
dkesselgood morning quality :)07:47
elfythe quality of the morning is lacking here - very grey and misty - I shall file a bug report for it -> world-bug weather07:48
dkessel"it works for me"07:48
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balloonselfy, I can report the weather bug seems fixed. Nice and bright now this morning12:31
elfysame here now - global fix :p12:34
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elfyballoons: I booted a clean install image after install in vbox \o/13:17
elfyjust 3 weeks to go now - lets hope we don't get a repetition :D13:22
dkesselwoo hoo13:44
dkesselballoons: it would be great if you could schedule cleaning up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/DevEnv before UOS . No pressing - it is just that I took days off of work that week, and after yesterday's discussion I think I should probably spend that time on the tracker14:00
balloonsdkessel, I hope to have it done in the next few days14:01
elfythat would be awesome14:01
bipulHello anyone around?14:10
elfybipul: there are people around - just ask the question - I'd not have told you to come here if I thought it was dead ;)14:10
elfyballoons: can you help this user - got issues with desktop-next and I've no idea what channel to send them to - ta :)14:11
* balloons waves to bipul 14:12
bipulhave just downloaded 64-bit PC (AMD64) desktop image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/daily-live/current/. And i have installed on my Virtualbox which is up to date. My problem is after installation, I am unable to get complet GUI , like i am not able to get unity14:14
bipuleven though i have try to update and upgrade it via tty.14:17
balloonsbipul, it doesn't work in vbox14:17
balloonsbipul, check out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8DesktopIso14:17
bipulRight now at the moment, my virtualbox screen is totally blank screen.14:17
elfyballoons: thanks :)14:18
balloonsbipul, so try it out on real hardware and it should work out better for you14:19
bipulThank you.14:19
balloonsIf it still fails, plan to file a bug and you can inquire here and #ubuntu-unity14:19
balloonsbipul, what graphics card do you have installed?14:20
bipulballoons: on Vbox?14:23
balloonsbipul, no in your machine14:25
balloonsthe one you will boot14:25
bipulAdvanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS880 [Radeon HD 4250]14:26
balloonsk, give it a whirl :-)14:34
elopioping ubuntu-qa: can I get a review please?15:39
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