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bapoumba | ping cariboo907 coffeecat Iowan | 17:59 |
coffeecat | o/ | 17:59 |
cariboo907 | o/ | 17:59 |
bapoumba | heya :) | 17:59 |
bapoumba | hey Iowan :) | 18:00 |
Iowan | Made it! | 18:01 |
bapoumba | :) | 18:01 |
cariboo907 | yay! :) | 18:01 |
bapoumba | Guess there will only be the 4 of us | 18:02 |
bapoumba | anyone familiar with the bots and IRC channels stuff ? | 18:02 |
cariboo907 | I was just going to ask the same thing :) | 18:02 |
Iowan | Not me, I fear... | 18:02 |
bapoumba | OK, coffeecat ? | 18:03 |
pleia2 | this should help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 18:03 |
cariboo907 | I've got the wiki page up now | 18:03 |
bapoumba | thanks pleia2, we can always manually save the logs, I do not think we'll have to vote today :) | 18:04 |
bapoumba | please go ahead cariboo907 | 18:04 |
cariboo907 | #startmeeting | 18:04 |
meetingology | Meeting started Sun Oct 5 18:04:51 2014 UTC. The chair is cariboo907. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 18:04 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 18:04 |
cariboo907 | #chair bapoumba coffeecat Iowan cariboo907 | 18:05 |
meetingology | Current chairs: Iowan bapoumba cariboo907 coffeecat | 18:05 |
cariboo907 | #meetingtopic fc monthly meeting | 18:05 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | fc monthly meeting | Current topic: | ||
cariboo907 | have we got anything that really needs discussing? | 18:06 |
bapoumba | well, not sure we'd have anything to vote on | 18:06 |
bapoumba | Items to discuss or state, yes I think so | 18:07 |
bapoumba | The LoCo subforums | 18:07 |
cariboo907 | #topic LoCo subforums | 18:07 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | fc monthly meeting | Current topic: LoCo subforums | ||
bapoumba | Archiving have been done by Elfy and coffeecat | 18:07 |
bapoumba | Any inactive subforum is archived | 18:08 |
bapoumba | inactive = no activity from a year and half | 18:08 |
bapoumba | or so :) | 18:08 |
cariboo907 | I've been following along during my move, and had a bit of a conversation on DIscourse with a member of the Colorado LoCo | 18:08 |
bapoumba | If they want to reopen, they should ask for it and use it :) | 18:09 |
cariboo907 | I guess the LoCo council didn't really pass on anything to the LoCo's and he was a bit surprised that the sub-forum had disappeared | 18:09 |
bapoumba | would they want to use it again ? | 18:10 |
pleia2 | first I heard about it was the post to planet from you folks (thank you for that) | 18:10 |
cariboo907 | He stated that the sub-forum had been pretty dead, and that the mailing list was where all the activity was | 18:10 |
bapoumba | several mails were sent to the LoCo council pleia2 | 18:10 |
pleia2 | bapoumba: right, that's not a public list :) | 18:11 |
bapoumba | well, we could not email each and everyone of them pleia2 :) | 18:11 |
pleia2 | you want loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com | 18:11 |
coffeecat | The colorado forum should be visible but closed to posting atm. | 18:11 |
pleia2 | I'm including it in the LoCo section of UWN this week, so hopefully more folks will see it :) | 18:12 |
bapoumba | if some LoCo wish to have their forum reopened and use it, no problem | 18:12 |
cariboo907 | at the time, a couple of days agoa it wasn't visible yet | 18:12 |
bapoumba | thanks pleia2 | 18:12 |
bapoumba | ah ok cariboo907 | 18:12 |
cariboo907 | anything else to say about the topic? | 18:13 |
bapoumba | not here | 18:13 |
Iowan | No | 18:14 |
cariboo907 | coffeecat, ? | 18:14 |
bapoumba | may be forward Elfy' mail to loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com ? | 18:14 |
coffeecat | no | 18:14 |
cariboo907 | OK, we can do that | 18:15 |
bapoumba | +1 | 18:15 |
* bapoumba searching through emails .. | 18:16 | |
cariboo907 | I have it on my utopic install, which is a bit broken at the moment :) | 18:17 |
bapoumba | email forwarded | 18:20 |
cariboo907 | Thanks bapoumba | 18:20 |
Iowan | Danke! | 18:20 |
bapoumba | From my Utopic install :p | 18:20 |
bapoumba | Welcome :) | 18:20 |
bapoumba | anything else ? | 18:21 |
bapoumba | we'd need to ping IS in their own channel for the default avatar stuff | 18:21 |
cariboo907 | I haven't got anything else | 18:21 |
Iowan | Nothing here | 18:21 |
coffeecat | nothing here. | 18:21 |
bapoumba | it is becoming quite urgent | 18:21 |
bapoumba | other than that, nothing else here | 18:22 |
cariboo907 | I expect they'll get back to us after the 10th :) | 18:22 |
bapoumba | that would be really too bad :( | 18:22 |
cariboo907 | they have been really slow to respond to anything | 18:23 |
bapoumba | do you know the channel address ? | 18:23 |
cariboo907 | give me a minute while I copy my notes from utopic | 18:23 |
bapoumba | ok | 18:24 |
cariboo907 | it's #canonical-sysadmin | 18:25 |
bapoumba | Hmm, no one is vanguard atm .. | 18:26 |
bapoumba | OK, posted a message | 18:27 |
bapoumba | we'll see | 18:27 |
bapoumba | I have nothing else :) | 18:28 |
cariboo907 | if there's nothing else, we can end the meeting | 18:29 |
bapoumba | yup | 18:29 |
coffeecat | nothing here | 18:29 |
Iowan | Nothing here | 18:30 |
bapoumba | do you know how to file the logs ? | 18:30 |
cariboo907 | OK | 18:30 |
cariboo907 | I think it does it automagically when you end the meeting | 18:30 |
bapoumba | OK | 18:30 |
cariboo907 | we'll see | 18:30 |
cariboo907 | #endmeeting | 18:30 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Sun Oct 5 18:30:49 2014 UTC. | 18:30 |
meetingology | Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-10-05-18.04.moin.txt | 18:30 |
bapoumba | how do you get the link to post on the FC wiki page ? | 18:30 |
bapoumba | ah ok :D | 18:31 |
Iowan | Honeypot! | 18:31 |
bapoumba | this bot is quite friendly :) | 18:31 |
cariboo907 | it does seem to work well | 18:31 |
bapoumba | yes | 18:32 |
cariboo907 | it's time for me to head off to bed, I've been up since 17:30 yesterday | 18:33 |
bapoumba | thanks cariboo907 and sweet dreams :) | 18:33 |
cariboo907 | thanks bapoumba | 18:33 |
bapoumba | will update the log page | 18:33 |
Iowan | I had a work call-in - 10:30 - 3:30 | 18:33 |
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