
ScottKRiddell: kapidox uploaded to Debian.03:56
soeegood morning06:19
lordievaderGood morning.07:02
jussimorning all. still broken plasma here, seems about 5 or 6 things crash :( Updated again and still didnt sort it, wonder whats goign wrong 07:57
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/po5wdn2od07:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: ping08:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: nvm 08:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: good morning!08:02
Riddellhola chica10:17
sgclarkseems I did not get the artistic genes :( what is left on that list kopete skype icons and bug triage?10:19
sgclarkRiddell ^10:19
Riddellsgclark: and working out what to do about the korean font issue that was posted to the mailing list10:20
sgclarkunless you are happy with stick figures!10:20
Riddellxkcd style :)10:20
* sgclark thinks I have to set kmail aside for the time being :(10:22
Riddellwhat's up with it?10:23
sgclarkconsentent retrieving folder contents.. restating akonadi sometimes helps10:24
sgclarkit was working great... wonder if there was a new release of akonadi10:27
Riddellplasma 5 images have lots of problems :(10:34
Riddelli386 just crashes everything :(10:34
Riddelljussi: you using i386 or amd64?10:34
* Riddell cries at the number of plasma5 bugs to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_comment10:46
* Riddell cries more at the length of the url10:46
Riddellno wallpaper, no clock shown, i386 all crashes :(10:46
sgclarkwell still no mail for me, any other good clients out there? 10:48
Riddellnote: these may not be to everyone's taste10:49
sgclarkI actually started with that years ago lol, installing10:49
RiddellI use a combination of gmail and mutt10:49
sgclarkas much as I break my X, mutt is a good backup lol10:50
Riddelloh arm64, why do you confuse kf5 compiles so much?10:50
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BluesKajHey folks11:14
soeehioho BluesKaj11:14
soeeRiddell: yeah it would be good to have working Plasma5 isos, a lot of people asking on #kubuntu how can they try it11:15
BluesKajHi soee, sgclark11:15
soeeand its always safer to suggest them to use iso than upgrade :)11:15
Riddellsoee: the amd64 one works, just not very well11:17
ScottKRiddell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/kapidox/5.3.0-111:30
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
RiddellScottK: so you think put the packaging in pkg-kde git?11:31
ScottKI'm fine with it either way.11:31
ScottKProbably better to move it to pkg-kde.11:31
ScottKNot much point before Debian's ready to upload kf5.11:32
apachelogger(unless it is in pkg-kde it cannot be covered by CI)11:33
ScottKCan't really be covered by CI anyway AFAICT.11:36
ScottKIt's not really a framework in the same sense as the rest of kf5.11:36
Riddellvishesh is grumpy again about the scheduler not being changed in 14.04, should we do a SRU or was that considered?11:39
ScottKWhat was the result of the discussion with the kernel team on 14.10?11:41
* ScottK lost track.11:42
ScottKIt doesn't seem like SRU material to me though.  Maybe publish something on kubuntu.org about how to change it.11:42
Riddellhe will probably write a grumpy blog post then11:43
RiddellI don't think writing on kubuntu.org is a great solution11:44
ScottKNot sure.11:45
ScottKI don't understand how "that release is done" is so hard to understand.11:45
Riddellhe considers it a bugfix11:46
RiddellI tend to agree espcially since the kernel team said it was ok11:47
RiddellScottK: bug 1378789 uploaded by shadeslayer, if you did consider it sru worthy that would stop vishesh biting our heads off12:02
ubottubug 1378789 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] Set the default IO scheduler to CFQ in Kubuntu Trusty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137878912:02
ScottKRiddell: Can someone from the kernel team ack that as a reasonable change for post-release?  I certainly don't know what the potential for regression is.12:04
alvinIsn't Deadline better when you have an SSD disk? So, what if you have Baloo (wants CFQ) AND an SSD disk (wants deadline)....12:10
ScottKCould be.12:12
RiddellI'll wait for rohan to come back from lunch12:12
ScottKI have an SSD and haven't noticed much in the way of issues with Baloo.12:12
alvinSame here. No complaints about Baloo with an SSD.12:13
ScottKWAY better than nepomuk in that regard.12:13
apacheloggerScottK: you wouldn't notice with SSD12:20
apacheloggerdeadline performs better than cfq on !rationale media12:21
yofelYou won't really notice a difference with CFQ on SSDs either. All it does is waste some CPU power for useless scheduling in that case12:21
ScottKAh, so you're going to worsen my battery life?12:21
yofelhm, I didn't think of that..12:22
* sgclark doesn't have battery life to spare12:22
sgclarkRiddell: there is a merge request pertaining to the korean thread already, I do not have permissions to work with any of branches, so back to you .12:30
debfxif you look at the udev file, it only changes the scheduler for rotational disks12:30
debfx(not sure why it's called 60-ssd-scheduler.rules though)12:31
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
shadeslayerScottK: alvin udev rule is smart, only changes to CFQ on rotational media12:47
shadeslayernot on SSD's12:48
ScottKSystems with one of each?12:48
shadeslayersame thing12:48
shadeslayerI have one of those12:48
ScottKDoes what?12:48
ScottKDoes it treat it like SSD or rotational?12:48
shadeslayerScottK: http://paste.kde.org/pvkynvnpj12:49
shadeslayerapplies CFQ to HDD, deadline to SSD12:49
ScottKI see.12:49
shadeslayerby deafult deadline is used till udev gets loaded -> udev reads rules -> sets CFQ for all rotational media12:49
* ScottK would like to see a kernel team or maybe platform team endorsement on this.12:50
shadeslayerScottK: we've already had this discussion with the kernel team for 14.10, do we have to do another one for 14.04?12:50
shadeslayerthough that discussion was actually generic12:50
ScottKRules for SRU are different.12:51
shadeslayerand I didn't mention 14.10/14.04 IIRC12:51
ScottKZero regressions.12:51
shadeslayerbut that can't be guranteed12:51
shadeslayerof any SRU12:51
ScottKWhich is why we go fix them when we find them.12:51
shadeslayerwe can fix the most obvious issues12:51
shadeslayerbut there *might* be a regression in a corner case12:51
ScottKWhere's the discussion documented?12:52
shadeslayerirc logs, though I don't remember when12:52
shadeslayerScottK: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/06/10/%23ubuntu-kernel.html#t16:4912:53
shadeslayerthough that's the short one12:54
ScottKWhich says it's not the default generally because performance was worse.12:56
ScottKSo if we optimize for baloo, are we suboptimizing everything else?12:56
shadeslayerwe're suboptimizing for everything that servers run12:57
shadeslayerbecause deadline is optimized for the server usecase12:57
shadeslayer( thats why the default was changed, made server performance better, while not costing alot of desktop performance )12:57
Riddellsgclark: do you know if the korean fonts will explode the size of the images?12:58
shadeslayerScottK: mind joining #ubuntu-kernel12:59
sgclarkRiddell: no idea, and not really sure how to find out12:59
* sgclark is fighting her own crashtastic upgrade13:01
ScottKComment just noticed in code: /* I am VERY, VERY sorry about the gotos. */13:03
ScottKOK.  How about this for a plan:13:16
ScottKSince it's changed in 14.10 and that's about to get large scale testing, we wait until ~ a month after 14.10 release to see if we get negative feedback and if not go ahead.13:17
ScottKIn the scheme of 5 years of LTS, that time is a detail.13:17
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ does that seem like a reasonable approach?13:20
RiddellScottK: that seems excessively conservative, we know upstream linux recommends it, we know baloo recommends it, ubuntu kernel team don't seem too sure why they switched, we don't have any reason to think it'll cause problems13:23
RiddellPali: did you see the feedback on your 4.14.1 packages13:24
ScottKOK.  See if another SRU team is willing to move faster or go to the TB then.  I'll add this to the bug.13:24
Riddellmeh, poor vishesh has left13:32
* jmux following #ubuntu-kernel just noticed that 10.04 trusty HWE also has deadline => guess I'll open a RfC to change it to cfq13:37
Riddelljmux: RfC? wanting the change in ubuntu or in limux?13:39
Riddelljmux: I've no idea if nepomuk is affected as much as baloo, and maybe you don't even use nepomuk, but I guess the same issues apply13:40
jmuxRiddell: Just LiMux13:44
jmuxWell - we'll be using Kolab and were told they need baloo13:44
Riddelljmux: ah typo above, s/10.04/14.04/ so you can just grab the same change we are arguing about on bug 137878913:46
ubottubug 1378789 in kubuntu-settings (Ubuntu Trusty) "[SRU] Set the default IO scheduler to CFQ in Kubuntu Trusty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137878913:46
Riddellsgclark: I suggested something to try on that khelpcentre issue13:47
ScottKRiddell: re the kubuntu-meta in unapproved, shouldn't the "active" metapackage be removed enitrely?13:51
ScottKI'm accepting what's there, but that seems the logical next step.13:52
Riddellyeah I think so13:52
sgclarkRiddell: fyi kio is still having the file conflict, didn't you fix that?13:54
Riddellsgclark: umm, I think I did, let me check13:54
Riddellsgclark: it's fixed in kio_5.3.0-0ubuntu1 but that's still in utopic-proposed14:09
Riddellbecause arm64 is being super slow :(14:09
Riddellbut maybe it'll work this time, keep your eye on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kio/5.3.0-0ubuntu114:10
Riddellsgclark: korean fonts merged, may well be time for you to go through kubuntu-dev and show the world your eliteness14:11
sgclarkgo through kubuntu-dev? apply to be a dev? not sure I am elite enough yet :( sure am trying though14:12
ScottKsgclark: Generally one of the best signs you're ready to apply is when an existing dev says you are.14:14
ScottKGetting upload rights doesn't mean you HAVE to do it, just the you can.14:15
sgclarkaww okies, I believe you then, I will adventure into applying then Riddell14:15
geniiHoly libkf5* updates today Batman!14:32
Riddellmeh, still only half done14:33
Riddellgrumble, arm64 grumble14:33
geniiAh, ARM14:33
Riddellarmhf is fine14:33
Riddellyou'd think 64 would be faster but nooo14:33
shadeslayergenii: nothing new for me, I use CP :p14:34
* Riddell syncs up kapidox pkg-kde git to debian package14:38
RiddellScottK: should I change the Vcs-Browser: lines to pkg-kde ?14:38
ScottKWhen is Debian qt-kde going to upload?14:38
RiddellScottK: I've not heard any plans14:39
ScottKThen no.14:39
Riddellokay dokay14:39
ScottKThere's no reason to change it until they are ready to do the rest of KF5.14:39
shadeslayerI thought I already changed the vcs headers, or was that for Plasma 5 only14:42
Riddellshadeslayer: kapidox has quite different packaging now14:44
ScottKIt's a python app used for kf5 stuff, not a Qt based framework.14:49
ScottKSo it's appropriately different.14:49
shadeslayeris it useful outside KDE?14:50
Riddellit makes sense to have python style packaging14:50
apacheloggerScottK: where would we get feedback on performance in 14.10?14:50
Riddelland it'll move to pkg-kde once pkg-kde people start to upload it14:50
ScottKI'll accept lack of complaining.14:51
debfxRiddell: deadlock scheduler? :)15:20
Riddellsomething like that15:22
Riddelldeadlock is what this problem feels like15:22
ScottKConversation on #ubuntu-kernel moved my opinion from "no" to "wait and see what happens after 14.10", so progress from your PoV.15:24
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soeeding gong16:50
soeei have a plan16:50
soeei will create fancy 1 page website that will explain what kubuntu is and promote it, there will be only basic and most importand infomration16:51
soeewhat do you think16:51
soeeif new user ask what is Kubuntu what it can offer he can jupm there than and see in 'fancy' way16:52
sgclarkwith links to the userbase (somewhere) for help sounds good to me16:52
soeefor more detailed info he will have to visit kubuntu.org16:52
soeethis will be liek promotional poster16:52
soeemultilanguage so all can easily read it16:53
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
_Groo_hi/2 all19:15
_Groo_i backported plasma-network-manager and libnetworkmanagerqt to trusty19:16
soeenice :)19:16
_Groo_can i send the diffs to you guys?19:16
_Groo_to ninja ppa or whatevr?19:16
_Groo_for review?19:16
soeeRiddell, sgclark, shadeslayer ^19:27
shadeslayerTomorrow, busy getting drunk19:32
sgclarkmail them to kubuntu-devel list?19:32
* sgclark is also done for the day19:33
soee_Groo_: catch one of them tomorrow, they will know what to do :)19:35
_Groo_will do19:53
shadeslayersomeone shrunk the tardis!22:27
shadeslayerit's now smaller on the outside22:27
shadeslayerwait ..22:27
valoriethat's hilarious23:11
valoriehmmm, today's update/dist-upgrade on my 14.04 box not too good: http://paste.kde.org/pkbrnxcsu23:23
valorieI'm thinking of purging the neon5 ppa23:23
sgclarkneon... but just do dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/project-neon5-kio_0.0+git20141008.0321+neon4~faa423d~14.04_amd64.deb23:24
sgclarkshould work23:24
valoriesgclark: ^^^23:30
sgclarklooks successful or was it not?23:31
valorieI can't tell23:32
valorieso many warnings23:33
sgclarkright, because it is overwriting.23:33
sgclarkline 13 shows it setting up23:33
sgclarkupstream released plasma 5 and then made major changes to frameworks and released, caused problems all over the place23:33
sgclarkdunno who works on neon, but maybe notify them?23:34
valorieright now, no one is working on it23:36
valorieshadeslayer says it is unsupported23:36
valoriewhich is why I think I'll just purge it23:37
sgclarkyeah if no one is working on it, that would be wise23:37
valorielet us get settled before the 14.10 release23:37
valorieand then take up testing again23:38
valorieseems like we're just jammed now23:38
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html23:40
valoriehe, that won't work very well either23:43
valorieonly wants to remove libepoxy and the newly added linux headers23:44

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