
=== Guest33821 is now known as mfisch
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=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
harmwsmoser: e.t.a. for 0.7.6 release?09:20
harmwharlowja_away: upgrading from 6.5 to 7 went rather smooth, atleast for base09:20
harmwquite impressive09:20
harmwhiren_: you got that vm running by now?:p10:17
smoserharmw, is it ready for you?11:06
smoseri'll release today if so.11:06
harmwok, cool11:10
harmwwell afaik it all just works, including configdrive and static networking11:10
harmwlets just wait a little so hiren_ can confirm this, I'd rather not be the only tester in this11:10
smoserharmw, cool. hiren_ if you could test that would be awesome.12:47
smoserharmw, so you will upload that to ports ?12:47
smoseror submit it for upload?12:47
smoseri really have no idea how this works.12:47
harmwno worries, Ill manage that :)12:48
smoserharmw, so what do you do ?12:49
smoseris there some doc i can rtfm ?12:49
harmwporters guide12:49
harmwlet me check12:49
smoserwhen i tell someone "look, cloud-init is in freebsd" i don't want to sound like a *complete* idiot.12:49
smoseri try to limit how much of an idiot i appear.12:49
smoserits not easy to do12:50
harmwand eventually, this is produced:12:51
smoserso "time needed to include a new port in FreeBSD can vary from a few days to a few months"12:51
smoserdo you have people that you'd ping that would help you or have you done this before ?12:52
harmwthat bugreport is about one of 2 earlier ports I did12:52
smoserso your new $work has you working on some of this ?12:52
harmwsubmitted on aug/15, committed on aug/18. Fairly quick I'd say :)12:52
smoseryeah, way  more responsive than that cloud-init project12:53
harmw$newjob will hopefully ditch vmware and go the openstack route12:53
harmwthey expressed their love during the interview :)12:54
smoserwell, harm everyone loves you12:54
smoserhave you ever tried freebsd on ec2 ?12:54
harmwonly in my own openstack cloud12:55
smoserit'd be nice if i could say that that ds works also.12:55
harmwwhich is more like fog, rather than full cloud :p12:55
harmwif I find time, perhaps I can get my hands on a trial account at amazone/azure12:56
smoseri can spin you some instances if you want for sure.12:56
harmwwell in that case, all I need is a proper FBSD image with c-i inside12:57
smoserwell, we wont get one with c-i inside as easily.12:57
harmwyou can't upload your own image to amazon?12:57
smoseri can12:57
smoserbut thats just more painful. i'd just launch one of the freebsd12:58
smoserand then put cloud-init in, clean up and reboot12:58
smoserat least for initial testing12:58
harmwsure thing12:58
smoserif you want one to poke at let me know.12:58
harmwperhaps tonight12:58
harmwtheir current image is based on nothing? no automation whatsoever?12:59
harmwsmoser: know what, spin me up an fbsd 10 instance on amazon and Ill look at that somewhere this week13:05
harmwwhich most of the time means the same day :P13:06
smoserharmw, i'm not sure how they build them or what is in them.13:06
smoseri suspect they have something that pulls in ssh keys13:06
smoserand possibly runs #! user-data13:06
harmwhmk, well we'll just have to find out :) smoser, I do hope they offer version 10.0?13:10
smoserharmw, to my knowledge those are the closest to official freebsd images. owned by '118940168514'13:11
harmwami-19dae970 10.0-RELEASE 64-bit13:12
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=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
harmwsmoser: go ahead and bring me a fbsd instance17:16
harmwI think I can play with it later tonight, in about 2hrs17:18
harlowjaharmw cool, i still haven't convinced myself to go on the RDO list and try to sell anvil to folks, haha17:20
harmwhah lol17:21
harmwwell, I was stupid enough to post first and check archives later17:21
harlowjahttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/126447/ was something neat though, an alternative to rpm packages if u will17:26
harlowja^ is similar to what dreamhost and rackspace are doing afaik17:27
harlowjabasically saying screw packages, put everything in a virtualenv, deploy virtualenv17:28
harmwsounds adventurous :)17:28
harlowjawe (y!) team have considered it, i'm still not sure if its better or worse yet17:28
harmwwell for now, Ill just go back at fixing python deps that are unfilled since upgrading to centos7 :p17:28
harlowjafair enough, ha17:29
smoserharmw, ok. i'll get you an instance.17:54
jaxxstormhi all18:50
jaxxstormis there any way to disable SSL verificaation in cloud-init?18:51
smoserharlowja_, ^19:32
smoserjaxxstorm, possibly... you can also put in certificates though19:32
jaxxstormI did give thata try19:34
jaxxstormthink I'm missing a package19:35
harmwsmoser: ping19:39
harmwyou got that instance online?19:39
smoserwill do that right now.19:41
smoserharmw, freebsd 10 ?19:45
smoserk. working on it. i launched one. i think it should come up with an ip here shortly19:47
smoserharm@manbearpig -> ec2-user@
smoserharmw, ^19:50
harmwexcellent, I'm in19:50
harmwhehe, interesting this instance has an xn0 nic19:51
harmwc-i wont like that19:51
harmwwell, my stupid code won't19:51
harmwthre are some ec2_* scripts in /usr/local/etc/rc.d19:52
harmwhm, sounds fun: I should make some discovernetdev() function in freebsd.py19:58
harmwok, removed ec2-scripts-1.820:03
harmwlets see if it survives a reboot smoser 20:03
harmwcool, it does20:05
smoserwell thats good :)20:05
harmwsmoser: are all those recent changes/fixes in trunk?20:06
harmwI guess so..20:07
smosereverything shoudl be in trunk, yeah.20:08
=== harlowja_ is now known as harlowja_away
harmwsmoser: rebooting now, with c-i enabled20:11
harmwlet's see what happens :)20:11
harmwit's back up, so thats good20:12
harmwhm, c-i just logs everything to console or something20:14
harmwOct  7 20:12:20 ip-10-0-0-158 kernel: Can not apply stage final, no datasource found! Likely bad things to come!20:14
harmwaw damn, I forgot to edit cloud.cfg20:14
smoseryou can still get in though20:15
smoserright ?20:15
smoseror you need a new instance20:16
harmwoh ys20:16
harmwrebooting, again :)20:16
harmwthis time with datasource Ec2 added20:16
harmwthis is an eastcoast instance, right?20:17
smosereast coast, yeah20:17
harmwhm, you did something special with the sshkey smoser ?20:19
harmwsince it just added someone else's key to the beastie user :)20:19
harmwand perhaps you can specify some hostname in the ec2 interface?20:20
smoserharmw, i dont follow.20:21
smoseri launched the instance iwth 20:21
smosersmoser's ssh key20:21
harmwok, and how did you add my ky?20:22
smoservi .ssh/authorized_keys :)20:25
harmwwell I added my key to the c-i created beastie account20:26
harmwlogin is ok, sudo works20:26
harmwcan you change the hostname from within the EC2 interface?20:27
WulfI want to execute a "User-Data Script". This script needs a few variables. How could I provide them?20:58
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja_
harlowja_ harm@manbearpig 21:05
harlowja_to much southpark harmw 21:05
harmwlol harlowja_ 21:08
harmwI even have manbearpig.nl and cartman.land :>21:09
harlowja_nice, ha21:09
=== Guest10736 is now known as mfisch
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smoserharmw, you can't change the hostname from within ec2.21:54
smoserharmw, i have to run. thanks for your sniff.21:54
smoseri'll make an 0.7.6 tomorrow... would love to have a yahoo (hiren_/harlowja run on it though on freebsd)21:54
harlowja_hmmm, hiren_ have u had anytime to work through the above?22:14
Wulfany help for my question, please?22:26
gholmsYou have to stuff them into the script somehow, Wulf.  EC2 doesn't provide a way to set arbitrary info as you run instances.22:27
gholmsYou could add tags later or upload things elsewhere, though.22:28
gholmsTemplating FTW22:28
Wulfgholms: then it's the script. Was hoping that cloud-init might provide some key-value store22:28
* gholms looks through modules to see if something reads that kind of thing22:29
gholmsIf it's just a plain user-data script then yeah, that's the only input cloud-init is likely to get.22:29
gholmsYou might be able to pull off some multi-part trickery, but I'm not at all familiar with how cloud-init handles that.22:30
Wulfgholms: hmm.. I'm using mime-multipart already. MIME supports headers, so that might be a place. But sounds too ugly :)22:31
gholmsIf it was up to me I'd template the script or try to put the bits that will change somewhere that it can download.22:32
Wulfgholms: doing that now. Got a deadline for a beta version of the project, can always change it later if I find a neater solution22:42
=== gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi

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