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lindolhi all02:12
dupondjeOn which package I report a bug for this issue?06:04
dupondjeits so extremely annoying :(06:04
Noskcajdarkxst, Could you please add something to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#Ubuntu-GNOME_PackageSet07:43
Noskcajricotz, If you've seen enough of my work, you too please. ^07:43
darkxstNoskcaj, I will, when are you applying for that? it might be good to get your uploading to gnome3-team ppa first08:20
Noskcajdarkxst, Tuesday morning, although i could delay a month if you think it helps. I've been waiting for daylight savings to end for a while already though08:25
darkxstNoskcaj, are you testing packages now?08:27
Noskcajdarkxst, At my grandparents, on satelite internet08:28
darkxstI didnt mean right this minute, in general08:28
darkxstalso you are going to need more than 1 (just mine) testimonial08:31
Noskcajdarkxst, Yeah. I've been test installing nearly everything08:31
Noskcajand i've got a heap of testimonials already08:31
NoskcajAnything you think i need to add08:31
darkxstanother testimonial from someone who has sponsored gnome packages for you might help (right now its really only pitti)08:35
darkxstanyway I will add a comment after dinner08:35
NoskcajHe's already left one for MOTU, should i get a second?08:36
darkxstno not another from pitti, another from someone who has sponsored gnome packages for you08:37
sm1dhi everybody ! has anybody working desktop notifications from chromium or chrome . i mean those native nice gnome notifications08:58
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darkxstsm1d, not that I now of, but then I don't really use chromium much09:03
sm1ddarkxst: does it work for firefox?09:18
darkxstsm1d, not by default, but I think there is (or was) and extension to do it09:24
darkxstNoskcaj, commented10:22
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LinDolhi all13:16
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darkxsthi LinDol13:52
LinDolthank you :)13:52
LinDolhave a good night!14:41
l3onricotz, it's a GTK problem ... the get_type in Gtk.Builder does not work anymore as expected, see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73781815:12
ubot5Gnome bug 737818 in general "Gnome-weather does not work: Invalid object type `GWeatherLocationEntry'" [Critical,Unconfirmed]15:12
l3onricotz, about gnome-clocks https://bugzilla.gnome.org/process_bug.cgi15:19
l3onricotz, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73781915:19
ubot5Gnome bug 737819 in general "Cannot add new locations" [Critical,Unconfirmed]15:20
ricotzl3on, thanks for looking into it, i cherry-picked the patch and new package is building15:36
l3onricotz, oh awesome .. I did the same .. okok :)15:36
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dupondjeanyone still alove here ? :D20:05

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