belkinsa | mhall119_, is it too early to plan for the 15.04 UOS (as in the upcoming one in Nov)/ | 19:49 |
silverlion | the earlier I get the dates the more I could help ;) | 19:55 |
belkinsa | It's that week of Presidents Day for the US. So, that second week I ebelive. | 19:56 |
belkinsa | belive* | 19:56 |
belkinsa | Nov 12 to Nov 14 | 19:56 |
belkinsa | 2014 | 19:57 |
belkinsa | And when I mean plan, I mean just to get session ideas not time or blueprint ready. | 19:57 |
silverlion | well nov is quite busy for me :( so no joy from me | 20:02 |
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