philballew | ianorlin, how did the tests work out? | 00:01 |
ianorlin | pretty well I still find lots of obscure bugs because I am me | 00:01 |
philballew | Apport is often like The boy who cried wolf. | 00:02 |
philballew | Apport is the right spelling iirc. | 00:02 |
ianorlin | yes | 00:02 |
ianorlin | or when something crashes when you are downloading updates | 00:04 |
nhaines | Is it meeting time yet? | 01:33 |
ianorlin | not quite | 01:33 |
nhaines | How 'bout now? | 01:33 |
DonkeyHotei | no. | 01:34 |
ianorlin | yes are we there yet" | 01:35 |
pleia2 | hey hey, meeting time! | 02:01 |
pleia2 | #startmeeting | 02:01 |
darthrobot | Meeting started Mon Oct 6 02:01:25 2014 UTC. The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at | 02:01 |
darthrobot | Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired | 02:01 |
pleia2 | #chair rww philballew | 02:01 |
darthrobot | Current chairs: philballew pleia2 rww | 02:01 |
rww | o/ | 02:01 |
pleia2 | #link | 02:01 |
darthrobot | Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/14October05 - Ubuntu Wiki] | 02:01 |
pleia2 | we have an item! | 02:01 |
pleia2 | #topic 14.10 Release parties | 02:01 |
pleia2 | so, as far as San Francisco goes, bkerensa has been working to get us space at the SF Mozilla office | 02:02 |
pleia2 | us == the team (not me, I'll be out of town) | 02:02 |
pleia2 | jyo is going to be running this party | 02:02 |
* ianorlin can't make it up there | 02:02 | |
jyo | o/ | 02:03 |
elky | o/ | 02:03 |
ianorlin | o/ | 02:03 |
pleia2 | hopefully details for the SF party will be available soon, last I heard bkerensa was working to firm up the room reservation | 02:04 |
pleia2 | we also need this page updated, and a Utopic page created: | 02:04 |
darthrobot | Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects - Ubuntu Wiki] | 02:04 |
pleia2 | can someone take care of that? | 02:04 |
pleia2 | Trusty Release should be moved to Completed and a similar Utopic page made | 02:04 |
rww | I'll do it. | 02:04 |
pleia2 | thanks rww :) | 02:04 |
pleia2 | any other plans for parties anywhere in the state? | 02:05 |
pleia2 | nhaines? philballew? | 02:05 |
rww | #action rww to update Projects page and add Utopic Release project | 02:05 |
darthrobot | ACTION: rww to update Projects page and add Utopic Release project | 02:05 |
nhaines | Unfortunately I'm at a convention that weekend! | 02:05 |
rww | nhaines: which one? | 02:06 |
nhaines | rww: Freedom From Religion Foundation National Convention. | 02:06 |
rww | nice | 02:06 |
* ianorlin doesn't really know people | 02:07 | |
nhaines | Should be fun. | 02:07 |
nhaines | ianorlin: a party's a good way to get to know people. :) | 02:07 |
* ianorlin knows but I don't really want to ask strangers | 02:07 | |
elky | ask for what? | 02:07 |
ianorlin | a place for a party | 02:08 |
jyo | nhaines: but parties are often woefully lacking in USB ports. :( ;P | 02:08 |
ianorlin | I think If I brought a desktop and bought like 2 pci cards I could have 17 usb ports | 02:08 |
ianorlin | not sure my seasonic psu can handle that much 5v | 02:09 |
pleia2 | well, if anyone else on the team does want to run a party, several of us here have run them, so feel free to ask | 02:09 |
pleia2 | for help, recommendations, etc | 02:09 |
pleia2 | #topic Any Other Business | 02:09 |
pleia2 | SF Ubuntu Hour (and Debian Dinner!) coming up on Wednesday: | 02:10 |
rww | Reminder that council elections are in January, so you should be thinking about whether you want to nominate yourselves for that when the time comes. | 02:10 |
darthrobot | Title: [Ubuntu Hour San Francisco | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal] | 02:10 |
rww | (you do) | 02:10 |
nhaines | Spared from the tedious task of thinking! | 02:10 |
jyo | you as in me or you as in you? | 02:11 |
pleia2 | everyone but pleia2 | 02:11 |
rww | ^ | 02:11 |
ianorlin | busy pleia2 is busy | 02:11 |
pleia2 | also have a Berkeley Ubuntu Hour coming up a week from now, next Sunday: | 02:11 |
darthrobot | Title: [Ubuntu Hour Berkeley | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal] | 02:11 |
pleia2 | I want pizza, might go if I can sort out my schedule by then :d | 02:11 |
pleia2 | also yay Ubuntu | 02:11 |
nhaines | +1 pizza | 02:12 |
ianorlin | hmm do most of the socal people live around in LA | 02:13 |
jyo | wow, haven't been to Bobby G's in years... | 02:13 |
rww | i've still never been :[ | 02:13 |
* ianorlin hasn't either | 02:14 | |
pleia2 | it's the best pizza around | 02:16 |
* elky checks for compatibility | 02:16 | |
pleia2 | they have gluten free | 02:17 |
pleia2 | For a gluten-free option, choose any small pizza and substitute our house-made dough for a 100% gluten-free (and vegan) Mariposa Bakery crust for an additional $3.00. | 02:17 |
pleia2 | :D | 02:17 |
elky | yay | 02:17 |
elky | maybe we'll get there one day | 02:17 |
pleia2 | ok, anything else before we wrap up? | 02:17 |
* ianorlin doesn't have anything else | 02:18 | |
pleia2 | ok, thanks everyone :) | 02:18 |
pleia2 | #endmeeting | 02:19 |
darthrobot | Meeting ended Mon Oct 6 02:19:03 2014 UTC. | 02:19 |
darthrobot | Minutes: | 02:19 |
nhaines | Thanks for chairing the meeting, pleia2. :) | 02:19 |
jyo | oh and someone somewhere at Mozilla is reserving a room, according to the last email Ben cc'ed me on. | 02:19 |
bkerensa | pleia2: so yeah just waiting on one of the two people interested in hosting to file a ServiceNow request to book the space. Since its after business hours we would probably just book the commons for it which is the main event and all hands meeting room | 07:05 |
pleia2 | bkerensa: great, thank you :) | 07:05 |
bkerensa | and I'm trying to find a hotel in SF | 07:06 |
bkerensa | its pretty darn booked up | 07:06 |
bkerensa | :s | 07:06 |
bkerensa | except for the Hyatt but thats like $500 a night | 07:06 |
pleia2 | yowch | 07:06 |
pleia2 | I stayed at The Palace last night for $200 | 07:06 |
bkerensa | hmm | 07:06 |
bkerensa | yeah also Mozilla can do airbnb now so once I get budget approval ill ask the travel agency to check that out | 07:07 |
pleia2 | that was low, probably a fluke or post-Oracle Open World pricing :) | 07:07 |
bkerensa | would be nice to have a flat somewhere in the city | 07:07 |
bkerensa | :D | 07:07 |
pleia2 | soexpensive | 07:07 |
bkerensa | Airbnb is? | 07:07 |
pleia2 | having a place in the city! | 07:08 |
bkerensa | ah yeah | 07:08 |
bkerensa | probably why Moz SF employees are selling their homes and moving to PDX | 07:08 |
bkerensa | :D | 07:08 |
pleia2 | I'd normally offer my couch, but not home and all | 07:08 |
pleia2 | no, they're doing that because SF isn't cool anymore | 07:08 |
bkerensa | oh its ok Mozilla will find me a spot | 07:08 |
bkerensa | worse case scenario I just sleep on the roof :P | 07:09 |
pleia2 | haha | 07:09 |
bkerensa | I love dat view | 07:09 |
pleia2 | it is a nice roof, watch out for seagulls | 07:09 |
bkerensa | oh yeah true | 07:09 |
blitz | my apartment is right next to mozilla | 07:44 |
ianorlin | good morning | 14:35 |
pleia2 | good morning | 16:19 |
philballew | morning as well | 16:57 |
nhaines | Good morning. | 17:36 |
nhaines | I am quite pleased that Microsoft is sending me a replacement mouse and keyboard. | 19:38 |
* nhaines readies the Ubuntu sticker for the Super key. | 19:38 | |
bkerensa | pleia2: jyo: rww: do you have an estimated amount of people who may come? Also could we end at 8? One of the hosts has to be home to her family by 9 | 20:27 |
bkerensa | She suggested ending at 8 and then maybe folks could go to Palamino next door and socialize more? | 20:28 |
pleia2 | bkerensa: again, I'm not going to be around so this is really jyo's thing :) but that should be fine | 21:57 |
pleia2 | jyo: can you chime in when you're about? | 21:57 |
pleia2 | not sure about numbers, last time we went by the RSVP list from loco.u.c | 21:57 |
blitz | pleia2 what is this a ubuntu ca meetup? | 22:02 |
nhaines | blitz: utopic release party. | 22:02 |
blitz | oh, cool | 22:02 |
pleia2 | trying to firm up details so we can start telling people about it, it's creeping up fast | 22:03 |
blitz | I have a palomino rewards card | 22:06 |
blitz | we ate there like 4 times in a week during this slew of interviews, on the last one I got it to see what it was all about figuring we'd be back, haven't been since | 22:06 |
nhaines | pleia2: I should read the UWN out loud and make a podcast. | 23:11 |
pleia2 | nhaines: do it :D | 23:11 |
nhaines | I just need to figure out where to host it. :) | 23:12 |
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