
AMDCeleronfuck you rww02:35
AMDCeleronnow ban me02:35
ubottusomsip called the ops in #ubuntu ()14:47
h00kAMontpellier-654-1-171-140.w92-145.abo.wanadoo.fr: anon843 anon3774 and REGOS and RIGON and HOLMES look potentially abusive14:50
Tm_Tbah, I'm slow14:51
h00kfixed that one.14:54
h00kforgot reasoning. oh well.14:55
igno818Hello, I was banned from ubuntu but no idea why17:36
igno818can you help out or investigate?17:36
hoverboardas thumbs said in #freenode, it's because of this ban line:  2014-10-03 13:36:18 -!- Irssi: Ban against *18!*18@* matches igno818!~igno818@unaffiliated/igno81817:37
* rww sighs17:38
rwwigno818: one second17:38
rwwigno818: Fixed, sorry about that.17:39
rwwhoverboard: How can we help you today?17:39
igno818back in the 90's :D17:39
hoverboardjust came over to assist (:17:39
hoverboardperhaps my ban could be lifted, rww17:40
rwwhoverboard: In the future, please don't. We're perfectly capable of assisting people ourselves. And I believe you already talked to another chanop about your ban, so refer back to that conversation.17:40
rwwIf you take issue with their decision, contact the IRCC.17:41
hoverboardrww, I believe he said if another operator is willing to lift the ban, he had no problem with that17:41
rwwhoverboard: Good point. Are you going to stick to on-topic support-related messages in #ubuntu and follow the channel guidelines from now on?17:42
hoverboardwill do17:42
rwwalrighty. you can has join17:42
hoverboardappreciated, good day17:43
ubottudaftykins called the ops in #ubuntu (yoloswag420 Buurm4n14)18:56
geniiyeah yeah18:58
elkyon another topic, why do we still have those number bans?19:07
elkyor are they all gone now?19:08
rww19:08:24 -!- 31 - #ubuntu: ban *23!*21@* [by k1l_!~k1l@ubuntu/member/k1l, 1281738 secs ago]19:09
rwwthat's the only one I see, but there might be more19:09
elkycan we murder it with prejudice?19:09
DJonesI'd be in favour keeping bans like that, its a porn spammer thats changes nick/host but always uses 21/22/23 etc, still ongoing, but I think ASM picks them up and klines result from whichever channel they start in19:11
rwwI note that the spam is still happening.19:11
rwwI don't see another way to stop it other than the wide bans, which is different from me thinking the wide bans are a good idea.19:12
DJonesAgreed, without a wide ban initially, it'll happen at least once before the kline kicks in19:13
DJonesIts not just ubuntu thats being hit, debian etc gets hit19:13
* rww nods19:18
rwwThere are two values in play here. One is "don't set bans with false positives" and the other is "don't allow channel spam". The weight one puts on each of them determines whether one likes those bans, I guess.19:18
DJonesYou're spot on with that, to me, with this (and associated bans) the spam to false positive is probably aroud 50-1, I can only only think of one or two people coming asking about bans compared to multiple spam reports in various channels19:26
phunyguyconsider the ones that never make it in and have no idea why or how to resolve.19:31
rwwand then when they do come in, we get the "set an exempt" versus "unset the ban" debate, and different people dislike +e to different extents too19:32
elkythat's why we used to have banned webchats forwarded19:32
rwwso yeah, the debate is not spam vs. no spam, it's "are the mechanics of this spam prevention method too obnoxious"19:33
rwwto which I would say yes, but not seeing consensus i left them there, to answer elky's original question19:33
bazhang<Tam5> Yes - Using Ubuntu, how can I prevent google from monitoring every single thing I do online?22:35
fomenko_can anybodey see me?23:30
valoriecan we otherwise help you?23:32
fomenko_I search for someone who develop ubuntu23:32
valoriethen you need #ubuntu-devel23:33
valoriethis channel is for IRC channel moderators23:33
fomenko_Can you please show at this technologie   http://nixos.org/   and use it in ubuntu?23:33
valoriewrong chanel23:33
valorieplease got to #ubuntu-devel23:34
fomenko_ok thank you :-)23:34
valorieand now /part please23:35
fomenko_what do you mean with /part23:35
valorieplease leave the channel23:38

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