rick_h_ | evening | 01:47 |
rick_h_ | brousch_: t-mobile can't be all that bad http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/989646138 | 01:47 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/KbldwG - Speedtest.net by Ookla - My Results | 01:47 |
widox | rick_h_: yum! | 01:52 |
widox | beats my home comcast... | 01:52 |
rick_h_ | beats my ATT | 01:52 |
mrgoodcat | beats my comcast too | 02:07 |
mrgoodcat | $gf.wow is faster tho | 02:08 |
rick_h_ | yea, but that's not mobile with a tower | 02:09 |
rick_h_ | that's what blows me away | 02:09 |
bookiebot | http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2369-1/ USN-2369-1: file vulnerability | 02:10 |
mrgoodcat | right | 02:11 |
mrgoodcat | the verizon LTE used to be at least that fast before everybody got on it | 02:11 |
mrgoodcat | now it's all congested | 02:11 |
rick_h_ | I've gotten good 25mb/s and such on my verizon 4g down south a bit | 02:11 |
rick_h_ | closer to dtw | 02:11 |
rick_h_ | this is 3x faster than my mifi here at home | 02:11 |
mrgoodcat | so you have a tmobile phone and a verizon mifi? | 02:12 |
mrgoodcat | any particular reason? | 02:12 |
rick_h_ | yea, I've been on verizon for years | 02:13 |
rick_h_ | but with their lack of unlocked phones I can swap sims internationally for I'm fed up | 02:13 |
rick_h_ | I use verizon because of best coverage and 4g super fast everywhere | 02:13 |
rick_h_ | but trying out t-mobile with my new phone, getting free international data (though slow) to help with travel, and supporting less evil empire a bit | 02:13 |
rick_h_ | so bought my own phone, unlocked as can be, and I'm a work from home-body so I can get by with wifi almost all the time | 02:14 |
rick_h_ | now that hangouts supports google voice text/sms/calling I really don't even need anything but a data plan | 02:14 |
rick_h_ | well data plan + wifi | 02:14 |
rick_h_ | but if I hit t-mobile no coverage zone I can whip out the mifi and carry on | 02:15 |
mrgoodcat | has that happened yet? | 02:20 |
rick_h_ | has what? | 02:20 |
mrgoodcat | 22:14:50 < rick_h_> but if I hit t-mobile no coverage zone I can whip out the mifi and carry on | 02:21 |
rick_h_ | no, been on t-mobile for 5hrs | 02:21 |
mrgoodcat | oh lol | 02:29 |
wolfger | morning | 10:41 |
rick_h_ | morn | 11:11 |
mrgoodcat | m | 12:49 |
wolfger | damn you, mrgoodcat. Nobody will be able to undercut that one | 13:06 |
rick_h_ | i | 13:06 |
rick_h_ | damn, monospace fml can't get thinner really | 13:07 |
rick_h_ | cmaloney: might like https://play.pocketcasts.com | 13:32 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/wnyBZH - Pocket Casts | 13:32 |
rick_h_ | I can't find a use case for it, but maybe those that have musical podcasts might like it for playing them over their pc at work | 13:33 |
rick_h_ | it's pretty cool with syncing support though. | 13:33 |
greg-g | rick_h_: no about page? just a signin page? | 14:59 |
rick_h_ | greg-g: well the main pocketscasts page has some info | 14:59 |
greg-g | and then remove "play." and get an SSL error/warning | 14:59 |
rick_h_ | greg-g: it's really early/etc | 14:59 |
rick_h_ | oh heh | 14:59 |
rick_h_ | http://www.shiftyjelly.com/android/pocketcasts | 14:59 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/Gh1EL - Pocket Casts by Shifty Jelly | 14:59 |
greg-g | SSL cert issued to podcasts.shiftyjelly.com.au | 14:59 |
rick_h_ | is that it should redirect you to, failure on their part | 14:59 |
rick_h_ | greg-g: it's the android podcast app I've been using for the last year(s) | 15:00 |
greg-g | ah, not a fly-by-night operation :) | 15:00 |
rick_h_ | no | 15:00 |
rick_h_ | they're long standing just doing a crappy job with that transition | 15:01 |
greg-g | nice "Native variable speed playback" | 15:02 |
rick_h_ | yea, that's their new feature on this latest iteration | 15:17 |
cmaloney | I use Pocketcasts at the moment | 16:01 |
cmaloney | rick_h_: ^^ | 16:01 |
rick_h_ | cmaloney: <3 | 16:02 |
cmaloney | Yeah, i like the syncing between tablet / phone | 16:03 |
cmaloney | if the Squeezebox supported Pocketcasts I'd be in podcast-ecstasy | 16:03 |
cmaloney | rick_h_: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/01/02/%23ubuntu-us-mi.txt | 16:05 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/l45Sjb - text/plain | 16:05 |
cmaloney | [15:15] <cmaloney> I've used both, but prefer pocketcasts | 16:05 |
rick_h_ | cmaloney: ah cool | 16:05 |
rick_h_ | cmaloney: well now with a web app for desktop support it might be even more awesome for you | 16:05 |
cmaloney | Oh is that what that is? | 16:06 |
cmaloney | Oh fuck. :) | 16:06 |
rick_h_ | cmaloney: i got into the beta program there and it's cool, syncs your place across mobile vs web | 16:06 |
cmaloney | rick_h_: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.vaggan.squeezewatch&hl=en_GB | 16:06 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/rebVve - SqueezeWatch for SmartWatch - Android Apps on Google Play | 16:06 |
rick_h_ | so you can listen on your phone, get into work, and then pick up at the url in your browser | 16:06 |
cmaloney | <3<3<3<3 | 16:06 |
cmaloney | Is this a subscription? | 16:07 |
rick_h_ | cmaloney: I think it will be | 16:07 |
rick_h_ | cmaloney: free during beta, not sure on how it'll work out long term | 16:07 |
cmaloney | Says $9 | 16:08 |
cmaloney | but appears to be a one-time fee | 16:08 |
rick_h_ | cmaloney: heh on the app for android wear. My squeezebox is relagated to bleutooth speaker now with the moto stream on it | 16:08 |
rick_h_ | just doens't have any value for me over my phone | 16:08 |
cmaloney | rick_h_: you need more music. :) | 16:08 |
rick_h_ | I uploaded it all to google music | 16:08 |
rick_h_ | 3 weeks later...they've got it all now | 16:09 |
cmaloney | First mistake. :) | 16:09 |
rick_h_ | I don't need it | 16:09 |
cmaloney | Feh. | 16:10 |
cmaloney | Well if you ever decide to get rid of it LMK. | 16:10 |
wolfger | bleutooth? Is that a GNU name for bluetooth? | 16:14 |
cmaloney | wolfger: That's the French version | 16:20 |
rick_h_ | :P | 16:23 |
rick_h_ | practicing my danish | 16:24 |
wolfger | mmmm.... danishes.... | 16:24 |
jrwren | danish death metal? | 16:26 |
wolfger | Denmark manufactures beryllium? | 16:28 |
wolfger | It's Friday.... now I just need it to be quitting time, too | 16:34 |
greg-g | 9:35.... the weekend is so far away.... | 16:36 |
cmaloney | Danish Death Metal sounds awesome. | 16:50 |
jrwren | how about danish speed metal? | 16:53 |
jrwren | iirc sonata arctica are danes | 16:53 |
greg-g | I'll take a speed infused danish | 16:53 |
cmaloney | Apparently Mercyful Fate and King Diamond are considered as Danish metal | 17:03 |
cmaloney | http://www.metal-archives.com/lists/DK | 17:04 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/X1FSYL - Browse bands by country - Denmark - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives | 17:04 |
wolfger | go, Uzbekistan! | 17:41 |
wolfger | actually, Uganda surprises me more | 17:41 |
cmaloney | Why should that surprise you? There's plenty of metal bands all over the globe. | 17:52 |
cmaloney | I had a band from Latvia singing in Latvian on the previous show. | 17:52 |
cmaloney | Metal really is a global genre | 17:53 |
rick_h_ | hah http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/10/after-blocking-personal-hotspot-at-hotel-marriott-to-pay-fcc-600000/ | 18:18 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/x23eYd - After blocking personal hotspot at hotel, Marriott to pay FCC $600,000 | Ars Technica | 18:18 |
dzho | boo yah | 18:32 |
dzho | ima spread that link around | 18:33 |
dzho | because Cisco peddles this pernicious crap all over | 18:33 |
dzho | I've run into it at two institutions | 18:33 |
dzho | they call it "interference mitigation" or some crap like that | 18:33 |
dzho | which means, of course, that they *create* interference for signals of which they don't approve | 18:33 |
wolfger | cmaloney: Africa (outside of South Africa) doesn't strike me as a metal-loving place | 18:42 |
wolfger | maybe that's just racist | 18:42 |
wolfger | but honestly I've never seen a black man in a metal band (not that I pay overly much attention to metal bands) | 18:43 |
jrwren | I know so little about africa, I hesitate to assume anything. | 18:51 |
greg-g | what was that service you could upload music to and be a dj and others could join your room? | 19:59 |
greg-g | cmaloney: ^ | 19:59 |
rick_h_ | something .fm | 19:59 |
greg-g | yeah.... | 19:59 |
rick_h_ | turntable.fm | 19:59 |
jrwren | that site when down though :( | 20:03 |
jrwren | now its something else. | 20:03 |
jrwren | I miss it. I used to be in there all the time. | 20:03 |
greg-g | :( | 20:19 |
greg-g | what was the other one? | 20:19 |
greg-g | there were two competitors I thought | 20:33 |
greg-g | "On December 2, 2013, Turntable officially shutdown the website. After two years providing music interaction with users, Turntable announced that it would focus on Turntable Live. However this was short lived and the last show for Turntable Live was Shinobi Ninja on December 13, 2013. On January 15, 2014, the button to turntable.com from the turntable.fm shutdown page was removed, and an "under maintenance" page was shown to users." | 20:34 |
greg-g | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turntable.fm | 20:34 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/WYMy4J - Turntable.fm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 20:34 |
cmaloney | There was turntable.fm which was the one that was linked to Facebook | 20:34 |
cmaloney | Gah, I'm blanking on the other one | 20:35 |
cmaloney | Nope, it was turntable that I was a part of | 20:35 |
cmaloney | Then the other one was linked to Facebook. | 20:35 |
cmaloney | feh, not sure | 20:35 |
dickweed | you guys talking about plug.dj? | 20:36 |
greg-g | :) | 20:36 |
cmaloney | That said: http://www.metalinjection.net/fm | 20:36 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/kSAJi - .FM - Your 24/7 Mainline of Streaming Metal Radio - Metal Injection | 20:36 |
greg-g | dickweed: just found out about https://plug.dj/ | 20:36 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/7mZYTB - join the party - plug.dj | 20:36 |
dickweed | i <3 plug.dj | 20:36 |
cmaloney | There was another one | 20:36 |
cmaloney | not sure what it is. | 20:36 |
cmaloney | Feh, turntable is the one that had the avatars | 20:37 |
cmaloney | greg-g: But yeah, I remember there was something else that we used | 20:37 |
cmaloney | feh, I don't remember the name | 20:41 |
dickweed | feh shrug.jpg | 20:41 |
cmaloney | regardless, my show is on. :) | 20:41 |
dickweed | feh is my image viewer | 20:42 |
cmaloney | listen and be enlightened. | 20:42 |
cmaloney | i <3 feh | 20:42 |
dickweed | your show as in openmetalcast? | 20:43 |
cmaloney | Yep. I select tracks for Metal Injection for their radio streaming service | 20:43 |
cmaloney | I have a 3 hour slot each week | 20:43 |
cmaloney | it rotates throughout the week though | 20:43 |
cmaloney | Friday is from 3-6 | 20:44 |
cmaloney | Sat: 12-3 | 20:44 |
cmaloney | Sun: 9-12 | 20:44 |
cmaloney | etc. | 20:44 |
dickweed | lol i love the openmetalcast ad | 20:46 |
dickweed | "sharing is stupid" | 20:46 |
cmaloney | Thank you. :) | 20:46 |
dickweed | i lol'd | 20:46 |
dickweed | my dad lol'd | 20:46 |
dickweed | alwp | 20:46 |
cmaloney | heh | 20:47 |
cmaloney | hope you stuck with the streadm | 20:55 |
cmaloney | T-Rex Quiet == Awesome. | 20:55 |
dickweed | yea i'm still listening | 20:56 |
dickweed | i like this one a lot better than the last one | 20:56 |
dickweed | bad quality audio tho | 20:57 |
cmaloney | Well, they have some nasty compression | 20:58 |
dickweed | yea thats what i figured | 20:58 |
cmaloney | not just stream compression but the volume leveling compression | 20:58 |
cmaloney | This band is the closest I've found to Tool in the CC-Space. | 20:58 |
cmaloney | (Morgana vs. Morgana) | 20:59 |
dickweed | the whole show is CC i assume? | 20:59 |
cmaloney | Yep | 21:01 |
cmaloney | So if you want to check out some of the tracks LMK and I'll send them to you | 21:01 |
cmaloney | or better still: send the bands some $$ | 21:02 |
cmaloney | They need it. :) | 21:02 |
dickweed | have to go now | 21:05 |
cmaloney | have fun. | 21:05 |
dickweed | i'll start listening to the show | 21:05 |
dickweed | lmk when it is | 21:05 |
cmaloney | Thanks. There's also the podcast | 21:05 |
cmaloney | see above. | 21:05 |
cmaloney | They used to post the schedule | 21:06 |
cmaloney | https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/metalinjectionradio%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics | 21:09 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/kUhFzQ - text/calendar; charset=UTF-8 | 21:09 |
greg-g | cmaloney: https://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/352440/morgana-vs.-morgana ? | 21:10 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/GlXtHc - Morgana vs. Morgana - Royalty Free Music - Jamendo | 21:10 |
greg-g | the band you compared to tool? | 21:11 |
cmaloney | Yep | 21:42 |
cmaloney | greg-g: ^^ | 21:42 |
cmaloney | https://mvsm.bandcamp.com/ | 21:43 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/9E9wyv - Morgana vs Morgana | 21:43 |
greg-g | cmaloney: ok, I'm liking this, too bad my spanish is so rusty | 22:19 |
greg-g | yep, still good :) | 22:26 |
brousch_ | The one dataset I am using for this hackathon has a problem | 23:52 |
brousch_ | Correct me if I'm wrong, but the human_address value returned from this should not have the {s and "s escaped. https://gist.github.com/brousch/f82733f491b9fa0bbdf7 | 23:56 |
bookiebot | http://goo.gl/WydVuc - mi_sos_api_example.py | 23:56 |
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