
pittiGood morning05:40
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
senanballoons, Hi14:27
senanGood Eve14:27
balloonshello senan14:29
senanballoons, is there anything I can contribute ?.14:30
balloonssenan, most certainly :-) Some test writing perhaps?14:31
senanballoons, sure.. always happy to help :)14:31
senanballoons, please find something for me :)14:31
balloonssenan, bitesize bugs are always good: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize14:33
elfyhi balloons14:35
senanballoons, I would like to work on autopilot test cases14:35
senanballoons, previously I worked on that :)14:35
balloonssenan, ohh, sure. In that case, let's have a gander. Have you tried working on tests for the phone apps?14:38
balloonsmorning to you elfy14:38
balloonswill this week be as crazy as the last or does it get better?14:38
senanballoons, no.. after finishing diskusageanalyzer I didnt try anyting else14:39
elfyballoons: this week will be fine14:42
balloonssenan, do you have a phone device?14:44
balloonssenan, if not fire up the emulator - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Emulator14:45
balloonssenan, this is the list of outstanding needs for autopilot tests: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.searchtext=&field.tag=needs-autopilot-test14:48
balloonssenan, let me know which bug you'd like to tackle. Something in reminders might be a good place to start14:51
elfyballoons: I left a query on 2 of those bugsize issues and marked them incomplete14:52
balloonssenan, so for the phone apps written in qml, you should find the test writing to be much more simplified14:53
elfyso can anyone boot a 64bit vbox and confirm that it ends up at a black screen15:02
elfythen go to tty1 and run sudo service lightdm status and get start/waiting15:02
elfyand then go to tty7 and see the login dialogue ok now15:02
balloonselfy, still/again?15:05
elfythis is different15:05
balloonsI can zsync today and try15:05
elfyprevious bugs were status=stop/waiting15:05
elfyballoons: thanks15:05
elfyreally hope this is local :(15:06
elfyzsyncing mainbuntu to check that one15:07
senanballoons, Is there any open bug I can try ?15:07
balloonssenan, I've had a chat with the developers, and they recommend the terminal15:08
balloonsthey are adding tabs to it and need some new tests to cover15:08
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senanballoons , terminal in phone apps ?15:10
balloonssenan, yes terminal for phone apps15:11
balloonssenan, so let's get you started15:11
senanballoons, sure.. I'm ready15:11
balloonssenan, bzr branch lp:ubuntu-terminal-app15:12
balloonsthe tests are located in tests/autopilot15:13
senanballoons, done15:14
balloonssenan,  so cd tests/autopilot15:14
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balloonsthe, autopilot3 list ubuntu_terminal_app15:15
senanballoons, got an error and at the end 1 total tests listed15:16
elfyballoons: not *quite* the same with mainbuntu - corruption and can hear the drums - so at least it's not lightdm :p15:17
senanballoons, AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'MainView'15:17
balloonselfy, interesting..15:19
balloonssenan, can you paste the error? you might be missing a dependency. The dependencies are listed in the debian/control file and the mainfest file for click15:20
* balloons starts zsync15:21
senanballoons, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8507992/15:21
balloonssenan, ahh I see the depends you need15:23
balloonssudo apt-get install ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot15:23
balloonsthey are a set of helpers; you'll see them being used in the tests. The docs are here: http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-14.10/python/autopilot-emulator/ubuntuuitoolkit.html#module-ubuntuuitoolkit.emulators15:23
senanballoons, ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot is already the newest version.15:24
balloonssenan, ohh? did you also install the ubuntu-sdk metapackage?15:24
senanballoons, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8508012/15:26
balloonssenan, ohh.. are you on trusty?15:29
senanballoons, yea.. I forgot to mention that :(15:30
balloonssenan, that's the issue. This requires utopic; the framework, etc, is all targetting it15:31
senanok.. then I'll install it today.. and lets start this tomorrow15:32
balloonssenan, so some people use a VM.15:32
senanballoons, laptop is only having 4 gigs ram15:33
balloonssenan, ahh.. Well, this is another solution: http://nik90.com/fiddling-around-with-lxc-containers/15:33
senanit will be very slow I guess15:33
balloonsvirtualbox yes.. the lxc method should not be slow. You could also upgrade to utopic at this point, it's past final beta15:34
balloonsbut it's up to you :-)15:34
* elfy is looking at that lxc stuff15:34
balloonssenan, what are your thoughts on getting utopic?15:36
senanballoons, I think it will be better to install it in vm :)15:37
knomeelfy, isn't that black magic? :P15:38
elfyknome: possibly :)15:38
senanballoons, or else I'll make some free space and install along with trusty15:38
balloonssenan, I would recommend trying out lxc.. it will be much more lightweight that running something like virtualbox.. much much more lightweight15:42
balloonsI assume you want to stay on trusty as it's an LTS yes?15:42
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senanballoons, that is not an issue...I'm famous for installing and reinstalling os :)15:44
balloonssenan, ahh.. then I would recommend just upgrading your install to utopic15:45
knomeelfy, looks easy enought but not sure how much we (xubuntu) can benefit from that15:45
senanballoons, How to upgrade ?15:46
balloonssenan, do-release-upgrade -d from the command line15:48
senanballoons, got it.. I'm starting the upgrade15:48
* balloons high fives senan 15:49
senanballoons, not sure if I can make it today.. internet is a bit slow here :(15:54
balloonssenan, no worries at all. Once you upgrade everything should just work with the app15:56
senanballoons, ok..let me try15:56
balloonsso autopilot3 list ubuntu_terminal_app should show 7 tests. Then autopilot3 run -v ubuntu_terminal_app should run them on the desktop15:56
balloonssenan, feel free to ping with questions. Once you are up and running you can develop the tests write on the desktop and run them on the desktop as well easilyt15:57
senanokay :)15:59
senanballoons, got this while updating http://paste.ubuntu.com/8508328/16:16
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elopioping ubuntu-qa: I need a review here, please: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/fix1340227-expandable_autopilot_helper19:18
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== salem_ is now known as _salem

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