
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
pittiGood morning04:33
willcookemorning folks07:20
willcookehey TheMuso07:20
TheMusoHey willcooke.07:21
seb128good morning desktopers07:50
willcookemorning seb12807:56
willcookeseb128, would you have time to help me with the what's new in 14.10 list today?07:56
willcookeor tomorrow is fine07:56
willcookeor just a short list via email07:56
willcookeI just don't want to be scratching around at the last minute on Monday night :)07:56
willcookeI found the blueprints for 14.10 - but not a whole lot to go on there07:57
seb128willcooke, hey, I just replied to your email07:57
seb128willcooke, you are not going to like the reply much though07:57
seb128reality is that we don't have much that changed enough to be marketing material07:57
willcookenah - that reply is good07:57
willcookethat's what I thought would be the caase07:58
seb128we basically iterated over what we have, some updates, bugfixing, polish07:58
willcookeso now it's confirmed I can get on with it07:58
seb128lot of touch work07:58
seb128we did some updates like gtk, some GNOME components/apps07:58
seb128but nothing of that is significant enough/user visible enough for a marketing page07:58
seb128"continuing improving hidpi support" could be one item07:59
seb128Laney, good morning, wie gehts?08:07
larsu_hi Laney!08:08
larsu_oh, I'm named weirdly08:08
Laneykeep it, it makes you look important08:08
=== larsu_ is now known as larsu
Laneyit's going well thanks, had a board games night last night08:09
Laneywe didn't defeat wu feng, BUT!08:09
Laneyrealised that every time we played that game we've played this one rule wrong which makes it way harder than it should be08:09
Laneyso next time he's going down08:09
willcookethx seb08:10
Laneywhat's up larsu et seb128 et willcooke?08:11
willcookeit's all going on today08:11
seb128Laney, what game is that?08:11
Laneyit's called Ghost Stories08:11
Laneyand it's by a french guy!08:11
Laneythat's it08:13
seb128it has good reviews08:13
larsuLaney: not much, feeling unimportant now that you mentioned it08:13
larsuLaney: I'm off for a short vacation at the baltic sea after today08:13
Laneyyeah it's a fun game08:13
Laneylarsu: why unimportant? :(08:14
LaneyI saw there's a public holiday in .de tomorrow08:14
LaneyTag der Deutschen Einheit!08:14
seb128not important because he lost the tail after his nick?08:15
larsuLaney: "keep it, it makes you look important"08:15
larsuLaney: yep, gives us a nice long weekend :)08:15
Laneyah, forgot about that already :p08:15
Laneyyou're always important to me ♥08:15
seb128oh, speaking about long w.e08:15
larsuLaney:  :)08:15
* seb128 needs to put a vac day on monday08:15
* willcooke prepares his REJECT button08:16
* seb128 walks out and let Laney and larsu together08:16
LaneyI've got some bug in the last day08:16
Laneywhere my background doesn't load properly like 50% of the time08:16
larsuI love that url...08:16
Laneyalso do I normally have those icons?08:16
larsuLaney: there's supposed to be a bg image?08:17
LaneyI don't even know what that gradient is08:17
larsuLaney: text shadow on the icons is wrong08:17
seb128it's like nautilus was failing to read its config08:17
Laneyhappens loads08:17
larsuLaney: you can set a gradient in bg settings08:17
seb128do yo have anything wrong in the logs?08:17
larsuLaney: in GNOME...08:17
LaneyI was ignoring it yesterday because I was logging in all the time to fix that unity bug08:17
seb128larsu, in unity as well08:17
larsuseb128: ah, in the combo box08:18
* larsu didn't see that at first08:18
seb128well, wrong bg + icons displayed when they should ... looks like to me that nautilus is not reading the correct gsettings config or something08:20
Laneyrunning nautilus doesn't bring it back08:20
larsuis the file in org.gnome.desktop.background.picture-uri correct?08:21
seb128what is handling your desktop?08:21
seb128click on one of those icons08:21
seb128and do help->about08:21
seb128I bet it's one of the nautilus fork you installed08:21
seb128like the cinnamon one08:21
seb128or nemo08:21
Laneydoes that happen?08:21
seb128and the first to start wins the desktop08:21
LaneyI did install the MATE one08:21
seb128there you go08:22
Laneyyeah that's totally running08:22
Laneythis seems a bit shitty (how surprising)08:22
seb128and it's starting before nautilus half of the time08:22
Laneyhow do these things get started again?08:23
seb128xdg even08:23
Laneyokay, I'll file a bug on caja to fix its file08:23
seb128to be OnlyShowIn?08:24
seb128right, makes sense08:24
larsucaja is their name for the nautilus fork?08:24
Laneyit is08:25
seb128yet another nautilus fork :/08:25
seb128couldn't those guys work together on e.g nemo?08:25
larsuthe old "can't we work together" argument never worked08:25
larsuseb128: when are we switching? :P08:26
seb128larsu, to which one? ;-)08:26
seb128we should try one every cycle!08:26
Laneymidnight commander08:27
larsuseb128: lol!08:27
larsuLaney: ts ts08:27
seb128larsu, hum, theme weirdness that might be new to your recent changes/landing08:27
seb128larsu, in gedit, the "search" box (the one you get with ctrl-f) has its borders transparents, I don't think it did before08:28
seb128which is not specific to o-s for once08:29
larsuuh oh08:31
larsuseb128: white bg for me - I guess it's supposed to be @theme_bg?08:32
seb128I wonder why it's buggy for me :-(08:32
seb128I don't know, it used to be white for me as well08:32
larsuit's transparent for me as well08:32
larsuI wonder what changed that...08:33
seb128you just said it was white?08:34
larsuyes, because the text view is white as well08:34
larsuputting some text there showed me it's actually transparent08:34
seb128larsu, oh, I saw it easy because I oped a new document at the first line was selected/with a grey bg for me08:44
seb128I've also the 80 columns margin displayed08:44
larsuseb128: this is what I'm using for testing now :)08:45
larsuoh, that was easy08:46
larsuseb128: @theme_base_color is not defined in our themes (it's just called @base_color)08:48
seb128but some software use that name?08:48
larsuseb128: got copied in with the latest gedit-specific tweaks in apps/gedit.css08:48
larsuI'll MR after some more testing08:48
larsuah, there's more @theme_*08:49
seb128larsu, danke08:49
seb128larsu, can you look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-system-monitor/+bug/1376432 as well?08:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1376432 in gnome-system-monitor (Ubuntu) "GNOME System Monitor Resources graphs show black borders" [Low,Triaged]08:52
larsuseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ubuntu-themes/fix-gedit/+merge/23683008:57
seb128larsu, wfm, but if apps/other themes use e.g @theme_base_color, would it make sense to define that variable in our theme?08:58
larsuseb128: we've always called it @base_color in our theme. Not sure if we'd break anything if we went with Adwaita's definitions now08:59
seb128larsu, can't we add an alias?08:59
seb128just @theme_base_color pointing to @base_color08:59
seb128so both would work?08:59
larsuI'd rather not, there's quite a few of those08:59
larsusee colors.css08:59
seb128wfm in any case, thanks08:59
larsusorry, gtk-main.css08:59
larsuseb128: in general we discourage applications from reusing variables from the theme09:00
larsuinstead, they should just give their widgets the right classes09:00
larsui.e, ".background" in this case09:00
seb128bah, GNOME bugzilla is slooow09:25
larsuya :/09:25
Laneyhosted by RH not Canonical ;-)09:26
seb128pitti, hey09:53
seb128pitti, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-pack-touch-fr doesn't include indicator-sound.mo anymore, do you know why?09:55
pittihey seb12809:57
pittiseb128: there's indeed no trace of it, but it didn't disappear in the last upload10:00
pittiit disappeared here10:01
seb128pitti, it's in the current rtm image10:01
seb128pitti, said differently "please don't copy those updates to rtm" :-)10:01
pittino, I stopped doing that, we now build RTM specifig langpacks10:01
pittithere should be an update todya10:01
LaneyI wonder if that glib ever went in10:02
seb128Laney, speaking of glib, should be sync the stable version from Debian?10:02
seb128Laney, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/glib2.0 looks like it didn't :/10:02
Laneyyeah I was waiting because desrt said he was going to do a new stable without property deprecation warnings and removing the mutex abort10:03
Laneybut that didn't come yet so maybe we should take this one10:03
seb128Laney, https://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/commit/?h=glib-2-42&id=b12bd1c3dcfbb398d2462dcf584a1f6d5173ca9a10:03
seb128we can at least backport that one if we want10:03
Laneythere should be a release10:04
Laneylet's see what he says later, can decide then10:04
seb128the mutex things is going to be removed?10:04
Laneyjust the abort I think10:04
seb128or asked differently, do we need to backport https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?h=gtk-2-24&id=fbf38d16bcc26630f0f721d266509f5bc292f60610:04
Laneythe glib fix would have the same effect10:04
seb128desrt, ^10:04
seb128if we are sure we are getting the glib change let's not backport the gtk one then10:05
Laneythat gtk one is kind of a hack/workaround10:05
seb128right, but that's better than nothing10:06
seb128well if glib stop aborting even better10:06
pittiseb128: so, I have not the slightest idea; the logs are already gone as we had two more updates after that10:07
pittiseb128: the next automatic update will fix it again10:09
pitti(I restored the files)10:09
seb128pitti, danke10:09
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
Laneyso good having media keys back10:23
LaneyI was actually getting used to scroll wheeling on the indicator10:23
Laneywe didn't fix the direction of scroll wheel scrolling in u-c-c -> sound?10:24
seb128larsu looked at it but couldn't reproduce10:24
seb128seems to depend of the type of pointing device in use10:25
Laneydidn't the indicator have it before?10:25
Laneybecause that's right for me now10:25
seb128yeah, not sure what's the difference :/10:26
seb128it's buggy on most u-c-c sliders for me10:26
seb128like the keyboard repetitions, a11y, etc as well10:26
larsuseb128, Laney: gtk slider scroll direction is different from all sound sliders10:27
Laneyyou mean u-c-c overrides it to be the other way?10:27
larsuonly for the sound slider, yes10:27
Laneywell, seb128 just pointed out that other panels have this too10:27
Laneyit's backwards for the touchpad on my laptop as well10:28
* larsu is confused10:28
Laneytwo finger scrolling10:28
larsuindeed, two finger scrolling is the opposite direction10:29
larsuLaney: xev shows me that different buttons get activated...10:30
larsuah, natural scrolling only affects two-finger scroll on the touchpad, not the scroll wheel one10:30
larsuLaney: if you turn natural scrolling off, is it consistent?10:31
seb128I don't have that setting on10:31
Laneyme neither10:32
seb128still sound is the wrong way around10:32
seb128scroll up make it go lower10:32
larsuokay there are two issues here:10:32
larsu(1) the sound sliders react in the opposite way from all other sliders on the system10:32
larsu(2) when natural scrolling is turned on, two-finger scroll behaves in the opposite way from scroll wheel scroll10:32
larsuseb128: for me, it's the other way around. Which buttons does xev report for scroll up/down?10:33
seb128(3) the sound slider in u-c-c doesn't react the right way10:33
larsuseb128: this is (1), no?10:33
seb128for me it reacts the same way as the other sliders10:33
seb128the keyboard panel ones in u-c-c do the same10:34
seb128the a11y ones as well10:34
Laneythey are all backwards in u-c-c for me10:34
seb128same here10:34
seb128scroll up xev button 410:34
seb128down button 510:34
larsuwhy do I see a difference then?10:34
seb128good question10:34
seb128I'm using an usb mouse10:34
seb128with a wheel10:34
larsusame for me, up 4, down 5 on the trackpoint and two-finger scroll10:35
larsu(without natural scrolling)10:35
larsusound slider in u-c-c is up/forward, every other slider is up/backwards10:35
seb128k, for me sound is the same as every other slider10:36
larsuseb128: maybe you have the mate control center installed?10:36
larsuI'll look into it10:36
* seb128 slaps larsu with a trout 10:36
Laneywhat's the gtk3 widget factory thing called?10:36
Laneyoh yeah10:37
Laneythat has screwed up theming .......10:37
seb128those behave the same as u-c-c sliders10:37
seb128up = move to the left10:37
larsuLaney: hm?10:37
Laneytransparent background10:37
larsuLaney: apart from non-resizable window and no shadow, it should be fine10:37
Laneybut indeed it is also backwards10:38
seb128Laney, bug #1285783 might be the same10:38
ubot5bug 1285783 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Right panel has a transparent background" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128578310:38
seb128there is a fix there we forgot to land :/10:38
seb128want to test it?10:38
Laneydid he fwd it?10:39
larsubut I seem to be running a different os from you guys :/10:40
Laneyare you using the archive gtk?10:40
seb128larsu, do you have all the sound panels doing right on up?10:41
seb128like the one from the effects tab as well?10:41
seb128Laney, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=02ccfb5d62430590b11b2d3e34b6100e4a6ddcda10:41
larsuseb128: yes, all the sound sliders go right on up10:41
Laneythanks, I'll try the upstream one10:42
seb128Laney, yeah, better, the upstream bug states that the downstream one had an issue10:42
larsuLaney: ah, o-s10:43
seb128larsu, k, I don't understand what's different between our setups :/10:43
* larsu reproduces10:43
larsuwe should just drop those10:43
* larsu runs10:43
Laney15.04 man10:43
LaneyI need a bigger SSD so I don't have to delete checkouts all the time10:44
Laneyor git could grow a "give me this commit from this remote as a .patch" command ...10:45
larsucgit does that...10:47
Laneyor that could give you it with a nice filename, indeed10:48
seb128I don't understand why https://launchpadlibrarian.net/184385786/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-i386.evolution-data-server_3.12.6-0ubuntu2_UPLOADING.txt.gz has its translations in "list-missing"10:51
seb128they are installed in debian/tmp10:51
seb128(from the log)10:51
seb128e-d-s-common.install lists the directory10:52
seb128or that's pkgstriptranslations10:54
seb128but then I don't get why the .mo don't show up on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/evolution-data-server/+imports?field.filter_status=all&field.filter_extension=all10:54
seb128pitti, ^ do you have any idea?10:54
seb128it makes https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/evolution-data-server show 3.12 as untranslated10:55
seb128hum, maybe I should have accepted that template as "evolution-data-server" rather than -3.12?10:55
seb128where is dpm when have launchpad translation questions? :-)10:56
Laneyseb128: that patch doesn't fix the widget factory11:01
davmor2seb128: wisely hiding as you have launchpad translation questions?11:03
seb128Laney, not even combined with the theme fix in the same lp bug?11:15
seb128davmor2, seems so11:15
Laneyoh, didn't notice that11:15
Laneynah, still doesn't work :(11:29
seb128did you try gnome-tweak-tools to see if that one is fixed?11:34
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Laneyit breaks when I change tab11:34
desrtLaney: already removed the properties notices.  didn't remove the mutex assert -- i think that will stay, actually11:35
desrtshould backport the gtk fix i guess11:35
Laneykay, up to you11:35
Laneyyou doing a release?11:36
desrti can11:36
Laneyalso, hi :)11:36
desrtseems relatively minor at this point, though11:36
desrtmay just wait to do it on schedule11:36
larsumorning desrt!11:37
desrtgood morning11:37
desrti will leave my house in 20 minutes11:37
desrtto drive to downtown toronto11:37
larsuseb128: I've MRed a backport for gnome-system-monitor, which fixes it for all themes (Adwaita wasn't affected, but High Contrast etc. were)(11:37
desrtbeing that it's 8am, this will take approximately an hour11:37
larsudesrt: but ... why?11:38
desrtand is something that, under normal circumstances, i would never ever do in a car11:38
desrtbecause, seriously...11:38
desrtit turns out that today is a special day11:38
desrti have a friend who is being released from the hospital and he needs a ride home11:38
larsuawesome \O/11:38
willcookegreat news11:38
seb128larsu, thanks, looking at that, so it was not the theme itself for once?11:38
larsuseb128: yep. The background was drawn incorrectly. I had a fix and then realized there was a (better) one upstream already, so I backported that11:39
seb128larsu, great, thanks11:39
larsuwe shoudl really update g-s-m... we're on 3.811:39
seb128yeah, I think the issue was gtkheaderbar11:40
seb128going to look at updating those with patches similar to evince11:40
seb128but that's for next cycle11:40
* larsu makes a note of that11:40
seb128larsu, looks good, bonus point next time if you do (lp: <nnn>) in the changelog (doing that for you on this one)11:41
larsuseb128: oops, sorry11:41
* larsu never remembers _all_ the things11:41
seb128no worry11:41
seb128larsu, on updating apps topic, next fun is going to be those annoying .desktop renames11:46
seb128the one to match the dbus name11:46
seb128I wonder what to do about that11:46
seb128I guess desrt is not going happy if we revert the renames11:46
desrtwhat's the problem?11:46
desrtusers launcher settings getting screwed around?11:46
desrtis that the only issue?11:47
seb128but it's an annoying one11:47
desrtdo we care about users? ;)11:47
* seb128 slaps desrt with a trout11:47
desrti have a plan... ish11:47
larsuwe need a big map11:47
desrtwe need11:47
desrt[Desktop Entry]11:47
larsuas a separate file?11:48
desrtit's the only sane way11:48
seb128how would that work?11:48
larsuhello stat!11:48
desrtlarsu: no.11:48
seb128then you need to patch all the .desktop parsers11:48
larsuwe'd love to call you more often11:48
larsustat stat stat11:48
* larsu sings11:48
desrtlarsu: what are you even talking about?11:48
desrtseb128: other choice is symlinks11:49
seb128that leads to duplicate items in e.g the unity dash11:49
desrtseb128: unless we update all the desktop file parsers :)11:49
seb128let's not rename11:50
desrtone way or another something has to give11:50
desrtyou can't not rename :p11:50
seb128well, those had a name let's keep it11:50
seb128bet I can?11:50
desrtthe problem will just get bigger with time11:50
desrtand a lot of these apps are depending on dbus activation11:50
Laneykeep the old one with NoDisplay11:50
desrtLaney: NoDisplay would be implied by Alias=11:50
Laneydoesn't require fixing parsers11:50
desrtwith the added benefit that old parsers wouldn't even understand it at all11:51
Laneyif we don't care about that, then ya11:51
seb128Laney, would e.g nautilus show launchers with NoDisplay?11:51
larsudesrt: I'm talking about not having a desktop file cache yet11:51
desrtseb128: when browsing /usr/share/applications, yes11:51
seb128desrt, well, what if I've a nautilus link on my desktop to /usr/share/applications/gedit.desktop11:51
seb128and we add NoDisplay there11:51
desrtthat should still be shown properly11:52
seb128yes what?11:52
* seb128 tries11:52
desrtwe do want the explicit aliasing functionality though11:52
desrtbecause we want to give a mechanism by which things like the launcher can update themselves11:52
desrtie: check that the desktop file name is what we think that it is11:53
desrtand update it if it doesn't match11:53
desrtwe could do that with symlinks as well, but it would involve more stat() calls ;)11:53
Laneyseems like a reasonable feature11:53
Laneyyou could do both as a bridge11:53
seb128shame that things are done backward again though :/11:54
seb128rename first11:54
seb128deal with migration later11:54
seb128meanwhile users get screwed11:54
desrtwe could also just do a map11:54
* larsu coughs11:54
desrtpossibly populated via the first mechanism11:54
desrtor something like it11:54
desrtwe is me :)11:54
seb128would that work for e.g KDE?11:55
seb128or would they need to do a map as well11:55
seb128k, what I though11:55
desrtno matter what we're looking at changes to desktop file parsers11:55
seb128not with the symlinks and NoDisplay11:55
desrtsymlinks are the only way that we could completely avoid that11:55
desrtbut they're only nice if you enjoy double-vision11:55
seb128having all the main parsers updated is going to take time11:56
seb128that should have been done before we start renaming11:56
desrtif you're really upset, i can give you glib by the weekend :p11:56
seb128no, I'm not, we are one cycle behind GNOME11:56
desrtanyway... if we do a map file, we can populate it via the desktop files themselves11:56
seb128so we didn't hit that wall yet11:56
desrtfrom WasNamed=gedit.desktop11:56
desrtor such lines11:56
seb128oh, the Debian guys were discussing a related issue yesterday11:56
seb128your favorite apps handler getting screwed on upgrade11:57
desrtseb128: this is sort of how things work, though....11:57
desrtupstream does the awesome future stuff11:57
desrtand the distro gets the fun work of figuring out how not to screw existing users11:57
seb128the mimetype associations also11:57
desrtwelcome to the last 10 years of gnome-ubuntu relationship :)11:57
seb128like you upgrade and you get okular used for pdfs11:57
desrtseb128: the new spec should be backcompat to glib's previous behaviour11:58
desrtif not, i want to hear about it11:58
seb128because evince.desktop which is associated to pdf in your config isn't there anymore11:58
desrtokay -- that's expected :)11:58
seb128still wrong :/11:58
desrti thought you meant about the mimeapps selection process itself11:58
seb128oh no11:58
desrtseb128: stop being grumpy :p11:58
seb128just another place which records the .desktop names11:58
desrtthis is our job to fix and we will11:58
seb128I'm grumpy because those sort of things should be figured out before the changes happen :/11:59
seb128but yeah, let's discuss it in DC11:59
seb128that's a next cycle topic11:59
desrti hope to have a fix before then :p11:59
seb128well your fixes are glib/GNOME specific11:59
* desrt drives into the city12:00
desrttalk to you in a bit12:00
Laneysay hi to your friend from me12:00
seb128desrt, see you!12:00
desrtLaney: will do :)12:00
Laneymaybe talk to him about gtk/theme fixes for gnome-tweak-tool :-)12:01
* Laney runs12:01
Laneyseb128: you planning a gtk upload?12:09
seb128Laney, no, I did one this morning for gtk2 after our discussion and that was the one I had planned12:09
Laneyk, np, taking that mutex fix12:09
seb128Laney, you can use bug #1376530 for tracking12:11
ubot5bug 1376530 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "GTK apps crashing with "Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked"" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137653012:11
seb128bug #1374030 as well12:11
ubot5bug 1374030 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Dropbox crash on Ubuntu MATE Remix" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137403012:11
Laneyyeah i had it, ty12:12
dgadomskihello everyone12:15
dgadomskiseb128: update to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/44533312:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 445333 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Trusty) "remember password on printing to windows printers does not work" [High,Triaged]12:16
seb128hey dgadomski12:16
seb128dgadomski, what update? I see no new comment12:16
dgadomskiseb128: hello :)12:16
dgadomskiseb128: I have been testing the backport for gtk2 and I was observing crashes with firefox12:17
dgadomskiI investigated this issue and there is a bug in gtk (both: 2 and 3)12:17
dgadomskiso this needs to be first patched before this backend may be used12:17
seb128oh, nice, did you file it upstream?12:17
dgadomskiyes, along with a patch https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73777712:17
ubot5Gnome bug 737777 in Printing "Applications crash randomly while printing with a password-secured SMB printer" [Major,Unconfirmed]12:18
dgadomskiwould you like this to be included in the backport or should I make a separate lp bug for gtk2 and gtk3?12:18
seb128just add it as another patch in the series12:19
dgadomskiyou mean a separate patch in debian/patches?12:20
dgadomskiok, I will, thanks a lot!12:20
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
LaneyI just pushed gtk then, given that12:52
Laneymight be best to wait a bit for upstream to review first12:52
seb128Laney, speaking about the printing issue for the upstream review?12:56
seb128k, makes sense12:56
Laneylunch,  biab13:00
seb128pitti, do you know where I can see the <source>translations.tar.gz exported from a build?13:17
seb128see/download to look at the content13:17
pittiseb128: ah, I don't think there's a UI for it indeed, you need to use lp-shell; hang on13:24
pittiseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8479201/13:35
seb128pitti, danke!13:35
seb128ok, so the tarball is good13:42
seb128I guess it's because the launchpad template info was buggy13:43
seb128I've fixed the server side and did a no change upload of eds, let's see how that goes13:43
immerrrHi all. I've run into an issue with gstreamer1.0-plugins-good package: it provides gstreamer1.0-audiosink, probably because it includes jack output plugin, but without jack server installed the plugin doesn't really work as an audiosink. Does it make sense to make a separate gstreamer1.0-jack metapackage to include good plugins and jack audioserver for that reason and have it provide the audiosink instead?13:44
willcookeimmerrr, hrm - I'm not sure, but I think TheMuso might be able to advise you.  It's like 3 in the morning or something for him right now, but he'll no doubt see this message when he logs in14:24
Trevinhomarga: hey, can you verify SRU for this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1324114 ?14:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1324114 in Unity 7.2 "Unity kills running compiz, even if it belongs to a different Unity session" [Medium,In progress]14:34
margaTrevinho, I can, but not today, how urgent is it?14:38
Trevinhomarga: not much, take your time... I just asked since you were the reporter with a such configuration ready, so it might be quicker for you14:38
Trevinhomarga: thanks14:41
seb128Laney, do you fancy fixing a segfault in some u-s-s code you wrote? ;-)14:49
seb128it's glib code14:49
Laneyalso holy shit that eds fix, I was going to debug that14:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1375988 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "System settings crashes after quickly backing out of storage" [Critical,Confirmed]14:53
seb128Laney, see the comment I just added14:53
seb128not sure what to do there/why they don't stop14:54
seb128we can wait until the callbacks are done before exiting14:54
seb128but that seems suboptimal14:54
Laneyis there a trace?14:56
seb128no but I had a valgrind log and easy to reproduce14:56
seb128if I put that in the destructor14:57
seb128    while (!g_cancellable_is_cancelled (m_cancellable))14:57
seb128        g_warning("not done yet!\n");14:57
seb128it fixes it as well14:57
seb128with outputing those "not done yet" for a while14:57
seb128Laney, it's an invalid free in measure_finished()14:58
seb128well, as said I think that's because we exit the plugin/structures are freed but the callback are still pending14:58
seb128when they come back they try to free datas that are gone14:58
seb128-> segfault14:58
seb128Laney, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8479699/15:01
=== gatox_ultra is now known as gatox
seb128123 is15:02
seb128    if (err != nullptr) {15:02
seb128        if (g_error_matches (err, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) {15:02
seb128            delete data->running;15:02
seb128the delete ^15:02
Laneyso the cancellable cancels after the plugin is gone15:02
Laney123 is the unref here15:02
seb128well, I put debug prints15:02
seb128that's why I tell you what line it is :p15:02
seb128it's the delete15:02
seb128Laney, do you have any idea what the right fix would be there?15:04
seb128waiting on the callbacks to be done to exit the destructor?15:04
LaneyI reckon it's because the callback is called multiple times15:08
seb128could be15:08
seb128is that one for desrt? ;-)15:09
dgadomskiTrevinho: hi, thanks for your comments to the merge proposal, I have corrected it according to them15:22
Trevinhodgadomski: cool, I'll review them in a bit15:22
dgadomskiTrevinho: I'll appreciate it, thanks15:23
Trevinhodgadomski: (privateScreen.optionGetHsize () > 1 || privateScreen.optionGetVsize () > 1) can also be (privateScreen.optionGetHsize () * privateScreen.optionGetVsize () > 1), as you prefer :)15:24
dgadomskiTrevinho: whatever you prefer, they both get the job done ;)15:26
Trevinhodgadomski: can you also fix indentation for PointCompare? I really hate this way of indenting, but that's it... :/15:27
Trevinhodgadomski: and also15:27
Trevinho+        savedFocus.erase (it);15:27
Trevinho+        return w;15:27
Trevinhoshould be two tabs...15:27
dgadomskiTrevinho: sure, fixed, please let me know if there is anything else before pushing15:29
Trevinhodgadomski: just few things, I'll post them in the revew in a sec15:30
Laneyseb128: something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/8479858/ ?15:31
Laneycan't test it, desktop is too fast15:31
seb128Laney, I put a sleep(1) in the contructor15:32
seb128so I can click on the header while it's frozen15:32
seb128reproduce easily on desktop for me15:32
Laneyoh ok15:32
seb128Laney, that diff ... if (data->running), you access the data structure after the plugin returned15:32
seb128that's likely to be problematic as well15:32
seb128+            if (data->running) {15:33
seb128+                delete data->running;15:33
seb128but that callback is called after the plugin exited, I'm not sure the data structure is still allocated15:33
Trevinhodgadomski: done15:34
Laneyoh right, yeah, it's on the heap so should be15:34
Laneymight be another leak there actually15:34
dgadomskiTrevinho: thanks, I've just updated the merge16:02
Trevinhodgadomski: thanks... I'm testing it, but for some reason that code don't run... and the correct lib is going, so let me check better :P16:20
Trevinhodgadomski: btw, there should be just another small clanup to do: if a window closes, then we should make sure that it gets removed from savedViewportFocus16:20
Trevinhodgadomski: oh, no sorry... that happens automatically in findViewportFocusCandidate16:21
Trevinhodgadomski: no need to do it, it will be delayed, but it's fine16:21
Trevinhodgadomski: ouch, no... So please move "savedViewportFocus.erase (it);" up before the "if (w)"... In this way also if we can't find a window that has that id, we erase it from the map16:22
Trevinhowe only return it if found16:23
Laneyseb128: try that16:35
Laneyseems to wfm16:35
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
Laneybyesie bye!17:02
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YBumQHPAeU <- you brits certainly have the more interesting politicians ...17:03
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
dupondjeGot an issue in 14.10 with Gnome. When logging in my mouse pointer freezes on the screen.21:31
dupondjecan still move the mouse, but the original one stays visible on the screen. Any idea's?21:31
ochosixnox: hey there! we're seeing an odd bug in ubiquity with xubuntu utopic with the background staying black. any idea what that could be related to? (i checked bzr and couldn't find any relevant changes and we haven't changed anything in our setup)21:32
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TheMusoimmerrr: Makes sense to me, but I am not in charge of gstreamer, so you may want to talk to gstreamer maintainers.23:15

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