
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
jimmy_Any one here04:00
jimmy_I'm installing gentoo but ...04:01
jimmy_I need help~04:03
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=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
safiyyahMorning all, having trouble deleting thunderbird. Anyone around?08:48
popeywhy do you want to delete thunderbird?08:49
popey(morning btw)08:49
safiyyahmorning popey! Your xorg.conf file saved the day  yet again for me :)08:52
safiyyahpopey because thunderbird is annoying. Just need evolution08:52
popeyi have them both installed but just don't use thunderbird08:54
zmoylan-pievolution is never annoying :-p08:54
zmoylan-pii used to love thunderbird08:54
zmoylan-pithen it got s.l.o...w......08:54
MyrttiI hate the chat feature with a passion08:55
safiyyahzmoylan-pi, i lovE evolution08:55
safiyyahit's the thunderbird I want to be rid of08:56
safiyyahI keep removing it in the software centre08:56
safiyyahand the thing is not going08:56
safiyyahGoogled up purge and some people said it caused problems08:56
safiyyahso am here for help08:56
popeyi personally wouldn't remove it08:56
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Frappe Day! :-D09:02
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:04
safiyyahpopey, never mind.... it came off!!!! yeii09:05
safiyyahpopey. there are some software pieces that do nothing but annoy a person09:06
safiyyahand make you want to scream at them09:06
safiyyahthunderbird is one for me!09:06
awilkinsI don't really like either Thunderbird or Evolution much09:07
zmoylan-pievolution annoys me but does what i want for now09:08
awilkinsWe need a more Google-mail-ish fat email client09:08
zmoylan-pii can see myself moving to mutt or alpine in the future09:08
awilkinsThe whole mail folder concept is so last century09:08
zmoylan-piand on my android tablet keep promising to stop using the google gmail client as it sucks09:08
awilkinsBig mail store + labels 4tw09:08
zmoylan-pii'm fine with folders, good enough for the victorians... :-)09:09
safiyyahI think they will need to look at like a googlemail merging thing in the end09:09
diploawilkins, colleague here uses Rouncube day in and out on his local machine09:14
diploWorks for him09:14
awilkinsdiplo, But it has PHP cooties!09:23
* jussi waves to the channel09:27
jussithanks popey!!09:29
jussifirst bit of time to myself for ages...09:29
jussiI actually slept last night, thanks to my daughter actually not waking up :)09:31
jussiand the boy is a good sleeper, surprisingly :)09:33
popeydirecthex: that venn stone guy doesn't seem very pleasant09:41
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* davmor2 fraps JamesTai1 with a wet kipper10:05
davmor2JamesTai1: also why the 1 ;)10:06
* JamesTai1 sighs10:06
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait
JamesTaitThanks for the heads-up, davmor2.  Apparently I got disconnected at 10:43.  I could have sworn my alt nick was JamesTait_ though.10:11
davmor2JamesTait: haha no worries :)10:12
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
ikoniahail hex11:13
directhexhi ikonia11:13
selinuxium_Hi all  o/11:14
selinuxium_Anyone here had any experience of jobscheduler?11:14
popeywow, the rest of those linux game cast guys are pretty nasty too11:17
selinuxium_'lo popey, directhex11:17
selinuxium_popey, you looked liek you were having fun at Oggcamp... I must get to one someday..11:19
directhexsick of the toxicity in *both* communities i thoght i was part of11:19
awilkinsUrrgh, really? There are #gamersgate pillocks in the Linux community?11:21
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ali1234personally i'm sick of being blamed for what essentially amounts to a feud between about four people, both sides of which are awful manipulative scum, and which normal rational people are entirely capable of not joining in on11:23
directhexawilkins, gamergate is a front. people with shared causes form part of both linux & gamer communities.11:26
czajkowskipopey: saw this and thought of you! http://www.panmacmillan.com/book/bencrystal/yousaypotato?id=3811:26
popeythey're all wrong, it's "potato"11:32
davmor2popey: this is how most people say potato, Chips11:33
zmoylan-pispud is a less ambiguous word as in america chips means something completely different :-)11:34
popeymaybe up north where you live ☻11:35
zmoylan-pii live in the south, in the good old irish free state :-D11:36
* popey was talking to davmor2 ☻11:36
zmoylan-piapoligies, carry on :-)11:37
* awilkins also live Up North but is from Down South.11:37
davmor2popey: no I bet more people say crisps and chips than say potato nowadays :P11:37
zmoylan-pino fans of smash? :-)11:38
awilkinsSmash is wallpaper paste that got rejected because it wouldn't hold the wallpaper up11:38
safiyyahpopey, daftykins, I rebooted the system and well, the graphics broke!!!11:41
popeymy kids like smash11:43
popeybut i never buy it11:43
safiyyahsorry I pressed exit by mistake11:46
safiyyahright I have horrid graphics again!!!!11:47
safiyyahthe nvidia drivers seem to have magically disappeared11:47
safiyyahpopey, sorry am stuck11:49
safiyyahi can't find restricted extras11:49
safiyyahand no nvidia drivers either11:49
safiyyahsomething has gone11:49
safiyyahand I know what I did, I was changing the gdm wallpaper and it broke!11:50
popeyyou removed unity and thunderbird, and added gnome shell?11:50
safiyyahoh I found nvidia......11:50
safiyyahyes I did11:51
safiyyahi didnt remove unity11:51
safiyyahits still there11:51
safiyyahonly thunderbird11:51
safiyyahI have an option to log in with unity or gnome, I can choose11:51
safiyyahno need to delete unity11:51
safiyyahso I found Nvidia, so the issue is the settings.... this has happened before11:52
safiyyahI think 2 years ago11:52
safiyyahwe had to do something to X11:52
safiyyahpopey, On the Nvidia X Server Settings it says that ' Unable to load X Server Display Configuration page: The NVIDIA X driver on safiyyah:0.0 is not new11:54
safiyyahenough to support the nvidia-settings Display11:54
safiyyahPopey, my notes say the 173 driver is the right one and all others don't work because my card is Nvidia Geforce 840011:56
popeysorry, I'm a bit busy at the moment.11:56
safiyyahpopey, shall I wait or come back at a different time?11:58
popeyprobably better off asking in #ubuntu11:59
diploTempted :)12:21
awilkinsdiplo, It's a Microsoft job12:51
diploBut it's F1! :)12:52
diploI get to go around the world12:52
awilkinsYou get to go around the world MAINTAINING WINDOWS SERVER13:02
TwistedLucidityawilkins: But that's what's so good. You *have* to go to parts forgein as remote access is so poor on Windows. If it were Linux, you'd just SSH and stay in the basement.13:11
brobostigonand spend more time with Wife/GF/partner.13:12
diploOr go to foreign countries to get away from above :)13:14
brobostigonthat has been known, yes.13:15
TwistedLucidityI wonder when the first F1 car will have to retire as it blue-screened.13:15
TwistedLucidityOr "Clippy: It looks like you are trying to race..."13:15
awilkinsI thought about taking a contract in Qatar for i) Lots of moolah and ii) getting away from wife13:20
awilkinsBut there was iii) getting away from daughter, which is much less desirable13:20
diploawilkins, that would be my biggest issue ( have significant other ) but do have 2 boys13:22
diploI have no significant other*13:24
davmor2TwistedLucidity: it looks like you are exceeding the speed limit, let me help you slow down13:54
davmor2just hear the race driver weeping into the mic in his helmet13:55
TwistedLucidityawilkins: Also, iv) It's Qatar.13:55
TwistedLuciditydavmor2: This F1 car is not activated, would you like to activate now?13:56
awilkinsTwistedLucidity, Yeah, the whole "We take your passport away until we are sure your contract is over" thing... no thanks. And no thanks to the whole demonization of women thing.13:58
TwistedLucidityawilkins: I will assume you are coming from a Western country and are white. Your passport will not be taken. That kind of behaviour is reserved for the slaves they kill building stadia.13:59
TwistedLucidityI used to live in the M.E., a greater disparity in wealth and treatment of humans is hard to imagine.13:59
foobarrymile end?14:17
foobarrysince that statement is very true14:17
foobarryhobbits, desolation and smog14:17
awilkinsMiddle East14:22
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
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marshmngrrr... why don't Lenovo make any nice 15" ThinkPads these days? :/17:37
marshmnworried that 14" might feel too small17:38
DJonesmarshmn: I've got an outstanding Lenovo Y510P which I'm pretty sure is 15.6", may not be a thinkpad, but works out of the box with 14.0417:42
DJonesmarshmn: http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/lenovo/y-series/y510p/17:43
marshmnDJonesj: thanks, good to know - I've been slightly avoiding those for a few reasons (they have nvidia chipset rather than Intel graphics so always slightly worried about things like suspend working well and so on, also somewhat heavier than some of the higher end ThinkPads, also lacking the nipple...)17:46
marshmnbut it's still of interest17:46
marshmndo you find the graphics chipset works fine?17:46
marshmnno issues with suspend/hibernate etc?17:47
DJonesmarshmn: Its got dual graphics, but has been 100% solid using nvidia-prime17:47
DJonesI never use suspend/hibernate, if I'm away for any length of time I shut down, waiting a minute to power on isn't an issue for me17:48
DJonesI'd be surprised if suspend/hibernate was much quicker17:48
marshmnit's not really the time to boot it saves - more the time to start up all my apps again etc17:49
DJonesIt doesn't have and SSD,  so that may slow things down slightly, but a few seconds/minutes isn't an issue for me, I always prefer to start app's fresh each boot so I know whats going on, rather than something from a week or so ago  coming back to haunt me17:50
DJonesI work on the idea that if I need something running, I wouldn't let it shut down/sleep/hibernate etc anyway17:51
DJonesI use it as a home machine, nothing I run is mission critical so it doesn't matter when something gets shut down17:52
marshmnthat's fair enough, not saying you're wrong, just doesn't fit with my workflow in past experience17:52
DJonesTh18:44              >>> GaboXandre!~GaboXandr@unaffiliated/gabriel117:52
DJones18:44              >>> Guest42084!~patrick@
DJonesstupid pastebin17:52
marshmnI don't want to have to restart all my dev tools, IDE, virtual machines etc etc when I'm moving from coffee shop to home etc17:52
DJonesThats what I thought, its not important to me, I use apps as a user (and then desktop apps only), so nothing like you may need17:53
marshmnyeah, fair enough - everyone has their own requirements/workflows :)17:53
DJonesDefinately, I'm probably the odd one out here, I don't need dev tools etc, I use Ubuntu as a user, browsing, email, torrents, office apps etc, nothing tech based17:54
foobarryandroid tablet running horrifically slow20:08
foobarryhas 4gb free space20:08
safiyyahhas the gnome configurations manager in 14.04 moved? like I seriously can't find it and no luck with google20:13
zmoylan-pihow many apps are running foobarry?20:14
foobarryzmoylan-pi: shut a few down20:14
foobarrytyping etc still lags20:14
foobarrylags at boot up tbh20:14
zmoylan-pido a reboot?20:14
zmoylan-pican be a lag at bootup due to thundering herd of apps and services starting at same time20:15
foobarryjust installed task manager20:15
foobarry144mb free20:15
zmoylan-pithat would do it :-)20:15
foobarry0 is bad 100mb is  ok20:16
foobarry258mb free20:19
foobarrytask killer lied20:19
foobarrystill laggy]20:21
zmoylan-pisome recent app installed causing the slowdown?20:24
foobarrydunno, belongs to the wife20:28
foobarrygonna ask her to purge some apsp20:28
foobarryand then put cyanogen on if it persists20:28
foobarryor maybe factory reset20:28
diddledanmy nexus7 is dog slow, too20:53
ali1234my nexus 7 got really slow recently as well21:08
diddledanmine is almost unusable21:11
diddledanI haven't a clue why it's only the last while that it's been like it21:11
diddledanchrome takes forever to open and even when it is opening a tab takes another age21:12
diddledanand then I need to get it to respond to my typing to get an address into it21:12
diddledanthe cynic in me might suggest it's deliberate in order to make L appear really fast (should it be released for the 2012 model)21:13
safiyyahis anyone about?21:16
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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