
InHisNamelazypower|Travel: is on the move07:34
lazypower|TravelAllo from Brussels07:42
lazypower|TravelChinnoDog: which base is Ubuntu Studio on?07:42
lazypower|Travelthat would 100% be from the repository config.07:42
lazypower|Travelergo: /etc/apt/sources.list07:43
=== lazypower|Travel is now known as lazyPower|Sprint
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys, hamsters and everything else12:16
ChinnoDoglazyPower|Sprint: 14.0413:03
lazyPower|Sprintinteresting. Probably worth filing a bug @ ubuntu studio w/ the attached brokenness13:13
ChinnoDoglazyPower|Sprint: I switched source repositories and wiped out my apt indexes and downloaded packages and found that the issue is a package that is broken that is preventing upgrade of kernel-lowlatency13:22
ChinnoDogThe atheros based wifi is not working and I want to upgrade the kernel before I attempt to do anything else.13:23
jjmivChinnoDog: i need to turn sounds back on in irc :(16:02
jthanJonathanD: Do you guys use zenoss to monitor windows clients at all?21:47
JonathanDdont have any windows clients23:09
JonathanDjthan: ^^23:12

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