
phunyguyHe made it 28 minutes.00:10
AMDCeleronmake it a ban please00:23
AMDCeleronmake it a ban please00:23
AMDCeleronmake it a ban please00:23
AMDCeleronmake it a ban please00:23
AMDCeleronmake it a ban please00:23
IdleOneI feel bad for you00:23
AMDCeleronmake it a ban please00:23
AMDCeleronmake it a ban please00:23
IdleOneI'm going to pray for you00:23
phunyguyDon't you have anything better to do?00:23
AMDCeleronIdleOne, i feel bad for you because your heading to hell00:23
AMDCeleronphunyguy, preach the word00:24
IdleOneI'm going to ask God to send you a real life friend so that you can learn how to behave with people00:24
AMDCeleronwhen you die and find yourselves in the firery hell you will scream out to god but you will reliaze you are sealed there forever00:24
rwwi should banforward him from all #ubuntu channels to #defocus00:30
rwwi am sure bazhang would appreciate this00:30
k1lyes, he would love that00:30
elkyhe'd fit right in01:10
* valorie looks forward to "firery hell"01:15
AMDCeleronmental AMDCeleron is here!01:36
AMDCeleronannoying AMDCeleron is in here01:36
ubottuiptable called the ops in #ubuntu ()11:06
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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