Roguehorse | Is that part of some game? | 04:11 |
pleia2 | he's just a space cadet | 04:12 |
nhaines | Roguehorse: Kerbal Space Program. Which I'm sure your son would love. You could play together and learn rocket science. And also explosions. | 05:10 |
Roguehorse | in the repos? | 05:15 |
pleia2 | what's the polite way to ask my overworked, about-to-leave-on-trip husband to set up the PS4 before he leaves for 2 weeks? (aisde from the obvious "I'll do it!" during which I'll mess up his perfect wiring configuration and give him an OCD attack) | 05:16 |
* pleia2 supposes there is no good way | 05:17 | |
grantbow | tough call | 05:17 |
Roguehorse | Uh, uh, uh | 05:17 |
pleia2 | haha | 05:17 |
* ianorlin doesn't know that | 05:18 | |
nhaines | Roguehorse: in that it's in Steam. | 05:18 |
Roguehorse | "Honey, can you please....<something really nice> before you go?" (usually works on me) | 05:19 |
Roguehorse | nhaines: Ah! eeew...I have to run steam... | 05:19 |
nhaines | pleia2: tell him not to worry about setting up the PS4 because you'll do it after you drop him off at the airport. It'll be done by the morning. | 05:19 |
pleia2 | maybe I'll just put the PS4 box in his chair | 05:19 |
pleia2 | nhaines: hah, right, that's the obvious one :) | 05:20 |
nhaines | Roguehorse: well, no, you can buy it directly from Squad and download updates by hand for the rest of your life. | 05:20 |
Roguehorse | that might work | 05:20 |
Roguehorse | nhaines: f-that! | 05:20 |
pleia2 | he actually bought the PS4 for himself, but then I geeked out over Destiny and am all I WANT TO PLAAAAY | 05:21 |
Roguehorse | I have Steam installed - and an account set up | 05:21 |
Roguehorse | I just don't | 05:21 |
Roguehorse | and he likes playing games on the tablet anyway - or YouTube on the tv | 05:21 |
pleia2 | tsk, my battery is running out, probably have go to back down into the hot condo | 05:22 |
Roguehorse | I'll take a look though - thank you for the suggestion =) | 05:22 |
nhaines | Well, it's a fun game by a really small developer and a really friendly community. And now if you ask my friend's 8yo what the highest point of an orbit is he'll say "apoapsis". :) | 05:22 |
Roguehorse | LOL! | 05:23 |
pleia2 | also need to find food at a cold place this late | 05:23 |
pleia2 | IHOP has air conditioning, right? | 05:23 |
Roguehorse | | 05:23 |
darthrobot | Content type: [image/jpeg] Size: [1685529] | 05:23 |
nhaines | You build your own rockets and launch them and control the staging, so it's half rocket sim and half explosion sim. It doesn't take itself seriously. | 05:23 |
Roguehorse | my son would dig that | 05:24 |
nhaines | Plus you can land on the moon which is super amazing. I have a couple space stations built | 05:24 |
Roguehorse | he gets this weird excitement from watching people get hurt in games or tv | 05:24 |
nhaines | Living vicariously. | 05:25 |
Roguehorse | dude, he watched a skateboarding game on YouTube and the player kept falling and breaking his neck - he thought it was hilarious | 05:26 |
Roguehorse | it tweaks my mellon | 05:26 |
Roguehorse | I asked the wife if she thought he might need therapy | 05:27 |
Roguehorse | she said it's normal for kids to laugh at that stuff | 05:27 |
nhaines | Nope. Everyone laughs when somebody else gets hurt. Little kids just don't have the filter to pretend it's not funny. | 05:27 |
nhaines | Besides, a lot of time the physics are either overdone for effect or otherwise strange. I used to like to smash cars in racing games to see the damage effects and funny physics. Never had an urge to do it in real life. :) | 05:28 |
Roguehorse | I must be missing some kind of gene or something | 05:30 |
nhaines | Half the fun in a videogame is to do stuff you wouldn't or can't do in real life anyway. | 05:31 |
ianorlin | yes that is true | 05:31 |
nhaines | Although Euro Truck Simulator is oddly cathartic. | 05:36 |
Roguehorse | my sone likes Farming Sim 2013 | 05:39 |
Roguehorse | I kind of dig the newest Sim City | 05:39 |
Roguehorse | this is all from YouTube | 05:40 |
nhaines | My friend's kid likes the Lego videogames. Which are pretty fun. | 05:40 |
Roguehorse | actually, I've been learning Python from CodeAcademy - it's ok, kinda fun | 05:40 |
nhaines | I'm going to go pick up Super Smash Bros tomorrow. | 05:41 |
nhaines | Python's nice. :) | 05:41 |
Roguehorse | slower than just doing from book | 05:41 |
Roguehorse | Python is even simpler than Perl | 05:41 |
Roguehorse | I see a lot of similarity | 05:41 |
nhaines | I like Beginning Python by Magnus Lie Hetland. | 05:43 |
darthrobot | Title: [Beginning Python] | 05:43 |
nhaines | darthrobot: I said that. | 05:43 |
darthrobot | nhaines: Error: "I" is not a valid command. | 05:43 |
nhaines | darthrobot: that's because it's a pronoun. | 05:43 |
darthrobot | nhaines: Error: "that's" is not a valid command. | 05:43 |
nhaines | Bots. :P | 05:43 |
Roguehorse | can't teach em anything | 05:44 |
OERIAS | Conceal me what I am, and be my aid For such disguise as happily shall become The form of my intent | 05:45 |
Roguehorse | OERIAS: Hamlet? | 05:46 |
OERIAS | Twelfth Night | 05:46 |
OERIAS | Same author though :) | 05:46 |
nhaines | Roguehorse: Twelfth Night. | 05:46 |
Roguehorse | lucky guess | 05:46 |
Roguehorse | it is better to solve the right problem the wrong way than the wrong problem the right way | 05:52 |
OERIAS | I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none. | 05:53 |
OERIAS | ^ Macbeth | 05:53 |
Roguehorse | Doug McIlroy | 05:54 |
nhaines | I bought a DVD of Teller's production of MacBeth that I need to watch. | 05:56 |
Roguehorse | | 05:57 |
OERIAS | Roguehorse, you certainly have a fascination with American Intellectuals | 05:57 |
darthrobot | Content type: [image/jpeg] Size: [1032580] | 05:57 |
OERIAS | by far one the most important men in history of computing | 05:58 |
Roguehorse | I do, what's interesting is these guys never knew how much their work would change everything - they just built what seemed the logical way to do things | 06:00 |
nhaines | Modern computing is built on a foundation that had nothing to do with modern uses. :) | 06:01 |
Roguehorse | Ironic isn't it =) | 06:03 |
Roguehorse | gotta roll - wife and son want me to come to bed - TTYL | 06:03 |
nhaines | Later! | 06:03 |
nhaines | The crazy thing is that Microsoft was going to replace MS-DOS with Xenix. | 06:04 |
nhaines | Which is why they added pipes and redirection to the OS in 2.0. But when the Bell companies split up and AT&T was able to sell Unix directly, Microsoft decided they couldn't compete and started working on OS/2 with IBM instead. | 06:05 |
nhaines | And that's why everybody runs OS/2 now. | 06:10 |
Roguehorse | My dog sleeps in chairs - | 06:15 |
darthrobot | Content type: [image/jpeg] Size: [1141256] | 06:15 |
OERIAS | They should have replaced MS-DOS with Xenix | 06:31 |
OERIAS | would have created a whole new flavour of Unix | 06:31 |
OERIAS | Interface Manager | 06:32 |
OERIAS | nhaines, Chase and Bank of America still use OS/2 on their ABMs | 06:32 |
kdub_ | hey philipballew | 14:01 |
philipballew | kdub_, hello. How goes life? | 14:19 |
kdub_ | pretty good | 14:25 |
philipballew | kdub_, oh nice. Still in pb? | 14:30 |
kdub_ | no, moved to michigan | 14:30 |
philipballew | kdub_, Thats what I thought. | 14:31 |
philipballew | Being that I have not heard from you in a while. | 14:31 |
philipballew | Life is good up there I hope? | 14:32 |
kdub_ | yeah, defected from CA :P | 14:32 |
philipballew | Michigan is a cool place. | 14:32 |
kdub_ | yeah, found a house | 14:32 |
kdub_ | about to be a cold place in a month or two;) | 14:32 |
philipballew | yeah, that seems pretty nice because SD is in the 70's too often. | 14:36 |
kdub_ | hah, yeah | 14:42 |
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