
dholbachgood morning06:52
dholbachhey mitya57 - how are you doing?07:02
dholbachmitya57, can we do an upload of ubuntu-packaging-guide?07:03
RhondaIs it to late to get ejabberd and its dependencies synced into unicorn?07:49
RhondaThere are new packages along that path. :/07:49
RhondaA fair amount of erlang packages that is.07:50
debfxsounds a lot like it's too late08:14
Rhondathought so, but asking is always possible :)08:37
mitya57dholbach: I'm good, thanks, and you? How is the developer.u.c migration to Sphinx going? :)09:11
dholbachmitya57, I'm working on a prototype - it'd be one possible options09:11
dholbachvery slowly working on it :)09:11
mitya57I think the right person to ask about upload is Andrew09:12
dholbachah ok09:12
dholbachwill do09:12
mitya57Though, if he has no time and is ok with me doing it, I'll do it.09:12
dholbachI'll send a mail to the two of you09:13
mitya57Do we have any new languages btw?09:13
dholbachno, I don't think so09:14
mitya57Right, the script agrees with you09:15
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