
MichaelP14.10 had some problems on update... qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin not being installed... Had to install by it self02:01
waddlesplashwell, apt-get install -f worked02:01
MichaelPfunny how one package can cause so many problems...02:01
valoriethe longer the name (and sometimes shorter the name...) the more trouble it can cause02:02
MichaelPnow it done setting up... reboot see if eveything works02:02
valoriebut anything with 'org-kde' in the name is gonna be sort of important02:02
* valorie boots into neon5 for some testing02:03
MichaelPthat qml-module-org-kde-extensionplugin ... was problem dophin not seeimg my usb drive... now it there.... now plug tv back in.. see if it gets full screen... it was only giving panel on 1/2 the screen size02:09
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soeegood morning06:18
lordievaderGood morning.06:23
Riddellapachelogger: did you come up with a good short name for gpl+ev licence?09:16
Riddellit's sgclark!09:17
Riddellit must be pre-morning for you09:17
sgclarkso is there a git version of bzr-buildpackage-ppa? or how does this work now?09:18
sgclarkhehe yeah09:18
sgclark2:18 am but I went to bed early, so it's good.09:19
Riddellsgclark: I just made one yesterday in kubuntu-automation scripts09:20
Riddellsgclark: what are you looking to package?09:20
sgclarkcool thanks09:20
sgclarkI was going to help with plasma if it is still needed09:20
Riddellyep, let me write up on the notes page where I'm at09:20
Riddellsgclark: how's 14.04.1 in trusty?09:21
sgclarkwas done, let me double check09:21
sgclarkyep, Riddell: green minus one active depend, but we dropped active09:23
Riddellhttps://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas-frameworks Plasma 5.0.95 updated09:23
Riddellsgclark: great, I'll copy over to ~kubuntu-ppa/backports09:24
sgclarkty, will start on plasma09:24
Riddellwhat we don't have is an equivalent of knextbzr09:29
Riddellknextgit should clone then checkout the right branch09:29
Riddelloh and be written in python, just to watch harald squirm :)09:29
apacheloggerRiddell: I had multiple suggestions in debian-qt-kde :P09:56
apacheloggerRiddell: hottest contenders IMHO are 'GPL-KDEeV' or 'GPL-2 or GPL-3 or GPL-KDEeV'09:57
apacheloggerpersonally I would go with former because IIRC from a spec POV both versions are $random as as such are not considered a standard license09:58
Riddellgroovy, GPL-KDEeV it is10:01
sgclarkinteresting, Riddell: kio-extras depends on a function added to kio in 5.3.0, which afaik has not been released has it?10:04
Riddellsgclark: aah fooey :(10:04
apacheloggerRiddell: are you adjusting master to fix the lintians?10:05
Riddellsgclark: kwin will be the same, we may need to skip over those ones for now10:07
Riddellsgclark: sorry that's my upstream-hat-on fault10:07
Riddellapachelogger: I'm adjusting kubuntu_utopic_next10:08
Riddellof plasma packages10:08
apacheloggerRiddell: ok10:10
apacheloggergoing to get merges going against that then10:10
* apachelogger actually wonders how to best automate merges from multiple different branches10:10
apacheloggerRiddell: which repo already has a next branch?10:54
apacheloggeror perhaps the question is... why do I look at repos and they have none? ^^10:54
Riddellapachelogger: all the plasma ones do10:55
* sgclark is very confused10:55
sgclarkmaster does not match this kubuntu_utopic_next, is that right?10:55
apacheloggerRiddell: computer says no10:55
Riddellsgclark: right, I'm working with kubuntu_utopic_next10:55
sgclarkwhich alos does not match what is in ppa10:55
Riddellkubuntu_utopic_next should match ppa10:56
apacheloggerRiddell: something is weird in jenkins10:56
apacheloggernevermind me10:56
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BluesKajHiyas all11:16
soeesgclark: working on P5.1b ?11:17
BluesKajwhat's new today, sgclark?11:18
sgclarkwell, trying11:18
sgclarkRiddell: I need a git for dummies. I can't seem to push to a branch. I only have experience with working with master. and nothing is working11:18
soeeiv seen several pacvkages faild to build in staging11:19
soeegit push -u origin development :D11:19
soeethis is how i push my PHP code to devel branch -.-11:20
sgclarkRiddell: also that git-buildpackage-ppa is erroring with missing files and debsign wants your key. Not sure what is wrong there, this is a new desktop, perhaps I missed a config setting somewhere11:20
sgclarksoee: not sure how far I will get, some packages depend on frameworks 5.3.0 which doesn't exist yet.11:21
soeesgclark: 5.3.0 was not released ort just dont get into Kubuntu ?11:23
Riddellsgclark: got this in ~/.gitconfig ? http://paste.kde.org/pemfrk8wi11:23
Riddelland can you ssh in ?11:23
Riddell(with the right username)11:23
sgclarksoee: tried your command, still get everything up to date, yet git diff says otherwise11:23
Riddelldon't run soee's command that uses a different branch name11:24
Riddellsgclark: can you ssh jriddell-guest@git.debian.org ?11:24
Riddelland run  group  it should tell you   jriddell-guest pkg-kde scm_pkg-kd11:24
sgclarkI used kubunut_utopic_next11:24
soeesgclark: mine was example how i work with git but my personal codes, this has nothign to do with yours11:24
BluesKajwill KF5 and plasma5  remain optional in the 14.10 official release?11:25
sgclarkRiddell: yes I can ssh in11:25
RiddellBluesKaj: yes11:25
BluesKajRiddell, ok, thanks11:26
sgclarkgroup: command not found11:26
Riddellsgclark: groups11:27
sgclarksgclark-guest pkg-kde scm_pkg-kde scm_sepwatch11:27
Riddellscm_sepwatch ? elite!11:27
Riddellanyway that looks fine11:27
Riddellsgclark: got ~/.gitconfig set up ?11:28
sgclarkyeah that is set11:28
Riddellsgclark: groovy, so you have a branch?11:29
Riddellwell a git repo clone ?11:29
sgclarkgit clone debian:plasma/libksysguard11:30
sgclarkgit checkout kubuntu_utopic_next11:30
Riddelllooking good11:31
Riddellyou've made a commit ?11:31
sgclarkgit diff shows my changes, but all push attempts says up to date.. so what is the push command?11:31
sgclarkcommit... lol duh, thanks11:31
Riddellcommit is a two stage process in git too11:32
Riddellgit add mychangedfile11:32
Riddellgit commit -m "change mychangedfile"11:32
Riddellor you can go  git commit -a  to commit all modified files11:33
Riddellgit log  to check it's been commmitted11:33
Riddellthen   git push  should do the right thing to send it to git.debian.org 11:33
apachelogger99% of the time you want debcommit or debcommit -a11:35
apacheloggerthat is to say, if you do not use debcommit you'll get in a world of trouble with both debian and me11:35
apacheloggerrule of thumb: did the changelog change? -> use debcommit11:36
Riddellapachelogger: what's the difference?11:36
sgclarkwell too late for this one. noted for next time11:36
apacheloggerdebcommit will use what you wrote in debian/changelog11:36
sgclarkI copy and pasted lol, debcommit sounds easier11:37
sgclarknow onto a debsign problem...11:37
apacheloggeralso when tagging I suppose everyone has to use debcommit to get the tags right11:38
apacheloggerI did definitely see weird perl rejections hooks on the server side11:38
apacheloggeroh yeah11:38
Riddell>cat ~/.devscripts 11:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: there's a gigantic perl git hook on the server that does all sorts of weird shit :P11:38
Riddellsgclark: set that for your e-mail, otherwise it'll use whatever is in the latest debian/changelog11:38
apacheloggerI didn't understand half the code11:38
apacheloggerso I :q!11:38
sgclarkdid not exist. fixed, thanks11:39
Riddellsgclark: and I also get lots of "dpkg-source: warning: ignoring deletion of file" on running git-buildpackage, but I ignore them and it seems to be ok11:39
apacheloggersgclark: you could also define -kID or -kYourName or -kPartOfYourNameAssumingNoneElseInTheKeyringHasThatName11:39
apacheloggerdpkg-buildpackage -s -kSitter is what I do, mind you I do have multiple keys for different purposes, so I kinda have to be explicit ^^11:40
Riddellsgclark: git-buildpackage seems to prefer you to have one of those weird branches with the upstream source in the branch too so I'm guessing this is just a bug from that preference11:40
apacheloggerRiddell: you can make it not do that11:40
apacheloggerunfortunately I lost my zsh_history for some reason11:40
apacheloggerso I cannot tell you what pile of arguments you need to make it behave as bzr buildpackage11:40
apacheloggersomthing to figure out on a rainy afternoon I suppose11:41
Riddell"git-buildpackage", "--git-ignore-branch", "--git-no-create-orig", "--git-ignore-new", "-S"   is what git-buildpackage-ppa uses11:41
apacheloggernah, that sounds more liberal than what I had11:41
Riddellyou republican you, go back to the NRA11:42
apacheloggerit's important11:42
apacheloggerif the stuff is too liberal it will take dirty bits from the repo, and we most certainly don't want uncommited nonesense in an upload11:42
apacheloggerso caution is very much of use here11:42
apacheloggergoing to attempt a CI automerge rollout11:43
sgclarkok, almost 3 hours later.. one package done heh11:43
apacheloggerwhat does need doing anyway?11:44
Riddellplasma 5.0.9511:44
apacheloggerAFAIK only breeze and kwin and maybe ksysguard should make problems11:44
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, but it's been mostly CId11:44
sgclarkhmm, I think we are stuck on the 5.3.0 frameworks issue?11:44
apacheloggerthere shouldn't be any big issues11:44
Riddelltwo new packages11:44
apacheloggeroh yeah, the frameworks bit in kwin probably is a biggy11:45
Riddellsome new translations11:45
Riddelland kwin depending on frameworks 5.311:45
sgclarkkio-extras as well11:45
RiddellI don't suppose we can only update to the git versions of the required frameworks?11:46
Riddellthe problem with this issue is it may end up with plasma schedule moving forward two weeks which means it can't be included in kubuntu11:46
Riddellhi shevron 11:53
shevronhi Riddel11:54
shadeslayerwhy does frameworkintegration dep on oxygen?11:56
shadeslayera build dep that is11:56
shadeslayermakes ENOSENSE11:56
shadeslayerblame shows me11:57
shadeslayerok, no, I just moved things around11:57
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^ changelog mentions you 11:57
shadeslayerRiddell: a90ac25f803889b75b7f7029baf9b3b611a7730011:58
shadeslayerand the actual runtime dep is missing ofcourse12:00
Riddellshadeslayer: not sure, check it builds without and remove if you want12:01
shadeslayerRiddell: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/186046131/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.frameworkintegration_5.2.0-0ubuntu1_UPLOADING.txt.gz12:02
shadeslayerit doesn't actually find oxygen12:02
Riddellhmm, that looks wrong12:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: what's the policy to update changelogs in debian ?12:08
apacheloggerthere is none12:09
shadeslayerso .. uh ..12:09
apacheloggerwhat policy are you looking for anyway?12:09
apacheloggeryou make a change, you put it into changelog12:09
apacheloggerunless it's kubuntu_unstable then you don't put it in a changelog because it currently makes things explode xD12:09
* apachelogger is slightly scared of deploying the automerge change12:11
Riddellgroovy, kio from git seems to compile and that makes kio-extras happy12:24
Riddellsgclark: 4.14.1 in kubuntu-ppa/backports tried on an ec2 and all installs and runs12:26
RiddellPali: you may want to backport that to precise now ↑12:27
Riddellwho was saying there were questions on google+ ?12:28
Riddellsoee: you were? where about were those g+ queries?12:30
soeeRiddell: what questions ?12:30
soee4.14..1 ?12:31
Riddellsoee: yeah12:31
soeeRiddell: https://plus.google.com/110534757969145694671/posts/MMTeiYCudY412:31
Riddellg+ really confuses me, we have a Kubuntu page, and that is a related Kubuntu community?12:33
soeeRiddell: i think this is the officail community page12:37
soeeit is created by Kubuntu user12:37
Riddellmm I see, not very obvious at all12:42
* sgclark blogs..12:45
Riddellsgclark: you should probably also put 4.14.1 on kubuntu.org and slap it onto social media bits12:54
soeewell it sthe only one im using actively on g+13:05
sgclarkRiddell: g+, facebook done. I can't access twitter, you sent me the encrypted password, but failed to give me your key lol13:15
Riddellsgclark: it uses your key!13:16
Riddellyou're not getting my private key, it's my precious13:16
sgclarkhmm, it says unable to decrypt13:16
sgclarkright, public key I think13:16
SourBlueaaah encryption :D13:28
SourBluedo you guys know a good gui to manage sql databases?13:29
alvinSourBlue: SQL Squirrel ( http://www.squirrelsql.org/ )13:37
alvinThat's what I'm using on Kubuntu. There's no package though.13:38
SourBlueThank you13:47
shadeslayerRiddell: all of these http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/plasma have the wrong maintainer14:01
shadeslayershould be : Maintainer: Debian/Kubuntu Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org>14:01
* shadeslayer will fix14:01
Riddellshadeslayer: yeah I noticed that earlier, thanks for fixing14:03
Riddellshadeslayer: also wrong Vcs fields14:03
alvinAh, there's my mail again. Thanks people.14:43
apacheloggerRiddell: breeze-qt4 has neither kubuntu_unstable nor kubuntu_utopic_next branches14:43
Riddellapachelogger: sorted14:47
sgclarkRiddell: seems we stuck at the frameworks version problem, did you decide what to do?14:53
Riddellthowing up a git snapshot of kio now14:54
Riddellsgclark: do you know what else kwin wants?14:54
sgclarkno clue, didn't look after you said it will have same problem14:54
sgclarkRiddell: kf5config, kf5configwidgets, kf5coreaddons, kf5crash, kf5globalaccel, kf5i18n, kf5init, kf5notifications, kf5service, and and good grief, pretty all of frameworks14:57
sgclarkkf5plasma, kf5widgetaddons, kf5windowsystem14:58
MamarokRiddell: you will like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YBumQHPAeU15:05
Riddellaah at last we can parody the posh boys in government, maybe that'll bring down the state15:07
Riddellshadeslayer: your cmake expertese is needed in libksysguard which installs a dbus file for kauth into /usr/etc15:09
sgclarkRiddell: I have to leave for one hour, please ping me if there are things that need doing when I get back.15:15
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Riddelllooks like kwin just needs kwindowsystem updated so I'll throw up a git snapshot of that too15:24
apacheloggerehm, why don't we not ship kwin beta?15:25
Riddellwe need to package it now to get the kubuntu-plasma5 image in a workable state, otherwise there's bugs I won't be able to fix15:27
apacheloggerRiddell: does plasmashell require the new kwin?15:35
Riddelldunno, probably not15:36
apacheloggerwhy would we need to spend time on making the beta kwin build then?15:36
apacheloggercould just as well go with stable kwin and bump kwin once kf5 is out15:36
Riddellwho knows what bugs might not be uncovered by that, there's a reason we have betas, unlike frameworks we are not perfect in plasma land15:37
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll argue that the plasma team should make sure things build with released stuff then15:38
Riddellif I see the plasma release manager I'll be sure to tell him15:38
apacheloggerthis way every distro gets to spend their own silly effort on making it build15:38
RiddellE: kinfocenter source: no-human-maintainers  eh?16:09
Riddellshadeslayer: lintian doesn't like that you've taken away the humans16:09
Riddell"The Maintainer address for this package is a mailing list and there are no Uploaders listed. Team-maintained packages must list the human maintainers in the Uploaders field."16:09
shadeslayerRiddell: ah yeah, I guess it's complaining about Maintainers16:10
shadeslayerRiddell: mind fixing that?16:10
Riddellmeh whatever, I'll override it in kubuntu-automation16:10
shadeslayeralso, apachelogger is going to come at me with a club now16:10
shadeslayerbecause I probably made all of his ci red16:10
Riddelluh oh16:10
* shadeslayer hides16:12
apacheloggerindeed red16:23
apacheloggercool beans16:23
apacheloggersomeone fix it16:23
Antisound_hi guys!16:27
Antisound_Is it possible to install the Plasma 5.1 beta already?16:27
Riddellhi Antisound, nope we're still packaging it, helpers welcomed http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.0.95_utopic.html16:28
Antisound_Riddell: how can I help16:29
RiddellAntisound_: become an elite kubuntu ninja and fix the packages :)16:30
Antisound_Riddell: sounds like hard work ;-)16:30
Riddellhard but rewarded with free hugs and irn bru16:30
Riddelltesters and bugfixers also needed16:31
Antisound_Riddell: how much time is estimated for the packaging?16:31
sgclarkRiddell: ok I am back, what else needs doing?16:31
RiddellAntisound_: plasma 5.1 beta I hope to get done by tomorrow16:32
Antisound_Riddell: ok. Thx!16:32
Riddellsgclark: just libnm-qt needs a copyright file fix16:33
Antisound_Riddell: i would love to help but i think i'm not such a "geek"  ;-)16:33
Riddellthen it's waiting on kwin to compile to unblock the rest16:33
sgclarkRiddell: how are we fixing the space error?16:34
Riddellsgclark: I'm using GPL-KDEeV or LGPL-KDEeV16:35
sgclarkok sounds good16:35
Riddellwhich seems to appease the lintian gods16:35
Riddell** community council meeting in 1 hour 15min16:45
sgclarkthat isn't me right?16:50
sgclarkRiddell: something is not right about libmm-qt. I noticed the fix was already in git, but not in ppa, I tried to build and put ppa2 up but it complains that orig.tar does not match16:52
shadeslayermost interesting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kwalletmanager/+bug/130995516:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1309955 in kwalletmanager (Ubuntu) "kwalletd appears in the system monitor as "zombie"" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:58
valorieisn't the CC meeting now?17:05
valorieaccording to http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars/fridge/ it is, but nobody is there17:08
shadeslayerdo you guys want me around?17:14
shadeslayerbecause I wanted to leave in 20 minutes17:14
valoriefinally starting17:18
valoriewould be good to have you for a few mins at least, shadeslayer17:19
shadeslayerwhere is it?17:19
valorie#ubuntu-meeting - everyone is welcome to attend17:20
shadeslayervalorie: ping me when our turn comes? :p17:20
Riddell** community council meeting now apparantly17:31
shadeslayerI'm off to home17:36
shadeslayercya tomorriow17:36
soeei see 7 packages fail to build on amd417:37
sneleguys I just want to remind you that this important bug is still not fixed 17:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1322968 in kde-runtime (Ubuntu) "Changing country leads to invalid locale" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:41
snelefor example I was having some hieroglifs instead of serbian letters šđčćž . had to manually fix it17:42
sneleI think it is important because 14.04 is LTS :)17:42
sneleand who to ping about this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/136967317:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1369673 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "LibreOffice kde file dialog integration broken (not working) in 14.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:43
valorieshadeslayer: :(17:46
* Riddell hand waves and ignores someone trying to restrict our community18:23
Riddellcan I get on the CC now?18:23
valorie http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-10-02-17.13.moin.txt18:23
valoriegood idea, Riddell18:24
valoriemoar committees!18:24
Riddellhmm, got to wait until 2015-11-14 before I can stand on it18:24
valoriethey might actually DO something though18:24
sgclarkI do find it odd that we are few that have the concerns18:24
valoriewhich would be good18:24
geniiIt was pretty interesting to be a fly on the wall in #ubuntu-meeting just earlier.18:25
Riddelllet's have a mass Kubuntu takeover of the communitiy council next November!18:25
valoriethe others are small, and don't feel that they have any power18:25
valoriegenii: your takeaway?18:25
geniivalorie: I'm still thinking about it. But basically I think if Canonical wants to flex their muscles and go after other groups using their code, they are going to have an uphill battle. Especially with public opinion.18:28
valoriesure, but in the meantime, they are muddying the waters18:28
valorieand that hurts us18:28
valoriepeople stay away from areas with known bullies18:29
valorieit didn't use to be like this18:29
valoriethey made their reputation as a champion of FLOSS18:29
Riddellreputation doesn't make money alas18:30
valorienow they are slowly destroying that 18:30
valorienot directly18:30
valorieafk for awhile18:31
geniiFrom what I've seen since I've been with *buntu, the troubles were starting pretty much around the time they wanted to go with Upstart, and it set a precedent there. 18:31
geniiBasically just degraded from there on18:31
Riddellupstart was a pioneering project, that's all good18:31
Riddellbut the need for giving licence control to canonical killed it as a community project18:31
Riddelland lots of others like lightdm18:32
Riddellwhich is a bit hypocritical since qt also needs licence control18:32
Riddellbut then qt doesn't need a dev community, the community needs qt (as a generalisaton)18:32
Riddellbut the move away from gnome and to unity and also Mir is killer for a community project not to use community made software, and I'm surprised that wasn't brought up when they were talking about lack of new membership earlier18:33
Riddellanyway thanks for waking up so "early" valorie :)18:35
geniiYes, Mir vs Wayland put a lot of bitterness in the Canonical-Kubuntu relationship, that I could see.18:36
* genii makes more coffee and goes back to work18:38
jmuxRiddell: I'm just reading the the meeting backlog. I didn't know of the Ubuntu LiMux article before it got published, but AFAIK the LiMux Mgmt was asked if it was Ok and I guess they simply didn't realize.18:48
jmuxI'll just ask them, if they want to write a mail and point them to the bug.18:50
soeewoho 3 packages left for amd64 :)18:51
Riddellthanks jmux 18:54
rbergHi all not sure if this is the correct place to report this: I found that with kde 4.14.1 on precise kde no longer suspends on laptop lip close nor is there a button on the K menu / leave, pm-suspend still works18:57
rbergerr not precise trusty18:57
soeeafter todays updates ?18:58
soeeRiddell: ^18:59
Riddellrberg: hmm, fooey19:00
Riddellthat'll be faffy to debug19:00
Riddellsolid not detecting the right thing again19:00
Riddellrberg: can you report a bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+filebug19:01
Riddelland ping us here with it19:01
rbergsure, might me a few min19:01
sgclarkRiddell: I keep getting rejected on libmm-qt. Someone had already fixed the issue in git but never put in pa. 19:08
* sgclark spots jriddell next to libmm-qt notes19:10
Riddellyeah I put something up didn't I?19:10
sgclarkit never made it to the ppa19:10
sgclarkstill at ppa119:10
sgclarkbut the changes are in git19:11
shadeslayerRiddell: how was the meeting19:11
* shadeslayer is full of food19:12
sgclarkis there a space free version of gpl-2 + trolltech gpl exception version 1.019:12
soeesgclark: is there any chance to get 5.1b ready today ?19:19
rbergRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/1376895  let me know if there is any other info you folks could use. thanks.19:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1376895 in Kubuntu PPA "kde 4.14.1 on Trusty does not suspend to ram on laptop lid close nor a button on K menu / Leave" [Undecided,New]19:22
Riddellsgclark: just make one up I guess, GPL-2 or GPL-Qt  or something19:23
Riddellshadeslayer: oh the usual, hand waving and talk of complexity rather than any desire to stand up for free software19:24
Riddellshadeslayer: any thoughts on rberg's bug? suspend broken in 4.14.1 on trusty, have I forgotten to add in some patch?19:24
shadeslayerRiddell: not really sure19:31
shadeslayercheck output of qdbus --system org.freedesktop.login1 /something/something/canHibernate19:31
Riddellrberg: ↑19:32
rbergqdbus org.kde.kded /org/freedesktop/PowerManagement CanHibernate false19:33
shadeslayernot really, but ok19:37
shadeslayerwhat about cansuspend?19:38
shadeslayerbut yeah, that explains why you can't suspend, KDE thinks it can't suspend19:38
shadeslayerrberg: check qdbus --system org.freedesktop.login119:39
shadeslayerit should have a can suspend method oto19:39
rbergupdated the ticket with that output19:40
Riddellplasma5 has: >qdbus --system org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.CanSuspend19:41
rbergI dont see any sort of answer along with org.freedesktop.login1.Manager.CanSuspend()19:47
rbergsorry to bother, I rebooted my laptop and now I get a suspend button. Before I had just logged out and restarted lightdm after the upgrade19:53
Riddellrberg: ooh interesting19:57
Riddelland mysterious, I've no idea why it would be different19:57
rbergyeah, I wonder if something was left running or something19:57
rbergsomething in /tmp.. now I am just guessing19:58
Riddellooh plasma 5 is all compiled20:19
Riddellbrave people can test20:19
sgclarkI just put up oxygen, had new files, wait a bit20:19
sgclarkRiddell: libmm-qt is still broken20:20
Riddellhmm the .orig is indeed different20:21
Riddellaah watch is looking for libnm not libmm20:22
sgclarkRiddell: are you sure? still shows failed ppa120:42
sgclarkRiddell: that is the last of them for serious errors, mind if I tidy up the last of the copyright bits tomorrow, I am quite tired now :(20:43
Riddellsgclark: me too, sleep well21:22
PaliRiddell: 4.14.1 for precise was compiled: https://launchpad.net/~pali/+archive/ubuntu/kubuntu-backports/21:27
Paliand one patch for backport-hooks: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pali/+junk/kubuntu-automation/revision/43921:28
soeehmm p5.1b packages ready ? :)21:55
sgclarksoee: sure it is tester ready21:56
soeeyup :)21:57
soeeoks one error already22:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh yeah, btw, feel free to come up with an algorithm proposal for upgrade testing that covers as much as possible while wasting as little resources as possible ;)22:03
soeesgclark: problem with /var/cache/apt/archives/libkf5sysguard5-data_4%3a5.0.95-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa4_amd64.deb22:04
sgclarkcan you give me more details than that?22:05
soeeim trying, i forget how to get command executed in english :/22:06
soeesgclark: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8481962/22:06
sgclarkoh hmm. perhaps I will see when I upgrade. too tired to do it now22:06
soeeok ill tru with -f and force overwrite22:07
apacheloggertransition fail most likley22:09
apacheloggeri386 of ksysguard hasn't built yet, so -data is not available in the required version22:09
apacheloggershould autoresolve in an hour or so22:09
soeei did sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install libkf5sysguard5-data22:09
apacheloggerthat doesn't solve the issue22:10
apacheloggerunless you ran apt update as well ^^22:10
apachelogger(and that only helps in case the correct version built meanwhile)22:10
apacheloggerat any rate that problem shouldn't have impact on anything but ksysguard anyway22:10
soeewill try to reboot and see what happen22:11
sgclarkapachelogger: what do you mean not built? all compiled except arm (of course)22:11
apacheloggersgclark: they weren't when soee ran apt update22:11
sgclarkoh ok22:12
apacheloggereven if, there's the publication step which might take longer for one arch than the other, depending on when teh build actually failed22:12
soeeim back22:14
soeeall seems to work fine, but if i open systray22:16
soeemy kaptop starts to give strange sound 22:16
apacheloggersoee: define strange sounds22:16
apacheloggerand does it go away if you close the notification popup again22:17
soeeyet it goas away, it saunds like very old TV when warming up22:17
soeemabe something with battery22:17
sgclarkd_ed: I am told to bug you with this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33962022:17
ubottuKDE bug 339620 in general "Messages.sh is getting installed and it shouldn't be." [Normal,Unconfirmed]22:17
apacheloggersoee: that sounds veery strange22:18
apacheloggersoee: does the sound come out the speakers?22:18
soeeyup amd the otification item loading animation is active all the time22:18
apacheloggerRiddell: apparently oxygen has no beta version on bugzilla22:18
soeeapachelogger: hard to say22:19
apacheloggerput your ear tot he speaker :P22:19
apacheloggerif you move ear away, does it get less loud? :P22:19
apacheloggeraudio debugging for starters xD22:19
soeei have muted all but this happens all the time22:21
soeei would shoot into battery supply22:21
apacheloggertotally weird22:22
soeebtw i feel like all works 5 time faster now22:22
soeeafter logout and login again, plasmashell did not start22:30
soeehad to start it manually22:30
soeeok time to get some sleep, ill test more tomorrow22:32

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