
bluesabreknome: correcto00:03
knomecan i help with it?00:04
bluesabrehaven't asked, saw somebody else ask and get rejected the other day00:04
knomefor the same thing?00:04
bluesabrehow important is it that we have push rights for the slideshow?00:04
knomewell it would be very convenient, and i don't see why we couldn't have those00:04
bluesabreI'll send an email to devel-permissions asking for it then00:06
knomeerm, so did somebody ask for upload rights for the same package?00:06
bluesabreyeah, I'll have to dig around to see when it was00:06
knomei can dig that up as well00:07
knomehmm, right00:07
knomethat's a potential issue, but meh00:07
bluesabrefound it already?00:08
knomeyep, it was aron xu for ubuntukylin00:08
knomei think it's fine as it is if we have a pre-planned schedule for uploads, and are assured they happen often enough00:09
knomelike, before UI/string freeze, then again before translation freeze00:09
knomecurrently it's been a hide & seek game, where you try to catch somebody who has upload rights for that00:10
knomeand then resort to poking stgraber who does that on top of all the other work he does00:10
knomewell, Riddell did it this time, so maybe there's so improvement to the situation from now on.00:10
knomewho knows00:10
bluesabreI think ScottK can do it as well00:11
bluesabreand he's almost always around00:11
knomehow does one check package upload permissions per package00:12
bluesabreno clue, I'd probably wget everything in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/packagesets/utopic/00:13
bluesabreand then grep00:14
bluesabrebecause I have no other idea :)00:14
bluesabreanything in universe is motu00:14
knomeubuntu-desktop has that as well00:14
knomeerr, at least00:14
knomei think that's it00:14
knomebecause there is no packageset related to the installer team00:14
knomeand nobody else outside that team has a specific upload right for that00:15
knomesource: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/archive-permissions/00:15
knomebut yeah... it's ok not to have it as long as the uploads work as expected00:17
bluesabre^ thats the one00:29
bluesabreso, we'll leave it to the installer team for now00:32
elfyknome: did anything more than adding W to people arriving from the website happen? 19:37
knomeyes, installer should have i and docs d19:37
elfywoohoo 19:38
knomethe online docs do not have d yet, but will when lyz rebuilds that19:38
knomeat least i think it is like that19:39
pleia2I have no idea what you're talking about19:39
pleia2w i d19:39
knomepleia2, :)19:39
knomepleia2, bug 136910019:39
ubottubug 1369100 in xubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Update Xubuntu infrastructure to be able to gather statistics about IRC support" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136910019:40
Unit193pleia2: IRC nicks, xubuntu33W19:40
knomei told you about it19:40
pleia2oh :)19:40
elfyhi Unit193 pleia2 19:40
pleia2knome: yeah, I was lacking context19:40
Unit193elfy: Howdy.19:40
knomei guess it hasn't landed in docs yet19:40
knomei think the online docs ought to be "..o"19:41
knomeand yeah, that's possible since it's only the startpage19:42
knomehmmwait, i think we just lack a changelog entry for the docs19:43
Unit193Well, at any rate, website is clearly the highest.19:44
knomelooks like it19:44
elfyUnit193: yep :)19:44
elfydo we point to #xubuntu from facebook or the like?19:44
pleia2nope, just link to website support page19:45
Unit193In fact, based on this little information so far, I'm almost ready to propose we drop the link from the installer.19:47
knomepleia2, lp:~xubuntu-website/xubuntu-website/docs-startpage updated19:47
knomeUnit193, because?19:47
pleia2knome: thanks, I'll get to it tonightish19:47
knomeno hurry19:47
Unit193knome: It would seem the only people that use it, don't need support (which is to be expected) and are just dropping by for a visit.19:48
knomethough that's not exactly a bad thing either19:48
knomesome want to say "hey, this is awesome", which is nice19:48
knomeand i think it's also informational... even if they don't use it at *that* point, at least we're telling them about the channel19:49
knomeand while we do that, i don't see why we wouldn't link it19:49
Unit193Heh, it tends to be more offtopic, yeah.  I'll generally stop and interact with them a little though.19:52

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