuntu+1 for utopic support10:17
iptablepak101, this means it's very slow and bad. considered using software raid instead in ubuntu which will actually be faster?10:17
DevDaemonI want to use in our office to restrict users to visit malicious websites10:17
JCTi am starting the installation process... now10:17
nrbrtxOerHeks, OK10:17
pak101iptable i want the data to be intact when i failover to other OS from ubuntu10:17
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iptablepak101, fakeraid you have got will present you with /dev/mdXXX device which is the raid drive.10:17
DJonesDevDaemon: From memory there Dansguardian not 100% sure if thats still around though10:17
iptablepak101, if you configured raid0, it will be 8tb. if raid1, it will be 4tb10:18
JCTi went past the release notes screen10:18
DJonesDevDaemon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DansGuardian10:18
iptablepak101, wait, so you want to dualboot10:18
pak101iptable i have configured raid0 windows shows 8 tb but ubuntu shows only 3.6tb10:18
JCTi told it to download updates while installing.10:18
iptablepak101, it's the kind of information we need... please provide all relevant information.10:18
DevDaemondjones, I know about it but it can be use if the systems are in same network of office. but I want to restrict to use to those user who are in remote location10:19
pak101iptable no i dont want to dual boot, in future if i decide to move from ubuntu to something else this data volume of 8tb will be intact and resusable in other os as well10:19
DJonesDevDaemon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ParentalControls This might help as well10:19
pak101iptable my OS will be on other disk, not on the 8tb disk10:19
JCTi told it to not unmount partitions, because i want to  keep windows seven.10:19
DJonesDevDaemon: Not something I've used, so I can't give much advice about them, hopefully others here can though10:19
iptablepak101, ok, can you please give me ALL the information now please? how many drives you got, where is the OS, what is this raid you got? how you accessing it? what filesystem on it?10:20
JCTdid i do the right thing?10:20
DevDaemondjones, I want to try nanny but it can be use upto 10.04 LTS and in our office in every desktop and laptop  ubuntu 10.04 is uses10:20
ikoniagarnus: why are you telling me ?10:20
JCTnot unmounting the partitions to keep W7 was right, right?10:20
pak101iptable 4 disk, first 2 disks form another raid0 on which OS will exist, next 2 disk form another raid0 which will be the data disks (8tb)10:21
iptableDevDaemon, then force them to VPN to the office and redirect all traffic through VPN10:21
iptableDevDaemon, 10.04 is no longer supported10:21
JCTcan i keep W7 regardless of unmounting partitions?10:21
iptableJCT, yes, regardless of unmounting you will be asked later if you want to keep windows10:21
DevDaemonWon't it would effect in lantency ?10:21
pak101iptable idea is have data even if OS fails or change of OS10:22
HewloThereHey there folks! What full mail servers would you suggest with minimal setup? (e.g. iRedmail, Squirrelmail, etc) (HAS TO BE FREE)10:22
iptablepak101, so, 4 disks, 2 RAID0 arrays, each with 2 disks. The OS is on one raid array and the data on another?10:22
JCTso i can keep W7 when partitions are unmounted10:22
pak101iptable yes you are correct10:22
iptablepak101, you DO realise that RAID0 has -1 (minus 1) redundancy? i.e. if 1 drive fails you loose ALL the data. and drives WILL fail. they are consumables10:23
iptableJCT, yes10:23
pak101iptable yes i am ok with tht10:23
pak101iptable if i create the 8tb vol in w7 and come to ubuntu it shows 3.6tb and when i run gdisk it tells the backup gpt is corrupted10:23
bipulHello I am getting this messages on my terminal frequenlty when ever i am trying to upgrade my Ubuntu 14.10 LTS via commad line "sudo apt-get upgrade" http://paste.ubuntu.com/8471068/10:23
iptableHewloThere, full-blown: zimbra community edition. very minimal: configure yourself. guide: http://iptable.co.uk/mw_linux_as_a_server.php#mail10:23
JCTshould i select: "something else" as my option instead of "Replace Windows 7 with ubuntu"?10:24
pak101iptable if i try to delete partition from gdisk and create again it is not letting me to create a 8tb volume10:24
iptablepak101, for a start, does the OS RAID0 present itself correctly with correct disk size?10:24
HSakaGuys, can u guys give me some reasons why ubuntu is better than centos?10:24
HewloThereCool, thanks iptable.10:24
pak101iptable yes it does i am able to see full size in w7 but not in ubuntu10:25
JCTobviously if i'm going to keep windows seven on drive C10:25
somsipHSaka: this is not an evangelical channel. Use whatever is best for your purpose10:25
corubaruuuI'm running Ubuntu 14.04 on the latest Macbook Air, it seems to run pretty flawless which is great, but there's two tiny little things I'm trying to figure out how to fix. When I boot up the computer and login to Ubuntu, the bluetooth is always turned on, and the keyboard backlight is always turned up to full, even when they're turned off or turned down at shutdown. Where might I start looking to make sure these are both turned 10:25
iptableHSaka, better repos (all software in repos, very difficult to get dependency problems), more stable, bigger community to help.10:25
JCTthen i select "Something else".10:25
iptableHSaka, apart from that it's a personal choice10:25
HSakaty for info :)10:25
k1lHSaka: its awesome in every way :) HSaka but for real: use what you want. for comparison ##linux is better for that10:25
facepalmHSaka, try both, best thing about Linux is choice.10:25
JCTinstallation type is popping up10:25
iptablepak101, in ubuntu, are both raid showing the incorrect disk space, or just one of them?10:26
JCT4 dev/sda's popped up10:26
pak101iptable just one, the other raid shows full space (it is raid0 of two 256GB disks)10:26
iptablepak101, try gparted as well. on top-right corener of the window is the HDD choice. choose your device that is RAID, see how much actual disk space it tells you each device has.10:26
eeeeJCT: do you have free space for ubuntu?10:27
iptablepak101, so one raid shows the space correctly while the other shows only half the space? looks like GPT issue. 8TB disk does not work with standard MBR partitioning and needs GPT. could be your GPT is corrupt. using gparted, can you make new GPT on that 8TB disk and new partition?10:27
JCTthis d drive has 20 gb and according to the installation i can't install it even though 6gb is only required10:28
iptableJCT, apart from "something else", you had 2 other choices. one of them was "erase windows and isntall ubuntu". what was the other one?10:28
pak101iptable i am not able to run gparted it is failing to open10:28
iptableJCT, from what I remember it was "install ubuntu alongside windows". you should have chosen that.10:28
eeeeJCT: you'll need free space to make a partition for ubuntu10:28
iptablepak101, define failing to open10:28
OerHeksiptable, gparted does not go with GPT, parted does, or a gui like gdisk10:28
iptablepak101, errors, not opening at all?10:28
JCTit's not listed10:28
JCTok let's start over10:28
iptableOerHeks, gparted supports GPT and MBR.10:29
pak101iptable when i run gparted i am getting this "Invalid argument during seek for read on /dev/mapper/isw_daghhfiajb_DataRaid10:29
JCT"Preparing to install ubuntu10:29
JCTfor best results, please ensure that:10:29
JCTdrive has at least 6.2 gb available10:30
iptablepak101, ok, so it is getting errors on your Raid drive. are you sure both disks are working? install smartmontools and run smartctl -a on your 4TB disks (/dev/sdX)10:30
JCTis plugged in, check10:30
OerHeksiptable, oh my bad, fdisk does not :-(10:30
iptableOerHeks, yup ;)10:30
JCTis connected to the intuhnet10:30
pak101iptable they are new SSHDs and are working fine in W7, but i will try smatmontools10:30
iptablepak101, they worked fine last time you checked you mean.10:31
JCTdownload updates while installing? YES.10:31
JCTinstall Third Party Software? NO.10:31
pak101iptable yes that was 20 mins ago and i tried ubuntu before w7 which had the same issue10:31
JCTnext menu10:31
iptablepak101, try gdisk: gdisk /dev/mapper/isw_daghhfiajb_DataRaid10:31
pak101iptable ok10:31
JCTinstallation type10:31
JCTpart 110:32
bipulHello I am getting this messages on my terminal frequenlty when ever i am trying to upgrade my Ubuntu 14.10 LTS via commad line "sudo apt-get upgrade" http://paste.ubuntu.com/8471068/10:32
JCTchoices on my side?10:32
pak101iptable it shows GPT damaged10:32
iptablebipul, ubuntu 14.10 is NOT LTS. Ubuntu 14.04 is. and from what I remember ubuntu 14.10 is not out yet10:32
iptablepak101, so windows was unable to create a correct RFC-compliant GPT partition table.10:33
iptablepak101, most likely that is10:33
cfhowlettbipul, for 14.10 support go to #ubuntu+110:33
iptableor one of your drives is indeed foobar10:33
pak101iptable ok so what needs to be done? foobar?10:33
iptablepak101, first smartmontools10:33
bipulcfhowlett: iptablesorry this problem is still persist in ubuntu 12.04 too10:34
pak101iptable ok trying it out10:34
JCT"replace windows 7 with ubuntu" checkmark choices alongside windows 7? Encrypt the new ubuntu installation for security, and/or use lvm with the installation10:34
pak101iptable thanks for all the help10:34
iptablepak101, no problems10:34
JCTcrap my lag spiked to 6.5 seconds.10:34
JCTand it returned10:34
iptablepak101, and SSDs do suffer from sudden-death-syndrome, so I do not trust them at all10:34
JCTi was like wtd10:34
JCTIS anybody listening to the long scentences i made for a half hour??10:35
iptablepak101, also sudo gdisk -l /dev/mapper/isw_daghhfiajb_DataRaid10:35
iptablepak101, before the partition table print, it says: Disk /dev/sda: 1953525168 sectors, 931.5 GiB10:35
iptableJCT, please stop10:35
JCTi thought i was being helped too.10:36
iptableJCT, patence?10:36
iptablepatience even10:36
eeeeJCT: chill, don't write everything you see and hold on10:36
iptablepak101, what is the disk space reported on that very line for your /dev/mapper device?10:36
pak101iptable 2.9tb10:37
iptableJCT, this is a free help support channel with people who do it becuase they want to ;)10:37
bipulHello I am getting this messages on my terminal frequenlty when ever i am trying to upgrade my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS via commad line "sudo apt-get upgrade" http://paste.ubuntu.com/8471068/10:37
JCTOK. i'm sorry.10:37
iptablepak101, uhm, so the RAID system only displays 3TB disk to ubuntu.10:37
JCTit says no root file system defined.10:37
JCTdo you want me to list the SDA things to you10:37
eeeeJCT: yes, you'll need to create a main ubuntu partition10:37
pak101iptable how come it shows 8tb to windows but only 3 to ubuntu ?10:37
eeeeJCT: i need you to explain what it is you have and what you want10:38
iptablepak101, I would guess that it's because fakeraid is crap altogether and probably not compatible with ubuntu in your case... although DO check it truly is RAID0. go to raid setup and reconfirm.10:38
=== daniele is now known as Guest99416
eeeeJCT: you mention sda, and another disk that's 20gb ?10:38
iptablepak101, what does ls -l /dev/mapper show?10:38
iptableany other disks?10:38
pak101iptable yes i am very sure because w7 shows 8 tb :)10:38
JCTthe one i want to install it on10:38
eeeeso you have sda and sdb then ?10:38
k1lJCT: what is your actual issue? by all your lines you spammed in here i could not find any technical question10:38
iptableJCT, so you can just tick the "alonside windows 7" option and continue. what is the actual question?10:38
pak101iptable control, isw_daghhfiajb_DataRaid and isw_daghhfiajb_DataRaid110:39
JCTI'm sorry for spamming10:39
JCTbut that option is not highlighted10:39
BluesKajHiyas all10:39
iptablepak101, gdisk -l isw_daghhfiajb_DataRaid110:39
iptablepak101, what's the size of that10:39
iptableBluesKaj, morning10:39
pak101iptable it shows 128MB10:39
JCTi had two options in installation type part 110:39
iptableJCT, so it's grayed out?10:39
BluesKaj'Morning iptable10:40
iptableJCT, do you have enough disk space to install ubuntu? can you squeeze out free 20GB let's say10:40
eeeeJCT: iptable still trying to determine if he has 2 disks or one10:40
zaggynlsusundbe1g: I'm back10:40
pak101iptable the smartmon results have passed for both the disks10:40
iptablepak101, 128MB? uhm...10:40
JCTnot even showed. 2 options. install over windows 7, or something else, then these drives pop up so i can see em10:40
pak101iptable yes10:40
iptablepak101, run smartmon on all /dev/sda /dev/sdb etc10:40
bipul!info virtualbox10:40
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.10-dfsg-1 (trusty), package size 15047 kB, installed size 59184 kB10:41
JCTmy first SDA:10:41
pak101iptable i ran on both sda and sdb which are the 4tb disks10:41
iptablepak101, got /dev/md* ?10:41
pak101iptable no md stuff10:41
JCTit's an NTFS as usual, it's about 3 GB, it's described as (Windows 7 [loader])10:42
iptablepak101, I am pretty ready to say that your raid controller is windows-only and does not support linux. that's what happens with cheap fakeraid controllers...10:42
iptablepak101, you could try using software raid instead on linux, which would be the prefered method10:42
pak101iptable ok should i buy a raid controller then ?10:42
eeeeJCT: ok, what about sda2?10:42
pak101iptable ack10:42
eeeeJCT: if you can take a screen shot it would be great10:42
JCThow to post it?10:42
iptablepak101, well, software raid just works and is fast.10:42
iptableJCT, pastebinit10:42
pak101iptable ack10:43
JCTgah that's confusing but ill see10:43
pak101iptable how come the other raid0 is showing full size and this one does not10:43
iptablepak101, before you do, go to raid config. some raid controllers (fakeraid only) as so bad they have a choice of "windows optimised raid" which you should untick.10:43
JCTi told it to copy to clipboard10:43
JCTnow what10:44
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pak101iptable ok will reboot and see if that is an iption10:44
iptablepak101, I can answer that one ;) 8TB required a lot more than 2TB. 2TB is limit for standard BIOS disk access and standard MBR etc. over 2TB you need the controller itself to support GPT or other (windows proprietary) access methods.10:44
pak101iptable ack10:44
iptablepak101, also, is it ubuntu 14.04 64bit?10:45
eeeeJCT: go to paste.ubuntu.com and paste it there10:45
pak101iptable yes it is 14.04 64bit10:45
iptablepak101, ok, so ubuntu is fine. it also supports large drives (I got 20TB on my software raid array made of 4TB disks).10:45
eeeealternatively you can press alt+printscreen, to take a screenshot and upload it to imgur.com10:45
iptablepak101, it would be the fakeraid issue. with large drives it seems to do something silly that only windows understands. look at fakeraid configuration. maybe remove the array and recreate it. see if that helps. if not, use software raid instead.10:46
JCTum did that do it? lemme do a test10:46
pak101iptable that is 12.04 :) i am not complaining about ubuntu, i love it and want to have it :)10:46
pak101iptable yes my old dell machine has 4*2tb in fake raid0 and works jus fine10:46
iptablepak101, but I must warn you again. SSDs are more prawn to sudden-death-syndrome than HDDs and with raid0 one drive lost means all data is lost. it gives no redundancy10:47
JCTdid it post10:47
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pak101iptable agree i have couple of backups thanks for the suggestion i will check the options if it is optimised to windows only10:47
iptablepak101, ah, so only this particular one has the issue ;) that would also work as a way to highlight that it';s a controller issue.10:47
eeeeJCT: i'm afraid i have to ask, are you high?10:47
pak101iptable yes only issue with this machine10:48
JCTf*k no, i'm just a tweenager10:48
iptablelol @eeee10:48
JCTi berely have any exp10:48
JCTwhat's the pastbin syntax?10:48
eeeedid you upload it to imgur?10:49
JCTit's a type of syntax right? no i didn't10:49
eeeegive us the link the paste.ubuntu.com , or imgur.com10:49
JCTi tried alt-prtscrn10:49
PCworkerHello all, I plugged my samsung cell phone using usb into my ubuntu 14.04 desktop PC. It asked me to choose between PC studio and Mass Storage Device. I chose Mass Storage Device. The cell says it is connected and Terminal command "lsusb" says it's there. But I can't access it and it don't show up in my devices list. What can I do to gain access to it so I can get my pictures off of it?10:49
JCTwhat's the syntax for the post?10:49
cfhowlettJCT, if you don't upload the pic, we don't see the pci10:49
eeeeJCT: open firefox and type www.imgur.com10:49
iptableJCT: 1. start gparted, 2. shrink a windows partition to get at least 20GB free disk space. preferably 30GB. 3. in gparted, partition the free space to have 1 partition (primary type) of most free space with type ext4 and another one with 1GB space type swap. 4. start ubuntu installation, choose "something else" and choose the new partition you created as mount point / and tick "format". If you get actually stuck with something or are not sure, then ask us.10:50
iptableJCT, also, make a backup. partition resizing can cause data damage if it doesn't succeed10:51
JCTlet me post first10:51
iptablePCworker, change emulation method on the phone10:51
iptablePCworker, on the phone you have 2 options only once it is plugged in. MTP or camera. change from one to another.10:52
pak101iptable this is the response i got from dell case This is in reference to the case reported with Ubuntu does not show up 100% HDD Capacity on OS--- I did have check with my Enterprise team, according to them Ubuntu Kernel should have inbuilt Intel Rapid Storage Drivers, but since is open source OS, it is possible the that downloaded version may not consists the Drivers.10:52
iptablePCworker, MTP should work. also, you have to have the phone unlocked and screen on as you plug it in, or it will not work.10:52
PCworkerWhat is MTP?10:53
JCTthe one highlighted is the one i want to install to.i will make to shots and links10:53
iptablePCworker, use your finger, swipe down and see what the new icon on the phone says in the corner when the phone has been plugged in10:53
iptablePCworker, media access protocol10:53
iptablepak101, it does have the raid drivers, that's why the /dev/mapper appears. but the raid controller itself is buggy at best.10:53
pak101iptable i understand dells response was lame10:54
iptablepak101, you could try upgrading it's BIOS to see if that helps (you will need to recreate raid array for any fixes to work)10:54
HewloThereHey, iptable, on the tutorial for setting up a mail server, is that assuming I have the LAMP stack installed?10:54
pak101iptable ack will check if there is an update to their bios10:54
JCTdo you see the sdas10:54
iptableHewloThere, yes. scroll up to see tutorial to setup LAMP10:55
JCTok what was the first step?10:55
HewloThereOkay, cool Thx.10:55
k1l_JCT: you got already 4 primary partitions?10:55
JCTcan i put it in a terminal10:55
iptableHewloThere, the page in full contains everything you need.10:55
HewloThereDo I start from the top?10:55
JCTwell i know two drives10:55
k1l_JCT: "sudo fdisk -l" (small L at the end)10:55
JCTwhat does the command line do?10:56
zaggynland now ofcourse I can't reproduce the bug, asdf10:56
iptableJCT, you cannot install ubuntu alongside windows on that drive as you already have 4 primary partitions - which is the maximum allowed10:56
JCTdrive d, keep c10:56
iptableJCT, is there any drive we can get rid of?10:56
iptableJCT, from your screenshot,judging by disk space, which one if so?10:57
k1l_JCT: it lists all drives and partitions10:57
PCworkeriptable: This is not a touch screen phone. It is an older type with the slide out keyboard. On the screen it has a PC icon and it says connected.10:57
eeeeJCT: ok highlight sda3 and press "-"10:57
eeee( the minus sign at the bottom )10:57
HewloThereiptable: For the tutorial, I shall use Ubuntu 14.04 x64, correct?10:57
iptablePCworker, model?10:57
JCTthat's the thing. i wanted to clear out sda 3 and put linux tghere10:57
iptableJCT, ok, highlight sda3, press the "-" under it as suggested10:58
HewloThereiptable: Hate to say this again, however, for the tutorial, I shall use Ubuntu 14.04 x64, correct?10:58
eeeeJCT: highlight the free space and press +10:58
iptableJCT, then create a partition on it, 100% of the size and make it type ext410:59
eeeemake a new partition and format as ext4 with the mount point at "/"10:59
jParktonHewloThere: if your server is 14.04 and 64 bit yes10:59
JCToh k10:59
iptableJCT once done, close gparted and start the installer again10:59
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eeeeyes primary10:59
iptableHewloThere, yes, use 64 bit ubuntu 14.0410:59
eeeedon't close the installer if you're in the installer10:59
HewloThereOkay, thanks.10:59
JCTbeginning or end or space11:00
eeeebeginning of free space11:00
iptableJCT, and 100% of free space should be used pls11:00
eeeeand let it take the free space11:00
JCTit is11:00
JCTmount as11:00
iptableas /11:00
pak101iptable yes there is a bios update available i am going to try that next11:00
JCTmount point is11:00
JCTi s it /usr11:01
eeeemount point is "/"11:01
iptablepak101, try it. if it works, great. if not: you will need to use software raid11:01
iptableJCT: no, as we all say so many times: /11:01
iptablejust /11:01
pak101iptable yes will do thanks a lot11:01
iptablepak101, no probs11:01
JCTno mount points. k11:01
eeeeJCT: no11:01
JCTi used /11:01
eeeeJCT: mount point is "/"11:01
JCTyes i did that11:01
eeeethat's the mount point11:01
iptableJCT, in gparted, just make sure it is formatted as ext4. In the installer choose "something else", select sda3 and choose mount point: /11:02
eeeeit's different than having no mount point11:02
iptableJCT, it should show as mount point /11:02
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eeee( selecting no mount point )11:02
iptableJCT, no mount point woudl be an empty space there. so, once you have chosen, in the installer sda3 as mount point /, continue11:03
eeeeJCT: you don't want swap do you? we forgot to ask you11:03
JCTnow sda 3 is ext4 instead of ntfs11:03
JCTyeah i did eerything11:03
eeeeJCT: yes, linux uses ext4, it can't work with ntfs11:03
iptableit can see nad read ntfs, cannot boot from ntfs11:03
JCTk i'm continueing11:03
JCToh. k11:03
JCTeeee you mean press install now11:04
eeeeif you don't want swap, yes11:04
JCTit says i have not selected any partitions as swap space11:05
JCTi guess that's normal11:05
eeeewait a sec11:05
JCTit's starting11:05
eeeein your pic11:05
JCTfrom dvd11:05
iptableJCT, swap is only useful if you have very little ram or want hibernate to work, but let's skip it for now. we can play with swap later or use a swap file instead of a partition once you install. that's ok.11:05
eeeei was going to mention that it says device for bootloader /dev/sda311:05
eeeei think /dev/sda should be selected11:06
JCTi'm good11:06
PCworkeriptable: Samsung sgh-a92711:06
JCTi have 4gb ram11:06
eeeewas /dev/sda3 selected by default?11:06
JCTand dual core 1.33ghgz cpu *thumbs down11:06
JCTso basically i have about 3 ghz to work with11:06
JCTnot too much11:06
chrisss123456hey guys i have a simple quesiton: i want to install something from github, but use a pull that someone put up (an extra driver?). how do i do this?11:06
JCTbut acceptable11:06
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iptableJCT, no, you have 2x1.33GHz, that's different. you can perform 2 operations at the same time with 1.33GHz each. not one with 2.66GHz11:07
JCToh, k11:07
iptableJCT, it's not that bad tbh. it will work.11:07
JCTand.. keyboard layout? hold on i got this11:07
iptablePCworker, does it work in windows without installing samsung software?11:08
mfooHi all. What's the best way to get openssh-server 6.2+ on precise (12.04 LTS)? I don't see it in precise-backports. I would prefer not to host the deb in my own apt repo as I won't get security updates. I can see a few PPAs providing this (e.g. https://launchpad.net/~li69422-staff/+archive/ubuntu/backports-for-precise) but I assume there's no guarantee that they'll release updates.11:08
iptablePCworker, from what I read, that old device needs spamsung (windows) software to do that.11:08
PCworkerok thanks11:08
bramskrasnayarsk: Hey d00d. How's ya doin'?11:09
iptableI just realised I wrote spamsung instead of samsung. made myself laugh :D11:09
JCTk, now for "who are you"11:09
iptableJCT, the name is Robert. I am a linux engineer. why do you ask?11:09
iptableJCT, I'm sure you can fill in your details yourself without having to tell us about it.11:09
JCTi'm doing it right now11:09
JCTjust telling you what part im on11:10
iptableno need. just skip to the issues bit ;)11:10
jParktonyou design Linux?11:10
iptableJCT, since you had selected to install grub on /dev/sda3, you will probably fail to boot into ubuntu and will always boot into windows, but we will endavour to fix it once your installer finishes and reboot confirms that to be an issue11:11
jParktonthat must be a pain11:11
JCTdon't i just go into bios options and reconfigure boot order?11:11
iptablejParkton, not really. why you say that?11:11
susundbe1gzaggynl: were you able to reproduce the segfault ?11:11
jParktondesigning OSs would be a pain imo11:11
zaggynlsusundbe1g: no :(11:12
iptableJCT, no, you cannot reconfigure boot order of your partitions, only disks. it will boot from that disk, it's the bootloader that does the partition choises11:12
JCTit's copying files'11:12
zaggynlofcourse it doesn't crash anymore now that gdb is running11:12
iptablejParkton, uhm no. it's not.11:12
susundbe1gzaggynl: thats how they tend to be at the worst case :)11:12
JCTbut Drive D is a hard disk.11:12
JCTthat's how i reconfigured it for cd11:13
iptableJCT, no, what you have shown us was 1 disk with 4 partitions11:13
susundbe1gzaggynl: if you want, you could give it a try with valgrind also, but usually that ends up in shitload of warnings/possible problems11:13
jParktonwell I guess that is why you do it and I have my opinions11:13
iptableJCT, and on that 1 disk you had windows recovery partition, the 20GB we freed etc11:13
susundbe1gzaggynl: valgrind <binary here> (make sure you have debug symbols installed!)11:13
k1l_JCT: thats why i asked for "sudo fdisk -l"11:13
eeeek1l_: he means Drive D: as in windows Drive D: C: etc.11:13
iptableJCT and you installed bootloader to that drive's partition, not master boot record. so when you choose to boot form that drive, it will boot whatever is in MBR, not ubuntu. but we will see when we get that.11:13
k1l_eeee: honestly i am not sure.11:14
iptableJCT, I am guessing you only got 1 physical drive. Drive D and C are partitions, no?11:14
JCTi forgot to input sudo fdisk11:14
eeeek1l_: http://imgur.com/Ww1DyT311:14
JCTno, D is a real drive11:14
JCTin my laptop11:14
JCTand e is my dvd-r drive11:15
k1l_JCT: "sudo fdisk -l"in terminal and put that output into paste.ubuntu.com11:15
iptableJCT, no it is not.11:15
bramskrasnayarsk: Hey d00d. How's ya doin'?11:15
iptableJCT, from your own screenshot: sda1-sda4 are partitions. 1 physical drive, 4 partitions. then you got your CD drive, which is another physical drive. that's all you got.11:15
krasnayarskbrams: I'm fine. Got that ubuntu installed?11:15
JCTi get it11:15
JCTthose 4 oh now i get it11:15
JCTi think it finished copying files11:16
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JCThow can i boot windows though?11:16
JCTif i'm successful?11:16
eeeeJCT: you'll soon meet grub11:16
bramskrasnayarsk: Yes. It's working great! Thanks for telling me about it. Sure beats using Apple!11:16
iptableJCT, C, D etc are partitions on the same single physical disk in your computer. E is obviously your DVD drive as you said. You can choose to boot from hard drive or DVD drive. but which partition you will boot from on HDD depends on the software in it's master boot record, not on your BIOS11:16
k1l_JCT: you are asked on boot what to start11:16
iptableJCT: ubuntu bootloader (grub2) will ask you which OS to load. windows bootloader: depends...11:17
JCThmm k11:17
iptableJCT: if it finished it will tell you it finished and ask if you want to reboot. choose "YES", or reboot.11:17
iptableJCT: tell us then where it boots into (windows or ubuntu)11:17
JCTyes, or reboot11:17
JCTyes could mean either thing if i did it wrong?11:17
* eeee ponders JCT chrooting11:18
krasnayarskbrams: You're welcome ;)11:18
* JCT says what?11:18
krasnayarskGlad you got wifi to work.11:18
eeeewindows will most likely load and you're going to boot the livecd again11:18
bramskrasnayarsk: krasnayarsk Yeah. It's really good.11:18
iptableJCT: if it boots into windows, we will need to boot to liveCD again, and manually install grub2 in MBR. If it gives a nice ubuntu choice which OS to boot - all is good. If you get windows choice which OS to boot - also good. If you get straight to ubuntu - we will enable the menu in ubuntu grub configs11:19
eeeeand chroot into the installation to reinstall grub on the mbr of /dev/sda11:19
iptableJCT: reboot and see what happens.11:19
krasnayarskbrams: You want to go see a movie later?11:19
bramskrasnayarsk: lol11:19
eeeei wonder if he could reinstall grub before restarting11:19
JCTit hasn't finished yet very close11:19
iptableeeee, test first? windows 7 does give a boot menu sometimes and he can live with that ;)11:19
bramskrasnayarsk: I gotta ask the missus :P11:19
iptableJCT: yes, wait for it to finish first...11:19
eeeeyeah sure, just curious as he'd be in the actual system or what11:20
iptablegood point11:20
eeeei guess not11:20
JCTremember, i'm a noob 12 year old coding early in the mornin11:20
iptablealthough installing grub2 will need /proc /dev /sys remounted before chroot again, even after install11:20
eeeewhen it says continue testing or reboot the thing you do arent saved11:20
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eeeeiptable: true11:20
eeeethat's what i was pondering more or less11:20
JCTwhat's that11:21
iptableeeee, hence I would rather he reboots after installer finished first and see if he gets a choice of OS. might save us a lot of hassle11:21
eeeeiptable: im with you on that11:21
jParktonheh at 12 I was just being put in the orphanage11:21
jParktonyour off to a better start11:21
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JCThuh, that's  sad11:21
k1l_!away > Caroga_afk11:21
ubottuCaroga_afk, please see my private message11:21
iptabledamn. I was 13 when I coded my first commercial app11:21
jParktonthats life11:21
MrChrisDruifDoes anybody know how I can check if my sd-card reader/writer is correctly installed? I can't seem to mount an sd-card with write rights.11:22
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I_L0V3_YOUkrasnayarsk: Hi there handsome <311:22
JCTi'm using my school home laptop11:22
jParktonIm almost 40 and never coded anything for profit11:22
iptableMrChrisDruif, 1. check if the slider on the SD card is set to "read only". 2. check with another SD card. this one could be broken.11:22
k1l_!ot I_L0V3_YOU11:22
k1l_!ot | I_L0V3_YOU11:22
ubottuI_L0V3_YOU: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:22
JCToh btw i have a sd slot but when i was fumbling with the device manager on W7  unistalled it11:23
MrChrisDruifiptable; thanks, I don't have any spare laying about tho =(11:23
iptableJCT, it will just work in linux ;)11:23
JCT... ok cool11:23
iptableMrChrisDruif, that how you would be testing it I'm afraid11:23
MrChrisDruifLol, thanks anyway iptable =)11:23
JCTit probably registered a new device11:23
iptableMrChrisDruif, sd slots are just disk devices as far as linux is concerned. so if it's read-only, either the reader is broken or the sd card is broken or the sd card is read only (see slider on sd card)11:24
oleoleHello, I have a 3G USB modem that works fine on 12.04. In my configuration in networkmanager, I have checked "Connect automatically". But if I e.g. take the modem out, and plug it in again, it doesn't connect automatically11:24
oleoleI have to manually click in network in the top menu, and click my carrier to connect11:24
oleoleAnyone who knows why it doesn't connect automatically even though I have selected that option? Or how I can fix it?11:24
jParktonclick the carrier?11:25
jParktonexplain that more11:25
iptableoleole, go to the network manager settings, choose your configured connection and edit. see the "connect automatically" is ticked11:25
iptablejParkton, he is using a 3G USB modem with a simcard11:25
oleolejParkton: Sorry. I mean click the configuration profile11:25
JCTtick by tick it's finishing. it's "completely removing" stuff11:25
oleoleiptable: As I said, I have already checked that ooption11:25
oleoleSo I don't understand why it's not working11:25
iptableoleole, if it is ticked, the problem is that the modem will be presenting itself first as CD drive with windows drivers and as modem second.11:26
jParktonis it a mobile broadband?11:26
iptablejParkton, yes. quite popular in Europe11:26
oleolejParkton: Yep11:26
oleoleUSB stick with a simcard11:26
oleoleiptable: Yep it does11:26
oleoleBut Ubuntu automatically modeswitch it11:26
MrChrisDruifiptable; thanks. I'll just hop to a store with office supplies to get some scotch-tape (and some staples while I'm at it) and make sure the slider doesn't move while inserting. If that doesn't work I'll hop to the electronics store and buy a new micro-sd card.11:26
iptableoleole, some crappy modems do that. and if it does that, then network manager doesn't correctly work with the modem as udev needs to do extra modeswitch on it.11:26
jParktoniptable: popular in the US as well what is your point11:27
iptableoleole, in which case automatic connection doesn't work11:27
JCThold on i gotta poop then restart linux bye now11:27
iptablejParkton, uhm, sorry. you asked as if you didn't know. I assumed you weren't sure of such devices11:27
jParktonoleole: Mine bugs out as well for some reason, maybe that is normal?11:27
oleoleiptable: Why doesn't that work? Ubuntu switches the mode, and the second it becomes available in modem mode, it should connect?11:27
iptableJCT, way too much info11:27
oleoleiptable: What's a fix for that? Write a script that checks if the modem is available, and run it every minute as a cronjob?11:27
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iptableoleole, no, ubuntu discoveres it, NM tries to connect and fails, udev switches. too late, we already tried connecting ;)11:28
iptableoleole, a race condition.11:28
jParktoniptable: I ask because it is dangerous to assume his setup without knowing11:28
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oleoleiptable: Yeah, I understand now11:28
iptableoleole, for modeswitch you could create a script that runs after modeswitch, but that' way outside my perimiter11:28
iptablejParkton, ok. cool. I only know as I have excatly the same issue here.11:29
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iptablealthough too lazy to try auto-connecting. I don't mind pressing connect.11:29
oleoleiptable: Mine too.. That's why I thought of making a script that runs every minute, checks if there is a modem, and if true, start the connection using nmcli11:29
iptableat least I am in control of the dialler.11:29
jParktonsame here11:29
wmllzhello everyone11:29
oleoleBut is that too hacky?11:29
jParktonnot really11:29
iptableoleole, it is hacky as it would take a minute to start connecting...11:30
jParktonif it works for you then do it maybe someone else will find it needed11:30
oleoleiptable: that doesn't matter much if it's delayed by one or two minutes11:30
iptableoleole, better solution would be a script that runs in the background (in a screen session for example) and uses inotifywait to wait until the modem appears in /dev. then sleep 2 to allow time to initialise and then nmcli connect ;)11:30
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iptableoleole, the script would need to check if it's connected first. and only attempt connect if not connected yet though.11:31
lukas1virtualbox-guest-additions-iso removes virtualbox-4.3, they conflict with each other, is that normal?11:31
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oleoleiptable: That would be an option too11:31
iptablelukas1, yes. you are either running as guest or as normal user. also, virtualbox-4.3 comes iwth the iso for guest mounting already11:31
iptableI meant guest or host11:32
oleoleBut it really doesn't matter if it's not instantly on.11:32
iptableoleole, in that case, run a script every minute from scron yes. make sure you check connection status before attempting a connect. 1. check if modem is there, 2. check if it's connected, if modem is there but not connected, then connect.11:32
oleoleiptable: Yeah, that's a good solution11:33
iptableoleole, also, figure out how long it takes to connect so you don't attempt to connect while it;s already trying11:33
lukas1iptable: I think that virtualbox-guest-additions-iso is for the host not the guest, is that right? In fact, it recommends virtualbox11:33
oleoleiptable: 1 minute (until next run) should be fine11:33
iptableoleole, unless there is a "connecting" status in nmcli, in which case that would mean take no action too11:33
oleoleI don't know that11:33
oleoleBut will look into it11:33
iptablelukas1, you just want virtualbox installed on host, right?11:34
lukas1iptable: please answer as my last question as stated, thanks11:34
iptablelukas1, no?11:34
iptablelukas1, all you need is virtualbox-4.3 it has everything in that package.11:34
oleoleIt's because we have some devices at some places where we sometimes want to connect. So we want the people at that place to just plug in a modem, and then it'll make a ping to us, so we get the IP and can connect.. Because it's a headless setup, we really can't say to them "Click in the top bar to activate" :D11:34
iptablelukas1, alternatively in the repos there is the "opensoutce-only" virtualbox with no proprietary drivers, and that requires the package and a few others. but it's not as good.11:35
iptablelukas1, if you want oracle virtualbox in it's full power, you only want virtualbox-4.3 it installs everything you need in that package11:35
Xeago__I'm running piupart to verify my debian package, but it requires /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/trusty to be present11:35
oleoleiptable: but thanks for the help! I'll disconnect now as I'm on that particular modem, so have to replug it when I've made the script :D11:36
iptableoleole, that makes sense11:36
Xeago__I'm running 14.04, but the package debootstrap does not provide that script, what's wrong?11:36
iptableoleole, good luck!11:36
oleoleThank you :) Have a good day11:36
iptableXeago__, which script11:36
Xeago__iptable: /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/trusty11:36
iptableXeago__, hold on. I'm on 14.04. checking11:37
iptablels -l /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/trusty returns: /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/trusty -> gutsy11:37
iptableXeago__, so yes, trusty script does exist in debootstrap in 14.04. It uses gutsy script which figures out that you called "trusty" and installs accordingly11:38
iptableXeago__, same script, figures out which name it was called by11:38
Xeago__the file is nonexistent for me, what version of debootstrap do you run?11:38
Xeago__I'm on 1.0.52-1~
iptableXeago__, on a fresh install of 14.04 I type in: aptitude install debootstrap. that's all11:39
jackgutsy...one after feisty11:39
jackstone age11:39
Xeago__I'm stupid - what I'm installing is coming from our internal mirrors11:39
iptablewell, it installs trusty11:39
iptableXeago__, ah, so not installing the right version of debootstrap.11:39
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iptableXeago__, version here as well: debootstrap 1.0.59ubuntu0.111:40
Xeago__1.0.52 was released for trusty too, so not sure what's up with that11:40
iptableXeago__, whatever version you are running is not the version actively provided by trusty. even version naming doesn't match11:41
jackwhat was a's name? my first ubuntu was breezy badger11:41
iptableXeago__, looks like debian version of debootstrap which doesn't have ubuntu scripts11:41
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iptableJCT, so, when you reboot, are you asked which OS you want to boot? or does it boot straight to W7?11:42
JCTi was asked :)11:43
JCTand guess which one i chose?11:43
iptableJCT, awesome. does it boot to both? linux and windows?11:43
iptableeeee, nice, I wonder if he is asked by windows or linux?11:43
JCThaven't tried W7 but i think it will work11:44
iptableJCT, so, the boot menu? did it look like ubuntu boot menu or windows boot menu?11:44
JCTubuntu boot menu11:44
iptableJCT: nice, so it installed to /dev/sda. good :)11:44
JCTim goint to firefox11:45
JCTwith the plugins i just got11:45
iptableJCT: enjoy11:45
JCToh btw which unity3d web player is best?11:45
JCTwhat to search11:45
JCTin ubuntu Soft center11:46
iptablewhat do you mean unity3d web player?11:46
JCTfor playing games that run unity3d11:46
jParktonannnnnnd fail11:46
iptableJCT: http://www.gamingonlinux.com/articles/unity3d-web-player-in-linux-browsers-thanks-to-pipelight-.2996/page=211:46
iptableJCT: unity3d doesn't like linux users and don't provide a proper player I am afraid. steam4linux gives steam linux games, linux has it's own games in software centre, flash games work once you install flash and HTML5/AJAX games work.11:48
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iptableJCT: you are attempting a windows game engine on linux, so good luck.11:48
jParktonjust remove Linux and run Windows if you need a gaming rig11:48
JCTi got this.11:48
jParktonLinux isnt really known for its amazing game support11:48
k1l_the desktop unity is not related to the unity3d game engine11:49
iptablelinux is good and awesome for everything apart from gaming. for gaming, steam4linux games and HTML5/ajax games (also flash and java games) and also linux games from software centre. for anything windows-only use windows11:49
k1l_well, they are trying but that need some more time to grow11:49
iptabletaling to meself again11:49
matty_riptable: You're an idiot11:49
k1l_matty_r: stop that insults11:50
iptablematty_r, that's a bit harsh of an abuse, don't you think?11:50
matty_rWell come on, have you even launched Steam?11:50
iptablematty_r, yes. in fact it's on now on my other monitor.11:50
matty_riptable, Then why such a bad rap for linux and gaming?11:51
jParktonoh snap11:51
HewloThereHey, iptable, would you suggest MySQL or MariaDB?11:51
iptablematty_r, I didn't say much bad for linux gaming, did I?11:51
OerHeksmatty_r, read carefully, it was not the remark of iptable11:51
SvetlanaHewloThere: for what usecase?11:51
MagicSpudhello I just upgraded to ubuntu 14.04 from 12.04 and apart from some programs which I had to reinstall everything looks nice...but the graphics driver is driving me nuts11:51
iptablematty_r, only that for windows games you need windows. I also did advise the user that steam4linux, html5, java and flash games as well as games from software centre run on linux11:52
Svetlanahow bad does it get?11:52
jParktoniptable: he is just too stupid to read a nickname before he launches an assault11:52
matty_riptables, You pretty much throw away some of the great releases and almost put it into the category of mobile gaming11:52
HewloThereiptable is like a help assassin.11:52
iptablematty_r, where did I say anything like that?11:52
HewloThereI swear he needs his own channel.11:52
iptablejParkton, agreed. is he even reading?11:53
jParktonmatty_r: that was me, stop proving yourself to be a dumbass and read a nickname ffs11:53
HewloThereHey, iptable, would you suggest MySQL or MariaDB?11:53
OerHeksstop feeding the troll, lets move on please11:53
matty_riptable: flash and java, there is alot more out there then that11:53
iptableHewloThere, no idea. I am a mysql user although with the way things a re going, looks like MariaDB is the one I should propose.11:53
k1l_!ot | matty_r iptable jParkton11:53
ubottumatty_r iptable jParkton: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:53
iptableHewloThere, it's compatible11:53
HewloThereI see...11:53
hateballMagicSpud: What chipset and driver combo might that be?11:54
iptablematty_r, where did I say that linux is useless for gaming?11:54
* jParkton salutes all the commandos11:54
iptableugh, nevermind.11:54
MagicSpudthe default graphics driver is xserver-xorg-video-nouveau but with this driver I have no 3d acceleration and the graphics are slow...some web pages remain mixed with the new ones and its hard to trust what you read11:54
HewloThereiptable: Separate issue; I'm trying to run htpasswd, however, it says "cannot create file".11:54
Avryniptable, you didnt... jparkton essentially did... "<jParkton> just remove Linux and run Windows if you need a gaming rig"11:54
MagicSpudhateball the graphics card is a geforce gt 61011:55
iptableHewloThere, are you sure you have permission to write in that directory? tried sudo?11:55
OerHeksMagicSpud, what videocard? open terminal: lspci | grep -i VGA11:55
hateballMagicSpud: Well you should be able to enable the restricted driver in system settings -> drivers, or some such11:55
matty_riptable: You didn't mate. You almost dimissed it entirely from being a solid gaming platform. When it's quite capable, lots of AAA titles available now.11:55
HewloThereTried with and without sudo, even though I am root user.11:55
iptablematty_r, where did I do that?11:56
iptableHewloThere, what command did you run?11:56
jParktonAvryn: yes and I stand by that, but we have been operscolded a couple of times for non kernel related talk11:56
k1l_matty_r: last time now. this is not a duscussion channel its a technical support channel11:56
jParktonso we dropped it11:56
hateballMagicSpud: I am on KDE, so I am not sure exactly where. Perhaps it is still named jockey-gtk in Ubuntu, if you can launch that11:56
HewloThereiptable: I ran "sudo htpasswd -c /root/passwords/.htpasswd admin"11:56
iptablejParkton, no worries mate. I agree with you 50% of the way ;) At least for current year 2014 ;)11:57
MagicSpudhateball I did but any other driver different from xserver-xorg-video-nouveau turns my screen black11:57
OerHeksMagicSpud, 610 sounds like dual GPu optimus11:57
iptableHewloThere, does /root/passwords directory exist?11:57
HewloThereNo. Lol.11:57
MagicSpudOerHeks and what with that?11:57
jParktonhateball: me too11:57
jParktonlove KDE11:57
hateball!bumblebee | MagicSpud11:57
ubottuMagicSpud: The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/11:57
k1l_bumblebee is outdated, use nvidia-prime instead11:58
iptableMagicSpud, tried nvidia-prime? it's a package that aims at providing the switch natively11:58
hateballI see11:58
HewloThereStill can't create file...11:58
hateballBeen a while since I was at the mercy of such a foul beast such as optimus11:58
iptablenvidia prime supports optimus. transformers gone wrong...11:59
HewloThereI created the directories "/path/to/passwods/" and it still didn't work.11:59
MagicSpudthe card was performing awesome under 12.0411:59
MagicSpudwhy is this crappy in 14.04?11:59
iptableand prime is better than bumblebee :D11:59
matty_rMagicSpud - did you use Optirun?11:59
HewloThereiptable: I created the directories "/path/to/passwods/" and it still didn't work.11:59
k1l_MagicSpud: if you got a 2video card setup (like the nvidia for power and the intel one for saving energy, called nvidia optimus) you will need a special driver for that11:59
MagicSpudmatty_r I dont know what that is?¿12:00
pak101iptable no luck with bios upgrade12:00
iptableHewloThere, htpasswc -c /root/.htpasswd admin12:00
iptableHewloThere, does that work?12:00
iptableHewloThere, if it does, then move the .htpasswd where you want it to.12:00
matty_rMagicSpud, with bumblebee installed you run the game with the launch option 'optirun' which forces the game to use your dedicated graphics card.12:00
iptableHewloThere, if not, can you create any files in that dir in any way? maybe you have a bigger issue12:00
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iptablepak101, did you destroy and recreate the 8TB raid array before checking?12:01
OerHeksMagicSpud, go for nvidia-prime, as bumblebee is outdated12:01
pak101iptable no i will try now12:01
HewloThere_iptable: I made the file.12:02
iptablepak101, go for it. if that fails, you have a fakeraid controller that doesn't support large drives under linux. it is not uncommon.12:02
iptableHewloThere, cool. so move it where you want it to.12:02
matty_rOerHeks, Is it? damn. I only just installed bumblebee like a month ago.12:02
HewloThere_How do I move it in SSH? =P12:02
iptableHewloThere, ssh to the destination server and use the mv command12:02
pak101iptable trying it out onw12:02
pak101iptable onw -> now12:02
iptableHewloThere, mv - move12:02
HewloThere_What's the format?12:03
iptableHewloThere, man mv12:03
iptableHewloThere, it will tell you it's mv {SOURCE} {DESTINATION} on 3rd line of the output.12:03
MagicSpudOerHeks matty_r bumbblebee and nvidia-prime are not compatible are they?12:03
k1l_MagicSpud: forget about bumblebee, just use nvidia-prime12:04
iptableMagicSpud, no they are not compatible. bumblebee existed for a long while, doesn't matter when you installed it. nvidia-prime is official ubuntu nvidia dual-card support now.12:04
iptableMagicSpud, I installed windows xp only a month ago too in a VM. Oh, it[s obsolete - see where I'm going with this? use nvidia-prime.12:05
HewloThere_How does one find something recursively?12:05
iptableHewloThere_, what do you mean find something recursively?12:05
eeeeHewloThere_: is there any other way ? :P12:05
HewloThere_Find a file (.htpasswd)12:05
iptableI tend to open all the drawers on the shelf ;)12:05
OerHeksMagicSpud, no, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics#A14.04-1  " you can easily switch between GPUs from the Prime section of the nvidia-settings panel."12:05
HewloThere_I've got no idea, I'm a noob.12:05
MagicSpudokay I ll give a shot to nvidia-prime though not quite sure what for...12:06
iptableHewloThere_, find /path/to/start/searching -name ".htpasswd"12:06
eeeeHewloThere_: find is recursive unless you specify the max depth12:06
matty_rMagicSpud, check out this article http://swapniel99.wordpress.com/2014/05/31/bumblebee-or-nvidia-prime/12:06
MagicSpudthere is no graphics card embedded in my motherboard12:06
MagicSpudthe geforce gt 610 is the only card I am using12:06
HewloThere_So if I wanted to find .htpasswd and didn't know which folder to start in, I just type "find -name ".htpasswd"?12:06
iptableMagicSpud, so why bumblebee and/or prime at all? what's the actual issue?12:07
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eeeeHewloThere_: sudo find / -xdev -iname ".htpasswd"12:07
iptableMagicSpud, if you only got 1 graphics card, no need for either. just install nvidia graphics drivers using the software centre, reboot and away you go.12:07
matty_rMagicSpud, Do you have an Intel processor?12:07
MagicSpudthe issue is I am having problems to read this chat because of the awfull refresh rate12:07
matty_rMagicSpud, and it's in a laptop?12:07
iptableHewloThere_, no, you type in: find / -name ".htpasswd"12:07
eeeeHewloThere_: -xdev is useful if you dont want it traversing any mounted ext hdd's you have, it will tell it to stick to the filesystem12:07
iptableHewloThere_, so you start in /12:07
HewloThere_I found it. =P12:08
HewloThere_How do I make ls show hidden files?12:08
iptableMagicSpud, ok, then install the proprietary nvidia drivers. did you install them?12:08
iptableHewloThere_, ls -a12:08
eeeeHewloThere_: ls -a12:08
matty_rMagicSpud, ohhh ok, sorry. I may have lead you down the garden path with this then. as iptable said, goto additional drivers and install the proprietary nVidia ones.12:08
froschhey, so i borked ubuntu 14.04. some months ago installed lubuntu desktop or other things on normal ubuntu. removed. no problems since, except it still shows "lubuntu" while booting. dunno if this has st to do with the prob, which is:12:08
MagicSpudiptable I did that several times and the only working driver is nouveau12:08
pak101iptable no luck after recreation12:08
pak101iptable i will stick with software raid thanks a lot for helping12:09
iptableMagicSpud, when you install nvidia drivers, did you do that via software centre or apt-get?12:09
iptablepak101, no worries mate12:09
matty_rMagicSpud, press the Super button and type Additional Drivers. Open that up and have a look at your options.12:09
iptableit's been a while since someone said "press the super button". kudos to you :)12:10
MagicSpudI first tried the fabulous gui additional drivers but it looks like pulling my leg because the changes are not setting...12:10
iptableMagicSpud, cli drivers will not install just like that12:10
froschhad to reboot today (had for some weeks "need to reboot following updates" but clicked "later"), now when logging in: no desktop, only background. "ubunty" in terminal (started from text console) brings up some things. how to correct? what to reinstall?12:10
MagicSpudthen I switched to tty and tried ubuntu-drivers devices to find out wich driver to install12:10
HewloThere_If I said in a file, something (a .htpasswd) is in /path/to/passwords/, would that be /root/path/to/passwords/ or /path/to/passwords (in the "/" directory, not "/root" directory).12:10
MagicSpudit said the recommended driver is nvidia-340 but I had no luck at all installing it12:10
iptableMagicSpud, you have probably broken it. to install nvidia drivers from cli you need: apt-get install build-essential linux-headers, 2. then you apt-get install nvidia-331-updates nvidia-opencl-icd-331-updates nvidia-prime nvidia-settings12:11
iptableMagicSpud, that will give you full nvidia support. reboot and check12:11
HewloThere_iptable: If I said in a file, something (a .htpasswd) is in /path/to/passwords/, would that be /root/path/to/passwords/ or /path/to/passwords (in the "/" directory, not "/root" directory).12:11
eeee"/" is the starting directory, /root is a directory under it12:12
iptableHewloThere_, /path/to/passwords is NOT /root/path/to/passwords. /root is just root user home directory12:12
iptableHewloThere_, "root directory" is /. "Root user's home" is /root12:12
iptableHewloThere_, you need root access to see files under /root12:13
eeeeor a really good 0-day :P12:13
HewloThere_I am root. =P12:13
iptableMagicSpud, but no, you should have, from start, installed nvidia drivers using software centre additional drivers section and rebooted.12:13
iptableeeee, or that12:13
Ben64HewloThere_: you shouldn't be12:14
iptableHewloThere_, you are, but apache will not be when it runs. it will not have access to .htaccess12:14
iptableBen64, when you are executing a lot of root-only commands one after another it helps being root, not having to sudo eveery command one after another12:14
HewloThere_I put the file in /path/to/passwods12:14
HewloThere_I put the file in /path/to/passwords *12:14
Ben64iptable: its an extra 4 letters : /12:14
iptableBen64, or about 1000 if you are doing a lot of root-related configs12:15
iptableBen64, ever tried to deploy mail server with antispam and virtualusers in under 1 day?12:15
Ben64really? 250 lines? don't be silly12:15
iptablemy server install manual contains more than that12:15
iptableand 99% of it is stuff in /etc and reboots and installs12:16
iptablethere is time to stick to sudo, there is a time to sudo -i to root. on fresh install and configuration, I opt for the latter.12:16
Ben64you can do whatever you want, most users should not, and its not recommended in this channel12:16
eeeei think it's fine12:17
iptableit's a choice everyone has12:17
HewloThere_iptable: Do I need a BIND9 DNS SERVER if it's a VPS?12:17
eeeeenabling the root user isn't12:17
eeeeas it's a security risk12:17
eeeebut if you dont know what you're doing, you shouldn't be using sudo <command> anyways12:17
iptableeeee, sudo -i is not enabling root user, is it?12:17
eeeesudo -i what's the problem12:17
eeeeiptable: no, it's not12:17
HewloThere_iptable: Do I need a BIND9 DNS SERVER if it's a VPS?12:18
Ben64its almost never necessary to get a root shell12:18
iptableah I see what you are saying12:18
iptableHewloThere_, patience?12:18
HewloThere_Sorry. =P12:18
Ben64HewloThere_: you don't "need" anything12:18
HewloThere_Is it suggested?12:18
iptableeeee, yes. password on root user is not a good idea. sudo -i ... no, if you need it, you use it.12:18
iptableHewloThere_, do you want to take care of DNS for your own domain?12:18
iptableHewloThere_, you need to answer your own questions...12:18
HewloThere_Well, I already have a domain connected to it.12:19
HewloThere_That works.12:19
iptableHewloThere_, so don't deploy a dns server if you don't want it. decide what you do want.12:19
raichunatorhello. I have a problem with the flash player. I have ubuntu 14.04. On sites like facebook it requiers me to get flash player12:19
HewloThere_I'm a complete newb with Linux. That's why I'm asking.12:19
Ben64HewloThere_: then why are you trying to run a vps?12:19
HewloThere_I'm trying to setup a mail server...12:20
iptableHewloThere_, it's not a linux related question really. it's a sysadmin question to server services12:20
HewloThere_raichumator: Install Flash?12:20
iptableraichunator, go to software centre and isntall flash12:20
HewloThere_I see...12:20
OerHeksraichunator, flash games on facebook do not work AFAIK12:20
raichunatoriptable, it's already installed thats the strager thing12:20
HewloThere_What IRC client do y'all use?12:20
raichunatorOerHeks, i don't play games just for video12:21
Ben64HewloThere_: you might want to test out all this server stuff locally before getting a vps and having it connectible worldwide12:21
iptableHewloThere_, it's a personal choice. I use hexchat as it came with my mint and I can't be bothered to switch to something else. it does the job. let's me chat12:21
iptableHewloThere_, and what Ben64 said. follow tutorials, learn what you are doing in a VM, THEN deploy live12:21
HewloThere_The thing is, I can't test it locally, I don't have a spare server laying around.12:21
HewloThere_I'd prefer not to do that.12:22
HewloThere_VPS is easier.12:22
iptableHewloThere_, VM? virtualbox/kvm/vmware all do it.12:22
HewloThere_I can turn it off if I need to.12:22
iptableHewloThere_, and they are the easiest option.12:22
Ben64HewloThere_: also opens you up to attack12:22
HewloThere_raichunator: Is your Linux install 32 or 64 bit?12:22
iptableHewloThere_, virtualization, really. do that. learn. and yes, you can turn virtual machines off at will too. that's what VPS providers do. only you are in control..12:22
Ben64HewloThere_: mail servers + inexperience = recipe for disaster12:23
HewloThere_I'd prefer to leave my Win 8.1 alone. =P12:23
raichunatorHewloThere_, 64bit12:23
Ben64vbox wouldn't mess with windows at all12:23
iptableHewloThere_, get a machine with 4GB of RAM and run zimbra instead. simple install, deployment, powerful mail and calendar system, all auto-deploys without having to do it yourself. and it's free.12:23
Ben64raichunator: don't do that ^12:24
HewloThere_Do wht?12:24
HewloThere_what? *12:24
OerHekshelgikrs3, that version is in our repos12:24
Ben64raichunator: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer12:24
HewloThere_I can't afford 4GB of RAM.12:24
raichunatorin software center it says installed for mozilla12:24
OerHekshelgikrs3,sorry, was for HewloThere_ >  that version is in our repos12:24
iptableHewloThere_, and virtualbox/vmware/windows virtualization do not mess with your windows install. hence they are called "virtual machines". altohugh if you are afraid to run a VM, mail server depliyment is outside your peremiter for now.12:24
iptablemail servers are the most complicated thing available to linux admin to deploy themselves.12:25
iptablevlans, nah. bgp, simple. mail server is bloody complicated. really.12:25
compdocHewloThere_, if you want a decent mail server thats easy to set up, try SME Server in a virtual machine12:25
HewloThere_What does SME stand for?12:25
compdocgoogle it12:26
iptableHewloThere_, installing a mailserver from scratch atm is not for you, trust us. get something like SME or zimbra or other. something that deploys itself.12:26
compdocits from contribs.org12:26
HewloThere_I'd like to do that, but can't get it to work.12:26
HewloThere_I tried iRedmail but constantly not working.12:26
raichunatorBen64, flashplugin-installer is already the newest version.12:26
xxdI don't how to quit12:26
Ben64raichunator: then you've got flash already12:26
iptablexxd, type in /quit12:27
compdocHewloThere_, many ISPs block port 25, so you have to take steps to bypass that12:27
HewloThere_I'm on a VPS... All ports are unblocked...12:27
HewloThere_It's with Digital Ocean, which I'm sure many of you have heard of. =P12:27
raichunatorBen64, chrome does not play it it says it is not installed12:27
iptableHewloThere_, hacing all ports unblocked is a first issue already...12:27
Ben64raichunator: chrome has its own built in flash player12:28
HewloThere_Well, you can use all ports, you just have to set up firewall.12:28
raichunatorBen64, chromium sorry. so what can i do?12:28
iptabledigital ocean ... so many people come here complain about it.12:28
Ben64raichunator: you should try chrome, has a newer version of flash12:28
HewloThere_I love it.12:28
HewloThere_It's great.12:28
iptableHewloThere_, especially when they ask you to shutdown your VM to do a snapshot lol12:29
iptablegood luck12:29
* iptable goes to eat lunch12:29
HewloThere_=P In Singapore, you dont need to do that anymore.12:29
jishjishhi all, I've just bought and installed a new hdd. When I use the binary ";sblk" in the terminal it shows the computer detects the drive. So I installed gparted to partition it. When I go to add a partition table it asks for a "partition table type". GPT is default but I don't know which one I should use. I came from windows where the drive was form12:31
jishjishatted as ntfs and linux ext4 but I don't know anything about Partition Table Types on either system.12:31
jishjishI think GPT (the default selected for me ) is standard.12:31
jishjishAny idea on the partition table guys?12:33
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minimecjishjish: "in case of doubt", always stay 'default'12:34
BluesKajjishjish,for what OS do you want to format the drive?12:35
compdocjishjish, what size is the drive?12:35
litropykillall gimp-2.6 refuses to kill. What command can I run to kill it?12:35
jishjishcompdoc its a seagate baracuda 3TB12:35
compdocjishjish, GPT is a good choice for large drives12:35
raichunatorBen64, Thank you it works12:35
jishjishlitropy: top will show you processes running. and information about them. Then use the kill command.12:35
raichunatorBen64,  with pepper12:36
minimeclitropy: 'killall gimp'? check with 'pidof gimp'12:36
HewloThereWhat's the difference between aptitude and apt-get?12:36
litropy20513 19026, jishjish, minimec12:37
jishjishcompdoc: what's a good choice for small ones? I've never noticed this setting in gparted before for  a partition table and ive reformated and repartitioned many times.12:37
compdocjishjish, only two choices, really: msdos and gpt12:37
litropyminimec, jishjish kill 19026 && kill 20513 doesn't do anything12:37
geirhaHewloThere: Just two different apt front-ends12:37
raichunatorI want to install a game from steam on ubuntu 14.04, but it dosen't let me install it on the other NTFS hard drive that i have. I suppose i need to mount ?12:38
jishjishlitropy: you should only get one value for gimp12:38
eeeelitropy: try kill -9 1902612:38
geirhaHewloThere: There are graphical ones too; synaptic package manager and the ubuntu software center12:38
jishjishjosh@JOSHUA-PC:~$ pidof gimp12:38
jishjishjosh@JOSHUA-PC:~$ kill 251812:38
litropyjishjish, it kinda bugged, then I opened another image with gimp and it loaded a new instance.12:38
litropyeeee, negative.12:38
jishjishcompdoc: thanks for that ill stick with default and see how it goes.12:39
eeeelitropy: type xkill in the terminal12:39
eeeeand click on the window12:39
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HewloThereiptable: Is it normal for my /etc/mailname file to only have my domain name it in?12:39
geirhaHewloThere: Aptitude is nice because it can do more advanced searches. That's mainly what I use it for anyway12:39
jishjishlitropy: try again, running the pidof and then kill commands.12:39
HewloThereI see...12:39
HewloThereDo they get from the same repository?12:39
litropyeeee, lol I just killed my dock bar temporarily. Silly me.12:40
geirhaHewloThere: They all manage the same package system, yes. Installing a package with aptitude is no different than installing a package with apt-get12:40
finnrobiI just discovered that a few of my ubuntu servers are running outdated versions of the distro and I'm thinking I should set up monitoring of this, does anyone know if there's something relatively scriptable that I can do? I'd like a server that detects itself to be running an old ubuntu to email me or fail a nagios check.12:40
litropyeeee, there we go all set guys jishjish minimec12:40
geirhaHewloThere: you can install a package with aptitude and remove it with apt-get, or install with apt-get and remove it with aptitude. Makes no difference.12:41
HewloThereiptable: Is it normal for my /etc/mailname file to only have my domain name it in?12:41
OerHeksfinnrobi, you will find out when the server recieves no updates12:41
jishjishOerHeks: there has to be a more reliable method than that?12:42
jishjishfor finnrobi12:42
Unknown0BCI have a kernel panic after removing package crda. This system has zillions of configs on it, it is a development laptop. I must figure out how to completely manually restore this package to a system which will not boot.12:42
HewloTheregeirha: Would you be able to tell my why my /etc/mailname file only has my domain name in it?12:43
Unknown0BCIts going to be a painful little project is it not ?12:43
geirhaHewloThere: Don't know. Never seen /etc/mailname12:43
jishjishcompdoc is there a particular linux file system type (i.e. ntfs ext4 ) that is good for storing media and photos?12:43
finnrobiOerHeks, jishjish: it seems like I should be able to use some of the scripts that are in /etc/update-motd.d/, for example 91-release-upgrade12:44
HewloThereI'm following this. http://iptable.co.uk/mw_linux_as_a_server.php#mail12:44
compdocext4 is great for linux systems, ntfs for windows12:44
jishjishcompdoc: great thanks12:44
eeeefinnrobi: you could have a cronjob that ran do-release-upgrade every once in a while and if it finds something emails you12:44
compdocif you use ext4, and need a windows machine to access, then use samba. but if you need a windows machine to directly use it, go ntfs12:45
HewloTheregeirha, , I'm following this. http://iptable.co.uk/mw_linux_as_a_server.php#mail12:45
finnrobieeee: yeah, that seems like it could be sanest approach12:46
sadHow can i upgrade lxle 14.04 to 14.04.1  ?12:51
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k1l_sad: lxle is a not supported ubuntu spinoff. you need to ask them if the actually provide a 14.04.112:52
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jishjishsad there should be an lxde irc channel12:54
jishjishI would hope12:54
grandenHi, when trying to install php5-fpm I get an error saying there is no such package to install.12:55
grandenHave it been renamed?12:56
grandenRunning Ubuntu 14.04 64bit12:56
ikoniagranden: check the repo12:56
eeeegranden: you have to enable the universe repo12:57
grandeneeee: Ok12:58
=== PsiOmega is now known as AlphaBeta
jParktongranden: try to install php-fpm13:01
jParktondoes that fail?13:01
v0lksman_hello!  anyone able to help with a weird X crash where I can see the login screen but the login box won't populate with an input field.  This happens after the PC has been on for a while and the screen locks as it should.  When you go to unlock it you get this behaviour.  I can't seem to restart X or anything other than a reboot to fix it...13:01
grandenjParkton: Installed it now by enabling the universe repo. Thanks anyway for taking time.13:01
v0lksman_I'm currently in that state but logged in via CLI so the machine isn't completely frozen...Just X is crashed13:02
grandenjParkton: What? :)13:02
v0lksman_.xession-errors doesn't have much to say13:02
jParktonnuffin :)13:03
v0lksman_and I'm using Nvidia 337.2513:03
Ben64v0lksman_: try "sudo service lightdm restart"13:03
eeeev0lksman_: ^^^13:03
v0lksman_weird...I was trying with /etc/init.d/lightdm restart and would get no where13:04
v0lksman_this did get me back to a desktop.  Any thoughts on how to figure out what is causing it though?13:04
eeeemaybe /var/log/syslog ?13:05
BluesKajv0lksman_, where did you get that nvidia driver?13:05
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k1l_v0lksman_: maybe that is a dualmonitor issue? the login box should be shown on the active monitor where the mouse is13:06
v0lksman_BluesKaj: from nvidia.com13:07
v0lksman_k1l_: nope. while I do run dual (triple actually) I can move my mouse and the login box follows...just in some cases the input field isn't rendered13:07
v0lksman_will have to check logs and such next time as the service restart actually worked where init.d restart didn't so I was always forced to reboot13:08
k1l_v0lksman_: "sudo service lightdm restart13:08
k1l_its upstart actually13:08
v0lksman_oh and the problem does happen with other versions of the driver and the nouveau drivers too13:08
BluesKajv0lksman_, iirc that's an experimental driver not included in the repos ..definitely not recommended13:09
v0lksman_BluesKaj: yeah I ended up on it trying to stop the crashing.13:09
BluesKajv0lksman_, which nvidia gpu?13:10
v0lksman_BluesKaj: 750ti13:10
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* zaggynl summons pacman13:20
nrbrtxDear all! I can't understand why Ubuntu does not have an init script for saving and restoring display backlight level. I have prepared one (see bug 1270579 ), it works on my laptops as expected.13:26
ubottubug 1270579 in sysvinit (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu should have an init script for saving/restoring backlight level on laptops" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127057913:26
reisionrbrtx: probably because it's supposed to be remembered anyways, IIRC13:28
raichunatorCan some one help me with permissions on my HDD. I have changed the label on my HDD. Steam can now see it, but it now needs execute permission to install apps. Can anyone help me ?13:28
arcskyhey my server got shutdown has that anything to do that i did apt-get upgrade && update earlier today?13:28
OerHeksraichunator, hdd is ntfs?13:28
nrbrtx<reisio>, it does not remembered by default. It remembered in systemd based distros, not Ubuntu. Also it is remembered after resuming from suspend, but it is not a solution.13:29
reisioobviously it doesn't for you :)13:29
reisiohence _supposed to_13:30
jParktonreisio: morning13:30
raichunatorOerHeks, Yes it is13:30
OerHeksraichunator, ntfs is not poix, so it does not allow permissions like ext3/413:30
OerHeksturn it into ext 4 and you will be fine.13:31
nrbrtxreisio: can you please call utility name, which did backlight save/restore functionality out-the-box of Ubuntu?13:31
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raichunatorOerHeks, Are you sure you can not install things under NTFS without using permission?13:32
reisionrbrtx: not really sure :)13:32
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OerHeksraichunator, yes13:32
OerHeksntfs is data only13:32
nrbrtxreisio : so that is why I suggest to add mine init script.13:32
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raichunatorOerHeks, Ok. If i change the format will i lose data ?13:33
OerHeksraichunator, yes13:33
reisionrbrtx: yes, I got it :)13:33
raichunatorOerHeks, So that means a full format13:34
i42nHey, I got a question about locales. why ist there a different spelling of the utf8 everywhere? is there a difference between en_US.utf8 and en_US.UTF-8?13:34
reisioi42n: there is no difference13:34
i42nreisio: so this is just mapping to the same?13:34
reisioI believe ".utf8" is the new way, but they do the same thing13:34
reisioyeah, they probably got tired of people asking if it was utf-8 or utf813:35
reisiotl;dr: don't put hyphens in things you name13:35
i42nreisio: ok thanks13:35
reisioeasily tested by setting either one, then the other13:35
i42nreisio: is just wanted to make sure that it does not mess things up because postgresql creates the default tempalte locale for new databases from this setting13:36
Xander__hi, i run a ubuntu server behind a proxy, i have set the vars in /etc/enviroment , wget gets a connection, ping shows 100% package loss, whats wrong?13:36
i42nI ran into that because I set the locale to en_US without the utf8 and therefore postgresql used latin113:36
reisioi42n: heh13:37
reisioi42n: locale -a | egrep -i 'en.us'13:37
reisioi42n: and just by itself: locale13:37
i42nI know.13:38
i42nthanks a lot for the info13:38
=== CoreIT84 is now known as Corey84
jishjishhi guys i'm struggling to get a single number showing me the size on disk or in mb/gb that some photography files are taking up when I pipe them from the find command. find . -type f -iname "*cr2" | du -csh  > filesize.txt13:41
jishjishcan anyone help me, It just the find command said around 8000 so I am expecting somewhere around 200GB (8000*25mb per image. Raw canon.13:44
jishjishbut instead I get the total size of the portable hdd the files (and others I don't want to count are on?)13:44
raichunatori just formated my HDD to ext4 and it does not appear in media and steam app does not find it. Any suggestions ?13:45
daftykinsjishjish: what's wrong with "ls -hl /path/to/images/" ?13:45
reisiojishjish: du -bc $(find . -type f) | tail -1 | awk '{ print $1 }'13:45
daftykinsraichunator: to permanently set it up you should add an entry to /etc/fstab13:46
Vault108hello maybe some one can help for the past two days my laptop has been forceshutting down when it gets to like 50%13:46
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jishjishdaftykins: I think there must need to be a recursive switch in their somewhere it only showed files/folders on root drive (not all photos cr2 filees). And reiso: Ill try adding -du -bc and see where I get.13:47
Miahello channel13:48
MiaI'm new to linux13:48
jishjishhello mia13:48
Miawhat's the difference between sudo apt-get and apt-get13:48
MiaI mean, what's sudo in general13:48
Vault108hello mia any one know whats up with my computer?  for the past two days my laptop has been forceshutting down when it gets to like 50%13:48
Miasome tutorials mention sudo, to install packages13:48
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:49
Miasome dont13:49
daftykinsMia: ^13:49
jishjishsudo involkes root permissions which is like special or administrator permissions13:49
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.13:49
daftykinsMia: that's because it's not always needed.13:49
zaggynlWork on your google-fu Mia ;-)13:49
MiaOH thank you13:49
Miaso I'm trying to install nodejs13:49
JCTi need help installing zandronum on this linux13:49
Miaand I need to sudo for that?13:49
BluesKajVault108, explain laptop has been forceshutting down when it gets to like 50%13:49
k1l_zaggynl: dont just tell people to google in here, please13:49
MiaI mean why soem of th stuff needs it, and some don't13:49
Miahow will I know the difference13:49
zaggynlI told her to work on her google-fu13:50
JCTi will put in the command lines with && to download it13:50
daftykinsMia: when it doesn't work and you didn't use it, you needed to use it.13:50
k1l_Mia: if you dont know why it needs sudo dont give it sudo13:50
MiaPerfect answers13:50
Snake2kUbuntu > Life13:50
Miathank you very much <313:50
JCTi'm putting in the commands13:50
jishjishmia I believe sudo is used for administrator privelige like when installing a program. Most of the time though type the command without it. And terminal will tell you if you need sudo permissions to run it.13:50
Urist_hello... anyone here has experience setting up bittorrent sync on a headless machine?13:51
k1l_Mia: its an old and bad windows habbit to run everything with admin rights. you dont need that in 99% of the times. its part of the security setup to not use sudo all the time13:51
zaggynlUrist_: look into rtorrent and rtgui13:51
codebansheeMia: things that need sudo will often generate "Permission denied" errors if you try and run them without it - or will say "you need to be root to do that"13:51
Urist_ty zaggynl13:51
Miathank you very much for all those answers13:51
JCTi will process the command line for zandronum now.13:51
h00kUrist_: Also Deluge can do it, and Transmission has a web interface as well13:51
zaggynlwhy is it so bad to tell people to google things13:52
jishjishk1l_: it's not a good habit to tell someone if they don't know something like sudo not to use it otherwise people like myself and mia will never learn to use it. Mia as daftykins said. Get in the habit of running commands without it (most don't need) and you will be prompted and therefore learn as you go whats commands need sudo permissions and wha13:52
jishjisht don't.13:52
BluesKaj!google | zaggynl13:52
Urist_sorry zaggynl and h00k , I mean bt sync, not just a torrent client13:52
ubottuzaggynl: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.13:52
dev_neoren_its making people Dependant on google13:52
JCTi might need help with installing Zandronum13:52
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Miajishjish, thank you I will do that13:52
daftykinsJCT: share what you're going to run before you run it.13:53
jishjishzaggynl: if people could just find things on google they wouldn;t be in aforum like this asking for reals peopls's help on real questions.13:53
zaggynland that is worse than being dependant on volunteering folks on irc?13:53
daftykinsJCT: via http://paste.ubuntu.com/13:53
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daftykinsjishjish: it's nice to think that's how it works, but sadly it doesn't always.13:53
k1l_jishjish: the experience in here will tell you: people willl preface every single command with sudo, which is just wrong. so that is the intention behind my advise13:53
dev_neoren_human factor keeps the world sane13:53
Xander__hi, i run a ubuntu server behind a proxy, i have set the vars in /etc/enviroment , wget gets a connection, ping shows 100% package loss, whats wrong? btw google was no help yet13:53
dalekusafirst off, how do I send images through irc?13:53
somsip!paste | dalekusa (use this)13:54
ubottudalekusa (use this): For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:54
h00kdalekusa: you don't, but you can use something like imgur to paste them and link them13:54
JCTwhat syntax13:54
zaggynlthere is some merit in that dev_neoren_, it's IRC though, not linux class13:54
JCTit looks ready idk13:54
JCThold on13:54
jishjishdaftykins:  I ran this but was looking to get a single number (around 200GB) because I thought i told it to pipe only photographs into it find . -type f -iname "*cr2" | du -bc  > filesixe.tx13:54
daftykinsjishjish: you were given an answer by someone else. i cannot assist.13:55
Safiyyah_Hi all haven't been here in while I  need a second opinion13:55
daftykinsSafiyyah_: long time no see13:55
k1l_zaggynl: this support is basically "help to help yourself" . just telling them to search on google will not help them achive that. that is what most users will have done before comming here.13:55
dev_neoren_do we have a definition of IRC and do's and dont's or preferred modus operandi13:55
somsip!guidelines | dev_neoren_13:55
ubottudev_neoren_: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:55
JCTis there anything i can use to open .exe on zandronum?13:56
JCTor any exe?13:56
somsip!wine | JCT13:56
ubottuJCT: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu13:56
Safiyyah_I was trying to do a new install of Ubuntu and I also added a new hard drive,  initially I  forgot to connect it to the power supply and when I did that,  the computer won't turn on anymore at all.  Did I  blow the power up.13:56
dalekusaI started up my computer today, and it came up with this: http://imgur.com/IOXwYpS13:56
dev_neoren_i see...love the famework and limitations13:56
Safiyyah_I already went back and unplugged the new hard divide but still it's dead13:56
Fuchsdev_neoren_: for more generic IRC stuff: see http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml and the links on it  (the other thing is partially specific to ubuntu channels. Note that some channels have different guidelines, e.g. about off-topic banter, NSFW or other things)13:57
* dalekusa worked fie yesterday13:57
daftykinsSafiyyah_: this is more of an off topic hardware question, #ubuntu-uk would be better though.13:57
dev_neoren_wish we could revise those....13:57
somsipdev_neoren_: join #ubuntu-ops for suggestions/discussion13:58
daftykinsdalekusa: are you familiar with the BIOS? check if that artefacting exists over the BIOS image too13:58
dalekusalike the image that appears right as the boot starts?13:58
dev_neoren_fascinating....love how there is an answer for everything13:58
daftykinsdalekusa: yes, and has a keypress to enter the BIOS setup screen13:59
k1l_dev_neoren_: do you have an technical ubuntu support issue? else we try to keep this channel clear for the users who need support. thanks13:59
BluesKajSafiyyah_, reconnect the HDD , and is this an additional drive to an existing one?13:59
dalekusano artifacting13:59
daftykinsdalekusa: leave it on for a few minutes just in case. now, presumably you saw the image you took after it started to boot from the hard disk... did you see the boot logo still?14:00
dev_neoren_i think just figured it out....ta14:00
dalekusaThat was after the boot had finished14:00
dev_neoren_thanks y'all14:01
dalekusabut the artifacting started about 15-20 seconds, so I suppose it began when the splash was supposed to appear/14:01
daftykinsdalekusa: ok, confirm for a couple of minutes that you don't see the same in the setup screen, hit ctrl+alt+del to restart, let it boot back in and at that image, press ctrl+alt+F1 and see if you get a command line login (TTY)14:01
dalekusaWe have signal!14:02
dalekusait works now14:02
dalekusawonder what might have happened?14:02
ObrienDavenot pressing keys hard enough? ;P14:03
dalekusaI didn't even have to press ctrl-alt-f114:03
daftykinsdalekusa: just a bad boot then, how odd14:04
lmatI'm using compiz, but I need a new feature. the Shift Switcher should be able to show up on *both* outputs (not just "On activated output" or "one big switcher").14:04
daftykinsdalekusa: i'd have expected you'd try again before coming in here ;)14:04
dalekusaa couple of them in a row, how even odder14:04
megalodenHello all, I need help in installing Wordpress locally ON Ubuntu 14.0414:05
daftykinsmegaloden: their guide is pretty detailed. where are you getting stuck?14:05
oleoleHow can I transfer one network configuration to another computer? I have tried copying /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/CONFIGFILE to the same location on the other computer.. But I can’t see it in the network manager (even after reboot).. So it looks like I’m missing a file or something14:06
megalodenI done sudo apt-get lamp-server^ and sudo apt-get phpmyadmin. daftykins it just isn't working14:06
daftykinsmegaloden: what does "isn't working" mean? you can't see apache's test page when visiting http://localhost/ ? or what?14:06
maxvihow can I convert dxf file to png/jpg via console?14:06
reisiomaxvi: possibly with imagemagick's 'convert'14:07
megalodenlike for during install of myphpadmin, its ask for some admin password and i put it in. Now when I run it, the password isn't working. Apache2 is working
reisioconvert foo.dxf bar.png14:07
megalodendaftykins: test page is working.14:07
megalodenthats about it14:07
daftykinsmegaloden: phpymadmin isn't necessary to get it running.14:07
megalodenok will sudo purge it14:07
megalodenawesome, I can't even purge it peacefully. I put in the password and I get this,  "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using14:08
megaloden │ password: YES) " daftykins14:08
daftykinsmegaloden: share exactly what you ran and the output properly via http://paste.ubuntu.com14:09
megalodenabort abort ... its supposedly uninstalled now.14:09
DexterSkullhello there! when i tried to boot Ubuntu 14.04 after installation it came to a halt and after waiting for 10 or so minutes i pressed 'Esc' key to get out of there. But i found this line being displayed there: "Starting cups-browsed Bonjour remote printer browsing daemon [ok]".14:09
DexterSkullWhat could be the issue.14:09
somsipmegaloden: thats a mysql error FWIW14:09
megalodensudo apt-get purge phpmyadmin . Done.14:09
daftykinsmegaloden: i want to see real output, not just what you tell me14:10
megalodendaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8472939/14:10
DexterSkullis there anyone who help me?14:11
megalodenRedoing sudo apt-get install lamp-sever^ and output seems fine.14:11
cfhowlett!patience | DexterSkull,14:11
ubottuDexterSkull,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:11
DexterSkull*could help me?14:11
somsipmegaloden: is this on ubuntu or mint?14:11
daftykins!mint | megaloden14:12
ubottumegaloden: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:12
BluesKajDexterSkull, just ask your question14:12
MagicSpudhello I am back again...there is no way I can install the nvidia-340 driver recommended in ubuntu-drivers devices.14:12
DexterSkullokay, cfhowlett14:12
megalodenits basically ubuntu 14.04.14:12
daftykinsBluesKaj: DexterSkull had already, it was in one screen of scrollback.14:12
daftykinsno, it's not14:12
h00kmegaloden: but its not,14:12
OerHeksmint has its own issues.14:12
cfhowlettmegaloden, it's not.  use the mint channels for mint support please.  you'll get better results.14:13
DexterSkullwhen i tried to boot Ubuntu 14.04 after installation it came to a halt and after waiting for 10 or so minutes i pressed 'Esc' key to get out of there. But i found this line being displayed there: "Starting cups-browsed Bonjour remote printer browsing daemon [ok]", daftykins14:13
daftykinsDexterSkull: yeah i saw you first time14:13
xboxRussian men14:13
cfhowlett!ru | xbox,14:13
ubottuxbox,: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:13
megalodenOk, thanks everyone. Going to LinuxMint channel14:13
DexterSkullokay. do you have the answer?, daftykins14:13
MagicSpudthis is what I do: sudo service lightdm stop sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg-video-nouveau sudo apt-get purge nvidia* sudo apt-get install nvidia-340 then it starts installing but at some point an error comes up: error could not open directory /lib/modules/
daftykinsDexterSkull: i would have replied to you if i did14:14
xboxRussia the BEST14:14
reisioso true14:14
cfhowlettxbox, ask your ubuntu questions14:14
xboxObama sheat14:14
DexterSkullwell thanks for replying then! daftykins14:14
OerHeks!ot | xbox14:14
cfhowlett!ops | xbox14:14
ubottuxbox: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:14
ubottuxbox: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang14:14
MagicSpudthe driver is installed anyway but when rebooting only a black screen comes up14:14
daftykinsMagicSpud: what kind of computer is this? laptop?14:15
MagicSpuddaftykins p5k-e asus quad core14:15
MagicSpudwith a pci express geforce gt 610 nvidia card14:16
daftykinsMagicSpud: that sounds like a motherboard model to me, can you answer more accurately?14:16
JCTdoes wine work with zandronum?14:16
daftykins!test | st3phn_14:16
ubottust3phn_: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )14:16
JCTi am14:16
MagicSpuddaftykins nvidia geforce gt 610 on a pci express slot14:17
DexterSkullBluesKaj, can you answer me?14:17
daftykinsMagicSpud: so, desktop computer?14:17
somsipJCT: check here or join #winehq https://appdb.winehq.org/14:17
dev_neoren_i have removed windows for a full ubuntu laptop....500gb hdd...i need help with optimal partitioning measures for a permanent install and data protected when ubuntu fails again...14:17
daftykinsMagicSpud: can you share the result of "cat /etc/issue" ?14:17
MagicSpuddaftykins yes desktop14:18
BluesKajDexterSkull, did you do a md5sum check of the ubuntu image before insd14:18
MagicSpuddaftykins: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l14:18
daftykinsMagicSpud: "uname -r" ?14:18
daftykinsdev_neoren_: partitioning correctly doesn't protect you against needing to backup.14:19
MagicSpuddaftykins: 3.5.0-18-generic14:19
DexterSkullBluesKaj, i'm a newbie to all these things. so the answer is 'no i didn't'14:19
MagicSpuddaftykins: there is more: I have no sound14:19
dev_neoren_true...in the event that a reinstall of os is required then14:20
cfhowlett!md5sum | DexterSkull, always md5sum your .iso.14:20
ubottuDexterSkull, always md5sum your .iso.: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:20
DexterSkulli couldn't, indeed. BluesKaj14:20
DexterSkullbut how can I?, BluesKaj14:20
MagicSpuddaftykins after the upgrade the sound config says dumb's output and I cant choose between digital or hd as I did on ubuntu 12.0414:21
BluesKajDexterSkull, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes14:21
DexterSkulli actually installed Ubuntu using WUBI, BluesKaj, cfhowlett14:22
daftykinsMagicSpud: we're talking about graphics drivers, not sound14:22
arjun_kwhat i the status of 14.04?14:22
MagicSpuddaftykins whichever problem you like14:22
daftykinsMagicSpud: your upgrade didn't work properly, 3.13 is the kernel of 14.0414:22
BluesKaj!wubi | DexterSkull14:22
ubottuDexterSkull: Wubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for more information. File wubi bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug14:22
MagicSpuddaftykins though I d like to fix graphics first14:22
cfhowlettDexterSkull, bad news there ... wubi is dead, no longer supported and was only ever more of a  PITA thana  success.14:22
arjun_kWhich is the most reliable ubuntu version? means bug free.14:22
MagicSpuddaftykins oh okay14:22
daftykinsMagicSpud: there's something wrong with your install, i'd backup and clean install 14.04.1 personally. no telling what's gone wrong in your upgrade.14:23
BluesKajDexterSkull, so did you try to install 14.04 in wubi or 12.04?14:23
DexterSkull14.04 it was, BluesKaj14:24
MagicSpuddaftykins I upgraded using a burnt cd ubuntu 14.04 iso and just installed partitions on the previous partition table without formating...14:24
daftykinsMagicSpud: that's not enough14:24
MagicSpuddaftykins it all went smooth I only needed to reinstall some programs but this driver is a crap14:24
chrisss123456hey guys anyone have experience with github pulls?14:25
maxvireisio: convert doesn't work with dxf format14:25
BluesKajDexterSkull, that's why it didn't install properly , wubi doesn't support 14.04 and wubi is just a folder inside windows. it's not a proper Ubuntu installation14:25
MagicSpuddaftykins not enough?14:25
daftykinsMagicSpud: well you're on the wrong kernel and you're doing things like purging nouveau which is totally unnecessary. i'm sorry but there's something up with your install, you should be on a 3.13 kernel not 3.514:25
[jasper]hej guys, how can i see what devices linux sees connected to usb?14:25
DexterSkullwhat should i do now, BluesKaj, cfhowlett14:25
daftykins[jasper]: lsusb14:26
MagicSpuddaftykins and the best choice is to obliterate the system?14:26
BluesKaj!gparted |DexterSkull14:26
ubottuDexterSkull: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php14:26
MagicSpuddaftykins I already made some concessions when upgrading loosing some databases...14:27
daftykinsMagicSpud: well, how much of your own time do you want to lose to this?14:27
BluesKajDexterSkull, use gparted to setup a proper linux partition for ubuntu14:27
MagicSpuddaftykins is really that hard to upgrade the kernel?14:28
BluesKajespecailly if you want to also keep windows, DexterSkull14:28
DexterSkullThanks everyone. I come back here if anything went wrong again.14:28
reisiomaxvi: http://www.google.com/search?q="dxf2svg"14:28
eeeeMagicSpud: you might have a frankenbuntu14:28
MagicSpudeeee lol14:28
daftykinsMagicSpud: it's not the only issue, it's apparent that you have way more little issues that are likely only beginning to surface. just backup, do it right, then you'll be in the best position to use the computer long-term.14:29
MagicSpuddaftkins hmmm okay...14:29
MagicSpuddaftkins how do I do it?14:29
MagicSpuddaftkins: can I keep home partition?14:30
daftykinsMagicSpud: got an external hard disk or multiple hard disks in this PC?14:30
daftykinsuse tab to complet my nickname :P14:30
daftykinsoops complete14:30
MagicSpuddaftykins yep two internal hdd and one external and a usb pendrive14:30
daftykinsMagicSpud: so copy anything you want from your /home/username onto an external, then totally clean install from 14.04.1 media, including formatting14:31
[jasper]daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8473020/ .. which device do you think is my receiver?14:31
daftykinsMagicSpud: /home can contain old configs that cause problems, so i wouldn't restore things 100%.14:31
daftykins[jasper]: i can think of many different types of receivers, can you be more specific?14:32
whitesnanyone got black screen booting into 14.10 after installing?14:32
ubottuUbuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in October 2014. Support in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/136314:32
daftykinswhitesn: wrong channel.14:32
MagicSpuddaftykins....that is not precisely rocket science...14:32
whitesndaftykins: o, sorry.. which channel should i go to?14:32
daftykinsMagicSpud: you're going to have to be a bit more specific about what you're saying.14:32
daftykinswhitesn: see above where it explains exactly that14:33
MagicSpuddaftykins thanks14:33
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[jasper]daftykins: sorry, allready seeing it. it's a rotel usb 2.0 dac14:36
camtronIs it possible to find out the root password and log in as root or use the su command in Ubuntu?14:39
daftykinscamtron: never use su, there is no root password, run "sudo -i" or "sudo -s" - "man sudo" for more info14:40
imbezolcamtron: by default there's no root password. you can set one14:40
daftykinsimbezol: we do not advise that, please don't suggest it14:41
cfhowlett!password |  camtron14:41
ubottucamtron: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords14:41
imbezoldaftykins: weird. you never become root?14:42
daftykinsimbezol: i'm asking you not to suggest people set a password for root, that goes against the entire security mechanism of ubuntu.14:42
OerHeksdaftykins +114:42
imbezoli didn't suggest it.. i just answered his question as asked14:42
daftykinsyou gave bad advice, please don't feel offended14:43
daftykinsi'm just asking that you don't share that idea :)14:43
__unikdaftykins: what? you mean there shouldn't be a password for root?14:43
imbezolyou don't know what he's doing.. maybe he has a script that requires it14:43
imbezoldaftykins: or maybe he's doing a hundred commands and doesn't want to have to bind a key to type "sudo" every time :)14:43
daftykinsimbezol: and i'd still say it's a bad idea.14:43
theadmin__unik: Ubuntu has the root account disabled completely by default.14:43
imbezolno it doesn't14:44
daftykinsimbezol: right, which is why i said use "sudo -i" or similar, if you read my response. perhaps you've never used it?14:44
theadmin__unik: Which is a good thing, because sudo provides better ways to manage admin access.14:44
__uniktheadmin: yes, I am confused. sorry14:44
__unikthanks for info14:44
OerHeksimbezol, for that purpose, sudo -i # will grant you sudo/root priv for the whole session14:44
guardianpwr08Hello, I am trying to get Google 2 step auth working with 12.04.... I have a topic up at askubuntu.com - http://askubuntu.com/questions/531013/installing-google-2-step-authentication-causes-ssh-to-not-connect14:46
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theadminooh, this looks interesting14:47
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arthurfiggisimbezol: sudo -i or sudo su - (the one i tend to use :) ) will both allow you to run commands as root without doing the sudo bit each time...i'm sure you could set a root password as there's nothing stopping you, but people here recommend against it (i think) because it could wind up breaking something that doesn't need to be fixed :)14:49
arthurfiggisit's certainly necessary to set a root password under other distributions but Ubuntu tries to walk around that by passing everything through sudo...it's a bit different but it works well once you get used to the difference!14:50
daftykinsarthurfiggis: sudo su does bad things, don't ever advise it or use it :)14:51
theadmindaftykins: "su" and "su -" are quite different.14:51
daftykinsi saw the hyphen as being grammatical rather than command14:51
imbezolarthurfiggis: understood.. protecting new users etc etc... i prefer learn by trial and error but i'll be quiet and let them offer advise as they see fit14:52
eeeeimbezol: having no root is a security enhancement14:53
Flaikerhello, after installing ubuntu on a hdd my ssd with windows cannot boot on its own anymore, only after loading grub from the hdd. I get "Reboot and select proper boot device" if I put my ssd as first boot disk in bios. I guess I need to restore my windows bootloader?14:54
arthurfiggisdaftykins: sorry about that, what i meant as a whole line was "sudo su -" but if that's considered bad too I won't even mention it :)14:54
eeeeas in somebody has to guess your username if he wanted to bruteforce a pass for instance14:54
harovalihi, openprinting.org is down and I can't apt-get update, is there a mirror ?14:54
__unikFlaiker: Why don't just use GRUB?>14:54
imbezoleeee: yeah i get it. try disabling root ssh logins14:55
arthurfiggisimbezol: oh, there's nothing wrong with learning by trial and error! as long as you're prepared to deal with the inevitable "error" part :) that's why people here will advise against things that might disrupt your system so to speak14:55
imbezoleeee: or just use a password that's sufficiently complex14:55
imbezoleeee: or build a network that doesn't expose your machine to the network14:55
imbezoleeee: etc etc..14:55
daftykinsimbezol: i'd still rather you just didn't give out advice that fights ubuntu's core principles14:55
Flaiker__unik, I want to wipe that hdd to put windows 10 preview on there, so my windows 8.1 system should be able to boot on its own before that14:55
daftykinsyou're welcome to do what you want with your own systems, but we have new users here.14:56
theadminFlaiker: Woah, I do not advice to install a Preview version of Windows on physical hardware. Use Virtualbox.14:56
OerHeksharovali, nope14:56
hossamwhat is better 14.04 vs 13.10 ?14:56
daftykins13.10 is EOL, unsupported14:56
daftykinsyou can't use it.14:56
somsiphossam: 13.10 is unsupported, so 14.0414:56
daftykinsarthurfiggis: no worries, i did read it wrong as i don't know the differnce with - personally, it's a little too close to a bad practice one :)14:57
__unikFlaiker: sorry I don't use windows 8, I don't know how the windows 8 bootloader work.14:57
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eeeeFlaiker: if the cd is bootable, it'll boot, it has nothing to do with windows814:58
arthurfiggisdaftykins: well that's true, apart from the - it could be very dangerous indeed :) i wasn't aware of sudo -i otherwise i'd probably have been using that myself from the start!14:58
Flaikertheadmin: I would, but since that hdd is just laying around there anyways I thought I might as well. Also I want to get this fixed, as of right now I cannot remove the hdd as it contains grub14:58
eeeeFlaiker: so test it, then delete the windows8, you could probably use the installer's partitioning tool to do so14:59
chrisss123456any github users out?14:59
eeeeFlaiker: nevermind, i thought you're trying to replace win8 with win10 on the same hdd14:59
__unikeeee: lol I don't think deleting windows 8 is a way to TEST14:59
Grimlock1182helo people..15:00
somsipchrisss123456: does this question have an ubuntu angle?15:00
cfhowlett! win 10 ???15:00
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:00
eeee__unik: no i said test if the cd is bootable, if it is, then he can go ahead and delete win8 as i thought he wanted15:00
Flaikeryea, win 8 is kind of like my daily driver system and I just installed ubuntu to take a lookg at it which kind of ruined my normal bootloader15:00
theadmincfhowlett: Microsoft skipped Windows 9, yes... Windows 10 is the new version.15:00
theadminlogic = nullptr15:01
arthurfiggistheadmin: or Windows 2 if you're counting in binary :P They should be on schedule for a Windows for Workgroups release in 201815:03
monkeynuttshey guys15:04
theadminarthurfiggis: I think they are just avoiding confusion with Windows 9x in this manner. Either way, 'tis offtopic, if you want to further ramble about that you can PM me though15:04
monkeynuttscan anybody explain or point me in the right direction as to why on ubuntu 14.04 lts server i see lots and lots od RUCOS processes15:05
monkeynuttswhat is an RUC0S process ?15:05
arthurfiggistheadmin: oh sorry, that's pretty much all i had to say about it, just a silly one-off joke :) ubuntu support in here and all, if i have anything else clever to say about it i'll say it in the off-topic channel...admittedly i don't though, that was pretty much it ;)15:05
SchrodingersScatwhat is rucos?15:05
monkeynuttsmy question exactly15:05
somsipmonkeynutts: rcuos actually15:06
monkeynuttsmy bad rucos15:06
Slartmonkeynutts: this seems relevant... http://askubuntu.com/questions/523025/top-showing-a-bunch-of-rcuos-processes15:06
monkeynuttsyes i googled that answer too15:07
monkeynuttsbut not much in the way of details15:07
superbiahow can i close a program using "panel on the left side", instead of of using the top panel15:07
eeeesuperbia: when you say top panel? you mean the window?15:08
theadminsuperbia: Right click the icon, "Close all windows"15:08
arthurfiggisan rcuos process...that's the first time i've ever heard the term actually, although running top on my own system shows plenty of them as well :) i'll have to look up what it actually is before i can figure out why there'd be a bunch of them15:08
Slartmonkeynutts: this is a bit more detailed.. apparently it manages memory that should be synced between cpu's/kernels or something like that http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/80063/understanding-rcu-when-configuring-the-linux-kernel15:08
superbiaeeee, right15:08
superbiaid like to close and minimize using left panel15:08
eeeesuperbia: so you want to close something with the launcher in unity15:09
monkeynuttsthanks, im looking at that article now15:09
superbiaeeee, minimize :)15:09
maimsterHas anyone updated 13.10 desktop, to 14.04 LTS desktop? The 12.04 LTS server updates were pieces of cake.15:09
eeeeok close is as theadmin pointed out, to minimize install compiz settings manager, and in unity enable the launcher minimize by clicking feature15:09
somsip!upgrade | maimster (see the nit about eol upgrades)15:09
ubottumaimster (see the nit about eol upgrades): For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:09
daftykinsdamn that one got deleted too :|15:09
somsip!eol | maimster (sorry - maybe this one)15:10
ubottumaimster (sorry - maybe this one): End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:10
monkeynuttsi have a hp proliant d320 gen 8 server, its exporting an nfs volume and doing an rsync. load is at 6,6,615:10
SchrodingersScatdaftykins: was one of my favorites15:10
monkeynuttswhich appears really high to me, but looks like the rcuos has nothing to do with it15:10
monkeynuttsjust never seen this on a server build before15:10
arthurfiggismaimster: this is just my personal experience, but i've never found that upgrading between one release to another has gone completely smoothly...usually i wind up installing the new release fresh and then restoring my backed-up files :) that doesn't mean you'll have the same trouble though, for all i know i might have been doing something wrong!15:10
maimstersomsip: Thanks.15:11
chrohi! Anyone knows how the at command works to send mails with the output of scheduled jobs? I mean, how can I specify my email to receive something after the job is executed?15:11
maimster arthurfiggis: Yeah I pretty much feel like you do.15:12
eeeechro: i think that has to do with sending the mail with output from your command, not at15:12
Wulframnarthurfiggis: that was always my experience as well15:12
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chroeeee, I think you are mistaken, because you can specify the -m flag with at to send email15:12
maimster arthurfiggis: Actually I didn't really have this install all that long anyway.15:13
arthurfiggismaimster: of course sometimes you have to upgrade, like if the server you're working with is at a remote location :) i should note that my experience there is not limited to ubuntu so i'm not singling it out, upgrading between releases of practically every distro i've used has been a bit fuzzy at best and usually broke a ton of things...but i haven't tried it at all in the past few years, so...15:13
arthurfiggis...there might well have been improvements on that front :)15:13
somsipchro: are you thinking of a local user or a remote user?15:13
chrosomsip, I just want to receive the output in a certain email address that I specify15:14
maimster arthurfiggis: Again that's my feeling as well. I'll take this old girl down this weekend. At least the upgrade prompts will go.15:14
arthurfiggismaimster: i think that'd probably be the best way to do it personally...again, just from my experience :) a little bit of downtime is worth it when you don't have to deal with accidentally broken dependencies, fudged scripts and the like!15:15
Miahow can I create a conf file in ubuntu15:17
Mia(for nginx)15:17
somsipchro: the only answer I find merely suggests you need a functioning sendmail http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/55395/is-there-a-program-that-can-send-me-a-notification-e-mail-when-a-process-finishe15:17
FuchsMia: most of them are just text files, so you can just create it with any editor (graphical or CLI, such as nano or vim), or use the touch command.15:18
MiaFuchs, tyvm15:19
Fuchsyou're welcome15:19
chrothanks a lot somsip :)15:20
somsipchro: np15:20
arthurfiggisahh...RCU seems to be for synchronizing data across multiple-core processors or multiple processors for that matter :) makes sense that you'd see a good few of those processes in top then, probably more of them depending on how many cores/cpu's you're working with15:21
arthurfiggis(can't remember who asked about that, I just happened to read it in one of the links posted a little while ago)15:21
daftykinsarthurfiggis: monkeynutts15:22
theadminHuh. How come that wasn't there before?15:22
arthurfiggisdaftykins: ahh, that's right...i should increase my scrollback limit, sorry about that :) well, hopefully he read the same link and figured it out anyway!15:23
arthurfiggis#join #ubuntu-offtopic15:23
arthurfiggisarg, sorry!15:24
hroiI would like to hide the ubuntu panel on the right, is that possible?15:29
hroiI mean unity15:30
somsiphroi: no - only on the left15:30
imbezolhroi: there are other window managers15:31
hroiimbezol, right --- just I found them less supported by ubuntu --- sometime input method selector failes on other window managers15:32
somsipjParkton: do you have a support question?15:32
imbezolhroi: i use a dvorak keyboard and have been prety happy with kde, or "kubuntu" if you will15:32
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somsipjParkton: if you're here to help, then great. If not, you can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:34
jParktonalready am15:35
jParktonthank you for the guidelines15:35
chrowhat's the simplest program to read my email from the command line?15:36
somsipchro: mail, pine, alpine, mutt15:37
arthurfiggischro: i tend to use one called mutt, it's pretty easy to deal with :)15:37
imbezolchro: it makes a different whether you're using .maildir or Mailbox too15:37
imbezolchro: for .maildir mutt is probably your best bet15:37
Slartchro: I don't think it gets any easier than "mail"..15:37
imbezolchro: though perhaps not the simplest :)15:37
Slartchro: but that is "easy" as in "no extra features" not easy as in makes your life easier15:38
maranetahey guys, if log in as root, is there a way to cd to the user home directory without having to explicitly hardcode the username?15:39
somsipmaraneta: there is no reason to login as root15:39
maranetaassuming there's only one user15:39
imbezolmaraneta: you can do "cd ~username"15:39
maranetai'm writing a deployment script and i have it set up so that you need to be root to run it15:40
instigatorHello. is there a way to configure syslog to accept logs from another computer on the local network?15:40
maranetabut i need to set up some things in the user's .bashrc15:40
chroin what files is my mail stored?15:40
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chro(maybe I can just use cat instead of installing a program)15:40
imbezolchro: probably /var/spool/mail/Username15:40
Fuchsinstigator: yes, rsyslog can do that15:41
imbezolchro: if it is there, pine is probably an easy reader to use15:41
somsipmaraneta: that sounds ugly15:41
somsip!info pine15:41
ubottuPackage pine does not exist in trusty15:41
somsip!info alpine15:41
ubottualpine (source: alpine): Text-based email client, friendly for novices but powerful. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.10+dfsg-1 (trusty), package size 3038 kB, installed size 7012 kB15:41
somsipimbezol: thought it had been superceeded15:41
chrooh cool thanks :)15:41
imbezolsomsip: oh possibly.. haven't used it in ages15:41
maranetasomsip: i want to set up virtualenv and i need access to the user's bashrc, but i'm logged in as root.  is there any way to navigate to a user's home directory without hardcoding the username?15:41
chroimbezol, I like better reading var spool mail username :)15:41
Fuchsinstigator: http://askubuntu.com/questions/186592/how-do-i-configure-rsyslog-to-send-logs-from-a-specific-program-to-a-remote-sysl  has some example snippets and links to more15:42
somsipmaraneta: imbezol gave you the answer. But you should probably let users manage their own aliases for virtualenv enabling.15:42
imbezolsomsip: heh.. looks like alphine was superceeded too.. by re-alpine15:42
somsipimbezol: lol15:42
somsipmaraneta: though I suppose you could give them the choice. Bit OT for here though15:43
maranetasomsip imbezol: i can't do cd ~username if i don't have their username15:44
somsipmaraneta: tada!15:44
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somsipmaraneta: so you need to solve how to do the things you need to do in a script that will recognise $USER and still allow the user running it to elevate privileges. I think...15:45
imbezolmaraneta: there are tricks but i think i'd get yelled at for explaining here.. it's offtopic me thinks15:45
instigatorFuchs: thank you15:45
Fuchsyou're welcome15:45
imbezolmaraneta: if they're running the script or installer as root, why not just set the env how you need it instead of modifying the user's .bashrc? not really sure what you're trying to accomplish15:46
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apabbisettyiptable ut?15:55
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pak101iptable yt?15:56
chris_99hey, does anyone have any clue about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-319/+bug/1220426 -- i've tried the very latest nvidia driver, which doesn't fix it, i've tried upgrading to Utopic, which also didn't fix it15:56
eeeemaraneta: if they use sudo bash <script> , it will have their home as $HOME , try sudo env and see the env15:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1220426 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "[nvidia-prime]Freeze while using touchpad" [Critical,Triaged]15:56
JohnnyLHow do you change the size of a live cd parition for Ubuntu if you make it with UCK?15:57
pak101_iptable yt ?15:57
eeeemaraneta: you could do "basename $HOME" to get their username if you wanted15:57
JohnnyLit has to be possible!15:59
rcombswhere should I go to ask someone to update a package or change its configure args?15:59
rcombsthe current fribidi package isn't thread-safe as it isn't built with `--enable-malloc` (a switch that's on by default in fribidi HEAD)16:00
OerHeksrcombs, the maintainer of that package on launhpad.net16:01
ajay_i am facing problem in updating the system16:01
ajay_i have linux kde 17 as distro16:01
there_is_no_spooI have a problem16:02
rcombsseems that'd be the “Registry Administrators” team16:02
OerHeksajay_, sounds not like kubuntu16:02
ajay_OerHeks : yeah16:02
eeeesounds like mint16:03
there_is_no_spooIt is a small problem, but just like turbo-speed insects they are not always easy to solve16:03
ajay_eeee : it is mint kde 1716:03
dfcnvtI've installed some windows (*.exe) stuff on my ubuntu system with wine enabled. All working's fine. I'm having a problem where to navigate to my window's installation. Is there a simple way to pull a window directory?16:03
Piciajay_: We do not support mint in this channel.16:03
Pici!mintsupport | ajay_16:03
ubottuajay_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:03
ajay_ubottu : Thanks16:04
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:04
ajay_ubottu : haha okk16:04
there_is_no_spooI have a folder containing four folders. These four folders each contain music files (disc 1, disc 2, disc 3, and disc 4). Each of the four folders has music files with track numbers from 1 to approx 25. When I try to open just one of the folders in Rhythm Box it automatically adds all of them, and that is the problem. Any solutions?16:05
=== dannixon is now known as Guest34925
eeeethere_is_no_spoo: that's odd16:06
eeeewithout knowing anything more i can tell you why don't you add just one file in the folder you want16:06
there_is_no_spooThey are all part of the same album. I can't seem to right click them all in the folder and change the album like you can in Windows16:07
there_is_no_spooso for example they could be album_name (disc 1), then disc 2 and so on16:07
there_is_no_spooand Rhythm Box really doesn't help with its lack of basic features16:07
eeeehow are you adding them in rhythmbox16:07
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dfcnvtthere_is_no_spoo: Is it possible to just add them all then rearrange it in RhythmBox?16:08
there_is_no_spooit is a tedious and long job to do16:08
eeeethere_is_no_spoo: ah wait, i think it automatically adds everything in music or something16:08
eeeeit autoloads them every time16:08
eeeeyou can set that off in the preferences16:09
there_is_no_spooi'll check now16:09
shivdoes anyone else here experience problems with wifi access in Asus when using ubuntu?16:10
there_is_no_spooeeee: which tab in Preferences are you referring to? I can't find it16:11
eeeethere_is_no_spoo: rhythmbox isn't loading here16:11
JohnnyLany of you use UCK?16:11
eeeethere_is_no_spoo: i'm trying to install xmms or something16:11
eeeecan't remember the name16:11
JohnnyLcan you you use Gparted while you are in terminal mode while configuring UCK?16:11
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there_is_no_spooJust so we are on the right track: you know how in *cough* windows media player you could open a single music file and it would only play that music file (instead of the whole album)? well that is the kind of functionality I need to make it more efficient to change each part of the album to disc 1, 2, etc16:14
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JohnnyLcan you change size of live partitions before burning them to cd?16:14
there_is_no_spoobecause i am picky like that16:14
=== ee is now known as eeee
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there_is_no_spoohundreds of people in this channel, yet hardly any speak16:17
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gthankHas the strongSwan package ever created a service?16:18
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JohnnyLcan you change size of ubuntu live partitions before burning them to cd?16:19
OerHeksJohnnyL, no, why would you make it bigger?16:22
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RedheadedCupcakeCan someone help me with my virtual box?16:27
[F_F]ubuntu = linux + cancer16:28
[F_F]and I mean it16:28
cappe_Could you please help me with the apt-get install COMMAND for installing geforce 275 drivers i386 (in a chroot-environment)16:28
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k1l_cappe_: what about you install "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current"?16:29
AlexPortableWhat is the difference between netboot image and full image?16:29
[F_F]sudo apt-get uninstall cancer -- actually formats your computer if it happens to have Ubuntu installed on it. Otherwise it will display an Error.16:30
k1l_AlexPortable: netboot is for netboot install. if you dont know you want to make a netboot install (which needs some sort of setup) that is the wrong image for you16:31
kbasheri have modded input joystick driver to have a more accurate and faster exponential mapping curve with the specified deadzone, anyone interested ?  btw the default 5000 deadzone is completely useless, 200 works nicely on my saitek IMPACT gamepad16:33
kbasherwhere to submit patches to xorg input driver ?16:33
cappe_do I have to start any module for using geforce 275 in a chroot?16:34
k1l_cappe_: why chroot?16:34
cappe_security matters16:34
kbashertry glxgears in it lel16:34
k1l_cappe_: what are you actually doing there?16:34
k1l_cappe_: that has nothing to do with security16:35
pbxkbasher, http://www.xfree86.org/developer/ i think16:35
cappe_it's a pseudo-system with an own root-system16:35
cappe_and a pseudo-user16:35
cappe_it's security16:35
k1l_cappe_: ?!16:35
cappe_it's a "jail"-alike environment, right?16:36
AlexPortablek1l_: well i want to install mate on ubuntu16:36
k1l_cappe_: i think you got that idea quite wrong. at least as how i understand your setup16:36
cappe_glxgears gives me "could not open display 0:016:36
ikonia_why are you installing it in a chroot16:38
ikonia_why are you not just installing it "normally" ?16:38
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
z3n_codeAnyone knows if the bas on ubuntu it still vulberable to the shellshock bug ?16:38
ikonia!shellshock > z3n_code16:38
ubottuz3n_code, please see my private message16:38
k1l_z3n_code: just run the updates. ubuntu patched bash already16:39
cappe_I'm running programs from "outside" the chroot... just to make sure my files arn't accessible but only the files inside the chroot16:39
cappe_it's two systems...16:39
ikoniacappe_: why are you not installin the graphics drivers normally16:39
magesingI was trying to update the nvidia drivers on a collegue's machine following the instructions here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/451221/ubuntu-14-04-install-nvidia-driver I managed to get the drivers installed, except now when he logs-in neither unity or metacity will load for him... how can I fix this? Thanks.16:39
ikoniawhy are you installing it within a chroot16:39
z3n_codeOk thnks16:40
cappe_well, maybe I should try installing nouveau16:41
ikoniacappe_: why are you not installin the graphics drivers normally16:41
ikoniawhy are you installing it within a chroot16:41
AlexPortablei want to install mate on ubuntu. should i use ubuntu or netbook image?16:41
cappe_since I think it's safer to be in another filehirarchy. where nobody can reach into all my files16:42
ikoniacappe_: that makes no sense16:42
ikoniacappe_: these are system files that cannot have anything done with thatm unless they have super user privileges16:42
ikoniawhat the devil are you doing using chroots16:42
ikoniacappe_: just install the file normally using the supported proven working method16:42
k1l_AlexPortable: netbook image?16:43
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
i42nhey, I need some help with the locale settings. I use update-locale to change my locale to en_US.utf8. However this does only update the LANG attribute. I also need to update alle the other settings in /etc/default/locale to en_US.utf8 as postgresql uses this as default for database encoding.16:43
i42nHow can I do that?16:43
xanguaAlexPortable: if you can wait a little longer, next ubuntu release there will be a mate flavor16:43
AlexPortablek1l_: netboot i mean16:43
AlexPortablexangua: yes there is, but not LTS. i want LTS16:43
k1l_AlexPortable: either you go with minimal image and install mate. or you install the full version and install the mate desktop16:43
AlexPortablek1l_: yeah well which one is better?16:44
k1l_AlexPortable: i explained already that you dont want the netbook one.16:44
i42nDo I have to manually set all the parameters?16:44
AlexPortablek1l_: well this website recommends it https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/2014-08-ubuntu-mate-14-04-from-scratch/16:44
k1l_!netboot | AlexPortable please see what stuff you need to setup to make a netboot install and then you will understand you dont want it16:44
ubottuAlexPortable please see what stuff you need to setup to make a netboot install and then you will understand you dont want it: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:44
ikoniathat website looks shockingly bad16:44
ikoniait looks like it will work though16:45
AlexPortableso my best option would be ubuntu 14.04 + mate?16:46
AlexPortablealso how can i reinstall the load scren of ubuntu16:46
k1l_AlexPortable: you can use the mini iso. netboot is a technic you dont want16:47
compdocubuntu 14.04 server + mate16:47
k1l_yes, server install + mate is the best option, imho16:47
ObrienDavehow so?16:47
AlexPortablek1l_: well i meant mini16:47
AlexPortablebut is the mini LTS?16:47
ObrienDave14.04, yes16:48
k1l_AlexPortable: LTS does nothing say about the install media16:48
k1l_*say nothing16:48
cappe_how do I reinstall capi2 ?16:48
ikoniacappe_: are you doing this in/out of a chroot16:48
cappe_:P inside16:48
ikoniacappe_: why ?16:48
cappe_I have told you alrady16:48
ikoniacappe_: please stop using a chroot for no reason and making the process hard16:48
ikoniacappe_: your reason for using a chroot are not real16:49
k1l_cappe_: that is not going to work the way you hope.16:49
cappe_it's a jail-alike system16:49
cappe_it's more secure16:49
ikoniacappe_: it's a bad design16:49
ikoniacappe_: it is not secure16:49
cappe_:) sure16:49
cappe_but pls tell me how I reinstall capi2 ?16:49
ikoniacappe_: no16:49
usr13!info capi2 | cappe_16:50
ubottucappe_: Package capi2 does not exist in trusty16:50
ikoniacappe_: if you are doing this custom secure system - you should know the basics of how to install a package16:50
ikoniaother wise your design is flawed16:50
ikoniacappe_: your design is flawed though and it is not creating a secure/stable enviornment16:50
=== Sir_Lestaty is now known as TheSupreme
cappe_here's the bugtrack (issue) pastebin.com/GuCHp1D916:51
ikoniacappe_: don't need a bugtrack16:51
k1l_cappe_: so all that for pipelight?16:51
cappe_this is failure...16:51
cappe_OpenGL Renderer: GeForce GTX 275/PCIe/SSE216:51
cappe_OpenGL Direct Rendering: False (or old/wrong wine version)16:51
cappe_OpenGL: FAILURE16:51
AlexPortablek1l_: should i go with server +mate or normal + mate ?16:51
ikoniaahh and you're trying to use wine too16:51
ikoniathis is going to be a total failure16:52
ikoniacappe_: you want this to work - stop using a chroot16:52
cappe_ok I trust u16:52
k1l_AlexPortable: server install doesnt have a gui. so if you install mate afterwards its a plain mate-ubuntu16:52
AlexPortablewell but it includes some ssh packages i think16:52
AlexPortablessh-server, apache2, no?16:52
k1l_AlexPortable: ssh-server yes, apache no16:52
k1l_AlexPortable: at least not if you dont tell the installer to install that16:53
AlexPortablewel, will MATE install x-things and drivers?16:54
AlexPortableor are they also included in the server version?16:54
usr13AlexPortable: yes16:55
magesingLightdm is working for me, but when I log-in  lightdm goes away, but unity does not start.. How can I diagnose this? Thanks.16:55
AlexPortableand how can i install the fancy boot image?16:56
AlexPortablethe purple dots16:56
k1l_AlexPortable: that should be isntalled while isntalling mate16:57
AlexPortableyeah well that installs the mate image16:58
k1l_magesing: make sure in you users home folder the .Xauthority files belong to user:user and not root:root16:58
AlexPortablei want the ubuntu purple dots image16:58
k1l_AlexPortable: then install the ubuntu-desktop afterwards16:58
magesingk1l_: those would be in ~/16:59
AlexPortablek1l_: well that installs all the unity crap16:59
k1l_magesing: yes. use "ls -al" to check the owner16:59
AlexPortableeenyr: why do you pm me?16:59
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magesingk1l_: they belong to my user16:59
k1l_AlexPortable: then take the time and see what packages is used to install the ubuntu looks for slpash/plymouth etc16:59
k1l_magesing: ok. so you see the login screen, login and then?17:00
ubottuSome of the Web Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories include: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Rekonq (KDE, WebKit), Konqueror (KDE, KHTML/WebKit), Chromium (GTK+, WebKit), Epiphany(GTK+, WebKit), Arora (Qt/KDE, WebKit), Midori (GTK+, WebKit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based). Along with many others.17:00
jason^i have a few iscsi luns that i mount, when i boot up it says it's waiting for a drive to mount and i have to press S to skip... is there a way to always ignore those or start iscsi first? (maybe network?)17:01
magesingk1l_: I log in and then everything goes away except the background, then nothing.17:02
cuddylierIf I don't make a boot partition, is there any problems I'll potentially run into in the future? The boxes boot fine without a boot partition as the boot folder is just on the main / partition.17:02
k1l_magesing: which ubuntu? which desktop? is the video driver loaded properly? something in ~/.xsession-errors?17:03
magesingk1l_: I just checked/var/log/Xorg.0.log and it seems my Nvidia drivers arn't happy... I'll try and fix them and see fi that helps.17:03
k1l_cuddylier: for regular users its fine without a seperate /boot partition17:04
JohnnyLOerHeks: because you can make more money that way!17:04
=== larry is now known as Guest41020
cuddylierk1l_ What would be considered not regular?17:04
cuddylierAnd what circumstances would this issues arise if I wasn't a regular user?17:04
k1l_cuddylier: some sorts of encryption need that. or raids17:04
JohnnyLwe all have to talk in a language we can understand!17:05
k1l_but in that cases you know you need a /boot. so you seem to be fine without17:05
usr13cuddylier: I usually have separate /home partition, but other than that, I don't bother with a separate /boot17:05
=== tcpman is now known as Guest81044
Guest41020im trying to install 14.04 ubuntu on my computer that previously had 12.04 on it.it loaded to a black screen. i tried the nomodeset and it loaded to a kernel panic. any ideas of what to try next?17:05
k1l_JohnnyL: can you keep this channel clear for ubuntu support? thanks17:05
AlexPortablecan i move my hdd with ubuntu to a new pc?17:05
k1l_cuddylier: yes, seperate /home is most common17:05
k1l_AlexPortable: yes17:06
usr13AlexPortable: Sure...17:06
AlexPortableno problems?17:06
AlexPortabledrivers and whatnot17:06
usr13AlexPortable: Probably not...17:06
k1l_AlexPortable: that depends heavily on the 2 pcs. but ubuntu will load the free driver if there is no other matching one installed17:06
cuddylierk1l_ What is the real advantage of a separate home partition? Just not using up all your HDD space that the OS may need?17:06
k1l_cuddylier: yes, and in some sorts of reinstal it gets handy17:07
usr13AlexPortable: If you have proprietary driver for Video Card (and a custom xorg.conf file), you may need to make provision for that...17:07
usr13AlexPortable: But if the video cards are same, even that won't be an issue.17:08
JohnnyLk1l_: how can you change the size of a live partition before reburning it to a new disk?17:08
Guest41020im trying to install 14.04 ubuntu on my computer that previously had 12.04 on it.it loaded to a black screen. i tried the nomodeset and it loaded to a kernel panic. any ideas of what to try next?17:08
usr13AlexPortable: So just delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf and  your good to go.17:08
WodgeyDplease help. I cannot enable logging for tftpd-hpa. I have tried putting OPTIONS="--verbose" in the /etc/default/tftpd-hpa file and tried "sudo /etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa --verbose start" but cannot seem to see the logs.17:08
WodgeyD^^ I am looking in /var/logs/ . It's server 12.04.5 btw17:09
usr13Guest41020: Not sure how you get kernel panic using nomodeset17:09
JohnnyLso much for 'Ubuntu Support'.17:09
usr13JohnnyL: gparted17:10
usr13JohnnyL: What is your problem?17:10
SpaghettiCatJohnnyL:  All of the poeple here who try to solve problems are volunteers and are doing it in their free time, out of kindness. Don't be so ungrateful17:11
everonanyone familiar with XCFA (X convert file audio 4.2.8) I want ot get all the external programs working but can't seem to get them installed specifically aacplusenc mac(monkeys-audio) and shorten17:11
Guest41020it loaded to a black screen when i tried to install normal so i looked it up and people said that fixed the problem i tried it with usb and now im trying it with a fresh download on dvd17:11
JohnnyLusr13: way ahead of you. http://pastie.org/961064217:11
usr13!nomodeset | Guest4102017:12
ubottuGuest41020: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:12
Guest41020so far i've been here for about 20 mins and its just 14.04 ....17:12
usr13Guest41020: What?17:13
Guest41020trying to load 14.0417:13
usr13Guest41020: Did you run checksum against the ISO?17:13
usr13!md5sum | Guest4102017:14
ubottuGuest41020: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:14
Guest41020i loaded it from ubuntu website twice17:14
usr13Guest41020: You loaded what?  From what ubuntu website?17:15
usr13Guest41020: You mean downloaded?17:15
usr13Guest41020: Did you run checksum against the ISO?17:15
usr13Guest41020: Do it17:16
usr13Guest41020: md5sum name-of-file.iso17:16
usr13Guest41020: And google the result17:16
usr13Guest41020: If you scroll up just a little, you will find [more] information from ubottu about md5sum17:17
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felonin terminal how do i get the mac address of the wireless card this laptop is using17:28
Guest41020this is what it said 119cb63b48c9a18f31f417f09655efbd17:29
eeeeGuest41020: what what said?17:31
eeeeof what??17:31
eeee*of what?17:31
=== Seahawks_Dynasty is now known as Im
eeeeGuest41020: nevermind, 119cb63b48c9a18f31f417f09655efbd *ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso17:32
squintyfelon:  ifconfig   look at hwaddr entry17:32
eeeeGuest41020: i guess your md5 matches releases.ubuntu.com17:32
=== quem_ is now known as quem
Guest41020so.. any idea what im doing wrong?17:33
eeeeGuest41020: what's the problem?17:33
eeeehello sebokie17:33
sebokiesince a few days the command df -h does not work anymore. actuall all commands that have something to do with mount points17:34
=== Im is now known as HatersGunnaHate
Guest41020im trying to install ubuntu 14.04 after a while it just goes to a black screen17:34
felonty squinty17:34
eeeesebokie: lsblk ?17:34
eeeesebokie: mount ?17:34
sebokieeeee: lsblk works17:34
sebokieeeee: mount also17:35
eeeesebokie: what does df say?17:35
Guest41020i tried nomodeset and that didnt do anything to help17:35
eeeeGuest41020: you mean during the install that happens?17:36
eeeeor when you press try ubuntu ?17:36
sebokieeeee: nothing, it outputs nothing, like it's stuck17:36
felonsquinty: whats the HW mean17:36
Guest41020i dont even get as far as the install17:36
fartfaceHey, I'm on 14.04, using Unity, and my Unity Launcher is only popping up *under* all of the windows.  I need to minimize everything to see the launcher.  A google search only brought up one person with the same issue as me, but no fix.  Anyone have any ideas?17:36
Guest41020i can get to the screen that says try ubuntu without install install ubuntu etc17:37
=== Aaron__ is now known as Aaron
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=== Timido is now known as Aaron
bubbasauresfartface, I would do a reset to start with. http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/reset-unity-and-compiz-settings-in-ubuntu-14-04/17:38
squintyfelon: HardWare17:38
MiaI've set up nodejs, and forever17:39
MiaI want the apps to start on system restart17:39
=== OoeyGUI is now known as hereismyhandle
felonty squinty17:39
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
MiaHow's this easily doable17:39
ol_dude67good place for questions about lubuntu and flash for chromium?17:39
eeeesebokie: did you use sshfs recently?17:40
eeeeGuest41020: so try ubuntu doesn't work right?17:40
sebokieeeee: wes I have a sshfs entry in my fstab17:40
bubbasauresol_dude67, Just state the issue.17:40
squintyfelon:  if you want a nice little utility that shows lots of information about your system, then install   inxi   https://code.google.com/p/inxi/   (iirc, it is in the repositories). for example, look at the Network entry on that web page for networking (including wireless) details17:41
sebokieI removed it and rebooted and now df -h works17:41
eeeesebokie: that is most likely it17:41
Guest41020i had 12.04 on it but 14.04 is not installing17:41
=== hereismyhandle is now known as OoeyGUI
ol_dude67flash sux, wont work with chromium.17:41
sebokieeeee: do wou know why it stopped working?17:41
sebokieis it a known bug?17:41
eeeesebokie: it's waiting for a reply17:42
sebokieeeee: ah ok, and this particular server does not exist anymore17:42
sebokieeeee: since ~ one month actually17:42
sebokieI wonder why it onlw stopped working now...17:42
Guest41020it sits there saying 14.04 .... and then goes black17:44
bubbasauresol_dude67, Heh, hardly a help based statement can we get to that?17:44
eeeeGuest41020: you could try a text based minimalcd install17:44
Guest41020what is that?17:45
eeee!minimalcd | Guest4102017:45
ubottuGuest41020: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:45
samthewildoneQuick question, I'm going to install ubuntu minimal installation style. Is there a way I can install the gnome 3 desktop?17:46
samthewildoneThough without Evolution & Firefox17:46
ol_dude67bubbasaures, just stating a fact. sorry. having issues getting pandora to play because its not loaded into chromium right. my idiot jump of the gun.17:46
compdocI think so17:46
eeeesamthewildone: no idea about without firefox, but i think the minimalcd install asks you what you want to install17:46
samthewildoneI tried the installation via vm and it worked fine but, seems like evolution and firefox were tied to the core of gnome 317:46
Guest41020that sounds a bit too complicated for me. why wont it work the normal way17:46
Guest41020they way i've always gotten ubuntu to install17:47
samthewildoneeeee, so gnome-core is the same as gnome-shell ?17:47
bubbasauresol_dude67, Your fact, not the publics in general, flash works fine here, keep ot to a support theme, needing or giving.17:47
* m3n3chm0 nasZ17:48
KirejiI recently did a system update from 12.04 to 14.04 and my main spools did not rotate.  does ubuntu still use logrotate and /etc/logrotate.conf in 14.04.117:48
ol_dude67bubbasaures, was in lubuntu getting more specifics sorry. wont happen again.17:48
WulframnGuest41020: you're trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 and are having issues?17:49
eeeesamthewildone: i think the gnome-shell is the desktop environment, and gnome-core is the core stuff, apt-cache show gnome-shell and gnome-core will list the differences17:50
felonsweet thx squinty ill install that program17:50
samthewildoneeeee, your a God17:50
Wulframnwhen you capitalise it, it makes it a personal pronoun. :-P17:51
squintyfelon: yw17:51
utahcondoes placement of a "pre-start script" block matter in an init/upstart conf?17:55
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Sonderbladeany way to check which packages was updated in the last week?18:00
Sonderbladeor since any given time duration18:00
OerHekssoftwarecenter > button history18:01
dhaval2712How do I chroot into a GPT partition? I can't seem to actually find any and I think the actual partition table might be corrupt.18:02
eeeedhaval2712: you chroot into a directory18:02
dhaval2712eeee: No I mean how do I mount it?18:02
SonderbladeOerHeks: is it in kubuntu?18:03
eeeemount /dev/sdxY /mnt18:03
eeeeSonderblade: check /var/log/apt18:03
eeeeyou can use zcat to check the .gz files18:03
OerHekscat /var/log/dpkg.log | grep " installed\ "18:04
dhaval2712Yeah that's the issue, I can't see the partition there. It boots fine, but I can't actually see it.18:04
eeeedhaval2712: sudo parted -l18:04
eeeedoesn't show it?18:04
dhaval2712It shows 4 ntfs partitions.18:05
eeeewhat are you trying to do?18:05
dhaval2712This isn't my machine and I haven't installed it myself, and I have no experience with GPT or anything.18:05
dhaval2712Trying to chroot into the Ubuntu install from a Mint live CD to install broacdcom drivers.18:05
eeeedhaval2712: ubuntu would be on ext418:06
Sonderbladeeeee: the raw data is there, but it's not so easily queryable18:06
eeeeor ext3, etc. but not ntfs18:06
dhaval2712I don't see any ext4. I'll upload the fstab in a minute.18:06
TheBigDealis there a way to turn a usb flash drive to RAM?18:06
eeeeSonderblade: you want a list of actions or installed apps?18:06
dhaval2712They've somehow installed Ubuntu *inside* windows!18:09
eeeeSonderblade: dpkg -l , will give you a list of installed packages18:09
dhaval2712Fstab shows a path called /host/ubunut/disks/root.disk as the disk. What is this?18:09
sebokieeeee: thanks for your help, the commands you gave showed that the culprit was sshd, now everything works again18:09
Sonderbladeeeee: a list of package upgrades: (package, upgrade-date, from-version, to-version)18:10
eeeesebokie: no problem18:11
eeeeglad it worked out18:11
squintydhaval2712:  if they have installed inside windows then they used "wubi" probably.  The installation can be removed from the Windows system via Control Center > Software removal18:12
eeeedhaval2712: yeah, i don't think you can chroot into wubi18:13
eeeei've no idea18:13
dhaval2712Yeah, I understand. If I'm not mistaken, it uses a file that it mounts with NTLDR and then boots from that. This is pure sorcery, right?18:13
dhaval2712eeee: I disagree. MAYBE, just maybe, if I can mount the disk, I can chroot into it normally.18:15
samthewildonehow can install mini ubuntu on my usb ?18:15
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hillaryHi, is it possible to install whats app mobile application in ubuntu 14.0418:18
eeeedhaval2712: try mount.ntfs18:19
xanguanot guarantee hillary http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/09/install-android-apps-ubuntu-archon18:19
dhaval2712eeee: No it worked properly. Just like mounting an iso.18:19
DJoneshillary: No18:19
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dhaval2712Also, whose bright idea was it to have a broadcom chip that requires proprietary drivers on a Dell Ubuntu laptop?18:20
compdocme - sorry18:20
DJonesdhaval2712: Dell18:20
dhaval2712Gosh darned idiots.18:20
DJonesdhaval2712: Well, Dell and Broadcom anyway18:21
vitimitiWell, I would have problems finding an ethernet connection for that driver, right now18:21
Laura_1what people doing here?18:22
squintysamthewildone: personally never done a mini install but would imagine you can just point the partitioner/installer to the relevant usb stick as you would if installing a full version of linux.  if you are booting the installer from a usb stick you will also need another stick to install to18:22
squintyLaura_1:   please type  /topic   for details on this channel18:22
DJonesLaura_1: You've joined the Ubuntu support channel as shown in the topic when you joined, we deal with Ubuntu support issues18:22
dhaval2712Laura_1: I'll tell you what people are doing here. People are desperately scurrying about helping each other to forget the fact that Fedora is a better alternative.18:24
dhaval2712I'm sorry.18:24
DJones!behelpful | dhaval271218:25
ubottudhaval2712: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.18:25
hillaryWhat ubuntu applications can i  use to communicate with android mobile over the internet?18:25
DJonesdhaval2712: Please feel free to join the Fedora channel to give support18:25
DJoneshillary: I use Airdroid over wifi18:25
dhaval2712I'Oh what's a few jokes between18:26
dhaval2712I'm sorry. But what's a few jokes between friends, right?18:26
daftykinsyou are not our friend, please leave now18:27
squintyand now you are trolling dhasenan18:27
ntzhТрудно поверить в суровую правду, но тема незаконной торговли  человеческими органами в Украине не новая. Один из самых резонансных  случаев случился во Львове. В 90-х годах руководитель Львовской  областной клинической больницы Богдан Федак ор18:28
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hillary Airdroid is in ubuntu software center18:30
HardtailAfternoon everybody18:31
xanguahillary: airdroid is in playstore, random question get random answers18:31
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dhaval2712I have a non-random question. How do I change the mirrors that apt-get will use?18:32
eeeedhaval2712: say fedora sucks, first :P18:33
DJoneshillary: airdroid is an android channel18:33
dhaval2712No problem. Fedora does suck.18:33
eeeeah, i'd respect more if you didn't say that18:33
dhaval2712So does Ubuntu and Mint and Arch and openSUSE and everyone else.18:33
eeeeit was a trick question :P18:33
dhaval2712Fedora sucks hard.18:33
arthurfiggisdhaval2712: you're not very good at this whole trolling thing, are you18:34
DJonesok bye18:34
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BluesKajDJones, think that6 was another frustrated user who doesn't know how to ask for help without damaging his ego :)18:36
DJonesBluesKaj: Maybe, but 1st claiming Fedora is better than Ubuntu, then slagging Fedora off isn't channel friendly18:37
arthurfiggisBluesKaj: i think it's more likely that he belongs on 4chan or in the Slashdot comments, but in either case, I'm glad somebody shut him up :P18:37
BluesKajafirmative, arthurfiggis, DJones18:38
drmagooanyone here good with isc-dhcp-server ? got it installed on my ubuntu box, but its been acting out now. it goes into a loop that ends wiht 'init: isc-dhcp-server respawning too fast, stopped'18:43
Miahow can I display the running processes18:43
Miaand how much resource they're using18:43
Miaon terminal18:43
Mia(SSH Actually)18:43
arthurfiggisMia: top works pretty well for that :)18:44
daftykinsMia: run it18:44
arthurfiggisMia: yep, pretty standard console tool...almost certainly already installed, just run top in a terminal and away you go18:44
squintyMia: top will already be installed.  a variation is htop which some prefer (needs to be installed, iirc)18:45
arthurfiggissquinty: yes, i'd be surprised if it wasn't really, top being missing would probably break a lot of the GUI-based monitors :)18:45
Miahm nice18:46
Miathere was this something else18:46
MiaI don't know the name, but visually it was more like progress bars18:46
Miait was more "visual"18:46
andrilhello all18:46
Miaif it makes any sense18:46
BluesKajMia, system monitor, a gui18:46
MiaBluesKaj, I'm connected through ssh18:47
Miaso no UI for me18:47
pbxhey, a command line is a UI :)18:47
SchrodingersScatMia: htop18:47
andrili have an issue with my Pictures folder, it's like the path is forgotten after i change the wallpaper18:47
SchrodingersScat!info htop | mia, it's like top, only 'better'18:48
ubottumia, it's like top, only 'better': htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-3 (trusty), package size 65 kB, installed size 185 kB18:48
Miathank you! i instaleld it now18:49
yecril71plWhy does gedit insert a new line when I replace text with \n?18:50
ObrienDavebecause that's what \n does18:51
SchrodingersScatyecril71pl: is that not a new line?18:51
DanShinhello, someone can explain for me, what is the better kernel to use?18:51
iamnotarobotHI, where can I find the source code for the Ubuntu QT-based GUI components.18:52
yecril71plA new line is a new line, \n is INVERSE SOLIDUS, LATIN SMALL LETTER N18:52
SchrodingersScatseems that gedit and some regex disagrees with you18:53
Miawhen I do htop to my droplet, I see 6 instances of node index.js running18:53
Miais this normal18:53
trismyecril71pl: if you want a literal \n use \\n to escape the \18:53
dav1dp0101Hi all! Does anyone have experience writing scripts that modify crontab? I want to query a MySQL database every day before midnight (using cron) that will then populate a series of commands (specific to each day) and put them in crontab to be executed the next day. Suggestions?18:55
Pumpkin-dav1dp0101: why don't you use "at" to setup the days jobs ?18:57
kaithlinMay I know the server to Indonesia? I am new use linux18:57
deadevilboyis it possible to do something like this eth0 --> mitmproxy --> wlan gateway -->internet ?18:58
DanShinhello, someone can explain for me, what is the better kernel to use?18:58
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drmagoodeadevilboy: do you want to force the traffic from eth0 to the proxy, regardless of what kindof traffic it is ?19:00
arthurfiggisDanShin: depends on what you want it to do :) for regular desktop use the stock kernel works just fine...realtime kernels are better for things that require minimal amounts of latency, e.g. recording sound or video and processing that stuff in real time19:00
BluesKajkaithlin, repository mirrors for ubuntu packages?19:00
dav1dp0101Pumpkin- thanks, I'll check that out. In that case my script would create the days commands and put them in a file. Then "at" would read that file and execute the commands? Is that how it works?19:00
yecril71plWhy can't I mark text in the Launchpad window?19:01
JustusHi, my postfix is having trouble with a compromised filesystem. I'm trying to rescue as much data as I can. There's a bunch of emails stuck in /var/spool/postfix/incoming and /active, how can I transfer them into courier manually?19:03
minimecyecril71pl: try <alt>Tab to see whether there is some popup notification 'pending', or simply to refocus the window.19:03
motoflipsidei am running GNU/Linux Debian 7 (Wheezy) on my computer and want to transfer the voicemail messages i have on my motorola flipside to my computer. How can i do that?19:04
DJones!debian | motoflipside19:04
ubottumotoflipside: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!19:04
yecril71plminimec: There is no popup window and refocusing does not help.19:04
DJonesmotoflipside: Probably worth asking in the Debian support channels19:04
motoflipsidei am running GNU/Linux on my computer and want to transfer the voicemail messages i have on my motorola flipside to my computer. How can i do that? I did ask in debian19:05
motoflipsidebut my question is not distro related19:05
DJonesmotoflipside: Please install Ubuntu or one of its supported derivatives and test, then we'll eb able to help19:05
yecril71plmotoflipside: what is a flipside?19:06
minimecyecril71pl: Was just an idea... But a nice one, you might admit... ;)19:06
yecril71plubuntu-bug says HTTP 40319:06
deadevilboyis it possible to do something like this eth0 --> mitmproxy --> wlan gateway -->internet ?19:08
BluesKajdeadevilboy, have you tried the mitmproxy to see where it's supposed to resid19:11
BluesKajerr reside ?19:11
deadevilboyBluesKaj: u mean, where to put in mitmproxy conf so that it redirects to wlan0 router gateway instead of eth0 gateway?19:12
BluesKajdeadevilboy, dunno is that is recommended in the man page?19:13
BluesKajwhat is19:13
deadevilboyno, I am pen test19:13
deadevilboythis is my idea19:13
samthewildoneits ALIVE !19:13
samthewildonei just install ubuntu minimal with gnome-shell and its alive19:14
deadevilboyBluesKaj: if u redirect eth0 traffic to mitmproxy, I can see it all. However, eth0 clients' browser connect directly to an ntlm auth proxy19:14
samthewildonehow do I install the font pack19:15
deadevilboyBluesKaj: this way u can't see web traffic19:15
deadevilboyBluesKaj: the idea was to use some kind of proxy that can read that traffic19:16
Basketballanyone here good with rtcwake19:16
BluesKajis there no man page , deadevilboy19:16
kaithlin_where Chat for ubuntu Indonesia19:17
deadevilboyBluesKaj: and I thought it was easy if I redirect traffic from eth0 proxy to my mitm laptop, and then, instead of mitmproxy sends traffic again to eth0 proxy, it would sent it to my wlan0 gateway19:18
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia19:18
deadevilboyBluesKaj: that way, I could simply make dns spoof for a clone web attack19:18
deadevilboyand that would the the proof of concept19:19
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia19:19
kaithlin_Thank you, Greetings, I am from Indonesia19:20
nevermoreravenhey ubuntuers19:21
BluesKajkaithlin_, join #ubuntu-id19:21
nevermoreravenubuntu most used linux distro in da universe!19:24
samthewildonedoes anyone know the command for the fonts ?19:26
[1]Rigelhi I am tryting to convert from windows to ubuntu....internet on virtual machine was working fine. but after i updated plugins for virtual box dual monitor internet stopped working19:28
[1]RigelI am using ubuntu 12.0419:28
mabluefor gforce graphic card how i can install and make auto run his driver?19:28
jhutchinssamthewildone: WHAT fonts?19:28
samthewildonejhutchins, I just installed the ubuntu minimal, and don't have alot of font19:28
samthewildoneI want the ubuntu fonts19:29
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sourkrautsamthewildone: use softwarecenter to install more fonts19:29
OerHekssamthewildone, restricted-extras will give Sans Serif and such19:30
danix5fhello, i've difficulties connecting to iscsi storage from ubuntu server. any one can please help with it ?19:31
sourkrautsamthewildone: you can also use these: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/19:31
mablueany idia?19:32
mabluegforce graphic card driver19:33
mabluenvidia gforce19:33
OerHeksmablue, use the nvidia drivers from the driver menu19:33
squintymablue:  have you checked Additional Drivers first?19:33
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto19:33
mablueyes i cheked19:34
mabluein it just i have a bcmwl19:34
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mablueit cant autorun setup my driver after version 1219:35
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hillarygive me a command for upgrade. That is from 12.04 to 14.0419:36
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:36
squintyis that an order or request?19:36
mabluesudo apt-get update-distro19:36
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geniihillary: sudo do-release-upgrade19:37
mabluegenii: my comand is not true?19:37
geniimablue: No.19:37
geniimablue: It would be sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   for one thing, but that does not jump you from one version to the next19:38
squintymablue:   have you tried in a terminal     sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-current   see if that pulls in the correct video driver for your unit19:40
mabluesquinty: ok!tnx!19:41
geniiMight need to add the "restricted" repo first.19:41
mabluegenii? I?19:42
geniimablue: The nvidia drivers are in the repository called restricted. It is not enabled by default.19:42
vibvibgyor1can someone tell me what is gnome and kde?19:43
geniimablue: Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu for details19:43
mablueoh !from nano apt/.../list??!19:43
ObrienDavevibvibgyor1, Desktop Environments19:44
geniivibvibgyor1: They are desktop environments which each use different underlying libraries19:44
mabluegenii thanks  ok19:45
vibvibgyor1oberienDave, genii can you please elaborate?19:45
OerHeksnice overview different desktops http://imgur.com/a/9iaLJ19:45
sourkrautvibvibgyor1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kde19:45
squintygenii:   you can toggle on/off repo's via the Software Update manager19:45
reisioOerHeks: why not just have a plain text file that says "they're all the same" :p19:45
ObrienDavevibvibgyor1, windows has it's own desktop environment. windows, look and feel. gnome and KDE are just 2 of many DEs for Linux19:46
mabluevibvibgyor1: then kde is not default for ubuntu ...gnome is usefulest19:46
OerHekswindows 10 could hide there :-D19:46
vibvibgyor1oberienDave, genii , sourkraut: means they are just gui over core os?19:47
sourkrautvibvibgyor1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME319:48
GlamdringFor a few ridiculous reasons, I'm trying to mount and edit the contents of a Win95 hard drive image. How do I go about that?19:48
samthewildonequestion how do I enable system wide font ubuntu ?19:49
geniiGlamdring: (sudo) mount -o loop imagefile.img /mnt  (or other place)19:49
jhutchinsGlamdring: should be -t vfat19:49
samthewildoneI installed it, how do I enable it for the system.19:50
pangurI logged in to a Gnome display environment and after rebooting, am presented with black blank screen. How do i get back to Cinnamon please?19:50
Glamdring-t vfat didn't give me much luck. I think I'm missing something for that.19:50
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GlamdringI'll try the -o loop19:50
vibvibgyor1pangur google it19:50
Basketballwhen i use rtcwake to sleep and wake my pc the time stops running and is stuck at the time when it slept19:50
vibvibgyor1ONCE i was in similar situation pangur19:50
panguri am on an ipad.19:50
mablue? justask19:51
geniivibvibgyor1: Please don't advise people to "google it"19:51
jhutchinsGlamdring: you may need both, but vfat should auto-detect.19:51
reisioGlamdring: https://major.io/2010/12/14/mounting-a-raw-partition-file-made-with-dd-or-dd_rescue-in-linux/19:51
reisioBasketball: run ntp-date or the like19:51
OerHekssamthewildone, maybe update font chache > sudo fc-cache -fv # http://catlingmindswipe.blogspot.nl/2012/01/how-to-update-ubuntus-font-cache.html19:52
jhutchinsBasketball: That's expected behavior.19:52
panguri am able to login to a console and edit files via emacs.19:52
JohnnyLhave any of you made live system that used hd tmpfs for firefox?19:52
Happzzim running ubuntu on virtualbox, i just increased the disk size and i need to somehow repartition so ubuntu is aware of the new space available. i dont want to format or reinstall everything. what do i do?19:52
sourkrautsamthewildone: install the fonts at /usr/share/fonts19:52
Basketballjhutchins, the rtcwake is supposed to wake my compyter at a certian time but it cant because the time stops19:52
samthewildonesourkraut, the font is install but I want to use it19:53
samthewildoneI did install via gnome-font-viewer19:53
Glamdringgenii: It says "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"19:53
panguri used ctrl-alt-f1to login to terminal.19:53
sourkrautsamthewildone: the font is local at .fonts copy it to /usr/share/fonts19:53
geniiGlamdring: So then use both -o loop AND -t vfat19:53
jhutchinsBasketball: Are you suspending to RAM or to disk?19:53
samthewildonesourkraut, brb19:54
Basketballjhutchins, -m mem19:54
GlamdringJust a sec, be right back.19:54
geniipangur: Have you tried setting the nomodeset in grub?19:55
jhutchinsBasketball: Might just be a hardwarer quirk.19:55
Basketballjhutchins, so what do i do19:55
timmmaaaayyyany idea why this isn't allowed?  i get "-bash: /etc/environment: Permission denied" when i try to sudo echo "TEST_VER=production" >> /etc/environment19:55
pangurno genii. how do i do that please?19:56
mihakHi guys, i have a problem qith grub, if anyone can help me out. I set the timeout to 0, so it wouldnt popup everytime i booted my computer, now i cant get to it, event with holding the shift while booting. Anyone know how i can fix this?19:56
glamdringSorry, where things stood I was unable to copy/paste. The result was kind of meh. : sudo mount -t vfat -o loop path/ path/ gave me the following:19:56
genii!nomodeset | pangur19:56
ubottupangur: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:56
glamdringmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop1, etc.19:56
=== glamdring is now known as Glamdring
pangurthanks genii!19:56
geniiGlamdring: How was this image made?19:56
mabluewhat mean -o loop?19:57
GlamdringTruth be told, it's been a long time and I don't really remember. Different install, different box, different time.19:57
mabluei undrstand -t fat mean type is fat but what mean -o loop19:57
squintypangur:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/162075/my-computer-boots-to-a-black-screen-what-options-do-i-have-to-fix-it19:57
lennylisomeone speak german19:58
reisiolennyli: ja19:58
k1l_lennyli: #ubuntu-de ist der deutsche kanal19:58
geniiGlamdring: What is the result of: file <imagename>19:58
mablueyes im persian!19:58
freijonlennyli: yep19:58
sourkrautlennyli: ja, warum?19:58
lennyliich bin neu hier...vorallem neu mit ubuntu19:59
reisiosourkraut: it was a command, not a question!19:59
jhutchinsmablue: loopback.  I believe it's refering to the fact that the file is already on a mounted filesystem, but will be re-mounted as a device.  I use it to mount images of CDs so I can have several mounted at once with only one drive.19:59
Glamdring/media/macksting/79903e77-d1d5-435c-a69f-a32f9264f57a/mackie/win95/win95.img: x86 boot sector19:59
sourkrautreisio: zu Befehl! ;)19:59
GlamdringI meant to clean that up a little. Aw well.19:59
reisioGlamdring: you want to mount only the partition that was c:19:59
GlamdringAh. Hrm. Okay.19:59
freijonlennyli: schreib mal: /join #ubuntu-de20:00
dbrownI started using Fedora20:00
dbrownso it would match my hat20:00
reisioGlamdring: how big is it all?20:00
jhutchinsGlamdring: So it's an image of a disk, not a partition.20:00
GlamdringYes, sorry, I should have thought of specifying that.20:00
jhutchinsGlamdring: You need to specify the offset of the partition.20:01
reisioecho in here20:01
sourkrautreisio: werden mehr Partitionen eingebunden, als Du brauchst?20:01
geniiGlamdring: Looks like you'll need to calculate the offset of the partitions within the image first. Might want to look at http://madduck.net/blog/2006.10.20:loop-mounting-partitions-from-a-disk-image/20:01
GlamdringThe whole thing is 399.7 MiB20:01
mabluejhutgins: but why u mount an image on many where?20:01
reisiosourkraut: you mean to be asking me about partitions?20:01
reisioGlamdring: can you make another image?20:01
sourkrautreisio: just testing your german ;)20:02
GlamdringWell, I don't really remember how to off the top of my head, so I'm not sure.20:02
reisioif you can it'll probably take you less time to just re-image20:02
reisiosourkraut: I'm online20:02
reisioGlamdring: it's simpler if you use dd on partitions instead of devices20:02
reisioGlamdring: or use ntfsclone20:02
reisioGlamdring: not that you can't figure out the offsets for what you've already got20:02
jhutchinsGlamdring: http://www.andremiller.net/content/mounting-hard-disk-image-including-partitions-using-linux20:02
jhutchinsGlamdring: http://madduck.net/blog/2006.10.20:loop-mounting-partitions-from-a-disk-image/20:03
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
jhutchinsGlamdring: fdisk -lu <file> will get you the sector offset, multiply by bytes-per-sector (512).20:03
Delta706what tool can I use to crop an image?20:04
sourkrautDelta706: use Gimp20:04
mabluecan any one show me an alternativ for easyphp in linux ubuntu?20:05
Delta706sourkraut: thanks20:05
Dronesrcoolbest channel to ask for Xbox stuff is20:05
sourkrautDelta706: you're welcome20:05
freijonDelta706: GIMP: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/gimp/20:05
GlamdringI'm chasing every one of these threads simultaneously. re: jhutchins and the sector offset, would that be the (from fdisk -lu messy/path.img) the Start and End?20:06
reisiomablue: what's easyphp?20:06
WizardGedhey can i give somone a link on how to get unbanned here. some nice webpage must exist.20:07
k1l_WizardGed: see the !guidelines20:08
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:08
PiciWizardGed: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess20:08
WizardGedthanks guys im talking to him in mumble atm20:09
=== Borialis is now known as Leentjes
Grizzly2I can't seem to use the "list" function on gdb20:09
GlamdringIf not, what is the sector offset?20:09
Grizzly2Whenever I tried after running a program, it says "dl-debug.c : no such file or directory"20:09
GlamdringI could just paste the result in here, but it sounds like it'd be an unnecessary mess.20:10
Grizzly2Am I experiencing a bug or am I using gdb wrongly?20:10
mabluereisio a virtual php server for testing codes and run php cms20:10
mabluein windows20:10
mablueno one use php in ubuntu20:11
geniiGlamdring: Maybe use a pastebin20:12
GlamdringGood thinking.20:12
k1l_!lamp | mablue20:12
ubottumablue: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.20:12
geniik1l_: I think they have more in mind a code-auditing system20:12
k1l_genii: following their webpage its some sort of xampp thingy20:14
=== rf is now known as icecream
=== icecream is now known as icecream-
reisiomablue: on Unix systems you just install a web server with php20:15
reisio'cause it's dead simple retarded easy20:15
reisiounlike the million clicks it takes to do anything with Windows Server :p20:15
Glamdringmacksting@sasha:~$ sudo mount -t vfat -o loop /media/macksting/79903e77-d1d5-435c-a69f-a32f9264f57a/mackie/win95/win95.img /home/macksting/games/daft20:15
trismGrizzly2: is this a file you compiled or from some other program? our debug symbols don't include source so you usually have to specify the path using the dir command unless you compiled it yourself20:15
Glamdring[sudo] password for macksting:20:15
Glamdringmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop1,20:15
Glamdring       missing codepage or helper program, or other error20:15
Glamdring       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try20:15
PetazzHi! What's a modern command line tool for making a backup of a ubuntu server?20:15
Glamdring       dmesg | tail  or so20:15
Glamdringmacksting@sasha:~$ file /media/macksting/79903e77-d1d5-435c-a69f-a32f9264f57a/mackie/win95/win95.img20:15
unopasteGlamdring you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted20:15
PetazzI don't need an automated backup, just one20:16
k1l_Petazz: rsync? or do you want image backups?20:16
qin_Petazz: rsync, or cp, or dd20:17
Petazzk1l_: Don't need image, just the files :)20:17
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GlamdringSorry. THAT'S what I tried to paste.20:17
k1l_Petazz: then rsync is a nice tool20:17
Petazzk1l_: Hmm can I run it remotely easily?20:17
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
PetazzI'd want to move the files from remote to my local20:17
k1l_Petazz: rsync is a cli tool. yes you can use it for ssh connections, too20:18
k1l_!rsync | Petazz20:18
ubottuPetazz: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync20:18
KirejiI recently did a system update from 12.04 to 14.04 and my main spools did not rotate.  does ubuntu still use logrotate and /etc/logrotate.conf in 14.04.120:19
JohnnyLGlamdring: aren't you Gandalf's blade?20:19
GlamdringWizardGed is Sparrowhawk.20:20
JohnnyLmemory serves!20:20
GlamdringWe be nerds.20:20
Petazzubottu: The site only suggests how to copy _to_ a remote server. How can I copy _from_ one?20:20
ubottuPetazz: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:20
Petazz: D20:20
PetazzMissed that one20:20
lbeckmanPetazz: another option is btsync works great especially to remote locations20:20
geniiGlamdring: So if you follow the instructions on the link i gave,  63  sectors in where the partition begins. So 63 * 512 = 32256 which is the offset to use.20:20
GlamdringYAY! Thanks. Lemme try that.20:21
GlamdringShoot. There were two links, and I don't remember which was yours.20:21
GlamdringNor do I know irssi well enough to scroll up.20:22
PiciPetazz: rsync's arguments work just like cp's do.  Just run rsync on your local computer and pull the files down.20:22
PiciGlamdring: hint: its page-up20:22
JohnnyLnow firefo only used /home/user/.cache for all it's storages,correct?20:22
GlamdringSeems I was hitting End instead. Thanks.20:22
HardtailHey guys. I am using Ubuntu to learn Terminal. I plan on using this system as my primary machine. I was wondering about XAMPP, should I just use this or try to setup Apache, PHP and MySQL another way?20:24
sourkrautHardtail: use ubuntu LAMP server20:25
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p0wn3dHartail: I would use virtual box and play with it so you dont mess up your main workstation20:26
sourkrautHardtail: http://www.ubuntu.com/server20:26
k1l_Hardtail: ubuntu ships all packages you need. just use that. the bundle-package thing from windows is really a security issue20:26
k1l_!lamp | Hardtail20:26
ubottuHardtail: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.20:26
HardtailThank you to everyone. I will go learn about LAMP!20:27
GlamdringI'll work on this when my eyes stop glazing over. Thanks!20:27
geniiGlamdring: Good luck with it.20:28
GlamdringGracias. The things we do to play Fallout...20:28
JohnnyLhackers replaced my php-session-start with lsof20:28
maxmcHi, I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit on a thinkpad x220. Just now my external monitor - connected via displayport  - stopped working. A reboot didn't help. The monitor does not show up in "displays", xrandr says dp1,dp2, dp3 (that means displayport right?) is disconnected. Any ideas what I can do to solve the problem? Thanks alot!20:28
JohnnyLthey left evidence everywhere.20:28
Hardtailsourkraut: Ubuntu Server is another install correct?20:29
volkerbradleyTried to remove and reinstall Plex Media Server. Got the following error message: dpkg: error processing package plexmediaserver (--configure):  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:29
k1l_Hardtail: its "just" a install without a desktop and some other packages preinstalled instead20:29
k1l_Hardtail: but they share the same packages and kernel and base system20:29
volkerbradleywhere would I look to see where the problem is20:29
Hardtailk1l_ I need another partition to run that though, correct?20:30
k1l_Hardtail: no. but i am not sure you got that right.20:30
gp5st1hello.  I have an ubuntu 14.04 box. I created the file /etc/rsyslog.d/51-local7.conf containing "local7.*                                -/var/log/local7.log" I then did a `/etc/init.d/rsyslog resart`I didn't see a local7.log file so I did `logger -p local7.info` entered some text and then ^D and I still don't see a local7.log file.  Any suggestions?20:31
Hardtailk1l_: ok, I may be a bit confused, my apologies I am new to Linux in general. So it would install the software on my current Ubuntu operating system as a terminal application?20:31
lbeckmanmaxmc: monitors can be tough sometimes, the monitor does work and has power correct?20:32
k1l_Hardtail: ubuntu (no matter if server, ubuntu, kubuntu, ...) is always the same base system but just another (or no) desktop on top. the server install got no desktop installed and some other packages as default but you can install a desktop there, or you can install the server packages on a ubuntu with desktop.20:33
maxmclbeckman: yes power is ok, even the keyboard and mouse plugged into the monitor work fine20:33
kaithlinwhat the best tools ubuntu for monitoring personal website20:33
Picikaithlin: What do you mean by monitoring?20:33
Hardtailk1l_: I understand now, thank you for taking the time to explain this for me.20:33
lbeckmanmaxmc: does your X220 have proprietary drivers installed?20:33
maxmclbeckman: no20:34
kaithlinweb real time log monitoring20:34
k1l_Hardtail: but, you want a server to be running 24/7 since you want the website/services to be available 24/7. and you turn off a regular desktop. so most guys split that on to 2 different systems.20:34
lbeckmanmaxmc: I've had good luck with ati/amd drivers, but your X220 is probably Intel HD Graphics Im thinking.20:35
Hardtailk1l_ : I understand what you mean about that. So I can technically just register a domain and point it to my server then? What I am trying to accomplish right now though is just create a development environment on my desktop, when they go live I have hosting already, though.20:36
maxmclbeckman: yes it is intel hd, I guess the apt-get upgrade I executed  must have caused the problem. is there a way to see what updates have been applied ?20:36
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hplcwhat options exists if i want to use / tune a policy using GUI (somewhat similar to ms windows ?, one which comes with templates would be  preferred, if they exist20:36
maxmclbeckman: and maybe undo them?20:37
kaithlinPici : I am from Indonesia, my english is not so good20:37
Picikaithlin: awstats is fairly popular.20:37
k1l_Hardtail: ok. you can install the packages like the link on !lamp tells you and use that on your desktop.20:37
lbeckmanmaxmc: they might have, I know most often when I do an update that plays around with kernels etc. I need to reinstall graphics drivers.20:37
=== ivo is now known as Guest98879
Hardtailk1l_: Okay, thank you so much!20:38
Guest98879oeee oeee oeee oeee20:38
k1l_Hardtail: np20:38
Hardtailk1l_: Do you have any experience with writing applications for Ubuntu and/or creating themes?20:39
k1l_Hardtail: no, that is not my business :)20:39
geniikaithlin: See the "Status Module" section at https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-configure-and-use-modules-in-the-apache-web-server20:39
Hardtailk1l_: Okay thanks :D20:39
lbeckmanmaxmc: take a peek here at what mikeb states about 3rd post down to reinstall your intel graphics: https://01.org/linuxgraphics/node/31620:41
maxmclbeckman: thanks!20:41
lbeckmanmaxmc: sure thing, hope it works for you!20:41
maxmcme too :)20:41
GlamdringIt occurs to me to ask, while I attempt to parse this losetup and "hacked" plosetup stuff... When I right-click on the .img, a menu option of Disk Image Mounter comes up. Mounted so, I can look at the whole contents, but can't edit them. Why is this?20:45
=== Goku__ is now known as FrEaKi
sourkrautGlamdring: mounted as readonly?20:47
kaithlin<Pici> thanks20:47
GlamdringI'd assume so, but that leaves open the question of why is that, and how to fix it.20:47
kaithlin<genii> thanks20:48
sourkrautGlamdring: try sudo nautilus in the terminal20:48
HardtailAnyone here have experience developing Ubuntu themes and/or applications?20:50
antivirtelhello all! can someone help me with command "du"? I'm using it that way: `du -h` which outputs the needed things, except the decimal part of the size. Eg. I have 16.9 GB used, but it just writes: 16GB, and it it not the same 16.1 or 16.9 has a bit difference -- can't find a way, when I force megabytes or at least 2 decimal places like with `free -m`?20:50
peppevpnhi at all20:50
peppevpnI've a problem with multiple connection to vpn20:50
sourkrautpeppevpn: 1. problem?20:50
GlamdringHrm. I tried sudo pcmanfm, got to the same place, and actually got fewer results.20:51
peppevpnsourkraut: the first problem is that I don't manage to connect to my company vpn20:51
peppevpnfrom network manager20:51
sourkrautpeppevpn: does it log in?20:52
Akiva-ThinkpadI'm getting this error ; any idea what it means? file:///home/akiva/Programming/remix/music-app.qml:26 plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtMultimedia": Cannot load library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/QtMultimedia/libdeclarative_multimedia.so: (dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS)20:52
Akiva-ThinkpadI'm trying to run an application, but it fails and outputs this message.20:53
peppevpnsourkraut: no, it doesn't connect20:53
GlamdringYeah, I don't even have nautilus on this box.20:53
peppevpnnow I'm trying to connect from kvpnc but I don't manage to oen the app20:53
lbeckmanantivirtel: try du -b * | awk '{printf "%10.1f %s\n", $1/1000, $2}'20:54
sourkrautpeppevpn: is it a pptp?20:54
peppevpnsourkraut: yes20:54
sourkrautpeppevpn: are you directly connect to the internet (modem) or via router?20:55
peppevpnvia router20:55
antivirtelhmm... that's great lbeckman :)20:55
peppevpnbut i manage to connect through mac os x20:55
antivirtelbut shouldn't it be 1024?20:55
sourkrautpeppevpn: so the firewall in the router could not be the problem20:55
peppevpnsourkraut: no20:56
sourkrautpeppevpn: do you have the same adress range on the mac and ubuntu machine?20:56
lbeckmanantivirtel: yes prob true, at least gets you close. may need to tweak the line a bit to get exactly what you want.20:56
peppevpnit's a local ip address,
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang20:57
sourkrautpeppevpn: you have added a new vpn connection in the network manager already?20:58
peppevpnsourkraut: yes, and now I'm trying from kvpnc too without any positive result20:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:59
antivirtellbeckman - what is the standard? 1024 or1000 - I'm not sure... because one of them has an other postfix: MiB vs MB20:59
sourkrautpeppevpn: try it form the network manager first, is it an IPv4 adresse range in the vpn you would like to connect?21:00
Glamdringsourkraut, do you have reason to believe nautilus would behave differently from pcmanfm in this regard?21:00
sourkrautGlamdring: not really21:00
* Glamdring nods.21:00
GlamdringSo parsing arcane scriptures it is.21:00
peppevpnsourkraut: no21:01
sourkrautpeppevpn: so its IPv621:01
peppevpnsourkraut: no sorry, it's ipv421:02
sourkrautpeppevpn: so the route command says the same after you tried to connect?21:03
=== RichiH_ is now known as RichiH
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samthewildoneI installed ubuntu mini install via  laptop but, after its install the network doesn't work anymore...21:05
samthewildoneThe installation goes through but, for some reason (2nd time) when I reboot to the terminal and try to update or anything it says failed or error to fetch21:06
leif_erikson@samthewildone My last ubuntu install the network stopped working and I fixed it by reinstalling the Intel lan driver.21:07
samthewildoneleif_erikson, how do I install without network connection ?21:07
leif_eriksonYour situation may be way different than mine though.21:07
leif_eriksonCopy it to a flash drive from another computer21:07
samthewildonecopy wut ?21:07
leif_eriksonThe network driver21:07
samthewildonewhere can I get it ?21:07
leif_eriksonAre you trying to use wifi or ethernet21:08
leif_eriksonDo you know what company made your internet hardware?21:08
samthewildonewhen the installation starts up it picks up both wifi and eth021:08
samthewildoneerr ?21:08
samthewildonecomcast is my network provider but, my laptop is an HP M4 Envy21:09
WodgeyDsamthewildone what does ifconfig give you? what info can be gleamed from /etc/network/interfaces ?21:09
sourkrautsamthewildone: does a ping ubuntu.com work?21:09
samthewildoneping gives me error21:09
samthewildonethats the first thing I did21:09
sourkrautwhat error?21:09
samthewildoneifconfig doesn't give me much21:10
daftykins"ifconfig -a" see if you have intefaces21:10
WodgeyDsamthewildone just the "lo" interface?21:10
sourkrautsamthewildone: does dns work?21:10
samthewildonedaftykins, I have 3 interfaces with '-a' command21:11
samthewildonesourkraut, how can I check dns is working ?21:11
daftykins"nslookup google.com"21:11
jhutchinspeppevpn: Do you use network manager?21:11
samthewildoneWodgeyD, I do  have lo interface21:11
peppevpnjhutchins: yes21:11
peppevpnjhutchins: but other clients too21:11
jhutchinspeppevpn: There's a pptp module for it.21:11
daftykinssamthewildone: what are the other two? eth0 and wlan0?21:11
samthewildonewhen doing nslookup google.com it hangs21:12
sourkrautsamthewildone: try ping, does it work?21:12
peppevpnjhutchins: yes, I've used it21:12
samthewildonedaftykins, lo , em1, wlan021:12
daftykinshmm interesting name21:12
WodgeyDsamthewildone lo is just the local loopback address. you need the ethX wlanX p1p1 interfaces.21:12
samthewildoneWodgeyD, how do I get them ?21:12
WodgeyDsamthewildone firstly, I am only a noob myslef! however. I would edit the /etc/network/interfaces file21:13
WodgeyDand give the ethX a static ip address21:13
sourkrautpeppevpn: back to you :)21:14
WodgeyDsamthewildone see link http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/21:14
samthewildoneWodgeyD, there is no file in there ?21:14
peppevpnsourkraut: ahahahahah :D:D21:14
WodgeyDah. that's the networkmanager thing, i think. I remember having a similar issue a few years back. unfortunately I am no more help. I will lurk and read what other, more experienced people tell you.21:16
WodgeyDgood luck21:16
sourkrautpeppevpn: have you tried to connect to the vpn and compared the route tables of your machine?21:17
=== Hobbyboy|BNC is now known as Hobbyboy
arcskyhey how can i stop/kill my logstash? sudo /etc/init.d/logstash stop and kill -9 <pid> doesnt work..21:17
arcskychecek here http://pastebin.com/9Q29igEn21:18
peppevpnsourkraut: I don't know how I can do it21:18
sourkrautpeppevpn: just open a terminal and type in route21:18
kaithlincan't install awstats,  Unable to locate package awstats21:19
daftykinssamthewildone: you're connected via wired right now? does em0 have an IP address?21:19
sourkrautpeppevpn: if a connection to a vpn where made the route table should have an entry after trying to connect21:20
nsuchyHi Everyone21:20
SchrodingersScatnsuchy: hey21:20
nsuchyI'm connected using my own custom IRC client made in visual basic21:20
nsuchyI choose #ubuntu as my testing channel21:21
=== lily_ is now known as oomoo
drekidoes anyone know how to easily change the CPU frequency in xubuntu 14.04? Is there an app or something that does it?21:21
WodgeyDnsuchy NICELY DONE!!!21:21
peppevpnsourkraut: I've found it21:21
nsuchyJust saying hi21:21
nsuchyBye for now21:21
SchrodingersScat!ubuntu | nsuchy21:21
ubottunsuchy: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:21
SchrodingersScatalso offtopic21:21
WodgeyDdreki why not do in bios/uefi?21:21
daftykinsi tried to ctcp version but i was too late :(21:21
SchrodingersScatdaftykins: same21:21
oomooMy ubuntu does exactly what I want it to.. now what?21:21
daftykinsoomoo: go live life, enjoying every moment21:21
Hardtaildaftykins: how are you mate, it's bus!21:21
sourkrautpeppevpn: found route table?21:22
oomoosounds good, daftykins '21:22
drekiWodgeyD I want to be able to change it quickly on the fly. I use a laptop and move around at my office a lot21:22
daftykinsHardtail: hi again, this isn't a chat channel i'm afraid. support questions only21:22
peppevpnsourkraut: yes21:22
WodgeyDdreki ok. I was being nosey. I have no info to offer I am afraid.21:22
pr0tDoes anyone know the best way to call a wireless connection applet or program via the command line?21:22
nsuchy/ping localhost21:23
sourkrautpeppevpn: does it have a route to the adress range of you vpn?21:23
nith1210Logging into http://wiki.ubuntu.com using ubuntu-one creds doesn't seem to be working (it's my first time) am I doing something wrong?21:23
peppevpnsourkraut: it's different, but there is an address similar21:23
peppevpna similar address sourkraut21:23
oomooIs there an ubuntu for chat of a more casual nature?21:23
daftykinsoomoo: #ubuntu-offtopic21:23
oomoothank ye21:24
samthewildonestill that doesnt work21:24
samthewildoneI left with a laptop with terminal21:24
arcskywhy cant i kill the damn program (logstash) have tried with /etc/init.d/logstash stop and kill -9 <pid>21:24
squintykaithlin,  should be available if you are currently running one of the supported ubuntu releases  ie  12.04  or 14.0421:24
samthewildonecan some one help me ?21:24
samthewildoneHow can I get my internet to work on my laptop ?21:25
daftykinssamthewildone: you're connected via wired right now? does em0 have an IP address?21:25
sourkrautpeppevpn: did you choose the "automatic" Option under the IPv4 tab in the network manager?21:25
daftykinssamthewildone: chop chop21:25
samthewildonedaftykins, idk21:26
samthewildonedaftykins, its plugged in to internet21:26
daftykinssamthewildone: what was the result of "ping" ?21:26
peppevpnsourkraut: no, now i try21:26
daftykinsvia a network cable, yes?21:26
samthewildonenetwork unreachable21:26
peppevpnsourkraut: yes, it was selected21:26
kaithlinsquinty : I use ubuntu backbox21:27
daftykinssamthewildone: "ifconfig em0" does it have an "inet addr" ?21:27
samthewildonethe lo has a internet address21:28
daftykinssamthewildone: lol, no. run this "sudo dhclient em0"21:28
samthewildonedaftykins, cannot find device "emo"21:29
daftykinssamthewildone: it's em0, not emo21:29
samthewildonedaftykins, did that21:29
samthewildoneI did em121:29
daftykinssamthewildone: assuming you typed it correctly, double check the name with "ifconfig -a" again21:29
samthewildonedaftykins,  I have a em1, lo, wlan021:30
daftykinssamthewildone: ok and what did "sudo dhclient em1" do?21:30
samthewildonedaftykins, now I have an ip address fir em121:30
daftykinssamthewildone: cool, "nslookup google.com" ?21:31
samthewildoneGOT IT21:31
daftykinssamthewildone: ok, were you going to install desktop now?21:31
samthewildonedaftykins, I think after I did the sudo dhclient em021:32
samthewildonedaftykins, it worked21:32
squintykaithlin,  afaik, blackbox is just a window manager.  you need to find out what ubuntu version you are running. if it's no longer supported (as mentioned previously) then the repositories will not be available for installing extra software21:32
daftykinssamthewildone: yeah, perhaps you didn't have the cable in at bootup or something.21:32
nith1210Finally got a 500 from wiki.ubuntu.com. Seems the handoff between ubuntu-one and wiki.ubuntu.com is currently broken (for me).21:32
* samthewildone kisses daftykins 21:32
daftykinssamthewildone: so "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" reboot then "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"21:33
kaithlinsquinty :  11.04 sorry, I am new using linux21:36
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.21:37
daftykinskaithlin: heading for 2 years dead on that one, did you typo?21:37
squintykaithlin,  read what daftykins has just posted.  if you are using that version you need to upgrade to a supported version21:37
daftykinssquinty: hope you don't mind me jumping in :)21:38
kaithlinhow do it?21:39
squintydaftykins, np at all.  am involved in other things too right now so an extra hand is great. :)21:39
daftykinskaithlin: your release is so old, i would recommend backing up your data and downloading and clean installing 14.04.121:40
k1l_kaithlin: backbox is not supported in here. please see the backbox support21:41
squintykaithlin,  if you type an exclamation mark plus the word upgrade, the instructions are displayed in your irc client   !upgrade  and !eol21:41
kaithlinokay I will do, I am willing to lose my data to learn linux :) :) :)21:42
k1l_kaithlin: download a ubuntu 14.04.1 and install that. than you can come here and get support.21:43
daftykinshopefully not for pen testing purposes though :S21:44
kaithlinthank you for the guidance21:44
__zap__hi. how can i use "apt-cache depends" on a specific version of a package?21:45
trism__zap__: it seems apt-cache happily accepts the =version argument, though I would need a package with different deps between versions to verify (apt-cache depends libc6=2.19-0ubuntu6)21:47
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__zap__trism: you are right21:51
__zap__trism: thanks21:52
__zap__how can i make debtree output dependencies for a specific version of a package?21:57
__zap__debtree package=version does not work21:58
flickerflyIs there a way to write firewall rules with ufw that affect traffic forwarding through a Ubuntu system?22:02
tewardflickerfly: i don't know if you can with ufw, that's a little more complicated...22:04
blkadder“ ufw is not intended to provide complete firewall functionality via its command interface, but instead provides an easy way to add or remove simple rules...."22:06
samthewildonedaftykins, hey22:07
samthewildonedaftykins, every time I want to use the internet i have to sudo dhclient em1 to make it work22:07
daftykinssamthewildone: even after installing desktop?22:07
daftykinswhy exactly did you install from a mini.iso at all?22:07
samthewildonedaftykins, cause I wanted a barebone ubuntu gnome 322:08
samthewildonedaftykins, it works fine on my desktop though22:08
samthewildoneI'm using ubuntu on my desktop22:08
samthewildoneinstalled the same way on laptop and getting these problems22:08
daftykinssamthewildone: i asked if you installed ubuntu-desktop :) so i suppose you installed gnome instead, doesn't it have a network manager?22:09
=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest38992
ibsinHello all22:17
ObrienDaveGreetings & Welcome22:19
ibsinCould anyone tell me as to why my Dash looks smaller on my desktop monitor, than on my laptop? On my laptop, it takes up the whole screen.22:19
ObrienDavewhat's the rez of each?22:20
ibsinLaptop - 1366x76822:20
axsuulIs it safe to assume every distribution of Ubuntu has `unzip`?22:20
ibsinDesktop - 1280x106822:21
ObrienDaveaxsuul, they come with an archive manager. should support zip22:21
k1l_axsuul: you need to install it. thats some licence stuff that ubuntu is not allowed to ship that as default22:21
k1l_!unzip | axsuul22:21
daftykinsibsin: that's not a real resolution (desktop)22:21
ObrienDaveibsin, 1280x1024?22:22
ibsinI typed that wrong22:22
ibsinMeant it to be 1280x102422:22
axsuulok thanks guys22:22
samthewildonedaftykins, man I don't know22:22
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ObrienDaveibsin, ok, assuming both are the same DPI, then the desktop should appear slightly smaller22:24
ibsinJust thought it looked odd was all. But, on the desktop, I think it looks better smaller, than on my laptop, where it takes up the whole screen.22:25
ahklernerhello, i am on ubuntu server with grub2. when i boot i get a bunch of gibberish. if i do advanced mode on boot and edit the startup removing a line, the text is no longer gibberish. where can i update the grub config so i do not have to manually go into advanced and edit the boot options every time22:25
onryoahklerner im on debian but it should be the same with Ubuntu /etc/default/grub22:27
samthewildonehow do I disable the annoying network check state for ubuntu ?22:27
onryoahklerner once you make your changes just sudo update-grub22:29
onryosamthewildone check state?22:29
ahklerneri am doing that now, thanks.22:29
ahklernerthat seems to be the grub options, i am looking for the options that are passed on to the os22:31
onryoahklerner you want to pass a cmd at boot?22:31
ahklernerlike i can see the grub infos fine, it (seems to be) ubuntu loading some gfx driver or something22:32
ahklernerthis pc is OOOOOLLLLLLDDDDD22:32
samthewildoneonryo, everytime I boot up ubuntu it takes about 2 minutes checking network state...22:32
samthewildoneactually it take more than 2 minutes22:33
samthewildoneHow do I disable network checking from the startup ?22:33
ahklerner/etc/network/interfaces, you can comment out any physical interfaces you do not use ?22:33
ahklerneronryo: here is what i have to do to be able to read the infos(after grub) on boot22:35
ahklerneron grub screen - choose Advanced options for ubuntu22:35
ahklernerpress e22:35
ahklernerdelete the line that says gfxmode $linux_gfx_mode22:36
ahklernerpress f1022:36
onryoahklerner sounds like gdm or w/e ubuntu uses as its device manager. I would have a look at " sudo cat /var/log/kern.log |grep gfx "22:37
ahklerneri want to remove that option from the default boot22:37
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geniiahklerner: Comment it out of /etc/default/grub and run update-grub22:38
geniiahklerner: ( both of those with admin of course)22:38
onryogenii he tried that22:38
ahklernerthe thing is there it is not what i expect to see in there22:38
geniiAlso rebuild initramfs22:38
ahklernerthis is grub222:39
onryoAny mods here? If so can you shoot me a msg.22:40
geniiahklerner: Changes for grub2 are made in the /etc/default/grub file as I just said. Changes there are effected when you run the sudo update-grub  after. Occasionally it is also needed to run sudo update-initramfs -u    ..as well.22:41
daftykinsonryo: #ubuntu-ops if you're talking about ops22:41
ytainhello, need a bit of help with "low graphics mode" in trusty, the solutions provided in askubuntu.com doesn't work for me at all. ubuntu is installed on my laptop powered by N3520 intel processor and video chipset integrated into the processor and the driver for it is i91522:41
ahklernerall that is in the /etc/default/grub are some variables for GRUB_xxx22:42
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ytainthis problem started yesterday morning after powering the laptop up after shutting it down 2 days ago22:42
ahklernerprevious versions i would have edited the boot.lst (i think it was)22:43
geniiahklerner: If you'll notice, one of them probably says something like: GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x72022:43
compdocytain, if nothing worked, hopefully youve put everything back the way it was22:43
geniiahklerner: Which you'd want to set to your actual resolution, or else comment out22:44
ahklernerthere is one, i have tried commenting, changing to 640X480, 800X600, running the update grub each time22:44
ytaincompdoc explain the "put everything back the way it is"? it's impossible to revert the updates that occured 2 days ago before shutting it down22:44
ahklerneri will try commenting and running the update-initramfs -u also22:45
geniiahklerner: Perhaps you have both grub1 and grub2 installed and grub1 is taking precendence22:45
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compdocytain, whats the problem, exactly?22:45
ytainit keeps saying low graphics mode everytime I boot it22:45
ahklernerit was a fresh install of ubuntu server22:45
ahklerneri assume it overwrote ?22:45
ahklerneri am doing the update initramfs now, will see hopefully that fixes my issue22:46
compdocytain, and after it boots up, you have a low rez display?22:47
ahklernernope it is still gibberish22:47
ahklernerits actually like stretched or something22:48
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ytaincompdoc, I have an external monitor connected to the laptop, a FHD monitor. This setup worked just fine before this problem started. No low res display, the laptop screen is 1366x768 and it keeps showing the dialog window reporting the "low graphics mode". I can get to the terminal mode by using Ctrl+Alt+F1 and login as usual and using startx command and it loads the desktop, but the performance is slow and the compiz is somewhat disabled, m22:50
ytaineaning the status bar is transparent and can't see the status indicators and I can switch from laptop screen to external monitor by using the Fn+F5 keys22:50
ibsinHello again22:52
ahklernerhere is what it looks like https://www.dropbox.com/sc/y0p3zgxqoejvqw5/AABkqEZamyODAvZWdKIHU7J2a22:52
ibsinAnyone know where I could buy a keyboard that has the Ubuntu logo on it, and not the Windows logo?22:52
fridaynextibsin: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=71822:54
ibsinHuh....never knew why I didn't find those before xD22:55
ibsinThanks ^w^22:56
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ytaincompdoc the error I see in the x11 log is it says it can't find any available displays which is weird23:03
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simonehow r u23:06
daftykinssimone: this is an ubuntu support channel only, not chat.23:06
simonexchat is only supporter channel and not chat?23:06
daftykinsif you just ran xchat, it auto connects to this channel... you can join other ones23:07
k1l_simone: this channel right now is a technical help channel. the channel #ubuntu-offtopic is a channel for chatting.23:07
daftykins!alis | simone23:07
ubottusimone: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:07
HardtailDoes anyone here run Ubuntu on a tablet?23:18
RudjHi i'm running trusty, on a desktop with pci sound card, I finally managed to get mic input working but it comes out of the speakers23:18
k1l_Hardtail: ubuntu desktop or ubuntu-touch?23:18
Hardtailk1l_ Either or, I have an ASUS T100 coming sometime this week. It has Windows8 loaded on it but I want to wipe it and just run Ubuntu - it should have a docking keyboard.23:19
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch23:19
daftykinsHardtail: ^23:19
Hardtaildaftykins thanks23:20
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy23:20
k1l_Hardtail: yes, see the #ubuntu-touch channel. but the breaking point will b if the bootloader allows to install other OSs.23:20
Hardtailk1l_ Ok thank you. So the bootloader is not something that can be changed?23:21
daftykinsfwiw i would say trying to change OS on a tablet is a mistake23:21
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daftykinsfor what it's worth23:21
k1l_Hardtail: on ARM (and tablets etc) its not like PC where you just put in a CD and give it a go23:21
Hardtailk1l_ if it has USB on it can't you just make a bootable usb?23:22
k1l_Hardtail: "secureboot" is the issue23:22
daftykinswe already said to join another channel to discuss, please23:22
bodhizazensecure boot is rarely the issue, UEFI is more likely23:22
daftykinswe're talking about a tablet.23:23
k1l_bodhizazen: on ARM. talking about tablets23:23
Hardtailok sorry...didn't realize it was a problem dafty23:23
bodhizazensecure boot generally applies to drivers, not to booting23:23
bodhizazenFor example, with secure boot enabled, the ATI driver fails as the (linux) binary is not signed, but the system boots ot a CLI23:24
k1lbodhizazen: again: talking about ARM. not about the pc uefi stuff.23:26
* ObrienDave checks channel name23:27
ibsinHello. Anyone help me figure out why Rhythumbox won't load my entire Music library? It only loads like...4 songs and that's it.23:34
Melartrying to find an alternate install dvd 14.04.1 server if it exists.23:34
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment23:34
k1lMelar: there is no server dvd, iirc23:34
sexyboyMelar: they've dropped the alternate installer after 12.0423:35
reisio'DVD' is just code for 'much longer of a download than you need'23:36
k1l!download | Melar23:36
ubottuMelar: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Trusty, and help keeping the servers' load low!23:36
sexyboyMelar: it's available only for the minimal iso23:36
=== Ubuntu is now known as Guest84144
MelarOkay so minimal then.  Thank you.23:37
ibsinCan anyone help me figure out wy Rhythumbox won't load my entire Music library?23:38
apb1963I can't seem to install keepass2 in 14.04.   I'm getting: E: Unable to locate package keepass23:38
Ben64apb1963: keepass223:39
reisioibsin: what's it do instead?23:40
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apb1963Ben64: yes.  keepass223:40
Ben64apb1963: yeah, type that instead of keepass23:40
ibsinIt only loads up to 4 songs and lists them. Nothing else happens.23:40
apb1963Ben64: I tried it both ways... I'll doublecheck in case I was crazy at the time23:41
trismapb1963: you can also check that you have universe enabled in software-properties-gtk23:41
apb1963trism: where's that?23:41
trismapb1963: that is the command name: software-properties-gtk23:42
apb1963I check /etc/apt/sources.list and it's enabled... but again, I'll doublecheck...23:42
apb1963trism: installing that command now...23:43
apb1963Ben64: confirmed, I tried both ways23:43
reisioibsin: all the same format?23:43
trismapb1963: you don't have to install it, checking /etc/apt/sources.list works as well, it is just installed by default on ubuntu desktop and so easier for some versus editing the file directly23:44
ibsinreisio: Yep. All MP3s23:45
DronesrcoolI need help with Xbox 360 what channel on freenode23:45
daftykins!alis | Dronesrcool23:45
ubottuDronesrcool: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:45
ahklernerthe answer to my problem was to edit the /etc/grub.d/10_linux file and set the dynamic gfx to 023:45
reisioibsin: you might try mv'ing your ~/.config/rhythmbox (or wherever it is) and try again23:46
apb1963trism: I see.... well...  universe is enabled and so... it still can't find keepass223:46
trismapb1963: it is definitely there, so there has to be something wrong with your sources/mirror, unless you just installed and didn't run: sudo apt-get update; yet23:47
apb1963trism: yeah I think I forgot to run update...  was doing that right now... although I've run it before so I would have thought it would find it.  I'm trying to only enable universe for specific packages so I keep enabling and disabling.23:48
apb1963trism: Yep... that was it.  Sorry to bother you all... thank you :)23:49
SchrodingersScatturning repos on and off doesn't make sense to me23:50
kbasheri'd like to share this with you  Using your gamepad as mouse, scroll, click on linux / xorg !  http://pastebin.com/TLY0RqVk23:50
GimhalosHello all, I'm working with a fresh install of Ubuntu and using the binary Nvidia drivers with a Korean 27" monitor. Before editting the xorg my secondary monitor worked perfectly. However, the EDID was messed up on the primary Korean monitor so I had to edit Xorg.conf with the model number, resolution, etc to get it to work. My 2nd monitor is trying to run with the same settings as the first now, instead of auto-config.23:57
h16hrecently switched from Windows to Ubuntu as my main, loving it23:57
GimhalosThe man for xorg is way over my head and I'm not sure how to manually configure the EDID for the other monitor or get it to auto-detect23:57
daftykinstry looking for example two screen configs and adapting as necessary23:58
Gimhalosso basically have screen0 and screen1? I tried that briefly but it kept trying to do both monitors as monitor023:59
Gimhalosas far as I know there's no way to set monitor0 to one port and monitor1 to another right?23:59

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