
akiva-thinkpadnik90, ping03:20
akiva-thinkpadAs far as code review goes for this MP, please also ensure that in the ClockPage.qml, the DateTime{} updateInterval is changes to,03:20
akiva-thinkpadupdateInterval: 100003:20
akiva-thinkpadThere is no DateTime{} component in ClockPage, and the function as defined in the .cpp is already 100003:21
akiva-thinkpadso if you were just double checking; its already done afaik03:21
* ahoneybun updates his SameSexMarriage app as more states made it legal03:48
akiva-thinkpadevening everyone05:55
akiva-thinkpadmorning dpm06:07
dpmhey akiva-thinkpad06:07
dpmmorning everyone06:07
akiva-thinkpaddpm, after I merge from trunk, would you be willing to give this another look? I fixed the branch awhile back per your suggestion06:09
dpmakiva-thinkpad, sure, which branch?06:10
akiva-thinkpaddpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/ubuntu-terminal-app/1349749workaround-select-font-added-to-preferences/+merge/23562106:12
dpmakiva-thinkpad, thanks. I'll re-review it today06:13
akiva-thinkpadlet me remerge though; I want to test it in the emulator, because its been a few weeks since I touched this06:13
akiva-thinkpadill let you know06:14
mihir_dpm: morning :)06:16
dpmakiva-thinkpad, ok06:17
dpmmorning mihir :)06:17
akiva-thinkpadhas anyone had issues with this import #include <security/pam_appl.h> ??07:17
akiva-thinkpadthe debian packages are broken, and I am having a fickle time getting this installed07:17
justCarakaso/ good morning07:23
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, morning JC07:23
justCarakashow are you akiva-thinkpad07:33
nik90akiva-thinkpad: pong07:37
nik90akiva-thinkpad: hey, in your MP, I was referring to https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~akiva/ubuntu-clock-app/1363968-no-animation-secondshand-updates-every-second/view/head:/app/clock/MainClock.qml#L42 where atm the update interval is 10ms in the analog mode07:37
nik90akiva-thinkpad: that's what drives the frequency of the updates07:38
akiva-thinkpadnik90, thanks for clarifying07:44
akiva-thinkpadjustCarakas, good btw thanks07:44
akiva-thinkpadexcept this stupid lilypond error07:44
akiva-thinkpadnik90, ahhh I see it. should I take out the conditional and keep it at 1000?07:50
akiva-thinkpadnik90, good eye btw07:50
akiva-thinkpadwow that should significantly help with cpu07:50
nik90akiva-thinkpad: bro I know the clock app code way too much to miss out on that :P07:50
akiva-thinkpadokay should be done07:54
nik90akiva-thinkpad: I added a comment to the MP07:54
akiva-thinkpadoh bloody07:59
akiva-thinkpadSheesh that was stupid07:59
akiva-thinkpadI forgot I made another change and pushed that to a seperate branch07:59
akiva-thinkpadsorry nik90 !07:59
nik90akiva-thinkpad: no worries08:00
akiva-thinkpadnik90, It is a little bit bad; I don't like wasting other peoples time. You are cool about it, but I'll try to be better in the future.08:02
akiva-thinkpadshould be pushed.08:03
nik90akiva-thinkpad: just a headsup, for some time now in the clock app we don't accept UI changes until it is absolutely necessary. At this point of time we are only bug-fixing and improving performance where we can.08:04
nik90akiva-thinkpad: I do have 2 branches that implement some string changes but that's also because it was specified in the design spec.08:04
akiva-thinkpadnik90, totally understand.08:04
nik90akiva-thinkpad: thnx, that's appreciated08:05
akiva-thinkpadnik90, :) RTM stability takes precedence08:05
ahayzennik90, the CardView landed \o/ thanks for your help :)08:12
nik90ahayzen: np, it looks awesome btw08:12
ahayzennik90, thanks i'm gonna port it to the other pages when i get back from lectures :)08:12
nik90ahayzen: wooop woop08:13
akiva-thinkpadnik90, hmmm failed jenkins08:19
nik90akiva-thinkpad: don't worry, I will handle it on my side.. the tests are passing, it seems to be some other issue with jenkins itself.08:19
nik90akiva-thinkpad: I will have to wait for some QA people to come online first08:20
nik90balloons, fginther: We have some QML tests failing with error message http://paste.ubuntu.com/8513021/ ...it looks like a jenkins machine issue. Can you take a look pls?08:21
nik90balloons, fginther: its for MP https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/ubuntu-clock-app/1363968-no-animation-secondshand-updates-every-second/+merge/23461808:22
mivoligonik90: ping08:39
nik90mivoligo: pong08:39
mihirpopey: ping08:40
mivoligonik90: http://mivoligo.deviantart.com/art/Kelpies-1920x1080-48694318908:40
davidcallezbenjamin, hello, I'm having an issue when running a scope on the phone from the SDK, appearance changes done in the .ini file are not applied. Any idea why?08:40
popeymorning mihir08:40
nik90mivoligo: ooh cool, thnx08:40
mihirpopey: very good morning :)08:40
mihirpopey: are we deciding to drop weekview ?08:40
mivoligonik90: let me know if you prefer original image :)08:41
popeyI think we agreed not to08:41
popeyin the meeting08:41
mihirpopey: okay, so we'll change day view as as per kunal's MP , is that correct ?08:41
nik90mivoligo: nah, its looks good..my wallpaper is set08:41
popeyfeel free to test it a bit more than I did ☻08:41
mihirpopey: okay got it :)08:41
mivoligonik90: :D great!08:41
mihirpopey: sure i;ll do it tonight :D08:42
* mihir gets back to office work :)08:42
zbenjamindavidcalle: scopes support is pretty new and not very trivial, so there might be stuff that does not work properly. But its possible that from you last run something was not cleaned up08:42
davidcallezbenjamin, what do I need to remove?08:43
zbenjamindavidcalle: check if the scope is still installed on the phone and if its still running08:46
zbenjamindavidcalle: ps aux | grep scoperunner should help08:46
davidcallezbenjamin, I've seen the light. The Start/Stop button at the bottom of the editor doesn't do the same thing as the Start one on the left. -_-08:57
zbenjamindavidcalle: huh08:57
zbenjamindavidcalle: now thats new for me08:58
zbenjaminwhat happens?08:58
davidcallezbenjamin, the one at the bottom doesn't rebuild. Just pushes the existing click.08:58
zbenjaminaaa, yeah the start button is different but not stop08:58
davidcalleSo yeah, no changes were applied ^^08:58
akiva-thinkpadhey a bit of a c++ question: http://i.imgur.com/mvbpDBi.png is this a proper way of importing this header? before it was <security/pam_appl.h> and that was giving me the same error08:59
zbenjamindavidcalle: it just restarts the last run configuration08:59
popeyakiva-thinkpad: is that when building in an armhf kit?08:59
akiva-thinkpadpopey, no,09:00
akiva-thinkpaddesktop and on emulator09:00
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: thats not a good way to import a header, no09:00
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: first check if it exists at all09:00
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, it does; see the screenshot?09:00
popeyakiva-thinkpad: libpam0g-dev09:00
akiva-thinkpadits open in nautilus09:00
akiva-thinkpadits installed09:00
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: yeah but that is a emulator target09:01
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: and you are looking on your host system and not in the chroot09:01
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, ah good point09:01
* akiva-thinkpad checks09:01
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Frappe Day! :-D09:02
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, the chroot goes to the src file right?09:03
akiva-thinkpadin the build directory?09:03
akiva-thinkpadnot src file, src folder*09:03
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: ?? you are confusing me ;)09:04
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, lol sorry09:04
* akiva-thinkpad pokes around09:04
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: the chroot mounts your home directory09:04
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, oh really? that is unexpected09:04
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: the chroot itself is in /var/lib/schroot/chroots/ubuntu-sdk-14.10....09:04
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, so should I go in there and find the file?09:05
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: yeah the file is most likely not there, so you have to install the package in the chroot09:05
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, is this something I should file as a bug?09:05
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: no, this is most likely not part of the framework specification09:06
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, okay thanks for taking the time to explain that09:07
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, okay so you were right, the security folder which contains the header, is not schroots /usr/include09:08
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, should I copy pasta it there using root?09:08
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: you need to log into the chroot09:09
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, ah okay; and I do that in the sdk,09:09
akiva-thinkpadI think I know this09:09
zbenjaminin qtcreator: tools -> options -> ubuntu -> maintain09:09
akiva-thinkpadI go to the ubuntu settings and go to maintain09:09
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, thanks :D09:09
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: then you need to install libpam0g-dev:<arch of chroot>09:09
akiva-thinkpadI am starting to understand this much better!09:09
akiva-thinkpad!cookie | zbenjamin09:10
ubot5zbenjamin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!09:10
zbenjaminlol ;) thanks09:10
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, Just curious; why does maintain chroot not have sudo as a command in it? I am assuming it is for safety, but I am wondering if you have a better answer09:11
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: well first you are already root09:12
akiva-thinkpadroot in the chroot's mind?09:12
akiva-thinkpadah I see09:12
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: because click maintain logs you in as root09:12
akiva-thinkpadokay that makes senes09:12
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: click run, logs you in as user, but its a special session that reverts all changes on the chroot itself. So even if you could become root in a "run" session all changes would be lost. THey probably wanted to make it harder to become root09:13
popeyakiva-thinkpad: https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/sudoku-app/upgrade-ubuntu-components-1.1/+merge/232987 looks like pep8 simple fixes in the python.09:35
akiva-thinkpadpopey, not sure what pep8 is; should I look it up?09:36
akiva-thinkpadalso is there anything I can do about this?09:37
popeyyes, it tells you what to do09:39
akiva-thinkpadokay cool09:40
popey./debian/tmp/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sudoku_app/settings.py:27:1: E112 expected an indented block09:40
popey# it must be called Page1109:40
popeythat should be indented consistently with the code around it09:40
popeyit's pretty simple, just annoying ☻09:40
akiva-thinkpadpopey, ah yes actually I do sort of this; so what I need to do is go into the test, and make sure the syntax follows pep8?09:41
akiva-thinkpadpopey, thanks; will do09:41
popeyyou can run pep8 locally to check it09:41
mihirakiva-thinkpad: you can use this if you want https://pypi.python.org/pypi/autopep8/09:44
=== Pici` is now known as Guest66735
akiva-thinkpadmihir, oh cool; is it just a function you feed the file into?09:45
mihirakiva-thinkpad: no install this on your machine, and it can be  called from command line like this, autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive <filename>09:45
akiva-thinkpadyah thats what I meant; function was a bad term09:45
mihirakiva-thinkpad: np :)09:46
=== Acn0w- is now known as Acn0w
akiva-thinkpadmihir, is it in the repos or do I build the tarball?09:46
mihirakiva-thinkpad: i guess it should be installable from pip09:47
mihirakiva-thinkpad: pip install autopep809:47
akiva-thinkpadmihir, ive heard pip tossed around before; is it for installing python libraries?09:48
popeyyou can also install from repo09:48
akiva-thinkpadpopey, ah got it09:48
ubot5Cookies are delicious delicacies.09:48
nerochiarozbenjamin: i know it's wishlist material, but can we have a "don't ask again" checkbox on the dialog asking if we want to install over an already installed app ?09:49
zbenjaminnerochiaro: just set it in in the run settings09:49
zbenjaminnerochiaro: but i guess the dialog could do that as well ..09:50
popeyzbenjamin: how do we set the manifest properties now? used to be a dialog for it, but I can't find it now09:50
nerochiarozbenjamin: ah, didn't notice that in the run settings. it will do for now, but yeah, dialog is nicer too09:51
zbenjaminpopey: the manifest file has now a proper editor, can you see the manifest.json[.in] file somewhere in your project tree?09:51
popeybrilliant! thanks!09:52
popey!cookie zbenjamin09:52
ubot5popey: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:52
zbenjaminhehe he has no more cookies ;)09:53
mihirhahahah :D popey your cookie has been eaten by ubot5 :P09:53
akiva-thinkpadha ha09:54
akiva-thinkpadhey do any of you know if there is a shortcut for pushing to the branch you branched from?09:58
akiva-thinkpadI hate having to go back and copy pasta lp:~akiva/cookies/124324325234-bug-something-rather09:58
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait
popeybzr push with --remember, i think10:07
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: bzr push :parent maybe? but check with bzr info first what the parent branch is10:10
zbenjaminor you might end up pushing to trunk ;)10:10
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin, heh10:11
akiva-thinkpad!cookie | zbenjamin10:11
ubot5zbenjamin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!10:11
akiva-thinkpadstill got it!10:11
=== bob is now known as Guest34611
=== rmescandon is now known as rmescandon-brb
akiva-thinkpaddpm, hey for this bit of code :             model: [10:56
akiva-thinkpad                "Droid Sans Mono",10:56
akiva-thinkpad                "Liberation Mono",10:56
akiva-thinkpad                "Monospace",10:56
akiva-thinkpad                "Ubuntu Mono"10:56
akiva-thinkpaddo I need the translation function?10:57
akiva-thinkpador will "droid sans mono" be displayed as such in all languages10:57
dpmakiva-thinkpad, it'd be nice to translate it, yes10:58
akiva-thinkpaddpm, also; this is for a list item; is there any html I can apply to this to make these fonts display in their respected font?10:58
akiva-thinkpad<font family="ubuntu mono"> sort of thing?10:59
dpmakiva-thinkpad, I don't know, sorry10:59
akiva-thinkpadokay thanks10:59
=== rmescandon-brb is now known as rmescandon
akiva-thinkpaddpm, anyways as said earlier https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/ubuntu-terminal-app/1349749workaround-select-font-added-to-preferences/+merge/23562111:12
popeydpm: surely the font nae isn't translated is it?11:13
popeyit's a "brand name" - is "Times New Roman" called something else outside of en_GB?11:13
akiva-thinkpadpopey, do you think I should revert it back?11:13
popeyI'm asking... I don't know what font names look like in "foreign" ☻11:14
akiva-thinkpadactually I better double check, as the code does rely on the names to fetch the actual font11:14
* akiva-thinkpad takes it out11:15
dpmpopey, right, but "Monospace" is not. Perhaps only that one should be marked for translation, then11:19
akiva-thinkpaddpm, question is; would the filename, monospace.ttf or whatever it is, change?11:20
akiva-thinkpadbecause the list pushes to the database the text input, to tell kterminal what font to use.11:21
dpmakiva-thinkpad, no, the filename would not change11:21
akiva-thinkpaddpm, okay, so I will leave it out for the time being.11:21
ahayzendpm, thanks for going through all of those music-app bugs :)11:23
akiva-thinkpadmihir, yah that autopep8 didnt seem to solve the issue unfortunately11:30
mihirakiva-thinkpad: np11:30
akiva-thinkpadmihir, jenkins is still failing me. :/11:31
mihirakiva-thinkpad: link11:32
dpmahayzen, you're welcome :)11:33
popeyakiva-thinkpad: read the log - it's failing pyflakes now.11:34
popey./tests/autopilot/sudoku_app/__init__.py:23: 'settings' imported but unused11:34
popey./debian/sudoku-app-autopilot/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sudoku_app/__init__.py:23: 'settings' imported but unused11:34
popey./debian/tmp/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sudoku_app/__init__.py:23: 'settings' imported but unused11:34
akiva-thinkpadah what I was reading was saying that it was still expecting indents11:34
popeyor are they warnings? it's not clear11:35
ahayzenpopey, thats from pyflakes11:35
ahayzenpopey, you'll need to fix that though11:35
popeyyeah, i said ☻11:35
ahayzenah yes11:35
akiva-thinkpaduhmmm or was I?11:37
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, which mp is it your working on? i came in half way through the conversation11:37
akiva-thinkpadoh just library imports for the sudoku app11:38
ahayzenah right11:38
ahayzenHi, is there any way of telling if a page is stacked in a PageStack ?11:46
popeybug 135260411:52
ubot5bug 1352604 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "clear option is painful to use if you get a lot of notifications" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135260411:52
popeyrpadovani: ^^11:52
mihirpopey: regarding this bug i am still not able to get it is it from calendar or somewhere else :P https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/133902012:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1339020 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Sync'd all day events shown on the previous day" [Critical,Triaged]12:03
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, http://i.imgur.com/0YIDCGJ.png looks good?12:04
akiva-thinkpadthat was the branch I was working on; Merged from trunk12:04
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, possibly i'm no designer though :P12:04
popeymihir: i still don't think that's a bug - it's showing on the right day, it's just the arrow pointing to the wrong day because the arrow is in the middle12:05
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, i'm still not sure if we are having the artist: album: or if what we have now is what we are keeping12:05
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, nice to see the blue there.12:05
ahayzeni'm just trying to figure out a pagestack issue at the moment12:05
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, what pagestack issue?12:06
ahayzen"Hi, is there any way of telling if a page is stacked in a PageStack ?"12:06
ahayzenor maybe i can find another way...12:06
t1mpahayzen: page.pageStack !== null12:08
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, okay well the reasoning of taking out the album was the background should have accounted for that12:08
ahayzent1mp, ah ok so from the actual page itself12:08
akiva-thinkpadpopey, dpm what do you think http://i.imgur.com/0YIDCGJ.png -- is listing the album redundant in that picture due to the image at the top?12:08
t1mpahayzen: yes :)12:09
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, yeah i meant the labels, you have "Album: abc" "Artist: def" ... where as remix doesn't it just has title/artist and then the art12:09
ahayzent1mp, yey i'll try that thanks :)12:09
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, yep; I know12:09
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, as I gathered, the reasoning was the potential redundancy12:10
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, yeah basically that was jouni's reasoning IIRC12:10
akiva-thinkpadFor my part though; I have a lot of songs without album art.12:10
ahayzenwhich makes sense... assuming you have cover art as you said12:10
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, and what I want to add eventually to this, is copy and paste functionality on press and hold12:11
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, copy and paste what?12:11
akiva-thinkpadthus if you had a song, and wanted to copy and paste the title of it12:11
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, the labels?12:11
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, would a share button now be more useful in the header or something12:11
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, thats what my phone has12:11
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, maybe; this is just stuff for later though.12:12
akiva-thinkpadokay I might as well push12:12
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, yeah probably not for the quick sprint we are doing12:12
* akiva-thinkpad checks for translation....12:12
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, what else needs to be done?12:12
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, errrr let me check12:12
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, most things have assignee's now lol or are WIP.... tbh we are awaiting the next round of designs so we can create items from them12:14
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, obviously testing to death needs doing :P12:14
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, one thing I noticed on the desktop, was that change the seek causes shreeking12:15
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, there is a bug for that....12:15
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, hmmm? maybe i'll assign myself12:16
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, oh on desktop? .... i thought you meant the media-hub laggyness bug 131070612:16
ubot5bug 1310706 in Media Hub "Seeking is sometimes slow in updating" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131070612:16
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, define shreeking ?12:16
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, errm maybe not; thought through my solution...12:16
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, like noises "KHHHH!" "PCHIK"12:16
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, oh thats gstreamer12:17
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, not much we can do about that12:17
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, of interest what audio format are your files? mp3?12:17
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, what about on the fly volume change12:17
akiva-thinkpadmight be cpu intensive ~12:17
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, have you tried flacs?12:17
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, I usually do vorbis; that happens to be an mp312:17
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, lol; I want space leftover on my machine!12:18
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, don't use mp3 then :P12:18
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, I don't!12:18
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, yeah my music folder is over 50GB now...12:18
akiva-thinkpadjust happened to be the most readily available12:18
akiva-thinkpadto tell you the truth; most of the music I get from downloading from youtube12:18
akiva-thinkpadwhich is m4a converted into ogg12:18
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, haha i buy CDs and then rip flac from that12:18
akiva-thinkpadah... cd's sound nice :)12:19
akiva-thinkpadahayzen is such a hipster, using cd's12:19
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, i'll have a talk with the media-hub guys about the "shreeking" and see if there is anything they can do12:19
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, well test it on the phone see if it happens there12:19
akiva-thinkpadI don't have a device12:19
akiva-thinkpadand the emulator.. well yah12:20
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, no i use them so i can have flacs that are sometimes 1000 kbps12:20
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, oh yeah i think it is fine on the phone12:20
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, but as i said it may be just the format i'm not sure when jim is about i'll ask him as he knows alot about gst12:20
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, I think I know a way to fix this, when you do a seek, say jump to the middle of the song, it starts off "bleek",12:22
ahayzent1mp, my page.pageStack never goes null is it because the page is defined inside the pagestack ?12:22
akiva-thinkpadso if we just had the volume fade in quickly, it would reduce to eliminate that12:23
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, i guess but then why should we change the volume for all formats if is fine on others...and should we be doing this i feel it should be lower down if it is a platform thing?12:23
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, as all we do is go MediaPlayer.seek(pos)12:24
ahayzent1mp, i've also noticed that the number of children in the pagestack keeps increasing as u push/pop and never comes down?12:24
ahayzent1mp, ok so page.pageStack is null at the start but after select back in the header it never goes back to null?12:32
t1mpahayzen: ah.. page.pageStack is set by the PageStack when the Page is pushed, but maybe it is never unset12:32
ahayzent1mp, sorry i mean after pushing to the stack and then never null after going back12:33
ahayzent1mp, that sounds bad ;)12:33
ahayzent1mp, should that be a bug in the UITK then?12:33
t1mpahayzen: I just needed to know on which stack the Page was12:33
t1mpahayzen: there was never a use case for using the pageStack property to see if the Page is on a stack12:33
t1mpahayzen: yes, please12:33
t1mpahayzen: and describe your use case12:33
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, do you know how to do a check for landscape?12:34
ahayzent1mp, haha our usecase.... so if you push page B on A and then C on B....when you go back from C it needs to go to A ... but when u push D onto C and u hit back it needs to go to C12:34
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, check if the width of mainview is larger than the height?12:35
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, you mean check if you are currently in landscape or enabled switching to landscape?12:35
t1mpif you push A, B, C, and then pop C you go back to B.. so you need to pop twice for A12:36
ahayzent1mp, so basically we have some logic which watches the onCurrentPageChanged and it adds extra pops in where needed...i just somehow broke it in my branch so was wondering if i could do it a better way be checking if the page was in the stack12:36
t1mpahayzen: why not pop twice from C?12:37
ahayzent1mp, just because lol ... so say you go Albums -> List of songs for Album -> Now Playing12:37
t1mpahayzen: Page { id: C; head.backAction: Action { iconName: "back"; onTriggered: { pageStack.pop(); pageStack.pop; } }12:38
ahayzent1mp, when you go back from now playing we *currently* want it to go back to the albums list not the list of songs12:38
ahayzent1mp, ooo that may be a better hack :)12:38
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, right, if landscape is enabled?12:38
akiva-thinkpadbah nvm12:39
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Components.MainView/#automaticOrientation-prop12:39
akiva-thinkpadah thanks12:39
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, hey do you think pressing and holding down the forward or backwards buttons should... do anything?12:39
t1mpahayzen: also pop(2) may be added in future, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/125730712:39
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1257307 in Ubuntu UX "The pagestacks should allow to pop more than one page at the time" [Medium,Triaged]12:39
t1mpahayzen: comment on that bug if that is useful for you :)12:39
ahayzent1mp, hmm i'm adding if (mainPageStack.depth > 1) { mainPageStack.pop(); } to the second pop anyway as u sometimes go straight from A->C anyway12:40
t1mpahayzen: you can add your use case there.. although calling pop() twice would work12:40
ahayzent1mp, but could possibly be useful12:40
ahayzent1mp, should i still report a bug about the pagestack not going back to null?12:41
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, not sure suppose it could like 'fast forward' or something but you would have to check with design12:41
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, and it wouldn't be very discoverable12:41
t1mpahayzen: yes, at least I remember to have a look at it, although it is not so important any more now12:41
ahayzent1mp, will do :)12:41
ahayzent1mp, thanks adding that action worked perfectly :D12:43
t1mpnice :)12:44
ahayzenpopey, ping12:44
popeyahayzen: pong12:45
ahayzenpopey, you would expect if you had gone Artist->Album->Song->Now playing that when you hit back to go back to Artist list right?12:45
ahayzenpopey, thats what the current app does?12:45
ahayzenpopey, and when you do Album->Song->Now Playing it jumps back to Album12:46
popeyyes, but I'm prepared to be wrong ☻12:46
* ahayzen thinks he may have answered his own question12:46
ahayzenpopey, i was trying to replicate the current app behaviour and temporary forgot what it did aha12:46
* ahayzen changes if (mainPageStack.depth > 1) to while (mainPageStack.depth > 1) .. job done :)12:47
ahayzenpopey, sorry ignore me i'm just speaking out loud as usual :P12:47
ahayzenpopey, were you able to check with jouni if he managed to get the clicks working?12:48
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, yah it wouldnt be very discoverable... wait what about this12:48
akiva-thinkpadlets say on click and hold, a dialogue comes up, showing you a list of the next songs in the queue12:48
popeyahayzen: I pinged, no reply.. lemme try again12:48
ahayzenpopey, cool i've haven't seen the new designs appear yet that he said he was working on?12:49
akiva-thinkpadI think that would be great, because I am always cycling through albums to find the song I want.12:49
popeyok, probably busy today then12:49
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, well there are plans to eventually have a swipe action from the bottom of the 'full' now playing to show some of the queue12:49
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, and you have the toggle in the header to switch to the queue?12:50
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, note victor will likely be refactoring the queue when we get design for the songstab (as they'll be exactly the same component)12:50
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, yah I think you are right12:54
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, presuming this bug is invalid now https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/129717712:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297177 in Ubuntu Music App "Artists view on desktop wastes space" [Low,Triaged]12:56
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, not yet it still wastes space :P12:56
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, look at all the whitespace on the right12:56
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, ah12:57
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, maybe design should consider using CardView on larger screens for the artists view...but we haven't had tablet designs yet so idk..and that is not our focus12:58
akiva-thinkpadmihir, ping on calendar app; did you end up doing something for an empty page?12:58
akiva-thinkpadlike instead of having a blank background, you put a label along with an icon?12:58
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, if your looking at the music-app bug about the empty page we are awaiting design for that as well ;)13:00
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, oh lol; didnt see that a bug was there13:00
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, bug 137258313:00
ubot5bug 1372583 in Ubuntu UX "[music] App doesn't explicitly say how to get music onto device" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137258313:00
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, omg it soo much better now i've made the flip to using the 'full' now playing page as default in this branch lp:~andrew-hayzen/music-app/remix-remove-legacy-toolbar13:01
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, the whole flow from the new CardView in albums to the new SongsPage and then the new now playing :D13:02
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, oh ?13:09
akiva-thinkpaddefault is much butter :)13:09
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, yeah i found what was causing the header to disappear :)13:09
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, ghosts?13:09
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, i set this as the flickable of the page ... flickable: isListView ? queuelist : null13:10
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, boom it worked :) it was basically the listview on the hidden portion getting it confused13:10
akiva-thinkpadnice work13:10
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, hopefully that'll land when victor rereviews later13:10
akiva-thinkpadmihir, event details on the new events page seems redundant13:10
fgintherballoons, http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/sudoku-app-click/218/ was built with the generic click builder method (although it's still using pbuilder)13:26
mihirakiva-thinkpad: i didn't get that ,could you elaborate it?13:26
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ahayzenjhodapp, oh your in here as well :P ... akiva-thinkpad jim said " I think that's basically the mp3 decoder outputting invalid data for a very short period of time"13:40
jhodappyes :)13:40
ahayzenjhodapp, yeah i can get it on device as well when playing mp313:42
jhodappahayzen, that's what I would expect13:42
ahayzenjhodapp, m4a seems ok13:43
jhodappakiva-thinkpad, try asking in #gstreamer, I'd be curious what they'd say about that13:43
jhodappahayzen, yeah, different decoder plugin behavior13:43
fgintherelopio, any ideas on the source of the qml test failures in this MP? https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/ubuntu-clock-app/1363968-no-animation-secondshand-updates-every-second/+merge/23461813:44
fgintherelopio, the tests pass on the utopic host, but not on the trusty host. Points to something in the host environment effecting the running of xvfb, but not sure where to start13:45
fginthernik90, I saw the MP you mentioned failing with qml errors. I don't have an immediate idea on what to start poking at, looking for advice from elopio ^13:47
nik90fginther: ack, I will follow the conversation13:47
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ahayzent1mp, ah damn the back button change broke the autopilot things... i guess i need to give it the correct objectName ?13:55
akiva-thinkpadmihir, how does "after x occurence" work?13:56
akiva-thinkpadall I see is a blank text input13:57
akiva-thinkpadI have no idea what to write there13:57
akiva-thinkpaddo I have to put a number?13:57
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renatumihir, hi, could you test my branch again?14:05
ahayzent1mp, ah ofc "backButton" :)14:14
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, did you say your branch was up?14:16
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, which branch in particular ?14:16
* ahayzen has a lot of branches that could be 'up' 14:16
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, default music page?14:17
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, the one that had the fix for the now playing header? yah...  lp:~andrew-hayzen/music-app/remix-remove-legacy-toolbar14:17
nik90DanChapman: ping14:17
akiva-thinkpadmihir, https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/ubuntu-calendar-app/assortment-of-fixes-to-newevents/+merge/237429 - I proposed a fix here with a few small things14:17
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, ah that definitely needs to be merged with my branch14:20
akiva-thinkpadvery nice14:20
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, http://i.imgur.com/0gMZjah.png comparing the two14:22
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, jhodapp, i also notice popping noises when i aggressively change the volume interestingly it is worst on flacs, you can hear it with mp3...and again m4a seems fine14:22
akiva-thinkpadjhodapp, well the flacks I figured the easy way to fix this14:22
akiva-thinkpadwas to have the volume faded out14:22
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, the only issue i see with your is that the blurred image on a smaller device only shows the top part of the image14:22
akiva-thinkpadnot sure if that can be done.14:22
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, what?14:23
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, do you get pops when changing volume on the desktop as well? IIRC i used tooo14:23
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, i'll show you what it looks like on the emulator14:23
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, oh its the same on both...ah that explains the what the weird code is doing14:23
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, yeah ok so actual bug in the blurred background itself i think14:23
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, no pops on volume change.14:23
akiva-thinkpadoh I see what you mean14:24
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, i used to be able to get it on desktop alot14:24
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, the blurred should be centered14:24
akiva-thinkpadand it does scale down ... sec14:24
* akiva-thinkpad checks emulator14:24
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, the pops seem a bit random though.... and yeah the blurred background should be scaled and centred14:25
* ahayzen checks design14:25
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, its difficult to tell from design but it is definitely centred...maybe not scaled14:25
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, http://i.imgur.com/B9tydvZ.png14:27
akiva-thinkpadlooks scaled properly to me.14:27
akiva-thinkpadmaybe its a bit cut off...14:28
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, try running it outside of the emulator at different sizes as well14:28
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, the designs appear to show that it gets cut off... i think... i've added it to my list to ask jouni when he is around14:28
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, mmmm the sides are anchored fine.14:30
akiva-thinkpadand its centered14:30
akiva-thinkpadwhy would you want only the top of the album showing?14:31
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, there is a scale property14:31
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/QtQuick.Image/#fillMode-prop14:31
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, but do you want it to be stretched?14:31
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, idk i'm gonna ask design the next time i speak to them14:32
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, I don't think there is an issue here to be honest, at least one I don't understand...14:32
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, it is scaled properly, because the sides are anchored.14:33
akiva-thinkpadat least in my branch they are.14:33
* akiva-thinkpad checks14:33
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, i think just centring it is fine ... and scaling is up for debate :)14:33
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, as i said i'll ask design for confirmation14:33
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, oh, so you don't want the background and image to scale?14:34
akiva-thinkpadthat will leave black space :O14:34
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, i don't know yet lol i'll find out and let you know :)14:34
akiva-thinkpadokay sounds like a plan14:35
balloonsfginther, nice. So let's see14:35
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, I'd like to offer help to make sure the rest of the music app gets done in time, but it appears you and vic have all the projects down. should I leave you guys with my contribution, or is there still a frantic push to finish?14:36
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, i think we are ok for now...basically we are awaiting the next round of designs for a few pages which we were hoping for either today/tomorrow14:36
akiva-thinkpadignore that mihir  :P14:36
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, but test both trunk and remix as much as possible for any bugs would be much appreciated :)14:37
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, once we get the next designs we should then be able to make tasks from them14:37
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, the only thing I'd like to do is see about the blip sound when seeking14:37
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, do you know if there are sound volume levels available in remix?14:37
akiva-thinkpadlike do we have fade in / fade out implemented?14:38
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, idk it may be best to talk to some gstreamer people as jhodapp suggested14:40
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, as if there is a fix it could then be fixed for any app on the platform rather than just us14:40
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, okay i'll check it out tomorrow14:44
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, its 744 am, and its almost my bed time14:45
ahayzenakiva-thinkpad, thanks for your help :)14:45
ahayzent1mp, hmm  can i not use the sdk helper if i specify my own head.backAction? i get "Back button in header not visible" and i set the objectName to "backButton" as well14:49
t1mpahayzen: are you talking about the autopilot tests?15:12
t1mpahayzen: it should work. If you get that error it is a bug15:12
akiva-thinkpadahayzen, t1mp ubuntu onair going on15:12
akiva-thinkpadmihir,  :)15:12
ahayzent1mp, yep after putting the custom back button i'm getting this
ahayzent1mp, i guess as a work around for now i can write my own helper to go back?15:14
t1mpahayzen: ohh.. perhaps it is not a bug15:15
t1mpahayzen: go_back is for the default back button. if you override that, your button may do anything (although in your case it happens to go back)15:16
nik90t1mp, ahayzen: the sdk helper does not have a button to my knowledge since we use a custom back button in the clock app.15:16
nik90ahayzen: pls check clock ap tests emulators.py file for more details.15:16
t1mpahayzen: you need to use header.click_custom_back_button()15:16
* nik90 watches ubuntuonair video15:16
ahayzent1mp, there is a header.click_custom_back_button() ?15:16
ahayzent1mp, oh from .get_header()15:17
t1mpahayzen: if you had mainView.go_back(), you now need mainView.get_header().click_custom_back_button()15:17
t1mpahayzen: yes. what g_back() does is get_header().click_back_button()15:17
t1mpand it looks for the default back button, but you have a custom one now15:18
ahayzent1mp, hmmm ok now i need to figure out how to get that easily into the tests lol15:18
ahayzent1mp, click_custom_back_button() doesn't fall back to the normal one? so i can't just override right?15:18
t1mpahayzen: if you don't have a custom back button, there will be an exception15:19
ahayzenstrange how we have completely change the UI with no autopilot changes... then i attempt to strip out a few bits and there are like 100-200 lines of ap changes aha :/15:19
balloonsahayzen, :-)15:20
ahayzent1mp, ok i'll try and figure out the best way15:20
ahayzenballoons, this is the same branch i had to reload the now playing object in lol15:20
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ahayzent1mp, yey it passed locally :) .. i added a go_back() method to the page's helper seemed the most sane way of doing it...thanks for your help (assuming jenkins is nice) :)15:28
t1mpahayzen: okay, cool. just don't confuse the two go_back() methods in future :)15:31
ahayzent1mp, nope now_playing_page.go_back() vs self.app.main_view.go_back() i think is different enough but i'm sure victor will tell me to change it if he feels it isn't ;)15:34
ahayzent1mp, suppose i could change to go_custom_back()15:35
ahayzenor go_back_custom() or whtever15:35
t1mpahayzen: yeah, looks fine. It is the go_back() of that specific page I guess it is clear15:35
ahayzent1mp, i'll leave it and see what he thinks it makes sense as you read it as it has the context15:35
mihirhey akiva-thinkpad15:43
dpmpopey, ahayzen, do you know if there is an existing bug for the indicator not showing the cover art of the current song and for the next and previous buttons not working there? I think I read one about the MPRIS interface not being implemented, but I can't find it anymore15:51
dpmnot sure if it was a bug in the app or somewhere else, either15:52
ahayzendpm, erm i think so15:52
popeyi think i did see one15:52
dpmlol, same as me15:52
ahayzendpm, or at least i talked to jhodapp about it and it is on their list15:52
jhodappdpm, yes there's a bug filed about that15:52
popeybug 137804415:52
ubot5bug 1378044 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "No Album art on Audio Controls" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137804415:52
dpmthanks guys15:52
jhodappdpm: there's also the equivalent bugs for media-hub15:53
elopiofginther: I haven't seen that error before.15:53
dpmjhodapp, what do you mean by equivalent?15:53
jhodappdpm, documenting the parts that are caused by media-hub15:54
ahayzenare we expecting the next/previous to be working by rtm btw?15:54
dpmjhodapp, not sure I follow. What does that have to do with the cover art bug in the indicator?15:54
jhodappdpm, media-hub would be the source of that cover art15:55
jhodappahayzen, probably not15:55
ahayzenjhodapp, so will they be hidden or something?15:55
dpmjhodapp, oh, so that bug needs a media-hub task? Or are you saying that there is already a bug for that in media-hub?15:55
jhodappahayzen, not sure yet15:55
jhodappdpm, there already is a bug for that (and others related to it) filed in media-hub15:56
dpmjhodapp, is that bug 1373312?15:59
ubot5bug 1373312 in Unity 8 "Phablet album art not coming through from media-hub" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137331215:59
jhodappdpm, yes15:59
* dpm adds rtm14 tag15:59
jhodappdpm, take a look at this list, about 75% of the way down: https://bugs.launchpad.net/media-hub16:00
dpmjhodapp, thanks. What about the next/previous controls, is this also related to media-hub?16:00
jhodappdpm, yes16:00
dpmmzanetti, where's the tagger code? Do you host it in LP?16:17
mzanettidpm: https://launchpad.net/tagger16:17
dpmmzanetti, is there no code for the backend on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/tagger/trunk/files ? I'm guessing the app is the only thing that needs to be i18n'd?16:19
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mzanettidpm: no... this doesn't work as a plugin16:22
mzanettidpm: there's a main.cpp and some code inside the app folder16:22
mzanettidpm: There don't seem to be any strings in the .cpp code though16:23
dpmok, cool16:24
balloonsakiva-thinkpad, sorry looks like I didn't finish pushing my changes for https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/sudoku-app/upgrade-ubuntu-components-1.1/+merge/232987. I've done so now16:26
balloonsre-merging one more time should have you all sorted16:26
popeythanks balloons16:26
* balloons wants to get rid of any old merges16:27
balloonsweird this failed; https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/ubuntu-clock-app/1363968-no-animation-secondshand-updates-every-second/+merge/23461816:29
balloonsnik90, you noticed the qml tests failing yes? ^^16:29
nik90balloons: yup I checked with fginther about it. and he referred to elopio since it is not a clock app issue but something related to xvfb16:30
nik903:44 PM <fginther> elopio, any ideas on the source of the qml test failures in this MP? https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/ubuntu-clock-app/1363968-no-animation-secondshand-updates-every-second/+merge/23461816:31
nik903:45 PM <fginther> elopio, the tests pass on the utopic host, but not on the trusty host. Points to something in the host environment effecting the running of xvfb, but not sure where to start16:31
nik903:47 PM <fginther> nik90, I saw the MP you mentioned failing with qml errors. I don't have an immediate idea on what to start poking at, looking for advice from elopio ^16:31
nik903:47 PM <nik90> fginther: ack, I will follow the conversation16:31
balloonswe are running on a trusty host? why?16:31
nik90fginther: ^^16:32
fgintherballoons, it's a released OS. the build is done under a utopic chroot16:32
balloonsahh, gotcha16:33
nik90fginther: is this something new that could be causing the failures?16:33
balloonsI'll have a look in a bit16:33
fgintherballoons, nik90, I think it's possible libllvm is broken. This job passed about 10 days ago with libllvm3.4_1%3a3.4.2-3ubuntu2, and failed on the next build with libllvm3.5_1%3a3.5-1ubuntu116:35
nik90hmm true16:36
fgintherballoons, nik90, but that doesn't explain while it is building on the utopic host (which is still under a pbuilder)16:36
dpmpopey, have you had the chance to file that bug about music app and the scope being consistent with the artist thumbnail?17:04
popeydpm: bug 137827817:05
ubot5bug 1378278 in unity-scope-mediascanner (Ubuntu) "Inconsistent artwork between scope and app" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137827817:05
dpmperfect, thanks popey17:05
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kenvandineahayzen, mhall119: i have a branch proposed to fix that ContentItem.move bug18:34
ahayzenkenvandine, awesome thanks :)18:34
kenvandineyou can try the debs18:34
kenvandineworked for my hub-importer example18:34
ahayzenkenvandine, i'll likely get round to it tomorrow if thats ok, so i download the debs from the output.zip correct?18:35
kenvandineif the move fails, it does a copy18:35
ahayzenkenvandine, cool thanks for doing this :)18:35
kenvandinesorry i didn't get to it sooner18:35
ahayzenno worries18:36
kenvandinemy list of criticals never really gets shorter...18:36
dpmmzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/tagger/i18n/+merge/23747318:47
mihirrenatu: i'll test pacakge before i go to bed and update you with my comments.18:56
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davmor2nik90: if you set an alarm and you remove the usb cable does the alarm go off for you if the phone is suspended?19:40
davmor2nik90: hmm so it does go off just 2 minutes late :(19:43
nik90davmor2: hmm, can you consistently reproduce it?19:53
davmor2nik90: I'll have a proper look tomorrow really late now I needz sleepz20:03
nik90davmor2: sure, gnite20:03
* ahoneybun pushed his app to the store20:47
mihirrenatu: it works like charm :D20:53
mihirrenatu: https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/fix-1311165/+merge/237142? i didn't approve this i don't know why Jenkins is failing though20:53
renatumihir, nice, now we need to make sure that alarms still working20:53
renatumihir, check if the indicator is using the correct time too20:54
mihirrenatu: it shows on correct time , i created an event for 2:30 AM and it shows correctly. http://imgur.com/NvgA4Y120:57
renatumihir, events created on google are correct synced? :D21:00
renatumihir, editing events created on google get updated with the correct time?21:00
mihirrenatu: i created an event from app, it got synced properly i modified event on GC and it again synced correctly.21:01
renatumihir, nice thanks21:01
mihirrenatu: thank a lot for this :) it'll make calendar app for useful.21:02
fginthernik90, balloons, I still cannot find why ubuntu-clock-app is running into these qlm test failures21:08
fginthernik90, balloons, as this is a blocker, we can disable the failing build and rely on the build that occurs as part of the autopilot test job21:08
nik90fginther: I guess, I will ensure that the next 5-6 MPs that are waiting to go in will have their qml tests properly run before top-approving in any case.21:29
* ahoneybun wonders what MP's are21:30
nik90fginther: did you try downgrading llvm to a lower version?21:30
nik90ahoneybun: Merge Proposal21:30
ahoneybunnik90, UbuntuBeginner is on the store!21:31
nik90ahoneybun: oh cool, will check it out'21:31
ahoneybunbig shout out to DanChapman for his code21:31
fginthernik90, the qml tests do get run and must pass during the autopilot build and test job (see )21:31
nik90fginther: oh yeah...21:33
nik90fginther: so I am a bit confused..why are we then running it twice?21:33
mihirnik90: when you get time could you test renatu's patch for timezone?21:34
fginthernik90, historical reasons. the build jobs were around from the beginning, then the autopilot jobs were added and we just never removed the original21:34
nik90mihir: I can do it tomorrow early morning21:35
mihirnik90: thanks.21:35
nik90fginther: ok, so out of 2 blockers, 1 can be solved by disabling the failing build.21:35
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fginthernik90, right21:36
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ahoneybunnik90, QML Row: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row. Row will not function.22:20
ahoneybunnik90, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8517532/22:21
ahoneybunmhall119, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8517532/22:21
ahoneybunmhall119,  QML Row: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row. Row will not function.22:21
mhall119ahoneybun: quite right, Row is a layout-manager, so you can't specify positioning of it's children22:28
ahoneybunso what should I do?22:28
mhall119what are you trying to do?22:28
ahoneybuncenter 2 buttons for different sizes22:29
ahoneybuntalk to popey in pm about it22:29
mhall119ahoneybun: within the column?22:30
ahoneybunthe buttons are not fitting right22:30
ahoneybunit is a row within a column22:30
fginthernik90, I turned off the ubuntu-clock-app-utopic-amd64-* jobs until the issues can be resolved. Please let me know if you have any MPs that need rebuilding.22:44
fginthernik90, this is only to get past the complete failure of the qml tests22:44
ahoneybunpopey, I'm going to update my branch in a min with some changes thanks to mhall11922:47
ahoneybunpopey, I need help on making a branch other then trunk for my app though22:48
ahoneybunI want to push my final code into the 1.0 branch22:48
ahoneybunand devel into the trunk as normal22:49
ahoneybunpopey, lp:ubuntu-beginner22:51
ahoneybuna series sorry22:53
ahoneybundoes it work popey ?23:11
popeynot tried.. lemme see23:16
ahoneybunok need to know to push it to 1.0 release :)23:18
popeyahoneybun: http://imgur.com/UAyAeO023:19
popeyyou can't read the news sites inside those buttons very well23:19
ahoneybunlooks like half success23:19
popeyand UWNL should be UWN23:19
ahoneybunyea true23:19
ahoneybunI could put them on a new row23:19
ahoneybunmost likely will had a new site or two anyway23:20
popeyright, bed time23:20
ahoneybundarn popey23:25
snizzohey, any pioneer here?23:59

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