
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
tsdgeosslowest internet ever07:11
tsdgeosgoing to reboot the router07:11
tsdgeosmeh, still slow07:21
Cimitsdgeos, hola :)07:59
tsdgeosCimi: ciao08:00
Cimitsdgeos, do you know anything about vertical journal?08:00
tsdgeosCimi: lots of things08:00
Cimitsdgeos, cool!08:00
Cimitsdgeos, it feels like there is one small bug in the cardcreator that was setting maybe a wrong implicitheight08:02
Cimitsdgeos, but then the card is clipped by the container where is put08:03
Cimiactually no, there is sth weird here08:04
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dandradertsdgeos, do you get this failure with unity8 trunk? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8477914/08:46
tsdgeosyou don't have to fix that one08:46
tsdgeosmzanetti: i did publish https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fixleftlaunchergreetertodash/+merge/236829 again08:51
tsdgeosmzanetti: if you care to reapprove :D08:51
tsdgeosdandrader: and you can have a look at fix_left_swipe_temp_scope_overview agian08:51
mzanettitsdgeos: yeah... given that I'm a bit stuck with setting up the next silo atm I'd prefer to also have mterry a look at this09:04
mzanettii.e. have to do some rtm releases before we can release to utopic again. otherwise they drift too much09:05
Cimitsdgeos, I linked a branch to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/136216009:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1362160 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Card's implicitHeight calculated wrong if summary is missing" [High,In progress]09:10
Cimitsdgeos, but the result is still clipped maybe because of the margin in ResponsiveVerticalJournal09:11
tsdgeosCimi: well ResponsiveVerticalJournal is supposed to clip, no?09:13
Cimitsdgeos, but the bug seems to complain that it clips09:14
tsdgeoswell, they should not use a ResponsiveVerticalJournal then09:14
Cimitsdgeos, anyway, that branch should fix the bug09:15
tsdgeosCimi: the CardVJ will "clip" at 35gus09:16
tsdgeosafter that you can expand it09:16
tsdgeosit's how it works09:16
Cimitsdgeos, there is something more09:17
Cimitsdgeos, if you take that branch and change 35 to more, it still clips09:17
tsdgeosthen that's a bug09:17
Cimitsdgeos, because inside ResponsiveVerticalJournal.qml09:17
Cimitsdgeos, there is VerticalJournal09:17
Cimitsdgeos, and I think those margins are problematic09:18
Cimifirst of all, if I change them all is blank09:18
Cimitsdgeos, on desktop, height is 234, implicitHeight 234.6666609:26
Cimitsdgeos, looks like height is floor of implicitHeight?09:26
Cimishouldn't it be ceil?09:27
tsdgeosCimi: noone cares :D09:28
tsdgeosi mean you're missing 0.6 pixels?09:28
Cimitsdgeos, seems like at least09:28
tsdgeosi don't think this is your problem09:28
tsdgeosbut sure, you can find where we do this and add a ceil instead of direct asssignment09:28
Cimitsdgeos, might be qt?09:29
tsdgeosqt what?09:29
tsdgeosyou're assigning a float to an int09:29
tsdgeosit obviously gets cut09:29
Cimiheight is realk09:29
dandradermzanetti, is there a technical reason for tst_Launcher have several UT.UnityTestCase  instead of just one?09:30
mzanettidandrader: yes09:30
mzanettidandrader: I want to restart it09:30
mzanettidandrader: they have different init() functions09:31
dandradermzanetti, you want to restart what?09:31
tsdgeosCimi: but not collapsedHeight/expandedHeight09:31
mzanettidandrader: like the component gets destructed and recreated between those09:31
dandradermzanetti, launcher?09:32
mzanettiiirc. it's bee a while09:32
Cimitsdgeos, right09:32
mzanettibut I remember I did this on purpose09:32
Cimitsdgeos, why we did int?09:32
tsdgeosCimi: bug?09:33
tsdgeosinterneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet come on :'(09:33
Cimitsdgeos, will add that to the branch09:33
Cimitsdgeos, :)09:33
Cimitsdgeos, how come internet is slow?09:33
tsdgeosmy isp is crap09:33
Cimitsdgeos, mine is 125Mb/12Mb... all is fine... until one day suddenly dies for an hour09:34
Cimitsdgeos, I had more issues with fiber this year than my previous 10 with adsl09:34
Cimiit is equally annoying...09:35
tsdgeosvesar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir/+bug/136964409:35
Cimidon't you have LTE in barca?09:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1369644 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[enhancement] Should be possible to take a screen shot on the phone from the phone itself" [Undecided,In progress]09:35
tsdgeosi don't09:36
tsdgeosand my phone doesn't support it either09:37
CimiI commented on that bug09:37
vesartsdgeos, so you're looking for what should be the notification of a new screen shot for the user?09:38
tsdgeosvesar: yes09:38
Cimivesar, I vote for an entry in notification center! I commented on the bug09:38
tsdgeoswell AlbertA is :D09:38
vesartsdgeos, is there some video of the current one?09:38
tsdgeosvesar: AlbertA said he'd record a video, but i don't see a link09:39
tsdgeoshe's probably still asleep thoguh09:39
* tsdgeos asks mup09:39
tsdgeosyeah :D09:39
tsdgeosvesar: but basically is a white fadein+out afaik09:39
Cimivesar, is a white rectangle fading overlay09:40
Cimitsdgeos, http://i.imgur.com/ad7wOGO.png09:43
Cimitsdgeos, this is with using real... looks like bottom margin should be required09:44
tsdgeosCimi: ↑09:51
Cimitsdgeos, under the card journal09:51
Cimitsdgeos, coldplay card09:51
tsdgeoslooks good to me09:52
Cimitsdgeos, overlaps09:52
Cimitsdgeos, it should be clipped09:52
tsdgeoswhat overlaps?09:52
tsdgeosah fuck09:52
Cimitsdgeos, it goes over the category09:52
tsdgeosthe line thing09:52
Cimixmag is your friend :)09:52
tsdgeosit's so subtle09:52
CimiI had to use xmag09:53
Cimitsdgeos, what should be the right behaviour?09:57
Cimitsdgeos, that card being clipped by the category?09:58
tsdgeosgive me a sec10:00
vesarAlbertA, would you have a video of the current screenshot notification? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mir/+bug/136964410:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1369644 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[enhancement] Should be possible to take a screen shot on the phone from the phone itself" [Undecided,In progress]10:01
tsdgeosCimi: how do you get to there? search in music?10:17
Cimitsdgeos, no10:17
Cimitsdgeos, just have few artists10:17
Cimitsdgeos, yeah...10:18
tsdgeosCimi: that screenshot is actually weird10:18
tsdgeossince the divider is anchored at the bottom10:19
Cimitsdgeos, u can use scope tool10:19
tsdgeosshould not be before it10:19
Cimitsdgeos, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8478282/10:19
Cimitsdgeos, just do this in app scope10:19
tsdgeosCimi: do where? in override category?10:20
tsdgeosCimi: what i see there is clipping, not what you showed me10:22
Cimitsdgeos, are u running my branch?10:23
tsdgeoswhich one?10:23
Cimitsdgeos, here is noty clipped10:24
Cimitsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/fix-card-implicitHeight/+merge/23683410:24
Cimitsdgeos, latest revision10:24
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tsdgeosCimi: we need this http://paste.ubuntu.com/8478346/10:32
Cimiops caps lock10:39
tsdgeosCimi: why do you think it is not?10:39
Cimior we want to clip?10:40
Cimitsdgeos, or we want to add padding somewhere else10:40
tsdgeoswhy would you want to clip?10:40
tsdgeosCimi: that doesn't add padding anywhere, that fixes a bug10:40
Cimitsdgeos, but is rowspacing also, or more?10:41
tsdgeosseb128: any chance we show wifis by power on the welcome wizard? it is kind of boring having to find my wifi from the 30 i get :D10:41
Cimiwe could use units.gu(2)10:41
tsdgeosCimi: we could use other stuff10:42
tsdgeosand it would be wrong10:42
tsdgeosthis is right10:42
tsdgeosread the code10:42
tsdgeosand tell me why you think it's wrong10:42
seb128tsdgeos, that's a question for Cimi, he's the one working on the wizard10:43
tsdgeosCimi: can we show the wifis sorted by power in the wiizard?10:44
Cimitsdgeos, nope10:46
Cimitsdgeos, this is a question for Wellark10:47
Cimitsdgeos, with your code, the line clip: parent.height != implicitHeight will basically always be true10:48
* tsdgeos keeps the redirection10:48
tsdgeosWellark: can we show the wifis in power order in the welcome wizard?10:49
Cimitsdgeos, wizard, indicators, system settings, they all get the model from dbus10:49
tsdgeosCimi: rihgt, that needs fixing10:49
Cimitsdgeos, we just display what unitymenumodel gives us10:49
Cimitsdgeos, so is a backend thing10:49
Cimitsdgeos, together with the bug that super annoys me, connecting on an access point jumps it at top of the list10:50
tsdgeosCimi: or could move the margins out10:50
Cimitsdgeos, so you basically see it disappearing when you tap it10:50
tsdgeosor just add rowSpacing below10:51
tsdgeosor replace it with parent.implicitheight10:51
tsdgeosthat one actually makes more sense i guess10:51
Cimitsdgeos, if I play with the margins inside VerticalJournal, the journal disappears :/10:52
tsdgeosdon't play with them then D:10:52
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Cimitsdgeos, maybe adding padding in both expanded and collapsed height inside CardVerticalJournal?10:57
Cimiworks the same10:57
tsdgeosCimi: this is not padding10:58
tsdgeosthis is making it right10:59
tsdgeosif VJ tells you it wants to be 100px height, and then you add a bottomMargin and topMargin of rowSpacing/2, you need to add rowSpacing to its height10:59
tsdgeosdoing it anywhere else than RVJ is wrong11:00
tsdgeosdo you understand what i mean?11:00
Cimitsdgeos, I do now11:02
Cimitsdgeos, so we need to change clipping I suppose11:02
tsdgeosclip: parent.height != parent.implicitHeight11:03
tsdgeosor move it up to the parent11:03
tsdgeosand make it11:03
tsdgeosclip: height != implicitHeight11:03
tsdgeosi guess11:03
tsdgeosthe second would actually make a bit more sense11:03
Cimitsdgeos, != or < ?11:04
tsdgeoscan use < but it will never should be >11:05
Cimitsdgeos, it should clip if height is set smaller than implicitHeight?11:07
Cimitsdgeos, if is the same or bigger, clip is not required, right?11:07
Cimitsdgeos, pushed, you can reapprove11:08
tsdgeosCimi: can you give the branch a better commit log?11:10
tsdgeossince it also fixes RVJ height now11:10
Cimitsdgeos, done11:11
WellarkCimi, tsdgeos: hello11:12
Wellarksorry, what?11:12
Wellarkyou want to show the wifi accesspoints ordered by strength?11:12
Wellarkif you have 20 access points near by and your own is not the strongest one then it will be a PITA trying to find you access point11:12
Wellarkif it's a full list, then it must be ordered by SSID name11:13
Wellarkthe indicator will limit the number of access points in the indicator menu to the five or something strongest ones11:13
Wellarkand they will be ordered by strength11:13
Wellarkbut the system-settings and the welcoming wizard are showing the full list so, sorry, no ordering by strength11:14
Wellarktsdgeos, Cimi: what is the use case you are trying to fix?'11:14
tsdgeosWellark: i can't find my wifi :D11:16
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tsdgeosbecause i have 20 access points searching is horrible11:17
tsdgeosWellark: as an example i just setup a windows 8 laptop for my family and my wifi was correctly at the top on the windows8 wecolme wizard11:17
Wellarktsdgeos: you do know the name of your wifi, right?11:21
Wellarkso going throuh an alphabetical list should not be so hard? ;)11:21
Wellarktsdgeos: sure, what about your neighbor that comes to your house and wants to use his wifi when he sets up his win811:22
Wellarkand then he has no other way than actually looking through _all_ of the access point names trying to find which one is his11:22
Wellarkas they are ordered totally arbitrary by strength11:23
Wellarkpeople look for specific name11:23
Wellarkwhen they want to connect to a wifi network11:23
Wellarkif it would not matter which one they take11:23
Wellarkthen it would be perfectly OK to order by strength11:23
tsdgeosstrength is not arbitrary11:23
tsdgeosbut whatever11:23
tsdgeosi'm not going to convince you11:23
tsdgeosevery single device i have does it the way i say11:24
tsdgeosbut you're right :)11:24
Wellarktsdgeos: yes. and I have been trying to use "those other devices" in an envinment with dozens of accesspoints around11:25
Wellarkand they all _suck_11:25
tsdgeoslike my house11:25
tsdgeoswhere i get 20 networs11:25
tsdgeosit doesn't suck11:25
tsdgeosit's awesome i don't have to swipe down trying to find my network11:26
tsdgeosand wondering why if it's the only one with 100% power and all others are 10% is not on the top11:26
Wellarkwell, you are just lucky that your wifi has the strongest signal around11:26
tsdgeosbut as said, you're right, everyone else got it wrong11:26
Wellarktsdgeos: good :)11:26
tsdgeosend of discussion11:26
seb128tsdgeos, you should rather talk to mpt/designers about that11:28
Wellarktsdgeos: I was talking about full list of access points. nothing would stop the wizard from having a default of five strongest access points and then provide means to see the full list11:32
mptMeanwhile, jounih was just complaining to me about the networks jumping around in the list, which they inevitably do if they’re sorted by strength11:33
Wellarkmpt: yes. when you select an access point the list should be scrolled up11:34
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Wellarkwhich the u-s-s does not do either atm11:34
Wellarkmpt: oh, you commented on the "ordered by strength"11:35
Wellarkso imagine being in a conference center during some major evet11:35
Wellarkwith dozens and dozens of access points11:35
Wellarkand having the full list ordered by strength11:35
Wellarkit would go all over the place before you can pinpoint the one you actually want to connect with11:36
Wellarkand once the ordering changes you have to start all over again from the top11:36
Wellarkmpt: so, that what jounih is seeing is because the wizard nor the system-settings is scrolling the list back to the top when an access point is selected for connection11:37
Wellarkdunno if we have a bug about that..11:37
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mptWellark, yes, I suggested that it should stay where it is until it’s actually finished connecting12:15
mptWellark, it’s bug 134937112:27
ubot5bug 1349371 in Network Menu "Current access point should not change until it is active" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134937112:27
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Wellarkmpt: can't really do that..12:42
Wellarkmpt: maybe after Washington?12:42
mptDo I have a piece of paper taped to my back that says “I am an engineering manager”? :-)12:43
mptI design things. If you say “we need a simpler solution by X date”, I can do that  … But that bug is currently Low, so apparently it doesn’t need fixing at all before RTM12:44
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Wellarkmpt: well, you asked for it ;)12:46
mptI did no such thing12:48
Cimialecu, hola! what do I need for that? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/1267184 from you side?12:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1267184 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "[Dash] apps that are being downloaded/installed are not shown differently from un-installed apps" [Medium,Triaged]12:57
alecuCimi: is this about the launcher or the dash icons?12:59
Cimialecu, everything :)12:59
Cimialecu, I don't know what info we receive from the backend12:59
Cimialecu, whatever is missing, basically13:00
alecuCimi: ok, regarding the launcher animation, I think all the code is in place in the scope, and there's some sample code of how the client for that would work.13:01
alecuCimi: by the launcher I mean the animation as shown in the video here: https://sites.google.com/a/canonical.com/unity8dash/scopes/store/3-previews13:02
alecuCimi: now, regarding icons in the dash, I don't think there's code in the scope for that yet13:02
alecuCimi: is all of this supposed to be in for rtm, right?13:03
Cimialecu, I read ota 213:03
Cimialecu, but I am ready now to work on it...13:03
* alecu just notices the ota-2 tag :P13:04
alecuok, found it13:11
alecuCimi: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/unity-scope-click/trunk/files/head:/scope/tests/fake_launcher/13:11
alecuCimi: that's a "fake launcher" I've used for testing the click scope13:12
alecuCimi: it listens to the dbus signals from click scope, telling it when an app has been started installing13:12
alecuand for the progress of installation13:12
alecuand it gets notified when the click package installation has been completed, giving it the app_id that the launcher will need to launch the app13:13
alecuwhen starting it gives the launcher a title and the url of an icon13:13
alecuCimi: but13:14
alecubig but...13:15
alecuwe planned this a few months ago, when we decided that we wouldn't be doing the Installation Manager for rtm.13:15
alecuI think we still need to work on the Installation Manager at some point13:15
alecuthat means that the progress api will need some changes13:17
alecubut I think it's ok for you to start on the visual parts of the launcher animations and filling up, and then we can adapt it when (and if!) we change the backend. I think the changes should be minimal.13:18
alecuCimi: if it's ok with you, let's do a hangout tomorrow to talk a bit more about this.13:19
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tsdgeosvesar: ping13:33
vesartsdgeos, yo13:34
tsdgeosvesar: who would be better to install a ppa on a phone and hand it over to JMulholland and friends so they can have a look?13:34
vesartsdgeos, well I think I'm the best person to do that around here.13:35
vesartsdgeos, just give me the instructions and I can do it13:36
tsdgeosvesar: ok, let me sync up with a few people and i'll send you an email or ping you here13:36
vesartsdgeos, very good13:37
tsdgeospstolowski: can you merge feeds with the new release?13:37
tsdgeosvesar: thanks :)13:37
vesartsdgeos, no probs13:37
pstolowskitsdgeos, will do13:37
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Cimialecu, ok13:58
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teddednick, Do you have a bug number for the "unknown" text in the media widget of indicator sound?14:21
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teddednick, Want to dup one to it.14:22
dednickted: no. it shouldnt be there anymore though14:23
dednickted: i mean, you shouldn't get unknown14:23
teddednick, Apparently in a version of rtm it is.14:23
dednickted: i c. no. there's no bug14:24
teddednick, What component should I mark it fixed release on? :-)14:24
dednickted: unity814:24
teddednick, bug 137622114:26
ubot5bug 1376221 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Media widget shows "unknown" if no track data" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137622114:26
dednickted: ya14:26
mzanettimterry: hey ho. tsdgeos fixed it. mind giving it a look too (esp last comment) https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fixleftlaunchergreetertodash/+merge/23682914:28
mterrytsdgeos: aw thanks!14:29
mterrymzanetti, will do14:29
mzanettimterry: ok. thanks. will put it to the next silo14:31
tsdgeospaulliu: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fixleftlaunchergreetertodash14:35
paulliutsdgeos: ok. thanks. Let me try it.14:36
cwaynemzanetti: any idea when the next silo will exist?14:38
mzanetticwayne: what are you waiting on?14:38
mzanetticwayne: currently the "next" can refer to 4 :D14:38
cwaynemzanetti: the card-visual-tweaks branch14:39
mzanetticwayne: ack, worst case, will be the 4th14:39
mzanetticwayne: we are lagging behind with rtm releases14:39
cwaynemzanetti: aren't we all :)14:39
mzanetticwayne: have to do 3 rtm releases now, then we'll continue with utopic ones14:39
mzanetticwayne: but, the next spreadsheet row contains that branch already14:39
tsdgeosmzanetti: mterry: one of the two top approve https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fixleftlaunchergreetertodash/+merge/23682914:40
mterrythe bot hadn't commented yet  :)14:41
cwaynemzanetti: ah i'd missed that, thanks14:41
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sil2100mterry: hey! I just wanted to poke you about the unlock-screen issues we've been seeing - do you know the reasons for why sometimes it's failing to unlock the screen during smoketesting?15:46
mterrysil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/retry-unlock/+merge/236167 hasn't landed yet...15:47
mterrysil2100, that may help15:47
mterrysil2100, oh wait, smoketesting?15:47
mterrysil2100, like actual human on device testing?15:47
sil2100No no15:47
sil2100mterry: the autopilot smoketesting ;)15:47
mterrysil2100, oh yeah then the above branch might help.  It's possible there's a race between booting and trying to unlock15:48
sil2100Oh, a loop15:48
sil2100ACK ;)15:48
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