[01:30] Bye [05:52] anyone know Victor Thompson's irc handle? the one he lists on launchpad is not... findable here === mpt_ is now known as mpt [07:28] akiva-thinkpad, i don't think victor would be online right now [07:29] akiva-thinkpad, i'm pretty sure his nick is 'victor' [07:29] brendand, where is he based? [07:29] akiva-thinkpad, in the us, mid-west [07:29] akiva-thinkpad, so probably it's 2-3am for him right now [07:29] ah okay; I am so accustomed to you continental types, so I come on here at 12 am :P [07:30] i'm on the west coast~ [07:30] brendand, what about ahayzen? [07:30] akiva-thinkpad, not sure [07:30] brendand, thanks for the info [07:30] akiva-thinkpad, do you have a question for someone? [07:30] * akiva-thinkpad wonders if anyone else is working on the music app remix [07:31] akiva-thinkpad, popey will be online soon, you can ask him [07:32] brendand, cool beans [07:45] akiva-thinkpad: i would get in touch with ahayzen over email - he's co-ordinating the music app updates. [07:46] popey, any idea when he pops online here? [07:47] it varies, i know he's got lectures today, so may not be around much [07:48] but drop him an email. he responds promptly [07:48] popey, good to know [08:36] popey, http://i.imgur.com/iLJEa2K.png << is there a reason why the background of that toolbar is blue? Should I be taking out ubuntu orange and swapping it with that? [08:36] akiva-thinkpad: good question. one for jounih [08:36] jounih, ping [08:36] thanks [08:52] Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Techie’s Day! :-D [08:53] JamesTait, morning [08:53] akiva-thinkpad, o/ [08:54] JamesTait, what you working on today? [08:54] or are you just "working"? [08:55] akiva-thinkpad, today I'll be finishing off (hopefully!) adding multiple currency support to the click package index. [08:57] nice [08:57] And then I'll be making the index searchable in the user's native language, and returning package details in that language, where available. [08:57] very cool [08:59] And after that, or possibly somewhere along the way if I have a short space to fill at the end of a day or something, I'll be tidying up a few less important details that the majority of people probably won't even notice. :) [09:00] And then I'll be retiring to a dark, quiet corner and rocking myself gently to sleep. :-P [09:02] that sounds pleasant :D [09:19] JamesTait: this techie didn't have a good morning since I overslept :p you picked the wrong day :p [09:20] justCarakas, ah, then you need our special package for the over-sleeper: happy Smile Day! :-D [09:34] haha :D nice one JamesTait [09:35] justCarakas, happy to help! ;) [11:07] popey, in my office wifi is using LDAP , can i make it enable using phablet tools ? [11:07] or anybody who can help with this. [11:12] mihir: i dont think you can. maybe "phablet-network" can copy the network config over? [11:13] popey, hmm okay [11:13] give it a try, might work! ☻ [11:14] popey, what would you suggest, to drop out weekview and combine them..because we have MR for that [11:14] https://code.launchpad.net/~pkunal-parmar/ubuntu-calendar-app/iOS-DayView/+merge/236991 [11:14] popey, it will just go on our choice whether this or the other one. [11:15] mihir: I'll install it on my phone and play with that view over the weekend. [11:16] popey, okay just pinch that around and let us know :) will do that , I'll push MR for just bubbles in weekview [11:16] nice one [11:23] mzanetti: ping [11:46] akiva-thinkpad, bump [11:47] morning/evening nik90 [11:47] ahoneybun: morning [11:47] :) [11:47] :) [11:48] nik90, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-beginner [11:54] ahoneybun, oh hey ; didnt see the bump [11:54] morning [11:54] morning akiva-thinkpad === _salem is now known as salem_ === rmescandon is now known as rmescandon-lunch === karni is now known as karni-lunch [13:18] akiva-thinkpad, o/ [13:18] vthompson, ah hey [13:18] Hi, I don't have too much time at the moment [13:18] you are quick with the email [13:19] vthompson, okay; when are you gonna be back? [13:19] Probably 9 hours from now. [13:19] vthompson, okay; working today? [13:19] I'm going to work on getting a few things tidied up in the branch I merged your stuff into [13:19] yah I saw that. [13:20] Yep, and already late... as per usual. :) [13:20] okay I' won't hold you [13:20] I may merge propose one last time [13:20] just because it cleans up a few components that are deprecated [13:21] Not neccessary, but it makes the code cleaner [13:21] Ok, cool. I'd do so and propose the merge into remix. That way Jenkins will run against it [13:21] vthompson, nah i mean on what I just did [13:21] I looked at my code you just merged [13:21] Right, there are many underlying things that haven't been touched yet. So far we've mostly just slapped a bunch of UI code together :) [13:21] or did you merge that into mainline? [13:21] err remix~ [13:22] Nope, I merged it into my "remix-now-playing-main-view" as you requested [13:22] okay [13:22] Well then stated simply [13:22] I will make one more merge request to "remix-now-playing-main-view [13:22] anyways, get to work :P [13:22] don't want to be late! [13:23] or damn [13:23] yah [13:23] I'll merge it as a pre requisite [13:23] okay anyways [13:23] haha, I'll make one more commit to fit everything in [13:24] cool [13:24] akiva-thinkpad, this is what it looks like now: http://i.imgur.com/ts6Ei0m.png [13:25] vthompson, oh one thing [13:25] I also made it so the tool bar will so if the user hits back while they were in the "full view" [13:25] ah great [13:26] ah, I pushed to the wrong branch again :P geez [13:27] lol === rmescandon-lunch is now known as rmescandon === karni-lunch is now known as karni [14:09] Cannot install /tmp/com.ubuntu.telegram_0.5.15.82_armhf.click: Signature verification error: debsig: Origin Signature check failed. This deb might not be signed. [14:10] is it mandatory to sign click package , to push that to emulator. [14:10] ? [14:19] mihir, you can pass in a flag to skip verification [14:19] click install --allow-unauthenticated [14:20] * mihir tries [14:21] beuno, you mean while doing pkcon install right ? [14:22] I think so, yes [14:22] I'd assume pkcon can pass that flag down the chain [14:23] beuno, nope it didn't work, i tried like this pkcon install-local --allow-unauthenticated /tmp/com.ubuntu.telegram_0.5.15.82_armhf.click [14:23] can you determine the combined width of all the components in a row? [14:24] mihir, I'm not sure how to install it with pkcon then [14:25] I think you can just install with click [14:25] beuno, okay , so do we have other way to install using command line? [14:25] mihir, once the click is in the emulator partition [14:26] click install --allow-unauthenticated /tmp/com.ubuntu.telegram_0.5.15.82_armhf.click [14:26] should do it, I think === oSoMoN__ is now known as oSoMoN [14:44] beuno, i did try what you said, [14:44] but it gives me this error, Cannot install /tmp/com.ubuntu.telegram_0.5.15.82_i386.click: Cannot acquire permission to write to /opt/click.ubuntu.com; either run as root with --user, or use "pkcon install-local" instead [14:45] * beuno claims ignorance and defers to someone else [14:46] beuno, thanks for your help :) === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [15:40] beuno: FYI it's --allow-untrusted (I already talked to mihir), like so: adb shell "sudo -u phablet -i pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted /tmp/$CLICK" [15:41] beuno: in case you ever need it :) === gatox is now known as gatox_lunch === gatox_lunch is now known as gatox [19:22] ahayzen, ping [19:22] akiva-thinkpad, pong [19:22] ah good just looking over your comments [19:22] Vic merged before I had a chance to push another version [19:22] akiva-thinkpad, hehe :) i made a bit of a list for victor [19:22] so I am going to merge into his branch [19:23] akiva-thinkpad, merge into his? [19:23] ahayzen, well about half of that is actually my code :) [19:23] yah [19:23] thats why the other branch was rejected [19:23] akiva-thinkpad, so branch his dump ur code in then propose to merge in? [19:24] akiva-thinkpad, yeah there is some work i wanna do to the toolbar anyway as i think i can *massively* simplify lol [19:24] ahayzen, well I already have it; I just need to make sure that we don't do double work [19:24] I am addressing your comments [19:24] akiva-thinkpad, as we now have 2 states rather than 3/4 before [19:24] and will propose a merge to that branch [19:24] akiva-thinkpad, ahayzen how would one open a site in the browser with a button? [19:24] like a onClicked: [19:25] don't know [19:25] ahoneybun, you need to call the url-dispatcher [19:25] ahoneybun, use askubuntu; ask there so it benefits everyone [19:25] i think...i've seen it done [19:25] use the tags, "qml" ubuntu-sdk, programming, coding-practice, application-development [19:26] ahayzen, http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Components.UriHandler/ [19:26] ahayzen, people are subscribed to those tags, and I usually get an answer within the hour. [19:26] ahoneybun, you want the opposite of that [19:26] oh [19:26] I think that loads a local [19:26] * ahayzen tries to find example [19:27] ahoneybun, that is for *receiving* you want to *send* [19:27] ahayzen, okay anyways; i'm addressing the issues you gave, so just make sure you arent working on his branch, so we don't do double work. [19:27] akiva-thinkpad, ok i'm playing about with flows/columns and stuff at the moment [19:27] akiva-thinkpad, managed to do this so far https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMZm1yY1ZPVlFfZ28/edit [19:27] ahayzen, oh nice! [19:27] * ahayzen got a bit confused using someone elses ColumnFlow and decided to play with his own for a bit [19:28] thats for which page; albums? [19:28] akiva-thinkpad, albums/start/playlists [19:28] ahayzen, very nice [19:28] https://askubuntu.com/questions/531917/how-do-open-a-link-with-a-button [19:29] ahayzen, I added some flickables to the album and title labels, so if the screen is too narrow, you can just drag the over [19:29] ahoneybun, +1 [19:29] i'll go vote it up [19:29] akiva-thinkpad, and then i will integrate the staggered support with the current CardView https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMSmlvRV80d3pCZ00 [19:29] akiva-thinkpad, probably Eliding is the best [19:29] ahayzen, good stuff; I can't wait to see it [19:30] akiva-thinkpad, yep i'm getting there slowly [19:31] ahoneybun, http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/QtQml.Qt/#openUrlExternally-method [19:31] ahoneybun, from here http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/platform/guides/url-dispatcher-guide/ [19:31] ahoneybun, so i assume Qt.openUrlExternally("http://bbc.co.uk/"); would work [19:33] nope [19:33] akiva-thinkpad, also fyi me and victor suspect the design page is too tall so my suggestions on margins may not add up [19:33] Expected token `:' [19:34] if I use : it says it expected token ';' [19:34] no [19:34] ahoneybun, did u do onClicked: { Qt.openUrlExternally("http://bbc.co.uk/"); } ? [19:34] oh [19:35] ahayzen, you made magic! [19:35] \o/ [19:35] thanks [19:36] no problem [19:36] * ahayzen tries to think how he can get this columnflow to work with add/removes from the model [19:36] opps process:6410): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed XD [19:37] nvm [19:50] akiva-thinkpad, your in canada? [19:51] ahayzen, http://imgur.com/a/brLcG [19:52] ahayzen, awesome :) [19:52] arg [19:52] ahoneybun, awesome :) [19:52] thanks I really like the Community page [19:53] "tab [19:53] yeah thats cool :) [19:53] ahoneybun, you probably want links to http://developer.ubuntu.com/ as that is useful as well [19:54] yea true [19:54] I'll make a about tab and have that there [19:55] ahoneybun, and then links to the QML/html5 docs etc and the guides over that site maybe useful...but u could then have millions of links lol [19:55] yea [19:56] I think to the developer main site and then to the qml part as this app is in qml [19:56] but mention html5 option [20:05] ahayzen, http://i.imgur.com/ZZ34R4A.png [20:06] ahoneybun, sweet :) [20:06] ahayzen, thanks! [20:06] * ahoneybun needs to make a icon and put it there as well [20:08] ahayzen, http://i.imgur.com/7jJ0gRR.png [20:08] close enough? [20:08] ahoneybun, yah I'm in canada [20:09] cool [20:09] sorry didn't see the ping [20:09] akiva-thinkpad, except for the artist/album bit but i need to ask jouni about that [20:09] akiva-thinkpad, IIRC we are just going to have title/artist and not album as u can see the cover...but i can see arguments for it [20:10] ah good point [20:10] akiva-thinkpad, and the media-hub bug is sortof emphasized by the new seek bar [20:11] ahayzen, what I was planning to do though eventually was, because they are on flickables, add search or copy or some sort of functionality to them [20:11] akiva-thinkpad, maybe i would have to check with jouni what they want [20:11] akiva-thinkpad, at the moment what we do is either Elide or Wrap the text [20:11] akiva-thinkpad, no where on the platform do we drag to see more text [20:12] ahayzen, what does elide do? [20:12] make it go ...? [20:12] akiva-thinkpad, "abc..." [20:12] akiva-thinkpad, yep [20:12] ah [20:12] akiva-thinkpad, Elide on the right [20:12] yah wrap wouldnt be nice [20:12] I think the flickables are nice though [20:12] akiva-thinkpad, yep unpredictable for that page [20:12] because often my song names are super long [20:13] and wrapping would mess up the column height [20:13] akiva-thinkpad, unless the whole page is in a flickable [20:13] akiva-thinkpad, but then things go offscreen [20:13] akiva-thinkpad, i'll raise it with jouni in the next meeting [20:13] ahayzen I don't think we want that whole page to be a flickable though [20:14] akiva-thinkpad, although that might resolve the header issue ;) [20:14] akiva-thinkpad, even if it doesn't actually scroll just it being flickable [20:14] ahayzen, yah it does dissappear time to time [20:14] anyways /me carries on [20:15] akiva-thinkpad, this bug 1310706 is now going to annoy me with the new seekbar as it animates lol but oh well we'll just have to wait for upstream [20:15] bug 1310706 in Media Hub "Seeking is sometimes slow in updating" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1310706 [20:15] ahayzen, is that seek bar the mish mash of rectangles? [20:15] from the toolbar component? [20:16] akiva-thinkpad, no the Slider {} [20:16] screenshot; because the toolbar did not have a Slider {} component [20:16] akiva-thinkpad, there is a 'read-only' one in the small toolbar that is a rectangle [20:16] it had a bunch of rectangled designed to look like a rectangle. [20:16] sec [20:16] i'll screenshot [20:17] akiva-thinkpad, the blue bar along the bottom? .....oh u mean the old toolbar? [20:17] akiva-thinkpad, yeah thats the old custom Slider we had as there wasn't an SDK one around that time [20:17] akiva-thinkpad, but whole toolbar will be gone soon [20:18] * ahayzen enjoys removing code [20:20] ahayzen, http://i.imgur.com/0sXxVj6.png [20:20] akiva-thinkpad, yeah that whole toolbar will be gone soon :) [20:20] good :P [20:20] akiva-thinkpad, i'll take all of that out once victor's mp lands [20:20] I was wondering who made that garbage; makes sense now though [20:20] akiva-thinkpad, as i said the toolbar code can be *massively* simplified [20:20] considering there was no sdk [20:21] * ahayzen may have made the 'garbage' ;) [20:21] although it does have a custom height [20:21] akiva-thinkpad, yeah we had to make a slideable rounded thing with only rectangles lol [20:21] ha ha ha [20:21] akiva-thinkpad, i mean it works doesn't it :P [20:21] ahayzen, see I copied the code in doing this... and man was I confused [20:22] I was like; there must have been some important reason they didn't use a slider! [20:22] akiva-thinkpad, just fold that part of the code hehe [20:22] heh [20:22] anyways [20:22] * akiva-thinkpad gets back to it [20:23] * ahayzen usually does Alt + 'fold all' as the music apps code is far too long sometimes [20:30] wait; there is ubuntu.colors.blue now? [20:32] akiva-thinkpad, yeah UbuntuColors.blue [20:32] akiva-thinkpad, http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Components.UbuntuColors/ [20:32] ahayzen, do I set it through "Style"? [20:32] on the slider [20:32] akiva-thinkpad, let me check [20:32] because there is no color property [20:32] akiva-thinkpad, most likely [20:33] okay [20:33] * akiva-thinkpad tries to figure it out [20:39] ahayzen, I don't understand this [20:39] Can you use an Icon with "media-playlist-repeat" [20:40] but the comment under there shows this [20:40] err code under there* [20:40] akiva-thinkpad, Icon { name: "media-playlist-repeat" } .. is what we should be using rather than Image {} [20:40] source: Qt.resolvedUrl("images/media-playlist-repeat.svg") [20:40] akiva-thinkpad, obviously with the other properties as well like anchors etc [20:40] okay [20:40] akiva-thinkpad, but u'll need to add color: "#FFF" as well [20:40] for all the stuff? [20:40] okay [20:45] akiva-thinkpad, for all the images that i put a comment by yes [20:45] akiva-thinkpad, as we then use the theme's icons rather than our bundled ones [20:45] yah [20:45] cool [20:49] ahayzen, okay I think thats all done save for the blue background which I can't figure out [20:49] and your first suggestion with the fill just... didn't work. [20:49] that wasnt my code exactly so maybe I'll leave it with vic [20:49] akiva-thinkpad, fill ? [20:50] it was the first comment about setting the base rectangle to anchor.fill to its parent [20:50] and set the blurred image to gu(29.5) [20:50] anyways [20:52] akiva-thinkpad, what happened? [20:53] ahayzen, just filled the whole background with blur [20:53] anyways [20:53] i'll let vic handle it [20:53] he did that portion of the code [20:53] hmmm something just didn't look right there lol [20:54] * ahayzen is in the middle of nested repeater confusingness [20:57] * ahoneybun updates to r267 [21:17] Hi [21:17] mihir, popey , https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/fix-1311165/+merge/237142 [21:17] mihir, popey, nik90, I will need help to test that, this could cause a lot of problems and regressions, ^^^ [21:18] vitimiti, heya [21:18] nik90, please test if the alarm is getting saved an retrieved in the correct time [21:53] balloons, ping [21:54] ahayzen, http://i.imgur.com/KyQbrrq.png [21:54] :) [21:55] * ahoneybun finds music player sexy now [21:55] renatu, Thanks a lot for this , i'll be testing this, do you have PPA for this ? [21:56] ahoneybun, :) thanks [21:56] akiva-thinkpad, awesome :) its getting there [21:56] np akiva-thinkpad [21:56] ahayzen, you will need to figure out the blue background; I tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas. [21:57] akiva-thinkpad, yeah i seem to remember having to do something like that with something else i'll check it out once i've finished this grid thing lol [21:57] ahayzen, i'll be interested to see how its done. [21:57] akiva-thinkpad, it now can reset itself when the model changes...just need to figure out how to make it work when the window is resized and new columns appear/disappear [21:57] * akiva-thinkpad wonders if he should go to bed [21:57] i'm approaching 20 hours awake here [21:58] toolbar fun :) [21:58] :) [22:02] akiva-thinkpad, ahayzen it looks much more elegant :) [22:03] \o/ [22:03] jouni has done a good job of the redesign :) [22:03] yo [22:11] mihir, its something I almost want to use on my desktop. [22:11] akiva-thinkpad, 'almost' [22:11] akiva-thinkpad, note we haven't seen the tablet (closer to desktop) designs yet [22:11] well super + m is [22:12] ahayzen, yah; thats after we kick mobile out the door [22:12] akiva-thinkpad, yep thats 2015 [22:12] I really want to make sure I'm there for the design sessions. [22:12] akiva-thinkpad, and probably after the 'restructure' me and victor wanted todo [22:12] I AM COMMITTED! [22:12] :) akiva-thinkpad i don't expect them to be soon [22:13] ahayzen, restructure? as in, properly implement theming? [22:13] akiva-thinkpad, haha exactly ;) [22:13] yah [22:13] akiva-thinkpad, and actually have some form of folder structure [22:13] * ahayzen has a gdoc file somewhere with the proposal for himself [22:13] popey said when I asked him on-air, that we should bring it up at the next design summit [22:13] ahayzen, oh neat; I'd love to see it [22:14] akiva-thinkpad, yeah i'll share it around when we get onto that later in the/next year [22:14] \o/ [22:15] What else needs to be done on the music app? I checked the blueprint and if I recall; just about everything is inprogress [22:16] akiva-thinkpad, erm i think really we need to just land this round and then rereview the list [22:16] akiva-thinkpad, otherwise we're gonna have like 10+ things under review lol [22:16] akiva-thinkpad, we've already got branches stacked on branched that are stacked on branches aha [22:16] yah agreed [22:16] just merge em [22:16] too bad vic was working today [22:16] akiva-thinkpad, well review them first hehe [22:16] akiva-thinkpad, he'll be around in a bit [22:17] * ahayzen check what the blueprint looks like for any "easy wins" [22:18] akiva-thinkpad, as u said everything is assigned/in-progress [22:18] akiva-thinkpad, we really just need to keep reviewing/testing things [22:21] akiva-thinkpad, you don't have a device do you? [22:23] ahayzen, nope. don't even have a phone [22:23] :P [22:23] akiva-thinkpad, :( .. you don't have *any* phone? [22:24] ahayzen, i'm poor like a door [22:24] :) [22:24] akiva-thinkpad, aww :/ [22:24] but i'm happy [22:24] \o/ [22:24] :D [22:24] I'm saving up for the mx4, presuming bq does not have anything better. [22:25] akiva-thinkpad, yeah that mx4 does look good [22:26] 7h25 minute battery life on android apparently [22:26] ..is that good/bad these days lol [22:27] * ahayzen goes to make dinner bbl [22:27] later [22:27] * akiva-thinkpad goes to bread [22:27] soo sleepy [22:27] bread? [22:27] bed [22:27] lol [22:31] * ahoneybun does not know the bands that the mx4 will support (he is in the US) === salem_ is now known as _salem