Bonzo | I believe it was wpa | 00:00 |
Bonzo | not there now, just trying to get this working before I go back =p | 00:00 |
akkku | hmm, wpa or wpa2? | 00:00 |
Bonzo | if I can make it work in the VMware I'm good with that. | 00:00 |
akkku | coz with wpa2 u can only brute force afaik | 00:00 |
Bonzo | just wap | 00:00 |
Bonzo | wpa | 00:00 |
akkku | so your f***ed | 00:00 |
akkku | wpa u can crack | 00:00 |
akkku | try cain | 00:01 |
daftykins | keep it family friendly thanks guys | 00:01 |
akkku | i dunno there are so many distros now... | 00:01 |
akkku | hey daftykins what distro are u on? | 00:01 |
Bonzo | Maybe we should go create a channel to find help where no one else is. Maybe that would be productive daftykins ? | 00:01 |
akkku | :-D | 00:02 |
Bonzo | I mean, thats what he suggested I do. I thought maybe he was offering legitimate help. | 00:02 |
akkku | not kicked yet... | 00:03 |
akkku | ? | 00:03 |
akkku | dafty? | 00:03 |
daftykins | :) | 00:03 |
igno818 | distro? | 00:03 |
Bonzo | Pretty sure he's just a troll =) | 00:03 |
Bonzo | and oh lord, caine is italian lol | 00:04 |
akkku | ok back to business | 00:04 |
akkku | fuck yeah | 00:04 |
daftykins | igno818: 'Linux distribution' | 00:04 |
daftykins | i.e. Ubuntu, debian, etc | 00:04 |
igno818 | you | 00:04 |
akkku | but which one? | 00:04 |
akkku | coz for me most ubuntus were released to early | 00:05 |
rafase282 | Hello, I need help with syncing music to my android device | 00:05 |
rafase282 | I though the default music app in ubuntu would recognized my Oneplus one, but it doesnt | 00:05 |
akkku | My name is ubuntu: How can I help you? | 00:05 |
rafase282 | Is there a way to copy my music other than manually coping the directories? | 00:05 |
ashley01 | hello | 00:06 |
daftykins | you might be able to find a media player that supports synchronising some, but really file based is the easiest way | 00:06 |
akkku | bonzoooooooooo | 00:06 |
CrazyM4n | How long does the ubuntu install take? I have like 20 minutes | 00:06 |
akkku | status update | 00:06 |
akkku | :-) | 00:06 |
Bonzo | looking at caine =p | 00:06 |
daftykins | CrazyM4n: that can depend on far too many factors to answer reliably | 00:06 |
CrazyM4n | On a high end gaming computer | 00:06 |
Bonzo | have a favorite multibootloader you like to use? | 00:07 |
CrazyM4n | With 2 SSDs to format | 00:07 |
ashley01 | I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask my question, because it involves both Ubuntu 14.04 and a game called OpenTTD (but the question is not about gameplay, it is performance related) | 00:07 |
Wulframn | CrazyM4n: depends, but twenty to thirty minutes sounds about right in my experience. | 00:07 |
rafase282 | I tried file base but some directories were the same other than the case sensitive and I had to check often and some wouldnt copy | 00:07 |
CrazyM4n | Sounds ok | 00:07 |
Bonzo | I've used so many without luck in the last day | 00:07 |
CrazyM4n | Welp, here goes nothing | 00:07 |
Wulframn | CrazyM4n: How big are the drives? | 00:07 |
CrazyM4n | 256 GB each | 00:07 |
akkku | hey u sure your wifi supports promisc mode? | 00:07 |
Bonzo | no? | 00:07 |
CrazyM4n | Just doing the one last look over | 00:08 |
akkku | whats the chipset? | 00:08 |
CrazyM4n | Making sure I didn´t forget to back anything up | 00:08 |
akkku | lspci? | 00:08 |
Wulframn | CrazyM4n: I can't tell you for sure, but I'd gamble on at least thirty minutes. | 00:08 |
akkku | coz many do not | 00:08 |
akkku | most of them | 00:08 |
CrazyM4n | Any good streaming software on ubuntu? | 00:08 |
akkku | | 00:09 |
CrazyM4n | Like, for | 00:09 |
CrazyM4n | lol | 00:09 |
Bonzo | You know I'm not even sure | 00:09 |
daftykins | CrazyM4n: just browse the software centre once you get there | 00:09 |
akkku | yeah u need promisc or your fucked | 00:09 |
Wulframn | !gtfo | akkku | 00:09 |
ubottu | akkku: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 00:09 |
akkku | OMG | 00:09 |
Bonzo | what is promisc? | 00:09 |
akkku | keep getting warnings | 00:09 |
akkku | promisciôus ode | 00:10 |
akkku | mode | 00:10 |
Bonzo | oh | 00:10 |
akkku | like to listen | 00:10 |
Bonzo | yeah gotcha | 00:10 |
akkku | need full access on the interface | 00:10 |
CrazyM4n | Is all that pulseaudio buisness sorted out? | 00:10 |
akkku | and most shitty realtek do not | 00:10 |
Wulframn | akkku: please calm yourself and stay on topic. | 00:10 |
daftykins | Wulframn: careful, those two consider themselves above the rules. | 00:10 |
akkku | ? | 00:11 |
Wulframn | daftykins: is that the color of it tonight? Who is the other? | 00:11 |
akkku | we're talking about realtek mr blockwart | 00:11 |
CrazyM4n | Well, I´m actually shutting down my computer to switch to ubuntu now. I´m actually pretty nervous | 00:11 |
CrazyM4n | Tally-ho! | 00:11 |
akkku | no need to panic | 00:12 |
=== night-owl2 is now known as night-owl | ||
Wulframn | He'll be fine. | 00:12 |
akkku | yo bonzo whats up? | 00:12 |
akkku | :-D | 00:12 |
akkku | got it working? | 00:12 |
Bonzo | Is talking about other people subjectively and in general trying to hinder their ability to reach a common goal also against the rules? | 00:13 |
Bonzo | If so you are in total violation daftykins | 00:13 |
ashley01 | I have a problem with OpenTTD: when I expand the window: my performance starts to drop, especially at fullscreen. I have a Radeon 7950. | 00:14 |
Wulframn | Bonzo: please remain on topic. | 00:14 |
ashley01 | I hope this is the right place to get help. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 | 00:14 |
Wulframn | ashley01: this is the correct location. | 00:14 |
Bonzo | I'm trying to find my wireless card atm in bios...I think I'm gonna have to boot up windows to find it first. | 00:14 |
akkku | u did lspci and nothing? | 00:15 |
akkku | is it usb or pci? | 00:15 |
Bonzo | pci | 00:15 |
akkku | lscpi -vv? | 00:15 |
Bonzo | and haven't done that yet, gotta get back to vmware =p | 00:15 |
akkku | pfff | 00:15 |
akkku | vmware | 00:15 |
akkku | fuck it | 00:15 |
Wulframn | !language | akkku | 00:16 |
ubottu | akkku: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 00:16 |
akkku | SORRRYYYY | 00:16 |
akkku | normal it language :-) | 00:16 |
ashley01 | Wulframn: Can you help me with my problem at all? | 00:17 |
akkku | i dont like vmware | 00:17 |
akkku | i dont live oracle | 00:17 |
Wulframn | !ask | ashley01 | 00:17 |
ubottu | ashley01: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 00:17 |
akkku | i dont like anything | 00:17 |
ashley01 | Wulframn: I did ask it, I dont know if you noticed though | 00:17 |
Bonzo | grumpy cat | 00:17 |
Bonzo | at anyrate | 00:17 |
Wulframn | ashley01: One moment while I scroll up | 00:17 |
Bonzo | I typed iscpi in terminal, doesn't recognize the cmmd | 00:18 |
akkku | who is ashley? | 00:18 |
Wulframn | ashley01: which driver are you using? | 00:18 |
akkku | Bonzo: lspci -vv | 00:18 |
akkku | then copy/paste in here | 00:18 |
daftykins | ashley01: you might as well repeat it, i didn't see it either | 00:18 |
ashley01 | I have a problem with OpenTTD: when I expand the window my performance starts to drop significantly. | 00:18 |
Bonzo | here lazy bum ashley01> I have a problem with OpenTTD: when I expand the window: my performance starts to drop, especially at fullscreen. I have a Radeon 7950. | 00:19 |
CrazyM4n | Everything seems to be in working order so far, except for the whole black screen instead of letting me try it | 00:19 |
akkku | yo bonzo buy a playstation! | 00:19 |
daftykins | !nomodeset | CrazyM4n | 00:20 |
ubottu | CrazyM4n: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 00:20 |
daftykins | ashley01: which graphics driver are you using? | 00:20 |
ashley01 | I don't know how to check | 00:21 |
ashley01 | is there a command I can type into the terminal? | 00:21 |
CrazyM4n | Thanks for that, but after like 5 minutes of idling it loaded | 00:21 |
Wulframn | ashley01: System Settings > Additional Drivers | 00:21 |
daftykins | CrazyM4n: are you using USB or DVD? | 00:22 |
ashley01 | I don't have an option for 'additional drivers' | 00:22 |
akkku | Bonzo: Radeons have crappy support | 00:22 |
CrazyM4n | DVD like an idiot | 00:22 |
Bonzo | lol yes they do | 00:22 |
akkku | fglrx sucks badly | 00:22 |
CrazyM4n | Accidentally clicked the amazon button, froze the whole desktop | 00:22 |
daftykins | ashley01: install pastebinit then run "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" | 00:22 |
squinty | asher1: look in Software and Updates there is a tab there | 00:22 |
Bonzo | hmmm vm isnt transfering my clip board now | 00:23 |
CrazyM4n | Does reisub work on the live boot? everything is frozen | 00:23 |
akkku | you're fucked :-D | 00:23 |
ashley01 | oh ok, it is searching for additional drivers now | 00:23 |
ashley01 | "this device is using the recommended driver" | 00:23 |
daftykins | which is...? | 00:23 |
CrazyM4n | Hopefully I didn't corrupt the DVD or something | 00:23 |
Wulframn | ashley01: Hang on, I'm logging into my computer. (I'm on my phone now) | 00:24 |
ashley01 | X server | 00:24 |
ashley01 | I don't know what that means at all | 00:24 |
daftykins | it should mention something about radeon, fglrx... | 00:25 |
ashley01 | daftykins: it gives me 3 options, according to this I am using the open source option | 00:25 |
ashley01 | it does say AMD/ATI display driver wrapper (they all do) | 00:25 |
ashley01 | oh wait, they all don't say that | 00:25 |
ashley01 | but they say something similar to that | 00:26 |
akkku | Bonzo: I'm in urgent need of some useless smalltalk: | 00:26 |
akkku | Where are u from? | 00:26 |
Bonzo | sorry daughter distracting | 00:26 |
Bonzo | Indianapolis | 00:26 |
akkku | how old is she? | 00:26 |
Bonzo | 6 | 00:26 |
akkku | fuck mine is 3 | 00:26 |
akkku | lucky man! | 00:27 |
ashley01 | I am using the driver from xserver-xorg-video-ati, the other 2 (proprietary) are from fglrx and fglrx-updates | 00:27 |
Bonzo | lol I wish she was still 3 | 00:27 |
akkku | wtf???? | 00:27 |
akkku | super tiring at 3 | 00:27 |
Bonzo | true | 00:27 |
Bonzo | but then you have to deal with real issues | 00:27 |
Bonzo | lol | 00:27 |
akkku | LOL | 00:27 |
akkku | welll wait 10years | 00:27 |
akkku | then we laugh | 00:28 |
Bonzo | =) | 00:28 |
daftykins | ashley01: yep, so you can give either of the other two a go and see how you get on. | 00:28 |
Bonzo | you were wanting to know what chipset my wlan card was right? | 00:28 |
ashley01 | daftykins: do people often recommend the proprietary drivers over open source? I would have thought it would be better the other way around | 00:29 |
rredd4 | Bono askku just wait till they are teenagers. Enjoy them while they are young | 00:29 |
akkku | So status checl: IRC Nazis any news? :-) | 00:29 |
rredd4 | I have a teen | 00:29 |
CrazyM4n | Just to be 100% certain: Ubuntu works well with formatting SSDs correct? | 00:29 |
CrazyM4n | I just don't want to screw anything over too bad ;) | 00:29 |
akkku | yes | 00:30 |
akkku | no alignment needed anymore | 00:30 |
akkku | time are over | 00:30 |
Bonzo | really? omg very nice lol | 00:30 |
akkku | FU | 00:30 |
daftykins | ashley01: when graphics card companies don't work with developers on Linux, the cards tend to perform better with proprietary drivers. | 00:31 |
ashley01 | fair enough, I'll try out the proprietary ones | 00:31 |
Bonzo | that lspci cmd gave me like pages of crap | 00:31 |
akkku | hen graphics card companies don't work with developers on Linux, the cards tend to perform better with proprietary drivers. | 00:31 |
akkku | ??????? | 00:31 |
akkku | daftykins: what do u mean? | 00:32 |
ashley01 | akkku, he was responding to me | 00:32 |
akkku | i apologise | 00:32 |
ashley01 | you are forgiven my child | 00:32 |
CrazyM4n | So if I tell it to replace windows 7 with ubuntu | 00:32 |
CrazyM4n | Will it install on the correct drive | 00:33 |
CrazyM4n | Where win7 used to be? | 00:33 |
daftykins | CrazyM4n: use 'something else' to do it manually if you're not sure | 00:33 |
ashley01 | CrazyM4n, you should get an option to install it alongside your current OS (1st option), an option to install it over and use up the whole drive (2nd option), and an option to do it all manually (3rd option) | 00:34 |
ashley01 | you get this with Ubuntu 14.04 | 00:34 |
CrazyM4n | I did the second | 00:34 |
ashley01 | same as me, I only use Ubuntu these days and I love it! | 00:35 |
ashley01 | minus the adware/spyware | 00:35 |
akkku | when its raining outside, the headphones are loud... | 00:35 |
daftykins | there... isn't adware or spyware. | 00:36 |
ashley01 | I might use Debian one day when I get 'good' enough at using this | 00:36 |
ashley01 | sorry daftykins, but I don't like how they included the amazon stuff | 00:36 |
daftykins | it can be turned off | 00:36 |
ashley01 | I know, i did the whole script | 00:37 |
ashley01 | and disabled the online searching | 00:37 |
CrazyM4n | That was weird, I agree | 00:37 |
CrazyM4n | Why did they add bloatware? | 00:37 |
daftykins | yeah, weird choices, maybe they get funding from it. no idea. | 00:37 |
ashley01 | I suppose I shouldn't call it adware/spyware | 00:37 |
Bonzo | $$$ | 00:37 |
daftykins | ashley01: it is inaccurate | 00:37 |
ashley01 | maybe it is best I call it bloatware | 00:37 |
ashley01 | or "uninstall-ware" | 00:37 |
ashley01 | practice your uninstalling skills! | 00:38 |
daftykins | i'd call it an undesirable feature | 00:38 |
ashley01 | but I love the OS nonetheless, I don't use windows anymore | 00:38 |
rredd4 | Don'tWant-ware | 00:38 |
ashley01 | rredd4 knows what it's all about | 00:38 |
rredd4 | I do not like win doze. | 00:39 |
akkku | nor do i | 00:39 |
ashley01 | btw daftkykins, thanks for helping me out (I don't know if this will work yet because it is taking a very long time to apply these new gpu drivers) | 00:39 |
akkku | no prob | 00:39 |
ashley01 | does this channel have some sort of reputation system where I can give you a point or something? | 00:39 |
guest28798 | The computer is not with me atm but I need a soln I can use when I get in front of it again. I have an HP Pavillion dv6000 (circa 2007) that I would like to install ubuntu 14 on. | 00:39 |
guest28798 | This --> <-- describes the problem somewhat (for me neither the touchpad nor the mouse work beginning at the screen where you choose to try or to install ubuntu). | 00:39 |
guest28798 | The soln shown at that link pertains to an earlier release of ubuntu and things have now moved to gsettings I hear. Can someone provide a soln that will work for ubuntu 14? | 00:39 |
guest28798 | sorry so much | 00:39 |
akkku | bonzoooo tio estas ahi? | 00:40 |
guest28798 | I'm hoping that I can use a usb keyboard to get some input to do the install and to perform whatever soln needs be done to fix the problem. | 00:41 |
daftykins | ashley01: nah, i survive on the warm fuzzy feelings alone. but for that you have to let me know the result! :) | 00:41 |
Bonzo | check pm akkku | 00:41 |
ashley01 | I will let you know, gonna be afk but I will stay in the channel while this installs | 00:41 |
CrazyM4n | Ubuntu feels like a cult | 00:42 |
CrazyM4n | It's funny | 00:42 |
daftykins | i can't think how you'd get that idea, but this channel isn't for your ideas to be shared, CrazyM4n | 00:42 |
CrazyM4n | Well | 00:42 |
CrazyM4n | I was going to get to a point | 00:42 |
CrazyM4n | And that is is that it's nice that there is so many resources that are specific to Ubuntu | 00:43 |
trip_ | has anyone successfully run AMD and Nvidia video cards at the same time? The drivers seem to be stepping all over each other | 00:49 |
daftykins | i would not even consider it worthy of an attempt :) | 00:49 |
daftykins | trip_: from what i understand they are far too conflicting, why are you trying? | 00:50 |
trip_ | i have extra cards, figured it would be an interesting experiment. Didn't realize how frustrating it would be | 00:51 |
daftykins | yeah, don't waste your time i'd say | 00:51 |
trip_ | thx | 00:52 |
* HastaLavista is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 1 minutes | 00:53 | |
daftykins | HastaLavista: please disable that auto away message in this channel | 00:54 |
HastaLavista | daftykins : why? | 00:55 |
daftykins | because it's annoying | 00:55 |
guest28798 | Is there anyone here that can show me how to install ubuntu 14 on an hp dv6 from 2007? Neither the keyboard nor the mouse work starting right at the installation | 00:56 |
WodgeyD | hi everybody. Can anyone help me with DRBL question please? | 00:58 |
guest28798 | I have to go eat - back in 30 or 40 min | 01:00 |
owen1 | how to tell ubuntu not to start a service on boot (using the terminal)? | 01:02 |
owen1 | (mongodb/postgres etc) | 01:02 |
ashley01 | daftykins: unfortunately I am still getting the performance drop when I expand the OpenTTD window | 01:04 |
CrazyM4n | 2 questions: How can I make my mouse sensitivity lower than the lowest | 01:04 |
CrazyM4n | And 2: Why is dragging windows so laggy? Do I have to switch to KDE already? :P | 01:05 |
ashley01 | there are 2 proprietary drivers available for my radeon 7950: fglrx and fglrx-updates. I am using the former of the two. | 01:05 |
ashley01 | I am also using Unity, but I like this desktop manager and want to stick with it. | 01:06 |
daftykins | ashley01: likely the composited desktop is hindering the performance. | 01:06 |
CrazyM4n | Okay, so I'll get a new WM | 01:07 |
daftykins | ashley01: you can install and run "glxgears" as a very basic performance metric to gauge between the drivers | 01:07 |
CrazyM4n | err, you're not talking to me, lol | 01:07 |
daftykins | the names give it away | 01:07 |
daftykins | ashley01: run it now, try the fglrx-updates and run it with that driver, then you could also revert and compare with 'radeon' | 01:07 |
CrazyM4n | How can I change the sound settings? I haven't used ubuntu in like a year :c | 01:07 |
CrazyM4n | found them | 01:08 |
daftykins | CrazyM4n: what's your graphics card? | 01:08 |
CrazyM4n | It's some nvidia card | 01:08 |
ashley01 | I will install the mesa-utils package (includes glxgears) and try it out | 01:08 |
CrazyM4n | GTX 650 Ti I think | 01:08 |
CrazyM4n | Where do I get the drivers? | 01:08 |
daftykins | CrazyM4n: additional drivers | 01:09 |
daftykins | ashley01: you can help CrazyM4n find the place? ;) | 01:09 |
CrazyM4n | lol | 01:09 |
CrazyM4n | got it | 01:10 |
CrazyM4n | seirously though, how do I make the mouse sensitivity lower | 01:10 |
CrazyM4n | is there a console command that I can stick in the x init file? | 01:11 |
CrazyM4n | err | 01:11 |
CrazyM4n | terminal, or whatever you call it | 01:11 |
ashley01 | oddly enough, glxgears isn't showing a significant change in FPS when I run OpenTTD in fullscreen, yet I can see the game is going slower than usual and mouse movement also slows down when the window is active | 01:11 |
daftykins | ashley01: no the idea is just to run it in each of the drivers and compare the framerate it spits out | 01:11 |
daftykins | not run the game at the same time | 01:12 |
Aldryk | After one of the regular updates to my 14.04 ubuntu, my session would no longer start. Anyone here might have run by the same problem? | 01:12 |
CrazyM4n | found it | 01:12 |
ashley01 | oh ok, I am getting approx 300 FPS with the proprietary drivers | 01:12 |
ashley01 | oops | 01:12 |
ashley01 | not 300 FPS | 01:12 |
ashley01 | 300 in 5 seconds | 01:12 |
ashley01 | 60 FPS | 01:12 |
daftykins | sounds like vsync | 01:12 |
ashley01 | I am looking for an option to disable vsync in OpenTTD, it looks like it doesn't have one though | 01:15 |
ashley01 | what is the name of that bot in this channel that suggests channels? | 01:15 |
bitraten3 | hi, how can i list all installed packages, which are not in main? | 01:16 |
daftykins | ashley01: it's not a bot in the channel, it's a network thing | 01:16 |
daftykins | !alis | 01:16 |
ubottu | alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 01:16 |
daftykins | ashley01: again, vsync won't affect your game, it'll affect glxgear's result | 01:16 |
ashley01 | oh ok | 01:16 |
daftykins | vertical sync is preventing the graphics card from pushing out more frames per second than your display's refresh rate | 01:17 |
daftykins | e.g. 60Hz on an LCD = 60 frames per second, when vsync is on | 01:17 |
ashley01 | understood | 01:17 |
CrazyM4n | Where is the file? | 01:17 |
daftykins | xorg.conf? it hasn't been used in years | 01:18 |
daftykins | what are you trying to achieve? | 01:18 |
CrazyM4n | Really? | 01:18 |
CrazyM4n | It hasn't? | 01:18 |
CrazyM4n | Because that's what I always used to use | 01:18 |
daftykins | yeah, everythings auto detect now | 01:18 |
CrazyM4n | I just want to make my mouse slow down through a command on startup | 01:18 |
ashley01 | only 1 person in #openttd :( | 01:18 |
ashley01 | probably afk as well | 01:18 |
CrazyM4n | Is there an sh script I can put that in? | 01:18 |
ashley01 | oops, ##openttd i mean, not sure why it has 2 # | 01:19 |
daftykins | CrazyM4n: you linked to the guide to do your mouse adjustment yourself, it tells all | 01:19 |
owen1 | is 'sudo update-rc.d -f mysql remove' the recommended way to stop a service from starting on boot? | 01:19 |
daftykins | ashley01: that means it's unofficial | 01:19 |
CrazyM4n | It doesn't say where to put it | 01:19 |
CrazyM4n | Other than xorg.conf | 01:19 |
daftykins | owen1: sounds right | 01:19 |
daftykins | CrazyM4n: i see the full path on the page :) | 01:19 |
owen1 | daftykins: thanks | 01:20 |
thoonai | heyho, some tip which actual compact digital camera I can use as webcam? | 01:20 |
CrazyM4n | Me too, but I still don't know why we don't use xorg.conf anymore? | 01:20 |
daftykins | pro tip - don't do new things with Linux if it's late night your time | 01:20 |
daftykins | thoonai: i'd be genuinely surprised if ANY camera can work like that | 01:20 |
daftykins | CrazyM4n: argh, because everything is auto detect as i just said! | 01:20 |
owen1 | daftykins: and how do i check what services are suppose to start on boot? | 01:20 |
daftykins | CrazyM4n: you can still create one, just don't try and put in any graphics driver settings etc. | 01:21 |
daftykins | owen1: no idea. | 01:21 |
CrazyM4n | daftykins: oh. it's too late for linux. and it's only 6 | 01:21 |
owen1 | daftykins: np. thanks | 01:21 |
CrazyM4n | argh the case-sensitive directories | 01:22 |
cellopin | hi guys, how can I add this using the software sources? | 01:22 |
cellopin | I'm not sure about the format of the ppa | 01:22 |
Rohan7 | tst rock | 01:23 |
Rohan7 | Morning peoples! | 01:23 |
CrazyM4n | xorg.conf isn't what I want... I just want a sh file that runs on startup | 01:24 |
CrazyM4n | Is that too much to ask? D: | 01:24 |
daftykins | CrazyM4n: it is when you're not clear about what you're after | 01:24 |
daftykins | !ppa | cellopin | 01:24 |
ubottu | cellopin: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 01:24 |
cellopin | nvm, its on #Adding this PPA to your system section :) | 01:24 |
CrazyM4n | Literally just that | 01:24 |
daftykins | cellopin: heh ;) | 01:25 |
CrazyM4n | I want to run xinput --set-prop 8 "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 5 on startup | 01:25 |
CrazyM4n | What's the easiest way to do that? | 01:25 |
ashley01 | I have just noticed the Ubuntu Software Centre has an older version of OpenTTD | 01:25 |
ashley01 | this might be the problem, might. | 01:26 |
_unreal_ | ppa's at your own risk, hehe sounds like a CIG warning. hehe | 01:26 |
daftykins | i don't have an answer for you, but there's nothing wrong with that xorg.conf method | 01:26 |
_unreal_ | ashley01, it does or your computer does? | 01:26 |
cellopin | !addppa | 01:26 |
ubottu | A !ppa can be added using a single command « sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See for more details | 01:26 |
daftykins | ashley01: sincerely doubt it | 01:26 |
pavlos | CrazyM4n, add it to /etc/rc.local | 01:27 |
damccull | when i boot the usb drive to the installer or the 'try' option, i get a white rectangle in the top left of the screen and nothing else. it's about half the width and a third the height. how can i get past this? | 01:27 |
CrazyM4n | pavlos: thank you | 01:27 |
daftykins | !nomodeset | damccull | 01:27 |
ubottu | damccull: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 01:27 |
damccull | where at daftykins? | 01:27 |
ashley01 | I have version 1.3.3 from USC. The OpenTTD website has version 1.4.3 for Ubuntu 14.04 | 01:27 |
_unreal_ | ashley01, when is the last time you did a: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade | 01:27 |
damccull | thanks reading | 01:27 |
ashley01 | ubuntu updates automatically for me | 01:28 |
ashley01 | I've never done a manual update | 01:28 |
_unreal_ | try try | 01:28 |
ashley01 | ok | 01:28 |
mynaras | hello | 01:28 |
daftykins | damccull: what are you asking? | 01:28 |
_unreal_ | what is the worced that could happen? you keep your computer current LOL | 01:28 |
_unreal_ | worse | 01:28 |
MagicSpud | hello do this work? : | 01:28 |
daftykins | *worst | 01:29 |
MagicSpud | hey daftykins hello | 01:29 |
Rohan7 | I like to help people from time to time. Tonight i stood between 2 gangs and told them to shut the hell up and dont try to kill eachother. They listened and i like them all. But why did i have to do that ? ... I mean they arent idiots to begin with, right ? :) | 01:29 |
ashley01 | I have very slow internet! But I am running sudo apt-get install update anyway | 01:29 |
pavlos | damccull, etc/default/grub | 01:29 |
ashley01 | oops | 01:30 |
ashley01 | sudo apt-get update, i mean | 01:30 |
damccull | haha nomodeset works. thanks | 01:30 |
damccull | well so far | 01:30 |
ashley01 | i need to run "sudo apt-get upgrade" as well? | 01:30 |
daftykins | damccull: you'll likely need to resolve graphics drivers once you install | 01:30 |
daftykins | ashley01: yes | 01:30 |
daftykins | ashley01: i actually prefer "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 01:30 |
_unreal_ | ashley01, yes: sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade | 01:30 |
ashley01 | ok | 01:30 |
damccull | ok now i have a bunch of U with a ^ over it covering the whole screen | 01:30 |
ashley01 | all done | 01:31 |
ashley01 | yup, USC still has version 1.3.3 | 01:31 |
ashley01 | an old version | 01:31 |
Rohan7 | Be well my friends. Because well, i Like Linux and i enjoy not beeing angry at all. Its so sweet. | 01:32 |
ashley01 | so I am guessing that to install OpenTTD 1.4.3 I have to do it from firefox because the ubuntu repository has 1.3.3? | 01:33 |
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daftykins | ashley01: updating a game is highly unlikely to have any impact on improving the performance with an old graphics card, in my opinion | 01:33 |
ashley01 | my graphics card isn't old | 01:33 |
daftykins | a 7xxx series is old, yes | 01:33 |
ashley01 | i will get you a link | 01:33 |
daftykins | i don't need one :) | 01:34 |
ashley01 | | 01:34 |
ashley01 | I did build this rig 3 years ago | 01:34 |
damccull | how do i fix the problem where after the boot splash my whole screen is covered with a U under a ^ repeated across the screen? | 01:34 |
ashley01 | but that card is still high end | 01:34 |
Rohan7 | I dont like people hitting eachother, but this MMA is somewhat cool from time to time. But... i think its not cool from time to time... get me on that i hope. | 01:34 |
daftykins | ashley01: eh, it's old in hardware enthusiast terms anyway. but ok, not THAT old :P | 01:35 |
ashley01 | then again, I don't keep up with the latest hardware anymore | 01:36 |
ashley01 | I have no idea about new CPUs, GPUs, etc | 01:36 |
daftykins | ashley01: anywho, AMD was a bad choice for Linux | 01:36 |
ashley01 | this was originally built for windows 7, but if I ever upgrade I will get nvidia | 01:37 |
ashley01 | but this rig will last plenty more years, I built it to last | 01:37 |
Rohan7 | AMD was no more a choise for Linux as intel was. Both companies wants to win and both did. | 01:37 |
ashley01 | i've only had 1 failed HDD so far | 01:37 |
ashley01 | i did go about overkill with 1050W PSU | 01:38 |
ashley01 | that is one thing i wont waste money on again | 01:38 |
Rohan7 | ashley01: i had to change my hd's every year when peole liked to download my software.. | 01:38 |
ashley01 | if the PSU pops, everything else pops with it, so I made sure that I was never using close to 100% capacity | 01:38 |
ashley01 | what have you made rohan7? | 01:38 |
thoonai | daftykins: sorry my battery exited | 01:38 |
Rohan7 | It got expensive | 01:39 |
daftykins | that's not how bad PSUs fail ;) but hardware is off topic really. | 01:39 |
Aldryk | Can someone help me get unity working again? I enter my password, it is accepted, but the unity panel doesn't load, and I can't continue. | 01:39 |
ashley01 | daftykins, I have been told this before | 01:39 |
daftykins | Rohan7: no general chat in here thanks | 01:39 |
Rohan7 | ashley01: gadmintools | 01:39 |
thoonai | daftykins: yup, there are some cameras which are able to work as such, but I dont find actual working stuff atm | 01:39 |
ashley01 | I did make sure it was 80+ silver standard too | 01:39 |
Rohan7 | Im doing alot of things | 01:39 |
ashley01 | i think it also had 7 year warranty | 01:39 |
daftykins | as i said, off the hardware chat thanks | 01:40 |
ashley01 | sorry | 01:40 |
thoonai | ? | 01:40 |
Rohan7 | We cant meet ? | 01:40 |
Rohan7 | Or chat. Well, total dukage is at hand | 01:41 |
iskren | Hello, I'm using netboot.tar.gz but want to swap out the kernel. Unfortunatelly I can't figure out how to build initramfs, that is for installer. | 01:41 |
Rohan7 | Hi nighty. Ill be cool. | 01:42 |
iskren | the modules=netboot just changes the modules preloaded, not the structure of the initramfs which is everything the installer has | 01:42 |
IamTrying | yum install openssl-devel pcre-devel - What is those two package name in Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 please? | 01:42 |
Davy_Crockett | Oi! | 01:42 |
thoonai | Davy_Crockett: Oy! | 01:42 |
Rohan7 | I only have 50,000 plus megabits. Nothing to be worried about ;) | 01:42 |
daftykins | IamTrying: run "apt-get update" then "apt-cache search x" to search for 'x' so you can locate them yourself | 01:43 |
daftykins | !ot | Rohan7 | 01:43 |
ubottu | Rohan7: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 01:43 |
Rohan7 | Plus i Like Linux peoples. Youre the best. Keep it up brothers and sisters! | 01:43 |
thoonai | still searching for cameras, which I can use as webcam | 01:44 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: @ the login -> key combo crl+alt+F1 for a console, what returns from -> ls -al .Xauthority , ls -al .ICEauthority <- ? | 01:44 |
Rohan7 | thoonai: uvc driver cams are the best... | 01:44 |
IamTryin_ | got disconnected: daftykins: there are many openssl and pcre which one is almost the one i used in CentOS/RHEL? yum install openssl-devel pcre-devel | 01:45 |
thoonai | Rohan7: is there a list of actual cameras which support this? | 01:45 |
IamTryin_ | apt-cache search openssl or pcre gives lots of result but not exactly saying if its openssl-devel or pcre-devel like with yum | 01:46 |
ashley01 | daftykins: when I want to remove software with "apt-get remove", is there any baggage left or should it remove all sub-software and anything (e.g. libs) that only this particular software relied on? | 01:46 |
Rohan7 | Hmm, ive got to bash Theo on the RSA Crap... my gowd they just made interactivity impossible | 01:46 |
daftykins | IamTrying: i am not a CentOS user, you're on your own i'm afraid. | 01:46 |
Rohan7 | Hideous evils .... Its all over the net | 01:46 |
daftykins | Rohan7: stop ranting please, i've warned you | 01:47 |
daftykins | ashley01: you can "apt-get purge" or "apt-get remove --purge" but beware this make remove any settings you made to the program | 01:47 |
Rohan7 | daftykins: Yes, ill talk to Theo instead. Im sorry for my ranting? .. be well my friend. | 01:48 |
Pinkamena_D | a long time ago I mistakenly installed a package which seems to make the login screen look like it is for a touch device | 01:48 |
IamTryin_ | Can anyone please tell me which one is the one like CentOS pcre-devel from this list of apt-cache | 01:48 |
Pinkamena_D | it is all grey, another style. Everything still works when you log in | 01:49 |
Pinkamena_D | does anyone know what package this was so I can uninstall it? | 01:49 |
Rohan7 | | 01:49 |
daftykins | !find pcre-devel | 01:50 |
ubottu | Package/file pcre-devel does not exist in trusty | 01:50 |
ashley01 | just testing: | 01:51 |
daftykins | Pinkamena_D: try checking your apt history.log | 01:51 |
ashley01 | !find openttd | 01:51 |
ubottu | Found: openttd-opensfx, openttd, openttd-data, openttd-dbg, openttd-opengfx | 01:51 |
ashley01 | oh nice command :D | 01:51 |
daftykins | !info openttd | 01:51 |
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam | ||
ubottu | openttd (source: openttd): reimplementation of Transport Tycoon Deluxe with enhancements. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.3-1build1 (trusty), package size 1703 kB, installed size 5523 kB | 01:51 |
Pinkamena_D | its possible, but iirc it was sometime early 2013 | 01:51 |
daftykins | ashley01: yeah when you're playing though, private message the bot. | 01:51 |
ashley01 | oh sorry mate | 01:51 |
Rohan7 | ! Find ThoraxReg. Meine name Ist Thor. | 01:51 |
daftykins | so sick of trolls tonight | 01:51 |
daftykins | Rohan7: get a life | 01:52 |
Rohan7 | Dont worry daft one. we need to adjust the worlds. | 01:52 |
Rohan7 | Ok ? | 01:52 |
IamTryin_ | i did: apt-get install libpcre3 and then $ root@s:/var/tmp/haproxy-1.5.4# make TARGET=linux2628 USE_PCRE=1 USE_OPENSSL=1 USE_ZLIB=1 USE_CRYPT_H=1 USE_LIBCRYPT=1 | 01:52 |
IamTryin_ | is it ok? | 01:52 |
guest28798 | Ok, lets try a different approach... Perhaps someone can give at least a clue or a hint that I can use to figure the problem out myself... | 01:53 |
cassio | =] | 01:53 |
IamTryin_ | USE_PCRE=1 should use libpcre3 right? | 01:53 |
Pinkamena_D | here | 01:53 |
Pinkamena_D | it looks like this except it says ubuntu instead of fedora : | 01:53 |
guest28798 | In ubuntu 14, what is responsible for the keyboard and mouse on a laptop? Would that be in gsettings? | 01:53 |
guest28798 | At least if I figure it out myself I'll go post the soln so then we'll all have one for the current release of ubuntu | 01:54 |
Pinkamena_D | does anyone know what that style / thing is called? | 01:54 |
Rohan7 | My Linux wimen say that you are correct plus they like you. // >Sweden | 01:55 |
daftykins | Pinkamena_D: soundsd like you changed your login manager if that's what you mean | 01:55 |
ashley01 | daftykins: USC is failing to install this .deb file (latest version of OpenTTD), is there another way I can try to install it? | 01:55 |
daftykins | ashley01: is it a .deb for ubuntu? | 01:56 |
Pinkamena_D | yes I guppose so | 01:56 |
Pinkamena_D | =P | 01:56 |
ashley01 | yes, it said on the OpenTTD website it was for Ubuntu Trust 14.04 | 01:56 |
ashley01 | Trusty* | 01:56 |
Rohan7 | | 01:56 |
Pinkamena_D | can I get the regular type back? | 01:56 |
daftykins | ashley01: and what's supposed to be going wrong? what does it say? | 01:56 |
IamTryin_ | !find openssl-devel | 01:56 |
ubottu | Package/file openssl-devel does not exist in trusty | 01:56 |
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IamTryin_ | stupid boot, its libssl-dev | 01:57 |
IamTryin_ | !find pcre-devel | 01:57 |
Rohan7 | !i will smack Theo de rat if he doesnt like to interface... | 01:57 |
ubottu | Package/file pcre-devel does not exist in trusty | 01:57 |
ubottu | Rohan7: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:57 |
IamTryin_ | stupid boot, its pcre-devel memorise it | 01:57 |
ashley01 | daftykins: "the installation or removal of a software package has failed" | 01:57 |
Rohan7 | ubottu: Sizzy ;) | 01:58 |
daftykins | ashley01: sudo apt-get remove --purge openttd* | 01:59 |
daftykins | ashley01: then try the download again | 01:59 |
guest28798 | still don't care I guess eh? 1612 is a lot of people to either not know or not care | 01:59 |
ashley01 | ok | 01:59 |
ashley01 | why did you include the asterisk? | 02:00 |
xangua | !Patience | guest28798 | 02:00 |
ubottu | guest28798: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching or or | 02:00 |
Aldryk | Bashing-Om: Sorry, was away. Both .Xauthority and .ICEauthority are owned by my user and have mode 600 | 02:00 |
ashley01 | it has successfully installed, thanks for that :D | 02:01 |
daftykins | np | 02:01 |
daftykins | you understand what went wrong? | 02:01 |
Bashing-om | ald | 02:02 |
daftykins | the * was to match all packages beginning openttd | 02:02 |
ashley01 | oh like a wildcard | 02:02 |
ashley01 | i see yes | 02:02 |
Rohan7 | @Vikingblood - The purest of all the lovely peoples. But we think that youre cute too. | 02:02 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: Well, that is proper .. whow owns the /home <user> directory ? -> ls -al /home <- ? | 02:03 |
ashley01 | oh dear, openttd 1.4.3 has the same problem | 02:03 |
ashley01 | so this could definitely be due to poor drivers? | 02:03 |
daftykins | ashley01: yep, graphics drivers and running unity at the same time as trying to play a game imo | 02:04 |
daftykins | ashley01: does the game not go full-full screen? | 02:05 |
Rohan7 | And as the king of all of our worlds id like to say the following: Be onto you as you have been onto them. | 02:05 |
ashley01 | it does | 02:05 |
ashley01 | ive tried maximising but not fullscreen | 02:05 |
ashley01 | i'll see if there is any difference, but i imagine it is just as slow as maximised | 02:05 |
ashley01 | once it has finished downloading music and sound files | 02:06 |
Aldryk | Bashing-Om: Me | 02:06 |
ashley01 | Does Unity have an option to run it in a mode that is not heavy on using resources? That might work | 02:07 |
Rohan7 | Many of you are geniouses as i see it. Let us see what you can really do. | 02:07 |
Rohan7 | Present a target.. | 02:07 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: Humm .. then what results -> sudo service lightdm start <- ? | 02:08 |
Rohan7 | We are always with you. | 02:08 |
Rohan7 | .nl ... i cracked your game in under 3 minutes .. hack something... boored us. | 02:09 |
Aldryk | I restarted it, which logged my user out and got me back to the login screen. | 02:09 |
Aldryk | Same problem though. | 02:09 |
Rohan7 | But i like .nl peoples. They are generally very strict and cool | 02:10 |
Rohan7 | (Rigel7) | 02:10 |
Rohan7 | Be well, wimen and children alike ;) | 02:10 |
Rohan7 | So, is it ok if 7'th adjust the mordor retrospectively ? | 02:12 |
daftykins | Rohan7: quit | 02:13 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: Sorry, Geting above my skill set now . Maybe install 'dconf' and reset unity/compiz ??? | 02:13 |
Rohan7 | Over land and sea, to valhalla ... Please be nice mr daft... No negativity. | 02:13 |
Aldryk | Bashing-Om: I tried running dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ | 02:14 |
Rohan7 | | 02:15 |
Rohan7 | Its not bad in any way. Listen and like. | 02:16 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: Good, and -> unity --reset-icons <- ? | 02:16 |
Basketball | How can i cast a dvd and volume from linux pc to my chromecast | 02:16 |
Rohan7 | 28'th ... AC DC... oh itll be so sweet :) | 02:16 |
Aldryk | plugin opengl doesn't load.. | 02:17 |
Rohan7 | Basketball: Run the url here and we will check it out | 02:17 |
Basketball | Rohan7, what url? | 02:17 |
daftykins | Basketball: pretty sure it's unsupported. | 02:18 |
Rohan7 | Basketball: Show us the url to what you wish to show | 02:18 |
Basketball | Rohan7, it is a dvd | 02:19 |
daftykins | Basketball: ignore the troll | 02:19 |
Basketball | daftykins, why am i a troll? | 02:19 |
mynaras | hello | 02:19 |
Rohan7 | Basketball: ffmpeg stream it across the internet ? | 02:19 |
daftykins | Bashing-om: no Rohan7 is, lol seriously. | 02:19 |
tommyfun | what movie? | 02:19 |
mynaras | I seem to have messed up unity a bit. When I maximize a window on one monitor, it moves to my other monitor | 02:20 |
mynaras | any idea how to fix that? | 02:20 |
tommyfun | which monitor is the primary? | 02:20 |
mynaras | The primary monitor is where the windows leave. It maximizes to a secondary monitor | 02:21 |
tommyfun | I assume yer using Unity? | 02:22 |
mynaras | Yeah | 02:22 |
Rohan7 | Naah, im ... well... am i :) ... well i dont like booring, but atleast i try to be sweet but all i get usually is "I love you darling" and then the girl has to go home in the morning... Anyone likes to party with Dolly parton ? | 02:22 |
Rohan7 | I like her | 02:22 |
Rohan7 | Holy crap jeebux... Gary, nominated for oscars and stuff. He seems somewhat ok to me. This trump person, who is this ? | 02:27 |
Rohan7 | | 02:28 |
Rohan7 | We dont like religiongs if they cause wars. But i guess thats just us Swedes, the ones who invented wars i guess :) | 02:30 |
Rohan7 | religions | 02:30 |
Aldryk | Bashing-Om: Actually, I think its not unity. I seem to remember I had the same problem a couple of months ago, and it also prevented me to login to Gnome | 02:32 |
Rohan7 | Aldryk: Why is GNOME beeing so badly compiled on Ubuntu ? | 02:32 |
Rohan7 | If i start 'MC' ill expect MCedit to fire up but it doesnt. They seem to be doing that in a bad way and we may have to discard the people in that regard even tough we have some national things going on. | 02:34 |
Aldryk | I have no idea Rohan7, I'm just trying to get my system to work again :/ | 02:34 |
Aldryk | I'm almost considering moving to Windows. gah. | 02:35 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: IF you start a terminal from grub, wht results when you start lightdm .. assuming lightdm is the DM ? | 02:35 |
Rohan7 | Aldryk: Coolest thing youve said all day long, but i love you :) | 02:35 |
Aldryk | Bashing-Om: How do I start the terminal from grub? | 02:36 |
Rohan7 | | 02:36 |
daftykins | !recovery | Aldryk | 02:36 |
ubottu | Aldryk: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see | 02:36 |
Rohan7 | Aldryk: if youre on grub you anready have a terminal to play with... tabcompletion and all | 02:37 |
Aldryk | Rohan7: Thanks, we all love you too. If my system works again, I'll be pouring love all over the place. | 02:37 |
Rohan7 | already | 02:37 |
Aldryk | royalaxe: It boots alright, I'm using it. Just the desktop manager won't start. | 02:37 |
royalaxe | really? thats great :) | 02:37 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: Boot to the grub menu, 'e' key for edit mode, arrow down and across to "quiet splash" and replace these terms with the term "text", ctl+x to continue the boot process. | 02:37 |
ashley01 | I think I see why USC has an older version of OpenTTD: I can't get music to work on the latest version, even if I do "timidity -iAD -Os" | 02:38 |
Aldryk | Ok, though that means I should probably logon to IRC from some other machine.. | 02:38 |
Rohan7 | I like everyone i chat with. I may try to teach you somethings but my intent is always Utmost good. | 02:39 |
Rohan7 | PS: i never destroy things mostly.. ;) | 02:40 |
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Rohan7 | !Rethinalcore, ! Adjacent, !Nice | 02:41 |
ubottu | Rohan7: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:41 |
Rohan7 | Xerxez | 02:41 |
Rohan7 | Xerox, we love you all :) | 02:42 |
ashley01 | this is such a mess | 02:42 |
Rohan7 | ashley01: Dont think, just love :) | 02:43 |
washuu | Mya everybody | 02:43 |
ashley01 | how is a newer version of a software package having more problems? it doesn't make sense to me | 02:43 |
daftykins | well it's not official. | 02:44 |
Rohan7 | Kahlua Washuu. | 02:44 |
ashley01 | you're right - it's an outsider | 02:44 |
daftykins | just 'cause there's a package doesn't mean anyones tested it with ubuntu, they've just gone "oh hey this'll install" | 02:44 |
ashley01 | fair enough | 02:44 |
Rohan7 | Oriah... GIT here... | 02:45 |
ashley01 | I'll go back to the old cannonical-seal-of-approval version | 02:45 |
ashley01 | and see if I can solve this graphical problem in some way | 02:45 |
washuu | Rohan-kun | 02:45 |
ashley01 | ive posted on #ati but it doesn't seem to be very active | 02:45 |
ashley01 | waiting for an answer since that is the channel for fglrx (proprietary ati drivers) | 02:45 |
Rohan7 | washuu: Perikles Ot et It Etoh.. | 02:46 |
Aldryk | Bashing-om: ok, booting ubuntu to grub | 02:46 |
daftykins | ashley01: tried fglrx-updates yet? | 02:46 |
ashley01 | OH | 02:46 |
ashley01 | i forgot about that | 02:46 |
ashley01 | i will try in a moment | 02:46 |
daftykins | make it so. | 02:46 |
Rohan7 | ! | 02:46 |
washuu | perijles the Greek? This is fir Linux ); | 02:47 |
Rohan7 | Try to me nice to eachother now ya hear! | 02:47 |
Rohan7 | Or we will have to snak you good :) | 02:47 |
CrazyM4n | So, I may have accidentally replaced most of my packages with 32 bit versions | 02:48 |
CrazyM4n | What do I do to get the old ones back? I haven't removed them with autoremove yet | 02:48 |
washuu | I try to be nice and I'm sorry for my typos | 02:48 |
Rohan7 | washuu: do you also like tigers and cats ? | 02:49 |
Rohan7 | We like those | 02:49 |
=== mfisch` is now known as mfisch | ||
washuu | I like cats. I preger them to dogs. Dogs suck! | 02:50 |
Rohan7 | !We love you too | 02:50 |
ubottu | Rohan7: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:50 |
washuu | *prefer | 02:50 |
=== mfisch is now known as Guest84187 | ||
=== frecel_ is now known as frecel | ||
ashley01 | i've got even bigger problems than i thought | 02:50 |
ashley01 | the music is no longer working on the old supported version | 02:50 |
daftykins | is that to do with that change you made? | 02:51 |
ashley01 | no, havent gone the gpu driver change yet | 02:51 |
Rohan7 | washuu: I like you washuu. Now lets see if anyone is beeing an ass. We dont like those. | 02:51 |
ashley01 | i purged openttd 1.4.3 | 02:51 |
ashley01 | reinstalled 1.3.3 | 02:51 |
RustyShackleford | is there a way to make alt+tab behave normally? | 02:52 |
washuu | dissing asses? Not so joyfuf... | 02:52 |
RustyShackleford | I'd rather not have to alt+grave to switch between instances of the same program | 02:52 |
Rohan7 | 0xDEADB33F ill always be there for you as well. Love this one. | 02:52 |
CrazyM4n | So I just reinstalled all of the original packages, and hopefully everything will ok in the end <3 | 02:53 |
Anon | Anyone here | 02:54 |
Rohan7 | Let us know if anyone is beeing bad to you and we will kick your ass. Meanwhile we will be known as "Swedes" :) | 02:54 |
washuu | I have no no | 02:54 |
tommyfun | You’re crazy, man. but you’d probably not notice the difference | 02:54 |
ashley01 | I already have timidity installed (for playing MIDI files), but still no luck | 02:54 |
Rohan7 | we dont like injustices | 02:54 |
washuu | problems with my OS in the moment | 02:55 |
Aldryk | Bashing-om: Once I'm in the grub command line, how do I get a terminal again? | 02:55 |
=== MrZodiac_ is now known as MrZodiac | ||
washuu | CTRL-F/ helps | 02:55 |
Rohan7 | ashley01: We still have those BBS running.. | 02:55 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: 'e' key for edit mode, arrow down and across to "quiet splash" and replace these terms with the term "text", ctl+x to continue the boot process. | 02:55 |
Anon | What wime zone do you guys use. I have always used Lima because i did not see one near me before I got annoyed. I could not find one close.\ | 02:55 |
washuu | CTRL-F7 | 02:55 |
Anon | CTRL+ALT +1 | 02:56 |
Rohan7 | | 02:56 |
ashley01 | Rohan7: BBS for what? | 02:56 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: grub menu, 'e' key for edit mode, arrow down and across to "quiet splash" and replace these terms with the term "text", ctl+x to continue the boot process. | 02:56 |
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ashley01 | god damn netsplit | 02:56 |
tommyfun | what just happened? | 02:56 |
Anon | Ctrl+ALT+f1 <- Exchange the f1 for f7 to get back | 02:56 |
Rohan7 | ashley01: wE LIKE COMPUTORS :) | 02:56 |
Rohan7 | Ok ? | 02:57 |
washuu | Another netsplit, jo? | 02:57 |
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Rohan7 | Ashley a girl or not ? | 02:57 |
ashley01 | no haha | 02:57 |
Rohan7 | Bot ? | 02:58 |
ashley01 | it is both a male and female name, but I am actually male | 02:58 |
Rohan7 | :) | 02:58 |
tommyfun | I hope you’re from england | 02:58 |
ashley01 | I'm from the UK, yes | 02:58 |
Rohan7 | Aww, fecked up gihangstah braud :) | 02:58 |
tommyfun | what’s the difference between Will Smith and Scotland? | 02:59 |
tommyfun | Independence day | 02:59 |
ashley01 | ooooooooooo | 02:59 |
logikos_ | I'm looking for a way to convert a bunch of mac fonts to .woff and .ttf for use in web | 02:59 |
Rohan7 | Poontang | 02:59 |
=== Johnny is now known as Guest76560 | ||
Rohan7 | :) | 02:59 |
tommyfun | yeah, your english | 02:59 |
tommyfun | you’re | 02:59 |
Rohan7 | thonggy ? | 03:00 |
tommyfun | it’s like 4 am there | 03:00 |
Rohan7 | 5 | 03:00 |
tommyfun | hardcore | 03:00 |
Guest76560 | Hey There, I am trying to get ubuntu on my MacBook Pro 8-2, I followed some online tutorials and ended up ruining my MBR, I have done a fresh install of OS X now, does any one know of any good tutorials that will help my not make the same mistake again? | 03:00 |
Rohan7 | tommyfun: See Hardcore... like jumpstyle or hardcore styles ? | 03:01 |
ashley01 | 4 am for me | 03:01 |
Aldryk | Bashing-Om: lightdm gives me a login screen, but the same problem occurs.. | 03:01 |
Anon | sudo chown/ | 03:01 |
Anon | ^ Don't actually type that in you will regret it :P | 03:02 |
tommyfun | What town, Ashley? | 03:02 |
somsip | !mac | Guest76560 | 03:02 |
ubottu | Guest76560: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: | 03:02 |
Ben64 | !ot | 03:02 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 03:02 |
Guest76560 | thanks :) | 03:02 |
RustyShackleford | so I installed unity-tweak-tool. Apparantly the setting I need to set is "Flip through windows in the switcher" | 03:03 |
Rohan7 | All over the worlds: I like them all: | 03:04 |
RustyShackleford | For some reason I can't set it to Alt+tab | 03:04 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: earlier did you -> sudo apt-get install dconf-tools <- to rest unity ? | 03:04 |
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Aldryk | Bashing-om: yes | 03:04 |
ashley01 | RustyShackleford: isn't it set to Alt+Tab by default? | 03:04 |
Rohan7 | Thats from Bersica Italy. Very good showdown | 03:05 |
RustyShackleford | ashley01, nope. The default is "Start switcher" | 03:05 |
RustyShackleford | I'm trying to set this up so that alt+tab will switch between instances of the same program too | 03:05 |
ashley01 | oh I see what you mean now | 03:05 |
ashley01 | mine is disabled too, but I can switch between windows | 03:05 |
ashley01 | do you have Alt+Tab for start switcher? that works for me | 03:06 |
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ashley01 | oh sorry | 03:07 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: And when you try to start lightdm from terminal, there are no errors reported ? to give us a hint of what the problem is ? | 03:07 |
ashley01 | re-read your replies | 03:07 |
RustyShackleford | ashley01, yep. I tried disabling that, and I still can't set "flip through windows in the switcher" | 03:07 |
tommyfun | RustyShackleford: what’s the output of echo $DESKTOP_SESSION | 03:08 |
ashley01 | RustyShackleford: just found this . It claims there is a big in compiz that causes this. | 03:08 |
ashley01 | oh that is for Ubuntu 12.04, my bad. Not sure if it will still work | 03:08 |
RustyShackleford | yeah I saw that and thought the same thing | 03:09 |
RustyShackleford | i guess I could try it | 03:09 |
RustyShackleford | tommyfun, "ubuntu" | 03:09 |
Aldryk | Bashing-om: ok, running it with -d, it seems like it starts the session and it quits immediately | 03:10 |
Aldryk | Bashing-om: Err, no, that was the greeter | 03:10 |
Rohan7 | Swedes are the ones who invented intercontinental trade. We where also Vikings long before some others thought it was cool to say they where in fact the coolest peoples on earth ... We all know that my ancestors where ;) | 03:11 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: I do not know, but, might try (RE-)installing the desk top ? | 03:11 |
Aldryk | Bashing-om: Already reinstalled ubuntu-desktop | 03:12 |
Aldryk | Bashing-om: And unity.. | 03:12 |
phunyguy | Rohan7: it would be really great if you could stick to support in here. | 03:12 |
Rohan7 | What does it mean when your toe, next to the big toe is equal in length ? ... Youre a roman. And i like it | 03:12 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: I am all out of ideas ... Anyone else ?? | 03:13 |
daftykins | phunyguy: ty sir | 03:14 |
daftykins | that was driving me spare. | 03:14 |
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Aldryk | Bashing-om: Thanks, no worries, it certainly ran me out of ideas. | 03:14 |
Aldryk | I think last time I "fixed" that but reverting to earlier versions of some packages. | 03:15 |
RustyShackleford | well i screwed around with compiz's settings | 03:15 |
RustyShackleford | now it will ONLY switch between instances of a single program | 03:15 |
RustyShackleford | i suppose I can get used to the default way haha | 03:17 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: One can always check the condition of package management -> sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade , sudo apt-get -f install , sudo dpkg -C < - looking for errors. | 03:17 |
RustyShackleford | or pick a new DE. I dunno | 03:17 |
prime2_ | test | 03:20 |
cbdj | Seen | 03:20 |
Aldryk | Bashing-om: Actually, update of the packages is what got me into this trouble in the first place :/ | 03:20 |
Aldryk | Thats whats so annoying. Its the newest version of Intel Graphics drivers or newest opengl or something. | 03:21 |
trelane | how do I disable dhcpv6? Its ignoring the option in network config | 03:22 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: Well, updating will not get ya into trouble, but what you installed might ! .. Run the commands and let's see where the problem lies . | 03:22 |
Aldryk | Bashing-om: ok, updating a bunch of packages.. | 03:25 |
BuntuTech | i have created a (fantasy) ubunut COA sticker | 03:25 |
BuntuTech | i wonder if i can submit it to the ubununt art staff | 03:25 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: Great .. leter rip . | 03:25 |
BuntuTech | what is the name of the dev channels for here? | 03:26 |
Aldryk | Bashing-om: ok, executed them all, got no errors | 03:27 |
Aldryk | Bashing-om: Why are we expecting errors from apptitude though? | 03:27 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: the -f switch is to try and "fix broken, dpkg -C is "audit" .. No errors at all, then we are looking at a config issue. Can you log into the gust account and it is fuly functional ( as proof what we have here is a config issue) . | 03:29 |
Bashing-om | guest* | 03:29 |
Aldryk | No, guest account gives me the same problem | 03:29 |
casey | | 03:30 |
cbdj | hm | 03:30 |
Bashing-om | Aldryk: Above my skill set, anyone else with ideas ? | 03:31 |
CrazyM4n | So I built wine with some patches | 03:37 |
CrazyM4n | But it didn't work | 03:37 |
CrazyM4n | And I can't uninstall it with apt-get purge wine | 03:37 |
CrazyM4n | So how should I go along uninstalling it? | 03:37 |
daftykins | hah, enjoy | 03:37 |
daftykins | in ubuntu we use packages. you did your own thing... you're left with that :) | 03:37 |
CrazyM4n | DD: | 03:38 |
CrazyM4n | Okay, well seirously though, where are executables when you build it? | 03:38 |
CrazyM4n | I can just delete the wine executable | 03:38 |
daftykins | try 'which wine' | 03:38 |
SchrodingersScat | is make uninstall a thing? | 03:38 |
CrazyM4n | Crap, forgot about make uninstall | 03:38 |
daftykins | don't guess. you don't help anyone | 03:38 |
CrazyM4n | thanks | 03:38 |
daftykins | oh it is XD | 03:38 |
daftykins | hilarious | 03:38 |
CrazyM4n | and yes, which wine also helped | 03:38 |
SchrodingersScat | so the build completed, it just didn't work how you thought it would? | 03:39 |
CrazyM4n | Yes | 03:39 |
CrazyM4n | also, it says "no rule to make target uninstall" | 03:39 |
CrazyM4n | I'm in the folder with the source | 03:39 |
SchrodingersScat | welp, can try a which wine and see if that helps you at all, but like daftykins said you're kind of in your own territory | 03:40 |
CrazyM4n | Definately | 03:41 |
CrazyM4n | If I just delete this wine executable | 03:41 |
CrazyM4n | Then reinstall it from scratch | 03:41 |
CrazyM4n | it should be a-ok | 03:41 |
daftykins | might have to remove it from your path too | 03:41 |
CrazyM4n | how do I force a reinstall of a package? | 03:43 |
daftykins | apt-get install --reinstall package | 03:44 |
CrazyM4n | eh, still broken | 03:44 |
CrazyM4n | ;; | 03:44 |
daftykins | define broken | 03:45 |
CrazyM4n | It's telling me that there is 7 packages not being updated | 03:45 |
CrazyM4n | Which I can't | 03:45 |
CrazyM4n | wait | 03:45 |
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CrazyM4n | I say "sudo apt-get purge wine*" and it shows me every package on my system | 03:46 |
CrazyM4n | And I nearly pressed y | 03:46 |
CrazyM4n | got it; I had an old version of wine installed | 03:47 |
CrazyM4n | ugh | 03:47 |
hipitihop | I'm on an existing install of 12.04 and HDD has been installed on new mobo an Msi H971AC with HDA Intel, ALC892 adio hardware , I can't get audio over HMDI and through headphones etc it's all ver choppy and grabled sound. Am I bes tto upgrade to latest LTS or is tha tunlikely to help | 03:47 |
ki7mt | Ok, I may be having a senior moment here, but I thought package deps that are in the Recommends section are not installed by default, is that not the case? | 03:50 |
daftykins | hipitihop: unlikely | 03:50 |
ki7mt | And yes, I know about apt-get install --no-recommends .. but I need to limit that activity in the debian/control file. | 03:51 |
hipitihop | daftykins, thanks, I also am struggling with space so I would have to have had played with partitions to accomodate the upgrade... Any suggestions ? or am I up against a bit of a brick wall with audio over hdmi | 03:52 |
daftykins | hipitihop: about the partitioning or? | 03:53 |
hipitihop | daftykins, to get the existing install to route audio via hdmi, the video is fine (btw this is a mythbuntu distro) aplay --list-pcms shows lots of options but none specifically say hdmi | 03:54 |
daftykins | hipitihop: are you trying to say you want to hear HDMI audio and headphones audio at the same time? 'cause i don't even know if you can | 03:54 |
daftykins | aplay -l would be more relevant | 03:54 |
daftykins | but i don't really trust these media respins | 03:55 |
hipitihop | daftykins, no, I simply want audio over hdmi, the box connects to my tv, video is fine | 03:55 |
hipitihop | daftykins, aplay -l gives card 1: Intel_1 [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC892 Analog [ALC892 Analog] & card 1: Intel_1 [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC892 Digital [ALC892 Digital] | 03:56 |
daftykins | yeah no idea then | 03:56 |
hipitihop | daftykins, aplay --list-pcms gives | 03:58 |
daftykins | hipitihop: kernel ver? | 03:59 |
hipitihop | daftykins, 3.2.0-69-generic | 03:59 |
daftykins | ancient then | 04:00 |
daftykins | you should boot a live session of mythbuntu and see if it works | 04:00 |
hipitihop | daftykins, Is it easy/possible to switch to later (latest) kernel on this ? | 04:01 |
daftykins | do as i suggested | 04:01 |
hipitihop | daftykins, ok will go look for latest mythbuntu livecd thanks | 04:02 |
daftykins | hipitihop: but that'll probably be on a different ubuntu version, that won't be a good test :D | 04:02 |
hipitihop | daftykins, sure, but if we can establish here is a mix that will work with my hardware then that is probably a useful datapoint ? | 04:04 |
daftykins | whichever way you want to go, sure | 04:04 |
daftykins | i'd have preferred to know if 12.04 works out of the box :> | 04:05 |
hipitihop | daftykins, shortest route for it to just work :-) | 04:05 |
daftykins | *nod* | 04:05 |
hillary | Hi all, after upgrading to ubuntu 14.04 LTS my laptop cannot display desktop icons.What do i do | 04:06 |
cfhowlett | hillary, check your screen display resolution settings | 04:07 |
hillary | How do icheck now there is no where to click? | 04:07 |
hillary | cfhowlett: i mean how doi go about it | 04:08 |
cfhowlett | hillary, settings > Display > ... | 04:09 |
hillary | cfhowlett: ok let me check | 04:09 |
* hipitihop downloads latest 14.04.1 amd64 mythbuntu iso | 04:11 | |
hillary | cfhowlett: The screen is blank without any icon to click for settings. Only the label ubuntu 14.04 Lts is showing in the bottom | 04:16 |
cfhowlett | hillary, *that* is abnormal ... I'm on xubuntu so my environment is different. Ask again in channel. Someone will know | 04:17 |
hillary | ok | 04:17 |
hillary | After i upgraded from ubuntu 12.04 to lts to 14.04 lts my laptop screen cannot show any icon. It start well but it cannot load icons. How do i go about | 04:18 |
snadge | i just download 2.2gb of ubuntu updates in 5 minutes :D ... hello 14.10! | 04:22 |
squinty | hillary: just a quick thought as I am heading out here again... might want to take a look at installing unity-tweak-tools | 04:22 |
daftykins | snadge: 14.10 talk is in #ubuntu+1 thanks | 04:22 |
hillary | squinty: how do i do that? | 04:23 |
Terabyte | hi, other than bintray, does anybody know of any private deb repository providers? | 04:26 |
daftykins | we don't support PPAs and thus don't advise them | 04:26 |
x_root | hello, i just did "sudo service lightdm --restart" | 04:28 |
x_root | is possible that any program is still running? | 04:28 |
x_root | or all of them were closed in the process? | 04:28 |
daftykins | all dead | 04:31 |
x_root | thanks daftykins | 04:38 |
phunyguy | daftykins: we do support PPAs, if it is the way to get things done, and it is probably not good to speak for an entire channel. | 04:40 |
phunyguy | daftykins: one thing to keep in mind is: we are not Canonical. We are Ubuntu community support. If YOU don't support PPAs, that is fine, but please stop speaking for the entire channel with that. | 04:41 |
daftykins | phunyguy: maybe helping the user is more of a priority than correcting me? | 04:42 |
phunyguy | maybe correcting you now will help the user later. | 04:42 |
daftykins | doubt it | 04:42 |
phunyguy | noted. | 04:43 |
cfhowlett | ppa factoid "WARNING: PPAs are unsupported ..." | 04:43 |
phunyguy | does that specify the Ubuntu IRC community? | 04:43 |
phunyguy | or Canonical? | 04:44 |
Terabyte | thanks phunyguy i wanted to say that but didn't want to be kicked. | 04:45 |
Terabyte | There is a difference between "support, endorsement, recommendation" and just telling somebody what's out there. | 04:45 |
Terabyte | i'm not looking for somebody to endorse anything, I'm just looking to know if there are any private deb repo providers out there. otherwise i'm going to have to build my own and I don't really want to do that. | 04:46 |
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John_smithson | Hello. Im new to IRC. may one of you show me around? | 04:59 |
SchrodingersScat | !freenode | John_smithson | 04:59 |
ubottu | John_smithson: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! - See - freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at - The Ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !Guidelines | 04:59 |
John_smithson | ok thank you | 05:00 |
SchrodingersScat | John_smithson: You're welcome! | 05:01 |
John_smithson | so....can i axis any "channel" through any "network"? | 05:02 |
SchrodingersScat | !alis | John_smithson | 05:03 |
ubottu | John_smithson: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 05:03 |
SchrodingersScat | but no, different networks would have other channels, your client may support multiple networks | 05:03 |
John_smithson | this till defiantly take some time. | 05:04 |
SchrodingersScat | patience can get you a long way | 05:04 |
mehdi_ | hey guys how can i ssh to my pc from anywhere? | 05:27 |
somsip | !ppa | 05:28 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 05:28 |
eeee | mehdi_: do you have sshd running? | 05:29 |
somsip | !ot | 05:30 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 05:30 |
eeee | somsip: ? :D | 05:30 |
mehdi_ | eeee, u mean service sshd status? | 05:34 |
mehdi_ | eeee, i dont have ssh servive | 05:35 |
mehdi_ | eeee, sshd: unrecognized service | 05:36 |
daftykins | mehdi_: sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 05:36 |
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XHTBMTFYFB | hello | 05:50 |
=== Guest5711 is now known as jack | ||
dumbuser | hi there, I'd like to press a button and have all my external hard drives shared with my entire network. I do not care about security and I do not want to use a text editor, i want a big dumb button that makes things work | 05:59 |
dumbuser | I like that you can right click on things and hit "share", except the part where that doesn't actually work. | 05:59 |
dumbuser | currently i share things with my wife using a thumb drive, she sits right next to me on a standard windows machine, so thats a good sign that samba is terrible and should die a horrible death of a thousand agonising config edits | 06:03 |
phunyguy | dumbuser: <---- no security | 06:04 |
eeee | ubuntu - bringing family together :) | 06:05 |
__unik | eeee? | 06:05 |
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phunyguy | also | 06:06 |
dumbuser | thanks phynyguy, problem being that requires all the shared files to be in the home directory. I have 20 terrabytes to share and a 100gb home ssd | 06:06 |
phunyguy | that most certainly does not have those requirements | 06:06 |
phunyguy | you can share folders from anywhere on the filesystem | 06:07 |
phunyguy | (as long as you have administrator access, which is required, home folder or not) | 06:07 |
dumbuser | you're a good sort phunyguy | 06:07 |
phunyguy | also "big dumb buttons" get folks in trouble. | 06:08 |
dumbuser | i do wonder why it needs all this text though, i would have thought htiting share and saying to let anyone access it would have achieved that goal | 06:08 |
phunyguy | I am not sure there. I suspect that it is still avery new concept, but editing smb.conf and changing the security level will help you. | 06:09 |
phunyguy | a very* | 06:09 |
dumbuser | eh, that didn't actually work, still getting the same "you do not have permission" error from windows side | 06:12 |
phunyguy | sorry, maybe someone else will come along soon that can help. I have to go for now. They can show you how to read some logs, and figure out wjy it won't work. Just be patient. Goodnight. | 06:14 |
phunyguy | why* | 06:14 |
eeee | are you pressing the guest access option? | 06:14 |
eeee | ( @ dumbuser ) | 06:14 |
dumbuser | urgh, patience. i just want something that "just works" i have much better things to be doing than trying to reinvent the wheel each time i want to share a funny picture | 06:15 |
dumbuser | yes, guest access | 06:15 |
phunyguy | I suspect there could be an issue where a failed setup is getting in the way, like the windows side has a cached password somewhere and is forcefully trying to use it. | 06:16 |
dumbuser | i know im being thick and ungrateful for a great product which is free, but i just don't get why it works out of the box in windows, and doesn't work in ubuntu. | 06:18 |
okchicken | Something strange just happened | 06:18 |
okchicken | I installed Ubuntu Mate, everything worked great | 06:18 |
okchicken | went to reboot | 06:18 |
speaker1234 | I'm trying to set up Apache with wsgi but something's wrong and I cannot get a single log message out of Apache. | 06:18 |
dumbuser | I don't think i have the time for this right now, thanks for the help, im going to go back to doing more important things and just accept that networking is broken in ubuntu | 06:18 |
okchicken | now my system doesn't recognize a boot loader and it won't start.. | 06:18 |
okchicken | I installed using UEFI and was booting in UEFI mode | 06:18 |
speaker1234 | okchicken, it's possible that your device name associations have shifted | 06:19 |
speaker1234 | in other words, what was sda1 is now something else | 06:19 |
speaker1234 | did you configurefstaqb with uuid? | 06:19 |
okchicken | speaker- I have no idea | 06:20 |
okchicken | I did that standard install from a usb stick, encrypted my drive and home folder | 06:20 |
speaker1234 | postbin your fstab from that system | 06:20 |
okchicken | speaker - what would cause my device names to change? | 06:22 |
speaker1234 | it's a combination of the motherboard and udev | 06:23 |
speaker1234 | of course it changes only if there are multiple drives in the system | 06:24 |
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okchicken | speaker - I didn't seem to have this problem when I was running Mint 17 | 06:24 |
=== OpalLotto is now known as xaaam | ||
speaker1234 | it is no big deal. that is why uuid's were invented | 06:25 |
apk2crx | hi | 06:26 |
apk2crx | anyone? | 06:27 |
okchicken | speaker - ok, so how could i fix it so I can boot properly? | 06:28 |
okchicken | I'm working off the live USB right now | 06:28 |
speaker1234 | what you have for discs? | 06:28 |
apk2crx | to fix what ? | 06:28 |
speaker1234 | morning apk2crx | 06:29 |
okchicken | apk2- I installed Ubuntu Mate, worked fine | 06:29 |
okchicken | rebooted the computer, and now it won't boot! | 06:29 |
okchicken | I installed with "UEFI" set in the motherboard | 06:29 |
apk2crx | afternoon speaker1234 | 06:30 |
speaker1234 | okchicken, what do you have for discs in the system? | 06:30 |
okchicken | speaker - what do you mean? Which command should I run? | 06:30 |
apk2crx | any error? | 06:30 |
speaker1234 | how hard drives do you have in the system? | 06:31 |
okchicken | speaker - only 1 | 06:31 |
speaker1234 | ok so it is not likely a drive number change problem | 06:31 |
speaker1234 | you probably just need to reinstall grub | 06:31 |
apk2crx | You should use a live system to reinstall grub | 06:32 |
okchicken | can I run grub if I use UEFI? | 06:32 |
speaker1234 | if you boot off of a live system, you should see an option to be off of the hard drive | 06:32 |
speaker1234 | yes you can | 06:33 |
okchicken | speaker - ok, which utility should i use to reinstall grub? | 06:33 |
apk2crx | | 06:34 |
okchicken | those instructions look like for legacy boot | 06:35 |
okchicken | would they work with uefi? | 06:35 |
speaker1234 | okchicken, | 06:38 |
speaker1234 | says mr google | 06:38 |
Grimlock1182 | is ther any editor for indicator in the panel to move from one place to another? | 06:38 |
Grimlock1182 | using ubuntu 14.04 | 06:38 |
speaker1234 | could you try rewarding the question please | 06:38 |
speaker1234 | rewording the question Sorry, speech recognition error | 06:39 |
apk2crx | it is very easy to make it in xubuntu. | 06:39 |
speaker1234 | apk2crx, how are you on Apache questions? | 06:41 |
kudo | can someone help me to overcome "Could not validate source - Invalid argument" error when I'm trying to copy ubuntu.dmg to usb? | 06:42 |
mablue | any one can give me his phone num and then i give it to amazon for sending pin?! | 06:42 |
apk2crx | Any problem in apache? | 06:42 |
apk2crx | speaker1234 | 06:42 |
mablue | my country is not in list | 06:42 |
utfans05_home | apk2crx: what issues are you having with it? | 06:42 |
mablue | my country is not in list !any one can give me his phone num and then i give it to amazon for sending pin?! | 06:43 |
utfans05_home | oops, I ment speaker1234 | 06:43 |
apk2crx | mablue,for what ? | 06:44 |
speaker1234 | I'm trying to configure my Apache server to work with wsgi. The main problem is I get nothing from the server, no response, no log messages no nothing. It's completely silent | 06:44 |
mablue | apk2crx: for regist | 06:45 |
utfans05_home | speaker1234 Firewall opened? | 06:45 |
speaker1234 | shouldn't be a problem because I'm ssh'ing in but let me check | 06:45 |
speaker1234 | okay IP tables were disabled | 06:46 |
utfans05_home | if the firewall is not opened for port 80 then you wont be able to connect. | 06:46 |
apk2crx | mablue,my phone number is registered. | 06:46 |
utfans05_home | ok, Is apache actually listening on port 80? netstat -plant | grep 80 | 06:46 |
mablue | in | 06:46 |
mablue | | 06:46 |
apk2crx | mablue,yeah | 06:46 |
mablue | ok | 06:47 |
speaker1234 | okay it's only giving me IPv6. | 06:47 |
mablue | tnx | 06:47 |
apk2crx | You can call to the Customer Service to solve it. | 06:48 |
speaker1234 | pstbinning the config | 06:48 |
apk2crx | mablue | 06:48 |
mablue | apk2crx: I should call to obama to solve it .im from iran | 06:49 |
utfans05_home | speaker1234: that netstate line should have looked like this tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 11379/apache2 | 06:49 |
utfans05_home | s/netstate/netstat/g | 06:50 |
speaker1234 | tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 6318/apache2 | 06:50 |
speaker1234 | fg | 06:51 |
utfans05_home | yeah. that's right. | 06:51 |
utfans05_home | Are you using iptables or ufw for your firewall? | 06:51 |
mablue | apk2crx: can u make an acount with your home number an give it pw for me? | 06:51 |
utfans05_home | speaker1234: PM me the ip of the server. I'd like to take a poke at it from the outside to see if I can get some hints. | 06:51 |
speaker1234 | not using any firewall and server is on VM on my laptop. | 06:52 |
utfans05_home | oh.... that makes things more intresting... | 06:52 |
utfans05_home | lol | 06:52 |
speaker1234 | | 06:53 |
utfans05_home | Inside of the sever if you run curl -liv localhost what does it return? | 06:53 |
mablue | F**** evry thing is blocked for iran :D | 06:54 |
speaker1234 | returns what I expect it should. It shows a normal HTTP response complete with my index.html | 06:55 |
utfans05_home | ok, So you are now trying to get it from outside the vm? | 06:55 |
speaker1234 | mablue, maybe you should try using a malware infected USB stick ;-) | 06:55 |
utfans05_home | HEHEHE!\ | 06:56 |
speaker1234 | utfans05_home, yes I am. It's the same place I'm sshing in from, the host OS | 06:56 |
utfans05_home | Hrm, I'm not sure. | 06:56 |
utfans05_home | That would have to do with how the OS and the VM talk. | 06:56 |
mablue | speaker1234: yeh i use if it need .what is this? | 06:57 |
speaker1234 | 06:57 | |
utfans05_home | mablue: it was a joke since all of iran's nuke refining got hacked due to a malware infected usb. | 06:58 |
speaker1234 | it's also joke based on the latest exploit with USB sticks | 06:58 |
speaker1234 | utfans05_home and I are too witty for our own good | 06:58 |
utfans05_home | < prior Air Force Intel Analyst :P | 06:58 |
mablue | utfans05_home: but its not true ! some thing is changed when u hear it from israil presedent... | 07:00 |
speaker1234 | < current wiseass and UI curmudgeon> | 07:00 |
netlar | I seem to be missing the software updater, how can I get it back? | 07:01 |
=== Michael__ is now known as Guest94375 | ||
speaker1234 | **dO'h** | 07:04 |
netlar | Is that the GNOME update manager I see in synaptic? | 07:04 |
speaker1234 | I am such an idiot. Localhost is not localhost when you have two different local hosts. :-) | 07:04 |
utfans05_home | LOL | 07:04 |
utfans05_home | I was just thinking that. | 07:05 |
speaker1234 | In my defense, I have had a "mild" migraine for two days, went out on a nice date and then came home to email from my ex-wife. | 07:06 |
utfans05_home | fun... | 07:06 |
speaker1234 | so my mind wasn't exactly wasn't thinking aboutcomputers. And it's 3 AM again which means I should get to bed since tomorrow is tech support call with mom | 07:07 |
speaker1234 | I get to convert her husband's laptop over to Linux *yaaa* and I might even convert her machine to Linuso that my niece will stop messing with it | 07:08 |
utfans05_home | lol | 07:08 |
speaker1234 | utfans05_home, thank you for being kind and not pointing out what a total idiot I was. :-) maybe I can return the favor someday | 07:09 |
utfans05_home | Maybe! | 07:09 |
speaker1234 | nite all. | 07:09 |
=== ochiotte1 is now known as ochiottes | ||
mneuro | I am using Ubuntu 14.04 with AMD proprietary drivers and I am unable to alt tab out of fullscreen games | 07:34 |
=== havanaanavah is now known as ___ | ||
=== ___ is now known as havanamint | ||
netlar | I have removed the evolution-indicator, but it still shows up under the mail notificatoin, how can I get it to stop showing up there | 07:43 |
netlar | Is it safe just to remove evolution? | 07:47 |
OERIAS | Conceal me what I am, and be my aid For such disguise as happily shall become The form of my intent | 07:48 |
jotik | Hi! The Ubuntu mini CD is signed with 437D05B5 (fingerprint 6302 39CC 130E 1A7F D81A 27B1 4097 6EAF 437D 05B5) and C0B21F32 (fingerprint 790B C727 7767 219C 42C8 6F93 3B4F E6AC C0B2 1F32). Are these valid keys? | 08:12 |
khaya | hi there I am a newbie here | 08:25 |
ilhami | Hey | 08:30 |
ilhami | how do I install Ruby and RubyGems ? :D | 08:31 |
ilhami | sudo apt-get install ruby? :D | 08:31 |
=== christoph is now known as Guest23083 | ||
bosco__ | Hello, world! | 08:35 |
=== eugen is now known as Guest34043 | ||
=== Guest34043 is now known as horror | ||
joar1 | having some trouble with the gtx 980. How do I get drivers version > 340? | 08:54 |
=== horror is now known as eugem | ||
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=== eugeno is now known as eugem | ||
eeee | joar1: u mean > 304? | 08:55 |
joar1 | the highest version I see for 14.04, locally. is 331 | 08:55 |
joar1 | eeee: no, 341 is the first with gtx 980 support AFACT | 08:56 |
* joar1 does not have a woking X session | 08:56 | |
joar1 | [ 2.219937] nvidia: probe of 0000:01:00.0 failed with error -1 | 08:56 |
joar1 | that's in my dmesg | 08:56 |
Aaruni | need urgent help | 09:00 |
nestle33 | if i installed ubuntu with raid0 on /home but raid1 on /boot and / would that mean that if the raid0 crashes for /home that the OS would still boot and i could still get command line ? | 09:00 |
Aaruni | my log folder in /var/log is eating up 60 GB space. Is it OK for the system to clear it all ? | 09:00 |
nestle33 | that/would* | 09:00 |
eeee | 60gb? | 09:00 |
Aaruni | eeee: yes. | 09:00 |
eeee | du -sh /var/log | 09:01 |
eeee | gives you 60gb? | 09:01 |
Aaruni | 36G/var/log | 09:01 |
Aaruni | but the GUI program "DISK USAGE ANALYZER" says /var/log is 60.4 GB | 09:02 |
eeee | ok that might be due to "disk usage" vs actual size | 09:02 |
eeee | anyways it's pretty substantial | 09:02 |
Aaruni | eeee: OK to delete it all ? | 09:03 |
Aaruni | I've only got 2 GB left in my system | 09:03 |
eeee | no idea | 09:03 |
Aaruni | ._. | 09:03 |
Aaruni | I'm just gonna go for it | 09:03 |
Aaruni | its just logs. | 09:03 |
Aaruni | wish me luck | 09:03 |
cucina | ciao a tutti | 09:03 |
eeee | ok, good luck | 09:03 |
Aaruni | I just did sudo rm -rvf /var/log | 09:04 |
Aaruni | and now I have 5 GB free sapce | 09:04 |
Aaruni | *space | 09:04 |
Aaruni | ._. | 09:04 |
eeee | Aaruni: maybe something is taking the bulk of it? type du /var/log | 09:04 |
eeee | or do find /var/log -size +1G | 09:05 |
ilhami | how to install ruby? | 09:07 |
eeee | Aaruni: wait, you say you did rm-rvf /var/log ? O.o | 09:08 |
eeee | there's actual useful stuff there | 09:09 |
anonymous_ | hi | 09:10 |
bazhang | !info ruby | ilhami | 09:10 |
ubottu | ilhami: ruby (source: ruby-defaults): Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 1: (trusty), package size 5 kB, installed size 44 kB | 09:10 |
anonymous_ | wer hat bock mit mir und 12 anderen psn yu ddosen | 09:10 |
bazhang | anonymous_, #ubuntu-de | 09:11 |
bazhang | ilhami, install it with the package manager,as everything else | 09:11 |
anonymous_ | wer hat bock psn yu ddosen | 09:11 |
bazhang | anonymous_, stop with that, you wont get any help | 09:11 |
As4xk | Hi. I plan to setup software RAID 1 when installing 14.04. How do i get the bootloader and /boot (and everything else that is needed to boot) to be replicated to all disk so that no matter which disk dies, i can still boot the system? | 09:18 |
bazhang | !raid > As4xk | 09:20 |
ubottu | As4xk, please see my private message | 09:20 |
As4xk | Thanks | 09:23 |
ilhami | hello. | 09:28 |
ilhami | how do I install Ruby? | 09:31 |
nestle33 | if i installed ubuntu with raid0 on /home but raid1 on /boot and / would that mean that if the raid0 crashes for /home that the OS would still boot and i could still get command line ? | 09:32 |
bazhang | ilhami, I told you how to do that | 09:32 |
bazhang | ilhami, with the package manager | 09:32 |
ilhami | bazhang, I didn't see it. | 09:32 |
ilhami | bazhang, if I had seen it, why would I ask again? dude come on. | 09:32 |
bazhang | ilhami, with the package manager | 09:32 |
ilhami | ok | 09:32 |
ilhami | I got my answer. | 09:32 |
ilhami | but I need to find the right package. is it the one called "ruby" ? | 09:33 |
Grimlock1182 | glxinfo | grep OpenGL | 09:42 |
Fudge | anyone good with networking? using a local network and having probs with bind9 | 09:44 |
bazhang | Fudge, try ##networking | 09:46 |
Fudge | just joined thanks | 09:46 |
bazhang | Fudge, there's a bind channel as well | 09:47 |
Fudge | oh thank smate | 09:47 |
bazhang | /msg alis list *bind* to find it | 09:47 |
theguy312 | Hi, I got a directory mounted via bind and theres a .directory file insied with icon name. How to get nautilus display this one? | 09:47 |
bazhang | control h theguy312 | 09:47 |
theguy312 | bazhang: No, I mean to display the icon rather than folder default icon | 09:48 |
theguy312 | bazhang: Not the .directory file itself | 09:48 |
bazhang | theguy312, right click properties ? whats the final goal here, please | 09:49 |
theguy312 | bazhang: To set icon, if a icon is set via gui it will reset after restart | 09:51 |
=== p1l0t is now known as Guest97027 | ||
cristian_c | Hi | 09:58 |
cristian_c | How can I make working copy&paste in a *buntu virtual machine? | 09:59 |
cristian_c | virtualbox | 09:59 |
cristian_c | Any ideas? | 09:59 |
bazhang | cristian_c, copy and paste what exactly | 10:00 |
cristian_c | text | 10:00 |
cristian_c | text selection | 10:00 |
brokenboot | I'm on ubuntu 14.04. After an update the system won't boot anymore. I used boot-repair to fix it, it boots again, but as soon as update-grub is run, it breaks the boot process again. The system craps out with busybox prompt, but won't accept keyboard input and I can't see what the error message was due to a pile of errors about tick source | 10:01 |
brokenboot | it's worth pointing out that I am trying to boot with degraded raid1, and I have added bootdegraded=true to my kernel options | 10:02 |
Ice_Strike | Eid Mubarak! | 10:03 |
Vivekananda_y510 | I accidentaly did a wrong move: mv a b but b was a directory but now no more | 10:03 |
Vivekananda_y510 | can I get it back | 10:03 |
abcd | hi guys I'm reading some stuff about ssh and here it says that I have to use ssh -L <host> to connect to ubuntuforums | 10:08 |
abcd | what I don't get is where is the adress of the sshd? | 10:09 |
abcd | it says that host is my laptop but if this is my laptop I just would connect to my local sshd??? | 10:10 |
josiah14 | can people see this? I want to make sure I'm properly connected - didn't get a confirmation after identifying with NickServ | 10:11 |
abcd | yes | 10:12 |
abcd | at least me | 10:12 |
abcd | or is the laptop not the machine I enter the ssh command? | 10:13 |
Linnak | Hi, I have 3 type of ubuntu in virtualbox. I installed a lot of apps on one of them and I'd like to install all of them on the other two. How can I do that the easiest way? | 10:13 |
josiah14 | abcd: thanks | 10:13 |
rom1504 | josiah14: you are connected but not identified | 10:13 |
rom1504 | hmm | 10:13 |
rom1504 | oh maybe you are | 10:13 |
josiah14 | rom1504, it's weird, I run /msg NickServ identify <password> and then I just don't ever hear back from the server again like I do on the webchat | 10:15 |
josiah14 | is it an irssi thing? | 10:15 |
josiah14 | oh, interesting, it split of a private chat to tell me | 10:17 |
abcd | Linnak, | 10:18 |
Linnak | abcd: Thank. I've just found it | 10:18 |
xeon | hey guys new to irc | 10:19 |
tomatillo | cristian_c: what version of vmware are you using? | 10:20 |
=== Hobbyboy|Sleep is now known as Hobbyboy | ||
tomatillo | cristian_c: assuming you're using vmware? | 10:20 |
michele_ | how to view the applications in linuxstartup? | 10:22 |
xeon | need help to start learning | 10:22 |
Svetlana | Why does removing systemd-* in apt-get result in it saying that it would also uninstall gnome-session? Gnome-session has nothing to do with startup tools in my view. | 10:23 |
cristian_c | tomatillo, virtualbox | 10:25 |
tomatillo | cristian_c: have you installed the Guest Additions? | 10:26 |
cristian_c | tomatillo, yes | 10:27 |
tomatillo | cristian_c: ok. power the vm off. then click the entry in the vm list in virtualbox and then click settings. in the settings click the Advanced tab. There should be a setting for Shared Clipboard, make sure it's selected as Bidirectional | 10:28 |
Alpy | I know it is illegal but i downloaded a crack of matlab for linux, i tried to download it, but it tells me i can't | 10:29 |
abcd | you better download scilab ;) | 10:29 |
tomatillo | cristian_c: there is also a setting there for drag and drop, if you set that to bidirectional then you can drag/drop files between host/guest as well | 10:30 |
Alpy | scilab does not compile my code | 10:30 |
ibelow | anybody understand russian? | 10:30 |
cristian_c | tomatillo, it's already bidirectional | 10:30 |
cristian_c | tomatillo, copy and paste doesn't work | 10:31 |
Grimlock1182 | guys i need help, how to save jpg file in Gimp? | 10:32 |
ibelow | Grimlock file - Export as | 10:32 |
Grimlock1182 | ibelow, thank you so much.. | 10:33 |
ibelow | nothing)) | 10:34 |
tomatillo | cristian_c: what is your host OS? what version of ubuntu is the vm? | 10:34 |
kaffedieler | yes | 10:35 |
=== Hobbyboy|Sleep is now known as Hobbyboy | ||
cristian_c | tomatillo, lubuntu 14.04 and lubuntu 14.04 | 10:35 |
tomatillo | cristian_c: ok. uninstall the Guest Additions in the vm. then open a terminal in the vm and run sudo apt-get install make gcc linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 10:37 |
tomatillo | cristian_c: then reboot the vm, reinstall Guest Additions and try it again | 10:37 |
cristian_c | tomatillo, ah, ok | 10:38 |
cristian_c | tomatillo, I've uninstalled them, but they exist yet | 10:43 |
cristian_c | lol | 10:43 |
cristian_c | sudo rm /etc/init.d/vbox* | 10:43 |
=== Avryn_ is now known as avryn | ||
bipul | Hello, I am unable to install any packahes via command line | 10:44 |
abcd | Alpy, looks like there is a trial version but sounds like you have to contact the distributor??? | 10:45 |
michele_ | how to view th estartup applications? | 10:46 |
abcd | Alpy, | 10:47 |
abcd | you could also try to install it using wine (if you have a valid win version and a valid serailnumer/license of course) | 10:47 |
abcd | or if you have the ressources virtualbox->win->matlab | 10:49 |
abcd | | 10:52 |
=== Zaitzev^ is now known as Zaitzev | ||
AleksejsM | Hi, so after 6 months I decided to release-upgrade in hope that ubuntu programmers have finished "programming for dummies" courses | 10:54 |
bipul | Can any one help me. I am unable to install any packages via terminal. Also I am getting this messages on my terminal whenever i try to update | 10:54 |
AleksejsM | But they haven't, and wifi doesn't work again | 10:54 |
AleksejsM | I'd like to know how it's possible, that wifi works even on install time on 12.04, but doesn't work at all on newer 13.10 | 10:55 |
AleksejsM | Anyone? | 10:58 |
abcd | bipul, maybe you need java, cause it says "java command not found" ??? | 11:00 |
bipul | abcd: But java is already being installed. And what installation has to do with java? | 11:01 |
abcd | bipul, | 11:04 |
azizLIGHT | i need some help with nvidia graphics? i installed ppa xorg-edgers and used "additional drivers" to load the newest nvidia drivers from the ppa (340.32). latest driver for my geforcegtx 770. it loaded fine but i have flickering all the time randomly on parts of the screen | 11:05 |
azizLIGHT | newest drivers from nvidia itself is 340.46 though | 11:05 |
bipul | abcd: Yes i have searched that issue, but it does not resolve my issue. | 11:06 |
azizLIGHT | advice? | 11:06 |
abcd | bipul, when you enter cat /etc/environment do you get more than one line? | 11:11 |
abcd | is there something containing java? | 11:11 |
abcd | bipul, what does sudo update-alternatives --config java output? | 11:17 |
HadesWatch3r | Which file system is best for use with an SSD, I've heard that BTRFS is very good with SSD's? | 11:17 |
ikonia | just use the default file system provided by ubuntu | 11:19 |
ikonia | which is ext4 | 11:19 |
HadesWatch3r | ikonia thanks for the reply. | 11:20 |
Surendil | lvm is also an option | 11:20 |
ikonia | lvm is not a file system | 11:21 |
ikonia | so it's not an option for "what is the best file system" | 11:21 |
azizLIGHT | what things do we need to do for an ssd | 11:21 |
ikonia | nothing | 11:21 |
ikonia | an SSD is just a disk | 11:21 |
bipul | abcd: This is the output for " sudo update-alternatives --config java " Between I have shortouted my issue by commenting on 2 line inside /etc/environment I got to know from here | 11:21 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1311548 in texinfo (Ubuntu) "13.10 to 14.04: package install-info 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 127" [Undecided,New] | 11:21 |
azizLIGHT | doesnt it need trim or whatever | 11:21 |
ikonia | azizLIGHT: it doesn't "need" trim, you can use trim if you want though, ubuntu should auto detect this now in the current distro | 11:21 |
azizLIGHT | so how do i tell if i got it setup or not | 11:22 |
ikonia | azizLIGHT: you will see it in the mount options | 11:22 |
azizLIGHT | ikonia: ahh but im using luks though | 11:22 |
ikonia | then you won't be using trim | 11:23 |
azizLIGHT | so i hve a /dev/mapper in mount | 11:23 |
ikonia | /dev/mapper is just a pointer to a device | 11:23 |
azizLIGHT | isnt that bad | 11:23 |
ikonia | you will still see the options in "mount" | 11:23 |
azizLIGHT | im using a luks partition... and then lvm insie the luks | 11:24 |
ikonia | right ? | 11:24 |
azizLIGHT | with lv for each mount point | 11:24 |
ikonia | so ? | 11:24 |
azizLIGHT | but i dont see /dev/sda6 (my luks partition) or any /dev/sda mounts besides /dev/sda2 (/boot/efi) and /dev/sda5 (/boot) | 11:25 |
ikonia | I don't see your point | 11:25 |
ikonia | so ? | 11:25 |
ikonia | logical volumes and device mappers are still device files that you mount | 11:25 |
azizLIGHT | i dont see /dev/sda* with trim anywhere | 11:26 |
ikonia | again so what ? | 11:26 |
azizLIGHT | i want trim | 11:26 |
azizLIGHT | is it possible | 11:26 |
ikonia | then you need to confiugre luks to allow trim support | 11:27 |
ikonia | which is not out of the box as it weakens encryption | 11:27 |
azizLIGHT | hmmm | 11:27 |
azizLIGHT | its not recommended? | 11:27 |
ikonia | I didn't say that | 11:27 |
desperate_joe | hello everybody | 11:28 |
azizLIGHT | is it difficult | 11:28 |
ikonia | depends on your abilities and knowledge | 11:28 |
ikonia | before you do anything I'd ask myself an honest question "do I need encyption on this disk" | 11:28 |
ikonia | then move forward from there | 11:28 |
azizLIGHT | i already got it all setup | 11:28 |
ikonia | most people I've found personally encypt disk without reason other than wrongly thinking they need encyption | 11:28 |
azizLIGHT | the encryption | 11:29 |
desperate_joe | looking for a cross platform (ubuntu - android)to create a library including ebooks and real books | 11:29 |
ikonia | and with encrypting the disk, they make more problems for themselves | 11:29 |
azizLIGHT | the encryption setup wasnt too bad | 11:29 |
ikonia | I didn't say the setup was | 11:29 |
Zaitzev | desperate_joe: Calibre | 11:29 |
ikonia | however it can create problems (such as you are finding now) later down the road | 11:29 |
azizLIGHT | hmm | 11:29 |
azizLIGHT | what other problems can happen | 11:29 |
desperate_joe | calibre works on android? | 11:29 |
ikonia | azizLIGHT: this is research you should have done before encypting your disk | 11:30 |
Zaitzev | desperate_joe: That I don't know, I've used it on Windows and Ubuntu. Why would you create the library from android anyway? :) | 11:30 |
azizLIGHT | yea most guides go over pros/cons but theyre not considering ssds, at least the guides i read | 11:30 |
ikonia | azizLIGHT: so again, I'd go back to the question of "do I really need encyption" then move forward from there | 11:31 |
desperate_joe | because i have 500+ books and i want to scan them and intigrate them in the program, knowing always when in a bookstore if i have that book or not | 11:31 |
Zaitzev | Ah, I see what you mean | 11:31 |
desperate_joe | i have 5000+ ebooks, and 500+ paper books, so the objective is to make 1 central database | 11:32 |
ikonia | desperate_joe: would you not do that in a web app ? | 11:32 |
ikonia | then reference the web site from the ubuntu or android device | 11:32 |
desperate_joe | don't understand what you mean ikonia | 11:32 |
Zaitzev | You COULD read up on Calibre and see if it has any feature that allow you to do so. I know Calibre has a content server with which you can connect (and presumably by some magic use with a scanner) | 11:32 |
Zaitzev | OH! And I just read on their page: Support for Android phones and tablets :) | 11:33 |
geirha | There are already databases on the net that contains titles and images of books. You just need to plot in the ISBN number. | 11:33 |
Zaitzev | crap, nevermind. I assume that is just compatibility in terms of connecting to and syncing etc. | 11:34 |
Zaitzev | geirha: And with a scanner you can scan a barcode which transfers the ISBN into the text field on that search page | 11:34 |
markc | would anyone care to "sponsor" a bug report for me please? | 11:37 |
ikonia | markc: sponsor ? you don't need to sponsor things | 11:37 |
markc | the "bug" is that roundcube should not depend on apache when nginx is already installed | 11:37 |
ikonia | markc: just raise the bug, | 11:37 |
desperate_joe | i've been looking in google play, and there's calibre cloud and calibre sync | 11:38 |
markc | ikonia: how? if you mean by using apport I don't have it or python installed on my servers | 11:38 |
nevermoreraven2 | um what does google play have to do with ubuntu? | 11:38 |
ikonia | markc: is this bug for ubuntu or debian | 11:38 |
nevermoreraven2 | that's offtopic guys | 11:38 |
desperate_joe | i'm looking into a program that can be used in both | 11:39 |
desperate_joe | calibre | 11:39 |
Zaitzev | desperate_joe: I assume those are related to the management of the books themselves, but they might have a search function. Either way, Calibre is one of the best book management software out there, imo. | 11:39 |
markc | ikonia: I have no idea, I went to install roundcube and it depends on apache when I already have nginx installed, that to me seems like a bug | 11:39 |
Zaitzev | I've used Calibre to edit and sync with my ipad - I too have a ton of ebooks :p | 11:39 |
ikonia | markc: are you installing it on ubuntu or debian | 11:39 |
markc | ikonia: ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10 | 11:40 |
desperate_joe | @zaitev: how did it work on your ipad? what did you download? calibre cloud or sync? | 11:40 |
ikonia | markc: ok, so log a bug in against the package | 11:40 |
nevermoreraven2 | ubuntu 14.10 is out? | 11:40 |
Zaitzev | desperate_joe: Nothing, I upload books from the pc software right onto the ipad | 11:40 |
ikonia | nevermoreraven2: not yet | 11:40 |
desperate_joe | and can you use your program on the ipad to scan and add paper books? | 11:41 |
Zaitzev | desperate_joe: No no, I don't have any app on the ipad | 11:41 |
markc | ikonia: thanks, I guess I have to sign up for yet another account... that's why I was hoping someone already familiar with launchpad would "sponsor" this bug | 11:42 |
desperate_joe | ok, i see | 11:42 |
ikonia | markc: no-one will or should log bugs for you - it's your bug/your problem you need to take ownership of it | 11:42 |
Razzeeyy | guys what's wrong with ubuntu input method since like ubuntu 13.10? when I'm on russian layout some apps like stop reacting to keys so as if they now recieve a text-wise keypress itself not a keycode or something... that wasn't happening before till recent ubuntu releases I believe it has something to do with input method | 11:42 |
Zaitzev | desperate_joe: I have ebooks added to Calibre that I have edited (metadata, filenames etc), then uploaded to the ipad. I'm just reading them on the ipad. You would have to look into the android apps and see if they provide what you seek :) | 11:43 |
markc | ikonia: hard to believe it only affects me, anyone runnign nginx will have the same problem... maybe nginx is not that popular with ubuntu folks... anyway, point taken | 11:43 |
desperate_joe | i understand... do you think it is possbile what i want? an integrated library? | 11:44 |
markc | ikonia: up till now I've always avoided the issue by installing roundcube from upstream, this time I thought I would at least alert someone | 11:45 |
Zaitzev | desperate_joe: Calibre being so advanced and feature rich, I can only assume. | 11:45 |
markc | ikonia: thanks for your help | 11:45 |
nevermoreraven2 | what happened to gobuntu? | 11:47 |
pin | hi | 11:49 |
pin | hi | 11:49 |
GPenguin | hello, is there a dedicated channel for ufw related questions? | 11:49 |
pin | what ? | 11:49 |
pin | gpenguin.. where are you come from | 11:49 |
somsip | !ot | pin | 11:50 |
ubottu | pin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 11:50 |
desperate_joe | @zaitzev: installed both calibre and calibre sync, but i can't seem to make a connection, and the sync is really only to access your ebooks on a wireless device | 11:52 |
GPenguin | !ufw | 11:52 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See | 11:52 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:52 |
desperate_joe | so it is really lacking the option to insert paper books | 11:53 |
GPenguin | i assume the silence means it is okay to ask ufw related questions here | 11:53 |
GPenguin | is it possible to mix ufw with iptables rules (e.g. from fail2ban)? | 11:53 |
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chalcedony | GPenguin, hi :) | 11:55 |
Rohan_14 | Hello I am working on a simple management project it requires to upload file from user but i dont want to store their uploaded files on my main server is there another cheap option for that thnks | 11:58 |
GPenguin | what about DNS? i see in no example how you handle DNS when you block incoming | 11:58 |
somsip | GPenguin: is this essentially a ufw question of a Fail2Ban question? | 12:00 |
somsip | *or | 12:00 |
desperate_joe | Zaitzev? | 12:01 |
GPenguin | i ask if the fail2ban rules work when you use ufw | 12:01 |
ikonia | GPenguin: that makes no sense | 12:01 |
ikonia | fail2ban rules work when they pattern match | 12:02 |
ikonia | if you are blocking access, they will never hit the service to hit the logs to pattern match | 12:02 |
GPenguin | ikonia: could you refrain from making offensive comments? | 12:02 |
ikonia | GPenguin: there is nothing offensive in what I said | 12:02 |
GPenguin | if you fail to grasp the sense it does not mean i make no sense | 12:02 |
GPenguin | now cut it off | 12:02 |
ikonia | GPenguin: no, what you ask doesn't make sense | 12:02 |
GPenguin | let others help who care | 12:02 |
ikonia | as fail2ban depends on pattern matching logs | 12:03 |
ikonia | if you are blocking access to a service it will not hit the logs so fail2ban can't pattern match | 12:03 |
GPenguin | it uses iptables and i want to know if ufw interfers with other programs that use iptables direclty | 12:03 |
ikonia | GPenguin: fail2ban doesn't interact with ufw - it interacts with fail2ban | 12:03 |
ikonia | sorry it iptbles directly | 12:03 |
ikonia | so it won't cause a problem | 12:03 |
GPenguin | testing my nerves again. alright. anybody else? | 12:04 |
ikonia | ufw is just "fronting" iptables | 12:04 |
ikonia | so iptables is still the netfilter firewall, so it wo'nt cause a problem | 12:04 |
GPenguin | why the whole drama instead of posting that last line? | 12:04 |
ikonia | there is no drama | 12:04 |
GPenguin | shove your ego to the door and keep it out | 12:04 |
=== arcsky_ is now known as arcsky | ||
miaw | hi there | 12:14 |
miaw | well i have a question , How to permanently delete the guest account from ubuntu login ??? | 12:14 |
ahmet | slm | 12:16 |
ahmet | heyyy | 12:17 |
ahmet | sanane | 12:18 |
miaw | Help please i folowed this but after rebooting i keep getting black screen and it says lightdm failed to load | 12:19 |
miaw | I am using Lubuntu ! | 12:19 |
Ben64 | miaw: what exactly did you do | 12:20 |
miaw | <Ben64> i fixed it by undoing what i did from the recovery mode , but can you plaese showme the right way to remove the guest account permanantly , thanks * | 12:21 |
desperate_joe | how to scan barcode with webcam in ubuntu and make a database? | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | miaw: you can hide the entry in lightdm | 12:22 |
ikonia | desperate_joe: that's a pretty big quetion | 12:22 |
ikonia | desperate_joe: thats more about application development | 12:22 |
ikonia | desperate_joe: thats not a one stop answer | 12:22 |
desperate_joe | i think it is more as in connecting maybe 2 existing programs? | 12:23 |
miaw | <ActionParsnip> can you explain more or give me a link where i can follow steps thanks | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | miaw: | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | miaw: how long did that take me to find? | 12:23 |
ikonia | desperate_joe: right, so they have to be aware of each other, you need to find hte program first before asking "how to do it" | 12:23 |
desperate_joe | maybe first question: can i scan barcodes with webcam in ubuntu and which program to use? | 12:23 |
ikonia | desperate_joe: scan is just a photo | 12:23 |
ikonia | desperate_joe: so "yes" | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | miaw: searched the web, like...1 minute tops.... | 12:24 |
pavlos | desperate_joe, | 12:26 |
miaw | <ActionParsnip> link isn working i already followed this but didnt work | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | !info zbar-tools | desperate_joe | 12:26 |
ubottu | desperate_joe: zbar-tools (source: zbar): bar code scanner and decoder (utilities). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10+doc-9build1 (trusty), package size 22 kB, installed size 93 kB | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | miaw: did you log off to test | 12:26 |
miaw | ActionParsnip> I rebooted and then i couldnt login | 12:27 |
ActionParsnip | miaw: | 12:27 |
miaw | <ActionParsnip> I didnt log of i rebooted , could that be the cause | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | miaw: what is the output of: car /etc/issue | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | miaw: reboot will work too, lightdm reloads and rereads the config | 12:28 |
=== avryn_ is now known as avryn | ||
ActionParsnip | miaw: | 12:30 |
desperate_joe | zbar does not work... it just opens the cam, and works like a cam | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | Oop | 12:30 |
miaw | <ActionParsnip> it asks for a passphrase | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | desperate_joe: did you read how to use it? | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | miaw: yes, thats your login password for sudo to work.... | 12:30 |
desperate_joe | you use it in a terminal, and it makes a picture of what you are holding in front of the cam | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | miaw: | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | desperate_joe: it also decodes things according to the web, did you read he man page or guides online? | 12:31 |
desperate_joe | there is a list of commands in the terminal | 12:32 |
miaw | <ActionParsnip> ok i"ll try those link thanks | 12:32 |
pavlos | desperate_joe, did you read the man page for zbarcam ? | 12:34 |
desperate_joe | i used the commands as appeared in the terminal | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | desperate_joe: | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | desperate_joe: if you research an application rather than trying to guess you will succeed more. | 12:35 |
elohimswagger | Hello, I'm having issues untarring a tar.gz file with both tar xvzf and gunzip. Verbose output shows the files in the tar but these do not exist in the dir as they should be. | 12:35 |
elohimswagger | Any help? Thanks! | 12:36 |
elohimswagger | Any ideas? Anyone? | 12:38 |
ikonia | elohimswagger: please show me the output of the command "ls -la filename.tar.gz" | 12:39 |
elohimswagger | That will prove problematic. I'm attempting this on an isolated machine and communicating here on a separate device. | 12:40 |
elohimswagger | I will give relevant output that seems useful. Uno momento. | 12:41 |
ikonia | elohimswagger: give me the full exact output - or not at all | 12:41 |
elohimswagger | Sorry, I will attempt as expediently as possible. | 12:41 |
ikonia | elohimswagger: there is no rush | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip | elohimswagger: install unp and use unp on the file, unp will extract nearly anything | 12:42 |
ikonia | elohimswagger: (use a pastebin if it's a few lines long output) | 12:42 |
ahmet | ok | 12:42 |
ahmet | nasılsın devrım | 12:43 |
* ActionParsnip reckons unp should be installed by default | 12:44 | |
elohimswagger | Also problematic. The regarded machine is not networked. I'm running forensic analysis on it. | 12:44 |
elohimswagger | Otherwise I would. | 12:44 |
BluesKaj | ActionParsnip, agreed , luv unp | 12:45 |
g0th | hi | 12:47 |
g0th | where can I find collections of usable images? | 12:47 |
g0th | like walls/etc | 12:48 |
g0th | huge collection | 12:48 |
bipul | I am looking for a some help regarding testdrive testing ISO images. | 12:48 |
g0th | for a game | 12:48 |
ActionParsnip | g0th: google image search..... | 12:48 |
OerHeks | and tons of websites more | 12:49 |
g0th | I think sprites is the name | 12:50 |
g0th | thanks OerHeks | 12:50 |
delphus | salut à tous | 12:53 |
cfhowlett | !f | delphus, | 12:53 |
cfhowlett | !fr | delphus, | 12:53 |
ubottu | delphus,: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 12:53 |
demahum12 | I'm trying to change default workspace. I have found this: Can anyone help me how to do these things from the first answer? | 13:11 |
ActionParsnip | demahum12: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue | 13:11 |
demahum12 | ActionParsnip, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l | 13:12 |
freon | what is the right way to install virtualbox in ubuntu , and to get the same features the the windows virsion like USB support ??? | 13:13 |
ActionParsnip | freon: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose | 13:14 |
ActionParsnip | demahum12: do you mean the default workspace per application, or the one that shows after logon? | 13:15 |
freon | <ActionParsnip; and which one work better vb or vmware workstation .. ?? | 13:15 |
demahum12 | ActionParsnip, as the question from the link says, the one that shows after logon. | 13:15 |
OerHeks | USB is an option in virtualbox | 13:15 |
ActionParsnip | freon: the question is nonsensical | 13:15 |
ActionParsnip | freon: meither is better than th other. If one was, nobody would use he inferior product and die out | 13:16 |
ActionParsnip | freon: both systems have advantages so both exist | 13:16 |
freon | ActionParsnip> does virtualbox-ose support usb ? | 13:16 |
steve__ | Looking for help with Ubuntu and Java with my Firefox. Java and Flash worked. It doesn't anymore without me changing anything | 13:17 |
ActionParsnip | freon: yes | 13:17 |
steve__ | Anyone wanna help? | 13:18 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: does it show ok in | 13:18 |
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freon | <ActionParsnip> thanks : ) | 13:18 |
cfhowlett | steve__, USB supported on virtualbox-4.3 | 13:18 |
cfhowlett | steve__, eeks! sorry @ freon | 13:19 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: what is the output of: java -version; cat /etc/issue | 13:19 |
steve__ | ActionParsnip, I'm going to do a pastebin with what "java -version" gives me brb | 13:19 |
ActionParsnip | freon: your "which is better" question makes as much sense as "which is better, coke or pepsi?" | 13:19 |
steve__ | ActionParsnip, | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | freon: neither is "better", people have different requirements and tastes, so both are fine | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: and the output of: cat /etc/issue | 13:20 |
steve__ | ActionParsnip, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: the webupd7 | 13:21 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: the webupd8 ppa lets you install oracle java easily, use tab and enter to accept the license | 13:21 |
steve__ | ActionParsnip, That "Ubuntu 14.04.1 ..." thing is what cat /etc/issue give me | 13:21 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: plus it will be enabled in your browser for you :) | 13:22 |
Ateist | Hi, who can help me? I have a problem with USB scancode reader, and I'm new in linux. | 13:22 |
steve__ | ActionParsnip, Where do I find that webupd7 or webupd8 ppa ? | 13:22 |
steve__ | Ateist, What is the question? | 13:23 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: its webupd8, you'll find it easily online.... | 13:23 |
steve__ | Ateist, Because all I find in your post is a declaration that there is a problem | 13:23 |
Ateist | Yes, it scans not full barcode, everytime one number is missing. | 13:23 |
Ateist | In windows everythink is OK, but in different ubuntu versions same problem. | 13:23 |
Ateist | For example: I get 5449172 instead of 54491472 | 13:23 |
Ateist | or I get 885697000016 instead of 8856976000016 | 13:23 |
ActionParsnip | Ateist: is the an option you can add to the command to tweak its behaviour? | 13:24 |
Ateist | It can be programmed using printed barcodes. And it is allready configured as we want it to work. | 13:25 |
Ateist | No any application or command. | 13:26 |
Ateist | on same PC (2 different PC-s) under windows everythink is OK | 13:27 |
houserockr | Ateist: I could imagine that drivers for such devices need to be calibrated. maybe you need to do that for the linux driver, too. | 13:27 |
ActionParsnip | Ateist: it must be or you wouldn't get the functionality | 13:27 |
ActionParsnip | Ateist: I suggest you report a bug | 13:27 |
Ateist | I'm new in linux, how can i calibrate a driver? | 13:28 |
houserockr | Ateist: what device are we talking about? | 13:28 |
Ateist | cypherlab 1070 | 13:29 |
Ateist | cipherlab 1070 | 13:29 |
steve__ | ActionParsnip, I think I did the right thing about webipd8, but it doesn't work. Should I have added ppa somewhere in the repo setup? | 13:31 |
houserockr | Ateist: I couldn't even find linux support on the manufacturer's website | 13:31 |
steve__ | brb | 13:32 |
houserockr | Ateist: how did you perform a scan? | 13:32 |
Ateist | I open leafpad, and try to scan a coca-colas barcode usind the device. | 13:33 |
=== jd is now known as Guest69735 | ||
ilhami | Guys | 13:34 |
ilhami | your OS is giving me problems | 13:34 |
ilhami | really big problems | 13:34 |
Guest69735 | where is the default folder for sharing file via bluetooth? I sent some images from my phone and not sure where they went | 13:34 |
houserockr | Ateist: have you seen ? | 13:35 |
ilhami | can anyone assist me ? | 13:35 |
cfhowlett | ilhami, that resounding silence is us waiting for you to state the actual issue so we might be able to assist. ms. cleo has the night off, so be comprehensive in your description. | 13:35 |
ilhami | I am trying to install ruby and rubygems but encounters errors all the time. | 13:36 |
ilhami | It won't let me install rubygems. | 13:36 |
cfhowlett | ilhami, "errors" = ??? | 13:37 |
ilhami | 2 sec. | 13:37 |
cfhowlett | !paste | ilhami | 13:37 |
ubottu | ilhami: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 13:37 |
ilhami | | 13:37 |
ilhami | :D don't worry . I got it. | 13:37 |
Ateist | houserockr: Idid, I tried sudo modprobe usbkbd, But no success | 13:37 |
ilhami | My goal is to install jekyll btw. | 13:37 |
cfhowlett | !info jekyll | 13:38 |
ubottu | jekyll (source: jekyll): Simple, blog aware, static site generator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-1 (trusty), package size 30 kB, installed size 190 kB | 13:38 |
ilhami | yeah I tried that.. didn't work. Let me try again. :) | 13:38 |
ianorlin | if I have / on an ssd and /home on an hdd and I run sudo fstrim / does that end up running fstrim on my hdd? | 13:39 |
ilhami | 2 sec. | 13:39 |
ActionParsnip | ianorlin: trim wont work on platter based drives | 13:39 |
cfhowlett | ilhami, from terminal: sudo apt-get install jekyll and report issues | 13:39 |
houserockr | Ateist: I just read that usbkbd is deprecated | 13:40 |
ilhami | | 13:40 |
ilhami | same error cfhowlett | 13:40 |
houserockr | Ateist: if you do a lsusb on the console, do you see the device? | 13:40 |
cfhowlett | ilhami, OK, try this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 13:41 |
ianorlin | but will running fstrim on / in this setup damage anything or it will just ignore that there is a platter at /home | 13:41 |
cfhowlett | ilhami, followed up jekyll installation | 13:41 |
jotik | Hi! The Ubuntu mini CD is signed with 437D05B5 (fingerprint 6302 39CC 130E 1A7F D81A 27B1 4097 6EAF 437D 05B5) and C0B21F32 (fingerprint 790B C727 7767 219C 42C8 6F93 3B4F E6AC C0B2 1F32). Are these official Ubuntu GPG keys? | 13:41 |
Ateist | I did dmesg | grep usb | 13:41 |
steve__ | ActionParsnip, Same problem. Here's a pastebin to help. | 13:42 |
Ateist | and got vendorid:0745, deviceid:0000 | 13:42 |
ilhami | cfhowlett, same problem. | 13:42 |
cfhowlett | ilhami, ... grrr | 13:43 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: what is the output of: cat -n /etc/apt/sources.list | 13:43 |
ilhami | Errors were encountered while processing: rubygems E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 13:43 |
mgolisch | ilhami: you installed ruby manualy or something? | 13:43 |
Ateist | lsusb answer: bus002, device003: Id 0745: 0000 Syntech information co; ltd | 13:43 |
ilhami | mgolisch, I tried but it didn't work. :D | 13:43 |
ActionParsnip | !find gem1.8 | 13:43 |
ubottu | Package/file gem1.8 does not exist in trusty | 13:44 |
steve__ | ActionParsnip, | 13:44 |
ilhami | haha I messed something up for sure :D | 13:44 |
ActionParsnip | ilhami: what is the output of: ls /usr/bin/gem* | 13:44 |
ilhami | I will be back in 5-10 minutes. I am sorry guys. I will hurry. | 13:44 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: why are you adding lines manually to sources.list? Remove those lines dude | 13:45 |
steve__ | ActionParsnip, Which lines? I am a bit of a nOOb at this | 13:45 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: the last 2 lines you added for webupd8, didnt you? | 13:46 |
steve__ | ActionParsnip, I thought you suggested that I add webupd8 to solve my java and flash problems | 13:47 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: then you are pro enough to know what you did, so "bit of a nOOb" doesnt mean anything here, that PPA is also for themes. Did you even read what you added!? | 13:47 |
steve__ | I thought that I had copied what I had read when I looked for webupd8 | 13:48 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: delete the lines you added then save the new file and follow this guide | 13:48 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: | 13:48 |
ActionParsnip | steve__: its 3 commands, done. Lots of guides have this easy solution. Use TAB and ENTER to accept the licemse | 13:50 |
steve__ | ActionParsnip, Wish me luck. I think I did a bad thing when I removed java with the intention to re-install it ... before I came to the room. Brb once I get around to following your instructions | 13:51 |
ilhami | ActionParsnip, /usr/bin/gem1.9.1 | 13:52 |
ActionParsnip | ilhami: ok, run: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.9.1 /usr/bin/gem1.8 | 13:54 |
ActionParsnip | ilhami: then retry | 13:54 |
ilhami | I think that actually worked :D | 13:55 |
ilhami | what a genius haha | 13:55 |
ilhami | let me see if jekyll works now. | 13:55 |
ActionParsnip | ilhami: if it works, please report a bug stating that a symlink is needed | 13:57 |
ilhami | ActionParsnip, when I run this command: "jekyll new myblog" I get this error. | 13:57 |
ilhami | | 13:57 |
ilhami | I am following the guidelines on their site btw. | 13:57 |
ilhami | | 13:57 |
rebs | so ive now spent like 3 hours trying to get an internal drive to automount on startup. am i being daft and there is some really easy way to do this? whenever i edit fstab i get mounting errors on startup, but if i let automount do its thing, the disk works just doesnt autoload on startup | 13:59 |
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ActionParsnip | ilhami: not something I use, maybe the symlink isn't enough of a fix. Are there any bugs reported. If not please report one | 14:00 |
ianorlin | this is why you make a backup of fstab before editing it so you can restore from backups | 14:00 |
rebs | its only one line i changed... | 14:01 |
rebs | i had recently formattted the drive i was starting from square one | 14:01 |
yahyaa | can anyone suggest a very good easy to use backup utility for kubuntu or Ubuntu! | 14:02 |
ilhami | ActionParsnip, I think the version of jekyll I have is old. | 14:03 |
Wulframn | rebs: what kind of drive is it and let's see a paste of that fstab for starters. | 14:03 |
azizLIGHT | when will CVE-2014-6277 be patch | 14:03 |
ubottu | GNU Bash through 4.3 bash43-026 does not properly parse function definitions in the values of environment variables, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (uninitialized memory access, and untrusted-pointer read and write operations) via a crafted environment, as demonstrated by vectors involving the ForceCommand feature in OpenSSH... ( | 14:03 |
aaruni|osx | support for OSX | Ubuntu dual boot also provided here? | 14:03 |
ActionParsnip | ilhami: maybe, but the one from the repos should work with the other packages | 14:04 |
Wulframn | aaruni|osx: for the ubuntu part, yes | 14:04 |
aaruni|osx | Wulframn: can I just get a new partition, install Ubuntu precise along with OSX, and expect it to mutli-boot properly? | 14:05 |
rebs | its a newly formatted / patrtitioned ext4 drive Wulframn : /dev/sdb1 /media/data ext4 defaults 0 1 | 14:05 |
Wulframn | aaruni|osx: they need their own, separate positions. If you install ubuntu after OSX it should dual boot smoothly. | 14:06 |
ilhami | ActionParsnip, I have version 0.11.2.. there is version 2.4.0 | 14:06 |
ilhami | hahaha | 14:06 |
OerHeks | azizLIGHT, "we don't consider this to be | 14:06 |
OerHeks | mdeslaur> a critical issue requiring immediate attention." | 14:06 |
ubottu | GNU Bash through 4.3 bash43-026 does not properly parse function definitions in the values of environment variables, which allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (uninitialized memory access, and untrusted-pointer read and write operations) via a crafted environment, as demonstrated by vectors involving the ForceCommand feature in OpenSSH... ( | 14:06 |
azizLIGHT | ... | 14:07 |
aaruni|osx | Wulframn: no need for anything like rEFIt ? | 14:07 |
azizLIGHT | OerHeks: thanks for looking that up | 14:07 |
ActionParsnip | ilhami: may be able to find a PPA | 14:07 |
OerHeks | yw | 14:07 |
ActionParsnip | !ppa | ilhami | 14:07 |
ubottu | ilhami: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 14:07 |
Wulframn | aaruni|osx: I don't use OSX so I am uncertain. I'll double check what resources I can and you can always ask the room in general in the meantime. | 14:07 |
ActionParsnip | ilhami: I suggest you report a bug if the version in the repo is dead | 14:08 |
aaruni|osx | ActionParsnip: have any idea on my issue? | 14:08 |
ilhami | ActionParsnip, never reported a bug before.. haha I will also need to learn that. | 14:08 |
ActionParsnip | aaruni|osx: I don't use Apple garbage, sorry | 14:08 |
aaruni|osx | hmm | 14:08 |
nevermoreraven2 | no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory | 14:09 |
ActionParsnip | ilhami: ubuntu-bug packagename | 14:09 |
nevermoreraven2 | how do I solve that problem??? ^^^ | 14:09 |
nevermoreraven2 | no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory | 14:09 |
jotik | Hi! The Ubuntu mini CD is signed with 437D05B5 (fingerprint 6302 39CC 130E 1A7F D81A 27B1 4097 6EAF 437D 05B5) and C0B21F32 (fingerprint 790B C727 7767 219C 42C8 6F93 3B4F E6AC C0B2 1F32). Are these official Ubuntu GPG keys? | 14:09 |
nevermoreraven2 | no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory | 14:09 |
Wulframn | aaruni|osx: it's not personal. :-P | 14:09 |
nevermoreraven2 | how do I solve that problem??? ^^^ | 14:09 |
OerHeks | aaruni|osx, maybe the mactelpages are any help i do not use mac either | 14:09 |
ActionParsnip | !hashes | jotik | 14:09 |
ubottu | jotik: See for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases | 14:09 |
aaruni|osx | Wulframn: I have a similar reaction to mac. Setting up buntu and OSX for sister. | 14:10 |
ActionParsnip | aaruni|osx: could use virtualbox | 14:10 |
aaruni|osx | OerHeks: Some pages say to use rEFIt, some don't | 14:10 |
aaruni|osx | hence the confusion | 14:10 |
jotik | ActionParsnip: no info there about mini ISO nor GPG signatures. | 14:10 |
aaruni|osx | ActionParsnip: on 2GB ram in today's world? | 14:11 |
ilhami | ActionParsnip, should I update this manually then? | 14:11 |
ActionParsnip | aaruni|osx: sure, use Lubuntu. My VM at work uses about 256Mb | 14:11 |
aaruni|osx | ActionParsnip: but not OSX. Ram usage is always at 1.99GB | 14:12 |
ActionParsnip | aaruni|osx: sounds like a great OS, yikes | 14:12 |
Wulframn | aaruni|osx: seriously? | 14:12 |
aaruni|osx | Wulframn: yes. its too bloaty | 14:12 |
ActionParsnip | aaruni|osx: could install ubuntu to usb and boot that when you want to use ubuntu, shove it in | 14:13 |
Wulframn | that's a great idea | 14:13 |
OerHeks | jotik, md5sums are here | 14:13 |
Wulframn | then the OSX behemoth isn't chugging all the RAM | 14:14 |
Glycan | Hi, I'm trying to recover file and hopefully fix a Lubuntu system. I try to boot Knoppix off a flash key and it fails saying: "/init: line 975: mount: not found" twice, then "/init: exec: line 1033: /sbin/init: Input/output error". What chan should I go to? | 14:14 |
OerHeks | ans SHA1 | 14:14 |
aaruni|osx | ActionParsnip: not phor me, mate | 14:14 |
aaruni|osx | its for nub sister | 14:14 |
jotik | OerHeks: ok, but GPG the keys? | 14:16 |
confusedDev | looking for someone willing to guide a confused software dev through the world of wireless networking in linux (setting up home pc with a (NETGEAR) wnda3100 => ubuntu 14.4 (tahr) I have ndis and installed drivers...issue is with signal strength 0 / power light off on the wireless adapter pls pm if you can help | 14:16 |
ActionParsnip | aaruni|osx: isnt MacOS doing what is needed? | 14:16 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: recover what file? | 14:16 |
OerHeks | jotic those keys are not GPG are they ? | 14:17 |
aaruni|osx | ActionParsnip: she likes Ubuntu from my ubuntu box. and OSX is too resource hungry | 14:17 |
Glycan | ActionParsnip: my music library, my notes, my projects... | 14:17 |
Glycan | s/file/my files/g | 14:18 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: is there not a backup? | 14:18 |
Glycan | not an external one, no | 14:18 |
Glycan | well, not for certain things, anyway | 14:18 |
Glycan | Normally booting my Lubuntu system says something about I/O errors, falls into fsck, which raises a bunch more errors that I do not understand "failed command: READ DMA.... error: { UNC }", ending with "fsck / [275] terminated with status 4" | 14:18 |
jotik | OerHeks: I need to know what are the proper keys used to sign and the like. These seem to use different keys than used for normal Ubuntu releases. | 14:19 |
ses | Hi | 14:19 |
ses | Can anyone help? | 14:19 |
=== ses is now known as Guest81363 | ||
Guest81363 | I reseted my MBR how can i now again boot into Linux. Im dual bootin with ubunut and win7 | 14:20 |
ilhami | "never ever make install as root" why? | 14:20 |
jotik | ses: Maybe. Please just ask your question. | 14:20 |
Glycan | ~Can, uh, someone help me or at leas ttell me where to go? | 14:20 |
jotik | Glycan: SATA disks with cables? Faulty cable perhaps? | 14:21 |
Guest81363 | Im not geetin the boot options.Im not gettin Grub anymore. | 14:21 |
jotik | Guest81363: booting directly to Windows now? | 14:21 |
Glycan | jotik: huh? this is just a kinda old laptop | 14:22 |
Guest81363 | Yes im bootin directly to WIN now. Thing is i couldnt boot to win7 and reseted the boot with TOOL DISK. Now i dont get grub. | 14:22 |
jotik | Glycan: Such errors usually mean a faulty hard drive or cable or the like. | 14:22 |
jotik | sry all, got to run now. | 14:23 |
Guest81363 | Can anyone help about that? | 14:23 |
Glycan | yeah, I'm assuming I screwed up my HDD somehow. I was kinda hoping someone would explain how to get fsck to run properly enough to fix whatever the problem is | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: why not? | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: what if the drive IDE or moror failed, where is your data? | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: cant be very important | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: think about it...for once | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: heres what you are basically asking "I didnt think to backup my data and now I need you guys to dig me out of this easily avoidable situation. A usb hdd of a few hundred gigabytes cost pennies but I didnt bother. Can you please help" | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: boot the the ubunu livecd an mount your partition then copy data to an exteenal storage. You now have a backup. Reinstall the OS and restore the backup | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | Guest81363: you can reinstall Grub to the MBR from Ubuntu live Cd | 14:24 |
Alpy | okay i am getting this error message on the terminal ' Unterminated quoted string' on the terminal, how i solve it? | 14:24 |
Guest81363 | With what Guest 813. | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: use liveCd. Bit easier | 14:24 |
Alpy | *how do i solve it? | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | Alpy: is it when you first launch the terminal? | 14:25 |
unopaste | ActionParsnip you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 14:25 |
OerHeks | jotic i think you look at the wrong place for gpg/md5sum | 14:26 |
OerHeks | jotic and compare it with the output of md5sum mini.iso | 14:26 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: once you have restored the data to the new install every now and then, make another copy of the same data and any new data in the same location. If the data changes a lot do this every few days. If it changes rarely do it once a week | 14:26 |
Glycan | ActionParsnip: all of my actually critical stuff is online anyway; this is out of nostaliga. A live USB doesn't work. Booting in recovery mode, I can not mount the partition. I cannot boot into a live USB to reinstall. I would also really like to fix that computer. | 14:26 |
Alpy | ActionParsnip no. I have this .iso file that i mounted using fuseiso. When i ran the install file in it gives me that error message. | 14:27 |
ActionParsnip | Alpy: oh god not wubi | 14:27 |
ActionParsnip | Alpy: wubi has not been developed for 2 years and is abandoned | 14:27 |
Alpy | ActionParsnip what is wubi? | 14:28 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: liveCD will allow you to fsck the partition which may resolve the issue | 14:28 |
cfhowlett | Alpy, wubi is the wu tang clan of ubuntu | 14:28 |
Glycan | Why would a liveCD would if a live USB doesn't? | 14:28 |
Alpy | okay? | 14:28 |
Glycan | Alpy: as far as I remember it's a way to install ubuntu into a partition directly from windows | 14:29 |
Alpy | I'll be honest, i am trying to install Matlab a cracked matlab | 14:29 |
ActionParsnip | Alpy: when you run the installer in Windows for Ubuntu, its a dead application called Wubi. You don't need fuseiso or anything like that, you need unetbootin to make a bootable USB device or to burn the image to CD | 14:29 |
cfhowlett | Alpy, on help for piracy = ask elsewhere | 14:29 |
Alpy | cfhowlett okay, but where? | 14:30 |
cfhowlett | Alpy, no idea | 14:30 |
Alpy | Thanks anyways | 14:30 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: the usb and cd methods are the same difference. Lunux sees them as file systems, the physical media is moot | 14:30 |
energies23423 | anyone here familiar with disabling UEFI on a Windows 8 PC so I can install Ubuntu and have GRUB load up? | 14:31 |
loa | hello, i have file /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf , which contains code which i don't need in my installation i need something like this in .asoundrc how i can get this work? What is right way? I need remove that file or what? | 14:31 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: the fact your system wont boot cd or usb implies there is a larger issue than the install. Did you try resetting your bios to defaults | 14:31 |
loa | Now i just renamed that file, but i am interest if that file will reappear after system upgrade for example? | 14:32 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: if you wanted to reinstall any OS it wont be possible, even if you wanted to wipe all data and reinstall | 14:32 |
ActionParsnip | loa: searh for it in | 14:33 |
Alpy | okay, i give up piracy. Are there any alternatives to matlab? | 14:33 |
ActionParsnip | !matlab | 14:33 |
ubottu | MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks. More info and install instructions at | 14:33 |
cfhowlett | Alpy, there was one listed on the ossalt site - wait 1 | 14:34 |
ActionParsnip | Alpy: not sure, could just buy matlab.... | 14:34 |
loa | ActionParsnip, it is pulseaudio package. so? | 14:34 |
Glycan | It pretty clearly says that there are errors on the hard drive, but fsck fails to fix them. How is this releated the BIOS? | 14:34 |
Glycan | And yes, I've realized that | 14:34 |
cfhowlett | Alpy, "octave" | 14:34 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: the bios boots the chosen device with he hardware settings, so it releates. Its worth a try.... | 14:35 |
Alpy | cfhowlett i tried to work with octave, it doesn't let me compile some stuff | 14:35 |
Glycan | Um, I missed a message if anyone was writing to me | 14:35 |
cfhowlett | Alpy, xcos | 14:35 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: the bios boots the chosen device with the settings in the bios setting how things work. Its worth a go | 14:35 |
cfhowlett | Alpy, read the suggestions in | 14:36 |
meadhikari | Hi guys, I installed tightvncserver how do I allow multiple user login, please help | 14:36 |
cfhowlett | Alpy, old link, I know. sorry | 14:37 |
cfhowlett | Alpy, | 14:37 |
Glycan | ActionParsnip: the boot progress successfully gets past GRUB and everything. If there was a problem with the BIOS settings that wouldn't of worked... | 14:37 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: what are they connecting to do? | 14:37 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: then why can ypu not boot usb? | 14:37 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, xfce4, currently only root can connect but I want other user to be able to go to their own desktop | 14:38 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: are the clients Linux based or Windows? | 14:39 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, Linux based using vncviewer | 14:39 |
Glycan | I can boot it - I get past the unetbootin bootloader and see the Knoppix startup screen and all - it just doesn't work past that | 14:39 |
cfhowlett | Glycan, knoppix? what the hey? | 14:39 |
ikonia | ? | 14:39 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: ok and what would the users doing when they get connected to the server? | 14:40 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, their own session | 14:40 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: tried the Ubuntu liveCD? | 14:40 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: yes, what will they do in that session? | 14:40 |
Glycan | cfhowlett: a specicially live system that I like a lot... | 14:40 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, They would use the GUI | 14:40 |
cfhowlett | Glycan, no problem but .. you'd be happier and get support in knoppix channels. not supported here. | 14:41 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: yes to achieve what? Web browse? Manage files? | 14:41 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, yes their own individual x session | 14:41 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: you arent answering he question | 14:42 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, I found a json like config for each user but where would I write that I am really confused, Please help | 14:42 |
Glycan | cfhowlett: knoppix chans are completely dead, but this isn't about knoppix not working, this is about not getting into an lubuntu install and fsck not working. Knoppix is a tool I've tried to solve this problem | 14:42 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: im after the specific hings they will do once they get connected via vnc | 14:42 |
cfhowlett | Glycan, noted | 14:42 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: does the ubuntu livecd boot ok? | 14:42 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, I currently have no idea on what they would be using apart from normal GUI stuffs | 14:42 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: they have thinhs on their client systems, surely? | 14:43 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, why would what gui app they use matter, I am confused | 14:43 |
Glycan | I've never had an ubuntu livecd | 14:43 |
Glycan | I don't really have CDs | 14:43 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: then how did you install ubuntu? | 14:43 |
helpMe | hello guys! | 14:43 |
helpMe | good morning! | 14:43 |
=== helpMe is now known as Guest7623 | ||
Guest7623 | need help | 14:44 |
Guest7623 | i have ubuntu 14.04 precise | 14:44 |
Guest7623 | w/ unity | 14:44 |
ashley01 | Is daftykins here? I managed to fix my problem earlier! | 14:44 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, I was looking for some config so that each user could login to their own x-session with ip:<different number> | 14:44 |
Glycan | ActionParsnip: usb | 14:44 |
=== hal is now known as Guest92531 | ||
Guest7623 | and i'm trying to set up a VPN connection | 14:44 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: because people use vnc for all sorts of stupid crap and when they actually tell me what they are doing there is usually a faster and more secure option to what they are using vnc to achieve | 14:44 |
ActionParsnip | Glycan: ok does the ubuntu livenusb boot ok? | 14:45 |
Guest7623 | but the input fields are greyed out | 14:45 |
astroduck | Hi! I was trying to zip a folder without compression using `zip -r -0 foo.zop foo` but du gives different size for the zip and the folder ( Why's that so? | 14:45 |
Guest7623 | and i've searched the web | 14:45 |
Guest7623 | and it seems its a pretty common issue | 14:45 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, in this case I really need as I don't know the application but just assigned to do it | 14:45 |
Guest7623 | anyone familiar w/ this problem | 14:45 |
Guest7623 | or can help me | 14:45 |
Glycan | No idea, I guess I'll go try to find one | 14:45 |
Guest7623 | been at it for couple of days already | 14:45 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: you can use ssh with x forwarding. If you configure ssh keys you can have a shortcut to run: ssh user@server firefox | 14:46 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, I found a json like config file where u write config for each user with different port number but where would i write that. Please help | 14:46 |
ActionParsnip | meaning: the GUI will show on the client but be running on the server, just like how citrix works | 14:46 |
ashley01 | ok guys, I managed to solve a graphical problem I had with OpenTTD by completely disabling vsync. But now I am still stuck with another problem to do with the game's music not playing. | 14:46 |
Guest7623 | help with network manager | 14:46 |
ActionParsnip | Guest7367: what is wrong with network manager | 14:47 |
Guest7623 | for one | 14:47 |
ashley01 | the game uses MIDI files for music and I have timidity installed | 14:47 |
ActionParsnip | ashley01: I believe you need the files from the original game | 14:47 |
Guest7623 | i don't get the network icon on the top bar | 14:47 |
Guest7623 | and also | 14:47 |
Guest7623 | when i try to set up | 14:47 |
Guest7623 | a vpn connection | 14:47 |
Guest7623 | the fields are greyed out | 14:47 |
ashley01 | ActionParsnip: there are alternatives: openmsx and modern motion | 14:47 |
ActionParsnip | Guest7623: please press entee less, you are scrolling the channel | 14:47 |
ashley01 | I have downloaded the files but they are not being played | 14:47 |
Guest7623 | im sorry, could you explain, don't know what you mean | 14:48 |
ActionParsnip | ashley01: did you put them in the right folder and are they readable by all | 14:48 |
ashley01 | the game does it for me because it has a 'download content' option ingame | 14:48 |
ActionParsnip | Guest7623: this isnt IM. Imagine if everyone hammered enter after every other word. It wold make the channel unusab | 14:49 |
ActionParsnip | Le | 14:49 |
Guest7623 | ooh, ok sorry guys | 14:49 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, using vnc is my requirement currently :( you have any idea about json config | 14:49 |
ActionParsnip | ashley01: I thought it would be from the original game files, its how I did it | 14:49 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: its a horrible solution. No idea sorry | 14:50 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: if users want a central file server you can use sftp in openssh-server and connect (securely) to their data via SFTP | 14:50 |
ashley01 | ActionParsnip: the odd thing is, OpenMSX was working with this game when I installed version 1.3.3, then I tried out 1.4.3 and realised the music didn't work so I went back to 1.3.3 and the music still doesn't work! | 14:50 |
ashley01 | I did try the purge option with apt-get too, but still no luck | 14:50 |
rbanffy | Hi follks. I need to get the installed package list and the dependencies each package requires. Is there a Python lib to do that? | 14:51 |
=== luc4_ is now known as luc4 | ||
ashley01 | I also had a huge problem yesterday where the performance would drop when I expanded the window, but I managed to fix that earlier | 14:51 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, actually the project is some jenkins stuff where they need to implement a vnc server where multiple user can connect to their own x-session | 14:51 |
loa | ActionParsnip, can you please help me with pulse? how i can disable that file in right way? | 14:51 |
ActionParsnip | Guest7623: if you press ALT+F2 and run: nm-applet , does it run ok? | 14:51 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, is setting up a vnc server where multiple user can connect horrible idea? | 14:52 |
astroduck | help? anyone? | 14:52 |
ActionParsnip | Loa: my sound troubleshooting is poor. Never had an issue with it | 14:52 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: imho its not very graceful | 14:52 |
=== kevin is now known as Guest32748 | ||
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, Thanks a lot for your time :) | 14:52 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: surely the client systems have web browser functionality...? | 14:53 |
loa | ActionParsnip, but i think you skilled in package managment under ubuntu, how do you think if pulseaudio package will be update, it will install again that file? | 14:54 |
g_rmz | I have a problem installing Ubuntu, can someone help me please? | 14:54 |
ActionParsnip | Loa: search if it is part of a package then it will be reinstated with updates, otherwise no :) | 14:55 |
ashley01 | anyone know of a channel in freenode where I can ask about sound/MIDI related problems | 14:55 |
ashley01 | unfortunately there is no one in #timidity | 14:55 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: wont they have a web browser installed on their systems, to use that? | 14:55 |
meadhikari | ActionParsnip, I am in a position where I can not question that but just implement it :( | 14:56 |
ashley01 | I FIXED IT! | 14:58 |
ActionParsnip | meadhikari: I see, are there YouTube guides for it maybe? | 14:59 |
rasteroid | i have two different bluetooth keyboards, one old and one new, and using trusty i get keys repeating even when i'm not using the keyboard. any thoughts? | 14:59 |
ashley01 | I FIXED BOTH OF THEM! | 14:59 |
ActionParsnip | ashley01: wtg! | 14:59 |
ashley01 | graphics problem was fixed by disabling vsync, music problem fixed by making a false->true change in a cfg file | 14:59 |
=== dustin86 is now known as dustin | ||
Dylan | What was the server where people are able to upload pictures to show them to everyone here? | 15:00 |
Dylan | I want to be able to show a picture to ask my question. | 15:01 |
ashley01 | an image file equivalent of (text file)? | 15:02 |
ashley01 | im not sure but would be interested myself | 15:02 |
Dylan | I got help here before and someone told me to post images to a certain server in order to help me with my question. | 15:02 |
Dylan | Oh well, I guess I can use my own server. Just a minute. | 15:03 |
cfhowlett | imgur | 15:03 |
Dylan | imgur! Thank you! | 15:03 |
ashley01 | oh i thought you meant something that requires no sign-in | 15:03 |
ashley01 | x) | 15:03 |
Dylan | | 15:04 |
Dylan | I just upgraded to 14.04 and my "Run Program" program has a really small space to see my programs in. Anyone know how to fix that? | 15:04 |
Dylan | "Run Application", excuse me. | 15:04 |
g_rmz | my installation freeze everytime when the DVD image is loading, someome have the same problem? | 15:05 |
eeee | Dylan: try to press the arrow on the left | 15:05 |
Dylan | eeee: Made it worse | 15:05 |
eeee | press it again | 15:06 |
Dylan | same problem. | 15:06 |
ashley01 | it's a known bug: | 15:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1374945 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu Trusty) "Known applications list box is very small" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 15:06 |
Dylan | ashley: Thank you. Let's see if I can get it working here.... | 15:07 |
Dylan | ashley: When I use this patch, do I just run the .sh file? | 15:08 |
Dylan | ashley: I apologize in advance, my Linux knowledge and understanding is like patchwork. | 15:09 |
ashley01 | same here, i know a few things here and there | 15:09 |
Dylan | So should I just run the .sh file in the patch? | 15:09 |
ashley01 | hang on i'll check it myself | 15:09 |
ashley01 | is that the only file in there? | 15:10 |
Dylan | No there's a ton of'em. | 15:10 |
ashley01 | check the README file | 15:10 |
Dylan | | 15:11 |
ashley01 | ye, your best bet is to check that README file because i dont have a clue | 15:11 |
OerHeks | read the HACKING :-P | 15:12 |
Dylan | Hm. The Readme says to open an INSTALL file, but I'm not seeing one. | 15:13 |
Dylan | Oof, this is getting complicated. | 15:14 |
Dylan | Alright, so the first thing it's tell me to do is run "./", and when I do in the terminal it's telling me to install gnome-common first. | 15:16 |
Dylan | Am I going about this the wrong way or do I need gnome-common? | 15:16 |
OerHeks | Normally i would say yes, install gnome-common but i have no idea what patch you are using | 15:18 |
Dylan | This patch: | 15:18 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1374945 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu Trusty) "Known applications list box is very small" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 15:18 |
=== ahem is now known as zealotnagah | ||
=== marklite is now known as markelite | ||
OerHeks | ehm, for trusty it is applied in the proposed repo | 15:20 |
Dylan | Repo means? | 15:20 |
OerHeks | repository, open softwarecenter> top panel > edit > sources | 15:20 |
OerHeks | oh forget that, that is for unity | 15:21 |
Dylan | Yea I'm using Gnome. Could never get comfortable with Unity. | 15:21 |
OerHeks | just open softwarecenter > etc > sources | 15:21 |
OerHeks | and then 3th tab updates | 15:22 |
namrata | Quit | 15:23 |
Dylan | I'm there now. | 15:23 |
Dylan | "Pre-released updates"? | 15:23 |
cfhowlett | Dylan, = beta | 15:23 |
Dylan | Right, but is that the one I want? | 15:24 |
cfhowlett | Dylan, it's beta. you break it, you fix it. | 15:24 |
Dylan | Ick. | 15:24 |
=== daniele is now known as Guest68900 | ||
OerHeks | that is where that fix is applied, so up to you. also 14.10 is fixed | 15:25 |
pthagnar | hello. is there a canonical way in ubuntu to run missed cron jobs / do them asynchronously a la | 15:25 |
Dylan | Is 14.10 released already? | 15:26 |
cfhowlett | !isitout | 15:26 |
ubottu | Yes, it's out! Download at | Release announcement at | 15:26 |
Real_Zean | hello. | 15:26 |
Real_Zean | I've a problem with ubuntu | 15:27 |
pthagnar | [i.e. this should run at 00:01 every day but if the computer is switched off then, at the next opportunity] | 15:27 |
Real_Zean | I've boutgh and chromebook | 15:27 |
Real_Zean | totaly remove chromeos | 15:27 |
Real_Zean | and install ubuntu | 15:27 |
Real_Zean | Now all works well excepts my touchpad | 15:28 |
Real_Zean | how fix it? | 15:28 |
OerHeks | Real_Zean, what chromebook exactly? | 15:28 |
kudo | Why ubuntu 14.04.1 is "no mountable file systems"? | 15:28 |
Real_Zean | (I've Toshiba Chromebook cb35-a3120) | 15:28 |
Real_Zean | the fisrt toshiba chromebook | 15:28 |
demahum12 | I'm trying to change default workspace. I have found this: Can anyone help me how to do these things from the first answer? | 15:29 |
tsr | Zean, can you see the touchpad if you run this in the terminal: cat /proc/bus/input/devices | 15:30 |
Real_Zean | I've test many fix for the acer chromebookbut doesnt't work for me | 15:30 |
Real_Zean | mmh | 15:30 |
Real_Zean | many many things :D | 15:31 |
Real_Zean | I copy on the paste | 15:31 |
Surendil | `saiu11 | 15:31 |
Real_Zean | | 15:31 |
kudo | Why ubuntu 14.04.1 is "no mountable file systems"? | 15:33 |
Real_Zean | my touchpad worked well with chromeos | 15:33 |
Real_Zean | (I've removed because I don't like it) | 15:33 |
Real_Zean | (I can't see Touchpad, Synaptics, or Mouse -> my touchpad isn't supported?) | 15:34 |
cfhowlett | Real_Zean, I see no touchpad listed. entirely possible it's unsupported | 15:34 |
Real_Zean | on Archlinux there are a chromebook linux kernel | 15:34 |
Real_Zean | not in ubuntu? | 15:35 |
tsr | Ok, well you could try another mouse, if that works, it's probably an incompatibility with your hardware | 15:35 |
Real_Zean | (worl well with another mouse) | 15:35 |
Real_Zean | for archlinux | 15:35 |
OerHeks | Real_Zean, heh, it will work when kernel 3.17rc1 comes out ( in 14,10 i think) see last comments | 15:35 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1296534 in linux (Ubuntu) "Touchpad of Toshiba CB30 not detected or working at all" [Medium,Triaged] | 15:35 |
OerHeks | affects cb30 and cb35 | 15:35 |
Real_Zean | I've cb35 | 15:36 |
Real_Zean | so cool | 15:36 |
Real_Zean | I migrate to 14.10 :D | 15:36 |
cfhowlett | Real_Zean, wait for the release | 15:36 |
OerHeks | 2 more weeks ... | 15:36 |
Real_Zean | unstable? I know.. | 15:36 |
Real_Zean | :D | 15:36 |
szx | hi guys, I'm running an upgrade to ubuntu 14.10 and it appears to be stuck at "Replacing config file ...", what should I do? | 15:38 |
cfhowlett | szx, it's beta...unsupported here. ask #ubuntu+1 *OR* wait for the release | 15:39 |
OerHeks | szx, join #ubuntu+1 # for support untill release | 15:39 |
szx | ok | 15:39 |
phix | Why isn;'t webmin in repo for? Is there something beter ? | 15:40 |
ikonia | phix we've been over the webmin thing 10,0000 times | 15:41 |
cfhowlett | !webmin | phix | 15:41 |
ubottu | phix: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. | 15:41 |
ikonia | phix: /join #debian | 15:41 |
ikonia | oops | 15:41 |
Acronymous | hi | 15:41 |
Acronymous | ACRONYMOUS | 15:42 |
demahum12 | I'm trying to change default workspace. I have found this: Can anyone help me how to do these things from the first answer? | 15:42 |
cfhowlett | Acronymous, ask your support question | 15:42 |
phix | ikonia: I wasn't here when you went over it | 15:42 |
phix | ikonia: I am here now so refresh me | 15:42 |
ikonia | phix: you've been in this channel many times | 15:42 |
ikonia | you're not new. | 15:42 |
phix | ikonia: Correct, but this is the first time I have heard about webmin | 15:43 |
phix | ikonia: Any similar tools available? I want to allow clients to restart certian services if they hang (as they tend to do in Ubuntu) | 15:43 |
ikonia | none that I would recommend | 15:43 |
phix | (Asterisl for example) | 15:43 |
phix | oh, should I use fastCGI and django? of suPHP? | 15:44 |
phix | of = or | 15:44 |
ikonia | should you use ?? | 15:44 |
ikonia | this is for paying clients ??? you should have an idea of what YOU should use | 15:44 |
ikonia | if you're putting clients on this stuff, you should not be randomly/blindly asking what to use | 15:44 |
phix | ikonia: Well I used ot use webmin but apparantly that isn't supported any more | 15:48 |
ikonia | correct | 15:49 |
phix | so I am asking what the replacement is | 15:49 |
ikonia | there isn't a direct replacement | 15:49 |
ikonia | as the concept is falwed | 15:49 |
ikonia | flawed | 15:49 |
samthewildone | is there a way to disable the top left corner from opening the dashboard ? | 15:49 |
cfhowlett | phix, webmin has been unsupported for ... 3 years I believe? but the ##linux or #ubuntu-server channels would likely have some recommended alternatives | 15:49 |
samthewildone | using UbuntuGnome | 15:49 |
phix | No one in their right mind would pull a package and not offer a replacement, I mean when debian / ubuntu threw away exim they didn't stop providing a MTU, they replaced it with postfix | 15:50 |
ikonia | phix: yes they would | 15:50 |
ikonia | phix: people in their right mind would pull a broken product and not use a direct replacement if the concept is falwed | 15:50 |
phix | ikonia: The concept is flawed?? allowing non-technically people the ability to restart services? | 15:51 |
ikonia | phix: yes | 15:51 |
ikonia | based on how wide the configurations of distros is | 15:51 |
phix | ikonia: Have you tried to teach a 60 year old how to use SSH? | 15:51 |
ikonia | and the rolling security | 15:51 |
ikonia | phix: I'm not interested in that | 15:51 |
ikonia | I'm interested in the reality of the product being a flaw, so it's dead | 15:51 |
phix | ikonia: but 60 year olds still work for companies that have servers, would you rather they use Microsoft or Ubuntu? | 15:52 |
ikonia | phix: I don't care what they use | 15:52 |
ikonia | phix: they use what's best for them | 15:52 |
phix | so you don't care about usability? | 15:52 |
ikonia | phix: I suggest you focus on finding a solution for your problem | 15:52 |
ikonia | phix: I didn't say that at all | 15:52 |
cfhowlett | !focus | 15:52 |
phix | The whole point of computers if to be an asset / a tool to humans, how can it be that if not everyone can use them? | 15:53 |
ikonia | phix: don't disagree at all | 15:53 |
phix | so what if webmin had it's issues, it was useful for low technical users, before pulling useful packages ubuntu should have a replacement before hand | 15:54 |
ikonia | no they shouldn't | 15:54 |
ikonia | if the concept is flawed - | 15:54 |
ikonia | they pull an at risk product | 15:54 |
phix | Useability is a falwed concept? | 15:54 |
ikonia | or if a replacement does'nt exist | 15:54 |
cfhowlett | phix, webmin was NOT an ubuntu product! and alternatives exist. ask #ubuntu-server or ##linux | 15:54 |
ikonia | job done | 15:54 |
phix | flawed* | 15:54 |
ikonia | webmin is nothing to do with ubuntu | 15:55 |
ikonia | I'm sure there are different clones of webmin, but if they are as bad, they won't get into the distro | 15:55 |
phix | cfhowlett: I asked for alternatives and I got no response except going somewhere else, how is that helpful/ | 15:55 |
ikonia | phix: there are different options, just none I'd recommend, as they all are as bad as each other | 15:55 |
phix | What is wrong with them? | 15:55 |
learts | Hi guys! anyone here than can help me understand backportpackage, pbuild, PPA? | 15:56 |
cfhowlett | phix, so you didn't even inquire of the other channels ... | 15:56 |
phix | cfhowlett: I am going there now, but really this channel can handle it | 15:56 |
=== learts is now known as LeartS | ||
ikonia | phix: search the repos for other options, there maybe one there you like (keep in mind the universe/multiverse and their support status) | 15:56 |
phix | ikonia: ok | 15:57 |
cfhowlett | learts, backport is a package that works really well in a later release, e.g. 14.10 and someone kindly works it up for earlier releases e.g. 14.04 | 15:57 |
phix | ikonia: You are being slightly helpful now | 15:57 |
cfhowlett | !ppa > learts | 15:57 |
ubottu | learts, please see my private message | 15:57 |
cfhowlett | learts I've no idea about pbuild | 15:58 |
LeartS | cfhowlett: I know that, I proposed a backport (using the command line tool of which I don't remember the name) and now I'm trying to build the backported package to test it. | 15:58 |
cfhowlett | LeartS, then I misunderstood the question ... sorry | 15:59 |
Carl_ | What is the command to edit the ports "listening" on ubuntu 14.04? | 16:00 |
ikonia | ufw ? | 16:00 |
bastidrazor | ports only listen if a service is running on it | 16:00 |
Carl_ | I'm running a vncserver and need to have port 5900 listening. How would I do that? | 16:01 |
EriC^^ | Carl_: check the config files of the vncserver | 16:02 |
ikonia | Carl_: use the ufw interface to open 5900 and when you start vnc server it will start to listen | 16:02 |
EriC^^ | Carl_: i think 5900 is the default port | 16:03 |
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mynaras | hello | 16:04 |
mynaras | any ideas on how to set unity to use two X Screens? | 16:05 |
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=== Zirkon is now known as Lexikahn | ||
mekhami | i'm having problems installing mysql, removing mysql, basically doing anything with apt-get causes the mysql config script to run even though it's not installed... | 16:12 |
=== Caroga is now known as Caroga_afk | ||
mekhami | errors like this: | 16:13 |
Boscop | how can i have a continuous cat, so see appended lines of a file as soon as they are appended by some process? | 16:14 |
arrrghhh | hey guys. I'd like to install a newer version of gnucash than available from the repo's - I built a .deb file, installed it... but an update knocked it back to the older version. How can I get the package to 'stick' to the newer version? | 16:15 |
tomatillo | Boscop: tail -f yourfile | 16:15 |
Boscop | thx | 16:15 |
tomatillo | np | 16:15 |
d0lph1n98 | mekhami: have you tried dpkg --configure mysql-server? | 16:15 |
mekhami | error - dependency problems - leaving unconfigured | 16:16 |
azizLIGHT | how do i snap window left half of screen using keyboard shortcut like in windows you press win+left arrow key | 16:16 |
ikonia | mekhami: do you have any PPA's confiugred or 3rd party packages installed | 16:16 |
mekhami | | 16:17 |
rypervenche | mekhami: You may not be removing all of the packages that mysql installed, such as mysql-common and mysql-libs. | 16:17 |
mekhami | ikonia, i don't really know | 16:17 |
mekhami | ikonia, i'm sure i do for something or other | 16:17 |
ikonia | mekhami: I suspect that's causing a conflict | 16:18 |
ikonia | mekhami: I'd suggest apt-get purge mysql-server | 16:18 |
mekhami | i tried that | 16:18 |
ikonia | mekhami: then apt-get install mysql-server and pastebin the errors you get | 16:18 |
mekhami | ikonia, when i do purge, it runs mysql-server's init script | 16:18 |
ikonia | it should continue beyond that though | 16:18 |
mekhami | it goes from removing mysql-server ... to setting up mysql-server ... to failed | 16:19 |
ikonia | mekhami: please use a pastebin and show the output exactly from apt-get purge mysql-server | 16:19 |
mekhami | | 16:21 |
ikonia | mekhami: lets tidy up, apt-get autoremove | 16:22 |
mekhami | done | 16:22 |
ikonia | mekhami: move /etc/init.d/mysql /etc/init.d/ | 16:23 |
d0lph1n98 | mekhami: sudo apt-get purge --remove mysql-server* | 16:23 |
d0lph1n98 | mekhami: do you stop the mysqld already? | 16:23 |
d0lph1n98 | mekhami: sudo service mysql stop | 16:23 |
ikonia | mekhami: then apt-get purge mysql-server | 16:23 |
ikonia | d0lph1n98: ? | 16:23 |
d0lph1n98 | mekhami: have you stop the mysql server? | 16:23 |
ikonia | d0lph1n98: it's not confiugred | 16:23 |
mekhami | doing apt-get purge --remove mysql-server* seemed to work | 16:24 |
ikonia | mekhami: great | 16:25 |
ckildegaard | How is everyone today? | 16:25 |
mekhami | thanks for the help dudes. | 16:25 |
d0lph1n98 | mekhami: done | 16:26 |
michele_ | if i want to put an executable program (extracted from a tar) in the applications of ubuntu how to do? | 16:26 |
yecril71pl | I cannot mark text in Launchpad | 16:27 |
yecril71pl | I cannot paste text into Launchpad | 16:27 |
BluesKaj | yecril71pl, are you a member? | 16:30 |
yecril71pl | It depends how you define being a member. | 16:30 |
yecril71pl | I have an account and I have accepted the community guidelines or whatever it is called. | 16:31 |
BluesKaj | yecril71pl, got a launchpad acct? that defined enough? | 16:31 |
netlar | I am getting the occasational freeze when I boot. The keyboard or mouse will not respond and I have to just turn the machine off and start over. How can I check what the problem is? | 16:31 |
* yecril71pl has a Launchpad account. | 16:31 | |
loa | is there way to run some commands after upgrade? | 16:32 |
BluesKaj | you hsve to be logged in yecril71pl | 16:32 |
loa | want remove one file which is in package which can be updated in future | 16:32 |
yecril71pl | BluesKaj: I am logged in | 16:32 |
BluesKaj | loa, depends on the file | 16:33 |
loa | BluesKaj, /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf | 16:33 |
BluesKaj | yecril71pl, try ctl+c to copy, then ctl+v to paste | 16:34 |
yecril71pl | BluesKaj: does not work | 16:34 |
ckildegaard | netlar: Are these USB peripherals? | 16:34 |
BluesKaj | loa, what do you want that file to do in the future? | 16:35 |
netlar | ckildegaard: Just my wireless printer | 16:35 |
BluesKaj | yecril71pl, where are you trying to paste, in the search field? | 16:36 |
netlar | ckildegaard: But nothing connected via usb | 16:36 |
mynaras | hello | 16:36 |
yecril71pl | I cannot mark text in webapp-container | 16:36 |
* yecril71pl trying to paste in the search field | 16:36 | |
ckildegaard | netlar: so are the keyboard and mouse connected by USB? | 16:36 |
netlar | ckildegaard: No, they are connected with a wireless dongle from logitech | 16:37 |
ckildegaard | Hmm...okay. But that dongle plugs in somewhere to give the wireless interface to your computer, right? | 16:38 |
netlar | ckildegaard: Yes, sorry, it is plugged into a usb port | 16:38 |
ckildegaard | netlar: Okay, first suggestion is to simply try another USB port when it happens. It's probably unlikely, but it could be an issue with that port. | 16:39 |
ckildegaard | If it still doesn't work when you plug it in to a different port, you've eliminated that as an issue. | 16:40 |
netlar | ckildegaard: It is funny, I was on 13.04 I had to use a utility called Solaar to get the wireless keyboard and mouse to work | 16:40 |
netlar | ckildegaard: But when I installed 14.04 as a clean install, did not need that utility anymore, guess ubuntu/linux added sorry for that | 16:41 |
netlar | support* | 16:41 |
ckildegaard | netlar: Yeah, it's possible some drivers were updated or something like that. | 16:42 |
netlar | ckildegaard: Well, I will try using different port next time it does this | 16:42 |
ckildegaard | netlar: Yeah, sorry I don't have any better suggestions. Though that will be a good step to take to eliminate a hardware issue. You have to learn to be systematic about your troubleshooting :) | 16:43 |
Basketball | hey anyone here good with rtcwake | 16:43 |
JokesOnYou77 | Hi all. I'm logged into a remote machine via ssh and trying to push to a remote. But when I try to push I get an auth error and it doesn't ask for my ssh key password. How can I get it to prompt me for my key password? Also, it works fine when I do it physically from that machine. | 16:44 |
JokesOnYou77 | Basketball, I've used it before a while ago, what's the issue? | 16:44 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: "push" ? | 16:44 |
netlar | ckildegaard: I did a apt-get autoclean, autoremove and clean, that seemed to clear up the issue, but thought it may be coincidence | 16:44 |
JokesOnYou77 | Sorry, should have clarified. Pushing to git. | 16:45 |
Basketball | JokesOnYou77, i have rtcwake set up in a cronjob so that it sleeps at midnight and is supposed to wake at 6 am | 16:45 |
Basketball | it sleeps at midnight but never wakes up | 16:45 |
ckildegaard | netlar: Yeah, could be coincidence, but I'd say just keep seeing how it goes. | 16:45 |
Basketball | when i manually wake it the time on the top bar still says 12 am | 16:45 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: so that sounds like the git server is not configured for keys or your private key is not in the right place on your client | 16:45 |
netlar | ckildegaard: ok, thanks | 16:45 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, but it works fine when I do the same thing from that machine in person (not ssh). I think that gnome is caching my credentials somehow and that is conflicting with it | 16:46 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: I don't htink thats the case | 16:47 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: check the location of your private key - that would be my first check | 16:47 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: gnome uses gnome-keyring so it's possible it's not checking your key files in real time for the working session | 16:47 |
loa | BluesKaj, it contains data that i don't like, it screw my own configuration in .asoundrc | 16:48 |
quatrox | Basketball: I think you are running into the issue that the CLOCK_MONOTONIC stops while your computer is sleeping | 16:48 |
JokesOnYou77 | Basketball, What time does your bios have? And is it in UTC? | 16:48 |
Basketball | JokesOnYou77, how do i check | 16:48 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, I think that's what's happening. And my keys are all in ~/.ssh/ | 16:48 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: check the location, name and permissions of your public key | 16:49 |
BluesKaj | loa, ok I haven't used .asoundrc for a few yrs | 16:50 |
loa | BluesKaj, anyway it does not matter. i just need some help to get rid of that file. | 16:50 |
loa | BluesKaj, what it is right way delete that file? | 16:51 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, my private key is in ~/.ssh and is owned by me and -rw and my .pub is owned by me (both are also my group) and is -rw and a+r | 16:51 |
BluesKaj | loa rm -rf path to file | 16:51 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: private key should not be writeable | 16:51 |
JokesOnYou77 | not by owner? | 16:51 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: actually - it's fine, my mistake | 16:52 |
JokesOnYou77 | yeah | 16:52 |
loa | BluesKaj, but what about upgrade? are not it appear again? | 16:52 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, I'm still thinking it's gnome. Because I have no problem when I'm sitting at that machine | 16:52 |
BluesKaj | loa, which ubuntu versionare you using? | 16:52 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: why do you think it's gnome ? | 16:53 |
demahum12 | I'm trying to change default workspace. I have found this: Can anyone help me how to do these things from the first answer? | 16:53 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: gnome has nothing to do with you on the ssh environment | 16:53 |
loa | BluesKaj, ubuntu 14.04 | 16:53 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, because the thing that changes between local use and ssh is access to gnome. It works fine when I'm at that machine. | 16:53 |
BluesKaj | ok is your audio chip an intel hda, loa ? | 16:53 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: who runs the git server you are trying to connect to ? | 16:53 |
loa | BluesKaj, i can't get that thing. Producer is realtek i think. | 16:54 |
axisys | esc key does not work on this new laptop running ubuntu trusty 64bit desktop.. so far did not find anything in google that addressed this issue.. any suggestion? | 16:55 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, well this one is github. But again, it works fine when I do the exact same command when sitting at the machine in question. To me, that implies that my environment is set up correctly or it wouldn't work at all | 16:55 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: I agree, but that doesn't suggest gnome is a "problem" | 16:55 |
loa | BluesKaj, | 16:55 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: it either auths on keys or it doesn't auth on keys | 16:55 |
BluesKaj | run aplay -l in the terminal. loa | 16:55 |
loa | BluesKaj, already done, lol. | 16:55 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: and as the only thing gnome can do is cache your key password, that has no impact on if the machine takes/rejects keys | 16:55 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, but can it auth on keys when I'm in a non-gui session (ssh)? | 16:56 |
loa | BluesKaj, but why it do matter? | 16:56 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: it won't try to as you're not using the desktop | 16:56 |
loa | BlueShark, i just don't like that autoinstalled file. | 16:56 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, I think the keyring may be preventing the key password prompt from showing up | 16:56 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: github doesn't care about your desktop, it just keys about valid key/password | 16:56 |
yecril71pl | Bug #1377480 | 16:56 |
ubottu | bug 1377480 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "no way to selected text in Launchpad" [Undecided,New] | 16:56 |
ikonia | doesn't care where it comes from | 16:56 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: that seems unlikley | 16:57 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, ok, but I'm not getting propted for a key password as I should be | 16:57 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: doesn't mean it's impossible | 16:57 |
BlueShark | loa: Did you mean to highlight someone else? | 16:57 |
BlueShark | Oh, yeah. You meant B l u e s K a j instead | 16:57 |
BluesKaj | loa, why are you using .asoundrc ? | 16:58 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, the archwiki has a section that I think may address this, could you take a look with me and see if you think it applies here? | 16:59 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, Section: Gnome Keyring dialog and SSH | 16:59 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: that's interesting, be interesting to try it | 16:59 |
=== xXImuHaxoRXx is now known as ItsSaturdaySmoke | ||
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: I don't think that's the problem however it would be interesting to know for sure | 17:00 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, I have a lead! While in ssh, if I $ ssh-add -L I get "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent." Looks like a clue to me | 17:01 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: so it is trying to talk to the keyring daemon | 17:01 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: and that would make sense as that's not configured in the shell by default | 17:01 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, I think this is the smoking gun, so to speak. I'm going to give the Arch wiki instructions a shot | 17:02 |
ikonia | JokesOnYou77: certainly looks that way | 17:02 |
yecril71pl | gdb is unable to attach to my process; what gives? | 17:03 |
yecril71pl | /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope is 1; I do not know what it means | 17:03 |
loa | BlueShark, sorry for that. | 17:04 |
BlueShark | No worries :) | 17:04 |
gndlp | hey if I want to use find to search starting at / and recurse all the directories looking for a file what would be the easiest syntax? | 17:04 |
BluesKaj | loa by default ubuntu no longer uses .asoundrc afaik and any issues you have with your audio instead of guessing what the problem might be , just tell us what is happening or not happening with your audio. | 17:04 |
trism | yecril71pl: read /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf | 17:04 |
loa | BluesKaj, i have mixed setup alsa + pulseaudio using dmix, it works well except i need to remove that file. | 17:04 |
loa | BluesKaj, i use such setup becouse of sound problems in wine. I want it to use alsa directly. | 17:05 |
yecril71pl | So it happens I need to run the program under gdb myself. | 17:05 |
loa | BluesKaj, and ubuntu can use .asoudrc i checked this. | 17:06 |
alipoor90 | Hi, how I can setup a pptp connection with iproute2? | 17:06 |
loa | BluesKaj, you can check this file /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf | 17:06 |
BluesKaj | ok loa , but i dunno much about audio in wine either , sorry .,..maybe someone else can help you\ | 17:07 |
_yesac | Hi, I am trying to get a panel applet to work with gnome-session-flashback. What version of gnome is included? gnome-panel -v doesn't return the expected output | 17:07 |
loa | BluesKaj, =/ i am not talking about sound anymore. i just interest how i can protect my system from appearing that file again. | 17:08 |
loa | BluesKaj, looks like i found another one, here it is /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf.d/pulse.conf | 17:09 |
volkov | Hey, yo! | 17:09 |
alipoor90 | Hi, how I can setup a pptp connection with iproute2? | 17:09 |
tuca | salve | 17:09 |
xangua | _yesac: gnome3 | 17:10 |
LeartS | _yesac: apt-cache show gnome-panel | 17:10 |
volkov | How are you this evening? | 17:10 |
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_yesac | xangua and LeartS Thank you both | 17:12 |
JokesOnYou77 | ikonia, So I got it to work. Unfortunately I have no idea if the archwiki fix helped becasue it looks like it's a problem with byobu/screen :P | 17:12 |
_yesac | it's gnome 3.8 | 17:12 |
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xangua | sounds like you are using a no supported/no security updates release _yesac | 17:13 |
alessandro | Hi! | 17:13 |
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yecril71pl | Where is webapp-container-dbg? | 17:15 |
_yesac | xangua, it's what comes with 14.04 desktop | 17:15 |
xangua | ok then you are fine | 17:16 |
skirlet | hey all does anyone know why i would be having an issue importing a .eps into inscape? i am losing all my color. i am importing a gold vector and it's importing black? thanks! | 17:16 |
mguy | skirlet: | 17:17 |
skirlet | thanks! | 17:18 |
=== vemacs|ded is now known as vemacs | ||
volkov | Hey, how re you feel this evening? | 17:20 |
xangua | !ot | volkov | 17:21 |
ubottu | volkov: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 17:21 |
=== Zachary_DuBois is now known as Tokyo | ||
=== Tokyo is now known as Zachary_DuBois | ||
bmxscott1993 | do any one know why when i install ubuntu on a sd card it work but when i install tails linux it do not as well kali linux do the same thing and says isolinux.bin missing or corrupt but not when i install ubuntu | 17:26 |
cfhowlett | bmxscott1993, this is ubuntu support. ubuntu works for so ... use it. for tails, kali, etc, ask them for support as they are not supported in the ubuntu channel. | 17:27 |
gndlp | "/alias hideadd eval set activity_hide_targets $activity_hide_targets $-" | 17:27 |
gndlp | "/alias hideclear set -c activity_hide_targets" | 17:27 |
gndlp | "/alias hidelevels.clear set -c activity_hide_level" | 17:27 |
gndlp | "/alias hidelevels.set set activity_hide_level parts joins quits nicks modes" | 17:27 |
gndlp | "/alias hidelist set activity_hide_targets" | 17:27 |
bmxscott1993 | ok thank for the heads up | 17:27 |
trism | yecril71pl: | 17:30 |
trism | yecril71pl: most symbols for packages which do not have -dbg packages in debian are on ddebs | 17:30 |
stefan__ | hi all, my ubuntu sound volume is way too loud. I can barely slide the volume till around 10% an it's already really loud. Ideally I want my max volume to be what my current 10%....something like fixing the dB gain from 0 to 100% to new values. Anybody know how I could do that? | 17:30 |
=== Caroga_afk is now known as Caroga | ||
flaburgan | hi | 17:33 |
flaburgan | I need some help to install a printer | 17:33 |
flaburgan | it's a Canon pixma MG3550 | 17:34 |
flaburgan | the printer is found and displayed with a green check | 17:34 |
flaburgan | so it looks everything is fine | 17:34 |
flaburgan | but when I try to print something, nothing happens | 17:34 |
flaburgan | ubuntu 12.04 64 bits | 17:35 |
flaburgan | I installed the drivers here: | 17:35 |
flaburgan | but nothing changed | 17:35 |
flaburgan | the scanner works with scangearmp | 17:35 |
trism | stefan__: I have a pair of headphones like that, in pavucontrol I can control them separately and set them rather low, then just use the volume indicator as normal | 17:36 |
stefan__ | trism, ye I tried, but it's still too loud even at 5% or idea why but its REALLY loud :( | 17:37 |
ct_ | Hello | 17:38 |
EriC^^ | ct_: hello | 17:38 |
ct_ | sup | 17:38 |
EriC^^ | nm, u? | 17:38 |
ct_ | nm | 17:38 |
ct_ | ur using ubuntu ? | 17:38 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 17:39 |
ct_ | i didn't find alot of apps | 17:39 |
EriC^^ | ct_: did you enable the universe repository? | 17:39 |
ct_ | how to do that and no i didn't | 17:40 |
EriC^^ | dash > software & updates | 17:40 |
ct_ | ubuntu softwares sys ? | 17:41 |
EriC^^ | there's the universe repository, and the multiverse one (which has copyright restricted ones) | 17:41 |
cfhowlett | and partners | 17:41 |
ct_ | in the universal acces ? | 17:42 |
EriC^^ | ct_: no go to the software center, press edit in the global menu, and then software sources | 17:42 |
EriC^^ | or open the dash and type software, and press on software & updates | 17:42 |
ct_ | i did updated the software | 17:43 |
Cyber_Akuma | Does the latest Ubuntu ISO contain memtest86 or memtest86+? | 17:43 |
ct_ | u have tiemviewer ? | 17:44 |
cfhowlett | Cyber_Akuma, it does | 17:44 |
Cyber_Akuma | thanks | 17:44 |
EriC^^ | ct_: it has the software sources | 17:44 |
ct_ | do u have tiemviewer ? | 17:45 |
EriC^^ | no | 17:45 |
ct_ | so u can controll my computer and fix it | 17:45 |
ct_ | u can download it | 17:45 |
nathanisak | hello world | 17:45 |
krasnayarsk | I just found out about jfbterm. Has anyone here got experience with it? Will it run without X? | 17:46 |
EriC^^ | ct_: it's very easy to select the repos | 17:46 |
ct_ | I did updated the software | 17:47 |
ct_ | i just didn't find some apps | 17:47 |
ZeroDivided | hi, I'm having trouble mounting a directory | 17:47 |
EriC^^ | ct_: that has the options concerning software and updates | 17:47 |
ZeroDivided | Keep getting ane error mount.nfs mount point /mnt/server does not exist | 17:48 |
EriC^^ | ct_: which updates to check for, when to tell you about it etc. | 17:48 |
ZeroDivided | but it is definently there | 17:48 |
ct_ | aaah yes !! | 17:48 |
ct_ | what are some Compilers in C programming | 17:48 |
EriC^^ | gcc | 17:48 |
EriC^^ | it should already be installed | 17:48 |
EriC^^ | type gcc --version in a terminal | 17:49 |
EriC^^ | ZeroDivided: what is the command you're using? | 17:49 |
ct_ | ok | 17:49 |
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok | ||
ct_ | thanks | 17:50 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 17:50 |
ZeroDivided | sudo mount SERVER:/path/of/share /mnt/server | 17:51 |
EriC^^ | ZeroDivided: are you sure mount handles SERVER: ? shouldn't you be using sshfs or something? | 17:51 |
ZeroDivided | Its actuall an IP address | 17:52 |
ZeroDivided | | 17:52 |
ZeroDivided | so mount /mnt/server | 17:52 |
ZeroDivided | Its an nfs share on an Ubuntu VM | 17:52 |
irrelephant | Hi all. I installed ubuntu-gnome 14.04.1 to a usb flash drive. Is it possible to enable this drive to boot on EFI systems as well as Legacy BIOS? | 17:53 |
OerHeks | !uefi | 17:53 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read | 17:54 |
EriC^^ | irrelephant: just change the bios to efi or legacy | 17:54 |
stefan__ | Is it possible to set max pulse volume to something like -40dB instead of 0dB? | 17:54 |
ZeroDivided | So tried adding this to my fstab | 17:54 |
ZeroDivided | /mnt/server rw,hard,intr 00 | 17:54 |
ZeroDivided | sudo mount -a | 17:54 |
ZeroDivided | same error | 17:54 |
ZeroDivided | mount: mount point /mnt/server does not exist | 17:55 |
ct_ | what are some website to study C Programing with exercices etc ? plz | 17:55 |
rypervenche | ZeroDivided: What version of nfs are you using? Also, what does "showmount -e" show you? | 17:55 |
rypervenche | ZeroDivided: And does the directory /mnt/server exist? | 17:55 |
ZeroDivided | yes it exists | 17:56 |
ct_ | !op | 17:56 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 17:56 |
ct_ | !voice | 17:56 |
IdleOne | ct_: yes? | 17:56 |
ct_ | just testing | 17:56 |
ct_ | what are some website to study C Programing with exercices etc ? plz | 17:56 |
rypervenche | >< | 17:56 |
ZeroDivided | stephen@stephen-desktop:/mnt/server$ showmount -e | 17:56 |
ZeroDivided | Export list for | 17:56 |
IdleOne | !msgthebot > ct_ | 17:56 |
ubottu | ct_, please see my private message | 17:56 |
ct_ | ok | 17:57 |
ZeroDivided | It shows /home/stephen | 17:57 |
ZeroDivided | and /home | 17:57 |
ZeroDivided | on the client | 17:57 |
ct_ | IdleOne are u human or a boot ? | 17:57 |
rypervenche | ZeroDivided: Ok good, so it's exporting correctly. Can you show us the output of "stat /mnt/server" please? | 17:57 |
IdleOne | ct_: last time I checked, half and half | 17:57 |
* Zaitzev wears IdleOne on his left foot | 17:58 | |
ZeroDivided | rypervenche no such file or directory | 17:58 |
Zaitzev | sorry, had to say it :) | 17:58 |
ZeroDivided | ... | 17:58 |
ct_ | IdleOne ok :) | 17:58 |
rypervenche | ZeroDivided: Then /mnt/server does not exist :) | 17:58 |
ZeroDivided | pwd | 17:58 |
ZeroDivided | /mnt/server | 17:58 |
anon99999 | I have a computer that I accidentally formatted the partitions on, now I want to recover the partitions using an Ubuntu live usb, which commands should I run from bash? | 17:58 |
rypervenche | ZeroDivided: You can still be in a directory that no longer exists. | 17:58 |
rypervenche | ZeroDivided: type "cd; cd /mnt/server" | 17:58 |
ZeroDivided | derp | 17:58 |
ZeroDivided | thanks | 17:59 |
ct_ | Someone answer me : what are some website to study C Programing with exercices etc ? plz | 17:59 |
ct_ | 6 dd | 17:59 |
cfhowlett | ct_, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or ##c | 17:59 |
rypervenche | ZeroDivided: Then "mkdir /mnt/server" then try the mount command again :) | 17:59 |
EriC^^ | ct_: i'll redirect you to ##c , but with a word of caution, tread carefully | 17:59 |
ZeroDivided | ok its mounted | 17:59 |
cryptodan | | 17:59 |
irrelephant | I need to make my ubuntu installation bootable on a UEFI-only machine as well as a Legacy BIOS-only machine. Any hints on what to look for / where to look to make this happen? | 17:59 |
EriC^^ | i once saw somebody get butchered for capitalizing Hey Guys! | 17:59 |
ZeroDivided | i'm creatign directories on the server ... so thats working | 18:00 |
ct_ | EriC^^ idk the commands to join | 18:00 |
ZeroDivided | I've got it now. Thanks! | 18:00 |
IdleOne | ct_: Keep in mind this channel is not a one stop shop for any and all support questions. We do Ubuntu support. | 18:00 |
rypervenche | EriC^^: Ha! They are | 18:00 |
ct_ | IdleOne Thank you | 18:00 |
ct_ | !list | 18:00 |
ubottu | ct_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 18:00 |
razieliyo | hi | 18:01 |
rypervenche | ZeroDivided: :) | 18:01 |
razieliyo | xdg-open seems bugged somehow | 18:02 |
razieliyo | it just doesn't work with anything | 18:02 |
ct_ | EriC^^ how to join rooms ? here | 18:02 |
IdleOne | /join #room-name | 18:02 |
razieliyo | does anyone know for a replacement for it? | 18:03 |
ct_ | should my name be registered ? | 18:03 |
EriC^^ | ct_: yeah, /nickserv register <password> <email> | 18:04 |
ct_ | my name is already registred :/ | 18:05 |
=== ct_ is now known as CX | ||
=== CX is now known as JasonCX | ||
EriC^^ | /nickserv info <nickname> will tell you if it's registered or not | 18:06 |
=== JasonCX is now known as JasonCX6843 | ||
JasonCX6843 | ok i register this one :D :) | 18:06 |
=== KeithLG_ is now known as KeithGS | ||
EriC^^ | great | 18:09 |
JasonCX6843 | ;) | 18:11 |
alipoor90 | What is best file level backup solution? I heard tar has some limitations and may corrupt file names etc, do this is true? | 18:24 |
pico1 | it is curious. 1700 people and nobody talks | 18:24 |
pico1 | :P | 18:24 |
DJones | pico1: Why is that curious? Its a support channel, all that says is that people don't have support issues | 18:25 |
rypervenche | alipoor90: I have had the best success with rsync. | 18:25 |
cfhowlett | pico1, social channels exist. this isn't one. | 18:25 |
pico1 | aaaa | 18:25 |
pico1 | sorry | 18:25 |
rypervenche | alipoor90: rsync with hardlinks that is, so I can have two months worth of backups on my backup drives. | 18:26 |
pico1 | I was wrong channel | 18:27 |
pico1 | bye guys | 18:27 |
demahum12 | I'm trying to change default workspace. I have found this: Can anyone help me how to do these things from the first answer? | 18:28 |
bmxscott1993 | ok this is my problem i using ask ubuntu to help aswell this is the like to the problem i am having | 18:28 |
cfhowlett | bmxscott1993, this is not the kali/tails support channel. we don't support kail/tails. | 18:31 |
bmxscott1993 | i know but it about using ubuntu to mount the iso | 18:33 |
bmxscott1993 | as a live os | 18:33 |
yecril71pl | What should I install to get /build/buildd/webbrowser-app-0.23+14.04.20140428/src/app/browserapplication.cpp | 18:37 |
ikonia | yecril71pl: that path has no relevence to an ubuntu package | 18:37 |
ikonia | yecril71pl: that's a C file | 18:37 |
ikonia | from some 3rd party app | 18:37 |
yecril71pl | What should I install to see source code under gdb? | 18:37 |
demahum12 | I'm trying to change default workspace. I have found this: Can anyone help me how to do these things from the first answer? | 18:38 |
yecril71pl | The 3rd party app is actually webapp-container, from Ubuntu. | 18:38 |
trism | yecril71pl: apt-get source webbrowser-app; then use the dir command in gdb to set the path | 18:38 |
ubuntu-user-2498 | how can I display a record of what the script utility recorded without all the extranious characters such that it's actually readable? | 18:38 |
trism | yecril71pl: unfortunately our symbols don't include source so you have to fiddle around with dir usually | 18:38 |
cfhowlett | yecril71pl, then it should be in ubuntu repos and searchable in packages | 18:39 |
cfhowlett | !info webapp-container | 18:40 |
ubottu | webapp-container (source: webbrowser-app): Ubuntu web applications container. In component main, is optional. Version 0.23+14.04.20140428-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 31 kB, installed size 160 kB | 18:40 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: just use wmctrl to switch to the workspace, add it to ~/.profile | 18:41 |
yecril71pl | trism: what is the right dir command to gdb? | 18:41 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, Woah... that's kind a too much to do from once. :D | 18:41 |
yecril71pl | The path /build/buildd is absolute | 18:41 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, How do you mean, use wmctrl? | 18:41 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: wmctrl is a program that allows you to switch workspaces via the terminal | 18:43 |
trism | yecril71pl: yes, that is the directory on the buildd, that doesn't help us, you need to download the source (however you want, with bzr or apt-get source webbrowser-app), then add the path to that source with dir | 18:44 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, so what exactly to do? | 18:44 |
EriC^^ | so lets say the command to switch to workspace 1 is wmctrl -o 1,1 , or something , add that line to ~/.profile | 18:44 |
yecril71pl | trism: I have the source in $HOME | 18:44 |
=== alberto is now known as Guest63130 | ||
trism | yecril71pl: so if I downloaded the source to /home/trism/webbrowser-app then I would add: dir /home/trism/webbrowser-app/src/app | 18:45 |
EriC^^ | ( it will run after you login ) | 18:45 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: sudo apt-get install wmctrl | 18:45 |
trism | yecril71pl: although cwd is also searched so if you just cd to the directory with the source file it should work as well | 18:45 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, Done it. | 18:45 |
EriC^^ | ok now type man wmctrl | 18:45 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, then? | 18:45 |
EriC^^ | ( i dont have it installed so you'll have to put the command together ) | 18:45 |
yecril71pl | trism: thanks :-) | 18:46 |
EriC^^ | check the options | 18:46 |
trism | yecril71pl: likewise if you rebuild the package, the path to the source will be correct in the binary so you shouldn't have to change anything | 18:46 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, which option do I look for? | 18:46 |
EriC^^ | changing the workspace | 18:46 |
EriC^^ | you can use "/" followed by a string to search the manual, press "n" to go to the next occurance | 18:47 |
EriC^^ | like /change | 18:47 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, I could not find worspace(s) in options. Search for workspace and workspaces gives no pattern found. | 18:49 |
EriC^^ | ok, hold on | 18:49 |
EriC^^ | how many workspaces do you have | 18:50 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, haha.. 25 .D | 18:50 |
demahum12 | :D | 18:50 |
EriC^^ | ok so that's 5x5 ? | 18:50 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, exactly. | 18:50 |
EriC^^ | which one do you want to go to? | 18:50 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, I want 13th to be default, the center. | 18:51 |
EriC^^ | try wmctrl -o 3,3 | 18:51 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, strange. It moves me to the first one whatever I type after -o (3,3 or 6,6) the same. | 18:52 |
DigiDemon | Weird...couldn't get connected via weechat | 18:53 |
DigiDemon | do I need some help | 18:53 |
DigiDemon | My production box died this morning | 18:53 |
DigiDemon | It was 12.0 | 18:53 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: ok, it says the window manager may ignore the request in the man page | 18:53 |
DigiDemon | My dev box is 14 | 18:53 |
DigiDemon | And is now in use | 18:53 |
DigiDemon | My biggest issue is postfix and dovecot | 18:54 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, that means that...? | 18:54 |
DigiDemon | Postfix says the message got deliverd, but dovecot doesn't see any messages | 18:54 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: the syntax is wmctrl - o x,y (where x,y is the offset from the top left corner of the array of 5x5 ) | 18:54 |
DigiDemon | 12.0 it was running sweet | 18:54 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, I understand, but it doesn't work? | 18:54 |
DigiDemon | After upgrade, no workie | 18:54 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: try wmctrl -d | 18:55 |
EriC^^ | that should list the desktops | 18:55 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, It does: 0 * DG: 6830x3840 VP: 1366,768 WA: 57,24 1309x744 N/A | 18:55 |
=== christoph is now known as Guest51311 | ||
guest1177a | Regarding ubuntu 14 and laptops - does acpi have anything to do with the mouse or keyboard on a laptop? | 18:57 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: you can use wmctrl -s <workspace name> | 18:58 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, and workspace name will be the number of it? | 18:58 |
guest1177a | Or, better yet, can anyone list all the things in ubuntu 14 that would affect the mouse and keyboard on a laptop? | 18:58 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: it seems we got the syntax wrong | 18:59 |
EriC^^ | first it starts from 0,0 not 1,1 | 18:59 |
EriC^^ | second it seems all wack | 18:59 |
EriC^^ | lol | 18:59 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, ok, that's not problem | 18:59 |
EriC^^ | | 18:59 |
DigiDemon | Nothing eh? | 19:00 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, Hhahhahahhaa... it's definitely more than wack :D | 19:00 |
EriC^^ | lol :D | 19:01 |
jalcine | EriC^^: starting from 0 is a common computer practice | 19:01 |
EriC^^ | jalcine: yeah i know but they said it's the offset from the top left | 19:01 |
EriC^^ | corner | 19:01 |
EriC^^ | jalcine: that's not what's wack about it, check the link if interested | 19:02 |
jalcine | gotcha | 19:02 |
=== Caroga is now known as Caroga_afk | ||
EriC^^ | demahum12: anyways | 19:06 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, hah | 19:06 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, I tried | 19:06 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, to do all these things | 19:06 |
Mattias | In Ubuntu/Gnome settings -> network, when you create an openvpn connection and then turn it on, how can I do that if I'm not in gnome and use i3? How can I verify openvpn is running correctly in i3? | 19:06 |
EriC^^ | yours is 6830x3840 | 19:06 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, to split both of these by 25 | 19:06 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, and then to try | 19:06 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, but nothing again. It moves me to the first. | 19:06 |
EriC^^ | so that's 6830 / 5 = 1366 , 3840 / 5 = 768 | 19:07 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, oh | 19:07 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, I tried 6830 / 25 | 19:07 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, I'll try your version now. | 19:08 |
EriC^^ | you want wmctrl -o 2732,1536 | 19:08 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, whoaaa... It works! :D | 19:09 |
EriC^^ | ok, add that line to ~/.profile | 19:09 |
=== Hobbyboy|Sleep is now known as Hobbyboy | ||
ashley01 | Does anyone know how to set custom vsync options in CCC? I want to set Firefox to use vsync but I don't want OpenTTD to use it. | 19:10 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, Where exactly in this file? | 19:11 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, At the end? | 19:11 |
EriC^^ | yup | 19:11 |
daftykins | ashley01: what solved your issue in the end? | 19:12 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, done it. | 19:12 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, to restart? | 19:12 |
EriC^^ | ok, cool | 19:12 |
EriC^^ | try to log out and log in | 19:12 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, without restarting? | 19:12 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 19:12 |
ashley01 | I turned off vsync in CCC for all applications and now I can run OpenTTD in a maximised window without performance issues (but not fullscreen) | 19:12 |
ashley01 | However I get some screen-tearing (if that is what it is called) in Firefox now when I scroll up/down. | 19:13 |
ashley01 | ..and the music issue I solved by editing one of OpenTTD's cfg files. | 19:14 |
daftykins | hmm | 19:14 |
daftykins | doesn't make sense for vsync to slow down a game, but there's AMD for you | 19:14 |
ashley01 | yup x) | 19:14 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, done it. | 19:15 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, Again on the first. :( | 19:15 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: try to add it to the startup applications | 19:16 |
EriC^^ | ( dash > startup ) | 19:16 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, that would work. :D | 19:16 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, Done it. To restart or to just logout again? | 19:17 |
EriC^^ | just logout | 19:17 |
ashley01 | I might have fixed it now | 19:17 |
ashley01 | yep, looks fixed. CCC is weird | 19:18 |
EriC^^ | any luck? | 19:18 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, strange. The wokspace window showed on login, but nothing happened, I'm on my first again. | 19:19 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: yeah i tried the brightness for someone once and it would set then reset | 19:19 |
EriC^^ | that's why i suggested ~/.profile first | 19:20 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, any ideas why profile version doesn't work? | 19:20 |
ashley01 | when people say ~/ do they mean /home ? I see that quite a lot. | 19:20 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: you could try to add a sleep to it | 19:20 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, maybe I've done it in a bad way. | 19:20 |
demahum12 | ashley01, this was to me? :D | 19:21 |
ashley01 | anyone really! | 19:21 |
EriC^^ | i've no idea why, i think startup should start after ~/.profile | 19:21 |
trism | ashley01: ~ actually expands to /home/username in the shell, try typing: echo ~; in the terminal | 19:21 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: i dont think you've written it wrongly | 19:21 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: if it sets this resets then you've written it correctly | 19:21 |
ashley01 | oh i see now x) | 19:21 |
daftykins | ashley01: ~ = /home/currentuser/ | 19:21 |
daftykins | oops too slow | 19:21 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: you could try to add a sleep before, like sleep 10 , then the command | 19:22 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: maybe it wouldn't be reset, and maybe the workspace program would have loaded | 19:22 |
EriC^^ | if it works, then you could fine tune it so it loads shortly after logging in | 19:22 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, haha... is this python? Do I need to import time? XD or just sleep 10? | 19:22 |
EriC^^ | hehe | 19:22 |
EriC^^ | no just sleep 10 | 19:23 |
ashley01 | I just tested out the echo function by typing echo " and it has brought me to a > prompt | 19:23 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, I guess before this command? :D | 19:23 |
EriC^^ | yup | 19:23 |
david38400 | I need help please with Open Office. I am using ubuntu 14.04 and trying to do some calculations. I need to copy a format and reuse it but it doesnt let me copy. Any offers?? | 19:23 |
ashley01 | I know I can exit by CTRL+C but I am wondering what that prompt is | 19:24 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, Done it. I will do the logout now. | 19:24 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, GOOD BLESS YOU! :D | 19:25 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, GOD* | 19:25 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, I'll just try to delete this sleep line just to convince myself that's it. :D | 19:26 |
EriC^^ | ok, give it a shot | 19:26 |
Ray_7880 | Why I can't download Links2? | 19:27 |
EriC^^ | !info links2 | 19:28 |
ubottu | links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 1989 kB, installed size 3007 kB | 19:28 |
EriC^^ | Ray_7880: do you have the universe repo enabled? | 19:28 |
trism | ashley01: when you added the ", the shell expects you to finish it with another ", so it keeps reading until you finish it | 19:28 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, I've deleted all lines that we've added to .profile | 19:28 |
trism | ashley01: if you want to echo a literal " you need to escape it: echo \" | 19:28 |
ashley01 | thanks, understood :D | 19:28 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, It's definitely this startup application. | 19:29 |
Ray_7880 | I'm new to linux so I don't have many things. Can you explain? | 19:29 |
shroomduke | tinycore live cd boots but i can't see the gui , it works on one computer but not other | 19:29 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, I wonder why it didn't work the first time. | 19:29 |
EriC^^ | demahum12: startup worked? no sleep? | 19:29 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, startup worked for two times already and I've deleted all the lines I've added to .profile | 19:30 |
EriC^^ | cool | 19:30 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, haha.. | 19:30 |
EriC^^ | i'm also curious about startup | 19:30 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, definitely...problem is solved. :D | 19:30 |
EriC^^ | yeah :) | 19:30 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, thanks, thanks a lot. :D | 19:30 |
david38400 | No help with the calculations guys??? | 19:30 |
EriC^^ | no problem | 19:30 |
demahum12 | EriC^^, I'm going to add this solution to :D | 19:31 |
EriC^^ | ok, cool | 19:31 |
ubuntu-user-2498 | can someone help get sound working. seems my soudcard has disappeared. | 19:31 |
shroomduke | what are you coppying to & from david384000 | 19:32 |
jatin | can I ask elementary OS here? | 19:32 |
daftykins | !elementary | jatin | 19:33 |
ubottu | jatin: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on - for more information on this distribution. | 19:33 |
jatin | ya but no one is answering there | 19:34 |
shroomduke | I feel your pain jatin | 19:34 |
daftykins | sorry, doesn't change the rules. | 19:34 |
DJones | jatin: Just be patient, we can't help with Elementary | 19:34 |
shroomduke | rules is rules | 19:35 |
jatin | okey, thanx | 19:35 |
ashley01 | !x | 19:37 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 19:37 |
megaloden | Hey guys? I'm looking for device regarding partitioning resizing. | 19:38 |
=== elky_ is now known as elky | ||
EriC^^ | megaloden: gparted | 19:39 |
yecril71pl | It seems webapp-container uses its own clipboard that it does not share | 19:40 |
yecril71pl | and it cannot find text on the current page | 19:40 |
=== zippy is now known as Guest52873 | ||
john_doe_jr1 | When using the dd command what does the bs (block size) option do? | 19:41 |
yecril71pl | which makes me wonder why it is advertised as a replacement for sites viewed in a Web browser | 19:41 |
yecril71pl | seems retarded | 19:41 |
yecril71pl | Launchpad client prints a lot of stuff to the console when started in a console | 19:43 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: specify what block sizes to issue IO commands in, afaik | 19:44 |
yecril71pl | it prints so much of it that it actually becomes irresponsive | 19:44 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: what does block size mean though? | 19:44 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: you understand that hard disks are block devices, yeah? they store data in 512byte or 4KB blocks | 19:45 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: | 19:46 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: right…so if I say 'dd if=~/myfile.iso of=dev/disks1 bs=1' ….A block size of 1 means what? | 19:46 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: well that's a mistake, you're increasing overhead there. read my last link, it should be pretty obvious after that | 19:47 |
MickeySoFine | HI All | 19:49 |
daftykins | hello | 19:49 |
MickeySoFine | I'm thinking of buying a new laptop with windows 8 pre-installed, can I install Ubuntu on it without any hassle? | 19:49 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: hey so you can use the dd command to write zeros to a file right? | 19:49 |
soee | how can i preview open single fiel from zip ? | 19:50 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: to a file? what are you trying to achieve? | 19:50 |
daftykins | MickeySoFine: it's not 100% guaranteed but if you look up the model online you might get some indication of what may not work | 19:50 |
MickeySoFine | soee, open it in archive managers and right click to select a program to read it | 19:51 |
MickeySoFine | daftykins, so what the general advice when buying? are there ways to get up to date hardware without win 8 installed? | 19:52 |
daftykins | MickeySoFine: you could buy from one of the companies that sells Linux systems direct | 19:53 |
pavlos | john_doe_jr, dd if=/dev/zero of=bob bs=1000 count=1 | 19:53 |
MickeySoFine | daftykins, any based in the UK? | 19:53 |
daftykins | no idea | 19:54 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: well, here's my problem…I have a mac that has OS X Lion on it…it's a SSD…I downloaded the Mavericks Installer from the app store but when I attempt to install it can not find my SSD drive…it's a non-standard SSD…What I was going to do is create a Mavericks recovery partition and boot to it to reinstall the software | 19:54 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: I was going to use the dd command to create a Mavericks recovery partition | 19:54 |
ashley01 | MickeySoFine: it is much more fun (and sometimes cheaper) to build your own system | 19:54 |
ashley01 | I built mine about 3 years ago and the only problem I had was 1 failed HDD | 19:55 |
ashley01 | oh, and it is a good learning experience too | 19:55 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: #1 that's not ubuntu support, #2 do you not have a USB flash drive? | 19:55 |
MickeySoFine | ashley01, I dont fancy building a laptop :) | 19:55 |
ashley01 | you ALWAYS bump into problems and have to fix them | 19:55 |
ashley01 | oh a laptop, fair enough x) | 19:55 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: I realize this isn't mac room but mac room does not know how to use the dd command | 19:56 |
daftykins | MickeySoFine: Dell might still do that XPS 13 developer edition thing with ubuntu | 19:56 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: yes I have a USB flash drive | 19:56 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: then why aren't you using disk utility to make it up as a Mavericks installer? | 19:56 |
daftykins | the flash drive then becomes the mavericks recovery drive. | 19:57 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: I created the mavericks recovery drive using a USB but it does not recovery my SSD drive for some reason | 19:57 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: I can't install Mavericks if it does not show my SSD drive to install it do | 19:58 |
john_doe_jr1 | *to | 19:58 |
daftykins | ok well that's an Apple support issue | 19:58 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: well, I'm out of warranty….what would be your opinion about why the external USB Mavericks installer doesn't show the USB drive? | 20:00 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: i don't own macs so i'm not sure, but as i said this is #ubuntu - totally off topic conversation for here i'm afraid. | 20:01 |
Susning | Running 14.04 and Chrome 37... How do I get the GTK Theme to apply for Chrome as for other parts of the system? | 20:01 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: alright no problem | 20:01 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: maybe yours is an unsupported model that they dropped? | 20:02 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: that is what I'm a afraid of | 20:02 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: what model is it? | 20:02 |
daftykins | "x,y" | 20:02 |
daftykins | or year and month | 20:02 |
Susning | Both Ubuntu and Chrome is 64-bit. | 20:02 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: 17-inch, Early 2011 MacBook Pro | 20:03 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: it's a really great laptop..and it has SSD…I just can not upgrade it to Mavericks…it annoying b/c I need to run Xcode and Xcode requires Mavericks | 20:04 |
Bashing-om | john_doe_jr1: Maybe, is the Mac booting "fast start" such that the small SSD is actually a raid disk, and to use it conventionally the raid meta data needs to be removed ?? just a thought . | 20:04 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: boot the USB flash drive then run disk utility | 20:04 |
trism | Susning: probably no easy way to do it, since chrome 35 gtk isn't rendering the widgets, chrome does it itself | 20:05 |
wind0 | any ideas why my system's fan would speed up significantly while running lubuntu desktop? task manager shows xchat 1%, others commands pop up for 2-5% from time to time but nothing extreme... yet soon after boot the fan (slowly) begins to speed up and stops at approx 50% of the highest speed i've heard... WinXP does nothing similar (i'm trying to replace WinXP on this old XPS400) | 20:06 |
Susning | trism: i was affraid of something like that. so there is'nt any alternative arround getting Chrome to look different? | 20:06 |
=== brunost_ is now known as brunost | ||
daftykins | wind0: see if it's failing to speedstep the processor, is it intel? | 20:07 |
daftykins | wind0: open a terminal and run: watch -n 0.1 `cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i mhz' | 20:07 |
john_doe_jr1 | Bashing-om: how would I determine if my mac is booting fast start? | 20:08 |
wind0 | daftykins: yes intel, pentium D | 20:08 |
wind0 | will try the watch cmd | 20:08 |
Bashing-om | john_doe_jr1: Out of my league - no direct experience with Mac - in years . | 20:08 |
daftykins | wind0: you should be able to see whether the system lets the processor clock itself down or whether it remains running at top speed | 20:08 |
New_Kali_User | anyone able to help with some setup issues im having in kali since its based on ubuntu now ? | 20:09 |
New_Kali_User | 1st my audio sounds like crap all crackling in vlc but the system audio sounds fine | 20:09 |
New_Kali_User | 2nd my wifi is connecting but slow as a snail in kali but fine in windows but cant seem to get online for nothing in kali with it | 20:09 |
daftykins | we don't support kali | 20:09 |
New_Kali_User | should the issues not be the same since its based off ubuntu | 20:09 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: would definitely be interested to know if disk utility from the USB boot session sees the SSD | 20:09 |
daftykins | New_Kali_User: no, sorry | 20:09 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: well, I'm going to try it again…I'm going to reboot and then I'll let you know…be back in like 5 minutes | 20:10 |
daftykins | New_Kali_User: #kali-linux is their channel | 20:10 |
New_Kali_User | yea no one active right now so thought id try here | 20:10 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: can you not come online from another device whilst doing so? | 20:10 |
daftykins | New_Kali_User: ok, you must stick to there and be patient then i'm afraid | 20:11 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: I have another computer but I'd have to find it …I'll try to find it | 20:11 |
Susning | trism: I think I found what I need: | 20:11 |
New_Kali_User | yup yup no worries im googlin about using wicd just gotta get a offline package since i cant get my net working | 20:11 |
wind0 | daftykins: looks like cpu is remaining at full speed, two cpus at 2793.214 MHz | 20:12 |
New_Kali_User | ok whats the best irc client for linux ? konversation ? | 20:12 |
daftykins | wind0: that's definitely not good, pop back into Windows and grab cpu-z from think?) and compare what it idles down to | 20:13 |
bubbasaures | New_Kali_User, How would one determine the best? | 20:13 |
daftykins | there is no best, use what works. | 20:13 |
New_Kali_User | lol true enough havent used linux in a long time so out of date | 20:14 |
wind0 | daftykins: maybe this helps explain why i'm having trouble keeping l/x/ubuntu running on this system but xp is ok | 20:14 |
trism | Susning: excellent, hope it works | 20:14 |
Susning | trism it did :) | 20:15 |
Susning | trism at least knowing that the gtk-theme was not the solution pointed me in the right direction ;) | 20:15 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: alright..didn't show the SSD drive…I even did a diskutil -list .. | 20:16 |
daftykins | wind0: john_doe_jr1 can you tell me what mac channel you were in, so we can take this somewhere more relevant? | 20:16 |
daftykins | oops wind0 sorry for the fail highlight | 20:16 |
wind0 | np | 20:16 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: I was in #mac | 20:17 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: I'm logged into that channel at work so I can't get into the channel right now though | 20:17 |
daftykins | wind0: i'd also compare from a TTY, with "sudo service lightdm stop" to rule out X | 20:17 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: ##mac yeah? | 20:18 |
bprompt | New_Kali_User: konversation, quassel, kvirc, iirsx, xchat, pick your poison, I prefer xchat | 20:18 |
=== BrandonS is now known as BrandonB | ||
rizal | hello guys, i have problems when i try to remaster ubuntu 14.04 with chroot. the problems come when i build the iso image and then try in virtualbox, when i try the iso image, the login screen cannot show, the ubuntu stuck in plymount, thx :) | 20:19 |
FreewheelinFrank | i want to delete archives in my boot directory, whats the command? | 20:20 |
EriC^^ | FreewheelinFrank: you want to get rid of old kernels? | 20:20 |
daftykins | FreewheelinFrank: 'archives' you mean older kernels? | 20:20 |
rizal | i followed this tutorial | 20:20 |
FreewheelinFrank | yes | 20:20 |
daftykins | EriC^^: your ticket (: | 20:20 |
EriC^^ | daftykins: :) | 20:20 |
Wolf__ | ubuntu is crzy | 20:20 |
FreewheelinFrank | daftykins yes | 20:20 |
EriC^^ | FreewheelinFrank: type dpkg -l | grep linux-image | 20:20 |
EriC^^ | and paste the result in | 20:21 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: pretty show this is the problem: | 20:21 |
wind0 | daftykins, I'll give the TTY test a try before switching back to XP. is there a way to restart X and resume apps (xchat) that are running after stopping it ? | 20:21 |
rizal | any body in here could help me?, please | 20:22 |
daftykins | wind0: nah, upon stopping it all programs will force quit | 20:22 |
wind0 | ok | 20:22 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>done | 20:22 |
EriC^^ | FreewheelinFrank: link please? | 20:23 |
rizal | hello guys, i have problems when i try to remaster ubuntu 14.04 with chroot. the problems come when i build the iso image and then try in virtualbox, when i try the iso image, the login screen cannot show, the ubuntu stuck in plymount, thx :) | 20:23 |
rizal | i followed this tutorial | 20:23 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric> | 20:23 |
rizal | any body in here could help me?, please | 20:23 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: and you have this intel SSD? you should be running latest firmware regardless, but as i said i would rather take this conversation somewhere else | 20:23 |
EriC^^ | FreewheelinFrank: what exactly did you type? | 20:24 |
EriC^^ | FreewheelinFrank: i think you missed the "|" between dpkg -l and grep | 20:24 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: I know..I wish I could get into the ##mac but it requires a registered user | 20:24 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>dpkg -l grep linux-image | 20:24 |
EriC^^ | type dpkg -l | grep linux-image | 20:24 |
bprompt | FreewheelinFrank: don't forget the pipe, pun intended /me ducks | 20:25 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric> | 20:25 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: err, so auth with nickserv? :) | 20:25 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>ive had this problem for a while. \boot is only 200 MB | 20:26 |
john_doe_jr1 | daftykins: how do I do that? | 20:26 |
daftykins | john_doe_jr1: join #freenode and ask there | 20:26 |
EriC^^ | FreewheelinFrank: you typed type this time :P | 20:26 |
DJones | !register | john_doe_jr1 | 20:27 |
ubottu | john_doe_jr1: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 20:27 |
EriC^^ | FreewheelinFrank: are you using pastebinit ? | 20:27 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>ah right looking for right key | 20:27 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric> | 20:28 |
EriC^^ | wow | 20:29 |
EriC^^ | just, wow. | 20:30 |
Wind02 | daftykins: no change in cpu freqs after stopx... alt+ctrl+f7 results in a black screen... is 'ps -a' enough to check if X is fully shutdown? | 20:30 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>Im running 4.14 | 20:30 |
daftykins | Wind02: it no longer being on F7 is plenty, obviously fire up again with "sudo service lightdm start" | 20:31 |
daftykins | EriC^^: hehe that's a lorra kernels | 20:31 |
FreewheelinFrank | daftykins>I'm collecting em | 20:31 |
daftykins | FreewheelinFrank: gotta catch 'em all! | 20:31 |
EriC^^ | FreewheelinFrank: type for i in 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 22 23 24; do sudo apt-get purge -y linux-image-3.11.0-$i-generic; done | 20:31 |
EriC^^ | FreewheelinFrank: type for i in 30 31; do sudo apt-get purge -y linux-image-3.13.0-$i-generic; done | 20:32 |
EriC^^ | and send whoever invented the for loop in bash an email | 20:32 |
EriC^^ | :P | 20:32 |
daftykins | i like that one, i think i'd have wildcard removed linux-image-3.11* | 20:33 |
yecril71pl | Bug #1377513 | 20:33 |
ubottu | bug 1377513 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "avalanche of messages from Launchpad on standard error" [Undecided,New] | 20:33 |
EriC^^ | daftykins: you can't in apt-get | 20:33 |
daftykins | EriC^^: really? could've sworn i'd done it before | 20:33 |
daftykins | i've got nothing to test that out with i don't think | 20:33 |
hillary | Am missing icons in the top right corner of ubuntu 14.04 like shutdown icon | 20:34 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>kinda stuck, do I exist now? | 20:34 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>kinda stuck, do I exit now? | 20:34 |
hillary | How do i enable them | 20:35 |
EriC^^ | what do you mean stuck | 20:35 |
EriC^^ | did you type for ....... done? | 20:35 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>probably typed wrong, i dont see my cursor, just the '>' | 20:35 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>yep | 20:36 |
=== dmitry is now known as Guest96516 | ||
EriC^^ | what's the exact command you typed? | 20:37 |
Ben64 | FreewheelinFrank: why not copy+paste? | 20:38 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>ok it seems to be executing now | 20:38 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>i didnt include 'done' | 20:39 |
As4xk | Hi. I have a FreeBSD instance in qemu-kvm on Ubuntu 14.04. While resilvering a zpool disk in the FreeBSD one of the disks got an error (according to zpool status). I used smartctl in the host to test the drive, but it didn't find any errors. Can anyone help me understand the output from dmesg? | 20:39 |
hillary | again every time i bootup my ubuntu 14.04 i have to go ctrl+alt+f2 then run startx command in order for the desktop icons to show up. what am missing? | 20:39 |
=== Dawn_ is now known as Rarity | ||
EriC^^ | FreewheelinFrank: are you sure? | 20:39 |
EriC^^ | hillary: lightdm? | 20:40 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>the second one just started..hold on | 20:40 |
OerHeks | hillary, really ? as 14.04 uses lightdm, it should be start lightdm | 20:40 |
Ben64 | hillary: you should never do startx, that can mess stuff up | 20:40 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric> | 20:41 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>list got shorter, will see if update will run | 20:41 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>130MB free wow | 20:42 |
EriC^^ | that's nothing | 20:43 |
EriC^^ | each one should free about 200 or so | 20:43 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>i was following old notes when I partitioned, and gave it only 200 MB. | 20:43 |
EriC^^ | type df -h | 20:44 |
hillary | ok | 20:44 |
hillary | so i do start lightdm? | 20:45 |
FreewheelinFrank | Eric>its kinda messy... | 20:45 |
Ben64 | hillary: it should start automatically | 20:45 |
EriC^^ | hillary: try to reinstall it, sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm | 20:45 |
sheap | I'm running a preseed which installs a custom package that has an init script. when the package is installed it gives me this error: | 20:47 |
sheap | it's running "update-rc.d start 2 . stop 0 6 ." and the start/stop are defined in the script itself | 20:48 |
hillary | ok | 20:48 |
sheap | just for some reason update-rc.d is ignoring my arguments I give it... whether it is from the package or from running everything manually | 20:48 |
daftykins | sheap: is it a debian package as opposed to an ubuntu one? | 20:51 |
sheap | daftykins: it's a package I made | 20:51 |
bdonnahue1 | can anyone help me install ardour. the software center does not have the install button for the package | 20:51 |
hillary | how do iget missing right icons in ubuntu 14.04 | 20:52 |
daftykins | sheap: i was under the impression ubuntu doesn't use runlevels conventionally | 20:52 |
daftykins | hillary: you've had suggestions given, try them | 20:52 |
sheap | well it's still possible to use init scripts with upstart, it's just that update-rc.d is ignoring me | 20:52 |
hillary | i mean the icon for shutting down volume icon calender etc | 20:52 |
OerHeks | bdonnahue1, sure it does | 20:53 |
mgolisch | bdonnahue1: i think you have to pay for compiled/packaged versions | 20:53 |
OerHeks | !info ardour | 20:53 |
ubottu | ardour (source: ardour): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.8.16+git20131003-1 (trusty), package size 3334 kB, installed size 14052 kB | 20:53 |
mgolisch | bdonnahue1: you can grab the sourcecode from their website though | 20:53 |
OerHeks | bdonnahue1, enable universe repo if not enabled in softwaresources | 20:53 |
bdonnahue1 | OerHeks: thanks i see that source. ill try to figure out how to enable | 20:54 |
morsnowski | bdonnahue1: there are two packages in my list one is dead but the other works great | 20:54 |
bdonnahue1 | which one worked? | 20:55 |
morsnowski | the other one | 20:55 |
bdonnahue1 | lol | 20:56 |
bdonnahue1 | i ran add-apt-repository universe | 20:56 |
Susning | This will sound quite anal but I have a question. In the left upper corner the name of the active application is shown, like for me now: "XChat IRC". If I move the mouse cursor over the menu I get options, XChat, View etc (depending on which program that is active). My question is: Can I change the distance between the application name and the menu options? Like in most cases the application name is overlapping the menu options whichs is no | 20:56 |
Susning | t looking very good. Anyone knows? | 20:56 |
bdonnahue1 | and it sait the distribution component is already enables | 20:57 |
bdonnahue1 | but then in software center there is still no install button | 20:57 |
mgolisch | probably because there is just a source package | 20:57 |
morsnowski | on 14.04 there is a really nice install button for it | 20:58 |
OerHeks | maybe you need to select the package first to see the install button | 20:59 |
morsnowski | that you have to do for all packages | 21:00 |
bdonnahue1 | selecting the package does not help | 21:01 |
morsnowski | did you click both packages? | 21:02 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:02 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:02 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:02 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:02 |
daftykins | *PS4 | 21:02 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:02 |
usbmodderz | nah only ps3 | 21:02 |
usbmodderz | soz lmao | 21:02 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:02 |
daftykins | :( | 21:02 |
usbmodderz | :C | 21:03 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:03 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:03 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:03 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:03 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:03 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:03 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:03 |
usbmodderz | very legit | 21:04 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:04 |
morsnowski | bdonnahue1: | 21:04 |
usbmodderz | LEGIT! | 21:04 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:04 |
morsnowski | bdonnahue1: | 21:04 |
DeLorean | I'm trying to follow this wiki ( to allow my wireless keyboard to wake my sleeping laptop (Ubuntu 14.04). Everything shows as enabled under USB when I type "cat /proc/acpi/wakeup". What am I doing wrong? | 21:04 |
bubbasaures | !ops usb | 21:04 |
bubbasaures | !ops | usbmodderz | 21:04 |
ubottu | usbmodderz: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 21:04 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:04 |
usbmodderz | !ops | bubbasaures | 21:05 |
ubottu | bubbasaures: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 21:05 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:05 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:05 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:05 |
bubbasaures | usbmodderz, lEGIT OR NOT IT IS SPAM HERE. | 21:05 |
bubbasaures | l* | 21:05 |
daftykins | DeLorean: have you also asked us in #xbmc ? :) might get an answer. | 21:05 |
usbmodderz | Free PS3 USB MODZ WITH FREE GAMES FOR PS3 | 21:05 |
usbmodderz | your mum | 21:05 |
morsnowski | can somebody kick this idiot? | 21:05 |
ashley01 | what on earth is all this spam? | 21:05 |
DeLorean | daftykins: Awesome, I haven't... I'll try that first :) | 21:05 |
daftykins | ashley01: best to just ignore it when the drama llama visits #ubuntu | 21:05 |
ashley01 | and why on earth are they advertising ps3 mods with 'free' games? | 21:06 |
ashley01 | very unusual spam | 21:06 |
Sonderblade | where has all the packages for ubuntu 11.04 gone? my sources.list doesn't work at all anymore | 21:06 |
morsnowski | Sonderblade: is that still supported? | 21:07 |
mgolisch | probably moved to archive | 21:07 |
Sonderblade | morsnowski: no, but i didn't except the package archives to disappear all of a sudden | 21:08 |
mgolisch | they move stuff to | 21:08 |
morsnowski | :) happened to me too | 21:08 |
mgolisch | for unsupported versions | 21:08 |
EriC^^ | Sonderblade: mgolisch it moves to | 21:08 |
Sonderblade | my sources are pointing at archive: | 21:08 |
Sonderblade | nothing there | 21:09 |
EriC^^ | Sonderblade: type sudo sed -i -e 's/\|' /etc/apt/sources.list | 21:09 |
mgolisch | oh | 21:10 |
mgolisch | :) | 21:10 |
EriC^^ | Sonderblade: or sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list , and replace with | 21:10 |
morsnowski | there seems to be some work going on in the archives | 21:11 |
OerHeks | Sonderblade, not all over sudden. | 21:11 |
OerHeks | Sonderblade, do you have not been watching your machine since oktober 2012? | 21:12 |
Sonderblade | EriC^^: thanks | 21:12 |
ashley01 | I am wondering, when I play a game like OpenTTD, is it using Timidity to play the MIDI files? And if so, would that mean Timidity is at fault if MIDI files are not played correctly (e.g. instruments being missed out)? | 21:12 |
OerHeks | the oldrelases trick does not make you safe. no bash update etc | 21:13 |
OerHeks | ashley01, no timidity standard here. | 21:14 |
Sonderblade | OerHeks: it's one of my vps servers, so even if i wanted to (which i absolutely does not!) i couldn't keep up with ubuntus release schedule | 21:14 |
daftykins | Sonderblade: you've been briefed on running EOL releases, presumably? and how unwise it is? | 21:15 |
OerHeks | Sonderblade, that does not explain "all over sudden" | 21:15 |
EriC^^ | daftykins: sorry for the late reply, just tried it, linux-image-3.11* would work, it would try to remove all the packages in the cache matching it, so it's ok for removing kernels, i think someone told me it didn't work for him once, i think what we did was linux-image-3.13.0*generic and that apt-get complains about | 21:16 |
morsnowski | if you look into the archive folder you'll find a list of packages that are currently being moved | 21:16 |
Sonderblade | daftykins: it's slowly dawning upon me that ubuntu is not a good server os | 21:16 |
Sonderblade | daftykins: the ubuntu 11.04 image is the one offered by the hosting provider, it's not something i can control | 21:16 |
daftykins | Sonderblade: no it's great, you just didn't pick an LTS release which is how it's meant to be done. | 21:16 |
morsnowski | Sonderblade: then your provider might not be the best | 21:17 |
* OerHeks would drop that provider | 21:17 | |
daftykins | Sonderblade: you need to use a long term support edition for it to last several years and not get stuck in upgrade hell all the time | 21:17 |
daftykins | EriC^^: ah that makes sense, perhaps it can't pattern match when an ending is added. :) thanks for checking | 21:17 |
ashley01 | OerHeks: do you mean no talking about Timidity here? not sure what you meant | 21:17 |
OerHeks | ashley01, just saying timidity is not installed standard | 21:18 |
ashley01 | it is for me (14.04) | 21:18 |
ashley01 | oh actually, i dont know if it is | 21:18 |
ashley01 | i just happen to have it without manually installing it | 21:18 |
daftykins | !info timidity | 21:18 |
ubottu | timidity (source: timidity): Software sound renderer (MIDI sequencer, MOD player). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.13.2-40.2 (trusty), package size 598 kB, installed size 1424 kB | 21:18 |
daftykins | our survey says - no, optionally installed :) | 21:19 |
ashley01 | ah ok | 21:19 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:22 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:22 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:22 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:22 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:22 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:23 |
OerHeks | !spam | mehcookie | 21:23 |
ubottu | mehcookie: Please don't spam | 21:23 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:23 |
mehcookie | !spam | ubottu | 21:23 |
mehcookie | !troll | ubottu | 21:23 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:23 |
OerHeks | we wait for your kline mehcookie | 21:23 |
ashley01 | i dont understand why he is advertising that | 21:23 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:23 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:23 |
bubbasaures | stupidity | 21:23 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:23 |
daftykins | ashley01: like i said, acknowledging them fuels their actions | 21:23 |
ashley01 | oh sorry mate | 21:24 |
mehcookie | !troll | bubbasaures | 21:24 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:24 |
OerHeks | !ops | 21:24 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 21:24 |
mehcookie | !ops | 21:24 |
mehcookie | !ops | OerHEks | 21:24 |
ubottu | OerHEks: please see above | 21:24 |
mehcookie | !ops | Oerheks | 21:24 |
ubottu | Oerheks: please see above | 21:24 |
mehcookie | !ops | ashley01 | 21:24 |
ubottu | ashley01: please see above | 21:24 |
mehcookie | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:24 |
ashley01 | what is he doing with my name? | 21:24 |
EriC^^ | heh, thanks mehcookie that's awesome that ubottu can say see above if you miss highlighting someone | 21:25 |
EriC^^ | !cookie | mehcookie | 21:25 |
ubottu | mehcookie: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 21:25 |
=== quem_ is now known as quem | ||
ashley01 | !cookie daftykins | 21:25 |
morsnowski | EriC^^: don't feed him after dark ! | 21:25 |
ashley01 | !cookie | daftykins | 21:25 |
ubottu | daftykins: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 21:25 |
=== ouabde_r is now known as Zyrink | ||
daftykins | as it happens i have a packet of cookies right now too 8D | 21:27 |
ashley01 | why did I have to use '|' inbetween the command and name? | 21:27 |
EriC^^ | ashley01: it is a reference to piping a command in bash, it tells ubottu to direct the factoid to the nickname you give | 21:28 |
ashley01 | so I am telling the command to accept all arguments after the '|' ? | 21:29 |
EriC^^ | what? no | 21:29 |
ashley01 | is the cookie command defined as something like this: cookie(input_string) | 21:30 |
EriC^^ | it's more like an option here | 21:31 |
ashley01 | !cookie | daftykins EriC^^ | 21:31 |
ubottu | daftykins EriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 21:31 |
ashley01 | oh it accepted that as a whole string | 21:31 |
* EriC^^ is liking you a bit | 21:31 | |
ashley01 | !cookie | daftykins, EriC^^ | 21:31 |
ubottu | daftykins, EriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 21:31 |
ashley01 | ah ok I see | 21:32 |
=== spn is now known as Beamboom_ | ||
EriC^^ | so space parses it | 21:32 |
EriC^^ | the kicker is > | 21:32 |
EriC^^ | !cookie > ashley01 | 21:32 |
ubottu | ashley01, please see my private message | 21:32 |
ashley01 | oh nice :D | 21:32 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 21:32 |
ashley01 | !cookie | !ops | 21:32 |
ubottu | !ops: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 21:32 |
EriC^^ | btw ubottu has a nice "feature" | 21:33 |
EriC^^ | check this | 21:33 |
ubottu | <EriC^^> wants you to know: Package Can-you-see-this does not exist in trusty | 21:33 |
EriC^^ | did you see anything? | 21:33 |
ashley01 | i see it x) | 21:33 |
EriC^^ | yeah, somebody should fix that :P | 21:33 |
ashley01 | !cookie > ubottu | 21:34 |
ubottu | ashley01, please see my private message | 21:34 |
ashley01 | i remember ages ago in some irc chat room, cant remember which one: somebody made a bot that would output the first paragraph of a wikipedia page. So I edited a wikipedia page to contain a long string of capital letters (another bot kicked you out for typing in all caps) and got the bot kicked by another x) | 21:35 |
EriC^^ | hehe | 21:35 |
EriC^^ | ashley01: i was curious about getting ubottu to op someone | 21:36 |
EriC^^ | like you can get him to /msg nickserv | 21:36 |
EriC^^ | or chanserv | 21:36 |
ashley01 | does ubottu have admin privileges itself? | 21:36 |
EriC^^ | yeah he does | 21:36 |
ashley01 | that's a time bomb | 21:37 |
ashley01 | i dont know much about irc commands though so i am useless x) | 21:37 |
phunyguy | she* | 21:37 |
OerHeks | ashley01, no it is not. | 21:38 |
EriC^^ | try this | 21:38 |
Nickleback | HEy | 21:38 |
Nickleback | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:38 |
Nickleback | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:38 |
Nickleback | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:38 |
Nickleback | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:38 |
Nickleback | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:38 |
Nickleback | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:38 |
Nickleback | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:38 |
phunyguy | Can we stick to ubuntu support? ubottu questions can go in #ubuntu-irc | 21:38 |
Nickleback | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:38 |
EriC^^ | !cookie | /msg chanserv op #ubuntu ashley01 | 21:38 |
Nickleback | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:38 |
ubottu | /msg chanserv op #ubuntu ashley01: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 21:38 |
Nickleback | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:38 |
unopaste | Nickleback you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 21:38 |
unopaste | Nickleback you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 21:38 |
EriC^^ | ah, ubottu actually wrote /msg | 21:39 |
ashley01 | it accepts everything after | as a whole string | 21:39 |
ashley01 | !cookie | " | 21:39 |
ubottu | ": Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 21:39 |
Logan_ | EriC^^: please stop trying to exploit the bot | 21:40 |
phunyguy | OK, ashley01, and EriC^^ please stick to Ubuntu support, or take this conversation to #ubuntu-irc | 21:40 |
ashley01 | sorry, i will stop | 21:40 |
phunyguy | and yes, please stop trying to exploit the bot | 21:40 |
Logan_ | you can play with the bot in #ubuntu-bots | 21:41 |
ashley01 | !cookie > phunyguy | 21:41 |
ubottu | phunyguy, please see my private message | 21:41 |
phunyguy | .... | 21:41 |
Logan_ | ashley01: doing that doesn't help | 21:41 |
ashley01 | :P | 21:41 |
samthewildone | is there a terminal command in which I can get some info on a file ? | 21:41 |
ashley01 | im just messing | 21:41 |
ashley01 | i'll stick to the rules | 21:41 |
samthewildone | example, I have a image and want to know its resolution and size before I convert it. | 21:41 |
EriC^^ | samthewildone: file <filename> , or info <filename> | 21:41 |
samthewildone | EriC^^, I did info but, | 21:42 |
Janebarret | !ops ashley01 | 21:42 |
Janebarret | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:42 |
Janebarret | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:42 |
Janebarret | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:42 |
Janebarret | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:42 |
Janebarret | Download USB Games for ps3 here! | 21:42 |
unopaste | Janebarret you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted | 21:42 |
ashley01 | phunyguy: why did that person type "!ops ashley01"? | 21:42 |
samthewildone | EriC^^, thanks, though info did something completely different. | 21:43 |
phunyguy | there, that should hold off the spam for a bit. If you don't have a registered nickname, please get one now, or you won't be able to rejoin until this is removed | 21:44 |
phunyguy | !register | 21:44 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 21:44 |
ashley01 | phunyguy | 21:44 |
ashley01 | why did that person type !ops and then my name? | 21:45 |
ikonia | ashley01: don't worry about it | 21:45 |
ashley01 | ok | 21:45 |
phunyguy | ashley01: they are trolling. Just ignore it. | 21:45 |
daftykins | wierd thing is i kinda want a PS3 now :/ | 21:46 |
EriC^^ | lol | 21:47 |
morsnowski | mission accomplished then, how about telling the bot to kick everyone using "ps3" | 21:49 |
phunyguy | we handled it. Please move on. | 21:49 |
morsnowski | k | 21:49 |
daftykins | | 21:50 |
daftykins | hrmm | 21:50 |
catalyst_ | Has anyone experienced any trouble with the latest Nvidia drivers (340.46, not in repos)? Just wondering if its safe to install from nvidia | 21:50 |
ashley01 | you could install a linux distro on PS2 long ago and they even had software to emulate a global LAN | 21:50 |
daftykins | !nvidia | catalyst_ | 21:51 |
ubottu | catalyst_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 21:51 |
ikonia | catalyst_: why would you use packages from outside the repo ? | 21:51 |
daftykins | ah that wasn't really what i was hoping for, apologies | 21:51 |
ilhami | Hey | 21:51 |
ikonia | catalyst_: especially for something as criticl as your display | 21:51 |
daftykins | hi | 21:51 |
ilhami | anyone who can assist me improving the performance of my elementaryOS VM? | 21:51 |
catalyst_ | ikonia: they are more up-to-date | 21:51 |
ikonia | catalyst_: in what way more up to date apart from a bigger version number | 21:51 |
ikonia | ilhami: not this channel - sorry | 21:52 |
OerHeks | nope ilhami elementary is not ubuntu. | 21:52 |
ilhami | it is Ubuntu based :D | 21:52 |
catalyst_ | ikonia: Performance improvements | 21:52 |
ikonia | !elementary > ilhami | 21:52 |
ubottu | ilhami, please see my private message | 21:52 |
ikonia | catalyst_: sorry, I don't believe that | 21:52 |
OerHeks | ilhami, elementary has its own issues | 21:52 |
ikonia | catalyst_: certainly not something you'll see with the named eye | 21:52 |
ikonia | catalyst_: you'll then remove support from the package manager for you display, not something I'd recommend unless you are %101 confident with what you are doing | 21:52 |
catalyst_ | ikonia: This is why I was asking if it was safe | 21:55 |
catalyst_ | so thanks | 21:55 |
catalyst_ | Well then, what would be the diff. between the drivers-331-updates package as supposed to the regular one? | 21:57 |
ikonia | catalyst_: this is why I asked you | 21:58 |
ashley01 | I'm wondering this as well because I use fglrx instead of fglrx-updates | 21:58 |
ikonia | catalyst_: if you don't know the differences - why are you looking to upgrade them | 21:58 |
catalyst_ | Why are you being rude? Im just comming back to linux today from years of being away and just want to get things working | 21:59 |
catalyst_ | Ill ask elsewhere | 21:59 |
ikonia | catalyst_: I'm not being rude | 21:59 |
ikonia | catalyst_: I'm asking why you are looking to change/update software when you don't know the difference between the two products | 21:59 |
ikonia | it's not an unreasonable question | 21:59 |
ikonia | ask elsewhere though if you're not comfortable being asked a polite question | 22:00 |
OerHeks | releasenotes are on the package page | 22:00 |
=== root_____ is now known as gradeA | ||
monkers | hello, my nas is totally flaking out, the raid array isnt available and neither is the LVM array. Getting a lot of nasty I/O errors on boot and on console (media errors). Could someone help me determine which drives are bad and how to recover without borking everything? I'm in over my head... >_< | 22:45 |
daftykins | monkers: sure, what ubuntu are you typing from? | 22:46 |
monkers | ... --- ... | 22:46 |
EriC^^ | i think that's eol | 22:47 |
monkers | im on my PC, its a win machine | 22:47 |
daftykins | monkers: so the NAS is a PC that runs ubuntu...? | 22:47 |
monkers | yes | 22:47 |
monkers | its an intel board with a bunch of harddrives, a custom job | 22:47 |
daftykins | is the OS on a separate disk, or part of the array? | 22:48 |
monkers | Yah, the OS is on it's own drive. then I have a raid array with 2 HD's. and an LVM array with like... 4 harddrives i think. | 22:48 |
daftykins | ok install smartmontools and pastebinit then run "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX | pastebinit" for each disk that's a RAID member | 22:48 |
daftykins | and share the links here | 22:48 |
monkers | ok bad news... whenever i try to apt-get or even touch something in my home dir, "cannot touch 'kitty':read-only file system" | 22:49 |
monkers | (this was not a r/o file system before) | 22:50 |
daftykins | ok boot live media of 12.04 or 14.04 and do as above. | 22:50 |
monkers | ok like on a usb right? | 22:50 |
daftykins | monkers: preferably, yeah | 22:51 |
daftykins | DVD is just painful these days | 22:51 |
monkers | for sure | 22:51 |
ObrienDave | DVD-RW works much better for me. horrible luck with USB | 22:52 |
daftykins | heh | 22:53 |
monkers | i'm a dvd drive short anyway | 22:53 |
ObrienDave | ah, say no more ;) | 22:53 |
monkers | i hope its just the main drive thats mucked up :( | 22:54 |
daftykins | the above should point out some aspects pretty easily | 22:54 |
daftykins | are they in warranty? | 22:55 |
monkers | ok, all the errors on the console are listed for 'ata3.00' | 22:55 |
monkers | i doubt it | 22:55 |
ObrienDave | well, off to work. good day all | 22:55 |
monkers | see ya | 22:55 |
daftykins | ObrienDave: take care | 22:56 |
daftykins | doh | 22:56 |
daftykins | monkers: ok, you could find out which /dev ata3 is from reading dmesg then | 22:56 |
daftykins | once you get the live session up | 22:56 |
monkers | ok | 22:56 |
monkers | yah console is being overtaken by media error messages | 22:56 |
daftykins | SSH in perhaps | 22:57 |
docmur | I have three disks in an LVM configuration, they are stored as /dev/dm0 - 2. I also have the physical partiions listed in /dev/ as sda, sdb and sdc. I wanted to schedual a disk check with tune2fs for next reboot, should i assign the check to the logical volumes dm# or sd#? | 22:57 |
monkers | daftykins - yesterday i could ping but not ssh, today after reboot no ping or ssh | 22:58 |
ikonia | docmur: neither | 22:58 |
ikonia | docmur: you check the LV's | 22:58 |
ikonia | not the physical devices | 22:58 |
daftykins | monkers: it'll be different from the live session though | 22:58 |
monkers | ah ya | 22:58 |
abcd | hi all, has someone used remmina + ssh ? | 22:59 |
docmur | hmmm okay, how would I do that then, I think something is corrupt on one of the volumes | 22:59 |
daftykins | !details | abcd | 22:59 |
ubottu | abcd: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 22:59 |
monkers | Anyone know if the lvm or raid partitions rely on anything on the main OS drive that could not be reconfigured manually? | 22:59 |
abcd | I want to connect over vnc and ssh to a remote machine | 23:00 |
TheBloke | Hi all. I'm running KUbuntu 14.10 64bit (upgraded from 14.04). I've installed the Android SDK, and added various packages via the SDK Manager. But I can't run some of the binaries, e.g. adb, fastboot. When I try to execute them, it just says 'file not found'. I ran 'file adb' and I see it's a 32bit binary - so I'm thinking I'm missing some kind of 32bit support package I need to run 32bit executables? I can't see anything | 23:00 |
TheBloke | immediately suitable in Synaptic or Muon | 23:00 |
ikonia | monkers: the partitions are on the disk/stored in the partition table | 23:00 |
ikonia | monkers: as in on the physical devices | 23:00 |
abcd | using x11vnc on remote machine and remmina as client | 23:00 |
monkers | ikonia - ok cool | 23:00 |
monkers | ok bios sees all the harddrives still | 23:01 |
=== alphad_ is now known as alphad | ||
trism | TheBloke: yeah you'll need at least libc6:i386 or you get that weird file not found message | 23:02 |
daftykins | monkers: just give me a highlight once you've got the pastebin URLs | 23:03 |
monkers | ok | 23:03 |
daftykins | abcd: remmina is an RDP client, there'd be no need for VNC... | 23:04 |
daftykins | or does it do VNC too 0o | 23:04 |
abcd | yep | 23:04 |
daftykins | yeah so you want SSH tunneling | 23:04 |
TheBloke | trism: Awesome, thank you! Installing libc6:i386 changed 'file not found' to a missing libstdc++6 error, and installing that for i386 as well enabled me to run adb. Thanks! | 23:05 |
_unreal_ | hello | 23:06 |
_unreal_ | I installed 14.04lts on an older system of mine to be used as a server. I have VNC setup on it. I'd like to make the system into a read only OS residing on a compact flash card. how would I go about doing that? | 23:08 |
daftykins | _unreal_: that wouldn't be wise, it'll need updates. | 23:09 |
_unreal_ | I and planning on setting it up as an intranet only system | 23:10 |
_unreal_ | am | 23:10 |
daftykins | _unreal_: even offline things need security updates. maybe consider using a stable release of debian that doesn't need updates so regularly | 23:11 |
veryhappy | hey guys, how can it be that tinywm doesn't start when i logged in, xfwm4 is not listen in kde and crashes when i try to start it over my terminal and that i couldn't even click any command except "exit" in blackbox with something happening? the only thing that matters right now is that i get tinywm to run and i'd perhaps also impressed if xfwm4 would also be listed in kdm and run. help... | 23:15 |
veryhappy | ...appreciated ;) thank you | 23:15 |
Saw | hi, quick question: is there a way to make a window untouchable(by keyboard) ? | 23:15 |
EriC^^ | Saw: untouchable, as in always on top? | 23:20 |
Saw | EriC^^ - kind of. I use vlc with always on top + always on visible workspace, but when moving to different workspace, it gets the focus. I don't want that. | 23:21 |
Saw | I don't need it to ever get focus(keyboard focus, that is) | 23:21 |
EriC^^ | so remove the always on visible workspace | 23:22 |
EriC^^ | no? | 23:22 |
Saw | EriC^^ - but then it won't be always on visible workspace.. I want it to be visible in every workspace.. | 23:22 |
EriC^^ | i've no experience with using workspaces | 23:23 |
Saw | :\ | 23:23 |
EriC^^ | but alt+space will give you the minimize/always on top options | 23:23 |
EriC^^ | like alt + space + n will minimize | 23:23 |
monkers | daftykins - i have it ready to run but not sure which /dev drives are the raid ones | 23:24 |
daftykins | monkers: 'sudo fdisk -l' | 23:24 |
daftykins | matched sizes, no? | 23:24 |
monkers | thank you, got em, sdb1 and sdd1 | 23:25 |
ashley01 | When I resize a window I am getting performance drops (in Unity), does anyone know what could be causing this? | 23:27 |
monkers | daftykins - reading through the smartctrl outputs, i can tell that all drives appear to be in good health except my OS drive \o/ | 23:27 |
ashley01 | It seems to only be with gedit | 23:28 |
daftykins | monkers: and that comes up as ata3? 0o | 23:28 |
ashley01 | Terminal and XChat work fine | 23:28 |
monkers | daftykins - yah that is ata3. i cant get apt-get install ssh-server to work on the 14. livecd | 23:28 |
daftykins | it's openssh-server no? | 23:28 |
daftykins | !info openssh-server | 23:28 |
ubottu | openssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 316 kB, installed size 991 kB | 23:28 |
daftykins | yip | 23:28 |
monkers | its saying "openssh-server : Depends: openssh-client (=1;6.6p1-2ubuntu1) but 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2 is to be installed - You have held broken packages | 23:30 |
EriC^^ | sudo apt-get install -f , maybe? | 23:31 |
daftykins | seems a bit odd on a live session | 23:32 |
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_unreal_ | daftykins, it only needs updates if its getting online | 23:32 |
daftykins | _unreal_: that's rubbish | 23:32 |
monkers | still barkin at me | 23:32 |
_unreal_ | rubbish you say | 23:33 |
EriC^^ | !info openssh-client | 23:34 |
ubottu | openssh-client (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines. In component main, is standard. Version 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 564 kB, installed size 3776 kB | 23:34 |
EriC^^ | that's odd, i get ubuntu1 here | 23:34 |
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EriC^^ | monkers: try to sudo apt-get update | 23:34 |
_unreal_ | wierd, ok file:///run/media/laptop/FOSS_EL/content0/detector/flash_passthru.html I cant get this site to come up in firefox. and I have flash 11.2 installed | 23:37 |
monkers | Eric^^ yah there it goes | 23:37 |
ashley01 | ah rhythmbox, forever crashing for making a playlist | 23:37 |
Julie7 | Hi! How do I force Firefox (or any software) to ONLY use my VPN connection in Ubuntu 14.04? | 23:37 |
monkers | daftykins - ok got it - | 23:40 |
daftykins | monkers: omw a maxtor | 23:40 |
monkers | haha | 23:41 |
daftykins | monkers: yep that thing is now a paperweight | 23:41 |
monkers | ok | 23:41 |
* monkers digs around for new harddrive | 23:41 | |
monkers | ok i found a 500gig... maybe overkill but it'll do. :D | 23:44 |
ashley01 | When I resize Terminal: everything is smooth. When I resize gedit: it is not-so-smooth. Anyone know the reason why? | 23:44 |
Julie7 | Hi! How do I force Firefox (or any software) to ONLY use my VPN connection in Ubuntu 14.04? | 23:45 |
monkers | julie7 - thats more a matter of routing, i would think | 23:46 |
Julie7 | monkers: Is that a hard thing to do? | 23:46 |
daftykins | Julie7: did you disable your system changing the default gateway to the VPN endpoint? | 23:47 |
Julie7 | daftykins: I haven't made the switch, yet. I'm afraid to install Ubuntu as long as I don't know how to do this. | 23:48 |
daftykins | Julie7: where are you testing from then? | 23:48 |
Julie7 | daftykins: I was hoping for a simple guide or something. I can't do any testing right now. :( | 23:49 |
daftykins | Julie7: why not? | 23:49 |
daftykins | you understand live sessions, yes? | 23:49 |
daftykins | or installing beside windows | 23:50 |
Julie7 | Because I only have one computer, and that one is running Windows (throws up). | 23:50 |
Julie7 | daftykins: Yes, I know ABOUT doing it that way. | 23:50 |
daftykins | so how come you don't test it that way? | 23:51 |
monkers | Julie7 - is this somethin you are already doing in windows? | 23:51 |
Julie7 | daftykins: Because I was still hoping for a more simple way. I'm not a very technical person. :( | 23:51 |
Julie7 | daftykins: It feels as if I'm the first person that ever wants to do this. | 23:52 |
Julie7 | monkers: Yes! | 23:52 |
Julie7 | I know how to do it in Windows. | 23:52 |
monkers | how do you do it in windows? | 23:52 |
EriC^^ | Julie7: this might be of help | 23:52 |
daftykins | Julie7: no, and i don't mean any offence here, you just don't seem to understand how VPN connections work | 23:52 |
EriC^^ | | 23:52 |
Julie7 | monkers: My home network is private, my OpenVPN connection is public. I block the software in my firewall settings to only use my public network (OpenVPN). | 23:53 |
Julie7 | EriC^^: Thanks! | 23:53 |
Julie7 | daftykins: I guess not. | 23:53 |
daftykins | hmm | 23:53 |
daftykins | that is a very odd way of doing things | 23:53 |
Julie7 | daftykins: But it works! As soon as my OpenVPN connection gets disconnected, everything shuts down and refuse to respond. | 23:54 |
daftykins | just because something works, doesn't mean it's necessarily a good idea | 23:54 |
Julie7 | XD | 23:54 |
Julie7 | I know. | 23:54 |
monkers | seems clever to me lol | 23:54 |
daftykins | so you maintain your VPN session permanently, just for the occasional browser switch? | 23:54 |
veryhappy | guys any ideas yet? | 23:54 |
daftykins | i.e. you're connected to the VPN when you're not even using it? | 23:54 |
monkers | Julie7 - do you want the whole network to stop if the VPN goes down? | 23:55 |
monkers | like not just firefox | 23:55 |
monkers | but other internet programs | 23:55 |
Julie7 | monkers: Yes, please. | 23:55 |
Julie7 | daftykins: I've routed all my programs to only use my OpenVPN connection. As soon as it disconnects, I can't connect to the Internet. | 23:55 |
monkers | Julie7 could static route the default to the vpn gateway and remove the normal static out to the internet right? | 23:55 |
Julie7 | monkers: Uhm, I'm not sure. :o | 23:56 |
daftykins | Julie7: the default behaviour of establishing a VPN connection with network-manager on Ubuntu is to direct all traffic via it. there will be no need to configure firefox | 23:56 |
monkers | daftykins - so how does she prevent internet access if the VPN is not established? | 23:57 |
Julie7 | daftykins: But what happens if it disconnects while I'm browsing using Firefox and don't notice it? Will it just go back to my default connection? | 23:57 |
daftykins | disable DNS | 23:57 |
monkers | lol | 23:57 |
daftykins | this is where your testing would come in handy ;) | 23:58 |
Julie7 | ;( | 23:58 |
monkers | julie - what you need to do is configure a single route, to your VPN peer IP. then have NO default route listed. when the vpn is established, a default route will be added to the routing table, when it goes down, you will again only be able to route to/access the VPN peer IP (to re-establish your vpn) | 23:58 |
daftykins | i'm sure if someone who uses VPNs on a regular basis is around, they can comment... but i personally don't. i'd do it via disabling local DNS though | 23:58 |
monkers | so you need to find and delete your default route, and add a single route to your vpn host IP | 23:59 |
EriC^^ | i found this too, it mentions DNS as well | 23:59 |
EriC^^ | | 23:59 |
will_ | hey guys, I just installed ubuntu 14.04 and was hoping someone could help me out with a (should be simple) issue. when logging in I set the default gui to gnome 3 instead of ubuntu. after logging in I had on my top bar something I could click that had a bunch of options in it. one being "big font" or something and it was turned on. I turned it off just to see the effect and now I don't have thing I used to turn the "big font" off wi | 23:59 |
daftykins | yay \o/ | 23:59 |
monkers | Remove the route for your default gateway. | 23:59 |
monkers | Add a route to the remote ip of your vpn through the ip and interface that you previously used as default gateway | 23:59 |
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