sargas | can I resize my ubuntu partition from Windows 7 side? I want to make a small iso to use on VirtualBox | 03:33 |
David-A_ | sargas: if you can find a partitioning tool for windows that recognizes ext2/3/4 filesystems (I dont know which do) | 03:42 |
David-A_ | sargas: you can run a live system with xubuntu or other linux system of a cd/dvd or usb-stick and run gparted from it. | 03:43 |
David-A_ | sargas: how small a iso? can you copy the system to a iso file without resizing any partition? | 03:44 |
filsuck | ola!! hallo!! sup!!?? ... hey guys | 06:37 |
filsuck | my xubuntu just cannot run ibus nor scim!! | 06:37 |
filsuck | YYYYYYYYY? | 06:38 |
filsuck | but .. do you also have the same problem with scim or ibus? | 06:38 |
diegoaguilar | Hello, what's average xubuntu's ram load at start? | 06:48 |
diegoaguilar | only desktop and of course the daemons | 06:48 |
elfy | last time I looked mine was ~320Mb | 06:49 |
diegoaguilar | I guess that's pretty acceptable | 06:50 |
diegoaguilar | against Ubuntu :P | 06:50 |
elfy | works for me ;) | 06:50 |
diegoaguilar | yeah ... I wonder if there's any other linux which uses even less | 06:51 |
diegoaguilar | and doesnt look shitty | 06:51 |
baizon | Lubuntu i think | 06:52 |
diegoaguilar | they say it's only 20 mb less | 06:54 |
filsuck | oh yeah | 06:59 |
filsuck | puppy linux? | 06:59 |
filsuck | woof woof! | 06:59 |
poeticrpm | diegoaguilar, gentoo, arch, or debian running openbox with xfce4-panel (or lxpanel). It will look shitty until you dress it up with themes and such though | 07:48 |
poeticrpm | or fluxbox, or i3, or or... | 07:49 |
yenic | any chance of xubuntu LTS having 5 year support like ubuntu LTS? | 10:03 |
cfhowlett | yenic not this time. xfce4 has 3 years support so ... 3 years it is | 10:11 |
tabbon | hi | 10:44 |
swa | hello | 10:44 |
tabbon | how can i be admin of this channel? | 10:45 |
swa | suck my dick | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | suck my dick | 10:45 |
cfhowlett | !ops | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | ips | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | ups | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | eps | 10:45 |
swa | your mother | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | asdf | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | as | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | asdff | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | asr | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | gvqsr | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | gb | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | qet | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | gb | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | qs | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | g | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | adr | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | gb | 10:45 |
xubuntucreator | ijos de putaa | 10:46 |
elfy | pack it in | 10:46 |
xubuntucreator | pack it in your mothere | 10:46 |
swa | pack in you | 10:46 |
xubuntucreator | your mother | 10:46 |
xubuntucreator | mother focker | 10:46 |
elfy | !ops | 10:46 |
swa | your family pack in | 10:46 |
tabbon | hi | 10:46 |
cfhowlett | knome, please PLEASE ban | 10:47 |
tabbon | this guys omg | 10:47 |
tabbun | swa ban | 10:47 |
tabbun | ijos de puta | 10:48 |
tabbun | maricones | 10:48 |
knome | hmm | 10:48 |
knome | ... | 11:16 |
beregon | Hello folks. Has anyone had any luck getting compiz to work with xubuntu 14.04 ? | 12:15 |
brainwash | beregon: tell us what exactly is not working for you. usually you just run "compiz --replace" and it should work just fine | 12:25 |
brainwash | oh, you might need to configure compiz before doing so | 12:26 |
brainwash | also, take a look at | 12:27 |
=== qwebirc376045 is now known as slickymasterWork | ||
DomiX | hi, is this okay atm to upgrade to xubuntu 14.10 ? (update-manager -d) | 18:23 |
knome | DomiX, upgrading to a development release is never recommended for production machines. | 18:25 |
DomiX | even 20days before the release date | 18:27 |
DomiX | ? | 18:27 |
knome | even 20 days before the release date. | 18:27 |
knome | but of course, as always, you are the only one who can really evaluate how sane it is to upgrade | 18:28 |
knome | as always, take backups before you do | 18:28 |
knome | and if you upgrade to a devleopment release, expect nothing else than breakage (even if that might not happen) | 18:28 |
DomiX | last time I upgraded (after the release date) I encountered the sleep mode bug on laptop | 18:29 |
knome | sure, bugs after release are possible even after the release date, but much more likely before. | 18:30 |
DomiX | you're right, I will wait the release date :p | 18:32 |
alket | Is it possible to add events in panel calendar | 19:29 |
alan_o | Doesn't appear that way | 19:30 |
alan_o | If you want PIM tools, check out the lightning plugin for thunderbird | 19:30 |
alket | thanks | 19:31 |
livingdaylight | greetings | 20:01 |
livingdaylight | do we know whether California 0.2 calendar app works in xfce? or is it gnome3 only? | 20:02 |
brainwash | I don't think that "we" know if some random app works in Xfce | 20:03 |
brainwash | you have to try it | 20:03 |
brainwash | if you encounter any problems with it, we could try to resolve them | 20:04 |
knome | or the california developers :) | 20:10 |
livingdaylight | !4.10 | 20:30 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog) was the first release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30, 2006. See !eol for more details. | 20:30 |
livingdaylight | !14.10 | 20:30 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in October 2014. Support in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at | 20:30 |
eviante | Is there an equivalent xubuntu image for ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64+mac.iso ? The regular xubuntu image won't install properly on my Macbook Air | 21:05 |
knome | no, xubuntu does not have mac builds | 21:06 |
adrenaline_ | I installed the regular ubuntu on my mac but then added xfce4 desktop --but I do not have an air. I was curious to know if it worked on an air though | 21:07 |
adrenaline_ | Sorry I meant mac ubuntu | 21:07 |
eviante | knome adrenaline_ : I see. Maybe there's another way around it. I've been installing Ubuntu onto this Macbook with the mac build iso, mainly because I can choose the 'encrypt disk' option on install. The regular builds don't install properly when I choose 'encrypt disk' at installation. I guess the mac builds are doing something different to the boot instructions or something | 21:08 |
knome | eviante, that's possible, and probably the reason why there needs to be a special mac build... | 21:08 |
knome | eviante, you can always just install the regular ubuntu (with the mac image) and install xubuntu-desktop to get xubuntu on it | 21:09 |
eviante | I just tried that before, but it just wasn't the same out of the box experience that xubuntu has | 21:09 |
eviante | and it seems to have buggered up Unity as well | 21:10 |
knome | it's mostly the same... but sure, it's not exactly the same *experience*, in that you are correct :) | 21:10 |
eviante | knome - i'm able to do a dual boot on macbook, like, Mac OS X and Xubuntu, since I can install refind from the Mac partition, but the problem I was able to figure out how to install xubuntu as an encrypted disk/installation from the 'Something else...' dialogue | 21:15 |
eviante | if I can figure that out, that would also work. | 21:15 |
knome | eviante, you might want to look at the minimal ISO | 21:15 |
knome | !mini | eviante | 21:15 |
ubottu | eviante: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See | 21:15 |
knome | you can select whatever options there, then simply pick xubuntu desktop to be installed | 21:15 |
eviante | alright i'l have a go. thank you | 21:16 |
knome | np | 21:16 |
eviante | is there any advantage of encrypting the whole disk as opposed to just the home folder? | 21:18 |
adrenaline_ | eviante, I am using refind as well. Just to let you know if mac updates it breaks refind but if you run this command in a term on mac side it will bring refind back up | 21:19 |
adrenaline_ | sudo bless setBoot folder /efi/refind --file /efi/refind/refind_x64.efi | 21:19 |
adrenaline_ | FYI | 21:19 |
eviante | oh cool. thanks for the heads up adrenaline_ | 21:19 |
eviante | adrenaline_: would you have any idea how to encrypt the xubuntu disk if i was to dual boot? | 21:20 |
adrenaline_ | It bit me before so I wanted to get that out | 21:20 |
eviante | i have to do it with the 'Something else' dialogue but I dunno how to setup all the partitions | 21:20 |
adrenaline_ | Sorry know I just needed it fast so I dualbooted with the mac ubuntu added xfce4 desktop and was on my way. | 21:20 |
eviante | ah | 21:20 |
adrenaline_ | s/know/no | 21:20 |
knome | eviante, not sure why you'd wanted to encrypt system files (which are obtainable from the repositories as is) | 21:21 |
knome | but sure, there are most likely some situations when you might want that | 21:21 |
eviante | just for security. in case the laptop is lost or stolen | 21:21 |
eviante | i just wasn't sure if many user files, app caches or anything end up outside of the home folder | 21:22 |
eviante | cc knome | 21:22 |
alket | how to get a feature that gnome2 used to have , to zoom with super key ? | 22:49 |
alket | found it | 22:51 |
adrenaline_ | Nice work alket | 22:58 |
alket | xD | 22:59 |
=== Guest73816 is now known as RedDeath | ||
pearsonIN | I'm having difficulty installing a xubuntu dual-boot on my Mac. I do a fresh Xubuntu install on a new partition, ext4 / and a 4gb swap space, but then when I go to boot into Xubuntu, ut hands at "Loading initial ramdisk" | 23:18 |
pearsonIN | it hangs* | 23:18 |
pearsonIN | that is, the mount point of the new ext4 partition is '/' | 23:19 |
knome | pearsonIN, xubuntu doesn't have a mac port, so that might be your issue | 23:20 |
pearsonIN | knome - ok thanks! | 23:22 |
David-A | pearsonIN: did you use the minimal cd to install xubuntu? | 23:25 |
knosys | hello guys, do you recommend restricted extras packages? Or getting each thing sepparately when needed? | 23:35 |
knome | knosys, i'd just get the whole package. | 23:36 |
knosys | i was going to listen to some mp3 and i found out about that package. Still not sure because, in xubuntu official site they recommend some different package for mp3 in gstreamer | 23:36 |
knosys | something like "ugly" | 23:36 |
knosys | i see , okay thanks | 23:36 |
knosys | one question, what if i have previously installed a flash player version for firefox? | 23:37 |
knosys | its actually working pretty slow sometimes | 23:37 |
knome | knosys, how did you install it? | 23:38 |
knosys | i would like to remember... it was 2 days ago .. auch | 23:38 |
knosys | im not sure if it were from browser or terminal | 23:39 |
knosys | probably terminal | 23:39 |
knosys | ill try looking installed packages | 23:39 |
knome | was it via the repositories or something else? | 23:39 |
knome | if it was from the repository, you are safe to install the extras package | 23:39 |
knosys | how to know about that? with dpkg --get-selections , would i be able to check? | 23:40 |
knome | if it was in a way or another manually installed, it's possible and even likely that the flash plugins will conflict | 23:40 |
knosys | ok this is the name of the package i got installed | 23:41 |
knosys | flashplugin-installer | 23:41 |
knome | knosys, that sounds right and you should be fine with installing the extras packge. | 23:43 |
knosys | ok thanks | 23:43 |
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