
=== Guest69465 is now known as mfisch
=== mfisch is now known as Guest67039
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
harmwsmoser: ping10:59
smoserharmw, here. whats up?13:00
harmwI'm working on some code to get the proper fbsd interfacename13:00
harmwshould be ready soon13:01
harmwcan you change the instance hostname in AWS?13:01
harmwbtw, don't nuke that instance since I'm debugging on it :p13:28
smoserharmw, you can't change a hostname in aws13:35
smoseri can give you another instance if that'd help.13:35
harmwso ip-10-0-0-158 is the current hostname?13:38
harmwnah, I think that'll work13:38
smoserharmw, wlel, would tell you13:43
smoserbut you seem to have no sane tools on that system (curl or wget)13:43
harmwfetch :)13:43
smoseri remember a time before ubuntu whne i liked to play with sharp pointy objects.13:43
smoserrather than things that worked ;)13:43
harmwsmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~harmw/cloud-init/amazon-fbsd-fixes/+merge/23759513:50
harmwcome to think of it, it's only relevant for configdrive setups since that's the only case where the nic is even used :p13:51
harmwbut nonetheless, it's always better then just using 'some' hardcoded name :p13:52
smoserharmw, oh, cause it reads that in interfaces.13:53
smoseryeah, thats all slated to change13:53
smoserwhere we'll get info on the mac and find it that way13:53
harmwyea, it should indeed be some higherlevel solution13:54
harmwbut for now this'll do the trick13:54
harmwif only hiren_ would wake up13:54
harmwsince he actually uses configdrive13:54
smoserharmw, the only coments i have on that merge proposal is that you should in general re-use 're.'13:55
smoserwith re.compile13:55
smoserbut its fine.13:56
smoserfor line in ...13:56
smoser  m = re.match('^\w+', line)13:56
smoseris going to re-compile that regex13:56
smoserwhere it could have used a cached version13:56
harmwso -always- compiled regexes?14:03
harmwah, it's inside that for loop14:04
smoseri dont know really about a good rule for when to do it and hwen not to14:05
smoserbut clearly in that case on the loop, you're wasting cpu. 14:05
smoserdont worry about it.14:06
harmwwell in this case I honestly overlooked my own loop14:06
harmwstupid though14:06
harmwelse I would've used a compiled regex, since you told that on some other review a while back :)14:07
jaxxstormis this the right place to discuss cloud-init bugs?14:37
harmwjaxxstorm: yes14:38
harmwbring it on14:38
jaxxstormI'm using the phone_home module and it's failing because of SSL, but my URL is http:// and on port 8014:39
harmwcould you use paste.ubuntu.com or something please :)14:40
harmwanyway, it says this is the url: http://foreman.hostname.com80/unattended/14:41
jaxxstormyeah I've redacted the URL14:41
jaxxstormbut basically it's http://foreman.companyurl.com:80/unattended14:41
harmwah, and that 80 is deliberatly without prepending :?14:41
jaxxstormyeah that comes from the foreman14:41
harmwUrlError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:492: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify faile14:42
harmwyou're using a selfsigned cert?14:42
jaxxstormwell my foreman instance does have a self signed cert14:43
jaxxstormbut it's also available on port 80 without SSL for callbacks14:43
jaxxstormso why would it even attempt to use SSL on port 80 with http?14:43
harmwisn't foreman just redirecting (forcing) to use ssl?14:43
harmwc-i won't just start SSL by itself 14:44
jaxxstormif I call the exact same URL with curl it doesn't use SSL14:45
jaxxstormand doesn't redirect14:45
jaxxstormin any case, is there a way to have it not verify the SSL cert?14:48
harmwthat's something smoser would know, though I think it is possible to import a custom CA14:48
harmwwhich would make c-i accept the certificate aswell14:48
jaxxstormyeah I saw that module and I may go dow that route if needed14:49
harmwit would be the most elegant solution :)14:49
harmwsmoser: could you accept the merger?14:52
smosermerged. thanks.14:55
jaxxstormokay, never mind, sorry guys14:56
jaxxstorm< Status: 302 Found14:56
jaxxstormgetting redirected to https14:56
harmwI told you :P14:56
harmwah, you forgot curl -l14:56
harmwor actualy.. ah nvm14:56
jaxxstormI guess I can add the CA cert, but that'll be a pain14:57
smoserjaxxstorm, you should probably be able to insert the ca cert in cloudconfig14:59
jaxxstormyeah I think I can15:00
jaxxstormdoes it rely on a package being present for CentOS?15:00
jaxxstormhow does it add the cert?15:00
jaxxstormI want to make sure all the required packages are installed before I attempt it15:00
smoseri think it shoudl all be contained in cloud-init (and usage of python-requests)15:00
harmwcloudinit/config/cc_ca_certs.py: distros = ['ubuntu', 'debian']15:01
harmwwould that mean it's not supported on RHEL?15:01
jaxxstormit seems that way...15:03
harmwjaxxstorm: open up a bugreport, this is something worth adding I'd say15:04
jaxxstormwould love to, where do I go?15:04
harmwthat module is currently using some Debian-specific stuff, but if the logic applies to RHEL it should be fairly easy to get it to support that15:10
jaxxstormthanks :)15:11
jaxxstormI'm cheating anyway15:12
jaxxstormruncmd: /usr/bin/curl -k <%= foreman_url('built') %> 15:12
jaxxstormbtw, the app is amazing, has really helped my provisioning process, so thanks!15:13
harmwif foreman is redirecting you, you need a curl -L to follow the 30x15:14
jaxxstormah, v. true15:18
smoserjaxxstorm, hm.. i dont knwo. i'm not sure how specific that would be. 15:36
smoserharmw, harlowja_away https://github.com/cloud-init 15:55
smosernow to get source there.15:55
harmwsmoser: what's wrong with LP? 16:54
harmwbtw, you may nuke that instance now17:08
smoserharmw, ok. i'll kill instance17:10
=== Guest67039 is now known as mfisch
smosernothing wrong with lp, but want to have something on github for people to find it, and or to contribute. there. some people just more comfortable there.17:10
harmwsounds legit17:11
=== mfisch is now known as Guest72593
JayFsmoser: is the copy in git or bzr going to be canonical?17:12
JayFI guess I could pick a better word17:12
JayFI mean lowercase "c" canonical not uppercase "C" ubuntu17:13
smoserJayF, i dont know. not thought of that yet.17:14
JayFThat's the most important thing to know, isn't it?17:14
JayFsplit brain problem and all that17:15
smoseryeah, its clearly important to know.17:18
harmw+1 for keeping LP master :p17:39
JayF+90001 for making it github17:50
JayFyou make it github and all the sudden you'll see more contributions from me17:50
JayFthat's for sure17:50
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
harlowjaholy crap, github, woah18:15
harlowjaalthough the PR mechanism sux still 18:15
gholmsOn, the bright side, it means not having to use bzr.18:52
kwadronautonly the maintainer(s) have to take care of keeping everything in sync18:53
kwadronautfor git-git you can use hooks or send a message to github asking to mirror it (which means they'll pull in changes twice a day or so and it's more obvious for users that it's not the canonical one)18:57
kwadronautthere's both bzr-git and git-bzr fwiw. besides that, i dislike both platforms.18:58
kwadronaut(if we're shedding bikes, i'm taking part and now i'll run again)18:58
JayFI paint my bikeshed git of any kind19:02
JayFsmoser: another option would be to put cloud-init in stackforge/ and use openstack processes19:02
JayFsmoser: I have no idea how you'd feel about that, but you'd get some quantity of testing infra for "free"19:03
JayFsmoser: plus you'd be more tightly integrated with one of your biggest users19:03
harmwstackforge sounds cool19:41
smoserJayF, this is true, and i've considered that before. but i'm not tied to openstack, and do not really want to be. 19:49
harlowjai'd have to lean towards not also, i've got about 3 stackforge projects and an oslo one, so i've been through it, i'm not sure its buying much for cloud-init that github + travis couldn't buy (i do personally like the gerrit that openstack has over pull requests, but this is a managable dislike)19:51
harlowjaalthough the stackforge one could have an interesting connection into the rest of openstack if that stackforge repo somehow got plugged into the image-building19:52
=== Guest72593 is now known as mfisch
harlowjawould be nice to have a new image-built when cloud-init review happens, and tested accordingly, thats like the true functional test that would be nice to have automated19:53
=== mfisch is now known as Guest6813
harlowjabut if said thing doesn't exist ( JayF might know more about the image building stuffs that could be possible) then i'm not sure it matters, github, stackforge...19:54
=== Guest6813 is now known as mfisch
harlowjai've had https://github.com/yahoo/Zake working with travis and for a project without ton of activity its worked out ok19:55
smoserharlowja,  i want an easy "patch image with cloud-init" for sure.20:02
smoserbut i dont think building the image from scratch is useful.20:02
harlowjawell scratch or whatever other mechanism that i believe the tripleo folks/ironic people are using20:02
smoserand 'mount-image-callback' or libguestfs makes patching it in trivial.20:02
harlowjabe nice to have whatever that is part of the review 'check' pipeline20:03
smoserthis is ture, but openstack would specifically be better off using a "stable" cloud-init for testing (ie, grabbing latest ubuntu image).20:03
smoserand probably even latest image of stable release.20:03
harlowjaso the oslo program has done something sorta neat for that20:04
harlowjait has a check pipeline that checks the existing  (stable) and from source 20:04
harlowjaso u can get early warnings from the source 'check' and still not affect users of 'stable'20:04
harlowjaex @ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126791/ (the gate-*-src-taskflow are testing this source version)20:05
harlowjawhile afaik the other users of taskflow are not using that source version (but the last release thats avaialble)20:05
harlowjaso this could do something similar20:07
smoserso that would seem like a 'nice to have'20:14
smoserbut stackforge would not seem like a requirement for that.20:14
smoserin that they have "sources" that live other places.20:15
smosersuch as cloud-images.ubuntu.com or fedora.mirror.org/foo20:15
harlowjasmoser agreed21:03
harlowjaits not a requirement, but could be simpler to make happen (emphasis on could)21:04
harlowjasince we already have people here in this channel that work with openstack and the infra there21:04
harmwopenstack? what's that21:26
harmwsounds scary21:26
JayFI suspect if you moved cloud-init into stackforge/ you could easily convince people to help you get some of this testing working21:32
JayFbecause of the large number of crossover between openstack devs/opers and cloud-init users21:32
JayFI'm not saying *I* would (I owe this project other work already), but I'm saying people would :)21:32
=== shardy is now known as shardy_z
harlowjaJayF so that means u would?21:44

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