darkxst | onesandzeroes, run `ubuntu-bug gtk+3.0` and report there | 00:02 |
onesandzeroes | cheers | 00:02 |
DASPRiD | I wonder if this [bugfix] could be backported to ubuntu gnome 14.04: https://git.gnome.org/browse/mutter/commit/?id=5d8ff2e34d36a72df2c14eea1bc4c265c3aab969 | 00:04 |
darkxst | DASPRiD, probably yes, but would need to go via 14.10 first | 00:13 |
darkxst | file a bug on launchpad and link to upstream bug | 00:13 |
DASPRiD | will definitely do that, but not today anymore | 00:14 |
darkxst | ok | 00:24 |
Noskcaj | darkxst, Is the patch at bug 1376471 enough? | 01:32 |
ubot5 | bug 1376471 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Keyboard shortcuts stopped working in gnome-shell" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1376471 | 01:32 |
darkxst | Noskcaj, already uploaded a fix | 01:33 |
Noskcaj | ok | 01:33 |
darkxst | Noskcaj, if you have time in the next week or so, can you go through http://phillw.net/ubuntu-gnome/utopic312.html and sync/merge any packages still not at 3.12, in either ubuntu or gnome3 ppa (last column) | 06:21 |
darkxst | I will however gdm and gnome-session | 06:21 |
darkxst | games can probably just sync 3.14 packages from debian, provided they work with 3.12 gtk | 06:22 |
darkxst | s/however/do/ | 06:22 |
Noskcaj | ok | 06:26 |
Noskcaj | Is there an FFe allowing this? I've not paid much attention | 06:27 |
darkxst | Noskcaj, no its for the ppa (ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3) | 06:28 |
Noskcaj | oh, ok | 06:28 |
darkxst | that will have the rest of 3.12 not in the archives | 06:28 |
darkxst | it already has a chunk of it, I copied over most of the apps (gedit, nautilus, terminal etc) | 06:28 |
Noskcaj | i'll do totem first | 06:30 |
darkxst | I am tempted to file a FFe for gdm, but maybe gnome-desktop transition landing was enough given how close to final freeze we are! | 06:31 |
darkxst | ok | 06:31 |
Noskcaj | darkxst, Is revert_shell_menu.patch still required in the PPA? | 06:52 |
darkxst | Noskcaj, it will be needed when uploaded to archive proper, but can stay disabled as long as its only in the ppa | 06:56 |
Noskcaj | ok | 06:56 |
darkxst | .ui files are a pain to patch, git/diff really doesnt handle them well | 06:57 |
darkxst | Noskcaj, maybe note in the changelog whether GtkHeaderBars/CSD's are used or not | 07:06 |
darkxst | the ones that don't (like totem) can get uploaded to V as soon as it opens | 07:06 |
Noskcaj | ok. Totem is in ppa:noskcaj/build , but i want nothing to do with it when it needs a real merge | 07:07 |
Noskcaj | baobab needs a merge, but i'm not good enough at coding for that one | 07:08 |
darkxst | Noskcaj, use proper changelogs like I have said before, sections for whoever made what changes | 07:09 |
darkxst | you should also note, disabled patches | 07:12 |
darkxst | i.e. something like | 07:12 |
darkxst | revert_shell_menu.patch: disable, needs to be rewritten for ubuntu | 07:12 |
darkxst | and leave it in the series! | 07:15 |
darkxst | (just commented out) | 07:15 |
Noskcaj | I'll try to get it done later, but my brothers are using all our internet, and i'll be away from tomorrow till monday | 07:16 |
darkxst | Noskcaj, also there are a few unused patches that should be removed! | 07:22 |
darkxst | and no real rush, just ping me when its ready | 07:23 |
Noskcaj | totem is being uploaded now | 07:25 |
darkxst | ok I have to go now, will look when I get home later | 07:26 |
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Noskcaj | vino is done in my PPA, might need work on one patch | 09:10 |
l3on | Interesting .. ricotz http://paste.ubuntu.com/8478067/plain/ | 09:19 |
lindol | hi all | 10:13 |
ricotz | l3on, this is absolutely fine and the problem is not restricted to python-gi as you know, but seems only things from GWeather-3.0.gir are affected | 11:03 |
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dupondje | Got an issue in 14.10 with Gnome. When logging in my mouse pointer freezes on the screen. | 18:25 |
dupondje | can still move the mouse, but the original one stays visible on the screen | 18:25 |
dupondje | any idea's? | 18:26 |
frandieguez | darkxst, hi. Can I disturb you a minute? | 19:10 |
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