=== doko_ is now known as doko | ||
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk | ||
=== tgall_foo is now known as Guest71227 | ||
=== Guest66950 is now known as jeremybrown82 | ||
jeremybrown82 | does any one know of a good tut for putting ubuntu on a tegra k1? | 13:43 |
jeremybrown82 | this one in particularly this one http://www.amazon.com/Acer-Chromebook-CB5-311-T1UU-13-3-inch-NVIDIA/dp/B00MHX6TIA/ref=sr_1_14?ie=UTF8&qid=1412254344&sr=8-14&keywords=chromebook#productDetails | 13:47 |
Valduare | hows it going guys | 14:15 |
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun | ||
=== Guest71227 is now known as CaptHammer | ||
VeiledSpectre | Excuse me everyone - I have some quuestions - I'd like to get into some ARM development. can anyone tell me what the difference between the gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi and the gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf packages are? In addition, does installing the packages also install the pre-requiste c-library headers and runtimes? Or is it assumed that such things are taken care of by your kernel image configuration on the target board? ? | 18:57 |
VeiledSpectre | Im looking for a cross-compiler toolchain from an x86 linux build to an arm linux build, and Ideally im also looking for gdb support for debugging my arm programs | 18:57 |
VeiledSpectre | I know that gcc can be built without c-library support and runtime and without specific linux headers but this is not what im looking for | 18:58 |
genii | VeiledSpectre: Now to wait :) | 19:01 |
* genii makes more coffee | 19:01 | |
VeiledSpectre | Haha - hello again - thanks for the direction - I dont mind waiting - it gives me time to read to see if theres anymore illumination out there. I'm just really trying to avoid cross compiling all of gcc and binutils and glib and gdb myself... Even following instructions I am running into isssues | 19:03 |
infinity | VeiledSpectre: If all you want to build is kernels, which compiler you use is irrelevant. And yes, either of those will depend on the right headers. You could have tested easily enough. :) | 20:20 |
infinity | VeiledSpectre: The difference is which ABI (soft float or hard float) the compiler defaults to. | 20:21 |
VeiledSpectre | Thank you infinity : If they depend on the linux headers and they arent included themselves, where would someone get the headers for cross compilation? ie. My host machine is x86. it has x86 headers. I installed the gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi package. I want to use it to develop arm. Where does one get the necessary arm-linux headers? Additionally, do the packages include the architecture specific clibrary and runtime hook | 20:25 |
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