
xubuntu71whow do i prevent xubuntu from turning off my monitor00:13
ObrienDavepower settings00:13
poeticrpmxubuntu71w, xfce4-menu --> settings manager ---> screensaver00:14
ObrienDaveeither one or the other ;P00:14
adrenaline_Also look at the light-locker in the settings manager00:14
poeticrpmyou can also use xset directly if you kill the xscreensaver process like --> xset s off00:15
adrenaline_Light locker is  new in 14.0400:16
adrenaline_ya a 10minute black out is seriously annoying00:17
ObrienDavetry 3 or 4 hours ;P00:18
xubuntu71wcan't find "screensaver". also all my settings are set to never turn off monitor yet it still does this00:19
poeticrpmI like 10 minutes. I setup a script where I can launch vlc with "(movie mode)" appended to the title where vlc inhibits the screensaver itself00:20
poeticrpmthat works for me00:20
adrenaline_xubuntu71w, You may not have xscreensaver setup00:24
xubuntu71wis xscreensaver supposed to be installed by default?00:24
adrenaline_Look in your settings manager00:24
adrenaline_Look for something called Light locker should be on the top somewhere00:24
xubuntu71wit'll show up there?00:24
adrenaline_I believe the power settings are in the second section00:25
xubuntu71wi've already told lightlocker to do nothing00:25
adrenaline_but you can turn off the power settings in the light locker00:25
adrenaline_Did you hit apply?00:25
adrenaline_If you turn it off in the middle and close it will be back on when you go back in. You have it actually hit apply00:25
xubuntu71wit is all set to off00:26
xubuntu71wand apply has been hit00:26
adrenaline_Then you probably have a screensaver set up00:26
adrenaline_I think it is in the second section too00:26
adrenaline_I am on 13.10 so I can see it in front of me00:27
xubuntu71whold on00:27
adrenaline_holding on...00:27
xubuntu71wit doesn't seem to be packaged with 14.0400:28
xubuntu71wso i have to install it00:28
xubuntu71wso what do i do now00:29
adrenaline_Well I when I install my stuff I don't like my stuff to ever go to sleep so all usually do is go into the power setting and turn everything to never then the light locker and do the same I turm monitor power settings to off apply and that works for me. I don't ever have to mess wiht a screen saver that usually does the trick for me00:29
adrenaline_I can spin up a 14.04 vm and double check though if you like00:30
xubuntu71will set it to 1 min to see if its doing what i want it to00:31
adrenaline_I have a 14.04 up00:32
adrenaline_IN the power settings uncheck this00:32
xubuntu71wthis what00:32
adrenaline_Monitor Power Manage control00:32
adrenaline_uncheck that00:32
xubuntu71wit's off00:33
adrenaline_What does that mean00:33
adrenaline_It isn't an off on thing00:33
adrenaline_it is check or uncheck thing00:33
xubuntu71wi'd already had it off00:33
ObrienDaveuncheck = off00:33
ObrienDavecheck = on00:34
adrenaline_so click on the ac tab00:34
adrenaline_then click monitor00:34
adrenaline_are the options greyed out?00:34
xubuntu71wi'd already turned it all off.00:35
xubuntu71wfigured i'd need to00:35
adrenaline_so is it greyed out?00:35
xubuntu71wthey're set to never00:36
adrenaline_I am trying to figure out where the breakdown is. because all I do is uncheck that box and turn everything off in lightlocker and that is all I have to do00:36
adrenaline_can you change them (greyed out)00:36
adrenaline_Ok then the management is still on00:37
adrenaline_Mine cannot be changed because it is greyed out00:37
adrenaline_Also mine still say 10 minutes by the way but it is greyed out00:38
xubuntu71where :  http://imgur.com/MhUY0FT00:38
xubuntu71wgive that a look and tell me if it's right00:38
adrenaline_yep that is what mine looks like00:39
BuntuTechmay i paste a proposed wallapaer theme (imgur) in this channel?00:39
adrenaline_show me your light locker? if you will00:39
adrenaline_BuntuTech, I don't know the rules but as long as it doesn't flood I don't think anybody will complain00:40
BuntuTechhttp://imgur.com/VKaFLl2 Buntu wallaper theme "invasion of microsoft city"00:41
adrenaline_I like that a lot BuntuTech00:41
knomeBuntuTech, offtopic and general chatter in #xubuntu-offtopic please.00:42
xubuntu71wadrenaline, here you go: http://imgur.com/EVXEAp300:42
adrenaline_Oops sorry BuntuTech00:42
BuntuTechok gnome i asked before i did it00:43
knomeBuntuTech, it's ok. if you want to continue the discussion on it, the channel is open for all of you00:43
adrenaline_xubuntu71w, Ya that looks right00:43
adrenaline_everything seems to be greyed out00:44
adrenaline_and you  are saying it still blanks out after 10 minutes?00:44
knomeadrenaline_, tut tut ;)00:44
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:44
xubuntu71wyep. but it would seem all i needed was xscreensaver. it seems to have solved my problem00:44
knomeadrenaline_, ^ since you got those on join, you should know. but you are excused, and continue as usually :)00:45
adrenaline_haha thanks00:45
adrenaline_xubuntu71w, Ok but that is weird because I don't have the screensaver on my session and it is working00:45
xubuntu71wadrenaline, thanks for your help dude00:45
adrenaline_Your welcome but it looks like you did it all yourself00:46
xubuntu71wwell it sure fixed it00:46
xubuntu71wnah, i'd of never known that xscreensaver woulda fixed it if you'd never said anything about it00:47
xubuntu71wor if it was even missing for that matter00:47
adrenaline_I am glad you got it working. The time out or sleep really annoys me too.00:48
xubuntu71whanks to you all. good night00:50
BuntuTechwhen xubuntu is at idle, with out any other programs open, how much ram does it use?00:55
BuntuTechthanks adrenaline_00:56
adrenaline_Should be under 1 but it will depend on what you have and what is running00:58
adrenaline_If you type top in a terminal you will see what your load is and the processes heaviest from the top down00:58
adrenaline_Mine is doing an upgrade right now and it has a load average of 1.201:00
adrenaline_after the update with nothing running it settled down to .01 average, but it is a pretty stock install and I don't have much running in the background01:06
knomefwiw, load averages are not comparable and do not really have much to do with RAM usage01:07
knomeif a load average is 1, it means all your resources are used during the timeframe in question01:08
knomeif you have more resources and run the same applications with same things, the load average is below 101:08
knomeso a load average is only comparable with another load average logged on the same computer with completely the same setup01:09
knome(actually the with a quad-core processor, the load average is 4 when all resources are in use)01:10
knome...and the load average represents the load of CPU( core)s, not memory01:11
adrenaline_Oh ya I missread that. I thought he was asking how much load. I missed the ram thing. I take that back hehe. Thanks for keeping me honest.01:13
adrenaline_I will go get some sleep before I give the wrong advice again hehe01:14
knomegood night :)01:14
=== RedDeathi is now known as RedDeath
=== RedDeath is now known as Guest9486
jhenkehi folks, one question: While testing I have a bit of an annoying visual problem. Using the the Greybird theme you normally have a middle blue colour to highlight a selected item, now in my installation that colour is very much purple. Is that known and is there a way to fix this?06:10
ochosijhenke: known and expected, even mentioned in the b2 release notes06:33
jhenkeochosi: sorry overseen that, mea culpa06:34
bodzsomjust got my first computer with xubuntu installed!08:28
bodzsomwhere can i change themes?08:29
maijinbodzsom: o/ Go to settings -> Appearance08:30
bodzsommaijin, thanks!08:32
bodzsomand which login manager does xubuntu use?08:36
brainwashlightdm with lightdm-gtk-greeter08:38
bodzsomlooks really nice08:39
bodzsomi heard that xfce isnt developed anymore? people are focusing on lxqt or something. is that true? if yes, what will happen with xubuntu?08:39
brainwashit's not true08:40
brainwashtake a look at http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/log/ got example08:40
brainwashfor example08:41
bodzsomokay :)08:42
colonolGronon my xubuntu laptop special keys for changing display brightness already work. in which file does stuff like this get configured?09:19
colonolGroni would like to save it09:19
=== Pici` is now known as Guest66735
=== BlackCobra1973 is now known as BlackCobra
papero_ce qualcuno?12:09
knome!it | papero_12:09
ubottupapero_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:09
papero_ok i try to talk english12:09
papero_but i'm not very well12:10
knomeor you can join the italian channel12:10
papero_ok thanks!12:10
RemuNhey I need help getting to a TTY, when I press ctrl+alt+F1 I just get a blank screen12:25
RemuNI tried booting into text mode, same blank screen12:26
zhongHow to make the cursor by the box into the line drawing style in the terminal?14:03
zhongsorry,english is poor,:(14:03
zhongxubuntu teminal cursor style14:05
zhongi am in china,it's ten o'clock in the evening. who can help me?14:09
=== henkkus_ is now known as henkkus
cfhowlettzhong, use ubuntukylin14:11
cfhowlettzhong, but ask your question.  *maybe* I can help14:11
zhongcfhowlett: How to change the terminal under the cursor style? The box? Vertical bars?14:13
rolleri have a problem, with wifi drivers15:13
rolleri can't disable proprietary drivers15:14
rollerand i have some problems with they15:14
rollerbut with the open i haven't any problem15:15
rollercan anyone help me?15:16
Wollie88if you supply some more details15:17
rolleri use xubuntu15:18
rollerwhat information do you need?15:19
=== Gutenberg is now known as Dry_Lips
=== aliensbruh is now known as aliensbrah
zvxread only file system, oh no -> reboot -> OS not found, halp -> hd was just disconnected -> *sigh of relief*22:28
adrenaline_nice find zvx22:34
zvxYup crisis averted :)22:34
=== ponbiki_ is now known as ponbiki
mallHello, I can't change screen brigthness on an asus eeepc 1001xpd23:36
mallxubuntu up to date23:36

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