BuntuTech | hi lubu techs | 03:24 |
DevRandom`` | Greetings lxdians | 12:59 |
DevRandom`` | how do i zoom the desktop like windows 8 "winkey" and + combo | 13:00 |
DevRandom`` | or is there an app to provide desktop zoom effects to enlarge the view ? | 13:04 |
DevRandom`` | <using a cheap projector to view picture on my wall in low-resolution | 13:07 |
delphus | hi all | 13:08 |
Ateist | Hi, who can help me? I have a problem with USB scancode reader, and I'm new in linux. | 13:12 |
DevRandom`` | usb scancode...mmm sounds like trouble.... | 13:15 |
Ateist | Yes, it scans not full bar code, everytime one number is missing. | 13:16 |
Ateist | sorry for my poor english :) | 13:17 |
Ateist | In windows everythink is OK, but in different ubuntu versions same problem. | 13:18 |
Ateist | For example: I get 5449172 instead of 54491472 | 13:19 |
Ateist | or I get 885697000016 instead of 8856976000016 | 13:20 |
DevRandom`` | best to google the brand/model + ubuntu (or check the ID using lsub in terminal and searching that. Must be some know-how on the forums...sorry my browser went kaput | 13:26 |
pibarnas_ | hi folks. lxappearance-obconf stopped working. Its tab even even aren't shown in lxappearance. Any ideas? | 13:27 |
Ateist | Thanks for advice, but that didn't help | 13:28 |
DevRandom`` | Atiest...random stab: could be a driver bug or a driver option that needs setting, or sometimes a udev rule that isn't set right... | 13:30 |
DevRandom`` | use lsmod and modinfo to figure out what driver it uses | 13:30 |
Ateist | Ok, 1 min | 13:31 |
DevRandom`` | then maybe trouble shoot it. ?? | 13:31 |
DevRandom`` | Ateist: maybe this: dmesg | grep usb | 13:34 |
Ateist | 1 min, I'll try | 13:35 |
Ateist | dmesg gave my Idvendor:0745, but Idvendor:0000 | 13:38 |
Ateist | Sorry id product:0000 | 13:39 |
testdr | Ateist: you may try question about this hardware in normal ubuntu-channels like: #ubuntu or for your language | 13:43 |
Ateist | I there also :) | 13:44 |
ilhami | Anybody here? | 14:23 |
TheSchaf | no, everyone bombed | 14:25 |
TheSchaf | :p | 14:25 |
DevRandom` | Ateist: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BarcodeReaders | 14:28 |
DevRandom` | Wonder if minicom or any serial terminal would test/read from it. | 14:30 |
Glycan | Hi, I'm trying to recover file and hopefully fix a Lubuntu system. I try to boot Knoppix off a flash key and it fails saying: "/init: line 975: mount: not found" twice, then "/init: exec: line 1033: /sbin/init: Input/output error". What chan should I go to? | 14:35 |
Glycan | Normally booting my Lubuntu system says something about I/O errors, falls into fsck, which raises a bunch more errors that I do not understand "failed command: READ DMA.... error: { UNC }", ending with "fsck / [275] terminated with status 4" | 14:35 |
testdr | Glycan: why Knoppix? Does the Ubuntu-Live-System (from Installation) not work? | 14:47 |
Boscop | in uxterm or xterm i can't paste the clipboard. how can i enable it? (what's the diff between the two xterms) | 15:02 |
Glycan | testdr: mearly because I prefer knoppix in general | 15:32 |
Slit | Hi! When would lxqt be default on Lubuntu? | 15:43 |
wxl | phillw: i don't know why my mobile quoted the message at the end when i replied inline. or maybe i forgot to delete it all. no worries. | 17:21 |
phillw | I left it in hold, owing to the earlier email about etiquette :) | 17:23 |
wxl | phillw: i killed it | 17:26 |
phillw | I left it for you.. I think the other one is of similar ilk. | 17:27 |
wxl | i think you'll find it's not there | 17:27 |
wxl | also i love how after noticing the email you top post on a 2nd level quote :) | 17:27 |
phillw | I quote via gmail... so go complain to them | 17:28 |
wxl | so do i | 17:28 |
wxl | pebkac | 17:28 |
phillw | reply to... | 17:29 |
wxl | i do too | 17:29 |
phillw | so, that is what it gets | 17:29 |
wxl | pebkac | 17:29 |
wxl | :) | 17:29 |
phillw | pray tell where :) | 17:33 |
wxl | click the ellipsis, edit to your liking, reply where you want | 17:33 |
phillw | kk, I'll do some editing in future :) | 17:34 |
phillw | I read that Julien has been back in touch about the bug on reporting bugs you flagged up. | 17:35 |
wxl | yep | 17:35 |
wxl | known bug that i couldnt' find | 17:36 |
wxl | the sourceforge bug has had some interesting discussions | 17:36 |
wxl | i'm convinced that lxsession handles logging poorly | 17:36 |
phillw | well, the boss is aware... nothing more that we mere mortals can do :) | 17:37 |
wxl | well perhaps not | 17:37 |
wxl | i just don't have time to dig deep into it :( | 17:37 |
phillw | is there a qtsession suite out yet? | 17:37 |
wxl | not a working one that i'm aware of | 17:37 |
wxl | ARGH | 17:38 |
wxl | do you have a link to the bug where we couldn't get to the gui? | 17:38 |
phillw | he'll have to allocate some time if it is lxsession as lubuntu needs to roll back fixes | 17:38 |
phillw | what, on update? | 17:39 |
phillw | in 14.10? | 17:39 |
wxl | well it was a problem with beta2 too | 17:39 |
phillw | wxl: this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/1363919 | 17:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1363919 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "no GUI with nvdia-304.123 on Lubuntu 14.10 beta1" [Undecided,New] | 17:40 |
wxl | i don't think so | 17:40 |
* wxl cries | 17:40 | |
wxl | it affected all flavors | 17:40 |
wxl | i used the wrong link on the release notes | 17:40 |
wxl | sheesh https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1371651 | 17:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1371651 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Daily does not boot into graphical interface after installation" [Critical,Fix released] | 17:44 |
phillw | wxl: an email that should link to the archives has been forwarded to you. | 17:49 |
wxl | phillw: that was the one i was looking for above | 17:49 |
phillw | wxl: I've not any complaints... | 17:50 |
Boscop | in uxterm or xterm i can't paste the clipboard. how can i enable it? (what's the diff between the two xterms) | 17:52 |
phillw | Boscop: use Accessories --> LXTerminal | 17:53 |
phillw | Boscop: those two are from core install. They are on the list to be removed at install, but low priority | 17:54 |
wxl | Boscop: you might try shift-insert or middle click, as those are the standard x way of doing things | 17:54 |
Boscop | phillw: i just installed the minimal version. so just apt-get install lxterminal? | 17:55 |
wxl | Boscop: if you want to go that route, yes | 18:05 |
Boscop | wxl: what's the diff between uxterm and xterm? | 18:06 |
phillw | Boscop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall#Full_install.2C_minimal_install_or_core_install | 18:07 |
wxl | !info uxterm | 18:09 |
ubottu | Package uxterm does not exist in trusty | 18:09 |
wxl | :/ | 18:09 |
wxl | Boscop: uxterm supports unicode. | 18:10 |
phillw | one some of my VM's with KVM it still has issues with standard lxterminal, so I use UXTerm to get a good stable terminal session within the GUI | 18:11 |
Boscop | ah thx | 18:12 |
Boscop | wxl, phillw: but xterm seems to use a different clipboard than firefox? | 18:23 |
wxl | Boscop: have you used linux before? | 18:23 |
Boscop | yes | 18:23 |
wxl | ok then hopefully you know there are three clipboards, right? | 18:23 |
Boscop | but i can't paste in firefox what i copied in xterm | 18:23 |
Boscop | no | 18:23 |
wxl | well there ya go :) | 18:24 |
Boscop | what is the third? | 18:24 |
wxl | well the third rarely gets used so we can kind of ignore that | 18:24 |
wxl | but there ARE three | 18:24 |
wxl | try going to firefox and using shift-insert | 18:24 |
ianorlin | also shift+insert is the same clipboard as the middle mouse button right? | 18:26 |
wxl | yes | 18:26 |
Boscop | i tried that | 18:26 |
wxl | neither worked? | 18:26 |
Boscop | hm, it doesn't even seem to copy stuff | 18:27 |
wxl | if it didn't work, you probably didn't copy right from uxterm | 18:27 |
Boscop | before, it auto copied stuff that i selected | 18:27 |
Boscop | but not anymore | 18:27 |
Boscop | how to copy? | 18:27 |
wxl | hm that is quite strange | 18:27 |
wxl | it should | 18:27 |
wxl | (btw all of these problems are SO MUCH EASIER with lxterminal) | 18:27 |
wxl | you could try ^c or shift^c | 18:28 |
wxl | but select should done it | 18:28 |
wxl | s/ne// | 18:28 |
Boscop | yeah, i installed it now | 18:29 |
ol_dude67 | what command is it to check my video for the right driver. i know its ati. just not sure which chip. | 21:15 |
ol_dude67 | hey i know, ask google. duh. | 21:16 |
BuntuTech | hi | 21:16 |
testdr | ol_dude67: check the output of lspci or use the tool hardinfo | 21:18 |
ol_dude67 | got it.now should i have a specific driver for a hd 4200? | 21:22 |
ianorlin | ol_dude67: intel hd4200 | 21:26 |
ianorlin | the intel open source one is used by default and is used by that | 21:26 |
ol_dude67 | better question, sorry been awhile since last using lubuntu. | 21:28 |
ol_dude67 | docs on getting vga and hdmi to play together better? | 21:29 |
ol_dude67 | with that driver on fresh install. | 21:29 |
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Julie7 | Hi! I installed Lubuntu for a family member before he went back home. Now he calls me and tells me that his computer shuts down every 90 minute (or so) with a loud "beeping sound" right before it happens. What could/would cause this? | 23:26 |
BuntuTech | ck power settings | 23:33 |
Julie7 | BuntuTech: What? | 23:33 |
BuntuTech | hi julie | 23:34 |
Julie7 | BuntuTech: Hi. | 23:34 |
Julie7 | What do you mean? | 23:34 |
BuntuTech | nvm i dont think there is a power setting in any OS that would do that | 23:35 |
Julie7 | BuntuTech: :( | 23:35 |
BuntuTech | my 1st thought is hardware problem | 23:35 |
Julie7 | BuntuTech: Oh, no. | 23:36 |
BuntuTech | for example-heat could cause that | 23:38 |
BuntuTech | computers will shut down if they get too hot | 23:40 |
BuntuTech | is it a laptop or desktop? | 23:40 |
BuntuTech | my gaming laptop started doing that too me a couple years ago when i was playing a particular game that used to work the livin heck out of my graphics card-i installed freee temerature monitor and sure enough my laptop was going over 180 degrees F...graphics card was even hotter-so i took off the back covers and blew t our with air-a srprising plume of dust came out. next-i bought a laptop cooler and placed it under my laptop-especially when | 23:45 |
BuntuTech | i played that game. luckily all my fans were till working and to this day that laptop is fine. i literally vaccuum it regularly and occasionaly take of the back covers and blow it out again. temps are normal now. | 23:45 |
BuntuTech | but honeslty it could be other issues too...im no expert | 23:46 |
BuntuTech | might ask in the hardware channel too | 23:46 |
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