
infinityzequence: If you get a chance, can you smoketest your lowlatency kernel?  We're trying to release a tiny bit early this cycle to accomodate the entire kernel team traveling next week.01:25
zequenceinfinity: alright09:40
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zequenceinfinity: All done11:46
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jsalisbury## Kernel team meeting today @ 17:00 UTC12:58
hallynapw: so, this thing about having to disable 11n on intel wifi (assuming it fixes the connection drops - i haven't tried it, i just keep hitting f8 to turn off wifi and back on :) - is there a fix in the works so we dn't have to?  new firmware on the way from intel or something?15:05
sforsheehallyn: what model?15:13
hallynWireless 7260 (rev 83)15:15
hallynID=cafe Rev=1 Len=01415:15
sforsheehallyn: I don't really think I've heard of needing to disable 11n on that one, just for the 6xxx models15:17
sforsheethe last kernel update had a fix for some connection drops15:17
hallynok.  mine might be a dif fproblem then15:17
hallynwhich version?15:17
sforsheeare you up to date?15:17
* sforshee looks15:17
hallyni'm on 3.16.0-20-generic #27-Ubuntu15:17
hallyni do think i had fewer drops yesterday than usual, but not 015:18
* hallyn updates to check15:18
sforsheethat should have it, they were all upstream as of 3.14 or so15:18
sforsheewe just recently backported them to trusty15:18
hallyni suppose this would annoy me much more if mosh didn't exist15:19
sforsheehallyn: if you open a bug and point me to it I'll have a look at your logs15:19
hallyni may have already opened one.  i'll check in a bit, and otherwise open a new one next time it happens, thx15:19
hallynsforshee: bug 137026215:21
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1370262 could not be found15:21
* hallyn checks the log info to see if anything private15:22
sforsheeugh, firmware crashes15:22
sforsheehallyn: don't make that public, it has a firmware crash dump15:23
hallynsforshee: color me ignorant - what's the problem with that?15:24
hallynsforshee: so the firmware actually "crashes" ?15:25
hallyntha'ts special15:25
sforsheehallyn: yes, the firmware crashes. I don't know exactly what's in the dump, but it could presumably have things like keys for whatever network you were connected to at the time.15:29
infinityzequence: Thanks!15:37
jsalisbury## Kernel team meeting in 5 minutes16:55
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues October 21st, 2014 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer! If the question is should I file a bug for something, likely you can assume yes.
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argesjsalisbury: bug 1377851 seems to be trusty only. mind if I target it as such20:19
ubot5bug 1377851 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel panic skb_segment+0x5d7/0x980" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137785120:19
argesjsalisbury: also i have a guess at a few patches that might be able to fix it20:19
jsalisburyarges, sure20:20
jsalisburyarges, It's fixed upstream, so I asked to test  Maybe the patches you believe can fix this are already in there20:22
argesjsalisbury: yea they tested 3.16.3, but 3.13.x fails20:23
jsalisburyarges, ahh, ok20:23
argeskamal: hey is c3caf1192f904de2f1381211f564537235d50de3 queued for 3.13 stable?20:30
argeskamal: i don't see it, i'll sent an email20:34
trippehkaslr finally works okay on Xen with 3.16.4, fwiw20:51
kamalarges, hmmm...  you say that c3caf1192 applies cleanly (to 3.13-stable?), but no it doesn't  :-)  ...   which doesn't surprise me since its description says:21:18
kamal    Fixed a bug that was introduced by my GRE-GRO patch21:18
kamal    (bf5a755f5e9186406bbf50f4087100af5bd68e40 net-gre-gro: Add GRE21:18
kamal    support to the GRO stack) that breaks21:18
argeskamal: i applied it to ubuntu-3.1321:19
kamaland 3.13 doesn't contain bf5a755 either21:19
arges$ git tag --contains 277038d81b3a280ec793e2b05ba8369ff31c1d1221:20
argeslooks like tim cherry-picked it, but I don't see a bug reference21:20
kamalarges, ok, so then that kernel (trusty) probably does contain the supporting commit to add the feature, but 3.13-stable does not21:20
argeskamal: gotcha, i guess i'll go through the SRU approach then21:21
argessince it isn't needed in 3.13 stable21:21
kamalarges, so did you specifically want c3caf1192 in 3.13-stable for some reason?  yes, it looks to me like this should just go to trusty as an SRU.21:21
argeskamal: no. it fixes a commit that isn't in 3.13-stable (For some reason I assumed it was. so next time i'll check)21:22
kamalarges, no worries man!21:22
argeskamal: : ) 21:22
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