
bluesabreanybody know when the ubiquity black background started this cycle?00:00
bluesabreI think one of the last times this happened, it was because ubiquity broke symlink support00:05
bluesabrehm, it looks like ubiquity only sets the background to black00:36
bluesabreand that xfsettingsd is assumed to set it00:36
Unit193Last time x-d-s had to use gsettings/gconf/etc to set it.00:36
bluesabremaybe this is the problem... No such schema 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.background'00:39
bluesabregoing to try trusty iso and see what that same log has in it00:39
Unit193Pretty sure that was added, yeah.00:40
bluesabregood news is that we can probably cheat and drop feh into our live deps00:41
bluesabrebut we can do better than that :)00:42
bluesabredang, nothing really different between the two logs00:55
ochosihey folks, sorry can't make the meeting tonight11:56
* ochosi will be travelling again11:58
knomeboo ;)12:00
=== GridCube is now known as GridOctahedron
=== GridOctahedron is now known as GridCube
PaulW2Uelfy, re bug #1351590, great to see my bug report in the Xubuntu Beta 2 release notes but I'm no longer seeing this bug on any *buntu flavour17:00
ubottubug 1351590 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Cannot configure wi-fi in a live-session without logging out and back in again" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135159017:00
PaulW2UI don't know if anyone has specifically tested for this bug but I feel that it should either be closed or marked as invalid17:01
PaulW2UI'll carry on testing all flavours for a while but Xubuntu was the only flavour that acknowledged this bug17:02
elfyPaulW2U: pretty much what happens is if I see bugs in tests recently I'll list them17:11
elfythings like that are particularly hard for me to deal with as wifi just works for me :)17:12
PaulW2UOK, my test laptop only uses wi-fi so if I'm not seeing that bug close to release time I may mark it incomplete if no-one else confirms it before then.17:14
elfyok - if no-one else reports it I'll ignore it from now on 17:15
PaulW2Ugreat, no point in littering release notes that only one person has seen and may be hardware specific anyway ;)17:19
elfyanyone seen slickymasterWork lately17:58
knomei've never seen him17:59
knome:P :P :P17:59
slickymasterWorkthere's still 2 minutes17:59
slickymasterWorkcorrection, one now17:59
slickymasterWork!team | meeting time18:00
ubottumeeting time: bluesabre, elfy, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19318:00
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Oct  1 18:00:24 2014 UTC.  The chair is slickymasterWork. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.18:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick18:00
dkesselI'll try to participate somehow today. If I can...18:00
slickymasterWorkSo who's here for the meeting?18:00
elfypossibly :)18:00
slickymasterWork#chair knome pleia218:00
meetingologyCurrent chairs: knome pleia2 slickymasterWork18:00
* dkessel 18:00
slickymasterWorkwith just three attendants it will be a quick one I guess :P 18:02
elfyignoring me then are you :|18:02
slickymasterWorkknome, ping18:02
slickymasterWorknow elfy, you were included in those three, with pleia2 and dkessel 18:03
slickymasterWork#topic Open action items18:03
slickymasterWorkI guess the only open item is QA Incentives18:04
elfynot sure why that's still there tbh 18:04
pleia2I still have to contact the sticker folks18:04
pleia2should have a plan for when they say "sure, we'll send you X, where to?"18:05
pleia2I can be the sticker mule and ship them out from here18:05
slickymasterWorkthanks for that pleia2 18:05
dkesselhmm that pad does not state the goal of the incentives intiative, or does it?18:05
pleia2the goal is to make people do testing ;)18:06
dkesseldefine testing18:06
elfydkessel: check out the numbers of people testing - should be self-explanatory then18:06
dkesselrun manual tests?18:06
slickymasterWorkyes, increase the number of reported tests18:06
elfyand images18:06
pleia2package and iso tests18:06
dkesselok ok. i was not part of the discussion that lead to that pad ;)18:07
pleia2see line 3 :)18:07
dkesselmaking automatic test coverage better could be another goal18:07
slickymasterWorkwb knome ;)18:08
elfydkessel: images are tested daily - or should be - that though doesn't mean it catches all bugs with that - reference all the vm bugs, the black background missing and others18:08
elfyand auto package testing we've been trying to get off the ground for 3 cycles 18:09
elfythat is still currently grinding it's face along the floor18:09
dkesseli remember...18:09
dkesselif only i had more time18:09
slickymasterWorkanyway, per what pleia2 stated I don't think we should consider it as # done18:10
slickymasterWorkor does anyone has a different view?18:10
elfyI agree - but I don't see there's much to be gained by bringing it up each week - unless we just postpone it week by week18:11
pleia2we should split it into action items18:11
slickymasterWorkpleia2, knome, what are your views ^^18:11
pleia2#action pleia2 to contact unixstickers18:11
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to contact unixstickers18:11
slickymasterWorkokie dokie18:11
slickymasterWorkmoving on18:11
slickymasterWork#topic Team updates18:12
elfythat's the only urgentish bit - the t-shirts aren't needed till after 15.04 releases18:12
slickymasterWorkelfy, beta 2. The floor is yours18:12
elfyI can go - got mine in a txt file18:12
elfy#info  Final Beta testing 64bit 9 install tests, 6 livesession and 3 post install tests18:12
elfy#info  Final Beta testing 32bit 9 install tests, 7 livesession and 2 post install tests18:12
elfy#info  Final Beta testing Team Testing - (excluding XPL & QA Lead) - 5 team members (50%) tested images during Final Beta, 3 outside team tested. 10 total.18:12
elfythat's the beta stuff18:12
elfy#info bug 1375893 needs to be sorted soon18:13
ubottubug 1375893 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Black background to Try/Install Dialogue" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137589318:13
elfy#info vm bug(s) still present - should be fixed tomorrow (2/10)18:13
slickymasterWorkwell, half of the team did manage to test :)18:13
slickymasterWorkthat's an improvement18:13
elfynot good really - 9 tests for each arch18:13
slickymasterWorkthose numbers are better then beta1 anyway18:14
elfypointless me saying anymore on that18:14
GridCubeis that more or less than last cycle averages?18:14
elfyI would guess that we got more people testing 1 milestone last cycle than we've had test the whole of this cycle18:14
GridCubethats quite bad18:14
slickymasterWorkyeah, but last cycle was a LTS one18:15
elfyyep - I've given up tbh - I just send the calls out because I said I would18:15
knomeyes, LTS+1 is always slow and quiet18:15
elfyand someone should 18:15
knomestill more or less afk18:15
GridCubethats understable elfy 18:15
elfyknome: that may be so - but I expect more from -team18:15
elfysome haven't tested and reported all cycle18:16
elfyI shouldn't have to ask team seperately 18:16
slickymasterWorkand that's to be expected elfy. -team should set an example18:17
knomeyes, agree, and i'm sorry18:17
elfymove on to whoever else has team updates 18:17
elfyknome: I'm not pointing fingers at *anyone* - team is team18:17
slickymasterWorkpleia2, any marketing updates?18:17
knomeyes, we should get better with 15.04...18:17
pleia2#info knome and pleia2 working to engage users more with #LoveXubuntu idea: http://pad.ubuntu.com/Nl1LbS6DqL18:17
pleia2I think that's it for now18:18
knomeyep, will put some time to that18:19
elfynever seen that18:19
* slickymasterWork neither18:19
knomewell, that's a new idea;)18:19
pleia2it evolved out of some engagement discussions in the spring, we finally came up with an idea ;)18:20
elfyshould perhaps have been on agenda or should be in future then18:20
pleia2it's not happening immediately, just a quick fyi now, we'll flesh it out and agendaize it later18:20
slickymasterWorkok, I think we can safely skip 'Announcements' or does anyone have any? 18:21
slickymasterWork#topic Discussion18:21
slickymasterWork#subtopic list of projects we need/want to maintain translations18:21
slickymasterWorkso, with the intention of encouraging people to translate, knome come up with the idea of either creating a wikipage that lists all software that we ship/care about and where their translations are being done or update the "Get involved" page for translations18:22
slickymasterWorkso we sketched up a listing of projects of which translations, Xubuntu care about -> http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-apps-translations18:22
slickymasterWorkthe idea would be to have a sane list of projects we need/want to maintain translations for18:22
knome^ that list should probably go to the "processes" page18:22
slickymasterWorkyes, but firstly I would like that -team would have some sort of an opinion on the list itself18:23
slickymasterWorkany takers?18:24
elfymight have been useful to have it on the agenda - no-one knew you were going to discuss it :)18:24
knomeyes, but since processes is editable by anyone any time, we should drop that list there soonish18:24
slickymasterWorkthat's my fault :P18:24
knomewell it's brought up now P18:24
elfycurrently that list looks sane18:25
slickymasterWorkelfy, any app you think that might/ought be added?18:25
knomeassign a work item to me to send a mail to the list and i'll do that today18:25
slickymasterWorkor dropped?18:25
elfyslickymasterWork: why are the out of scope ones there?18:26
slickymasterWork#action knome to send a mail to the list regarding list of projects we need/want to maintain translations18:26
meetingologyACTION: knome to send a mail to the list regarding list of projects we need/want to maintain translations18:26
slickymasterWorkto which ones are you referring elfy ?18:26
elfythe 4 in the out of scope list18:26
elfygimp, abiword, gnumeric and gmb18:27
slickymasterWorkthose were/are ment for discussion18:27
elfystill ambivalent about gmb anyway - not sure we should seed that at all 18:27
elfyparole plays music18:27
knomeelfy, that's another discussion, and i partly agree18:27
slickymasterWorkbut just plays music18:28
knomebut let's leave that for some other time18:28
elfyusing the same argument that we used for xchat/pidgin - we don't need both18:28
slickymasterWorkelfy, pidgin is going to be used as IRC interface18:28
elfyok - well lets deal with the translations first - sorry :)18:28
slickymasterWorkI'll add this item to the agenda for the next meeting18:29
slickymasterWorkanything else?18:29
elfywhy not discuss it in a moment?18:29
dkesseli would suggest including abiword and gnumeric in "Used by Xubuntu"18:30
dkesselas they are the default office applications, and office apps are important for users18:30
elfyso - translations - I'd guess that those for anything we have as default should be covered 18:30
knomei'll send comments on the mail for the reason why they are not on the list18:30
knomeelfy, you/we can discuss gmb now, but i'm more or less off18:30
elfyif it's an issue of people and time - that's something else 18:30
knomeso it wouldn't be very sensible...18:31
elfyknome: that could be said for any discussion we have where we've only got 2 or 3 people kicking about 18:31
knomeit's that; and gnome has it's own translation teams, and i don't think translating gnumeric/abiword is the #1 item for our translators who already are limited and have limited time18:31
elfyknome: ok - I can ack that concern completely 18:32
knomeelfy, i'm not saying you can't have the discussion, but i can't bring any thoughts in it :)18:32
knomebut as i said, yes, we should consider dropping gmb18:32
knomethough i'd like *some* media player that handles *collections* in some way as a replacement18:32
dkesselok, then it is sane to only list default apps where there are not many people currently involved with translations...18:32
knomebut that's something i don't have time to argument for18:32
slickymasterWorkthe way I see that list has to be a compromise between the perspective of newly come into xubuntu/linux ecosystem users and what existing xubuntu users are interested in18:32
elfyI'd be happier perhaps to see the out of scope items called when we've got time :)18:33
knomethe #1 thing to translate is the xubuntu documentation18:33
knomethen we got all the core components + xfce18:33
knomethen everything else that's seeded in xubuntu18:33
knomeand then everything in the repository18:33
slickymasterWorkit's up to the -team to prioritize the translations elfy 18:33
elfyI've not got a problem with saying foo is more important to us than bar18:33
knomethere will *always* be fallback items18:33
elfyout of scope just suggests never to me :)18:34
knomeand there is always people who rather use their time translating gnumeric than xubuntu docs, so *shrug*18:34
slickymasterWorkand we must not forget that all xfce stuff is already covered by https://wiki.xfce.org/translations18:34
knomeelfy, yes, they wouldn't be on the list if they don't move to any other group :)18:34
elfyas it stands - that list looks sane to me in general18:35
slickymasterWorkpleia2 what's your take on this?18:35
slickymasterWorkmm, okay. Anything else?18:36
slickymasterWorkright, so who's next chairing?18:37
slickymasterWorkpleia2, want to schedule now?18:37
slickymasterWorklol, she fall asleep :)18:38
slickymasterWork#action pleia2 to schedule the next meeting.18:38
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to schedule the next meeting.18:38
slickymasterWorkthat's it18:38
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Oct  1 18:38:51 2014 UTC.  18:38
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-10-01-18.00.moin.txt18:38
elfyso we'll not bother starting a discussion on gmb then lol 18:39
slickymasterWorkI'll be glad to elfy, but first I have to go home for dinner :P18:40
* slickymasterWork damns https://login.ubuntu.com18:41
elfyhating on the wiki again :)18:42
slickymasterWorkI'm still waiting on it to login :P18:43
slickymasterWorkminutes are finally up18:50
slickymasterWorkI'm off now18:51
slickymasterWorkcy later ->18:51
pleia2sorry, had a call19:11
dkesselhmm. does anybody have an idea how to debug what "update-manager -d -c" is doing all the time? i am trying to do an 14.04 -> 14.10 update test and it is not doing anything anymore after selecting "upgrade..." - yet the process is not finished...19:16
dkesseli'll just file a bug19:25
dkesselthere you go: bug 137641419:39
ubottubug 1376414 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "upgrade from xubuntu 14.04 to 14.10 fails, no user feedback" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137641419:39

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