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harmw | harlowja_at_home: seems CERN is interested in RDO for el6, just like Y! | 17:50 |
harlowja_at_home | hmmmm, RDO | 17:50 |
harlowja_at_home | i'm not sure RH wants to further RDO for el6 though ;) | 17:51 |
harlowja_at_home | el7 is the future, ha | 17:51 |
harmw | lol yes | 17:52 |
harmw | but I want just Juno, not an upgrade to centos7 as well :p | 17:52 |
harmw | not yet | 17:52 |
harlowja_at_home | ya, well wait till juno is released in like 2 weeks, lol | 17:52 |
harmw | there is a topic on the RDO ML about this | 17:52 |
harlowja_at_home | once y! starts to get juno running (without RDO) i'll have the packages that u can use | 17:53 |
harlowja_at_home | *without RDO | 17:53 |
harmw | and how whould they differ from RDO? | 17:53 |
harlowja_at_home | do u have a link to the RDO ML? | 17:53 |
harmw | sure | 17:53 |
harmw | sec | 17:53 |
harmw | https://www.redhat.com/archives/rdo-list/2014-September/msg00122.html | 17:53 |
harlowja_at_home | harmw, packages are built from upstream, so in reality they don't differ much, https://github.com/stackforge/anvil builds them automatically, code is all there and stuff if u want to use it | 17:54 |
harlowja_at_home | specs @ https://github.com/stackforge/anvil/tree/master/conf/templates/packaging/specs | 17:54 |
harmw | and those specs do the same stuff RDO does? | 17:55 |
harlowja_at_home | pretty much | 17:55 |
harmw | 'pretty much' :p | 17:55 |
harmw | you already got that stuff packaged somewhere? | 17:55 |
harlowja_at_home | get a VM, and it will pop out the packages for u ;) | 17:56 |
harlowja_at_home | it generates the packages, lol | 17:56 |
harmw | I'm not particularly interested in building a crapload of Juno packages by myself :P | 17:56 |
harlowja_at_home | ya, i can probably get them published somewhere when i/others get anvil working for juno | 17:56 |
harlowja_at_home | those spec files probably need some tweaking for juno | 17:57 |
harmw | ye, they look old :p | 17:57 |
harlowja_at_home | but the idea for anvil is that it sucks down git repos, analyzes there python requirements, fills out those spec files, finds and downloads dependencies, builds those all into rpms | 17:57 |
harlowja_at_home | *builds those into source rpms | 17:57 |
harlowja_at_home | and then has a further stage to convert all that into rpms | 17:58 |
harmw | just like rpmbuild handles my perl dependencies (sometimes wrong or competely unwanted) | 17:58 |
harlowja_at_home | :) | 17:58 |
harlowja_at_home | hey, u can change anvil at least ;) | 17:58 |
harmw | hehe | 17:58 |
harlowja_at_home | i even made terminal recordsing @ http://anvil.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/examples.html | 17:59 |
harlowja_at_home | a while ago, haha | 17:59 |
harlowja_at_home | u can watch it | 17:59 |
harlowja_at_home | haha | 17:59 |
harmw | lol | 17:59 |
harlowja_at_home | *super exciting* | 17:59 |
harmw | omfg | 18:00 |
harlowja_at_home | lol | 18:00 |
harmw | superdupercool :P | 18:00 |
harlowja_at_home | ha | 18:00 |
harlowja_at_home | ya, showterm.io was neat when i found it | 18:01 |
harlowja_at_home | lol | 18:01 |
harmw | indeed | 18:01 |
harlowja_at_home | although the viewer is still somewhat buggy | 18:02 |
harlowja_at_home | still doesn't always scroll right | 18:02 |
harmw | so what if I wanted to build me some el65 packages for Juno RC1 | 18:02 |
harmw | ha no | 18:02 |
harlowja_at_home | first watch http://showterm.io/12c29e87094f128d945fa/ | 18:03 |
harlowja_at_home | but anyway, u can try anvil | 18:03 |
harlowja_at_home | and give ./smithy a --origin option | 18:03 |
harlowja_at_home | and make an origin file for https://github.com/stackforge/anvil/tree/master/conf/origins for juno rc1 | 18:03 |
harlowja_at_home | and see how it goes | 18:04 |
harmw | what's it doing with passwords in that 'movie' ? | 18:04 |
harmw | and this stuff doesn't require root, right? | 18:04 |
harlowja_at_home | building rpms does | 18:05 |
harmw | still? | 18:05 |
harmw | wasn't that squashed ages ago? | 18:05 |
harlowja_at_home | for when say later if anvil installs say mysql, it will need root to, and a password | 18:06 |
harmw | could be wrong on that though | 18:06 |
harmw | ah ok | 18:06 |
harmw | makes sense | 18:06 |
harlowja_at_home | maybe, i haven't tried turning it off in a while | 18:06 |
harmw | you happen to know if epel6 contains all requirements? | 18:07 |
harlowja_at_home | not likely | 18:07 |
harmw | regarding python versions and stuff | 18:07 |
harlowja_at_home | anvil will scan epel for requirements so that it doesn't have to build them | 18:07 |
harlowja_at_home | it usually doesn't find them all there | 18:07 |
harlowja_at_home | seems to always be some missing, lol | 18:07 |
harmw | hehe, but if that happens anvil will build it itself? | 18:07 |
harlowja_at_home | yup | 18:08 |
harlowja_at_home | or try to | 18:08 |
harmw | sounds like anvil is holy grail | 18:08 |
harlowja_at_home | ha | 18:09 |
harlowja_at_home | depends if it works for u | 18:09 |
harmw | ok, so the movie says packaging blabla | 18:09 |
harmw | but that is not rpmbuild, right? | 18:09 |
harlowja_at_home | thats a source rpmbuild build | 18:09 |
harlowja_at_home | which doesn't require root | 18:09 |
harmw | ah ok | 18:09 |
harlowja_at_home | the non-source-rpm (build stage) requires root | 18:09 |
harlowja_at_home | http://anvil.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/examples.html#building | 18:10 |
harlowja_at_home | ah one reason it requires root to build | 18:10 |
harlowja_at_home | 'Installing build requirements' | 18:11 |
harlowja_at_home | that one won't work so well without root ;) | 18:11 |
harmw | makes sense :) | 18:11 |
harlowja_at_home | so ya, anvil builds its own RDO in a way :-P | 18:11 |
harmw | hehe | 18:12 |
harmw | well my bigest concern with packaging by myself is keeping it updated is also something I need to do, by myself | 18:12 |
harmw | and that sucks | 18:12 |
harlowja_at_home | ya, well for just local testing and stuff, it should be fine | 18:13 |
harlowja_at_home | if u don't have resources to keep on running anvil and stuff, then ya, go with RDO | 18:13 |
harmw | yea well | 18:14 |
harmw | :) | 18:14 |
harlowja_at_home | although y! and godaddy (which have been using anvil) aren't running against trunk openstack, so we sometimes hit anvil issues when moving to the next release, aka, binaries move around or some crap | 18:14 |
harmw | hmk | 18:14 |
harmw | well I'm not neccesarily after trunk | 18:15 |
harmw | stable is fine :p | 18:15 |
harlowja_at_home | ya, i don't think stable is juno yet though ;) | 18:15 |
harlowja_at_home | so u are in a transitionary period, lol | 18:15 |
harmw | :P | 18:15 |
harmw | I guess it'll take another 10 yrs for openstack to reach a true stable point :> | 18:15 |
harlowja_at_home | 100 | 18:16 |
harlowja_at_home | 1000 years | 18:17 |
harlowja_at_home | lol | 18:17 |
harmw | hm, or I could just start reading about this inplace centos6>7 upgrade path | 18:18 |
harlowja_at_home | or that | 18:19 |
harmw | hm hm, well that actually sounds like a plan | 18:20 |
harlowja_at_home | let me know how it goes | 18:21 |
harmw | it'll nuke my designate setup, probably | 18:21 |
harlowja_at_home | ya, thats the part i'm worried about, epseciall when u have alot of hypervisors on el6 (like yahoo does) | 18:22 |
harlowja_at_home | not so good to nuke hypervisors | 18:22 |
harlowja_at_home | lol | 18:22 |
harmw | designate isn't the hypervisor | 18:22 |
harlowja_at_home | *that sort breaks the inplace upgrade, haha | 18:22 |
harmw | its openstack-designate, which I'm running in this centos6 vm I'm targetting for an upgrade :p | 18:22 |
harlowja_at_home | gotcha | 18:23 |
harmw | and I built the rpm myself, so ditched systemd | 18:23 |
harmw | http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/CentOSUpgradeTool | 18:24 |
harmw | ok, lets just see what happens :) | 18:24 |
harlowja_at_home | good luck | 18:24 |
harlowja_at_home | haha | 18:24 |
harlowja_at_home | hmmm https://www.redhat.com/archives/rdo-list/2014-September/msg00128.html | 18:28 |
harlowja_at_home | i know perry | 18:28 |
harlowja_at_home | hmmm | 18:28 |
harlowja_at_home | sucks for people using RDO :( | 18:29 |
harlowja_at_home | * https://www.redhat.com/archives/rdo-list/2014-September/msg00133.html | 18:29 |
harlowja_at_home | they know about anvil to... argggggg | 18:29 |
harlowja_at_home | *at least some of that team knows about anvil | 18:30 |
harlowja_at_home | stuff like 'We'd love to have people outside of the Red Hat engineering team doing some of the packaging work that we lack either the time or the priority to do. ' when anvil does exactly this confuse me :-P | 18:30 |
harlowja_at_home | maybe i should get on that ML and post, anvil... | 18:31 |
harmw | well, yes | 18:31 |
harlowja_at_home | lets see if i can do that | 18:33 |
harlowja_at_home | they'll probably get all pissed at me, why would people pay for RDO then haha | 18:33 |
harmw | but isn't RDO the free countrpart of rhel openstack? I never realy got that :p | 18:34 |
harlowja_at_home | hmmm, not sure, anything associated with RH makes me think of $$ | 18:34 |
harlowja_at_home | lol | 18:34 |
harmw | hehe | 18:34 |
harlowja_at_home | i guess i've been in to many of there meetings which end up becoming, use RH product XYZ at yahoo :-P | 18:35 |
harmw | hhe | 18:36 |
harmw | I only know of CentOS :p | 18:36 |
harmw | though that's about to change, since new $job uses RHEL | 18:36 |
harmw | and AIX :> | 18:36 |
harmw | ok, running # preupg -s CentOS6_7 | 18:40 |
harlowja_at_home | ya, i'm debating on whether i want to send mail to rdo list about anvil | 18:44 |
harlowja_at_home | lol | 18:44 |
harmw | just go for it :> | 18:44 |
harlowja_at_home | hmmm, maybe | 18:46 |
harlowja_at_home | lol | 18:46 |
harlowja_at_home | bb, i'll think about it, ha | 18:47 |
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