
soeegood morning06:16
lordievaderGood morning.06:40
SourBlueHei guys, do you know a way to change the Terminal Size from the command line (more or less set and unset fullscreen mode)08:29
lordievaderSourBlue: From konsole? Guess you should look at qdbus.08:36
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Riddellhola chicos08:59
SourBlueellos mios09:06
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RiddellSourBlue: did you ever get a chance to look at kdevelop-py3 ?09:45
Riddellor whatever it's called09:45
SourBlueshould I ?09:46
RiddellSourBlue: you were talking about packaging it09:46
Riddellthere's no desperate rush but it would be nice09:47
SourBlueYeah, it looked like a "normal" Package but i never took a close look at that09:48
SourBlueI don't really have time (at the moment) to look into something new like that I'm learning Apache, FTP etc atm09:48
Riddellbuenos dias sgclark 10:49
lordievaderGood afternoon10:49
Riddellsgclark: did you have a nice weekend?10:49
sgclarkRiddell: well, update broke my system :) but all good now. Filed : Bug 137732110:51
ubottubug 1377321 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "sddm and nvidia-331 problems if nvidia-331/nvidia-prime is already installed." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137732110:51
Riddellsgclark: this seems to happen surpringly often with you!10:51
sgclarkRiddell: almost done with that massive copyright file10:51
sgclarkRiddell: yeah I know :( 90% of the time it is my Nvidia card : /10:52
Riddellsgclark: oh kdeplasma-addons? hugs10:52
sgclarkI hate that nouveau driver though10:52
sgclarkRiddell: yeah, will be done here in a few. Is that a new release I see going through ci?10:53
apachelogger        modified:   debian/kio.install10:54
Riddelltsdgeos: you had an issue with ntrack in the archive?10:54
apacheloggeryou really really need to remember wrap-and-sort10:54
tsdgeosRiddell: i have a crash in konqueror when going to kde bugzilla and started from kinit, i remember i've had before and i *think* it got fixed by rebuilding something ntrack related10:55
tsdgeosbut i may be misremembering (i'm sure i had it before and autofixed itself, don't remember what rebuild was needed)10:56
Riddellapachelogger: you're a fan of wrap-and-sort now?10:56
apacheloggerif you want to use it then use it10:57
Riddellsgclark: KF5 5.3 initial upload to next-staging10:57
apacheloggerif you want to use it but don't use it it just creates more pointless diff across stuff10:57
apacheloggertherefore you either must use it always or you must not use it never, using it sometimes isn't going to fly and defeats the purpose to begin with10:58
Riddellright enough11:00
sgclarkRiddell: ok so there is a COPYING GPL-3 file that copyright helper picks up, but the files say GPL-2+, which do I go with?11:05
Riddelllet me look11:06
sgclarkRiddell: applets folder is the issue11:07
Riddellsgclark: which path?11:08
Riddelloh I see11:08
sgclarkRiddell: many of them11:08
sgclarkRiddell: and actually there are a variety of licenses in files, but a COPYING with GPL311:09
Riddellqalculate and leavenote have GPL3 but the files are GPL211:10
Riddellsgclark: should be fixed upstream by removing the unnecessary COPYING files11:10
Riddellsgclark: do you have a kde git account?11:10
sgclarkRiddell: I do11:10
Riddellsgclark: I suggest just just removing all the COPYING files in applets/ in Plasma/5.1 branch and merging that into master11:11
Riddelllet me know if you need a hand11:17
sgclarkRiddell: oh, did you catch the i18n php tag problem in your announcement? 11:18
sgclarkI was gpoing to fix it for you but did not get web permissions until last night11:18
Riddellsgclark: for plasma beta? I saw there was one paragraph which wasn't being shown11:18
Riddellooh you have web permission? elite!11:18
sgclarkyeah :)11:18
Riddellyou can help with release announcements now :)11:18
Riddellwhen d_ed appears I'll work out what he started for the final announcement for plasma 5.111:20
sgclarkRiddell: so I don't have to review request removing these?11:20
Riddellsgclark: nah, they're obviously unnecessary and confusing11:20
* sgclark is scared11:20
sgclarkok lol11:20
shadeslayerI want to light fireworks11:21
shadeslayerI don't know why11:21
shadeslayerbut I feel like lighting some fireworks11:22
sgclarkRiddell: pushed11:25
Riddellsgclark: you can also remove the other COPYING files if you want, they're unnecessary11:27
* Riddell sends shadeslayer to http://www.openfiremap.org/?zoom=13&lat=41.37907&lon=2.17644&layers=B0000TF first11:28
shadeslayerfire hydrants?11:29
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Status KF5 5.3.0 http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.3.0_utopic.html
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Antisoundhi everyone12:11
Antisoundgot a problem with 5.0.9512:11
Antisoundnearly after every reboot the desktopbackground disapears and i can't open the desktop preferences?!12:11
Antisoundis that a known bug?12:12
mcstrhey guys i have a problem with package dependencies since today... project-neon5-kio-dbg depends on project-neon5-kio and if i try apt-get -f install i get broken pipe.... 12:34
mcstrasked in the project-neon channel but no answer12:34
Antisoundmcstr: i think here's few traffic too 2day ;-)12:38
mcstrantisound hmmm ok ... you 've got any idea about this?12:39
Antisoundmcstr: nope sry12:39
Antisoundi'm not working with project neon12:39
Antisoundi'm on 14.10 plasma5 iso12:39
mcstrafair last time i had something like that it fixed itself after few days12:39
Antisoundmcstr: maybe wait somemore days... and they're going to fix that package?12:39
mcstrktrash5 is the culprit... 12:39
mcstryeah that's what i thought too antisound12:40
sgclarkI don't use or have anything to do with projet neon sorry :(12:40
mcstrtried to clean the cache no luck 12:40
Antisoundthen the only thing you could have is patience ;-)12:40
mcstrindeed :)12:41
mcstrnot my strenght though :P12:41
Antisoundmcstr: i knew what you mean,...12:41
Antisoundit's like wait for christmas.. for me it's waiting for plasma 5.1 final :D12:42
mcstrhehe 12:42
mcstrwhen is the release supposed to be?12:43
Antisound14th of october12:43
Antisoundsupposed to be ;-)12:43
RiddellAntisound: it disappears after you set it?12:43
AntisoundRiddell: yes sir12:43
mcstra week from now on12:43
AntisoundRiddell: and the screen is flickering too12:43
mcstrprobably will get it also quite fast as i am using the kubuntu ppa daily packages12:43
AntisoundRiddell: i think it's kwin but i'm not sure12:43
AntisoundRiddell: if i only log off and on again it's alright again12:44
Riddellflickering might be, the background will be plasma12:44
Antisoundmcstr: 4 sure u will get12:45
AntisoundRiddell: for me it feels like kwin but i can be wrong 12:45
AntisoundRiddell: the strangest thing of all is i can't open the desktop settings anymore... either via mouse right click nor on the "sandwich" button too12:46
Riddellwell I've been stuck on the ubiquity -> sddm transition issue12:47
BluesKajHey folks12:47
Riddellbut I'm getting nowhere, there's no log output and it's hard to do anything without that12:47
Antisoundhi BluesKaj12:47
AntisoundRiddell: same here ;-)12:47
Riddellso I might just give up and not have ubiquity display at the start12:47
BluesKajhi Antisound12:47
Antisounddon't know how to log 12:47
Riddelland then I can care about other bits12:47
Antisoundmcstr: why don't you use the 14.10 plasma5 image?12:49
sgclarkklipper seems broken...12:50
mcstrantisound because on my working pc i use usually kde 4 kubuntu and have added the ppas for project neon12:51
Antisoundsgclark: for me it's working12:51
mcstrantisound as much as i think plasma next is awesomely promising not yet there for daily work12:51
Antisoundmcstr: you think?12:51
mcstrantisound yep, akonadi yet not working in kmail for example12:52
mcstralso still a few crashes 12:52
sgclarkAntisound: you can copy and paste from the panel entries?12:52
mcstrbut i love the little mem consumption and general performance12:53
Antisoundsgclark: let me check12:53
Antisoundsgclark: yup seems working12:53
sgclarkhrmm ok12:54
Riddellsgclark or anyone let me know if you start on KF5, at the moment I'm being lazy and not updating the notes page13:18
sgclarkI am still working on this insane copyright :(13:19
sgclarkbut will do13:19
AntisoundRiddell: i am in kf5 or do you mean k5 5.3?13:22
RiddellAntisound: I mean doing packaging fixes (which you're very welcome to do)13:22
AntisoundRiddell: do you mean... like this? http://packaging.ubuntu.com/de/html/fixing-a-bug.html13:23
RiddellAntisound: something like that13:24
AntisoundRiddell: what in detail do you mean?13:24
RiddellAntisound: we have KF5 5.3 packages in the next-staging PPA and this page shows if they built and if it can see any problems http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.3.0_utopic.html13:24
Riddelland I'm going through fixing any problems it highlights13:25
Riddellif you want to help I'd happily show you how :)13:25
AntisoundRiddell: show me how!13:25
Antisoundi want to learn ;-)13:25
RiddellAntisound: ok I'll set up a cloud server and we can do some together, do you have a launchpad page with your ssh key?13:26
Antisounderrr, no sry13:26
Antisoundnot yet13:26
Antisoundor wait13:26
Antisoundi think i have13:26
AntisoundI HAVE! ;-)13:27
Antisoundhmm where do i get my ssh key?13:27
Antisoundwait wait,... 13:28
AntisoundRiddell: so everythings ready ;-)13:31
Antisoundgot an ssh key 13:31
RiddellAntisound: utl?13:32
RiddellAntisound: url?13:32
AntisoundRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~antisound is that the right one?13:33
Antisoundor this?13:33
Riddellyep thanks13:33
Mirvmitya57: do you see anything risky in the qtchooser whitelisting patch regarding KDE? apachelogger mentioned those plasma startup issues, but my understanding is that the whitelist approach doesn't increase any risk of problems, only decreases. if the correct version is installed, it will be used.13:33
RiddellAntisound: it'll be a couple of mins to start up13:33
Antisoundno stress ;-)13:33
* Antisound is pretty exicted to learn something new ;-)13:34
jmuxRiddell: just got your LP update for the "insights" bug and I just had a talk with our Mgmt. Peter told me he'll contact Canonical this week. Let's see what they'll propose.13:35
Riddellooh great, thanks jmux :)13:35
* jmux doubts they'll replace Ubuntu with Kubuntu, but probably add a paragraph...13:36
Riddellwell that's fine, we're happy to be ubuntu as well13:36
AntisoundRiddell: interposed question... are you any other guys in here for canoncial?13:36
mitya57Mirv: I see no problem at all13:37
mitya57(even more, what I initially suggested was to enable fallback for *everything*)13:37
RiddellAntisound: nobody kubuntu works for canonoical but some nice people from involved in canonical do qt5 (as chatting just now)13:37
mitya57Mirv: Good news is that svuorela will talk to thiago about that at Qt Developer Days13:38
Mirvmitya57: yes, I think so too. apachelogger is right in that there are issues (that have been workarounded in eg. kde4 packages by directly calling Qt4's qdbus), but that patch does not make them worse13:38
Mirvmitya57: Unity8 desktop preview would need it for 14.10, would it be ok for you if I upload it now?13:39
mitya57Please go ahead!13:39
AntisoundRiddell: maybe an indiscreet question... but how are you earn money if you re working for free?13:40
ScottKThat's not what he said.13:41
* sgclark makes nothing13:41
RiddellAntisound: ssh ubuntu@ec2-54-235-32-131.compute-1.amazonaws.com  then run byobu13:41
mcstrapachelogger shadeslayer from project-neon told me that project neon is currently unmaintained and you know more about it?13:42
AntisoundScottK: you talked to me?13:42
RiddellAntisound: I'm lucky enough to get sponsored by Blue Systems, folks like jmux are clever enough to get their city council to pay to install kubuntu, many people work for the satisfaction of making a great product they want to use and to gain skills in life13:42
AntisoundRiddell: wow!13:43
Antisoundthats an answer ;-)13:43
Antisoundi'M logged in ;-)13:43
RiddellAntisound: welcome in to this shared ec2 (amazon cloud) server13:43
Antisoundyeah, thx ;-)13:44
RiddellAntisound: lets do an easy fix13:44
Antisoundok show me how13:44
RiddellAntisound: on http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.3.0_utopic.html kdnssd-kf5 is yellow13:44
Antisoundi c 13:45
RiddellAntisound: if you click show it highlights the issue invalid-short-name-in-dep5-copyright13:45
RiddellAntisound: this is given by a tool called lintian which just examines .deb packages and issues common warnings and errors13:45
Antisoundah ok13:46
RiddellAntisound: you can google invalid-short-name-in-dep5-copyright and get a better explanation but it's sayins that BSD should be changed to be more specific as a label13:46
AntisoundRiddell: alright13:46
RiddellAntisound: this is KDE Frameworks and we've just changed to storing our packaging in debian git for that13:46
RiddellAntisound: so make a new directory for kdnssd13:47
Riddellon the ec2 server13:47
Antisoundshow me how13:47
RiddellAntisound: you know command line?13:47
Antisounda bit of course ;-)13:47
Antisoundstandard commands13:48
RiddellAntisound: better if you do it, means you'll remember it more13:48
Riddelljust mkdir for it13:48
Riddellgive it a name too13:48
Riddellkdnssd is a good name13:48
Riddelland cd into it13:49
RiddellAntisound: get the packaging with  git clone debian:frameworks/kdnssd13:49
RiddellAntisound: you can see from the .gitconfig I checked earier on that console that debian: is a git shortcut for git://git.debian.org/pkg-kde/13:50
RiddellAntisound: cd into that 13:50
Riddelland get the right branch  git checkout kubuntu_utopic_next13:50
Antisoundwait slowly13:50
Riddellyou were right with the cd you had13:51
Riddellthen run that checkout 13:51
apacheloggerMirv, mitya57: FWIW from what I remember the patch is a substantial step up in things not falling over, as far as kde bits are concerned startkde currently is patched in both versions of plasma so landing the patch should at least not break login ;)13:52
Antisoundhow to?13:52
RiddellAntisound:  git checkout kubuntu_utopic_next13:52
RiddellAntisound: great13:52
Antisoundthx ;)13:52
RiddellAntisound: this debian/ directory is our packaging, you can look at each of the files if you want to see what they all do13:53
RiddellAntisound: infact, look at each file and ask me to explain those you don't understand13:53
Antisoundwhat you mean, with look at them?13:54
RiddellAntisound: you can use   less  to look at the contents of each file13:54
Antisoundchangelog is clear13:54
Riddellq to quit13:54
* Antisound know's that ;-)13:54
Antisoundwhats compat?13:55
Riddellit's the compatibility version of the debhelper scripts, much of the work of building the package is done by debhelper scripts13:55
Riddelland they change behaviour occationally13:55
Riddellso the compat just sets which version they act as13:55
Antisoundand control?13:55
Riddell9 is the latest13:55
Riddellcontrol is metadata for the package, it describes the source package in the top paragraph and the binary packages we want to build in the following paragraphs13:56
Antisoundcopyright seems to be clear ;-)13:56
Antisoundi think the rest is clear13:58
Riddelllets make this fix then13:58
Riddellinvalid-short-name-in-dep5-copyright bsd (paragraph at line 30)13:58
RiddellAntisound: do you have a preferred console text editor? emacs? nano?13:59
Antisoundnot really13:59
Antisoundvi ?13:59
Antisoundnot working often with console text editor13:59
Riddelllet's use nano to keep it simple13:59
RiddellAntisound: open copyright in nano13:59
Antisoundwhere does the line stand?14:00
Riddellit'll be complaining about the line which says "License: BSD"14:00
RiddellI googled that lintian error and it pointed me to https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/14:00
Riddellwhich says to use BSD-2-clause or BSD-3-clause14:00
Riddellso scroll down to see which one we want to use14:01
Antisoundhttp://spdx.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause ?14:02
RiddellAntisound: yeah looks like that's the one14:02
Riddellso replace BSD with BSD-3-clause14:02
Mirvapachelogger: yes, that's what I thought too.14:02
RiddellAntisound: lovely, control x to save and quit14:02
RiddellAntisound: ever used git before?14:03
Antisoundsorry ;-)14:03
RiddellAntisound:   git diff  to show changes14:04
RiddellAntisound: and if you're happy with them  git commit -a -m "fix invalid-short-name-in-dep5-copyright"14:04
Riddellwill save it to the local repository14:04
Antisoundyes seems good ;-)14:04
RiddellAntisound: and you can run  git push  to send it to debian (except it won't work because my ssh key isn't on this server to stop you stealing my identity)14:05
AntisoundRiddell: you don't trust me , hmm ;-)14:06
Antisoundjust kidding14:06
RiddellAntisound: or maybe I don't trust amazon :)14:06
Antisoundmaybe more ;-)14:06
Antisoundbut it would have worked out14:06
RiddellAntisound:   apt install git-buildpackage14:06
Antisoundwhat have i done?14:07
Riddellthat installs a tool called git-buildpackage14:08
Antisoundi already thought..14:08
Antisoundbut what can i do with that tool ;-)14:08
Riddellbut maybe it's easier to avoid too many fancy tools for now14:08
RiddellAntisound: in the directory above run  uscan14:08
Riddellooh interesting14:09
RiddellAntisound: I see, uscan uses that debian/watch file to try to download the upstream source tar from kde14:10
RiddellAntisound: but this isn't released software so it's not publically available on download.kde.org yet, you need to have a login to their server to get it14:10
RiddellAntisound: so I've uploaded that manually14:10
RiddellAntisound: uncompress that tar with  tar xf filename14:11
RiddellAntisound: and copy the debian/ packaging direcory into kdnssd-5.3.0/14:11
AntisoundRiddell: the directory is the kdnssd folder or?14:12
Antisoundcopy or move?14:12
Riddell(we're going to build the package to make sure it still builds, even though it's a trivial change and I might not bother normally)14:12
RiddellAntisound: copy14:12
Antisounderrr i hate coping in console14:12
Riddellnearly: cp -r kdnssd/debian kdnssd-5.3.0/14:13
Riddellshould do it14:13
Antisound-r recusive?14:14
RiddellAntisound: inside kdnssd-5.3.0/ build the package by running  debuild14:14
RiddellAntisound: apt install those missing build depends14:15
RiddellAntisound: learn to use copy and paste :)14:16
Riddellselect the package names with your name and middle click to paste14:16
Antisoundbetter :P ;)14:16
Antisoundholy moly.. .this is fast14:17
Riddellamazon has a local mirror for ubuntu packages14:17
Riddelland I think this is a server with a solid state hard disk14:17
Antisoundi think so to14:17
Riddelltry to build it again14:17
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
Riddellthat package is installed but an older version, the new version should be in the next-staging PPA14:19
Riddellok it found it after an apt update14:19
RiddellAntisound: debuild it!14:19
Riddellit's running the debhelper scripts14:20
Riddellwhich will compile it14:20
Riddellthen install the files locally14:20
Riddellthen put them into .debs14:20
Antisoundhow to i put them into debs?14:20
Riddellit'll do that14:21
Antisoundso debuild is the tool which makes of a source a .deb?14:21
Riddelllovely, it's all done14:22
Riddellif you look in the directory above you should see the .debs14:22
Antisoundnice one14:24
Riddellyep all these14:24
Riddellyou can use lesspipe foo.deb to see the contents of a .deb14:24
Riddelland   lintian foo.deb  will hopefully no longer give the warning we were fixing14:24
RiddellAntisound: again, copy and paste is your friend14:25
Riddelldouble click on a filename to select, middle click o paste14:25
Antisoundbut which of these were the file with the error?14:26
RiddellAntisound: they all share the copyright file so all of them would give the error before14:26
Riddellyou can also run lintian on the .dsc which will look at the source14:27
Antisoundnothings changed?14:27
Riddelllovely, no errors14:27
Riddellsilence is golden when it comes to lintian (or most things in unix)14:27
Antisoundhehe ok14:28
RiddellAntisound: ok lets builds the source package and upload to the PPA14:28
RiddellAntisound: cd into kdnssd14:28
RiddellAntisound: I uploaded our automation scripts14:29
RiddellAntisound: run  ~/kubuntu-automation/git-buildpackage-ppa -s 214:29
Riddellwithout the "run" :)14:29
Riddellthat'll take the .tar from KDE and the debian/ from us and add a ppa2 changelog entry and build the source packaging14:30
mcstrapachelogger shadeslayer from project-neon told me that project neon is currently unmaintained and you know more about it?14:30
Antisoundbut it hasn't worked because of your key? or14:30
RiddellAntisound: if you look in the directory above you have a .orig. (upstream) a .debian.tar.gz (the debian/ directory with packaging)  and the .dsc (simple descrption) and .changes (lists what we want to upload)14:31
RiddellAntisound: I just ran  debsign -r  on my local computer to add the missing pgp signature14:32
RiddellAntisound: look in the .changes to make sure it looks good14:32
RiddellAntisound: oh wrong .changes file14:32
Riddellit's the ppa2 one we want to upload14:33
Riddellyep looks good to me14:33
Riddellupload it with  dput ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next-staging kdnssd-kf5_5.3.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa2_source.changes14:33
Riddelladd a --unchecked I guess14:34
AntisoundRiddell: hmm got a tiny problem14:34
Antisoundi have to leave for some minutes..14:34
Antisoundhow long do we need?14:34
RiddellAntisound: just this one command14:34
Riddelland it's done14:34
Antisoundwhere's the missing command?14:35
RiddellI dunno, you're the one who pasted that :)14:35
RiddellAntisound: add  --unchecked14:36
Riddellsilly dput14:36
Riddelladd --unchecked  after the dput14:36
RiddellAntisound: awooga!14:36
apacheloggermcstr: depends on your definition of maintained I guess14:37
RiddellAntisound: now you're an elite kubuntu ninja14:37
Antisoundi've got so save the dialog ;-)14:37
Antisoundso Riddell we talk again later14:37
RiddellAntisound: you can watch it build at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-staging/+packages?field.name_filter=kdnssd14:37
Antisoundthanks in advance for your patience :-)14:37
RiddellAntisound: and hopefully it should be perfect by the time you come back14:37
Antisoundso ... ttyl :)14:38
mcstrapachelogger well the thing is i got a problem with some package ktrash5 today..... 14:38
Riddellgosh I do think that euca2ools is a crime against naming up there with akregator14:39
mcstrapachelogger to be more precisely ยป/opt/project-neon5/bin/ktrash5 can't be overwritten sicne today14:40
apacheloggeryou need to figure out what needs to overwrite what and then tell dpkg to overwrite14:48
apacheloggerneon never ever did that14:48
mcstrapachelogger /var/cache/apt/archives/project-neon5-kio_0.0+git20141006.0321+neon4~89ebd41~14.04_amd64.deb14:48
mcstri tried force overwrite got another error message now -f install and it seems to configure everything14:51
mcstrhope this works14:51
sgclarkRiddell: kdeplasma-addons with a current copyright and misc changes has been pushed and in next-staging building14:54
sgclarkRiddell: I have to leave for 1ish hour, but will help with kf5 if needed when I get back.14:55
Riddellsgclark: have yourself a chocolate milk on me for that, you deserve it14:56
sgclarkhehe ty14:56
mcstrapachelogger everything went fine seems the problem is gone :)15:09
mcstrgonna login project neon5 for a quick test15:09
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
mcstrapachelogger everything fine now15:31
AntisoundRiddell: just for better understanding... why dput --unchecked?15:31
RiddellAntisound: it was checking my gpg signature but because my gpg key wasn't on that server it was complaining it couldn't check15:31
Riddellbut it's not necessary to check, the real check is done by launchpad after the upload15:32
RiddellAntisound: looks like kdnssd is all green in our build status script http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.3.0_utopic.html15:32
Antisoundis there a tutorial somewhere where i can perceive the commands u showed me before?15:33
Antisoundyeah,... we have done gooood work ;-)15:33
RiddellAntisound: loads, alas none of them great15:33
Riddellsgclark: what did you use to learn packaging?15:33
RiddellAntisound: other useful skills you should look into will be more bash command usage (getting used to copy and paste for one :)15:34
Antisoundi know i know 15:34
Riddelllearning a decent console text editor, I recommend emacs but for some reason some people use vi15:34
Riddellgit revision control, and we also use bzr (which is built into launchpad)15:34
AntisoundRiddell: i still have to learn how to use git in detail15:34
Riddellhttps://wiki.debian.org/IntroDebianPackaging and other google results for "debian packaging tutorial" may help15:36
Riddellthere's a few different variants in doing .deb packages and each tutorial has its own preference15:36
Riddellbut we're always happy to help potential kubuntu ninjas here15:37
Antisoundthats really kindly15:38
AntisoundRiddell: are you trained programmer?15:38
Antisoundbetter say.. qualified15:39
RiddellAntisound: yeah I did computing at university15:39
Riddellbut I found that learning it in a leacture theatre is nice but it misses out a lot of what makes a real programme work15:40
Riddellso I ended up looking at KDE software to understand how a real program works15:40
AntisoundRiddell: you're right, but i think for the basics it's not too bad to learn it at an university15:40
RiddellI think open source is the only way to learn how to program15:40
Antisoundi'm so upset i did no apprenticeship as programmer 15:41
Riddellsure, university gave me a nice framework15:41
Riddelland then I could check with KDE people how it was done in the real world :)15:41
AntisoundRiddell: i can imagine15:41
Riddelland the nice thing about kubuntu is we work with such a large variety of software, lots to experience here15:41
Antisoundyeah of course15:41
AntisoundRiddell: can i recommend me how to begin programming?15:42
Antisoundwhich language is recommend for basic skills?15:42
Antisoundin relation to open source 15:42
RiddellI recommend python15:42
Riddellit's nice and structured15:43
Riddelleasy to learn15:43
Riddelleasy to get started in15:43
Riddellno scary stuff like c++ has15:43
Riddellwe also use it lots in ubuntu and kubuntu15:43
Riddellso it's good for real world use for sure15:44
Antisoundc++ is scary, you say it 15:44
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AntisoundRiddell: i often tried c/c++ and failed15:44
Riddellbut I don't have pointers to good beginners guides I'm afraid15:44
Antisoundafter 50 pages i kicked the book away15:44
AntisoundRiddell: no prob15:44
Riddellbut programming is about more than the language15:44
AntisoundRiddell: what its all about?15:44
Antisoundtell me the secret ;-)15:44
Riddellyou also need good programming libraries and APIs15:44
Riddelland in KDE we use Qt (which also has good python bindings)15:45
Riddellit provides APIs that are well documented and consistent to use15:45
Riddellc++ has almost no libraries by default, you have to pick your own15:46
Riddelljava has loads, but the APIs are very complex, just opening a file needs about three classes15:46
Antisoundsounds complex ;-)15:47
Riddelland you also need to learn about the tools.  the build systems (cmake for KDE usually), the revision controls (git is all the rage although I still find it quite scary).  and IDEs (of which kate is a good text editor and kdevelop is more full features IDE)15:47
Riddellat university I only got taught about programming languages, but that's only one part of the story15:48
AntisoundRiddell: sometimes i think i'm too stupid too learn this all15:49
Riddellhere at kubuntu we experience everything, it's why distros are fun, plus our work gets used by countless people around the world15:49
RiddellAntisound: nah I just saw you typing away on a command line, you're good, but there's so much to learn it does take time15:49
ScottKAntisound: Don't get discouraged.  It takes awhile, but eventually it's easy.  Stuff that literally used to take me an hour, I can do in a few minutes now.  It's just experience.15:50
AntisoundScottK Riddell thanks for your edifiying words ;-)15:51
RiddellAntisound: oh also free software is a great way to make a name for yourself15:51
AntisoundRiddell: surely15:52
Riddellblog stuff you do, go to conferences and give talks, you'll be a programming rockstar before you know it15:52
Antisoundsomethings things for me are harder to understand maybe because english is not my native language15:52
AntisoundRiddell: hehe sounds interesting ;-)15:52
Antisoundi'm 27 now,... sometimes i think i'm too old to do something "new" like this, i mean this because i think the programming and computing sector is such a fast branch where changes are so rapid 15:53
RiddellAntisound: I'm so jelous of folks like you who can speak english as well as me a native speaker, your english has been perfect so far15:54
Antisoundi think most guys are 14-16 when they begin about computing...15:54
RiddellI'm leaning spanish now and it'll take a while to get anything like fluent15:54
AntisoundRiddell: trying my best ;-)15:54
Riddellyou're a german speaker?  lots of those in kde for sure15:55
Antisoundjep german15:55
Antisoundi know15:55
Antisoundi think that depends on suse or?15:55
Antisoundbecause opensuse and kde its native desktop has provided many kde people ;-)15:56
Riddellit started with the c't magazine15:56
Riddellthey pubisised the original call for people to help kde15:56
Riddelland lots of inital peopl came from that15:56
Riddellbut yes suse was also a large part of it15:57
Riddellbut now they don't have any staff on kde15:57
Riddellas bad as canonical :)15:57
Antisoundreally not?15:57
Antisoundbad .. too bad15:57
Riddelland fedora has 4 people on kde, quite a reversal from the historic position15:57
Antisoundlol you're in wikipedia :D15:58
Riddellbut generally it's not a route to a quick job in itself, more a route to learning the skills and making contacts15:58
Riddellam I?15:58
Antisoundthey're writing about emoploying new programmers 15:58
Riddelloh yes as a name, as yet nobody made a whole article for me, I feel so unimportant15:58
Antisoundin 201215:58
AntisoundRiddell: i c 15:59
Antisoundit's all about connections... in the whole wide world15:59
Antisoundconnections to other human organics ;-)15:59
AntisoundRiddell: i could write an article about you as the best ninja warrior instructor ;-)16:01
RiddellAntisound: sounds good :)  we can put it on social media places16:05
Antisoundhehe alright ;)16:05
AntisoundRiddell: interesting the company that employs you is a german company... nice16:06
Antisoundthe germans have there hands in everywhere ;-)16:07
Riddellja, we're also having a meeting in munich in november which you'd be welcome to come to16:07
Antisoundin munich16:08
Antisoundnearby my hometown16:08
Antisoundwhen in november?16:08
Riddellevening of 21st to evening of 23rd16:08
Antisounduuuhh it's my wedding day.. dunno if my wife is going to support this ;-)16:09
Riddellbring her along too :)16:09
AntisoundRiddell: detailed information somewhere?16:09
Antisoundgot to think about it... what is bsp?16:11
Riddellbug squishing party16:13
Antisoundthe whole day you guys do nothing other then hunting for bugs and squishing them? ;-)16:14
Antisoundin a group notabene ;-)16:14
Riddellactually we probably use it to have discussions that are better had offline, reviewing todo lists and that sort of thing16:15
Riddellwe used to have ubuntu summits but they stopped when canonical decided they had to make money16:15
sgclarkRiddell: back, can you update notes page please16:15
AntisoundRiddell: really sad what happend to ubuntu over the last years..16:15
Antisounddo you know why that happens to ubuntu, what happend?16:16
sgclarkand I learned packaging itself with what you showed me and learn over time process. I have been using Linux since 1998 so console I have known for a very long time16:16
Riddellsgclark: I just uploaded kwallet16:17
RiddellAntisound: canonical decided they had to make money16:18
Riddellcan't be too grumpy about that really16:18
Riddellnobody has ever made money off commuity made desktop software, which is a shame16:18
sgclarkit is :(16:19
AntisoundRiddell: it is!16:19
Riddellalthough smart folks know to save money with it, like munich16:19
sgclarkI don't wanna find a real job, love doing this, alas bills need to be paid16:19
Antisoundand hamburg as i read wanna to start the same or?16:19
Riddellnot heard that, but do send them our way :)16:20
Antisoundsgclark: so you're unemployed? no you aren't work?16:20
AntisoundRiddell: 16:20
sgclarkyeah I am blissfully unemployed. Needs to change soon tho as life happens. THough, doing this has taught me tons of transferrable skills.16:21
Antisoundsgclark: whats your contry of origin?16:22
Antisoundrather were do you live atm ;-)16:23
sgclarkI currently reside in the US, though I am a bit of a wanderer16:23
Antisoundsgclark: ok16:23
Antisoundthats another thing which shies me doing more this way,.. .i've got a wife which want's to be feeded ;-)16:24
sgclarkmy wonderful husband supports my efforts. BUt some unexpected stuff has come up and we needs more monies.16:26
Antisoundoh,... you're a girl :D16:26
sgclarkhehe yeah16:26
Antisoundyeah damn money... it rules the world16:27
Antisoundworld would be better without that shi*16:27
sgclarklol true16:30
AntisoundRiddell: thank for all the best till now,... hope i can learn more of you guys in the future... and certainly i can help you sometimes, and maybe more in future :)16:30
Antisoundsgclark... lady sorry ;-)16:30
Antisounddamn from now on,.. i've to say when i join... hi ladies and fellaz ;-)16:31
sgclarkAntisound: the knowledge you gain is worth the effort :) 16:31
Antisoundi hope so16:32
RiddellAntisound: staying around on this irc channel is the first step to a ninja black belt16:32
Antisoundhehe alright!!!16:32
Antisoundas u can see, i've been here most time of the last days16:33
Antisoundfor sure i can't stay 24/7 16:33
sgclarkRiddell: kdeplasma-addons is showing as older version from 4.14.1, does it need epoch?16:33
Antisoundbut the time i have, i'll be here16:33
RiddellI try to avoid any gender specific language on irc, avoids any mistaken assumptions or feeling you have to special case some people which will grate16:33
AntisoundRiddell: for sure i understand16:34
Riddellsgclark: yes it should get a 4: epoch16:34
sgclarkalso how do I branch this to kubuntu_utopic_next again?16:34
Riddellgit clone debian:plasma/kdeplasma-addons16:36
* Antisound is away16:36
Riddellgit checkout -b kubuntu_unstable16:36
Riddellgit push --set-upstream origin kubuntu_unstable16:37
Riddellgit checkout -b kubuntu_utopic_next16:37
Riddellgit push --set-upstream origin kubuntu_utopic_next16:37
sgclarkRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8508500/ 16:46
* Riddell looks16:47
Riddellsgclark: you've not pushed the new branches?16:49
sgclarkRiddell: apologies, done16:53
* Riddell tries16:54
Riddellsgclark: do you have uscan installed?16:57
Riddellapt install devscripts16:57
Riddellsgclark: I'd set maintainer to  Maintainer: Debian/Kubuntu Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org>16:58
Riddellelse it'll complain about not having an ubuntu maintainer16:58
sgclarkok, and yes on uscan16:59
Riddellsgclark: I assume you have git-buildpackage installed?16:59
sgclarkyes git-buildpackage-ppa -d utopic --distversion 14.10 -s 417:00
sgclarkyes git-buildpackage-ppa -d utopic --distversion 14.1017:00
sgclarkI have had no probelms until this epoch17:01
Riddellsgclark: you havn't got an epoch in debian/changelog in the kubuntu_utopic_next branch17:03
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sgclarkRiddell: check now. git add is my friend... haha17:06
Riddellsgclark: works great for me17:07
Riddellsgclark: it's saying there is no kdeplasma-addons-5.0.95.tar.xz,  is there some reason why uscan scan't download or rename that?17:07
sgclarkRiddell: watch file broken, fixing17:10
Riddellaah hah17:11
sgclarkwell that changed nothing, hmm17:12
Riddellsgclark: actually it shouldn't be able to download it by uscan17:14
Riddellno I'm talking nonsense, it should it's here http://download.kde.org/unstable/plasma/5.0.95/17:15
sgclarkmmm hmm17:15
Riddellsgclark: well maybe download it manually and rename to kdeplasma-addons_5.0.95.orig.tar.xz17:15
sgclarkRiddell: that worked, wierd, thanks17:19
Riddellhmm, good, I suppose17:19
sgclarkRiddell: ugh, tar has different contents?17:40
sgclarkrename to b or something?17:41
sgclarkand ci fail..17:41
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
shadeslayer!find Debian/Debhelper/Dh_Version.pm22:46
ubottuFile Debian/Debhelper/Dh_Version.pm found in debhelper22:46
shadeslayerofourse pkg-kde-tools doesn't depend on debhelper22:46
shadeslayerbecause that'd be stupid22:47
valorieapachelogger: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4slGWH to brighten your evening23:52
valorieor I guess night23:52

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