
* ScottK thinks he may not want to know about a toy to brighten apachelogger's night.01:10
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jussihrm, is there something other than upgrading that I need to do to get KF5 installed from the next ppa?03:38
lordievaderGood morning.06:11
jussimorning lordievader06:15
lordievaderHey jussi, how are you doing?06:16
jussilordievader: very tired :)06:16
jussioh hullo valorie06:17
lordievaderjussi: Here it ain't no different, didn't sleep much.06:17
jussilordievader: i guess for very different reasons than me :)06:17
valorie{{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to the new papa06:17
valorieso happy for you all06:18
jussivalorie: do you know the answer to my above question?06:18
valoriejussi: are you using 14.04, or 14.10?06:18
lordievaderjussi: Hehe, valorie's reaction explains a lot ;)06:18
valoriedifferent answers, depending06:18
jussivalorie: 14.04...06:19
jussimaybe ill go update first...06:19
valoriefor 14.04, you add the neon5 ppa06:19
soeegood morning06:19
lordievaderHey soee, how are you?06:20
jussimorning soee06:20
jussivalorie: and for 14.10?06:20
soeelordievader: super :) thanks, you ?06:20
lordievadersoee: Meh, allright I guess ;)06:20
valoriefor 14.10 you can use the next ppa, or just install the plasma5 iso06:21
lordievaderjussi: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next06:21
valorieI did the upgrade, but it was a bit bumpy06:21
valoriewhen I finally got everything working well, the computer itself started to break06:22
lordievadervalorie: ugh, how nice.06:22
valorieI might be able to sort of fix the broken hinge, maybe06:24
valoriefingers crossed for luck06:25
jussisounds annoying.06:26
jussiSo for all of you who didn't catch it, our little guy's name is Emre. :)06:27
valoriewelcome to the world, little emre06:27
lordievaderjussi: Congratulations ;)06:28
apacheloggervalorie: mh, that url made it out to be more than it was06:54
apacheloggerstill good tho xD06:55
valorieyou can full-screen it!06:57
jussivalorie: now on 14.10 :9 doing upgrade :)07:14
valoriebest of luck!07:15
valorie`apt full-upgrade` is quite useful07:15
jussiapt? or apt-get ?07:16
SourBlueull-upgrade performs the function of upgrade but may also remove installed packages if that is required in order to resolve a package conflict.07:16
jussiSourBlue: ok :)07:17
valorieall the cool kids use apt now07:17
valorieget with the times, daddy-o07:17
SourBlueJup apt is the new way to go07:17
valoriehard to retrain the fingers from typing apt-get07:17
jussioh, and something broke - i'll force it for now, but if someone with access can fixor: 07:19
jussidpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/libkf5sysguard5-data_4%3a5.0.95-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa4_i386.deb (--unpack):07:19
jussi trying to overwrite '/etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper.conf', which is also in package ksysguard 4:4.11.12-0ubuntu107:19
apacheloggerthat data package name doesn't follow policy -.-07:29
apacheloggerjussi: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libkf5sysguard5-data_4%3a5.0.95-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa4_i386.deb07:30
* apachelogger can't be bothered to upload a new version07:30
SourBluelol wtf i just managed to destroy my bash color profile o.O07:31
SourBlueNow everything is switched07:31
SourBlueokay never mind lol 07:32
Tm_TI never mind lols07:36
apacheloggerRiddell: git buildpackage --git-export-dir=../build-area --git-tarball-dir=../build-area --git-no-create-orig --git-overlay --git-ignore-branch 08:02
apacheloggerunless I forgot something that's the flags I used08:02
apacheloggerexcept for automated tar download that pretty much makes everything behave as with a bzr branch without orig import08:03
Riddellapachelogger: thanks updated08:31
apacheloggerwe might actually want to expand our package buildy thing to also attempt getting the source08:32
apacheloggerthen we have full feature parity08:32
apachelogger        chmod +x debian/plasma-nm/usr/share/applications/kde5-nm-connection-editor.desktop08:33
Riddellhttp://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.3.0_utopic.html looks much nicer once I take out the armhf08:46
jussigrumble - no wifi on the other machine which I upgraded :(08:49
Riddellsetting up a facebook account for the new bairn?08:49
apacheloggerhurr durr08:51
apacheloggerRiddell: plasma-nm in next is 5.0.208:51
apacheloggerhow come?08:51
PaliRiddell: have you looked at my ppa where is new .1 version?08:56
RiddellPali: oh no sorry, I'll do that today08:56
Riddellapachelogger: hmm dunno, I have a plasma-nm_5.0.95-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa2_source.ppa.upload here08:57
Riddellapachelogger: I'll upload again08:57
apacheloggerRiddell: oh, you uploaded again? no copy on launchpad?08:58
jussiRiddell: no, definitely not 08:58
jussianyone know how I get my wifi back?  the interface is still there in ifconfig08:58
Antisoundhi folkz!09:05
Riddellapachelogger: I didn't upload again, but I must have uploaded it originally and for some reason not copied across09:05
Riddellhola sgclark!09:12
Riddellsgclark: how would you like to start your day filing a FFe for KF5 5.3 ?09:13
sgclarkRiddell: sure, but I think I did it wrong last time09:13
Riddellno need for anything complex, just point to the PPA rather than build logs, and the upstream announcement09:14
sgclarkand yeah arm sure ssaid make it look ugly lol09:15
valoriejussi: I had the same problem until I did another update09:15
valoriebut I had to use nmcli to get the wifi going first09:15
valorieno fun, that09:15
Riddellsgclark: and only file it on one package, no need to file it on all the packages09:16
sgclarkright, ScottK told me to list them all in the Ffe though09:16
Riddellyou can copy and paste the list from kubuntu-automation if you want09:18
sgclarkgot it :)09:19
sgclarkRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kio/+bug/137824309:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1378243 in kio (Ubuntu) "[Ffe] KDE Frameworks 5.3.0" [Undecided,New]09:21
sgclarkanything for me to do?09:25
jussivalorie: yeah, thanks. nmcli got me back connected, seems no updates available now, plasm-desktop is being held back for some reason.09:25
Riddellsgclark: test Pali's precise packages in a virtual machine? follow up on the issues about korean fonts on the mailing list? add back skype icons to kopete? triage kubuntu-plasma5 image bugs?09:27
Riddellmake a nice release image :)09:27
sgclarkthat sounds fun, tutorial on making images anywhere? lol09:27
RiddellI mean artwork for release, to replace this http://www.kubuntu.org/files/images/kubuntu-14.04.png09:29
Riddellwhich I think should be some sort of plasma4/plasma5 montage 09:30
Riddellto show the dual nature of this release09:30
Riddellmaybe with the plasma5 on a tightrope to show its slightly precarious nature09:30
sgclarkNot sure I inherrited any artistic genes lol, but maybe I will try after some more coffee lol09:34
sgclarkwill test precise while I drink said coffee09:35
Riddellgood luck :)09:35
sgclarkwhere are these packages?09:35
apacheloggerlintian is one creepy thing09:35
apacheloggerplasma-nm: postinst-must-call-ldconfig usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libplasmanm_internal.so09:36
apacheloggeroverriding this will actually override aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllll postinst-must-call-ldconfig09:36
Riddellsgclark: https://launchpad.net/~pali/+archive/ubuntu/kubuntu-backports/09:38
valoriejussi: I had to install plasma-desktop by itself, although apachelogger said that wasn't possible09:42
valoriegods, it's almost 3am09:43
valorieniters all09:43
sgclarkif it is held back you can apt-get install plasma-desktop and it should install or at least tell you what is wrong09:43
sgclarknight valorie09:43
=== Pici` is now known as Guest66735
apacheloggerI did :O09:44
jmuxRiddell: Seems they have updated the insights article09:46
Riddell"So, in 2009, the city switched to Kubuntu, a flavour of Ubuntu" woo09:47
jmuxIs that ok for you?09:48
jmuxI'm not sure if someone here already wrote a mail09:48
Riddellyeah makes me happy09:48
Riddelllooks like it was bug 1339508 they responded to09:49
RiddellMisspelling in insights article" https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/133950809:49
ubottubug 1339508 in Ubuntu Website "Misspelling in insights article" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133950809:49
jmuxI subscribed to the bug, after you told me - that's why I got the updates.09:50
Riddellthanks for your help09:50
sgclarkRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8513448/  which package is this suppose to be in?09:51
jussiPlasma crashes now. :(09:52
Riddellsgclark: oh that file moved upstream, they made it overlap09:53
Riddellsgclark: needs removed from the kio-extras package09:53
jussior rather kwin09:53
sgclarkRiddell: ok09:54
sgclarkRiddell: so do I need to make a new upstream tar? otherwise it will be on list-missing09:57
Riddellsgclark: kio-extras? just let it be on list-missing and it'll go away when I make final 5.3 tars on thursday10:00
apacheloggersgclark: you'll probably want to git cherry-pick the relevant commit(s) from unstable10:01
sgclarkgonna put it in not-install apachelogger10:01
sgclarkoh patch it?10:02
apacheloggersgclark: in the packaging repo you want to cherry-pick the kubuntu_unstable commit removing it into kubuntu_utopic_next10:02
apacheloggersince unstable has it naturally gone already10:02
apacheloggeradditionally you need to cherrypick a bunch of commits in kio10:03
Riddellthat's beginning to sound complex10:04
apacheloggerbecause it's the usual fucked up breakage10:04
Riddellquick fix until the real fix comes in 2 days makes sense to me10:05
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, that's the cherrypick10:08
apacheloggerof course since shit in kio is named exactly the same one needs to fiddle with kio10:08
sgclarkwell I will have to leave this in the hands of someone smart enough to know what to cherry pick from where10:12
Riddellsgclark: I'd just go for the quick fix10:13
apacheloggersgclark: gitk kubuntu_unstable10:14
apacheloggerfind fix which seems like what we need10:14
apachelogger(happens to be the latest one)10:14
apacheloggerthen either right click and choose cherrypick or copy the sha1 id, go back to terminal and run git cherry-pick <paste>10:15
apacheloggeralternatively since it is the latset commit you could simply git cherry-pick kubuntu_unstable10:15
apacheloggernow that commit is in the next branch, so now you just need to add a changelog and add that as a separate commit10:16
apacheloggeralternatively what Riddell suggested would mean ... make the change, add changelog, commit, checkout unstable, merge next10:16
apacheloggersince both branches would change the same line kubuntu-ci probably would have problems with automerging it10:17
apacheloggerhence why the cherrypick makes more sense10:17
apacheloggerfor kio it's pretty much the same thing except more crappy10:17
sgclarkcrappy things make me happy10:18
apacheloggergeneral workflow is the same, except you'll have a merge conflict because I did a shit revert yesterday before haivng realized the scope of screwup upstream10:18
apacheloggerso I'd advise to first install sudo apt install kdiff3 10:19
apacheloggerthen for the sake of excerise10:20
apacheloggercherry-pick 48522d98310cc42bce18a698d8c3d5fce3a28b13 (which you could also find with gitk kubuntu_unstable)10:20
apacheloggerthis wil complain that there is a conflict, so you use `git mergetool`  to resolve that10:20
apacheloggerthis should suggest starting kdiff3, so go ahead with that and a window comes up with a 3-way-merge, left most column will be the state of the conflicting line(s) when the last merge occured, the center column is what those lines look like in the current revision of next, the right colum is what the lines look like in unstable (i.e. the remote branhc for merge), bottom view is the actual output generated after the merge10:22
apacheloggerpoint of the 3waymerge is to select the bits from the 3 pieces that put together form the desired output10:23
apacheloggerin the case at hand left will be an incomplete breaks and replaces, center will be nothing, and right will be the actually complete breaks and replaces10:23
apacheloggerin the toolbar you'll find buttons called A B C, they respetively corrospond to the columns10:24
apacheloggerif you activate one that part of the diff will be added to the output, so if you were to enable all three you'll get everything twice in the output at the bottom10:25
apacheloggerfeel free to play around with that10:26
apacheloggernow since unstable/rightcolumn/remote has the data we want you'd only select C and deactivate the others10:26
apacheloggerthe output at the bottom should then have one breaks and one replaces with each having 2 packages listed10:26
apacheloggerhere comes the even more nifty part: you can now edit the output at the bottom to adjust the version information10:28
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apacheloggeri.e. since unstable has greater versions you'll need to change those to something like 4:5.0.95-0ubuntu1~ppawhatever~10:28
apacheloggerthen save the changes and quit kdiff310:28
apacheloggermerge should now be complete, you now need to git commit and all is sorted10:29
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apacheloggertwould be more straight forward if we had stable CI :'<10:32
Riddelljussi: Emre is a Finish name?10:39
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Riddellmorning Antisound 10:51
ScottKRiddell: Would someone please fix kapidox to relate to what's in the archive before upload.10:51
AntisoundRiddell: morning!10:51
AntisoundRiddell: thats really strange with that flickering desktop10:52
Antisoundit only happens if i'm surfing with firefox10:52
Antisoundnot if i'm using chromium e.g.10:52
Antisoundi surf around,.. the suddenly it begins to flicker 10:52
RiddellScottK: yep that's not been uploaded yet looking now10:52
RiddellAntisound: are you using breeze window decoration or oxygen?10:53
Riddellbreeze is giving me flickers10:53
Antisoundbreeze ;-)10:53
Antisoundshall i use oxygen?10:53
apacheloggerRiddell: kio is broken = no upload?10:54
ScottKkapidox shouldn't be using the pkg-kde-tools stuff.10:54
RiddellAntisound: breeze is known buggy, if you try to complain about it to the kwin maintainer he'll cry10:54
Riddellapachelogger: surely kio-extras is broken?10:54
apacheloggerthe stuff moved10:54
apacheloggerso kio needs adjustment10:55
apacheloggerotherwise upgrades will not work10:55
AntisoundRiddell: oh -.- no poor guy10:55
AntisoundRiddell: won't complain,... just want to indicate ;-)10:55
sgclarkwell I can am still trying to work out gitk and kdiff3, nothing is looking like apacheloggers lovely tutorial., 10:56
sgclarkI think my repos are set up wrong10:57
apacheloggersgclark: git branch -a10:57
apacheloggerif you do not have a local tracking branch you'll want to use gitk origin/kubuntu_unstable respectively git cherry-pick origin/kubuntu_unstable10:59
apacheloggeror well, git checkout kubuntu_unstable so git setups a tracking branch for you ^^10:59
AntisoundRiddell: i can't help but the bottom controlbar looks strange in oxygen11:03
Riddellbottom controlbar?11:04
Antisounddon't know the english word for it11:04
Antisoundthe "startbar"11:04
Antisoundin german its call kontrolleiste11:04
Antisoundthe usual bar with window indicators k-menu and so on11:05
sgclarkapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8513834/11:05
apacheloggersgclark: in what repo11:06
apacheloggerand what command11:07
apacheloggerand what branch are you on11:07
shadeslayercherry picking merges? 0.o11:08
sgclarkBranch kubuntu_utopic_next set up to track remote branch kubuntu_utopic_next from origin11:08
Riddellgosh shadeslayer alive?11:08
sgclarkgit cherry-pick kubuntu_unstable11:09
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah, just working for home till lunch, will be there afterwards11:09
apacheloggersgclark: in which repo11:09
apacheloggerrepo, not branch11:09
sgclarkkio-extras sorry11:09
* shadeslayer had a proper headache this morning11:10
apacheloggerah yes there's a merge now11:10
apacheloggerand I am lagging11:10
apacheloggerthere we go11:10
* shadeslayer throws some internet at apachelogger11:10
AntisoundRiddell: http://postimg.org/image/sesuca8qz/ it looks so uneven11:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: make sure your internet pipes are clean of owl's :p11:10
apacheloggersgclark: you'll want to define the actual sha1 now since there was a merge11:10
Antisoundlike a patchwork rug11:10
apacheloggerso you need to use gitk to lookup the sha1 and cherrypick that11:11
RiddellAntisound: only the kwin theme is important, you can use any plasma theme you like11:13
AntisoundRiddell: ah ok11:14
ScottKHey, they fixed it: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2014/07/07/ubuntu-and-open-source-help-the-city-of-munich-save-millions/11:14
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
RiddellScottK: yep our hassling worked, now I wonder what it'll take to fix that canonical ip policy!11:15
RiddellScottK: what do do with kapidox? we have your stuff (presumably the good stuff) in debian svn python-apps11:18
Riddelland the formulaeic stuff in pkg-kde git11:18
RiddellScottK: should we just ignore kapidox as part of the rest of the frameworks packaging?11:19
sgclarkapachelogger: can you check my kio-extras commit before I attempt kio please11:20
Riddellsgclark: I've added a breaks/replaces in kio, anything else needed?11:21
apacheloggersgclark: looks good11:21
apacheloggerRiddell: merge into unstable11:21
apachelogger+Breaks: kio-extras (<< 4:5.0.95-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa6)11:22
apachelogger+Replaces: kio-extras-data (<< 4:5.0.95-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa6)11:22
apacheloggerwhat is that shit then?11:22
Riddellit replaces files11:22
Riddellwhat's wrong with it?11:22
yofeldifferent package names?11:24
* yofel surfaces from the deep sea11:24
sgclarkhi yofel!11:25
shadeslayeryofel: what have you been up to :p11:26
yofeldrowning in work at work -.-11:26
yofelcleared up a bit now11:26
sgclarkapachelogger: Riddell: so kio... what is going on?11:26
Riddellsgclark: I've fixed the breaks/reaplaces and uploaded to archive11:28
Riddellsgclark: will you upload kio-extras to next-staging and copy over?11:29
Riddellthen I can go and find some lunch11:29
sgclarkwhat time is it there?11:30
Riddellhalf one11:31
Riddellactually a bit early for lunch for the locals but I'm getting peckish11:31
apacheloggerRiddell: you didn't wrap-and-sort11:46
apacheloggerRiddell: also needs merge into unstable11:47
RiddellI probably need some pre-commit hook to run wrap-and-sort12:01
sgclarkthat would be nice12:02
BluesKajHiyas all12:14
sgclarkRiddell: me thinks we in wrong channel :)13:57
Riddellsgclark: oh aye good point13:58
RiddellPali: I'm afraid both me and sgclark are having troubles with your 4.14.1 packages14:03
Riddelldist-upgrade to it, everything installs fine, but on log out and in it's just a black screen14:04
sgclarkwell I am dist upgrade in console now rather than thrugh updates, and dist-upgrade wants to remove umm like 80% of KDE14:06
sgclarksoemthing is not right14:06
* BluesKaj reverted to plasma 4 ..froze so often I couldn't even file a bug :)14:08
BluesKajon plasma 514:08
sgclarklibkdeui5 : Depends: libattica0.4 (>= 0.4.2) bit it is not installable14:13
PaliRiddell: can you specify exact problems? (I'm using my packages on my laptop without problems...)14:17
sgclarkPali: ^14:17
sgclarkis my problem14:17
Riddellsgclark: I think that needs you to add ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports14:18
Paliyes, my ppa depends on kubuntu-ppa14:18
Pali(I'm going away now, will read backlog in 5+ hours)14:19
sgclarkstill not get a clean upgrade14:22
sgclarkRiddell: I am going top try on hardware to see if it is a vm thing14:30
Riddell(it probably isn't)14:31
sgclarkRiddell: nevermind, I can't reboot, kio is still broken14:40
Riddellsgclark: you can force install no?14:40
sgclarkahh yes I suppose that would be a smart thing to do14:40
Riddelldpkg --install --force-overwrite foo.deb14:41
sgclarkerr kernel upgrade and nvidia errors scrolled by14:48
* sgclark is afraid to reboot14:48
Riddelluh oh14:52
sgclarksecond monitor went poof :(15:18
Mamaroknow that is odd: I wanted to add another layout to my keyboard settings, I already have German, Swiss, French and US, but I am totally unable to add a German layout anymore, it always shows me only the Swiss variant. My locae settings are US, except for the Country which is set to german15:57
Mamarokso the Swiss German and Swiss French is doable, but not the German,d espite this being actually a Germany hardware15:58
* sgclark hates nvidia drivers16:21
ScottKRiddell: I'll upload kapidox to Debian tonight and sync it.  We can move it to pkg-kde when Debian is ready to upload. 16:25
* Peace- loves kubuntu it's his own system since 7 years16:26
* Peace- with ati ;)16:27
RiddellScottK: okey dokay16:28
soeeding dong17:33
* genii peeks through the eye-hole17:40
sgclarkhi soee17:40
soeesgclark: on plasma5 ?17:40
soeelaptop maybe ?17:41
sgclarkon desktop right now, trying to test a precise update on laptop17:41
sgclarktrying being the operative word17:42
soeei found that after i close laptop and leave for a while than after opening from hibernation plasmashell crashes17:42
sgclarkoh noes17:43
soeei see kf 5.3 released17:44
soeea lot of updates17:44
sgclarkyeah, I had to do one force overwrite with kio, seem stable so far17:45
soeewill check in a few minutes when downlaod is finished, he ubuntu servers seems so slow lately17:46
soeehmm big package: Pobieranie:44 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ utopic/main qtbase5-dbg amd64 5.3.0+dfsg-2ubuntu9 [122 MB]17:47
yofeluse a mirror? ^^17:48
yofelor both17:48
sgclarkPali: paste.ubuntu.com/8516128 Riddell: going through dist-upgrade and letting it remove tons of stuff and then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop does end in a functional system, but not recommended for most users :(17:55
* sgclark out for a bit17:56
soeesgclark: update without single error18:00
yofelUnpacking libkf5sysguard5-data (4:5.0.95-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa4) over (4:5.0.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa2) ...18:28
yofeldpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/libkf5sysguard5-data_4%3a5.0.95-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa4_i386.deb (--unpack):18:28
yofel trying to overwrite '/etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.kde.ksysguard.processlisthelper.conf', which is also in package ksysguard 4:5.0.95-0ubuntu1~ubun18:28
soeeyeah this is plasma i think we all had this error :)18:32
soeekf 5.3 though work fine18:32
Riddellsgclark: hmm doesn't seem great18:34
sgclarkRiddell: yeah unless we can can pinpoint what causes it to want to uninstall so many packages I would not advise releasing it to the masses :(19:31
* yofel looks20:25
shadeslayerI want icecream20:26
shadeslayerunfortunately, jenkins doesn't give me icecream20:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^ we need a icecream plugin20:26
* yofel hands shadeslayer some crushed ice20:26
yofelit sadly fell apart :P20:27
shadeslayerit'll melt by the time you transport it over TCP20:27
shadeslayerif you transport it via UDP, I probably won't get it at all20:27
shadeslayerpast me is such a bastard, he ate all the icecream20:28
shadeslayerand now all I have is a cough20:28
* genii searches for the icecream-over-ip RFC20:34
yofelsgclark, Riddell: some of those 4.8.5 conflicts come from us not keeping all the precise backwards compatibility after trusty release. After all back then nobody planned to backport 4.14 to precise20:38
sgclarkmakes sense20:38
yofelnot sure if there's a better way to fix those properly other than reading a lot of diffs :/20:39
sgclarkI am just curious why Pali had a successful update20:39
yofeldid you upgrade 4.8->4.14 or 4.13->4.14 ?20:40
sgclarkor how rather20:40
Palii updated from version from kubuntu-ppa/backports20:40
yofelyeah, guessed as much20:40
yofelsadly, we need *both* to work20:41
sgclarkI agree20:41
yofelPali: digikam is uninstallable ( digikam-data : Depends: opencv-data but it is not installable)20:42

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