
=== malcolm is now known as malc_calc
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altecnologicgood night01:50
=== jak is now known as Guest95061
EdNYCGood evening!02:51
travnewmaticEdNYC, good evening to you as well!03:03
EdNYC:) How are you  doing? always this quiet here?03:03
travnewmatici'm just fine!03:04
travnewmaticand im not sure03:04
travnewmatici'm new to this channel myself03:04
travnewmatici just recently started using kubuntu03:04
EdNYCme too. you like it?03:05
travnewmaticquite a lot actually03:05
travnewmatici've historically been a gnome user03:05
travnewmaticgnome 2 will always have a special place in my heart03:05
EdNYC:) I was always biased as well, though mainly used windows03:06
travnewmaticbut with what gnome and ubuntu (unity) have been with their desktops, i was looking for something else03:06
EdNYCbut for some reason this time around kubuntu actually feels faster than my win7 on the same machine03:06
travnewmaticyeah i'm surprised how responsive kubuntu is on this laptop03:06
travnewmatic HexChat: 2.9.6 ** OS: Linux 3.13.0-36-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Debian jessie/sid ** CPU: 2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         T5500  @ 1.66GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.67GHz ** RAM: Physical: 2.9GB, 53.6% free ** Disk: Total: 913.8GB, 93.7% free ** VGA: 8086:27a2 ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel ** Ethernet: 14e4:1600 ** Uptime: 8h 13m 39s **03:07
EdNYCgood to feel some speed on your pc03:07
travnewmaticoh for sure03:07
travnewmaticand its free03:07
travnewmaticand its mature03:07
travnewmaticand its going to be actively maintained for the foreseeable future03:08
EdNYCI may even give Wine a serious shot this time around03:08
travnewmaticfor what purpose?03:08
EdNYCThere's a few programs. Quicken for example.03:08
travnewmaticwell then if you dont need horsepower in a windows install, just use virtualbox03:09
travnewmaticalthough honestly i can't speak on wine03:09
EdNYCyes that would be what i would usually do03:09
EdNYCbut it seems like it should work on wine. I've always avoided figuring it out but perhaps it's time03:09
travnewmatici used it a long ass time ago, and even then i dont really remember what i used it for03:09
travnewmaticyeah, i think that was my attitude about kde03:10
travnewmaticlooking forward to plasma 5 getting buttoned up03:11
EdNYCwhat are we using now?03:12
EdNYCis that available now?03:15
EdNYCor are you waiting for a new kubuntu release?03:15
travnewmaticbased on that article which isnt terribly old, plasma 5 still has some time in the oven03:15
valorieplasma 5 is available for 14.04 as a neon5 session03:16
valoriefor 14.10 as a beta ISO03:16
EdNYCvalorie: sorry what does that mean? (neon 5 session)03:16
valorieand we need testers03:16
travnewmatichey valorie! :D03:16
valoriewell, you add the neon5 PPA03:16
travnewmaticvalorie, if i wanted to do that should i use a virtual machine or would it be suitable for a native install?03:16
valorieand than log out of your regular session and into neon503:16
valorieit installs to /opt03:16
* TheFakeazneD525 wonders if Plasma 5 will continue to work on windows...03:16
valorieso it can be 'beside' your regular install03:17
travnewmaticoh okay thats really cool03:17
TheFakeazneD525valorie: I thought you said not to use PPAs ;)03:17
valoriein 14.10, it replaces your regular install03:17
valoriethis PPA is provided by the developers03:17
valoriefor the purpose of testing03:17
travnewmatici see03:17
valoriealso the backports and updates are good PPAs if you need them03:18
valorieI didn't say "don't use them"03:18
valorieI said, "be careful"03:18
valoriethere are no guarantees!03:18
travnewmatici've got kde backports enabled on this kubuntu 14.04 install03:18
=== RedShorts|off is now known as RedShorts
travnewmaticvalorie, does the whole unity -> mir thing mean anything kubuntu?03:19
travnewmaticmean anything for*03:19
valorienot now03:20
valorieit could, in the future03:20
valoriewe'll see03:20
* valorie refuses to worry about it03:20
valoriesince we can do nothing to change it03:20
TheFakeazneD525Qt will work on Mir, though, due to Unity803:20
travnewmatici wonder how much of mirs success depends on ubuntu touch success03:20
valoriewe are again off-topic03:20
* valorie heads back to #kubuntu-offtopic03:21
valorieyes, I have backports and updates as well03:21
EdNYCwill neon5 at all mess with my system?03:25
EdNYClike if i chose to book plasma4 again, will having installed neon have any side effects03:25
valorieEdNYC: nope, that's the point of putting it in /opt03:27
EdNYCi am not very familiar with what it means. but i suppose you mean it puts it in a place parallel to my existing stuff03:28
valorieright, it's a part of the file system that isn't much used03:28
EdNYCdo you use neon503:29
EdNYCtravnewmatic and valorie, thanks for the company. Have a good night!03:33
travnewmaticquite welcome EdNYC !03:34
travnewmatichope to see you around here again soon!03:34
valorieEdNYC: yes, I use it03:35
valoriefor testing, not yet full-time03:35
valoriehave a good evening03:36
tekkbuzzI got a question maybe someone knows the fix.  My main default panel, when I click the cashew it flashes the panel up and right back off again, in like a millisecond. I can't edit the menu. Has anyone seen this behavior?04:33
tekkbuzzIt's been like this for over a week now, and I'm regreting having to delete the panel and re-add everything back to it.04:35
valorietekkbuzz: you might look at ~/.kde/share/apps or /config and check the plasma files for suspicious stuff04:42
valorieif nothing else, just rename it, and a new one will be created04:42
tekkbuzzyah, renaming it, I'll try that.04:42
valoriesomething is corrupt, for sure04:42
valorieif that doesn't work, you can log out and do it from the console04:43
valoriethat is usually the advice, but often one can do it without logging out/back in04:44
tekkbuzzI found that last bug remember, by snooping around, maybe I can find something. It don't hurt to ask, usually someone else has had the same problem.04:44
valoriehaven't seen that particular one04:44
tekkbuzzme either, and I did some searching, too.04:45
tekkbuzzI got messed up since I started a game that messed up my 2 displays, I got those figured out except this panel issue.04:47
jasoncollege24When booting into Kubuntu 14.04, it shows the kubuntu splash screen, then my monitor goes into power saving mode. I can access the computer remotely through ssh, and successfully login, so i know it's up. Any ideas why it might not show KDE?05:47
valoriejasoncollege24: are you using lightdm, or sddm?05:54
valorielightdm is default05:55
jasoncollege24valorie i think it's the default. I have command line access. can i find out from there?05:55
valoriehmmm, I don't know05:55
jasoncollege24i have remote terminal access, so i know it's up lol05:56
valoriebut if you didn't change it, it is probably lightdm, so that eliminates that05:56
jasoncollege24i swapped boards, then swapped them back, and now it's doing this05:56
valorieright, but even when you can access, does the screen light up and display correctly?05:56
jasoncollege24the other board never worked05:56
valoriebecause it could be a driver problem05:56
jasoncollege24the screen comes on, and posts as normal, then shows the Kubuntu splash screen. I don't get to see the pretty loading screen, or the login screen. it just goes into power saving mode05:57
valorieesp. if you had another board in there05:57
jasoncollege24it worked fine before i did the board swaps05:57
jasoncollege24it was main board i swapped05:58
jasoncollege24then i added another videocard which did the same, so I dunno what the deal is05:58
jasoncollege24right now, it's back to the original setup05:58
valoriepfff, what is the factoid05:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:59
valoriethat ubuntu-help/media might be the best bet05:59
valoriealthough that's old, most of the video stack hasn't changed recently06:00
jasoncollege24they don't have to do with my problem that I see06:01
jasoncollege24it looks like it's about playing video/audio formats06:01
valorienot the page I was thinking of06:01
jasoncollege24it happens06:02
jasoncollege24i usually do this kinda thing for windows ;)06:02
valorieit's been so long since I had problems I've forgotten how to ask the right questions06:03
jasoncollege24i'm not too bad with linux06:03
jasoncollege24just certain things still catch me off guard06:03
jasoncollege24it's like it just turns off when the pretty graphics should be displayed06:04
valoriejasoncollege24: do you know what video card you have?06:05
valorienvidia, amd, etc.?06:05
jasoncollege24umm... i dunno. it's onboard is all i know off hand06:06
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto06:06
jasoncollege24I'll ask another question... do you know how i can access remote desktop from the command line?06:06
valorieTo determine your video card make and model, run this command from terminal:06:06
valorielspci | grep VGA06:06
valorieso that page at least at the top will help you figure out what you are dealing with06:07
jasoncollege24it says it's a VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies06:07
valorieas for your earlier question, this one looks good: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Kubuntu_Precise_Remote_Access06:10
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
trungcan anyone help me understand why this pipeline does not work properly?06:36
trunginotifywait -s -m jawter -e moved_to -e close_write | ack test | ack cpp06:36
trungbasically I wanto modify the folder "jawter" for changes06:36
trungthen follow up with 2 commands06:37
trungthe first always work but the second is always stuck06:37
trungThe "ack" are just examples btw06:37
lordievaderGood morning.06:40
TheFakeazneD525lordievader: you should play Red Eclipse, packages redeclipse and redeclipse-data06:48
valorietrung: that isn't really about kubuntu06:51
valorieI suggest the #linux chan maybe06:51
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:38
MinimalLakI want to install kubuntu onto another hard drive I have in my computer (which is blank), and see about making it so I can choose from a menu like thing wether to choose to boot to windows 7 pro, or kubuntu without any (or as close to it I can get) nasty side effects08:40
MinimalLakand im completely noob at dual booting08:40
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot08:40
hateballBasically the install guide will take care of it all for you, replacing windows bootloader with GRUB08:41
MinimalLakI would read through this stuff, but im about to crash, so help sum some stuff up for me before I leave: installng grub won't pear-shape my computer, I can boot into windows 7 and use it as normally as I used it before installing kubuntu onto my secondary hard drive08:45
MinimalLakand by me crashing, I mean about to fall asleep08:46
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MinimalLakwelp, gotta sleep, thanks for the help anyway09:00
burmeisterbWie gehts Dir?09:09
nieguthngut und dir09:11
thielem01izz da wer?09:11
helbigcne wir tun nur so09:11
sielaffjja ich09:11
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger09:11
brunzelnwas geht aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbb09:11
sielaffjjo was geht09:11
kutzfNa wie gehts dir09:11
thielem01alles was beine hat09:12
riegnerpThis is mm09:12
kauhsakomische Leute09:12
zepkeaHabe voll die langeweile09:12
unopastereiseo you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted09:12
nieguthnjo wie gehts09:12
schoenfelddbitte aboniieren09:12
helbigcecht ma09:12
helbigcja sichelich09:12
=== Moogly2012 is now known as Moogly2012_home_
JoWiewhat would be a good alternative to Ark?11:17
Riddellwhat's up with ark?11:21
lordievaderJoWie: Calling the commandline tools yourself?11:25
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JoWiei use the command line tools often, but all of them, including ark are very cumbersome when I want to extract a single file in a deep directory structure ;)11:28
JoWie(not that ark is cli)11:28
=== zima42 is now known as zima
BluesKajHey folks12:47
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TeraJLhi there, i'm trying to install mysql-workbench but i get "mysql-workbench : Depends: mysql-client" and if i try to install mysql-client i get " mysql-client : Depends: mysql-community-client (= 5.6.21-1ubuntu14.04) but it is not going to be installed" any help ? :/14:27
ikoniaTeraJL: because you are using the community repo14:31
ikoniarather than the stable one14:31
ikonia!info mysql-client14:32
ubottumysql-client (source: mysql-5.5): MySQL database client (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 12 kB, installed size 126 kB14:32
ikoniaas you can see kubuntu uses 5.5 - not community-client 5.614:32
TeraJLikonia: i think the PPA i've added from the mysql-workbench was the one that updated mysql-client :/14:37
mokushany idea how we can get the breeze-qt4 theme in 14.04?14:40
TeraJLthe "system settings" GTK icons settings doesn't seem to be working, any way to workaround it?14:44
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MrJoshhi, Quick question, Can I upgrade the ram in my Dell inspiron duo flip from 2GB to 4GB, And what ram would I need?15:26
lordievaderMrJosh: Yes and depends.15:28
lordievaderMrJosh: Dmidecode will tell you alot about your system, including what type of memory it uses.15:28
MrJoshit's given a lot of info, Can I kde past it?15:29
lordievaderMrJosh: Yes, pastebinit would be a nice utility for that: sudo apt-get install pastebinit&&dmidecode|pastebinit15:30
MrJoshI meant from the link above? http://paste.kde.org | http://paste.kde.org/pkt9lkuur I have already copied it to a paste15:31
lordievaderMrJosh: You have DDR3 memory.15:34
lordievaderHey Th3H4xor___15:34
MrJoshhow can you tell that from dmidecode? And will any DDR3 work? Or is it a certain one15:35
lordievaderMrJosh: Line 359.15:35
lordievaderMrJosh: And yes any speed will work, lowest denominator is chosen if they are paired with existing memory.15:36
MrJoshas if I missed that, is there a maximum amount of ram allowed? (was hoping for around 4GB, Extra 2GB)15:37
lordievaderMrJosh: Read the manual of your motherboard.15:37
lordievaderNowadays 4GB should be no problem. But the machine is older, consult the manual.15:38
MrJoshcan't seem to find the manual for it (was bought off ebay so I don't have it)15:40
lordievaderMrJosh: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/product-support/product/inspiron-duo/manuals15:41
MrJoshThanks Lordievader15:43
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MrJoshSearched the manual and it doesn't mention maximum memory, Only (Your computer has one internal SODIMM connector.)15:47
MrJoshnvm, found it15:48
MrJoshvery sad (Maximum memory 2 GB) lol15:48
lordievaderMrJosh: I was just about to say so...15:48
MrJoshYeah I didn't expect this netbook to accept more than 2GB, Just wish it could handle mupen64plus lol15:49
MrJoshthanks anyways, See ya later, And thanks :)15:51
|xk05|im having some problems with the 'click' package segfaulting during upgrade16:23
|xk05|both the 'click' and 'click-apparmor' packages segfault and coredump during any apt operation which is hanging up some things im trying to do, any suggestions?16:25
|xk05|check that. more packages segfaulting Removing ubuntu-app-launch (0.4+14.10.20140925-0ubuntu1) ...17:29
|xk05|Segmentation fault (core dumped)17:29
|xk05|life on the edge, baby!17:29
=== Michael__ is now known as Guest83675
imbezolhow do i get my laptop to lock the screen when i close the lid?17:31
geniiimbezol: System Settings...Power Management...in left pane, Energy Saving  on right, 3 tabs labelled On AC Power, On Battery, On Low Battery   ..in each tab you can set the behaviour of closing the lid.17:36
imbezolgenii: options are "do nothing", "sleep", "shutdown", "lock screen", and "Turn off screen"17:37
imbezolselecting sleep does not also lock the screen17:38
imbezolit wakes up unlocked17:38
imbezoladditionally... when i open the lid, it wakes up.. then goes back to sleep17:39
imbezoli push the power button and then it wakes up again17:40
imbezolseems to be some funkiness17:40
geniiYes, that's not usual.17:42
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tyrogHi guys how do I install and test Plasma Active latest version in Kubuntu 14.10?18:36
soeeon a touch device >18:36
=== PasNox_ is now known as PasNox
tyrogsoee: yes :)18:40
tyrogI'm looking for a DE/distro that has good touchscreen support, with a good layout for touch devices18:40
tyrogBecause I have a hybrid18:40
tyrogand since the screen is not too big18:40
tyrogYou get the idea :)18:40
tyrogI don't really mind if the plasma active still has some rough edges, I would like to test it anyway :)18:41
soeetyrog: yeah i get it :) but sadly i never used plasma active18:42
tyrogsoee: Well I have a keyboard that goes with it, and as a last resource I can use a desktop-tailored DE, but would prefer something more touch-based.18:43
=== PasNox_ is now known as PasNox
wxlso i'm using k3b to create and audio cd and it puts all these converted tracks on there. i just want an audio cd, with just cdas on it. how can i do this?18:52
=== PasNox_ is now known as PasNox
bpromptwxl:     file  > new project > new audio cd project  <---  on the upper pane, go to where the tracks you want are, and drag and drop below and burn away19:02
wxlbprompt: did. end up with flacs and mp3s and everything else under the sun, plus the cdas.19:03
bpromptwxl:    what do you mean?19:03
bpromptwxl:   does it play the cd when you try it in a cd player?19:03
wxlbprompt: the resulting cd includes cda files (i.e. what a cd should have) AND folders of other crap that i don't want.19:04
wxlbprompt: trying to use a disc duplication service for the ultimate sale of audio cds. i do not want anything but audio.19:04
bpromptwxl:    hmmm how do you know the cd includes all those files?    keep in mind that the file manager when mounting an AudioCD device, it creates .wav and folders and .mp3 mappings of the AudioCD that do not exist in the cd structure itself, that's just a KIO service if I recall correctly... that's noticeable when you look at the AudioCD in a file manager19:07
wxlbprompt: ok lemme look at it in the terminal19:08
bpromptbut those are just mappings... if you try to say... copy the .wav shown in dolphin.... you'll notice that takes a while. because is just converting  it on-the-fly19:08
wxlargh it doesn't want to mount or nothing19:09
=== PasNox_ is now known as PasNox
wxlit's strange i can't read it from a windows computer19:10
wxlwonder why that is19:10
wxlmaybe a virtualbox issue19:10
bpromptwxl:    AudioCD devices do not show as some storage device... their mapping is very different... .what you see in dolphin are just mappings made by a KIO iirc19:10
wxlyep it seems to be a problem with virtual box sadly19:12
lordievaderwxl: Are you trying to burn a cd from a virtual machine?19:13
wxllordievader: no. there's a duplication service called kunaki that uses windows software to read a cd to be duplicated.19:14
wxli.e. NOT A KUBUNTU ISSUE :)19:14
lordievaderwxl: 'to be duplicated' so you do write to a cd.. I thought that was impossible to do from a VM.19:15
wxllordievader: nono. the vm is just reading the cd. which supposedly vbox can do.19:16
lordievaderGuess I'm interpreting it wrongly.19:16
wxldo you care to know? :)19:16
lordievaderwxl: If it is an issue to you, yes. Else, meh.19:17
wxlmeh then, lordievader. thanks. :)19:18
CamilHello fellows!19:18
CamilDoes anyone installed DreamDesktop?19:18
lordievaderHey Camil19:18
lordievaderCamil: What's that?19:18
Camillordievader: Wo! One second19:20
lordievaderAh I thought it would be something like that ;)19:22
=== RedShorts|off is now known as RedShorts
=== TheFakeazneD525 is now known as libreSSL
CamilAnyone installed Dreamdesktop¿?20:03
luc__hi anyone knows where I can find recent plasma 5 neon iso?21:07
luc__libreSSL thanks21:08
tyroglibreSSL: by the way, do you know if that includes plasma active interface?21:09
tyrogis it safe to install that one if it isn't update?21:10
Asus1!ops | i love you elky21:12
penwikyWireless. Is on browser doesn't work. You happen to know why22:37
malc-calcno internet connection after the wifi ?22:44
penwikyI can ping. Just can't browse the web or update22:48
malc-calcwhat browser?22:50
malc-calcand what address you ping?22:51
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