
Riddellhelp needed in #kubuntu09:12
Riddellsome one spamming lots09:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:12
DJonesRiddell: /mode +b reiseo!~quassel@p4FC0E78D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de  looks like it would deal with that09:14
DJonesOr maybe better given the nick change /mode +b *!~quassel@p4FC0E78D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de  looks like it would deal with that09:14
benonsoftwareRiddell: Just letting you know you may want to remove/change that ban when you think things have settled, bit of a large ban. :)10:00
FuchsDJones: I wouldn't recommend putting the ident in either, unless the user comes from a shared connection / gateway (such as shell)10:00
GPenguinhello, what is the proper next step when i want to attempt disputing a ban (from ikonia)?13:23
GPenguinis he high ranked enough so that it is worth it?13:25
FuchsGPenguin: in what channel?  In the regular ones (#ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic etc.) it would be #ubuntu-ops, and not in here.13:25
Fuchsoh, it's you. Hi.13:25
GPenguinwhen i got banned from #ubuntu by ikonia i went to #ubuntu-ops where he accused me of faking logs and banned me there too13:26
Fuchsin that case, as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess, it would be in here,13:27
Fuchsyou'd have to poke the IRCC.13:27
Fuchsor use the e-mail address mentioned there.13:27
GPenguinwhat if step 2 "contact the OP who mistreated you" is not possible due to pride?13:28
Fuchsthis will probably have an impact on how the other steps will work out13:29
Fuchsif you tell them that you skipped a step on purpose due to silly reasons, I guess that chances to resolve it get a little bit worse.13:30
Fuchsbut feel free to try.13:30
GPenguinsince ikonia disrespects people of my kind and i therefore disrespect him the reason is not silly to avoid any kind of contact13:30
Fuchsthe channel in question (#ubuntu) is logged in public though, so it should be trivial to check whether logs are correct or not.13:30
Fuchsas IRC doesn't know "kinds": I doubt that. But again: feel free to try.13:31
GPenguinlets say 1 friend in the council helps the other (we have seen that before with elky) the whole procedure seems pointless from my point of view. are there alternatives?13:32
FuchsI'd recommend following the usual steps, but then I am not sure whether debating that with you makes any sense, hence: I gave you the steps to follow and the people / address to contact, feel free to do with that information whatever you see fit.13:32
GPenguinany chance of speaking to the community officially and asking them for an opinion?13:32
FuchsThe "alternatives" are mentioned on that page. If none of those work out: nope.13:32
Fuchsyes, that is what the council does. Feel free to contact them.13:33
GPenguinor to a community representative at least?13:33
Fuchs[15:32:44] <Fuchs> yes, that is what the council does. Feel free to contact them.13:33
GPenguinthats the role of the council? interesting.13:33
GPenguinthat means all ubuntu users may vote people in or out of the council?13:33
Fuchshow the IRCC is elected can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil and imo doesn't really matter here,13:34
GPenguinhow would you decide for _me_ what matters to me?13:34
FuchsI don't, but given how you discuss this, and given past experience with you, I think this is going to be pretty pointless, hence I'm out. Good luck.13:35
GPenguinthats the beginning, Fuchs. that is respect which has not to be earned. it is given. from the superior person downwards to the other people13:35
GPenguinand you failed.13:35
GPenguinwe both know why you failed. and _that_ does not matter right now13:36
GPenguinbut its sad nevertheless.13:36
GPenguindoes nalioth have a new nick?13:39
GPenguini cant see him but i feel his presence13:39
GPenguinand popey is also always good for a slam in my face13:39
GPenguinMon Oct  6 15:40:21 CEST 201413:40
popeyExcuse me?13:40
GPenguini am looking at the user list and try to figure out how many people would vote against me _by default_ because of years old sentiments13:42
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
ninnnuUm. Does anyone know where I can reach the people who do the technical stuff to LoCo-sites (ubuntu-NN.org)?20:53
ninnnuThis is quite urgent20:53
rwwdepends on the LoCo, I expect20:53
rww#ubuntu-locoteams might be a better starting place than here, though20:53
ninnnuthis is stuff the LoCo itself can't do much about, because Canonical doesn't give much access20:54
rwwif it's managed by Canonical, see #canonical-sysadmin and rt@ubuntu.com20:54
Asus1i love you elky21:29
Asus1rww, suck my ass21:29
Asus1genii, fuck you21:30
* genii stares at Asus121:30
Asus1genii, you will go to hell and burn in a fire forever unless you repent21:31
Fuchsgenii: don't worry, hell is a fun place *nods*21:32
* genii makes more coffee and hands out the mugs21:34
Fuchsalso you could have kicked him, now he amuses me in query \o/21:34
Fuchsaww :(21:35
geniiFuchs: I kicked him just earlier in +1, he returned with same behaviour so +b required.21:35
elkygoing for a fresh ip no doubt21:35
Fuchsgenii: after the +b, I meant21:35
Fuchs(that's what one usually does after a +b)21:35
Fuchselky: oh, lovely. He left mid-conversation :)21:36
geniiI'll check my command aliases a bit later, it should have had the kick in there but maybe not21:36

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