
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
=== scuttlemonkey is now known as scuttle|afk
stokachuwhen writing charm tests are they run from the perspective of a deployed charm in a juju environment and ran from the /var/lib/juju/charms/path?02:12
stokachulike when `make test` is run from the automated charm tester the charm is already in a deployed state?02:16
stokachuor do i have to run through the actual deploy and relations commands first02:17
stokachuim guessing this is what amulet does from what i can see in the juju docs02:17
stokachumarcoceppi_, do i have the ability to query the api state server address and password from the jenv files during an automated test run?02:45
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
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=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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stokachuanyone know if i have the ability to query the api state server address and password from the jenv files during an automated test run?13:57
perrito666I dont think any of you know how to get a new thinpad kb in brussels rigt?14:32
perrito666oops wrong channelsorry14:33
sebas5384imagine a charm with my IDE all configured https://www.stgraber.org/2014/02/09/lxc-1-0-gui-in-containers14:37
sebas5384where I can relate it to other charms in order to edit them14:38
sebas5384this could be possible?14:38
stokachusebas5384, get pass that pending machine issue?14:41
stokachuor were you able to file a bug?14:42
sebas5384I didn't comeback to that14:42
sebas5384after you destroy de environment all gets normal in the new version14:42
sebas5384i will get more information with the team and file a bug :)14:43
sebas5384stokachu: thanks for reminder me!14:43
stokachusebas5384, np :D msg me the bug when you get it created14:44
sebas5384stokachu: sure :D14:44
stokachuthe upgrade of juju using an existing juju env shouldnt break14:44
jcastroDoes someone have time to review this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/127208314:44
mupBug #1272083: HPCC Charm initial check-in for review <Juju Charms Collection:New for xwang2713> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1272083>14:44
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stokachutvansteenburgh, my memory is a little foggy but was it you i was talking to about the charm testing a little while back?16:06
tvansteenburghstokachu: probably16:08
stokachutvansteenburgh, ok, i was wondering if during a charm test do i have access to the jenv file for getting the api state server and admin password?16:09
stokachuor are those defined in an environment variable somewhere16:09
tvansteenburghstokachu: hm, i'm not sure16:12
tvansteenburghobviously it would work fine if you were running the test locally16:12
stokachuyea, i noticed amulet will do some type of deployer setup for setting up the charm to be tested16:12
tvansteenburghand i *think* it would work on jenkins too16:12
tvansteenburghstokachu: yeah amulet basically makes a deployment file and hands it off the juju-deployer16:13
stokachutvansteenburgh, do i have the ability to run charm tests using jenkins without proposing it to charm store?16:14
tvansteenburghstokachu: no, but i could do it for you16:15
tvansteenburghstokachu: also, you can just run bundletester directly, as that was jenkins does16:15
tvansteenburghstokachu: this may be helpful -> http://blog.juju.solutions/cloud/juju/2014/10/02/charm-testing.html16:15
stokachutvansteenburgh, is charmguardian installed as part of bundletester?16:16
tvansteenburghstokachu: actually it's the other way around16:16
tvansteenburghbut you can install bundletester by itself too16:17
tvansteenburghbundletester can be pip installed16:17
tvansteenburghcharmguardian, you need to clone source and run make16:17
stokachuok cool, so if bundletester passes locally then theoretically it'll work in jenkins16:17
tvansteenburghstokachu: yep16:17
stokachutvansteenburgh, ok ill use this locally and when ready maybe have you kick off a charm test for me to make sure i can query the api server?16:18
tvansteenburghstokachu: sounds great. just curious, are you using python-jujuclient for the api calls?16:18
stokachutvansteenburgh, we have a python3 version of python-jujuclient that we use16:18
tvansteenburghstokachu: ah, right on16:19
tvansteenburghstokachu: are you in Brussels this week?16:19
stokachutvansteenburgh, nah unfortunately16:19
stokachutvansteenburgh, im in austin in nov though16:19
tvansteenburghah okay, just curious16:20
tvansteenburghi'm in Brussels, and it's time for beer now :)16:20
stokachutvansteenburgh, haha enjoy16:20
stokachuthanks for the help this gets me most of the way there16:20
tvansteenburghstokachu: will do, catch ya later16:20
tvansteenburghgreat, glad to help!16:20
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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