kul | hi | 00:21 |
kul | ive started my own ubuntu server through oracle virtual box on windows 7 | 00:21 |
kul | how do i replace the file /var/www/html | 00:21 |
kul | i installed ftp and installed filezilla | 00:21 |
kul | but when i try to delete the file it says permission denied | 00:21 |
kul | help? | 00:22 |
kul | hi | 00:26 |
kul | i need help replacing the /var/www/html file | 00:26 |
kul | using filezilla | 00:26 |
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lordievader | Good morning. | 06:40 |
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Vladimir_ | There should be a program called something like Zambix for monitoring linux machines with a kind of agent system that is able to send SMS when something changes. I try to find it on google but there's nothing | 07:47 |
Vladimir_ | I only heard the name Zambix but maybe it's spelled differently | 07:47 |
cfhowlett | Vladimir_, ask in ##linux | 07:47 |
lordievader | Vladimir_: You are talking about Zabbix. | 07:51 |
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lordievader | By the by, it can also monitor Windows servers. | 07:51 |
cfhowlett | !info zabbix | 07:51 |
ubottu | Package zabbix does not exist in trusty | 07:52 |
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lordievader | !info zabbix-agent | 07:52 |
ubottu | zabbix-agent (source: zabbix): network monitoring solution - agent. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.2.2+dfsg-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 158 kB, installed size 751 kB | 07:52 |
lordievader | !info zabbix-server-mysql | 07:53 |
ubottu | zabbix-server-mysql (source: zabbix): network monitoring solution - server (using MySQL). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.2.2+dfsg-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 1527 kB, installed size 2707 kB | 07:53 |
cfhowlett | !cookie | lordievader | 07:53 |
ubottu | lordievader: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 07:53 |
lordievader | \o/ | 07:53 |
Vladimir_ | lordievader: Thanks man | 07:56 |
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dane_ad_boot | Does anyone have experience with using agent forwarding from a mac to an ubuntu server to another ubuntu server | 08:36 |
dane_ad_boot | specificially within a capistrano deployment, | 08:36 |
dane_ad_boot | apperently the command works but not at my machine for some reason that i couldnt figure out | 08:37 |
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Tazmain | hi all, what is the best way to have a service start at boot time ? Its just an sh script that needs to be start to lunch a web service. Do I need to write an upstart job ? | 08:46 |
jamespage | adam_g, thanks for the ironic update, I added a general tweak I've been doing for unit tests execution and uploaded | 08:46 |
jamespage | coreycb, heat uploaded, looking at ceilometer now | 08:46 |
rbasak | Tazmain: you could add something to /etc/rc.local. Or write an upstart job (probably less than five lines for that) | 08:49 |
jamespage | coreycb, zul: did I miss something re ceilometer? was it rejected by the release team due to the new binary packages? | 08:49 |
rbasak | Or write an SysV init.d script, but that's far more involved. | 08:49 |
Tazmain | rbasak, which would be best ? | 08:50 |
Vladimir_ | is it possible to do a pwd with multiple files | 08:56 |
Vladimir_ | I want to show all full directory for all the files in one directory | 08:56 |
Vladimir_ | something like #pwd name* | 08:56 |
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Tazmain | where can I find a nice way of explaining how to create an upstart job. The file I found did not included how to add what you want to start | 09:30 |
ogra_ | Tazmain, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/ | 09:31 |
Tazmain | thanx | 09:33 |
jamespage | coreycb, looking at ceilometer - I've reworked the skip-tests patch into a much smaller patch which just disables db2 and mongodb mixins for testing; all other tests pass OK | 09:37 |
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pmatulis | morning | 10:34 |
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jamespage | coreycb, ceilometer-agent-ipmi needs -> ipmitool (not in main) I've commented on the FFe bug as to what the plan should be if accepted | 11:23 |
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coreycb | jamespage, thanks and awesome on the ceilometer tests | 11:40 |
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jamespage | coreycb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8506790/ | 11:40 |
jamespage | that's the new patch | 11:41 |
coreycb | jamespage, ack | 11:41 |
jamespage | coreycb, just looking at the configuration file generation stuff - we're losing the default connection patch and the log dir patch right? | 11:42 |
coreycb | jamespage, right, it wasn't being used before, so I dropped it | 11:43 |
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jamespage | coreycb, yeah | 11:57 |
jamespage | coreycb, but I think that prob is a problem | 11:58 |
* jamespage thinks | 11:58 | |
coreycb | jamespage, ok, looking at ceilometer.conf it doesn't have the sqlite options anymore | 11:58 |
coreycb | jamespage, maybe that's just the way the sample file is | 11:59 |
jamespage | coreycb, yeah - so in trusty we did install the sample configuration file from upstream (renamed) to /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf | 11:59 |
jamespage | coreycb, so the debian/ceilometer.conf bit is new this cycle | 11:59 |
jamespage | coreycb, so we've lost default configuration since last release right now... hmmm | 11:59 |
* jamespage thinks | 12:00 | |
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zul | jamespage: swift rc1 is available | 12:33 |
jamespage | zul, yeah - already on it | 12:33 |
coreycb | jamespage, zul, this is where sqlite_db was dropped (re: ceilometer.conf) - https://github.com/openstack/ceilometer/commit/f8d673b698b958b1945598fb1e35623ce3f958c1 | 12:34 |
zul | jamespage: just merging coreycb stable/icehouse branches and uploading them | 12:35 |
jamespage | coreycb, yeah - there are two different db options now for big data and alarms | 12:35 |
zul | coreycb: the heat 2014.1.3 merge request is empty? | 12:54 |
zul | coreycb: https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/heat/2014.1.3/+merge/237091 | 12:54 |
zul | coreycb: shoot never mind | 12:55 |
coreycb | zul, yeah looks like it was already merged | 12:56 |
zul | coreycb: but there is not changelog entry for 2014.1.3 | 12:56 |
smb | zul, hallyn, has one of you anything running for libvirt? otherwise I would prepare an upload to fix bug 1377900 | 12:57 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 1377900 in libvirt "libvirt start races with xen init" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1377900 | 12:57 |
zul | smb: i dont | 12:57 |
coreycb | zul, hmm.. looking | 12:58 |
smb | zul, ok cool. waiting a bit to give hallyn a chance to get respond :) | 12:58 |
zul | smb: nah just do it ;) | 12:58 |
coreycb | zul, I'll push that again shortly, not sure what happened | 13:00 |
zul | coreycb: ack | 13:01 |
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zul | jamespage/coreycb: ok except for heat, stable/icehouse has been merged and uploaded | 13:25 |
jamespage | zul, gah - we need python-openstack-auth >= 1.1.7 now | 13:28 |
jamespage | horizon is foobar | 13:28 |
zul | *sigh* | 13:28 |
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coreycb | zul, https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/heat/2014.1.3/+merge/237272 | 13:47 |
zul | coreycb: k gimme a couple of minutes | 13:48 |
zul | coreycb: done | 13:56 |
coreycb | zul, thanks | 13:56 |
jamespage | zul, gah - eventlet greendns parses /etc/hosts directly! | 13:59 |
jamespage | woser | 13:59 |
zul | jamespage: thats it we are going back to java | 14:01 |
jamespage | zul, my sbuild schroots don't have an /etc/hosts by default | 14:01 |
jamespage | they do now... | 14:01 |
zul | lol | 14:02 |
jamespage | zul, OK rc1 of swift uploaded | 14:07 |
hallyn | smb: go ahead | 14:08 |
smb | hallyn, ok. thanks | 14:08 |
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crazyhead42 | Hey, I'm looking to turn an old computer into a webserver. What are my security options if I choose Ubuntu Server? | 15:14 |
cfhowlett | crazyhead42, "options"? pretty much unlimited. | 15:14 |
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crazyhead42 | Yes, but I don't want to go paying for stuff and I don't have an advanced knowledge of programing | 15:15 |
cfhowlett | crazyhead42, so don't pay. enable firewall and avoid funky websites will eliminate most common attack vectors. keep your system updated. | 15:16 |
crazyhead42 | wait, the server will be going online? crud. Is there a way to make it use the lan but not the internet? | 15:16 |
cfhowlett | crazyhead42, not sure what you're end use profile and I don't do server | 15:17 |
qman__ | crazyhead42: do you mean that you don't want people on the internet accessing your server, or that you don't want your server accessing the internet? | 15:19 |
crazyhead42 | ?? I'm just trying to turn the old computer into a local storage unit... what exactly are you saying in the line above? | 15:19 |
qman__ | If you have a typical home setup with a NAT router, the former is already the case unless you specifically set it up otherwise | 15:19 |
qman__ | The latter is inadvisable as it would prevent security updates, but can be achieved by simply not configuring a default gateway | 15:20 |
crazyhead42 | So in other words, I'd have to do extra work for people outside my home to access whatever info I decide to keep on the router? Okay, thanks. | 15:21 |
lyda | if you spin up an ubuntu cloud image in aws, will the image have access credentials to use the awscli? or do i need to seed that (with cloud-init)? | 15:24 |
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ivoks | rbasak: so... pacemaker | 16:35 |
ivoks | rbasak: it depends on various packages, some of it being from pacemaker source it self | 16:35 |
ivoks | for example: | 16:36 |
ivoks | liblrmd1 (>= 1.1.10+git20130802) | 16:36 |
ivoks | but latest pacemaker security upload changed ABI | 16:36 |
* rbasak looks | 16:37 | |
ivoks | so pacemaker 1.1.10+git20130802-1ubuntu2.1 needs to depends on liblrmd1 >=1.1.10+git20130802-1ubuntu2.1 | 16:37 |
ivoks | otherwise one can update pacemaker and not liblrmd1 | 16:37 |
ivoks | and that results in non-functional pacemaker | 16:37 |
rbasak | That doesn't sound good. | 16:39 |
ivoks | rbasak: yeah :) | 16:40 |
ivoks | majority won't hit it, because they do dist-upgrade/upgrade | 16:41 |
rbasak | Did you hit it? | 16:41 |
ivoks | but, if you do apt-get install pacemaker (which hacluster charm does), then you are in for a party | 16:41 |
ivoks | yes | 16:41 |
Aison | it looks like ufw is blocking dhcpv6 requests to my ubuntu server | 16:45 |
Aison | very strange, dhcpv4 server is not blocked by UFW, but dhcpv6 is | 17:01 |
Aison | but for both servers, there are no rules to unblock them | 17:01 |
Aison | there are just client rules | 17:01 |
Aison | I don't get it... | 17:02 |
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genii | Aison: Perhaps ports 546/547 are blocked somehow | 17:04 |
Aison | yes | 17:04 |
patdk-wk | perhaps all of ip6 is disabled :) | 17:04 |
Aison | that's true, but I wounder now why port 67/68 are not blocked | 17:04 |
Aison | no ipv6 is working perfectly :P | 17:04 |
gaughen | so ivoks you going to file a bug? | 17:05 |
rbasak | ivoks: I don't see an ABI break. | 17:07 |
rbasak | But it still might well need a dependency bump. | 17:08 |
rbasak | Can you describe the breakage please? | 17:09 |
rbasak | ivoks: also I wonder if there's any connection to bug 1368737 here? | 17:13 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 1368737 in pacemaker "Pacemaker can seg fault on crm node online/standy" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1368737 | 17:13 |
strixUK | i'm trying to track down a udev issue during boot; i have udev configured to log debugging messages (and it prints them to the console), but how do i get rsyslogd to record those debug messages? what logging facility does it use? | 17:48 |
sarnold | strixUK: rsyslogd only records what is sent to it via the syslog(3) function or configured network logging (typically 514 udp though newer protocols exist..) | 17:51 |
sarnold | strixUK: I don't know if udev can be made to log elsewhere.. | 17:51 |
strixUK | meaning you think udev doesn't log via syslog? | 17:52 |
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sarnold | it may or it may not, I don't know it.. I just wanted to point out that rsyslogd is very specific about how things get logged and udev may not support in-depth logging to syslog. it's worth looking.. | 17:54 |
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strixUK | right. | 17:55 |
strixUK | it was a complete assumption on my part that udev logs via syslogd, and the trick is to find the right facility and level to stick into rsyslog.d | 17:55 |
strixUK | maybe it doesn't. there is a /var/log/udev, which isn't mentioned anywhere in rsyslogd's config. | 17:57 |
strixUK | where do md devices store the equivalent of a partition type? how does udev know when an md device comes online that (for example, in this case) it contains an lvm PV? | 18:06 |
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