rick_h_ | does leankit load for anyone? | 01:41 |
rick_h_ | oh there it goes | 01:41 |
huwshimi | rick_h_: Loading fine for me | 01:51 |
rick_h_ | huwshimi: thanks, yea I think my net flaked for a minute | 01:52 |
huwshimi | ah cool | 01:53 |
rick_h_ | kadams54: <3 | 02:09 |
kadams54 | rick_h_: I feel like I'm filling out forms in triplicate with this issue :-) | 02:10 |
rick_h_ | kadams54: hah | 02:11 |
=== urulama-afk is now known as urulama | ||
rick_h_ | morning | 11:14 |
urulama | rick_h_: hey | 11:20 |
rick_h_ | friday! | 11:22 |
rick_h_ | wheeeee | 11:22 |
urulama | indeed | 11:22 |
rick_h_ | frankban: bummer on the blockage on quickstart. I thought those were in. | 11:22 |
frankban | rick_h_: morning, yeah, we need to wait | 11:24 |
rick_h_ | bah humbug, don't they know I'm impatient? :P | 11:30 |
frankban | :-) | 11:30 |
rick_h_ | "Pull requests 0" in the gui github yay | 11:32 |
rick_h_ | frankban: you free to start up a gui release before EOD? | 11:33 |
frankban | rick_h_: I think so and would be happy to, we are just completing our branch now, release notes appreciated ;-) | 11:33 |
rick_h_ | frankban: sure thing, I'll pull them together while you guys wrap up | 11:34 |
frankban | rick_h_: thanks | 11:35 |
rick_h_ | frankban: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8485322/ | 11:46 |
* rick_h_ goes to make up some coffee | 11:52 | |
frankban | rick_h_: thanks a lot | 11:56 |
frankban | rick_h_: I'll start the release process after lunch if that's ok | 11:57 |
rick_h_ | frankban: rgr | 12:11 |
frankban | rick_h_: 1.2.2 or 1.3.0? | 12:55 |
frankban | (your branch is actually a new feature) | 12:56 |
rick_h_ | frankban: I'd just do a 1.2.2 | 13:03 |
rick_h_ | frankban: it's small and not backwards incompatible really | 13:03 |
frankban | rick_h_: ok | 13:03 |
rick_h_ | more a 'pro user' hidden secret :) | 13:03 |
frankban | rick_h_: so, Madison branch will not be included right? | 13:04 |
rick_h_ | frankban: correct, that's not far enough and will take time/is only on the DO plugin atm | 13:05 |
frankban | rick_h_: ack, ok | 13:06 |
rick_h_ | it'll prod us to do regular releases another week wheeee | 13:06 |
frankban | jujugui heads up, starting the GUI release process, please do not :shipit: | 13:23 |
rick_h_ | frankban: rgr let's get this release train going! | 13:24 |
rick_h_ | heh, /me looks at kanban board pretty empty | 13:24 |
rick_h_ | lazyPower: man, you've got me frame-by-framing your shared video trying to figure out what that GUI error was | 13:29 |
luca__ | rick_h_: am I allowed to link to a kanban card in this IRC? :) | 13:36 |
rick_h_ | luca__: sure | 13:36 |
luca__ | Can I get a status update on this card https://canonical.leankit.com/Boards/View/102529849/111301446 | 13:36 |
rick_h_ | loading | 13:36 |
luca__ | I need that implemented for monday | 13:36 |
rick_h_ | luca__: hmm, not sure. Does look like it moved last night. | 13:37 |
luca__ | rick_h_: ok | 13:37 |
rick_h_ | luca__: ok, I'll ask jcsackett to take that over in his morning | 13:37 |
luca__ | thanks | 13:37 |
rick_h_ | luca__: and we'll get it landed asap | 13:37 |
luca__ | rick_h_: sweet | 13:37 |
rick_h_ | hatch: Makyo as you wake up heads up release in progress, no landings. Board looks clean but just fyi | 14:00 |
hatch | thanks | 14:02 |
frankban | jujugui: release is in progress, but I just uploaded the tarball, so develop is unlocked | 14:31 |
rick_h_ | thanks frankban | 14:36 |
lazyPower | rick_h_: which video? | 14:45 |
rick_h_ | lazyPower: the preview of power php one | 14:45 |
rick_h_ | lazyPower: there's a bundle error that's shown but I just saw the error go by and took some work to get to see what it was | 14:46 |
lazyPower | arosales did that one. He might have more info as to what was happening | 14:46 |
rick_h_ | yea, seems like just a bad bundle | 14:47 |
rick_h_ | lazyPower: just giving you a :P for freaking me out thinking there's some bug in a public video on the gui for a minute | 14:48 |
lazyPower | <3 | 14:48 |
rick_h_ | jujugui call in 9 kanban please | 14:52 |
arosales | rick_h_: lazyPower: bundle in question is @ http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ibm-demo/charms/bundles/turbo-lamp/bundle/view/head:/bundles.yaml | 15:00 |
arosales | I just needed to show how to install the full solution and show one service coming up. There may still be some issues with that bundle, but would like to hear them if folks find them | 15:01 |
arosales | I did remove the version so it could just deploy the latest | 15:01 |
rick_h_ | frankban: rogpeppe1 ^ | 15:01 |
rick_h_ | fabrice: ^ | 15:01 |
rick_h_ | errr by & I mean call time | 15:01 |
rogpeppe1 | rick_h_: what's bad about that bundle?? | 15:21 |
hatch | rick_h_: sorry which card was it that you wanted me to hop on? | 15:21 |
rick_h_ | rogpeppe1: so there was an error about the bundle not having a metadata.yaml file | 15:22 |
rick_h_ | rogpeppe1: sorry, the mariadb charm from that bundle | 15:22 |
rogpeppe1 | rick_h_: ah | 15:22 |
rick_h_ | hatch: if that's fixed, removing pyjuju would be an awesome end to 'clean all the things' week | 15:22 |
rick_h_ | rogpeppe1: so in the video you see teh GUI report and error and took some playback control fun to freeze the frame to see what the error was | 15:22 |
hatch | oooo yay | 15:22 |
rogpeppe1 | rick_h_: ah, nice | 15:23 |
rick_h_ | hatch: pick something else if you want, but it's on my wishlist so merry christmas to me? :P | 15:23 |
hatch | nah I want it gone also | 15:23 |
hatch | it | 15:23 |
hatch | yeah I'm moving this card to already done | 15:25 |
hatch | Pretty confident that the old code was removed | 15:25 |
rick_h_ | jujugui taking down guimaas to prep it for lightning talk on monday | 15:31 |
rick_h_ | frankban: do you have a .juju/environments.yaml for the guimaas? looks like it's all been blown away? | 15:32 |
rick_h_ | oh wrong machine ignore me | 15:33 |
frankban | rick_h_: so, it's no longer in /home/ubuntu/.juju/environments.yaml? | 15:33 |
frankban | rick_h_: oh ok | 15:33 |
rick_h_ | frankban: ignore me, case of the friday's | 15:33 |
frankban | :-) | 15:34 |
frenda | If I install juju-gui will be result the same as: https://jujucharms.com ? | 15:44 |
rick_h_ | frenda: almost. jujucharms.com is setup in a demo mode with some of the charm config values changes | 15:45 |
rick_h_ | frenda: however, if you deploy it in a live environment, it helps you control that juju environment, so it's not the exact same 'demo mode' | 15:45 |
frenda | As I described in #juju, Is suitable for my aim? I'm going to make a hosted solution for my app such as: www.ghost.org ? | 15:47 |
frenda | Is it* | 15:47 |
rick_h_ | frenda: looking at the other channel traceback | 15:47 |
rick_h_ | frenda: there's tools there for doing that but it's not setup out of the box to just do it. | 15:48 |
rick_h_ | frenda: you'd want to charm up your software and work out how to install it to a cloud provider with lxc containers or something to help create enough client density | 15:49 |
rick_h_ | frenda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRd_ToOy87o&list=UUJ65UG_WgFa_O_odbiBWZoA gives you some idea of hosting ghost with juju and how it looks in the gui | 15:49 |
frenda | > there's tools there for doing that | 15:51 |
frenda | Do you know any tools? A search phrase? | 15:51 |
rick_h_ | frenda: sorry, no. I mean there are building blocks in juju to do that. If you did things like charm your app, setup proxy ability, script the deployment of the services for new users via the juju api, etc | 15:52 |
frenda | ah, ok | 15:52 |
frankban | rick_h_: charm precise ftests failed on setting the branch source: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8486711/ | 16:03 |
frankban | rick_h_: git is giving more troubles | 16:03 |
frankban | rick_h_: I'd be inclined to test on trusty, and if it succeeds there, proceed with the release and add a card | 16:03 |
rick_h_ | frankban: rgr, that's a known issue I thought? | 16:03 |
frankban | rick_h_: it seems to be intermittent though, the last release worked | 16:04 |
frankban | rick_h_: I'd just disable that functionality on precise, I'd add a card for that and proceed with the release if you afree | 16:05 |
frankban | agree ven | 16:05 |
rick_h_ | frankban: yea, that's true. I didn't get that failure in my release either | 16:05 |
rick_h_ | frankban: rgr sounds good ty | 16:05 |
frankban | rick_h_: release done, charm pushed, waiting for ingestion | 16:40 |
rick_h_ | frankban: ty much | 16:45 |
* rick_h_ gets some lunchable | 17:04 | |
Makyo | hatch, have you reproduced that bug on digitalocean? I get weirdness, to be sure, but not that one, and not in version 9. | 17:41 |
Makyo | Oh, shoot, just realized I was on dev version of juju, let me poke around in 1.20 land | 17:42 |
hatch | Makyo I was not able to reproduce it however lazyPower says he can do it at will | 17:44 |
Makyo | hatch, lazyPower investigating in 1.20.8 now. | 17:45 |
Makyo | lazyPower, did v9 or v10 play any better than v8? | 17:46 |
lazyPower | Mayo I have not upgraded past 8 | 18:07 |
rick_h_ | 10 out today wheeee | 18:07 |
lazyPower | I can give it a go later and sync on Brussels art reproduction | 18:07 |
lazyPower | *makyo ^ | 18:08 |
Makyo | lazyPower, sure, that sounds good. I've got some stuff I can poke at until then. | 18:08 |
lazyPower | Sorry. Fat fingers × phone makes for interesting typos | 18:08 |
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