
NoskcajShould we turn on webm thumbnailing in tumbler? http://git.xfce.org/xfce/tumbler/commit/?id=ec33c5395438fb4662b17d07d5463483fbdecdc303:25
Unit193Normally I'd say it's a bit late in the release for that, but that's such a small change.03:26
NoskcajAnd it seems to just be checking another sort of mkv, not a full new format03:28
Noskcajbranch pushed03:39
NoskcajAlso, i forgot about https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10916 , and now we've got 5 days to fix it03:40
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10916 in General "Plugin has to be updated or will soon stop working" [Normal,Reopened]03:40
Unit193Mmmm, fancy.03:40
elfysystemd update fixes vm installs - looking hopeful for today's daily \o/07:42
dkesselelfy: yay \o/07:46
elfydid a bit of fiddling about with the incentive pad08:07
elfyknome: I like the certificate idea - I've added some comments re that - would be good to have some sort of costing for it08:08
elfyalso if we do this then the people who get foo could be named on the weekly newsletter08:09
elfybluesabre: did you get anywhere with the black background to try/install at all?08:10
Unit193Last I saw, worked on it but got nothing so far.08:42
elfyyea saw that Unit193 08:43
Unit193Then nevermind.08:43
elfyheh - thanks anyway :)08:43
knomeelfy, you mean estimate of the costs? pretty low, just design and print it on your printer :P09:21
knomeor if we want higher quality, get better paper and still print it on your printer09:22
knomei don't think it would come very sensible to print one sheet in a commercial printer09:22
knomeand at least companies which offer easy/quick photocopying and/or printing here do not have very special printers to be able to print on a high quality paper09:23
knomewell, as fas as i know anyway09:23
knomeand added to the pad:09:25
knomewe could send certificates to everybody who did "at least X" testing during LTS09:25
knomewith that, it might even become somewhat sensible to print them on a commercial printer09:26
knome(and we could include QA lead and XPL)09:27
elfyimage installs and boots in vbox :)13:11
elfyknome: I'd say nicest paper you could get away with 13:13
ochosiawesome, server went down...15:12
ochosianyway, if there's anything relevant i missed (apart from the meeting logs, which i'll go through in a bit) please lemme kn ow15:12
elfywb ochosi 15:12
ochosihey elfy 15:13
ochosielfy: is the vm bug already fixed?15:15
ochosiand was there any movement wrt black background in ubiquity?15:16
elfyochosi: the vm bug is fixed - last saw that bluesabre was working on the black background15:17
elfyso ... at the moment all is well with just that issue hanging over us afaik15:19
ochosiwhile the black background there might not be pretty, it's not (very) critical15:21
ochosiluckily a rather cosmetic issue15:21

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