
nhaines!devices > ^Manu00:14
ubot5^Manu, please see my private message00:14
nhainesI swear I'm going to remember that pip correctly in the future.00:14
^Manucheers, that's where i've been. but it's over a year out of date.00:45
^Manujust thought people here might have some more up-to-date information or experience.00:45
nhaines^Manu: unfortunately not.  That page is where porting teams are supposed to be updating about their efforts.  And if they can't even bother to do that... well...  :)02:14
^Manureckon the experience has improved since mid last year? :)02:15
^Manumy immediate reaction to ubuntu touch; please please for the love of god support a hardware back button! don't make me go back to the travesty of ios :)02:16
nhainesOh, it's an entirely new OS.  :)02:16
nhainesBack button is mostly standardized at the top of the screen now.02:16
^Manuand i argue that's the exact wrong place :P02:17
^Manui'm right handed, the easiest access point on the screen is the bottom right. i'd be curious to see statistics, but i have a suspicion that 'back' is the most common action when using a phone by far.02:18
^Manui press back probably 100 times more often than i press the home key, but phones always seem to have home keys.02:19
^Manuit looks good though, excited for an official release. december right?02:19
^Manuis it native code throughout?02:21
^barry^what is the ideal setup for running touch on Nexus 7 grouper?02:28
Kurt_whats up honeybun05:06
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compuspitalHello everyone07:13
compuspitalI have many ideas but im not sure who I need to talk to.07:14
compuspitalDoes anyone know?07:16
anpok_compuspital: write them down for others to read, or turn them into reality yourself07:24
compuspitalokay, thank you, the thought behind some of my ideas is far too complex for me to write.07:26
compuspitalbut i definitely can pass them along. One would be for hardware devices.07:28
tsdgeossergiusens: typo in https://github.com/sergiusens/network-test-session/blob/master/README.md in  netork-test-session08:56
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Frappe Day! :-D09:02
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popeySaviq / mzanetti is there a plan to make the suspended app screenshots un-blurry?09:58
Saviqpopey, I didn't yet file that bug ;)09:58
popeywant me to?09:58
Saviqpopey, feel free09:58
popeydone bug 137826710:01
ubot5bug 1378267 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Suspended app screenshots are blurry" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137826710:01
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sergiusenstsdgeos: thanks11:07
tsdgeossergiusens: i did the thing for mms, not sure if that was what you wanted hope it is11:08
sergiusenstsdgeos: did you piggyback on yoigo or was it using yoigo?11:10
tsdgeossergiusens: not sure i understand the question11:11
tsdgeosi sent the message from yoigo (our phone) to pepephone (Z10 phone)11:11
sergiusenstsdgeos: you added an attachment to the 'Cannot send MMS from "Yoigo"' bug11:11
sergiusenstsdgeos: ah, then it's all good ;-)11:11
sergiusenstsdgeos: I guess you can try and send to vrruiz's number or viceversa to discard the fact it's not received on the target phones11:12
sergiusensbut I don't have a strong opinion; everything is fine from the last mile PoV11:13
tsdgeossergiusens: sure, but only being able to send mms between ubuntu phones is not what we want i guess :D11:14
sergiusenstsdgeos: of course not :-) but the stack works fine if the target device runs Android > 4.x or iOS11:15
tsdgeosi have not such devices at hand11:15
sergiusenstsdgeos: I'm mostly sure it won't work on my 2003 siemens device as MMS was crap then11:15
sergiusenstsdgeos: MMS is only good today because there are basically only two implementations :-)11:16
sergiusensbut the spec is really bad11:16
sergiusenssubject to interpretation everywhere and also half implemented by everyone11:16
tsdgeosFWIW i have never ever received or sent a MMS11:17
sergiusenstsdgeos: I know; over here it costs 0.50U$D per MMS... no one uses it :-/11:17
sergiusensoperators really messed up there with pricing11:18
sergiusensand now they lost to all the chat apps around11:18
moP9hhey guys, is there exchange in ubuntu phone or some plans for that ?11:19
TurkeyMansome countries use MMS almost exclusively though.11:42
TurkeyManbecause SMS is no good for their languages.11:43
TurkeyManjapan for instance, practically only MMS.11:43
dpmseb128, is the template for u-s-s updating correctly in Launchpad? I noticed an untranslated "Downloading" string, which I can see in: plugins/system-update/PageComponent. return i18n.tr("Downloading"); - however, it does not appear in LP as translatable11:48
seb128dpm, "lol"?11:49
seb128dpm, is that a real question? no the template is not updating by itself for project with upstream translations enabled, you for sure know about that, we discussed it several times?11:49
dpmseb128, I mean on the source package11:51
seb128dpm, well, we don't use the source package template11:51
dpmseb128, oh, I assumed that with the template being active in the source package it was being updated on upload11:52
seb128dpm, "being active"?11:53
dpmseb128, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+pots/ubuntu-system-settings11:53
seb128dpm, but no, u-s-s uses upstream translations, I'm happy to change to Ubuntu translations/import the template from the source package if we can though, would be less hassle11:53
dpmseb128, there must have been at least an upload that enabled the template in the source package, so it should be doable. If I'm not mistaken, there is no need to change anything other than setting that "UseLanguagePacks: yes" thing in the package. I'd still perhaps ask if you could leave upstream auto-commits enabled, which should not affect the setup, but they help me quite a lot with the stats on http://projects.davidplanella.org/stats/utopic11:56
seb128dpm, well, sure it's doable, you just recommended against that a few monthes back11:57
seb128you said the new way was to use upstream project translations because of clicks11:57
seb128which is why we did it this way11:57
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dpmseb128, I still recommend upstream translations for clicks. However, for .deb packages we've been migrating translations to touch language packs with pitti's help (where "help" is an understatement here :)11:59
seb128dpm, great, let me change that then, going it's like 15 times we go through "pot needs to be updated", having it from the ubuntu built is going to make things easier12:03
dpmseb128, sounds like a plan12:04
seb128dpm, btw do you know what's the status of content-hub and translations?12:04
dpmno, I've not been following it lately, let me check...12:04
seb128https://translations.launchpad.net/content-hub/trunk has strings and they are translated but it seems to still show in english in the ui for me12:05
seb128I didn't try debugging yet but I can have a look if you don't know12:05
dpmseb128, I think that's it http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8514165/12:11
dpmin summary, if I'm looking at the right control file, as it's in universe "X-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes" still needs to be added12:12
dpmseb128, bug 137832412:15
ubot5bug 1378324 in content-hub "Content hub needs to enable translations for its source package in Launchpad" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137832412:15
seb128dpm, thanks, I've https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/content-hub/x-ubuntu-use-langpack/+merge/236286 about that, so it's all is missing and it should work?12:15
seb128dpm, can you add the vcs to the bug? ;-)12:15
seb128dpm, I still don't get how those work, the 14.09 translation page says it shared translations with trunk12:16
seb128so I though langpacks would get the translations from trunk and things would work12:16
seb128without having to have the ubuntu side import working12:16
dpmseb128, done. Argh, I even remember now having seen your MP before12:16
dpmseb128, right, but on the source pkg side of things, there needs to be an initial package upload with a template that is then accepted before sharing works12:17
seb128dpm, ok, thanks12:17
seb128dpm, speaking of sharing, we still have evolution/e-d-s 3.10 in the langpacks, I approved the 3.12 templates but I think I did it wrong first and now there are a buggy one in the list, can those be deleted?12:18
dpmseb128, then the other thing is that content-hub upstream doesn't have auto-commits enabled, so the translations can never be shipped12:18
seb128oh, ok12:18
seb128dpm, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/evolution12:19
seb128dpm, the -3.12 seems wrong12:19
dpmlet me have a look12:19
seb128dpm, also those had "share with upstream" enabled, which made the .mo not being imported, do you know why was that on? (at least wgrant said that's why we don't have .mo in the import queue)12:19
seb128dpm, I did unbind the ubuntu/upstream translations, need to do a no change upload next to get an import12:20
seb128dpm, not sure if we also need a change in langpacks for the 3.10 -> 3.12 domain?12:20
dpmseb128, ok, fixed. I removed the *-3.12 template and I checked that the domain was correct in the template that I left as active (evolution-3.12). My guess (it was a long time ago) is that I enabled translation sharing with the upstream vcs imports we used to do (I'm assuming we no longer do?)12:26
dpmseb128, that sped up the translations queue, where the translations were imported into LP directly from the upstream vcs import instead of requiring a source package upload and going through the imports queue12:27
seb128dpm, oh ok, issue is that those imports are trunk only and we are not on current-gnome-serie12:28
seb128so we import .mo that don't match our template12:28
seb128or sourcecode12:28
dpmseb128, ah, I see. Yeah, I remember now that imports bug that does not allow us to choose the upstream branch, only trunk12:28
seb128dpm, I guess we have that issue in other GNOME components as well then :/12:28
seb128since we don't follow their current serie nowadays12:29
dpmseb128, as per changes in langpacks, I think the only thing we need is for the next langpack to be a full export to install the right .mo file12:29
seb128dpm, thanks12:29
seb128dpm, can you clean the wrong template on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/evolution-data-server/ as well?12:30
dpmseb128, and as per the other gnome components, I can go through the templates, there are not that many sharing translations - If you can access that page, you'll see them https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+templates12:30
dpm(you can click on the sharing column to sort)12:31
dpmyeah, looking at e-d-s now12:31
seb128dpm, thanks, I can look at the templates if you want12:31
dpmseb128, that'd be great, as you know the gnome components best12:33
dpmit's just a matter of unsharing them12:33
dpmseb128, ok, e-d-s fixed12:34
seb128thanks, and I'm going to do the template unbinding12:34
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nerochiarobfiller: the problem you mention in this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/gallery-app/+bug/1377767 does it appear in the album title or somewhere else ? I can't find any place where that text is cut off12:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1377767 in gallery-app "Default "New Photo Album" text does not fit" [High,In progress]12:58
seb128speaking of gallery, is that known that "new album" can't be renamed?13:00
nerochiaroseb128: you can, it's just not very obvious. when you are in the list of albums long press on one of them, there's an "edit album" option poppingup13:01
seb128nerochiaro, when you create an album, it put the cursor on the text, but typing delete/chars don't change the label13:02
seb128you can edit the subtitle though13:02
nerochiaroit totally does work here on mako with yesterday's image13:02
seb128well, expect that it's covered by the osk and you can't scroll to see it13:02
seb128doesn't work on current krillin rtm13:03
nerochiaroseb128: i see what you mean, i get that when i type too much text13:03
nerochiaroseb128: osk is in the way13:03
nerochiaroseb128: please file a bug13:04
seb128nerochiaro, well, it might also depends on the locale, I'm in french so by default the title is enough text to put the osk over the subtitle13:04
nerochiaroseb128: yeah, and screen resolution13:04
seb128nerochiaro, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gallery-app/+bug/137834913:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378349 in gallery-app (Ubuntu) "the osk is over the album subtitle text, in some cases" [Undecided,New]13:06
seb128nerochiaro, ok, "fun", editing the title works in english but not in e.g french ... is there any smart logic to place the cursor before "album" or something which could go wrong when the words are in reversed order?13:10
nerochiaroseb128: i don't think so. i think the problem is really that when the text gets too long it will hide below the OSK and you can't do aynthing about it. I added this to the bug13:11
seb128nerochiaro, no, the title issue is different, in french the title is "Nouvel album photo", you can see the title on top of the osk but deleting/typing char doesn't update the string on string, it just moves the cursor13:12
kenvandinegatox, mterry: i didn't forget your reviews, yesterday was crazy, i'll do them today :)13:12
seb128kenvandine, hey13:13
mterrykenvandine, no worries13:13
kenvandinehey seb12813:13
gatoxkenvandine, thanks13:13
mterrykenvandine, seb128 looked at it actually13:13
seb128kenvandine, is that ok if I do a landing for https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/content-hub/x-ubuntu-use-langpack/+merge/236286 ?13:13
kenvandinethanks seb128!13:13
seb128kenvandine, yw!13:13
kenvandineseb128, please do!13:13
nerochiaroseb128: oh, ok, let me switch to non-english and try that13:13
seb128kenvandine, thanks13:13
seb128nerochiaro, it's doing the same in spanish here btw13:15
seb128so not french specific13:15
mterryseb128, updated that wizard-refresh branch w/ comments13:17
seb128mterry, thanks, sorry for keeping bouncing things back to you13:18
mterryseb128, no it was appropriate!  :)13:18
mterryseb128, though if design has any more changes, I'd like to do them separately  :)  They keep futzing over that design13:19
seb128mterry, I just wanted to have Jane's bug fixed in there :-)13:19
seb128nerochiaro, let me know if you can reproduce/if you want a bug report about that13:21
nerochiaroseb128: works for me in italian when running trunk. let me try spanish13:23
nerochiaroseb128: you're on krillin though, right ?13:25
seb128nerochiaro, yes, shouldn't make a different I guess?13:25
seb128or might be due to the geometry ... in which case try deutsch? ;-)13:25
nerochiaroseb128: do you have to click to start editing or does it go there automatically ?13:27
seb128nerochiaro, I've to click, the osk it's opening with an "edit album" title but no osk visible13:27
bfillernerochiaro: when you create a new album, the editable text is not all visible13:36
nerochiarobfiller: hidden under the OSK ?13:36
bfillernerochiaro: no13:37
bfillernerochiaro: create a new album13:37
bfillernerochiaro: and the text says "New Photo" and then "Subtitle"13:37
bfillernerochiaro: on the cover of the album13:37
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nerochiarobfiller: ok, i was confused because it happens only on krillin and i was testing on mako13:38
bfillernerochiaro: strange it would be different, but yes I'm testing on krillin13:39
nik90Saviq: curious, during your phone dogfooding time, did you find any bugs for clock-app other than the ones you already submitted? :)13:39
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nerochiarobfiller: different screeen resolution13:39
nerochiarobfiller: also if I fix that in English it would still be a problem with languages that are more verbose13:40
Saviqnik90, alarm didn't work for us once, but has been fine since, so no, nothing new :)13:40
nik90Saviq: yay, cool13:40
nerochiarobfiller: and in any case if you type longer titles it will stll look wrong when you exit the editor and go back to it later, the first line will display but the rest of the long title will be still clipped13:41
gatoxseb128, i have updated both branches13:41
seb128gatox, hey, thanks13:41
seb128kenvandine said he was looking at those as well13:41
bfillernerochiaro: I'd make the font smaller to start, and perhaps the default text should just say "Title" or something brief13:41
nerochiarobfiller: fixing the initial state isn't terribly difficult, but it's a stopgap, there are a ton of problems with that album editor as soon as you type a bit more text, as seb128 was pointing out13:42
nerochiarobfiller: i'll start with that13:43
bfillernerochiaro: understood, but at least the default state should be correct and visible13:43
nerochiarobfiller: ack13:44
seb128nerochiaro, bfiller, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gallery-app/+bug/1378367 is annoying as well it also describe a way to get into a buggy "add to album" view when you need to force close gallery13:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378367 in gallery-app (Ubuntu) "The "add to album" screen should have an header by default" [Undecided,New]13:48
nerochiarobfiller: regarding bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/gallery-app/+bug/1377298 the problem I see (with yesterday's image) is that when cropping the EXIF thumbnail isn't updated. So the gallery gets confused because you have a cropped picture and non-cropped thumbnail. I can't find the old thumbnailer in silo 6 as you said, but i'm sure it did use to regenerate the thumbnail properly upon cropping13:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1377298 in gallery-app "Cropping not working" [Critical,New]13:50
bfillernerochiaro: if we stop displaying the thumbnail in the picture view then it shouldn't be a problem, right?13:50
nerochiarobfiller: not in that specific case, but we still use the thumb in a number of other places and they all will be wrong13:51
nerochiarobfiller: i mean, you would fix the problem in the picture browser only13:51
bfillernerochiaro: right13:51
bfillernerochiaro: so the change for thumbnailer to use the exif thumbnail has been reverted13:52
nerochiarobfiller: so if i install the most recent image I will get the non-EXIF thumbnailer ?13:52
bfillernerochiaro: in theory it should regenerate the thumbnail if the picture changes, but if I recall we don't modify the orig but create another photo13:52
bfillernerochiaro: yes13:52
nerochiarobfiller: i'll test that. crop used to work just fine with thumbs we regenerated. changing the file should be picked up correctly.13:53
bfillernerochiaro: do you have the MR to use the full size image in the viewer for gallery? I want to get that in a silo13:54
nerochiarobfiller: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/gallery-app/do-not-upscale-thumbnail/+merge/237314 approved and ready to go13:54
bfillernerochiaro: thanks13:55
jhodappnerochiaro, did you ever get to ask tvoss about his thoughts on why the media-hub client never receives the EndOfStream signal from the server side?14:03
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nerochiarojhodapp: yeah, i filed a bug for him with a minimal example, he's gonna have a look tomorrow14:04
jgdxawe, ping14:07
awejgdx, in a mtg; will ping you when I'm done14:08
jgdxawe, ack14:08
oSoMoNgreyback, hey, when you have a minute, could you take a look at bug #1375556 (especially comment #3) and comment?14:09
ubot5bug 1375556 in webbrowser-app "top half of the address bar is hidden at startup" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137555614:09
greybackoSoMoN: your observation is correct, is something I'm just testing a fix for now. But for the unresponsive part, I've no clear idea yet14:10
oSoMoNgreyback, yeah, I’m mostly interested in the resizing of the window, the unresponsiveness is most probably on the browser’s side14:12
greybackoSoMoN: really? Ok in that case, I hope to have branches up with the resize fix tomorrow noon14:12
jhodappnerochiaro, oh ok cool, I'll assign the bug to him then14:13
nerochiarojhodapp: thanks. and if he gets back while i'm off thu-fri please keep an eye on it in my place if you don't mind14:13
jhodappnerochiaro, sure thing14:14
oSoMoNgreyback, awesome, can you add a task to the bug for whatever component is affected and assign it to yourself?14:15
oSoMoNgreyback, and link your branch(es) to the bug report, if you don’t mind?14:16
greybackoSoMoN: I commented the original bug number anyway (which is my bug) and added qtmir as affected.14:18
greybackif unresponsiveness is separate issue, perhaps it would need a separate bug?14:18
nerochiarobfiller: https://bugs.launchpad.net/media-hub/+bug/137831114:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378311 in Media Hub "EndOfStream event not received when QML Video component is destroyed" [High,New]14:26
oSoMoNgreyback, thanks, yeah I’ll track the unresponsiveness separately14:28
greybackoSoMoN: ok14:28
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seb128nerochiaro, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gallery-app/+bug/1378384 as well is weird (header translations lost when switching to picker mode)14:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378384 in gallery-app (Ubuntu) "The pick mode title/options show untranslated" [High,Confirmed]14:36
seb128nerochiaro, do you have any idea if something could unset the env or something when changing to picker?14:37
kenvandineseb128, what does this mean?  "Landed without merging branch"14:42
seb128kenvandine, that I got confused by the landing to rtm and utopic, set up the silo wrong so did a "force clean without merge or upload" to reassign a silo14:43
kenvandineseb128, ok :)14:43
kenvandinei was confused :)14:43
seb128kenvandine, refresh14:43
seb128it should be resolved14:43
kenvandinei see now, thx14:43
seb128kenvandine, sorry about that :-)14:43
kenvandinenp :)14:44
seb128kenvandine, I added a sync:ubuntu-rtm line in the googledoc thinking that it would upload there as well14:44
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seb128but it's the other way around14:44
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seb128and it imported the current rtm version in the ppa :p14:44
seb128well, anyway, should be fine now ;-)14:44
nerochiaroseb128: that's very odd14:48
nerochiaroseb128: not really sure what's up with that one. as far as i know it's just the regular app launched with a different cmd line option14:48
seb128nerochiaro, the command line option got deprecated apparently and it's doing smart mode changing when the content-hub is detected14:49
nerochiaroseb128: hmm, i wasn't aware of that. even in that case, i don't see why it would lose track of the language14:50
seb128nerochiaro, ok, funny, adding a14:50
seb128    Component.onCompleted: {14:51
seb128        i18n.domain = "gallery-app";14:51
seb128    }14:51
seb128in PickerScreen.qml makes it work14:51
seb128nerochiaro, which is what GalleryApplication.qml is doing14:51
kenvandinenerochiaro, he also confirmed it isn't translated when gallery is already running and it just switches to pick mode14:51
seb128kenvandine, ^14:51
kenvandinethat's interesting14:51
seb128I wonder why setting the domain in onCompleted like that is even needed14:51
seb128shouldn't it be set up in front?14:51
kenvandineno idea14:52
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kenvandinecyphermox, how much work is required for bug 1378102 ?14:53
ubot5bug 1378102 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Activating an Internet context (APN) fails with NetworkManager[1356]: <warn> OFONO connection failed: (32) Implementation not provided " [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137810214:53
cyphermoxnot that much14:53
cyphermoxit's next14:53
kenvandinebfiller, ^^14:54
kenvandinecyphermox, i'm trying to decide if we should wait for that or not14:54
cyphermoxI still feel it should also be fixed in apneditor14:55
cyphermoxit's quite easy to disconnect an interface before you activate a new connection14:55
kenvandinecan you comment to that affect in the MP?14:55
cyphermoxwait a minute14:56
cyphermoxthis is specifically for the MMS APN?14:56
kenvandineactually the one i had a problem with was the internet apn14:57
kenvandineit activated the mms apn14:57
seb128kenvandine, nerochiaro, it looks like the Loader loose the translation domain when the source is changed14:59
seb128kenvandine, nerochiaro, if I reverse the check to load PickerScreen.qml by default and change to MainScreen.qml on import, the picker is correct translated and the normal mode not14:59
nerochiaroseb128: so the first time a source is set, the translations are picked up right, but if we change the source they get messed up ?15:00
nerochiaroseb128: that seems very odd to me because off of the top of my head we might already be doing this in other places and I haven't seen translations getting mixed up. But maybe I'm mistaken and all our loaders just load once15:04
nerochiaroseb128: so we never bumped into this15:04
seb128nerochiaro, yeah, I don't know, just saying what I see15:05
nerochiaroseb128: would it be possible to have a minimal example of this ?15:05
charlesMacSlow, ping15:12
MacSlowhey charles! what's up?15:12
charlesMacSlow, there's some kind of a sizing/clipping issue with the battery icons when indicator-power notifies the user of a low battery15:13
charlesMacSlow, eg, this is what gets rendered when indicator-power sends over an icon name of "battery-020"15:13
charlesMacSlow, https://www.dropbox.com/s/it39shabldcwn24/2014-10-07%2010.07.54.jpg?dl=015:14
charlessee how the left and right ends of the battery icon are clipped off15:14
seb128charles, you should turn off the ubuntu-shape there btw (set the "x-canonical-non-shaped-icon" hint to true)15:15
MacSlowcharles, two things I see being wrong there... first of course the clipping, secondly it should not use the UbuntuShape-masking (there's a hint that can be passed with the notification to avoid that)15:16
charlesMacSlow, seb128, https://pastebin.canonical.com/118327/15:16
seb128charles, no 2fa on me to open that15:16
charleslooks like this is another case of notifications not handling the boolean type for "x-canonical-non-shaped-icon", so I'll make a patch to change that to a string as I did in i-datetime15:16
seb128seems like a bug for MacSlow to fix on the server side :-)15:17
charlesseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8515145/15:17
charlesseb128, the boolean handling is a server side bug IMO, but isn't urgent15:19
MacSlowcharles, the value for "x-canonical-non-shaped-icon" needs to be passed as a string reading "true"15:19
charlesI reported it at https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-notifications/+bug/1370641, it'll keep15:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1370641 in unity-notifications "boolean hints don't support boolean arguments" [Undecided,New]15:19
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jgdxbrendand, hey, was the failure to boot issue resolved? I tried to get through fourteen pages of log, but I failed. :s15:21
MacSlowcharles, why the clipping is happening I can't say off the top of my head15:21
brendandjgdx, not quite yet. another silo has to land first15:21
jgdxbrendand, ack. Thanks for following that up.15:22
seb128MacSlow, why is that a string rather than a boolean?15:22
seb128nerochiaro, no, I can't reproduce with a small testcase, not sure what gallery is doing to unset the domain15:22
seb128nerochiaro, the workaround I described in the bug works though, if nobody has slots to debug properly we could add that one for rtm and see later15:22
charlesMacSlow, want me to file a unity-notifications bug for you wrt the clipping?15:22
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
MacSlowseb128, charles: that's because in the past requirements for some hints changed (sometimes back and forth) and staying with strings made changes simpler... causing fewer places to touch.15:23
MacSlowcharles, it's not unity-notifications I bet, which is the backend...15:24
MacSlowcharles, but let me quickly check something...15:24
MacSlowcharles, *sigh* I can't test it right now... my dbus and/or upstart is messed up somehow... need to sort that out first15:27
charlesMacSlow, if unity-notifications isn't the place for this, could you file a ticket for the right people/components15:28
MacSlowcharles, it's unity8 btw... the notification-renderer (frontend) is a plugin there15:29
charlesMacSlow, seb128: FWIW, still clips even with the string version of non-shaped-icon: https://www.dropbox.com/s/46h0chkisqsznjn/2014-10-07%2010.33.30.jpg?dl=015:34
MacSlowcharles, I'll look into this tomorrow... this is very odd... I've never seen clipping errors like these before for any icon/image15:36
nerochiaroseb128: what's the bug number again ?15:37
charlesMacSlow, thanks15:37
seb128nerochiaro, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/137838415:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1378384 in gallery-app (Ubuntu) "The pick mode title/options show untranslated" [High,Confirmed]15:37
MacSlowcharles, btw... just wondering... should the "Ok"-button there not use "x-canonical-private-affirmative-tint"?15:40
charlesMacSlow, hmm... that's not what the Notifications UX doc indicates, but I wonder if that's an oversight15:43
charlesMacSlow, I'll ask James15:44
charlesMacSlow, thanks for suggesting that15:44
MacSlowcharles, better ask to check... I recall examples were most of the time at least the positive action was meant to be tinted15:44
charlesMacSlow, confirmed, confirmations should get the affirmative tint15:55
MacSlowcharles, 1 : 0 for the gut-feeling :)15:55
charlesMacSlow, I filed a LP ticket for that clipping issue, bug #137841715:56
ubot5bug 1378417 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Icon clipping in notification-renderer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137841715:56
MacSlowcharles, ok thx!15:56
nerochiarobfiller: all is well with cropping in the latest image. looks like the problem was really in the EXIF thumbnails not getting updated16:06
Dinesh_Hey guys16:08
Dinesh_Any one?16:10
bfillernerochiaro: ok16:10
popey!ask | Dinesh_16:16
ubot5Dinesh_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:16
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Dinesh_Is it possible to port ubuntu touch for micromax canvas 2 plus?16:23
popeyDinesh_: we have an (outdated) porting guide linked in the /topic16:26
holymac_when is the ubuntu touch coming out?16:48
Isotop7its not officially released but you can test it on several devices or in an emulator.16:51
Isotop7later this year, a few manufacturers will release smartphones with ubuntu touch. So its likely to be officially published also later this year, holymac_16:52
holymac_i wanna buy one right now!!!16:53
kenvandineholymac_, works well on a nexus 4 :)16:53
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Isotop7we all want that, but there is still some develoment and customizing to do...16:54
geniiholymac_: Meizu MX4 will be coming with it, and it has also been seen running on the BQ Aquarius16:54
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holymac_Meizu MX4 is going on sale in Sept 22 and has a deliver time of October?17:14
geniiI think more like Dec, but could be earlier17:17
seb128kenvandine, gatox updated his code to use qml-module-ubuntu-connectivity but forgot the depends, you need to install that for testing17:22
kenvandineseb128, i have it installed17:25
seb128kenvandine, hum, so that warning is weird17:25
kenvandineit says the NetworkingStatus compoment can't be created17:25
kenvandinei think he needs to use a connection17:25
gatoxseb128, which dependency? isn't that part of the sdk?17:31
kenvandinegatox, NetworkingStatus isn't creatable17:34
kenvandinei think you need to use  a Connection17:34
gatoxkenvandine, i used as it is in the documentation http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Connectivity.NetworkingStatus/17:34
kenvandinegatox, indeed, it does match the docs17:40
kenvandineit says it can't be created though17:40
gatoxkenvandine, seb128 is that module working? or should i revert back to the dbusconnection again?17:41
kenvandinegatox, hang on, i have it installed let me try something17:42
seb128gatox, it should be working, I think Saviq started using it in unity817:43
kenvandinegatox, ok, i got that working17:44
kenvandine2014-10-07 13:44:05,368 - WARNING - QObject::connect: No such slot UpdatePlugin::UpdateManager::downloadUrlObtained(const QString&, const QString&)17:44
kenvandinegatox, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8516083/17:46
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gatoxkenvandine, that's weird... why should that work and not in the other way?17:49
kenvandinegatox, because apparently NetworkingStatus is registered as uncreatable in the plugin17:49
kenvandineso the docs are wrong17:49
gatoxkenvandine, ok..... changes pushed..... and removed the unused connetion from downloadUrlObtained17:50
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kenvandinegatox, thx17:52
charlesnik90, you around?17:54
nik90charles: hey, yes17:56
charlesnik90, I was going to ask if you were still seeing https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/1364949, but after many tests, and after pinging you, I was finally able to trigger the behavior :P17:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1364949 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Editing alarm sounds doesn't actually change them" [Critical,In progress]17:57
nik90charles: lol, yes17:58
nik90charles: zsombor wanted to defer the bug to you since he said the SDK is saving the current alarm sound.17:58
nik90charles: also he said something about changing the alarm sound from description to audible notification. I did not understand fully, but he said the comments in the bug report should be explanatory enough for you :)17:59
charlesright, it is. It looks like the tasks.ics file is correct18:00
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dobeyjdstrand: hi. do you think bug #1378480 should be critical/rtm14 tagged? given the location setting is under Sec/Priv, requires TOS agreement, and can result in extra battery usage, it seems like it should be to me.18:42
ubot5bug 1378480 in location-service (Ubuntu) "Location detection insists on being turned on" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137848018:42
jdstranddobey: oh I see that with bluetooth too. I always turn it off, but on reboot it is enabled18:44
jdstrandpersonally, it doesn't feel critical to me18:45
jdstrandsince the indicator tells you it is on after reboot18:45
jdstrandI agree is is mildly annoyting18:45
dobeywell, the indicator only tells you it's on if you actually open the indicator18:47
dobeyat least for location18:47
dobeyi agree for bt it's only mildly annoying; but location detection has the implication of privacy and legal agreement to a TOS that one didn't actually agree to18:48
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cwaynedobey: if you don't agree to it, you cant use it19:08
cwayneit being HERE19:08
dobeycwayne: and yet, location detection works, though i haven't agreed to it, and i disabled location detection19:09
cwaynedobey: location detection can work without HERE, the TOS is *just* for HERE19:10
cwayneso you may still get geoip or GPS fix19:10
dobeycwayne: the UI doesn't make it clear that it's not using HERE19:10
dobeycwayne: iow, there's isn't a switch for "HERE"19:10
dobeythere is only a switch for location detection, and the welcome wizard associates it directly to HERE19:11
dobeycwayne: and aside from that, if i turn it off, it should stay off until i turn it on again, regardless of what it's actually using19:11
cwaynedobey: i never said it shouldnt..19:11
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charlesAlbertA, AlbertA2, I have a question about unity-system-compositor20:33
AlbertA2charles: sure20:33
charlesAlbertA, AlbertA2, I'm debugging an indicator-datetime report that says when two alarms fire at once, the screen never goes off again20:34
charlesAlbertA2, so I'm looking at the display-on and remove-display-on requests that get sent20:34
charlesI see the compositor logs the requests and remove-requests to cerr20:34
charlesdoes this wind up in a file somewhere that I can look at it?20:34
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AlbertA2charles: yeah it ens up in /var/log/lightdm/unity-system-compositor.log20:35
charlesAlbertA2, perfect, thanks :)20:35
AlbertA2charles: no problem20:35
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nik90rsalveti: hey, I noticed that the individual sound roles patch landed in utopic.21:50
rsalvetinik90: and rtm21:50
nik90rsalveti: Are more fixes incoming for that feature?21:50
rsalvetinik90: nops21:51
* nik90 tests it out :)21:51
nik90rsalveti: cool it works...thnx21:55
rsalvetinik90: great21:55
nik90rsalveti: I suppose now I need to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/137651321:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1376513 in Ubuntu Clock App "Alarm volume should use the stream-restore dbus api available in pulseaudio" [High,New]21:55
rsalvetinik90: yeah21:55
nik90rsalveti: I got a question about that21:55
rsalvetinik90: let me know if you have any issues with that21:55
nik90rsalveti: atm the clock app just sets the alarm volume which it then communicates over to indicator-datetime. i-dt then plays the alarm in that volume specified.21:56
nik90rsalveti: If clock app access the alarm-volume directly using the dbus api you mentioned in that bug report, wouldn't it conflict with i-dt?21:56
rsalvetinik90: nops, because they are not connected with each other21:57
rsalvetiwhen playing the audio stream, pulseaudio will use the volume that was set by either the clock-app or the previous value set by the user21:58
nik90rsalveti: ah ok...21:58
rsalvetiin your case all you want is changing the volume for the alarm role, and the only way to do that when there's no alarm playing, is using that dbus api21:58
rsalvetiif the alarm stream is active, then just changing via indicator-sound works21:58
nik90rsalveti, charles: So now the clock app will instead of communicating the alarm volume to i-dt, will send it directly to pulseaudio via the dbus api21:59
nik90rsalveti: and i-dt will automatically pick that up anyway21:59
rsalvetiyeah, you could send/store the value in i-dt if that is available as well21:59
rsalvetibut not sure if that is something that is already implemented21:59
rsalvetibut generally you don't need to handle the volume yourself, you can let pulse handle that22:00
charlesnik90, rsalveti, so should com.canonical.indicator.datetime.AlarmProperties remove its DefaultVolume property as unneeded?22:01
nik90charles: that's what I would think...clock can now directly change the alarm volume. And i-dt listens to that by monitoring pulseaudio anyway..so its not necessary to connect clock and i-dt.22:02
nik90through the DefaultVolume property that is.22:02
charleswhen you say "i-dt listens to that", it sounds more to me like i-dt doesn't need to do anything at all wrt volume, it's all handled outside of i-datetime by rsalveti's change?22:03
nik90rsalveti: can I (as clock-app) play a preview audio with the volume set in the alarm audio role? This is necessary for bug 136207822:03
rsalveticharles: if i-dt is not the only one that is able to play 'alarm' streams, then yeah22:03
ubot5bug 1362078 in Ubuntu Clock App "[Clock] Alarm volume slider should lose the hint and play the alarm sound while changing volume" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136207822:03
rsalvetinik90: yes, anything you play as 'alarm' role will use the volume stored in pulse for that role22:03
rsalvetipreview or not22:04
nik90charles: yup that's what I intended to say22:04
rsalvetithat dbus api exported by pulseaudio let any app to set the volume per roles, including the alarm role22:04
rsalvetiso any app playing streams with role as alarm, will use the correct volume stored there22:04
nik90rsalveti: true but how do I trigger the alarm role? By default when the clock app plays an audio, it is played using the multimedia stream and not the alarm stream22:04
nik90rsalveti: ah ok22:04
rsalvetinik90: there's a qml property for that22:05
nik90rsalveti: so I should set the stream role as alarm while playing that preview to the user22:05
rsalvetinik90: yes22:05
rsalvetinik90: from system-settings: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8517456/22:06
nik90Audio {22:06
nik90        id: previewAlarmSound22:06
nik90        audioRole: MediaPlayer.alert22:06
nik90    }22:06
nik90Here I should set it as MediaPlayer.alarm22:06
rsalvetiso just put audioRole: MediaPlayer.alarm22:06
nik90and my slider changes the alarm stream volume through the dbus api...I understand now22:07
nik90rsalveti: I should be able to see the above dbus roles using dfeet on utopic?22:08
nik90I mean the different dbus interfaces22:08
rsalvetinik90: nops, because there's one specific connection for the dbus interface22:09
rsalvetinik90: and this interface is only enabled on touch, not on desktop22:09
rsalvetiwe'll enable it on desktop as well, but not for now22:10
rsalvetiso I guess that if you also want this to be compatible with the desktop, maybe using i-dt is better22:10
rsalvetibut then the preview will not reflect the volume set by the slider22:10
rsalvetiunless you use the volume property in QML (under Audio)22:11
rsalvetithat also works22:11
nik90rsalveti: well not really, I mean the clock app is designed to be functional for phone only as per the design spec.22:11
rsalvetibecause if you set the volume on an active stream, pulse will automatically store that volume for that specific role22:11
rsalvetibut the main problem is that without the dbus api from pulse there's no way to get the volume without playing anything22:12
rsalvetinik90: right22:12
rsalvetinik90: if you want to give the dbus interface a try, use that python software I described in the bug22:12
rsalvetiwith that you can grab and set volume per roles22:12
nik90rsalveti: okay, I will give it a shot :)22:13
charlesAlbertA2, AlbertA: if you're still around, I have the easiest MP you'll see all week22:31
charlesAlbertA2, AlbertA: https://code.launchpad.net/~charlesk/unity-system-compositor/lp-1365557-decrement-display-on-requests-correctly/+merge/23749822:31
AlbertA2charles: ooops...yeap..you are right22:35
elopioted: ping. I'm testing the indicator sound silo, and I don't like one detail. You around?22:58

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