soee | good morning | 06:20 |
soee | i did again reboot etc. but the issue with this strange sound stays + notofication icon in systray always "loading" | 06:29 |
soee | *plasma 5.1 b | 06:30 |
apachelogger | soee: did you update again? | 07:12 |
valorie | ah, that's what I need to do | 07:18 |
valorie | update the test lappy | 07:18 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 07:19 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer, Riddell: so who is going to fix the maintainers? | 07:19 |
valorie | while watching the doctor | 07:21 |
lordievader | valorie: The new season? | 07:21 |
valorie | no, watching old ones | 07:21 |
valorie | "the doctor dances" | 07:21 |
apachelogger | pft | 07:23 |
apachelogger | there is only one way to dance | 07:23 |
apachelogger | and that is like a drunk giraffe | 07:24 |
apachelogger | | 07:24 |
valorie | are you my mummy? | 07:25 |
valorie | soooo creepy | 07:25 |
lordievader | Ah that one. That one is lovely ;) | 07:26 |
valorie | indeed | 07:28 |
soee | apachelogger: i did this moring all update sthat were available | 07:31 |
apachelogger | fun | 07:31 |
apachelogger | a spinning notification icon at some point meant that you have pending kio jobs | 07:31 |
soee | hmm | 07:31 |
apachelogger | question is how one can have kio jobs that never go away and that right after login ^^ | 07:32 |
valorie | updates went great - this is from the plasma 5 laptop | 07:40 |
valorie | tsdgeos: sorry about the branding mistake yesterday | 07:40 |
valorie | kf5 konvi, for sure | 07:40 |
valorie | anything in particular that needs checking? | 07:43 |
soee | valorie: if you open extended view of systray | 07:47 |
soee | do you have any strange sound ? :) | 07:47 |
valorie | by extended view, do you mean edit systray? | 07:48 |
valorie | interesting, I can't edit the systray | 07:49 |
valorie | the stacked lines do nothing today | 07:49 |
valorie | except change from gray to black on hover | 07:50 |
valorie | no tooltips either | 07:50 |
valorie | kmenu doesn't work | 07:50 |
valorie | the little blue selection line goes over it, but that's it | 07:50 |
valorie | also, I installed konversation, but it is the same version I have on my 14.04 laptop | 07:51 |
valorie | and the help menu says I'm using Platform version 4.14.1 | 07:52 |
valorie | well, I'll send this to the list, or at least to myself, so I can check it in my neon5 session | 07:53 |
apachelogger | konversation has not been released. | 07:55 |
valorie | I thought you had it packaged for plasma 5? | 07:55 |
apachelogger | no | 07:55 |
apachelogger | I had it packaged for neon | 07:55 |
valorie | hmmm, it is the same in neon5..... but you mean old neon | 07:56 |
valorie | got it | 07:56 |
apachelogger | no | 07:56 |
apachelogger | in neon you need to install a spearate package | 07:56 |
valorie | odd that the KDE versioning is wrong though | 07:56 |
valorie | oh? | 07:56 |
apachelogger | communities do not get versioned :P | 07:57 |
valorie | ah | 07:57 |
valorie | so I could install it in neon5? | 07:57 |
valorie | I would love that | 07:57 |
apachelogger | exactly the same way you installed it before | 07:57 |
apachelogger | why do you want konversation frameworks anyway | 07:57 |
valorie | but I did reinstall it in neon5 | 07:58 |
valorie | no differences | 07:58 |
apachelogger | I do not follow | 07:58 |
valorie | except that it picked up none of my setup | 07:58 |
apachelogger | valorie: are you on utopic or on trusty? | 07:58 |
valorie | right now, typing from the utopic + Plasma 5 laptop | 07:58 |
apachelogger | and you are instaling project-neon5-konversation on trusty? | 07:59 |
valorie | the regular laptop is trusty with a neon5 session | 07:59 |
valorie | I didn't try that | 07:59 |
apachelogger | <valorie> but I did reinstall it in neon5 | 07:59 |
apachelogger | what did you do there then? | 07:59 |
valorie | just installed konversation | 07:59 |
apachelogger | <apachelogger> in neon you need to install a spearate package | 08:00 |
valorie | cool | 08:00 |
valorie | I'll do that as soon as I update that computer and restart to the neon5 session | 08:00 |
Riddell | hola | 08:09 |
Riddell | apachelogger: why do you need maintainers changed? I'm happy to just override them | 08:11 |
apachelogger | Riddell: how do you override them? | 08:11 |
Riddell | apachelogger: kubuntu-automation/lintian-ignore.json | 08:12 |
apachelogger | Riddell: also, there was this policy or another that ubuntu versions need an ubuntu maintainer | 08:12 |
apachelogger | also, lintian-ignore.json will not make my builds work | 08:12 |
apachelogger | so if I do debuild outside automation lintian will still throw up in my face | 08:13 |
Riddell | apachelogger: I don't recall that policy, one of the purposes of ubuntu was to do away with debian style maintainers | 08:18 |
Riddell | best fix your scripts? | 08:18 |
apachelogger | it's not about scripts, it's about the fact that a) debian is not maintaining those specific packages b) as a developer I cannot ever produce a lintian clean package right now because of the shit override in automation | 08:19 |
Riddell | I don't understand a) so what and b) so what ? | 08:20 |
Riddell | lintian is imperfect, you're never going to get it clean, that's why we have the override file | 08:20 |
apachelogger | | 08:21 |
apachelogger | Riddell: no we don't | 08:21 |
apachelogger | or ratehr | 08:21 |
apachelogger | if we do then we might as well like not run lintian | 08:21 |
apachelogger | the global override should override things that are inherit to automation (which equals none) | 08:22 |
apachelogger | kci has 0 overrides and gets lintian clean builds | 08:22 |
apachelogger | so, considering I can do it continiously I am reasonable certain we can make it happen for releases | 08:23 |
apachelogger | the piling up of shit workarounds pisses me off so epically | 08:23 |
Riddell | I disagree it's a problem, those a are unused fields in ubuntu, let debian do whatever they want with them | 08:27 |
apachelogger | | 08:28 |
apachelogger | Riddell: the solution then is to get lintian fixed, isn't it? | 08:29 |
valorie | wow, I like mkusb for making usb keys | 08:29 |
Riddell | shrug, go ahead | 08:29 |
valorie | just made the two betas | 08:30 |
valorie | now to test some stuff in the neon5 session | 08:30 |
soee_ | valorie: can you alo tets one more thing: | 08:31 |
soee_ | in plasma 5.1beta try to logout and login again | 08:31 |
soee_ | for me after logout/login plasmashell did not start | 08:31 |
Riddell | erk | 08:32 |
Riddell | soee_: do you have plasma-desktop installed? | 08:32 |
soee_ | Riddell: well it should be i upgraded form plasma 5.0.2 | 08:32 |
soee_ | there was though problem with ksysguarg package only, that i need to use force overwrite | 08:33 |
Riddell | what problem? | 08:33 |
soee_ | but i imformed about it sgclark yesterday | 08:33 |
soee_ | Riddell: but the plasma start problem happend for me from time to time after some updates | 08:35 |
soee_ | *plasmashell | 08:35 |
soee_ | well meybe not whole plasmashell, im not sure | 08:36 |
soee_ | i can type ALT+f2 and run yakuake from krunner that from yakuake start plasmashell | 08:36 |
soee_ | *than | 08:36 |
soee_ | so my panels etc are loaded | 08:37 |
Riddell | hum, well I'll try it shortly | 08:38 |
Riddell | soee_: where are you installing it from? | 08:38 |
soee_ | beta ? from next-staging | 08:39 |
sgclark | morning | 08:39 |
soee_ | hiho sgclark | 08:40 |
Riddell | hola sgclark | 08:41 |
valorie | I had to install plasma-desktop separately, which should not be | 08:41 |
valorie | that was part of the whole repair process I reported, i thought | 08:42 |
valorie | also sni-qt | 08:43 |
valorie | again, that should have been automatically installed | 08:43 |
valorie | plasma-workspace, and plasma-desktop | 08:44 |
apachelogger | valorie: sudo apt install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop | 08:54 |
valorie | that didn't do the job | 08:55 |
valorie | yes, I did that | 08:55 |
valorie | I followed the instructions | 08:55 |
valorie | but it was broken...... | 08:55 |
apachelogger | ? | 08:55 |
valorie | I fixed it be doing it all again, after restarting | 08:55 |
apachelogger | actually sni-qt probably wouldn't be pulled in | 08:55 |
valorie | AND adding those files as well | 08:55 |
apachelogger | becuase that would then pull in qt4 | 08:56 |
apachelogger | then again we do that anyway | 08:56 |
valorie | without sni-qt, the icons were partly broken | 08:56 |
valorie | that helped | 08:56 |
apachelogger | I'll argue that they are broken upstream :P | 08:56 |
apachelogger | Riddell: ^ sni-qt needs to get on the seed | 08:56 |
valorie | could be, but kubuntu-plasma5-desktop did not install plasma-workspace & plasma-desktop | 08:57 |
valorie | in fact, plasma-desktop was held back until I went through the process again, and installed them both by name | 08:58 |
sgclark | that doesn't sound good | 08:58 |
Riddell | sni-qt isn't on the kubuntu or the kubuntu-plasma5 seeds | 08:58 |
apachelogger | that seems improbable considering kubuntu-plasma5-desktop *depends* plasma-desktop | 08:58 |
valorie | well, it's fixed, but the packaging might be faulty | 08:58 |
apachelogger | Riddell: it needs to be | 08:59 |
apachelogger | as per upstream instructions WRT systray compatibility | 08:59 |
valorie | I was rather disbelieving, however, desperate to fix it, and it was broken, so why not try? | 08:59 |
apachelogger | there is *no* way to install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop without having plasma-desktop installed | 09:00 |
Riddell | apachelogger: but plasma4 doesn't need it? | 09:00 |
apachelogger | Riddell: correct | 09:00 |
valorie | apachelogger: I think what happened is that something was broken and things were reported to be installed, but were not | 09:01 |
valorie | in fact it was in a loop, asking me to install the same stuff over and over again | 09:02 |
valorie | remember, this was the upgrade from the 14.10 beta image | 09:02 |
apachelogger | I couldn't possibly say without /var/log/apt/* and /var/log/dpkg* | 09:02 |
Riddell | apachelogger: maybe plasma-desktop should depend on it? | 09:02 |
valorie | not a direct install | 09:02 |
apachelogger | Riddell: on sni-qt? | 09:02 |
Riddell | apachelogger: yeah | 09:03 |
apachelogger | I pondered on that a while back... the relationship would be incorrect and link plasma5 to qt4 | 09:03 |
apachelogger | IMO qt4 itself should recommend sni-qt | 09:03 |
apachelogger | if you have no qt4 installed sni-qt makes no sense, if you have qt4 installed and are using plasma5|unity it makes sense to have sni-qt installed as well though | 09:04 |
apachelogger | it's the kind of relationship that is terrible to express in packaging | 09:04 |
Riddell | seed it is then | 09:07 |
Antisound | hi guys! | 09:23 |
Antisound | how is it going 2day? | 09:23 |
Antisound | Riddell: how about Plasma 5.1 ;-) | 09:23 |
Riddell | Antisound: should be about rest to test for the brave | 09:26 |
Antisound | Riddell: wtf... that sentence makes no sence for me ;-) | 09:28 |
Antisound | sorry | 09:28 |
sgclark | I think he means about ready.. | 09:28 |
Antisound | okay | 09:28 |
sgclark | Riddell: those new packages, they in git? | 09:28 |
Riddell | sgclark: kdeplasma-addons as a tar | 09:29 |
Riddell | on depot or | 09:29 |
* Antisound is pretty excited for Plasma Beta | 09:30 | |
sgclark | Riddell: ok, putting my name down on that then. After these copyright fixes | 09:30 |
Antisound | Riddell sgclark thanks for your hard work! ;-) | 09:30 |
Riddell | sgclark: kde-gtk-config is at and has no tar because it was moved to workspace after I made the beta | 09:30 |
sgclark | ok | 09:31 |
Riddell | sgclark: kde-gtk-config will have packaging for the kde4 version that can be updated or cherry picked for the kf5 version | 09:31 |
sgclark | noted | 09:31 |
sgclark | argh, debian policy has spaces, and yet lintian still screams. | 09:33 |
Riddell | sgclark: that seems fine to me, what's lintian saying? | 09:34 |
sgclark | Riddell: have you already made up a license when they have the option of v3? | 09:34 |
sgclark | spaces | 09:34 |
Riddell | sgclark: I don't understand "have you already made up a license..." | 09:35 |
Riddell | sgclark: but you're allowed to have " or " between licences, arg! | 09:36 |
sgclark | like the eV ones | 09:36 |
Riddell | if it's "GPL 2 or 3 or later as approved by e.v." I use GPL-KDEeV | 09:36 |
Riddell | treating it as 1 licence option in the same way as "gpl 2 or later" is treated as GPL-2+ | 09:37 |
Riddell | sgclark: I worked out a patch for the issue where oxygen installed unused files | 09:40 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: re maintainers, I guess I can do it today | 09:40 |
Riddell | adding | 09:40 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: sune said it'd be ok to keep the maintainer as it is in debian, so we might want to look into making lintian not go bonkers over that instead | 09:41 |
* Antisound is upgrading to Plasma 5.0.95 | 09:42 | |
Riddell | Antisound: using kubuntu-ppa/next-staging ? | 09:42 |
Antisound | jop | 09:42 |
Antisound | not good? | 09:42 |
Riddell | Antisound: good, look us know how it goes, but don't publicise that ppa as it is only for building/initial verification | 09:43 |
Antisound | i know ;-) | 09:43 |
Antisound | i'm going to tell you how it is working | 09:43 |
apachelogger | also remove the ppa once done with testing | 09:43 |
Antisound | ok | 09:43 |
Antisound | so, ... got to reboot... ttyl ;-) going to update you soon! | 09:49 |
Tm_T | Riddell: quite offtopic, but, is there some online store or other method I could use to purchase kilts? | 09:50 |
Riddell | Tm_T: um, probably lots, but they're expensive things to buy generally | 09:51 |
Riddell | I've used these people | 09:52 |
Tm_T | Riddell: I was wondering if I could get atleast one before visiting England | 09:53 |
Riddell | you'll struggle to find one in England for sure | 09:54 |
Tm_T | yeah, same here in Finland, shorter "painter's skirt" is available easily, but it's all-white | 09:55 |
Tm_T | I'm not into nurse look | 09:55 |
valorie | there are utilikilts which aren't expensive | 09:56 |
valorie | because they aren't wool | 09:56 |
valorie | I've even seen camo utilikilts | 09:57 |
Riddell | they're pretty cool | 09:57 |
valorie | literally | 09:58 |
valorie | :-) | 09:58 |
valorie | rather popular up here in the Seattle area | 09:58 |
Riddell | ah nice this got updated | 09:58 |
valorie | excellent, at least one thing accomplished.... | 10:00 |
valorie | oh good lord, it's 3am | 10:01 |
valorie | at least I confirmed a plasma 5 bug | 10:01 |
valorie | apachelogger: I was unable to install or run project-neon5-konversation | 10:02 |
valorie | "already newest version" | 10:02 |
valorie | but no way to run it | 10:02 |
Riddell | 5.1 beta installed and running fine for me, but no wallpaper! | 10:15 |
Riddell | I can select it fine | 10:17 |
Riddell | but no return of Antisound, should we be worried? | 10:19 |
Riddell | sgclark: have you tried it out? | 10:19 |
sgclark | not yet. will here in a sec | 10:20 |
soee_ | Antisound did not returned | 10:20 |
sgclark | packaging in plasma5 and don't want a broken system lol | 10:20 |
soee_ | ah you wrote it already | 10:20 |
Riddell | very sensible :) | 10:20 |
sgclark | Riddell: ok so kdeplasma-addons also has a kde4 version, do I rename these packages or ? | 10:39 |
Riddell | sgclark: nah, this is a new version | 10:42 |
Riddell | sgclark: so I think use the existing packaging as a starting point | 10:43 |
sgclark | Riddell: break and replace the 4 series? | 10:44 |
Riddell | Tm_T: annoying person in #kubuntu using web interface, you might want to use your freenode contacts to ban his ip | 10:44 |
Riddell | sgclark: use the same .deb package names where it makes sense | 10:45 |
Riddell | "-- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found: PackageKitQt5" ah yes, that | 10:49 |
Antisound | back again | 12:03 |
Antisound | Riddell: i've no good news! kubuntu didn't boot up anymore after upgrading | 12:03 |
Riddell | uh oh | 12:04 |
Riddell | Antisound: what happens? | 12:04 |
Antisound | it hung @ something with uuid generator | 12:05 |
Antisound | or something like this | 12:05 |
Antisound | i think that's just before it switches to graphical interface | 12:05 |
Riddell | wibble | 12:06 |
Riddell | could be an issue with SDDM? | 12:06 |
Antisound | maybe... | 12:06 |
Antisound | i don't know how to provide more information | 12:07 |
Antisound | Riddell: if you tell me how, i'm going to try again | 12:07 |
Riddell | Antisound: is kubuntu-plasma5-desktop installed? | 12:13 |
Antisound | i reinstalled kubuntu | 12:13 |
Antisound | still have 5.0.2 | 12:13 |
Antisound | Riddell: i try it again... | 12:14 |
Antisound | | 12:17 |
Antisound | Riddell: thats what i want's to install or not ;-) | 12:17 |
Antisound | it's german, i hope you understand everything | 12:18 |
Riddell | they looks like good things to install | 12:18 |
Antisound | but why it says kubuntu-plasma5-desktop gets restrained? | 12:19 |
Antisound | among the other packages | 12:19 |
sgclark | do another apt-get update, perhaps something was building at the time you did? | 12:20 |
Riddell | maybe I'm misreading | 12:21 |
Riddell | Antisound: export LANG=C; run your command again and include the command in your pastebin | 12:21 |
Antisound | w8 plz | 12:21 |
Antisound | | 12:22 |
Antisound | u c | 12:22 |
Antisound | Riddell: that sounds not right somehow or am i wrong? | 12:24 |
Riddell | Antisound: apt full-upgrade | 12:25 |
Riddell | is your friend | 12:25 |
Riddell | sudo apt full-upgrade | 12:25 |
Antisound | Riddell: ok | 12:26 |
Antisound | what to do if x won't start again? | 12:26 |
Riddell | panic? | 12:29 |
Riddell | run sudo start sddm | 12:29 |
Riddell | check logs in /var/log/syslog and /var/log/sddm.log | 12:29 |
soee | hiho | 13:57 |
soee | i did all the upgrades here for plasma 5.1 beta | 13:57 |
soee | and the issue with strange sound when browsking extended view of systray is gone, also the notification spinner does not load all the time | 13:58 |
soee | so both issues are fixed for me :) | 13:58 |
soee | ill test logout/login now | 13:58 |
* Riddell holds breath | 14:02 | |
soee | :| | 14:03 |
soee | ok i did logout/login, plasmashell does not starts, i have black screen with cursor visible, krunner works, if i run plasmashell manually it starts but non of teh reboot, logout buttons work, also the issue with strange sound and loading notification spinner is back | 14:04 |
Riddell | oh wibble | 14:05 |
Riddell | this isn't sounding good | 14:05 |
Riddell | soee: I assume you have kubuntu-plasma5-desktop installed? | 14:05 |
soee | Riddell: yes | 14:06 |
soee | but i must test one more thing, turn off lapton not reboot | 14:06 |
soee | brb | 14:06 |
soee | ok this changes nothing | 14:08 |
soee | i thing the problem with this strange sounf might be related to battery, im connected to power and battery is full though, in systray the icon is strange | 14:09 |
soee | one second | 14:09 |
soee | Riddell: | 14:21 |
soee | | 14:21 |
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan | ||
Riddell | soee: what am I ment to see? | 14:31 |
Riddell | text is pretty fuzzy | 14:31 |
Antisound | hi guys! back again | 14:34 |
Antisound | no way to getting it run! | 14:34 |
Riddell | hi Antisound | 14:34 |
Riddell | waa | 14:34 |
soee | :) | 14:34 |
Riddell | I'm going to install a plasma5 image from today and do an upgrade | 14:34 |
Antisound | on boot got to start it via konsole | 14:34 |
Antisound | startx | 14:34 |
soee | Riddell: just showing the strange icon for battery section and the notification spinner that loads all th etime | 14:34 |
Antisound | then every program closes unexpected | 14:35 |
Riddell | soee: what should it show? | 14:36 |
Riddell | valorie: mkusb seems like the weirdest UI ever | 14:36 |
Antisound | Riddell: might be a good idea | 14:38 |
sgclark | haha source: no-human-maintainers, so I am confused, what are the new Maintainers: suppose to have? | 14:40 |
Riddell | sgclark: the robots have taken over! | 14:40 |
sgclark | lol | 14:40 |
Riddell | sgclark: I just ignore that, it's overriden in kubuntu-automation for the qa page | 14:40 |
sgclark | ok | 14:40 |
Riddell | of course shadeslayer disagree | 14:40 |
soee | Riddell: i just wanted to show what i descriped how this 2 items in systrah behave | 14:42 |
Riddell | installed plasma5 iso, 5.0.2 running fine | 15:10 |
Riddell | added next-staging and full-upgrade | 15:10 |
Riddell | all installs | 15:10 |
Riddell | rebooted | 15:10 |
Riddell | all fine | 15:10 |
Riddell | don't know what you're all moaning about :) | 15:10 |
Riddell | sgclark: have you been able to test? | 15:10 |
sgclark | Riddell: not yet, I am still packagine addons, and don't want to break :( almost done tho | 15:11 |
Riddell | very sensible | 15:11 |
sgclark | speaking of which, where do you want this? is there a git repo already? | 15:12 |
sgclark | Riddell: ^ | 15:12 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 15:12 |
sgclark | hiyas | 15:12 |
Riddell | sgclark: there is not, you can make one if you kow the secret of how | 15:12 |
sgclark | I don't :( | 15:12 |
Riddell | oh actually maybe I did already | 15:12 |
Riddell | git clone debian:plasma/kdeplasma-addons | 15:13 |
Riddell | a blank canvas ↑ | 15:13 |
sgclark | ty | 15:13 |
soee | can i kill and run again the battery monitor in systray ? | 15:15 |
Riddell | probably easiest to kill and run again plasmashell | 15:16 |
soee | oh interesting | 15:17 |
soee | in systray properties i have disabled notifications and the battery icon works normal now and the strange sound is gone | 15:17 |
soee | though i can enable notifications again | 15:17 |
soee | *cant | 15:18 |
soee | i wont mention that if we unplug power supply than plug it in, the brighness % does not chnage to 100% | 15:18 |
soee | ok i have enabled notification now again | 15:19 |
soee | and have no issue with strnage sound or teh battery icon | 15:19 |
* Riddell copies over to kubuntu-ppa/next | 15:19 | |
sgclark | Riddell: I just uploaded kdeplasma-addons to ppa, don't move to next yet, I forgot to install pbuilder on desktop and kinda cheating and using ppa for now | 15:24 |
Riddell | sgclark: which ppa? | 15:24 |
sgclark | Riddell: I tried to checkout kubuntu_utopic_next and failed error: pathspec 'kubuntu_utopic_next' did not match any file(s) known to git. | 15:24 |
sgclark | Riddell: staging | 15:25 |
Riddell | sgclark: you need to make the branch | 15:25 |
Riddell | sgclark: for new packages I've been doing it in master | 15:25 |
sgclark | err how do I do that, <-- git dummy | 15:25 |
sgclark | ok | 15:25 |
sgclark | master I can do haha | 15:25 |
Riddell | then when I'm happy I git checkout -b kubuntu_unstable | 15:25 |
Riddell | then git checkout -b kubuntu_utopic_next | 15:25 |
Riddell | to make the branches for kubuntu-ci and for kubuntu-nice-and-sane | 15:26 |
* sgclark is lost | 15:26 | |
sgclark | ok, well master is in | 15:27 |
Riddell | sgclark: and incase you are now at a lose end, I just made | 15:32 |
sgclark | Riddell: sure, I have to leave for one hour, but can when I get back, if that is still useful to you | 15:33 |
Riddell | sgclark: I expect it will be, but it's friday so make sure you have a happy weekend and don't overburden yourself! | 15:34 |
sgclark | Riddell: :) | 15:34 |
Riddell | sgclark: looking at kdeplasma-addons Homepage: doesn't exist | 15:49 |
Riddell | sgclark: kdeplasma-addons-dbg should not depend on kde-workspace-dbg which is kde4 stuff | 15:50 |
Riddell | sgclark: but you might want to dep on plasma-workspace-dbg | 15:51 |
Riddell | sgclark: the dbg Depends should be listed as alternatives Depends: foo-dbg | bar-dbg | 15:51 |
Riddell | sgclark: s,kf5,Plasma 5, in debian/control | 15:52 |
Riddell | sgclark: only 1 package has a Multi-Arch: setting so I suspect that's not much use, just ignore multi-arch for now I think in that package | 15:52 |
Riddell | sgclark: newline at the end of debian/watch ? | 15:54 |
sgclark | ok | 15:55 |
Riddell | sgclark: copyright not updated? I don't blame you :) | 15:55 |
sgclark | ahh drat, I actually did grab copyright-helper with the intent. I will do it when I get back, promise | 15:56 |
Riddell | sgclark: missing build-dep on qtdeclarative5-dev | 16:33 |
* Riddell out, have a lovely weekend all | 17:00 | |
Riddell | plasma 5.1 is in kubuntu-ppa/next | 17:00 |
Antisound | Riddell: if you have worked it out with a actual plasma image... update me ;) | 17:17 |
BluesKaj | ok installed the kubuntu-ppa/next, but I'm receiving this error, , ran -f install, but no luck | 17:41 |
sgclark | BluesKaj: you need to run apt-get update again, because ksysguard is @ ppa5 | 17:45 |
genii | BluesKaj: Taking the plunge eh? ;) | 17:46 |
BluesKaj | sgclark, ran update first thing | 17:46 |
BluesKaj | well trying it out genii, I can always revert \ | 17:47 |
BluesKaj | yofel gave me a fix the last time ksystemguard broke, but I can't recall what the fix was,. I recall it was relatively simple tho | 17:49 |
sgclark | BluesKaj: can you try and install libkf5sysguard5 by itself? | 17:52 |
sgclark | I am not entirely sure why it would do that, and I think most are gone for the day : / | 17:53 |
BluesKaj | sgclark, looks like my timing is off then, installing libkf5sysguard5 just gives the same dependency errors | 17:56 |
sgclark | That is very odd... just did the update myself and did not get that, but this is a pre-existing plasma5 install | 17:58 |
sgclark | Can you try each of those individually to see if one of them is the problem? | 17:59 |
BluesKaj | is there different ppa that i might need besides /kubuntu-ppa/next | 17:59 |
sgclark | shouldn't no | 17:59 |
BluesKaj | still getting this error , guess i should have pasted that first | 18:05 |
sgclark | ah ha, now we are getting somewhere, fixing, thank BluesKaj | 18:06 |
sgclark | hmm which package is it suppose to be in.. | 18:08 |
sgclark | BluesKaj: dpkg -i –force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libkf5sysguard5-data_4%3a5.0.95-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa4_amd64.deb | 18:10 |
BluesKaj | sgclark, still erroring, | 18:24 |
sgclark | BluesKaj: will have to overwrite for now, 2 different packages with the same file and it will require more research. I filed a bug so folks can assist when they are around. | 18:24 |
BluesKaj | ok thanks, sgclark, appreciate your efforts...gotta go as well | 18:25 |
sgclark | ahh should be --force-overwrite (two dashes) | 18:25 |
sgclark | ok | 18:25 |
BluesKaj | yup, that fixed it, thanks | 18:27 |
blueck | Riddell: ping | 18:35 |
sgclark | blueck: he is gone for day (think weekend) | 18:36 |
blueck | sgclark: Riddell apparently missed some "<?php i18n" calls in plasma-5.0.95.php, see | 18:36 |
blueck | sgclark: do you have write access to trunk/www/sites/www/ ? | 18:37 |
sgclark | I think so, not sure though | 18:37 |
blueck | sgclark: so can you try to add the missing "<?php i18n" calls? | 18:38 |
sgclark | I am not sure where, what I find this ? in plasma tar? in some file in trunk/www/sites/www ? | 18:39 |
blueck | sgclark: | 18:42 |
sgclark | blueck: If I had to guess the <p> needs <?php i18n( ? but also I have never used the svn... I don't what to do : ( | 18:46 |
sgclark | oh hrmm, lots of tags missing i18n | 18:47 |
sgclark | blueck: sure I could fix this, point me to a kde svn for dummies | 18:48 |
blueck | sgclark: + | 18:51 |
sgclark | blueck: ok fixing | 18:52 |
blueck | sgclark: thx a lot | 18:55 |
sgclark | blueck: well I don't think I have access, only errors | 19:01 |
blueck | sgclark: ok, thanks for trying to help anyway | 19:02 |
sgclark | blueck: different from git access I take it? | 19:02 |
blueck | sgclark: yes | 19:03 |
sgclark | ahh ok, guess I will have to apply for the future, sorry :( | 19:03 |
sgclark | blueck: I submitted a request, maybe they will get back to me today | 19:08 |
blueck | sgclark: thx again | 19:08 |
Antisound | sgclark: do you maybe know.. if there's a live iso for the beta 1? | 19:46 |
Antisound | not from kubuntu but from any other distro? | 19:46 |
sgclark | Antisound: sorry I don't know | 19:46 |
Antisound | okay, no problem. it was worth a try ;-) | 19:47 |
valorie | Riddell: agree about mksub ui - very strange | 21:06 |
valorie | and works badly the first time out, but after that you get used to it | 21:06 |
valorie | I like that you can see each step in the konsole, as it happens, since it's a frontend to dd | 21:06 |
sgclark | holy broken batman | 21:30 |
valorie | sgclark: what's broken? | 22:10 |
sgclark | my desktop :( | 22:10 |
valorie | also, did you see my email about SeaGL? | 22:10 |
valorie | ooooo | 22:10 |
sgclark | nvidia-331 and sddm no get along :( | 22:10 |
valorie | I chose lightdm, being at heart a coward, I guess | 22:11 |
sgclark | nvidia-331 depends nvidia-prime which depends on lightdm... | 22:11 |
sgclark | so have a mess on my hands | 22:11 |
sgclark | at least I have laptop lol | 22:11 |
valorie | I'm going to take apart that test laptop a bit and see if I can't do something to help the broken hinge | 22:11 |
sgclark | valorie: yes, did you get my reply? I am waiting on libroffice to see if I can get assistance, I am broke :( | 22:12 |
valorie | I was started to see artifacts on the screen last night, just when I finally got things working | 22:12 |
valorie | ah, OK | 22:12 |
valorie | will look | 22:12 |
sgclark | hmm, that doesnt sound good | 22:12 |
valorie | it's a great laptop -- except for a broken hinge | 22:13 |
valorie | maybe I can fix something inside that will help | 22:13 |
sgclark | I just got my desktop all set up too! /pout | 22:13 |
valorie | well, I hope you get funding | 22:24 |
sgclark | yes cross your fingers | 22:28 |
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