
davecheneyalexisb: bauer is down again, :( RT 7553600:38
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dimiternfwereade, hey08:35
dimiternfwereade, updated http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/141/diff/3-4/ if you can have a look?08:36
fwereadedimitern, cheers08:58
fwereadedimitern, on further inspection today, I'm worried that we really rather need to define how relation ports work at the context level09:07
fwereadedimitern, otherwise when we start using ones that aren't -1 we *will* forget to test it all properly09:08
fwereadedimitern, because anyone seeing the try* funcs will assume that relationId is a meaningful parameter09:08
dimiternfwereade, I was hoping to discuss this in brussels09:08
fwereadedimitern, tell you what09:08
dimiternfwereade, yeah?09:09
fwereadedimitern, take relationId out of the signatures of the try funcs09:09
fwereadedimitern, we'll still need to rewrite them to take it into account properly09:09
dimiternfwereade, and hardcode -1 inside?09:09
fwereadedimitern, but it'll do what we need to today, and we won't be able to fool ourselves into believing the logic is more capable than it is09:10
fwereadedimitern, yeah09:10
fwereadedimitern, the first line can be "relationId := -1" even09:10
dimiternfwereade, ok, will this be sufficient for now? I can also add a TODO comment about refactoring both funcs to take relation ids properly into account09:11
fwereadedimitern, I think so, yeah09:11
dimiternfwereade, cheers!09:12
fwereadedimitern, given that, LGTM with trivials09:21
dimiternfwereade, great, just finished with the changes and re-proposing, thanks again09:22
dimiternfwereade, last step - a small branch that implements the "opened-ports" hook tool to return a list of ports or ranges opened by the unit: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/144/09:54
fwereadedimitern, hmm, I'm wondering how that will mesh with (again) per-relation ports10:15
fwereadedimitern, there's an uncomfortable tension between implicit -1 and implicit current relation10:15
dimiternfwereade, we can add [-r relid] argument later perhaps?10:18
fwereadedimitern, yeah, the concern is that all the *other* -r flags assume current relation10:20
fwereadedimitern, so there's a change in behaviour for charms that open/close/opened in a relation context10:21
fwereadedimitern, OTOH it'll be exactly the same problem for open/close, there's nothing special about opened10:21
dimiternfwereade, yeah, I think so10:22
fwereadedimitern, I'm worrying a bit about output format though10:22
fwereadedimitern, is a list sufficient?10:22
fwereadedimitern, I guess it probably is10:23
fwereadedimitern, we can have an --all flag with a map or something10:23
fwereadedimitern, LGTM with --format yaml, --format json10:25
dimiternfwereade, the format flag is common to all commands btw10:25
fwereadedimitern, yeah, I expressed it insanely, but I'm mainly whining about the lack of tests10:25
fwereadedimitern, doesn't need to be super-complex, just make sure they work10:26
dimiternfwereade, sure, np10:26
dimiternfwereade, thanks!10:26
* perrito666 bags ready11:54
perrito666natefinch: going to the 1:1?13:34
natefinchperrito666: yep13:34
perrito666nate switched to stdup14:00
sinzuinatefinch, perrito666 This issue is blocking the cloud installer. We need to understand if this is juju, ,maas, or both, and do we need a backported fix to 1.20, see bug 137695215:10
mupBug #1376952: juju machine stuck on 'pending' with no error message: juju, maas provider <cloud-installer> <deploy> <maas-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1376952>15:10
stokachunatefinch, perrito666 - mmcc_ is here if you have further questions15:11
mmcc_yep, hi - the environment has been torn down but the systems are available to try to reproduce, and if anyone wants access to look themselves, that’d be fine15:12
sinzuistokachu, does machine 1 exist? Can you get a copy of the /var/log/cloud-init-output.log to tell about what happened before juju's agent was started15:17
stokachummcc_, ^15:18
mmcc_sinzui: that machine is not up, and has been recommissioned a couple of times. I’ll try to reproduce and see if I can get that log for you15:19
perrito666the only strange thing I see and can somehow understand is that peergrouper complains that it cannot determine the replicaset15:19
perrito666which leads me to know that the state server might be failing while trying to create the replicaset15:19
perrito666natefinch: any input?15:20
perrito666natefinch: did you by any change got my package?15:22
natefinchperrito666: I haven't gotten anything yet, I was actually going to ask about that.  Do you have tracking info on it?15:24
natefinchperrito666: if you ever need to get anything here in a short period of time, I have Amazon Prime, so I can get stuff shipped 2nd day for free15:24
natefinchperrito666: hell, I can get something delivered tomorrow morning for $5, if you really want :)15:25
perrito666natefinch: lol :p I think this is not amazon delivering so It might take a lot longer, its the size of a usb thumb so you can store it until the next sprint if you get it after :p I would say you can use it but it only is useful on thinkpads15:30
natefinchperrito666: ahh, yeah, I never buy anything that isn't shipped by amazon unless I'm desperate for that very specific thing... because you never know how long some schmoe is going to take to get it to you, and chances are he's going to send it the slowest, cheapest way possible15:31
perrito666natefinch: well its a bit of a specific part so it was only available from that source15:32
natefinchperrito666: yeah, figured. bummer.  Hope it makes it here.   It's probably being sent via US Post Office, which delivers today and tomorrow, so we might get lucky.15:35
perrito666natefinch: well laptop spare parts (in this case is the bluetooth module) are almost always sent from china, what I dont understand is why someone made this laptop without the bluetooth module in the first palce15:36
katcoi'm running into an ordering issue using gocheck; i'm trying to use SetUpTest, but that is precluding something else from setting up state... does this sound familiar to anyone?15:37
perrito666I use a usb bluetooth dongle but I keep breaking those against things15:37
perrito666katco: not following15:37
katcoperrito666: are you familiar with gocheck's SetUpTest functionality?15:38
katcoperrito666: it basically is a special function that will be run before every test in a suite15:38
katcoperrito666: the problem is, if i define it, then state in an embedded suite never gets set up15:39
natefinchkatco: you have to manually call sub-suite's setup functions too15:39
natefinchremember, the methods on the struct you're defining override the ones on embedded structs, so you have to manually call the ones on the embedded structs15:40
katconatefinch: ah that was exactly it15:41
katconatefinch: dependency model i didn't fully understand15:41
natefinchkatco: yep.  happen to uh... a friend of mine. ;)15:41
katcoin the perfect world in my brain, nothing is ever that obscure15:42
natefinchyeah, it's really the fault of the magic in gocheck15:42
katcoi would have thought that gocheck would handle that for you15:43
katcosince it has all the suites which have been registered15:43
katcook, back to hacking. thanks perrito666, natefinch15:43
natefinchwell, it just looks for the top level method and calls it15:44
perrito666ok bbl, going lunch with the wife to compensate for 1 week driking with friends in brussels15:46
natefinchhaha sounds fair ;)15:51
hazmatcmars, mongo ++ :-)15:56
hazmatcmars, er. gonzo ++15:56
cmarshazmat, fear and loathing in nosql databases15:57
cmarsfun little side project i've been hacking on15:57
cmarshazmat, https://github.com/cmars/gonzodb15:58
hazmatcmars, yeah. i saw15:58
hazmatcmars, reminds me of https://github.com/rick446/MongoTools/blob/master/mongotools/mim/mim.py15:58
hazmatmongo in memory .. make unit tests FAST15:58
natefinchhazmat: that would be amazing16:01
cmarshazmat, that python version is impressive. even embeds JS. nice!16:02
hazmatnatefinch, cmars alexisb we should schedule a topic on this for next week16:02
alexisbhazmat, I was not following the discussion, give me a minute and will do16:03
hazmatalexisb, i'll add, just wanted to put it on your radar16:06
hazmatactually we already have an agenda item that matches this topic16:06
hazmat Juju Testing: Better Merge Gating, Faster Testing16:06
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
wwitzel3we used MIM at SourceForge for our testing17:09
mmcc__sinzui, natefinch, perrito666 - trying to reproduce bug 1376952 just now, the machine came up correctly, so I will just go ahead and use it. if it breaks again, I’ll update the bug. thanks for looking, and let me know if I can enable any extra logging or anything that’d help diagnose it next time17:22
mupBug #1376952: juju machine stuck on 'pending' with no error message: juju, maas provider <cloud-installer> <deploy> <maas-provider> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1376952>17:22
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natefinchmmcc_: ok, thanks17:24
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== fuzzy is now known as Ponyo
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