Kilos | morning ThatGraemeGuy and others | 06:00 |
Kilos | hmm... | 07:06 |
Kilos | grrrr | 08:13 |
inetpro | Maaz: define grrr | 08:20 |
Maaz | inetpro: I don't have a definition for that. Is it even a word? | 08:20 |
inetpro | good mornings Kilos | 08:21 |
Kilos | lol hi inetpro | 08:21 |
inetpro | Kilos: why imitating the growling sound of predatory animals? | 08:22 |
Kilos | because of this disconnecting thing without showing | 08:22 |
inetpro | ai! | 08:22 |
Kilos | and the need to replug modem | 08:22 |
inetpro | cold this morning | 08:23 |
Kilos | no goog disconnect reconnect with nm , you have to physically unplug it | 08:23 |
Kilos | ya eina cold | 08:23 |
Kilos | it an internal thing i think | 08:23 |
inetpro | don't you use that router thingymagic? | 08:25 |
Kilos | nope that has a auto disconnect thing that cups whenever im afk | 08:25 |
Kilos | Maaz grr | 08:26 |
Maaz | grrr is a growling sound normally made by predatory animals, but , also used by angry humans at times | 08:26 |
Kilos | starngely enough the disconnecting is worse on kde | 08:28 |
Kilos | strangly | 08:28 |
Kilos | ai! | 08:28 |
Kilos | strangely | 08:28 |
Kilos | maybe its a sign to stick with unity hehe | 08:29 |
inetpro | sell a sheep and get a proper router man | 08:46 |
Kilos | no man whats wrong with modem into pc? | 08:49 |
Kilos | i even got a new usb extension for it | 08:49 |
Kilos | so no bridge thing needed | 08:50 |
bushtech_ | Last time lightning nailed us the spike travelled alonf the lan cables, good enough reason for me to go wifi router | 08:50 |
Kilos | whew | 08:51 |
bushtech_ | at least now it will only fry router | 08:51 |
bushtech_ | cant wait for it to happen | 08:51 |
Kilos | my only physiacl connection is power | 08:51 |
Kilos | physical | 08:52 |
bushtech_ | crap huawei router | 08:52 |
Kilos | my router can work but its just that much more to worry about | 08:54 |
Kilos | on 10.10 it worked fine with the dhcp thingie | 08:55 |
Kilos | the pro always said get a decent modem | 08:56 |
Kilos | so i got one and battled to get it to work on 12.04 | 08:56 |
Kilos | on 14.04 it works so yay | 08:57 |
Kilos | now he wants me to buy a proper router | 08:57 |
Kilos | sigh | 08:57 |
inetpro | Kilos: how are your sheep doing this year? | 08:58 |
Kilos | got 2 lambs that seem to be growing well, but well see what bugs get them | 08:59 |
Kilos | havent had luck with sheep since that time when they stole half of them | 08:59 |
inetpro | hmm... | 08:59 |
Kilos | ewes are old now so only one is getting preggy | 08:59 |
inetpro | ai! | 09:00 |
Kilos | ya | 09:00 |
inetpro | Kilos: how old are they? | 09:06 |
Kilos | well one i brought up with me from natal | 09:13 |
Kilos | so must be 10 or more | 09:13 |
Kilos | i forget | 09:13 |
Kilos | we should eat them but then there are none walking around for inspectors to see then rates go up | 09:14 |
Kilos | those 7 they stole were all preggy ewes, just so someone had sheep for christmas | 09:15 |
inetpro | sjoe | 09:15 |
bushtech_ | Ouch! | 09:16 |
Kilos | thats maybe 3 years ago i think, so their lambs would be on their second lamb by now | 09:16 |
Kilos | we only got 3 ewes left now and one new lamb is a ewe | 09:17 |
bushtech_ | do they sleep in a building? | 09:17 |
Kilos | in a steel kraal with roof overhead | 09:18 |
Kilos | steel kinda mesh | 09:18 |
Kilos | but they broke into locked shed for all the copper they could find anyway | 09:19 |
Kilos | sheds | 09:19 |
bushtech_ | Eish! | 09:19 |
Kilos | nothing is safe | 09:19 |
bushtech_ | fraid not | 09:20 |
Kilos | all welder cables and extensions gone | 09:20 |
bushtech_ | That's SA, sad to say | 09:21 |
bushtech_ | what helps, is if your security is better than neighbours | 09:22 |
Kilos | but the main thief broke into the wrong house near here and a nervous wife put 2 bullets through his head | 09:22 |
bushtech_ | give that woman a Bell's :) | 09:23 |
Kilos | lol | 09:23 |
Kilos | so we have had 3 years of piece | 09:23 |
Kilos | or 2 | 09:24 |
bushtech_ | peace brother | 09:24 |
Kilos | i used to have to check boundary fences everyday because he used to just cut shorcuts evry night | 09:24 |
Kilos | oh ya that peace | 09:25 |
bushtech_ | put a continuity tester over one strand, then at least you can check without walking the fence every day | 09:26 |
Kilos | nope man its doring draad | 09:27 |
Kilos | and that bonnex fencing | 09:27 |
bushtech_ | doring draad conducts | 09:27 |
Kilos | over 6 ft high around here where the kraal is too but that didnt stop them | 09:28 |
Kilos | ya but then you need insulators by all ysterpale and droppers | 09:28 |
Kilos | otherwise the one upcut strand will still give a reading | 09:29 |
bushtech_ | yep, you're right | 09:30 |
Kilos | i did electric fencing on a 2500 hectare farm near rustenburg | 09:33 |
Kilos | used the same as used for elephants but they still worked their way in | 09:34 |
Kilos | they just short them out | 09:34 |
Kilos | same as with car theft, half of them work with the firms that install all the security stuff so know the workarounds | 09:41 |
Kilos | hi gremble | 09:44 |
Kilos | haha inetpro just saw this | 09:55 |
Kilos | iburts offering that with the same router as mine | 09:56 |
Kilos | iburst | 09:57 |
* inetpro tried it long ago | 09:59 | |
inetpro | not worth it | 09:59 |
Kilos | lol | 09:59 |
inetpro | at least not here | 09:59 |
Kilos | ya man the point is its the same router | 10:00 |
inetpro | if their network was reliable and reception was good it would be a good deal | 10:03 |
Kilos | eish more eskom price hikes next year | 10:03 |
Kilos | 12.4% up | 10:03 |
gremble | hey Kilos | 10:04 |
Kilos | oops 12.7 % | 10:04 |
inetpro | all prices just keep going up but salaries stay low | 10:06 |
inetpro | don't know how people survive | 10:06 |
Kilos | met moete | 10:06 |
Kilos | moeite | 10:06 |
inetpro | brown bread was less than R3.00 in 2000 now in 2014 is above R10.00 | 10:10 |
Symmetria | inet heh be bankful you dont love in Kenya if you think things are expensive in za | 10:11 |
Symmetria | salaries here are typically lower, and prices are typically way way way higher | 10:12 |
inetpro | eish! | 10:12 |
Symmetria | (put it this way, if Im wanting to shop for a lot of clothes and other items, its cheaper for me to fly to south africa with 2 large empty suitcases, fill them up and fly back) | 10:12 |
inetpro | that's crazy | 10:13 |
Symmetria | heh, there are two types of food in kenya in terms of cost, your kinda staple items (chicken, beef, goat) and bread and milk, that stuff isn't that bad | 10:13 |
Symmetria | but if you want anything considered a "luxury" good luck, a tub of icecream here costs 1200 kenya shillings | 10:13 |
Symmetria | which is about 150 bux for 2 litres of ice cream | 10:14 |
Symmetria | want a cocktail in a bar? cost you anywhere from R65 - R100 for a cocktail | 10:14 |
Kilos | sjoe | 10:14 |
Symmetria | and haha, rent prices and property prices in kenya make parts of capetown look cheap | 10:15 |
Symmetria | by rent here for the house I stay in costs R38k ZAR a month, and believe me, I aint at the very high end of the market, thats kinda, mid to high end range | 10:16 |
Symmetria | wanna buy in a good area? you're looking at a starting price of around 8 to 10 million ZAR | 10:16 |
inetpro | what's the price of bread? | 10:16 |
Symmetria | hrm, probably about 100 - 150 shillings (so between 13 and 20 bux dependant on where) | 10:17 |
Symmetria | if my fiance and I go shopping for groceries which typically last 3 to 4 weeks, we're looking at a minimum of around 4 thousand rand | 10:18 |
inetpro | obviously what you earn is not what the average guy on the street earns | 10:20 |
Symmetria | I have no idea how people who are clearing after tax anywhere under around 30 thousand rand a month survive here | 10:20 |
Symmetria | no, nowhere close, and I have no idea how they make ends meet | 10:20 |
Symmetria | heh my electricity bill alone last month came to 2.7k ZAR | 10:21 |
inetpro | Cost of Living in Kenya | 10:22 |
Symmetria | Meal for 2, Mid-range Restaurant, Three-course2,000.00 KSh <=== hahahaha what fucking resturant is that :P maybe outside of Nairobi | 10:23 |
Symmetria | but sure as hell not in nairobi | 10:23 |
Symmetria | heh those prices may reflect nakuru or diani or lamu | 10:24 |
Symmetria | but they sure as hell do not reflect Nairobi at all | 10:24 |
Symmetria | 1 Pair of Jeans (Levis 501 Or Similar)3,128.82 KSh <=== and that is crap, I bought a pair of levi's here the other day, they cost 8k not 3.1k ;p | 10:24 |
Symmetria | Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre89,535.29 KSh <=== and no way in hell are you finding a 3 bedroom apartment in nairobi city centre for that, triple that maybe, you'll get that kinda price at the coast or in other towns, but NOT in nairobi | 10:25 |
inetpro | select your city | 10:25 |
inetpro | interesting database | 10:26 |
Symmetria | yeah but those prices for nairobi when I looked also dont reflect much reality | 10:27 |
Symmetria | Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre100,864.29 KSh | 10:27 |
Symmetria | you MAY be able to get something for that | 10:27 |
Symmetria | but it aint gonna be anything special | 10:27 |
Symmetria | and even that, convert that to rands | 10:28 |
Symmetria | thats 13k a month for an apartment | 10:28 |
Symmetria | my rent for a 3 bedroom apartment in capetown was like, half that in rondebosch ;p | 10:28 |
inetpro | I see you can edit and add your own pricing | 10:29 |
Symmetria | heh, look at the properly buy prices though there | 10:30 |
Symmetria | price per square meter to buy = 14.5k a square meter | 10:31 |
Symmetria | an average 3 bedroom apartment is what, 50 squares? | 10:31 |
Symmetria | so 725 thousand for a 3 bedroom (tiny) apartment | 10:31 |
Symmetria | heh inetpro | 10:34 |
Symmetria | look at this: | 10:34 |
Symmetria | | 10:34 |
Symmetria | divide by 8 to get approximate rand price | 10:35 |
Symmetria | so 50 to 60 bux for a burger | 10:35 |
Symmetria | single rack of ribs in a resturant (and you need 2 racks to be full) costs you R105, so double that if you want a decent meal | 10:36 |
inetpro | not far off from here | 10:36 |
ThatGraemeGuy | my local is R95 for a full rack that you can finish if you're really hungry and skip starters | 10:37 |
inetpro | you can't even get a burger in a restaurant below R60 these days | 10:37 |
ThatGraemeGuy | depends where you go, place around the corner from me has burger specials on monday and tuesday, R50 for 2 burgers with chips, and they're decent burgers too | 10:38 |
* inetpro hungry now | 10:40 | |
Symmetria | heh I had an engagement party the other day | 10:40 |
Symmetria | and because the girlfriend does events etc for a living, we had the thing catered for a heavily discounted price | 10:41 |
Symmetria | still cost R5500 for the food for 30 people | 10:41 |
Symmetria | (no booze) | 10:41 |
Symmetria | the only advantage of kenya is that in terms of internet access | 10:44 |
Symmetria | we're so far ahead of za here its not even a joke | 10:44 |
Symmetria | we're launching 40meg completely uncapped for under a thousand zar a month | 10:44 |
charl | Symmetria: south africa is something you want to compare to in any case | 11:20 |
charl | *not | 11:20 |
charl | it's one of the worst connected countries in the semi-developed world | 11:21 |
nlsthzn | uncle Kilos ... BIG game later... | 12:58 |
Kilos | yip nlsthzn and im watching cheetahs/wp atm | 12:59 |
Kilos | did the sharks play yesterday nl? | 13:00 |
nlsthzn | ah k... | 13:00 |
Kilos | nlsthzn | 13:00 |
nlsthzn | yes they played lions | 13:00 |
Kilos | score? | 13:00 |
nlsthzn | I am vanging gees here on my lonesome | 13:01 |
Kilos | i didnt even look | 13:01 |
Kilos | lol | 13:01 |
nlsthzn | the sharks just won... not sure of score | 13:01 |
Kilos | just won is good enough for me | 13:01 |
nlsthzn | :) | 13:01 |
Kilos | ty for thet info | 13:01 |
nlsthzn | bulls smashed puma's so I am happy | 13:01 |
Kilos | yay | 13:01 |
nlsthzn | hope duan is fit to play... | 13:01 |
Kilos | oh havent they announced yet on his condition | 13:02 |
Kilos | been talk of it all week in the news | 13:02 |
Kilos | but final decide is just before match i spose | 13:02 |
nlsthzn | as far as I can see | 13:03 |
nlsthzn | we need thor :) | 13:03 |
Kilos | we need something | 13:04 |
Kilos | havent beaten them for a long time now | 13:04 |
Kilos | i go fetch sheep so i can park in game time | 13:05 |
nlsthzn | k, :) | 13:06 |
nlsthzn | one song I am trying to get and it seems I will have to buy a six disc set to get it >.< - tata tata haka haka by leon schuster | 13:08 |
Kilos | lol | 13:11 |
nlsthzn | :D | 14:16 |
nlsthzn | Kilos, this refs mom was a man | 15:30 |
Kilos | lol | 15:30 |
nlsthzn | comments uncle Kilos ? | 15:50 |
Kilos | at least we ahead at half time | 15:58 |
nlsthzn | speechless uncle Kilos ? | 15:58 |
nlsthzn | :p | 15:58 |
nlsthzn | ah there you are :D | 15:58 |
Kilos | my boet is just leaving, last visit, tomorrow flys to dubai | 15:58 |
nlsthzn | at least ahead... I have a good feeling about this game... ellis park last 20 always in our favour | 15:58 |
nlsthzn | tell boet his timing sucks | 15:58 |
Kilos | lol | 15:58 |
Kilos | but we are playing much better nlsthzn | 16:00 |
nlsthzn | yup :D | 16:00 |
Kilos | i didnt understans some of the refs decision but ya | 16:00 |
Kilos | understand | 16:00 |
Kilos | tara is jumping for joy | 16:01 |
Kilos | oh my | 16:06 |
Kilos | boks are alive today | 16:06 |
Kilos | pale toe | 16:15 |
Kilos | duan doing well nlsthzn | 16:15 |
nlsthzn | bokke! :d | 16:23 |
nlsthzn | this fkn reff | 16:25 |
nlsthzn | and tmo | 16:25 |
Kilos | eish | 16:39 |
nlsthzn | I dunno | 16:40 |
nlsthzn | >.< | 16:40 |
Kilos | something has gone wrong with the changes | 16:40 |
Kilos | someone not pulling his weight | 16:41 |
Kilos | lambie | 16:54 |
Kilos | great kick | 16:54 |
Kilos | very tense ending | 16:55 |
nlsthzn | :D | 16:56 |
Kilos | at last | 16:57 |
charl | hi smile | 17:05 |
smile | hi :) | 17:05 |
charl | and good evening to everyone | 17:05 |
smile | since when does chatzilla support notifications? :o | 17:05 |
nlsthzn | can't believe we faded at the end... | 17:05 |
nlsthzn | that is what cost the aussies last week-end | 17:05 |
Kilos | ya | 17:05 |
nlsthzn | since the bokke won | 17:05 |
nlsthzn | :p | 17:05 |
charl | smile: do you like house music | 17:05 |
Kilos | hi charl smile | 17:06 |
charl | hi Kilos :) | 17:06 |
smile | charl: not particulary :p | 17:06 |
charl | ate a great pasta tonight, italian durum wheat pasta with basil pesto, rucola, olive oil and hemp seed | 17:07 |
charl | i should do this more often | 17:07 |
charl | smile: is house also popular in belgium as it is in NL ? | 17:08 |
charl | it's the only good music that ever came out of NL, traditional dutch music is HORRIBLY bad | 17:08 |
charl | cringeworthy at best | 17:08 |
Kilos | lol | 17:08 |
smile | I don't think it is over here, charl :p | 17:08 |
charl | ah interesting | 17:08 |
charl | what do belgians listen to ? | 17:09 |
smile | or or ;) | 17:10 |
charl | ok i need to listen to it | 17:10 |
charl | btw, i've been to antwerpen again last week | 17:10 |
smile | without notice? :o | 17:11 |
charl | yeah it was impromptu | 17:11 |
charl | it's been almost two years | 17:11 |
charl | but i ate really good waffles | 17:11 |
* smile is jealous now | 17:11 | |
charl | i also went to the waffle factory and had a three cheeses waffle | 17:11 |
smile | which factory? :p | 17:11 |
charl | lemme get the link | 17:11 |
charl | | 17:12 |
charl | i had the "3 fromages" i think | 17:13 |
charl | there is a big church with a tall tower and it was right next to it | 17:14 |
charl | brb | 17:14 |
smile | nice, nice ;) | 17:16 |
charl | back | 17:24 |
charl | are you going to any conferences the coming season ? fosdem / 21c3 etc? | 17:25 |
charl | *31c3 i mean | 17:27 |
smile | charl: nope :p | 17:31 |
charl | i really do want to go to fosdem | 17:33 |
charl | i'm thinking of 31c3 too because it's close for me | 17:33 |
charl | hamburg is about 2 hours on the train i think | 17:33 |
charl | nah it's a bit longer i see, 3 hours | 17:36 |
smile | brussels! :p | 17:45 |
smile | when is fosdem :p | 17:46 |
nlsthzn | watching a wedding being live streamed :p | 17:46 |
nlsthzn | | 17:46 |
nlsthzn | :p | 17:46 |
charl | smile: yeah it's close for you, it's february sometime | 18:24 |
charl | i want to try and organise it with my work where more of us go | 18:24 |
charl | it's a free event, train tickets are not that expensive | 18:24 |
charl | it's just the issue of a hotel, unless we do a classic "bliksembezoek" and do it in a day | 18:24 |
charl | leave early morning and come back on the train in the evening | 18:24 |
smile | charl: I want to be at fosdem if I can, but I don't know yet | 18:24 |
smile | february is a long time :p | 18:24 |
charl | but then we can only do the one or the other day, not both probably | 18:24 |
charl | ah 31 january and 1 february | 18:25 |
charl | saturday and sunday | 18:25 |
smile | Don't know yet about exams :p | 18:32 |
Kilos | night all. sleep tight | 18:34 |
smile | bye! :) | 18:47 |
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