
Kiloshi bushtech  inetpro  Kerbero  nlsthzn  nuvolari  Squirm  theblazehen  and others05:24
Kiloshi Vince-0  too05:25
bushtechHi Kilos05:26
* Kilos got a biiig job05:26
Kilosdesign a website05:26
Kilossjoe i have no idea even where to start, so google gets some use again05:27
bushtechnever tried it myself so I won't be much help lol05:28
Kilosill spend the day reading looks like05:28
bushtechyour drive arriving today?05:29
Kiloslearned for the first time what wysiwyg means05:29
Kilosna waiting for ian to pay the couriers and he waiting for clients to pay him05:30
Kilostough with new business you cant dump the clients you have to run after for payment05:30
Kiloslooks like peeps try get every day extra interest on their money before they pay05:31
Kilosbut let their readers or software give probs they are quick to call him out05:32
nlsthzngood luck with your site uncle Kilos :)05:34
Kilosty nlsthzn  i gotta find a drag and drop tool05:37
Kiloswill look at kompozer first, its starts with the right letter for kde05:39
kbmonkeymorning Kilos 05:41
kbmonkeymorning nlsthzn 05:41
Kiloshi kbmonkey  05:42
Kilosai! tarballs again05:42
kbmonkeyKilos, you are building a site for Ian?05:44
Kilosya gonna try anyway05:44
kbmonkeythat is a nice hobby05:44
Kilosbut it must be a simple tool05:45
Kilosim not going the tarball route05:45
Kilosi need something that doesnt need me to know any programming language05:46
kbmonkeysites.google.com has a easy wysiwyg site builder05:47
kbmonkeyand there you dont have to worry about setting up hosting05:47
kbmonkeyyou can even buy a domain name (www.yoursite.co.za) and make it point to your google site05:47
Kiloshe has a host and domain name already05:47
kbmonkeyah okay, smart man05:48
Kilosdoes this mean the tool does the work05:48
KilosKDevelop is an easy to use integrated development environment for KDE.05:48
KilosIt supports a wide range of programming languages and features project05:48
Kilosmanagement, an advanced editor, a class browser and an integrated debugger.05:48
kbmonkeygee, kdevelop seems overkill05:49
kbmonkeyI don't think that it is wysiwyg either, it is all code stuff05:49
KilosThe application wizard can generate fully functional projects05:50
Kilosfor terminal programs and GUI programs using Qt, KDE or GNOME.05:50
Kilosi like the gui bit05:50
kbmonkeyno website project?05:50
Kilosim just reading what it says in the repos05:50
nlsthznjust set up a wordpress blog perhaps?05:51
Kilosa blog?05:51
kbmonkey^ what nlsthzn said :)05:51
kbmonkeya simple cms - content management system05:52
kbmonkeywhere you just write your posts / pages in wysiwyg. bazinga.05:52
Kiloseish more big words05:52
kbmonkeyusually logging in to the hosted domain gives you a control panel where you can easily install such a CMS. poke around the control panel a bit...05:53
kbmonkeymorning Squirm 05:54
Kiloshaha he is clever, he wants me to design it here so he can check it before implementation methinks05:56
* kbmonkey nods and agrees06:00
Squirmcms software is great06:11
SquirmI used to use Joomla a fair amount06:12
Squirmnot so much Drupal06:12
Kiloshi kodez  06:31
kodezuncle kilos, how are you?06:31
Kilosgood ty and you kodez  ?06:32
kodezi am better than yesterday, thanks for asking06:32
Kilosgood thing if everyday is better than the last one06:34
kodezi am moving closer to my goals even though i have detours06:36
Kilosalways many bumps in the road ahead06:36
Kiloshi Spekko  07:06
Kiloslo ThatGraemeGuy  07:07
bduk1Hi peeps07:31
Kiloshi bduk1  07:40
Kiloshi gremble  07:43
grembleHey Kilos 07:56
charlgood morning09:31
charlMaaz: coffee on09:31
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:31
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!09:35
Kiloshi charl  09:36
SquirmMaaz: coffee on09:37
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:37
SquirmMaaz: largest09:37
MaazSorry Squirm, We have had a limit placed on coffee use.09:37
SquirmMaaz: large09:37
MaazIn a beer mug just for you Squirm09:37
SquirmMaaz: larger09:37
Maazinna bucket for you Squirm09:37
MaazCoffee's ready for Squirm!09:41
Kilosfound something else out now09:52
Kilos3g modems kill pot plants close by09:52
bushtechanother urban legend in the making?10:02
Kilosno man genuine10:05
bushtechgee jy darem die goed water?10:06
Kiloshad 2 here and both near died so i put then outside last week and they starting to shoot again10:06
Kilosya man10:06
charlhi Kilos 10:06
charlhi Squirm 10:06
charlhi bushtech 10:07
Kilosek sal wag laat hulle mooi groei weer en weer in bring en kyk10:07
bushtechhi charl10:07
bushtechsounds more like they need a bit of sun10:07
Kilosone is a curry leaf tree bush thing and the other is a tansy plant10:07
bushtechmy curry tree likes a lot of sun10:08
Kiloscurry leaf is a durban thing so i need to bring it in every winter10:08
Kilosdoesnt frosy kill yours?10:09
bushtechany horticulturalist on here that can help Kilos a bit?10:09
bushtechwhen we were in Jhb our curry tree became a 4m high monster10:10
Kilosfrost kills mine. i have had 4 brought up from durbs over the years and only the one i bring in every winter survives10:10
Kilosso i got a shoot from that one and put it in a small pot here near my pc and it went backwards in 2 weeks10:12
Kilosnow in the sun its reviving10:12
bushtechgrrrrr vodacom10:16
Kilosbut the big one survives every winter in the lounge in front10:16
bushtechthe bigger it gets the more frost resistant it gets10:19
charlhaha microsoft brought the start menu back10:43
charlwe all knew it10:43
charlwindows 8 was a bigger screw-up than the versions of unity10:43
inetprogood day10:51
Kiloshi inetpro  10:51
inetprocharl: how much bandwidth did you say you have at home these days?10:51
charlinetpro: 90mbps down and 9mbps up11:01
inetproah, thought it was even more11:01
charlinetpro: this is my current package https://www.ziggo.nl/alles-in-1/plus11:02
charlinetpro: these are all the packages https://www.ziggo.nl/alles-in-111:02
inetprowas just trying to tell people here that it's time for us to fight harder to get more bandwidth at cheaper rates11:02
charli had the faster one (180mbps down and 18mbps up) for a while but i decided to save the 10 euro per month (i don't need it)11:02
charlkeep in mind, this is EXPENSIVE cable bandwidth11:03
charlif you have FTTH it's MUCH cheaper11:03
charlso this is not something to go by11:03
charlcompare to http://www.breedbandarnhem.nl//thuis/snelheden11:03
charli live in a backwater part of NL where we don't have FTTH (yet)11:03
charlbut even some small towns in the region like enter have FTTH now so we're running very much behind11:04
charla town like enter has all of 7 thousand people living there, if they can have FTTH then everybody can11:04
charlinetpro: also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbQj2PqDXnU11:08
charli think that's the way of the future11:08
charltake the internet back from big companies11:08
grembleFTTH -> Faster Than Thermal-Hydra's?11:08
grembleThat would be pretty fast11:09
grembleI heard that termal-hydra's could reach five kilopascal in a mol11:09
charlin sweden the prices are even cheaper http://www.bredbandsbolaget.se/bredband/alla-hastigheter.html11:11
charlalthough, no it comes out at around the same price as NL after the first 12 months11:11
charli think that's about the going rate now, 1gbps for 100 euro per month11:11
charloh i just saw http://mybroadband.co.za/news/broadband/111082-sa-broadband-really-bad-and-really-good-news.html11:15
* Squirm looks around11:50
* charl throws a pie at Squirm 12:04
Kilossteak and kidney please12:04
* charl wants a cornish pie12:05
inetpronice links charl, thanks12:05
charlnp inetpro 12:05
SquirmI think I just found a flat12:12
Squirm<5km from work12:12
Kilosquick jog mornings and evenings12:13
Kiloshave they got showers at work12:13
charlciao all12:15
SquirmKilos: I don't think so12:32
Kilospity , would be the answer that, no transport costs and get fit at the same time12:33
Squirmor a 10min, slow cycle :P12:33
Squirmalso thinking about getting a scooter12:33
Kilosya i saw you can get one for 6g12:34
Squirmworked it out to be R150pm on fuel if I drive12:34
Squirmthat's in a car12:34
Squirmscooter will be like R6012:34
Kilosthats not bad12:34
Kilosso bad weather days you use the car12:34
Kilosya thats good. not many peeps have things so good12:35
Squirmit's sharing a house12:35
Squirmwith a couple and another girl12:35
Kilosthats fine too12:35
Squirmbut it's a step forward. once in town I can look around12:36
Squirmit's just to get in12:36
Kilosas long as each one does their bit12:36
Squirmmaid twice a week12:36
Kilosif they are good peeps then you can stay there12:36
Kilossharing is the best way to cut costs12:37
Kilosand you can fix their pcs if they cook for you12:37
KilosFetched 37,3 MB in 51s (721 kB/s)12:43
Kilos8ta moving fine12:43
Kilosim gonna look at blue griffon and see if i can understand that12:44
Kilosoi it crashes12:46
Squirmhaha, yeah :P12:48
Kilosmaybe its one of those things that wants to reboot before it works12:49
inetproSquirm: I would definitely use a bicycle if I was you13:18
* inetpro used a bicycle for first 5 working years as the primary means of transport13:20
inetproand that was about 7km per trip13:21
inetproand often got to the office before the cars 13:23
Squirminetpro: yes13:51
Squirmgoing to find one13:51
SquirmI still want a scooter though :P13:51
inetprodon't forget a scooter needs frequent maintenance 13:52
inetprolike every 2500km13:53
inetproobviously with your short distance that will take some time13:54
grembleScooters are for men that like to feel the wind against their vagina13:58
grembleJust teasing of course13:58
Squirmgremble: scooters are for people on a tight budget that want to get 2.5l per 100km :D13:58
Squirmgremble: I know13:58
SquirmI won't feel very manly on a scooter13:58
Squirmbut it'll help13:58
SquirmMaaz: 4*2*5*413:59
MaazSquirm: 16013:59
Squirm160km per month13:59
SquirmMaaz: 5*1413:59
MaazSquirm: 7013:59
grembleI want a motorbike so badly.  I have to drive through Pretoria CBD every day to get to campus13:59
SquirmR70 to fill the tank13:59
grembleand it is costing me an arm and a leg13:59
Squirmso that is about R60 on fuel13:59
Squirmmaybe R5013:59
grembleThat is cheap. And the recent prolifiration of bikes on our roads also help in the safety sense14:02
Kilosdont let them put you off Squirm  scooters are fine14:11
SquirmKilos: I know14:11
SquirmI make jokes about guys with scooters14:11
Kilosand there are some chicks riding around on harleys so there14:12
Squirmbeen chatting to a friend about bikes14:14
gremblemweb is a douch ISP14:14
Squirmhe says you can pick up a 125cc Honda E-Storm for R10k14:14
grembleThat is not too bad14:15
Squirmsaw that also had excellent consumption14:15
Squirmsomething like 37km per litre14:16
Squirmso guys14:20
SquirmI have to say14:20
SquirmI am moving to Cape Town!14:20
SquirmI'm happy now. Big relief14:21
Kiloswhen you leaving Squirm  14:34
Kiloswhat does this mean15:14
Kilos(synaptic:13874): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_child_watch_add_full: assertion 'pid > 0' failed15:14
inetprowho's at the @FreeBeerSession tonight?15:45
grembleBleh. Too far to drive for me :x16:02
SquirmI'd have loved to go16:19
Squirmfree beer16:19
grembleBest kind of beer16:19
SquirmKilos: will arrive there, Saturday the 1st16:19
Squirmnow I want beer16:20
Kilosoh so still this month to go16:20
Kilosbushtech  winter is terug16:23
Kilos8 c vanaand weer16:23
SquirmKilos: yeah :/16:27
KilosOct  2 17:26:18 P64 kernel: [  412.968333] [UFW BLOCK] IN=wwan0 OUT= MAC=e2:04:2b:b5:aa:a5:00:00:00:00:00:00:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=53 ID=59430 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=51579 DPT=3128 WINDOW=14600 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 16:40
Kiloswhat does that mean. is ufw blocking something?16:40
Kilosi ran tail /var/log/syslog because bluegriffin crashes the minute i click file to make a new page16:43
inetprogood evening16:50
inetproIP on port 51579 talking to IP on port 3128 is being blocked16:51
Kilossjoe well done. dunno how you worked that out16:54
inetproKilos: just read the line man, it's all there16:56
Kilosso where is this IP 16:57
inetpronow which IP is which?16:57
grembleIf bluegriffon crashes because an IP is being blocked, I would be suspicious of that editor16:58
Kilosis one of then outside trying to get in here?16:58
Kilosi dont know if thats the cause of the crash gremble  but thats what tails shows16:58
Kilosover and over16:58
Kilosi gotta go eat will be back16:59
Kilosran tail again and here the output17:25
Squirminstead of free beer17:25
SquirmI'm drinking wine17:25
Kilosbluegriffin not running so its something else trying to get in17:25
Kiloshi StonedAlchemist  17:48
StonedAlchemistKilos! How are ya?17:49
Kilosgood ty and you?17:49
StonedAlchemistI'm well thanks17:53
StonedAlchemistBored tho.17:53
Kilosgo look at this http://slexy.org/view/s2U0WvUlvq and tell me whats trying to get in here17:54
Kilossee if you can beat the pro at sorting it17:55
* inetpro gave up long ago17:56
inetproKilos: you're trying way too many foreign trickeries 17:56
Kilosdis n manier om jou op jou tone te hou inetpro  17:56
Kilostrek warm aan more ne dit gaan heelwat koeler wees17:57
Kilosinetpro  you not allowed to give up man. you are my pillar17:59
inetprohosting a website can range from very simple to very complex, I would have to spend way to many hours explaining stuff 18:00
inetprotoo man as well18:00
Kilosno man not that18:00
Kilosian has a host already18:00
Kilosi just want to try do a page18:01
Kilosbut that not anything to do with the slexy paste18:01
Kilosthats tail output18:01
Kilosor should i say syslog output18:04
inetproKilos: sorry oom19:29
* inetpro was on the phone the whole evening19:30
Kilosvir wat inetpro  ?19:30
Kilosnp my man19:30
inetprolittle time to talk here19:30
Kilosi understand you have a life too19:30
inetproI really don't have a clue why you would have anything running which looks like a proxy on port 312819:31
inetproif indeed that is your local IP19:32
inetprothink it was kbmonkey who mentioned about running a site on google, that would be the simplest of all19:34
Kilosnow i forgot how to find my ip again19:34
Kilosi cant have such a crazy one surely19:34
inetprodo you have something like dyndns running on your side?19:34
Kilosis that use for modem sharing?19:35
Kilosin iptables19:35
Kilosdyndns rings a bell19:36
inetproyou see that is where I get lost, have no clue how you end up having to do such funny things 19:36
Kilosbecause i installed server on other pc and made it share this 3g modem with iptables19:37
inetprowe don't drink pink drinks Kilos. Always keep it real!19:37
Kilosi couldnt get it to work with dhcp things19:38
grembleI read what is happening here and I get utterly confused19:38
Kiloswhy gremble  19:39
grembleiptables are the firewall rules baked into the kernel, how do you share an internet connection with them?19:39
Kilosoh its quite tricky but works19:39
inetproI wouldn't recommend setting up a local webserver in your circumstances with no stable internet connection19:39
Kilosnope inetpro  stop now19:39
Kiloslemme fill you in19:39
Kilosian has a domain name and host with hetzner19:40
inetprowebsites are meant to be connected all the time, don't do it at home unless you really know what you're doing and why19:40
Kilosim not doing website here sir19:40
Kilosian wants to host a site at hetzner19:41
Kilosthey already accepted him19:41
Kilosnow he wants a web page19:41
Kilosthats all i want to do19:41
inetproat home you can play around on virtual hosts where you can simulate the full stack, even with multiple virtual networks and all19:41
inetprowell that IP address and the port 3128 just puts a mighty different spin on the whole thing19:42
Kilosthat must be from when i installed server on other pc 2 weeks ago19:43
Kilosthat pc is shelved for the moment19:43
inetproand then you come with bluegriffin as well?19:43
* inetpro never heard of it before today19:43
Kilosblue griffin is to try make apage for ian19:43
inetprosorry oom, but I'm lost19:44
Kilosim trying to find a gui webdesign tool19:44
grembleblue griffon is a WYSIWYG webeditor19:44
gremblelike Dreamweaver19:44
Kilosso i can design a page here for ian to see and then implement if he is happy19:44
Kiloshe has no time19:44
inetprowell if you don't want to learn coding I wouldn't go near anything that doesn't look like a modern online wizzard of sorts19:45
grembleKilos: if he has a site with hetzer already, just play with the wordpress CMS19:46
inetprolike google sites and plenty others19:46
gremblesimple enough to get something going with that19:46
grembleAll the coding backend has been done in PHP19:46
Kilosthen doesnt wordpress add their name to his link to the site19:47
inetpronot that we love PHP but it works19:47
grembleonly if you host your site with wordpress19:47
Kilosoh my im lost now too19:47
Kiloshe has a basic page19:48
Kiloslemme try find it19:48
grembleOk, sec let me try and articulate clearly before we all get lost in a hodge-podge of miscommunication19:48
Kiloshaha gremble im a mechanic19:49
grembleWordpress is a content management system, a program that has a database of all the pages that you create for your website.  It lets you select a single theme for the pages ect.19:49
Kilosnot an it guy19:49
grembleSo when someone connects to www.ian.com, they get the site that you designed with wordpress, they don't get anything related to wordpress19:50
grembleWordpress(TM) that is19:50
gremblejust your site19:50
Kilosok so i design it on wordpress then copy it to his site19:51
gremblehe installs wordpress on his site19:51
grembleand then you do it there19:51
inetprothat ^19:51
Kilosoh my19:51
grembleWordpress is a program that runs on the server19:51
Kilosoh ok that makes sense then19:52
inetproand it's typically donw on a admin interface (which I call a wizzard interface of sorts)19:52
Kilosso its not just a blogging site19:52
grembleOh wait, which hosting plan did your son get kilos?19:52
Kilosthe small one19:52
Kilosmicro i think19:52
grembleHetzner was nice enough not to enable wordpress on those sites19:53
* inetpro hates these wizzards but they server a good purpose for many people19:53
Kilosi have a html thingie here of the basic page19:53
Kiloshow do i show it to you19:53
inetprodamn! What's wrong with my fingers today?19:53
* inetpro has got to go19:54
inetprogood night19:54
Kilosagain inetpro  19:54
grembleKilos: paste it with hastebin or slexy19:54
Kilossleep tight sir ty for the help19:54
Kilosill try slexy19:54
Kilosdont work19:55
grembleWell, I have some time tonight so if you want I can work on the markup for you19:55
Kilosits a world picture thingie called x.html19:56
Kiloslemme try picpaste19:56
Kiloseish that wont take it either19:57
Kilosgremble  can i mail it to you19:57
grembleWell that was unfortunate19:59
Kiloswhat happened20:00
Kilosive sent it\20:01
grembleI wanted to close another dcc chat, but accidentally gave my client the quit command20:01
grembleI received it20:01
grembleThat is not very pretty markup20:01
grembleMarquee has long since been deprecated20:02
Kiloscan you see it20:02
grembleWhat is your favourite colour?20:02
Kilosok then i must try make it better,20:02
Kilosmine is blue i dunno what ians is20:02
grembleYes, and I plan on helping you20:02
Kiloshe cant use his kde as that pc died so he is stuck on win720:03
grembleDo you know what this site is for?20:03
Kilosyes he does them clock card machines and fingerprint readers and timekeeping stuff20:04
grembleHmm, ok I will do something really general that you can then use to build the site with20:04
Kiloscool ty20:05
Joe_knocklink to the html? Use plunkr.com20:12
Joe_knockor is it plunkr.co20:12
Kilosill try20:12
Kilosi dunno20:13
KilosMaaz  google plunkr.com20:13
MaazKilos: "Plunker" http://plnkr.co/ :: "Editor - Plunker" http://plnkr.co/edit/ :: "Plunker - Demonstration of Angular routing and templating." http://embed.plnkr.co/dd8Nk9PDFotCQu4yrnDg/preview :: "Why this angularjs example doesn't work on plunker? - Stack Overflow" http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15266052/why-this-angularjs-example-doesnt-work-on-plunker ::20:13
Maaz"Plunker Alternatives - AlternativeTo.net" http://alternativeto.net/software/plunkr/ :: "Plu…20:13
Joe_knockoom paste the html here: http://plnkr.co20:13
Kilossjoe im trying to find where 20:15
Kilosmust you login first20:17
Kilosor sign up 20:17
Joe_knockoom, paste die html code hier: plnkr.co/edit/20:18
Joe_knockno need to signup or login.20:18
Kilossigh its not opening all the way20:19
Kilosjust a white page you can do nothing in20:19
Joe_knockare there any buttons/menus on the page? It is just supposed to be an editor20:20
Kilosit opened now with firefox20:22
Joe_knockaah, it must be your connection (or a browser)20:22
Kilosi cant copy/paste the html thing there20:23
Kilospaste just gives the link on my pc20:24
Joe_knockthat's strange. Are you highlighting all the html in the .html file?20:24
Kilosoh no sorry i tried to take the whole thing20:25
Kiloslemme open it first20:25
Joe_knockWhen you try pasting a file in the browser, you are taking a link to the file (from the system) and placing it into the browser.20:25
Kilosok its there can you see it or must i do something more20:26
Joe_knockYou need to provide me the link for it. First click "save" and then share that link with me.20:27
Kilosi had to open it with kate, it first opened with my browser and i saw the page not the text20:29
Joe_knockoom, you were supposed to paste it in the index.html :P20:29
Joe_knockbut no worries, it ran. 20:29
Kiloswhere is the index20:30
Kilosthe thing on the left20:30
Kiloswhere it says description?20:30
Joe_knockOn the left, under "Files", it has index.html 20:31
Joe_knockis the site basically just some text (with some of it floating) ?20:31
Kilosoh i see it now. its very tiny20:32
Kilosthat was what he did just to start it20:32
Kilosnow wants a page designed there20:32
Kiloswhere he can put software for the readers and things20:33
Joe_knockoom, designing web pages can become difficult pretty quickly (especially if you are unfamiliar with html/css)20:33
Kilosand i spose a piece for photos of the readers and things20:33
Kilosi know nothing about any of it20:34
Kilosi can right click copy/paste quite good but thats it20:34
grembleI will give you some resources to use a long with this20:34
grembleBut hopefully this should be an example to get you started20:35
Kiloscfool ty gremble  20:35
Kiloscool too20:35
Joe_knockcfool :O20:38
Joe_knockOom I can get you going with something "static", but gremble is right about using wordpress. It is plug and play. no coding.20:38
Kilosi got one old eye man20:38
grembleJoe_knock: the host is not going to allow hosting with wordpress20:39
grembleI am busy with a template for Kilos to play around with though20:39
Kilosty gremble  20:39
Joe_knockWho/What is the host?20:41
WOLFEYESevening all20:42
Kiloshi WOLFEYES  20:42
Kilosgremble  Joe_knock  here he is20:42
Kilostell him them things20:42
Joe_knockevening oom se seun.20:43
* WOLFEYES listens20:43
grembleYou can hear text?20:43
grembleThe tty whisperer :O20:43
Joe_knockWOLFEYES: What host are you using and why wont they allow joomla/wordpress?20:46
grembleKilos: I made another "under construction" site but this time with HTML and CSS and some comments that should get you going20:47
Kilosty gremble  20:47
grembleIf all else fails, just ask20:47
grembleI'm happy to help and you have my email now20:47
WOLFEYESHetzner site and I don't see anything in there to allow such a program, but I could still run iton the pc and fix the web file and then upload it to the Hetzner server!20:47
Kilosi do but lots of guys forget im doff with this kind of stuff20:48
Joe_knockWOLFEYES: Wordpress is standard web. Can you link me to your chosen package?20:48
WOLFEYESHow do I link you there?20:49
WOLFEYESIt's the micro package20:49
Joe_knockWOLFEYES: Let me check the hetzner homepage. What is your package name?20:50
grembleKilos: building a static webpage is not the difficult20:50
grembleIt is just about playing with the structure in the end20:50
grembleIt becomes hard when you want to do all kinds of fancy things like posts and social media integration20:50
Kilosoi its all hard for me man20:51
Kilosi can do sudo apt-get and aptitude and rsync quite well but thats about it20:51
gremble-_- gmail thinks that there is an executable in the archive that I am trying to send to you20:52
Joe_knock.tar.gz it instead.20:52
WOLFEYESrename the extension to 12320:53
grembleI did20:53
Kiloswas it a .exe?20:53
grembleI only use linux 20:53
grembleno .exe files here20:53
Kilosso whats gmails prob then20:53
Joe_knockaah okay. Those packages are too small to make it worthwhile to support dynamic sites.20:54
grembleDunno, but I sent you a link to get it from dropbox20:54
grembleJoe_knock: you can make it dynamic, just throw in some javascript20:55
Joe_knockgremble: ";D20:55
grembleKilos: http://htmldog.com/ this is a nice reference to html and css20:55
grembleLet loose your inner moziac making, needle working, housewife20:56
Kilosi cant remeber things20:56
Kilosno short term memory20:56
grembleYou don't have to remember anything20:56
grembleIt is all written down already20:56
grembleIf you can apt-get and rsync, you can do html markup20:57
Joe_knockgremble: you a full-time programmer?20:57
grembleOh lord no20:57
grembleI hate programming20:57
grembleI do math20:57
Joe_knockyou should leave the OOP then and do functional programming. It is math ;)20:58
grembleI see no need for me to learn functional programming20:58
grembleProgramming for the sake of programming is not my cup of tea20:59
Joe_knockare you a professor? gremble 20:59
grembleNo, still a student20:59
WOLFEYESthank you guys.20:59
Joe_knocki concur there gremble, it feels like insanity to code for fun.20:59
grembleI study applied mathematics20:59
Joe_knockWOLFEYES: I recommend you buy the R99 package.20:59
grembleIt is a pleasure WOLFEYES 21:00
WOLFEYESI will buy the R149 when business picks up a bit.21:00
Joe_knockWOLFEYES: What business do you run?21:01
grembleI think a static page is excellent for a simple businesscard page21:02
Kiloshow do i open that thing gremble  21:02
WOLFEYESTime and attendance, clock machines, software, payroll, networking, access control, and a little CCTV camera's.21:02
grembleIt is not like you need an extensive blogging platform21:02
grembleKilos: tar -xvf website.tar.gz21:02
Joe_knockThat's a lot of products :P21:02
Kiloshe showed me this guys21:03
grembleYou must be fun at Makro21:03
Kilosthats what he did21:04
WOLFEYESThat is what I have managed to do so far, transforming a current site.21:04
gremblethat is not what I did21:04
gremblethat is what someone else did21:04
Kilosya ian man21:04
Joe_knockThat actually works quite well.21:05
Kilosi  still trying to get to tar that thing21:05
Joe_knockJust try to remove everything from living in folder "x" and make it live under public_html21:05
grembleThe template on the site is much more extensive than the silly one that I made21:05
grembleJust use that instead21:05
Kilosi gotta put the path to it in as well right21:05
Joe_knockoom, go to the folder where the tarball is, right click on it and either open it first or do a direct extraction.21:06
Kilosok got that ty21:08
Kilosso what is the diffs21:08
grembleWhat diffs?21:08
Kilosi see the welcome message on the top left now , it was centre before21:09
Kilosand funny steripes running across21:10
grembleYes. Same page, better mark-up21:10
KilosJoe_knock  gremble  youve seen what ian did so far, just guide him in the right direction please21:10
grembleWhat he did so far looks pretty good21:10
Kilostell him what to use and what not to use21:10
grembleWOLFEYES: just go make sure that all your links point to the right places. I see the links for the social networking stuff point to the place where you got the template from21:11
Joe_knockBased on the template, is everything written purely in HTML or is there some templating?21:11
WOLFEYESthat is what it originally looked like21:12
Joe_knockThere's actually quite a bit of editing needed to be done here.21:12
WOLFEYESA lot21:12
grembleLooks better than my website at the moment :P21:13
WOLFEYESI'm only on the first page. 21:13
grembleMine is just a django template21:13
Joe_knockOkay let's start with index.html. 21:13
WOLFEYESEven though there ismore they need to be changed21:13
Joe_knockFirst, change the site title. It currently says: Helicopter Transportation Website21:13
grembleWOLFEYES: is there PHP at the backend for that message form at the bottom?21:16
WOLFEYESHow is php written?21:17
WOLFEYESLooks like html.21:17
grembleSo I don't think that form works21:17
grembleDid you get an email from me? :P21:18
WOLFEYESI don't think so either, 21:18
grembleYa, you can take the form out21:18
WOLFEYESbut I am getting there21:18
grembleYou don't want people to use that anyway, those forms are exploitable21:18
WOLFEYEShow can I get it to work? or somthing similar?21:18
gremblewith some backend php21:19
grembleAnyway, I should probably hit the sack21:20
grembleI have class tomorrow21:20
Kilosty for the help gremble  21:21
grembleNo problem21:21
Kilossleep tight and have a good day tomorrow21:21
WOLFEYESnight guys and thank you21:22
WOLFEYESform out -21:22
Kiloswhats the link now WOLFEYES  ?21:23
Kilosso what changed21:24
Kiloslook same to me21:25
WOLFEYESLook in the tab right in the top of the window21:25
WOLFEYESNow says "Time and Attendance - Xsm"21:25
WOLFEYESand the form is out the bottom21:25
Kiloswhere you see "Time and Attendance - Xsm"21:27
Kilosi dont see -XSM21:27
Kiloseish look at the time21:27
Kilosnight all. sleep tight21:29
WOLFEYESNight night everyone21:30

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