
=== dani is now known as gaysexsf
=== _zxq9_ is now known as zxq9
gaysexsfhelp me00:25
=== gaysexsf is now known as dani
=== dani is now known as gaysexsf
gaysexsfi have a problem with skype in kubuntu00:26
gaysexsfhow to install that shit00:26
gaysexsfrecomend me a diffrent program brohs00:26
juacom99hi, does anyone here use kde connect?00:29
=== Fritigern is now known as sapphires
=== sapphires is now known as Fritigern
gaysexsfim very annoyed00:37
gaysexsfim using00:38
gaysexsfand idont know how to instal in kde00:38
gaysexsfthere is no package instaler00:38
=== dani is now known as gaysexsf
=== gaysexsf is now known as dani
=== dani is now known as gaysexsf
=== dani is now known as Guest93890
Guest93890can you help me00:58
valorie!ask | Guest9389001:02
ubottuGuest93890: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:02
valorieubottu: ?01:02
valorieGuest93890: since the bot seems off-duty, I'll answer 'maybe' if you say your question01:02
Guest93890master admin senior :D01:03
valoriejuacom99_: I do01:03
Guest93890i have a problem i cant find a package installer for kubuntu01:03
valoriemuon is the best, IMO01:03
Guest93890and cant install skype :X01:04
valorienot muon discover, but muon01:04
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga01:04
valorieyou just have to activate the right repository01:04
valorie!info muon01:04
ubottumuon (source: muon): package manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-0ubuntu3.1 (trusty), package size 201 kB, installed size 1426 kB01:05
Guest93890this is kubuntu mine - 14.04 lts01:05
valoriekubuntu is KDE on ubuntu base, pretty much01:05
Guest93890sorry for stuped topic but im new in linux because it was hating microsoft windows :D01:05
valoriethe only stupid question is the one not asked01:06
valoriethis chan is for support for all, especially beginners01:06
Guest93890can i install the ubuntu software center :?01:07
valoriesure, if you want01:07
Guest93890i dont have a package for skype in apt get :d01:07
Guest93890because stuped mirosoft01:07
juacom99_valorie: i can't get it to list my android device. i got the app installed as well as kdeconnect01:07
juacom99_but they don't see each other01:08
valorieI personally dislike it, but it is certainly installable01:08
valoriealso: muon discover is our "software center"01:08
valoriejuacom99_: is your bluetooth on and working?01:08
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup01:09
juacom99_i'm doing it by usb connection01:09
valorieGuest93890: read the link above about installing skype01:09
valorieyou have to activate another repo01:09
Guest93890unable to locate package01:10
juacom99_Guest93890: i remeamber that ther's a deb on the skype web as well01:10
juacom99_you can donwload it and insdtallit from there01:10
Guest93890i have a file .deb01:10
Guest93890but how to add in my apt get libary01:10
valoriethat's always been true, before and after Microsoft bought it01:11
valorieplease read the page again, and follow ALL the steps01:11
valoriepackages are not installed the same way as microsoft does it01:11
juacom99_you don't you just dpkg01:11
Guest93890aha thank you bro01:11
juacom99_Guest93890: http://www.skype.com/es/download-skype/01:11
Guest93890but witch version can i use01:12
valoriebest to do it the correct way01:12
valorieand apt or apt-get will do it too01:12
* valorie is not a bro01:12
valoriejuacom99_: that is not the right way to do it01:12
valorieplease use the packages which are prepared for *buntu01:13
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »01:13
juacom99_valorie: why?? dpkg works as a charm...01:13
=== juacom99_ is now known as juacom99
Unit193Updates through normal repos, different packaging, etc.01:14
valoriethat is a last resort, if there are no proper packages01:14
juacom99valorie: usualy the vendor's page have the package way before it get mto the repositorys01:15
Guest93890SCUse me01:15
Guest93890what was the path of downloads folder01:16
Guest93890and i goota write cd ./home/downkloads/ - or no01:16
valoriejuacom99: sure01:19
valoriebut then you lack proper packaging, and testing01:19
Guest93890i have a skype now01:20
Guest93890its stuped sound01:20
juacom99valorie: any idea about kdeconnect?01:20
Guest93890someone its online01:20
Guest93890howto use bro01:20
valoriewhen I was having wireless problems, it didn't work well01:21
valorieI mean bluetooth01:21
juacom99i don't have bluetooth in this PC (is a table PC)01:21
valorieif bluetooth is on in both the phone and laptop, it is flawless01:21
valoriejuacom99: then it won't work01:22
juacom99USB cabble don't work?? :(01:22
valorieI don't think so, although I didn't try that with my netbook01:22
Guest93890im understand01:22
valoriethe whole point is to use bluetooth01:22
Guest93890a very profesional qestion01:22
Guest93890where its the core files01:22
valorieGuest93890: are you asking about kdeconnect?01:23
valorieall core files are in the sources that you can download01:23
valorieor on KDE git01:23
Guest93890i cant use because01:23
Guest93890i dont have01:23
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:23
Guest93890bluetoth recievier01:24
Guest93890thank you bro01:24
Guest93890do you use someone talker01:24
Guest93890or jabber01:24
valorieI'm sure adding USB would be welcome01:24
valorieyou can talk to the devels about it01:24
valorieyes, I use jabber01:24
Guest93890its more secure01:24
valoriehowever, I prefer irc chans01:24
Guest93890im  for bulgaria01:24
Guest93890and here01:25
valorieand I'm not a bro01:25
* valorie is a grandma01:25
juacom99valorie: lol01:25
valorieoh very nice01:25
Guest93890here we have a open source client called jutsi01:25
valoriewe don't see bulgarians in here often!01:25
valorievery cool01:25
* valorie is Murrican01:25
Guest93890one moment i will paste the link01:26
* juacom99 is Uruguayan01:26
valorieweeeee, we are international this eveing01:26
juacom99it seems so...01:26
Guest93890the irc giving me  more information01:26
valorie!info jitsi01:27
ubottujitsi (source: jitsi): VoIP and Instant Messaging client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.4997-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 11193 kB, installed size 46259 kB01:27
Guest93890oy can i play the League of legends on linux01:27
valoriecool, we have a package01:27
valorieGuest93890: not a gamer -- is it on steam?01:27
Guest93890valorie: :D01:28
valoriealso, Guest93890, if you are interested in registering, you can have a real nickname01:28
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode01:28
juacom99Guest93890: you can try using wien01:29
juacom99!info wine01:29
ubottuwine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 (trusty), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)01:29
Guest93890its better package01:29
Guest93890but the kde its very nice01:29
Guest93890there are more panels and wigeds01:29
Guest93890more freedomly01:29
=== Guest93890 is now known as DaniUser
juacom99cya valorie01:31
DaniUserim reigsterted01:32
DaniUsercan i create my channel01:32
DaniUserin htat server01:32
juacom99if you want... just join the channel, check if the name is not registred and nthen register it01:35
DaniUseraha thank you01:35
DaniUserremotte dont want workig01:41
juacom99are you using it?01:43
DaniUserhelp me how to change the workspace01:45
=== solifugus is now known as solifugus_
solifugus_System Settings pops up off screen to the right -- how can I move it to where I can see it and fix my resolution?01:52
solifugus_I tried right-clicking it on task bar -> more actions -> move .. but then i just loose my cursor until I reboot.01:53
solifugus_I so.. so.. miss the days of kde 3.5.... when everything was simple and worked so cleanly..01:58
valoriesolifugus_: sounds like kscreen is getting your screen size wrong02:11
valoriefix that first in kscreen02:11
solifugus_valorie: I ended up using xrandr.. then I could finally get to system settings..  What's strange is that various other windows like chromium-browser and konsole got it right..02:45
solifugus_but all is well that ends well.. at least for now.. I am good.02:45
valoriehmmm, xrandr should no longer be needed02:49
valoriebut whatever works.....02:49
jocsAnyone here knows how to change DPI of Kubuntu 14.04 LTS ?03:53
=== RedShorts|off is now known as RedShorts
=== TheFakeazneD525 is now known as libreSSL
rethnorhello, I have a G110 keyboard that has a built in sound card and headphone jacks. The card work when I use speaker-test but it doe snot show up in phonns multimedia device .06:01
rethnorI found the following FAQ: https://userbase.kde.org/Phonon#Missing_device_entries but I am confused because I ahve no /etc/asoundrc or ~/.asound.conf06:02
rethnorthe device also shows up in alsamixer as the 3rd device06:02
rethnornm, it's working now06:21
lordievaderGood morning.07:02
Bomber_hey guys....07:02
Bomber_i need some python installation help....i'm going crazy..07:02
valorieBomber_: how did you install it?07:03
valorie!info python07:03
Bomber_downloaded the tar, untared to a folder inside home07:03
lordievaderBomber_: What's the problem?07:03
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.5-5ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 130 kB, installed size 671 kB07:03
* libreSSL whispers into valorie 's ear "ppas"07:03
Bomber_so ok, great, make make install and all that07:03
valoriewhy didn't you install the package?07:03
Bomber_but I need to install pip / virtualenv for THATversion and not the system version07:03
Bomber_2.7.8 isn't available in apt-get, as far as i know07:04
lordievader!info python307:04
ubottupython3 (source: python3-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Version 3.4.0-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 8 kB, installed size 100 kB07:04
valorielibreSSL: why?07:04
lordievader3.4.0 is relatively new. Why not install that?07:04
libreSSL3 and 2 aren't fully compatible07:04
libreSSLbecause reasons07:04
lordievaderlibreSSL: print07:04
Bomber_yeah, it's cool and all that. I'll touch base with that once I'm up and running at least with my previous system. new laptop and that07:04
Bomber_and libre, I'm with ya07:04
Bomber_but again, soon. Not yet07:05
lordievaderBomber_: I don't see a reason to compile Python yourself...07:05
Bomber_well it just happened. :-/07:05
Bomber_i mean, what else was I supposed to do?07:05
Bomber_apt-get it when it's not available?07:05
libreSSLthere are um...07:05
libreSSLother repositories... which aren't endorsed by canonical or blue systems07:06
libreSSLbut might work07:06
* libreSSL hides07:06
lordievaderBomber_: Why do you specifically need 2.7.8?07:06
Bomber_latest version, my previous workspace (windows, yuck) was using that vesion07:06
Bomber_i'll copy libreSSL07:06
Bomber_"because reasons"07:06
lordievader2.7.5 should work just fine.07:06
valorierepos have nothing to do with endorsement by any company07:07
lordievader!info python utopic07:07
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.8-1 (utopic), package size 134 kB, installed size 680 kB07:07
valoriethe community guarantees some PPAs07:07
valorieand others are just people07:07
Bomber_...ok, so I'll just download 2.7.7 as received from apt-get. But still, I don't know what I'm missing as to how to apply virtualenv on that version...07:08
lordievader!info python-pip07:08
ubottupython-pip (source: python-pip): alternative Python package installer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.4-1 (trusty), package size 95 kB, installed size 468 kB07:08
Bomber_It's just that I'm having trouble with JetBrain's PyCharm and the permission system07:08
libreSSLsay is PyCharm good?07:08
Bomber_I love it.07:08
Bomber_but it's doing me problems with permissions07:09
Bomber_"oh, you want to install Django? fuck you. 'cause I'm not root"07:09
Bomber_well, ok so let me make pycharm root07:09
Bomber_"fuck you, i need the python version i'm using to be root"07:09
Bomber_ok, so I'll mess up with the permission system07:09
Bomber_"fuck you........fuck you"07:09
lordievaderBomber_: Please watch your language.07:09
Bomber_my bad07:10
valorieBomber_: once you have things installed, there is a pycharm channel07:11
valoriecalled ##pycharm07:11
valoriehere on freenode, yes07:11
valorieI used alis to search for ya07:11
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*07:11
Bomber_uh.. ##pycharm or #pycharm?07:12
valorie-alis- ##pycharm07:13
valoriejust click it and you'll be there07:13
valoriein konversation, at least07:13
Bomber_well that channel is lovely07:14
Bomber_very peacful and quiet. AKA empty. :-/07:14
valoriesorry about that07:18
valoriemost chans have hours of emptiness, depending on where most people live07:18
=== Graf_Westerholt is now known as NSA
=== NSA is now known as Graf_Westerholt
Yossarianukhi - is the version of KDE going to ever be upgraded in 14.04 without adding a PPA ?08:50
Riddell4.13.3 is already in -updates08:52
YossarianukRiddell: thanks - and future updates - will they be bugfixes to the 4.13.x branch ?08:58
RiddellYossarianuk: I think 4.13 is done09:00
Yossarianukriddell: so in the next 4(ish) years will 14.04 remain at that version ?09:01
Yossarianuk(just deciding if to enable the PPA - i won't if 14.04 will eventually update the version)09:02
RiddellYossarianuk: yes I expect it'll remain at 4.13.309:02
Riddellnote that PPAs tend to have lower QA done on them09:02
Yossarianukthank you09:03
Yossarianukfor work desktop i'll keep it...09:03
Yossarianuk(home i'll use PPA)09:03
alvinSuch decisions are always difficult in my opinion. 4.14 introduces Baloo, wich is more stable.09:06
alvin(If I'm not mistaken here)09:06
Riddelland also a new feature, we don't add new features to -updates,bugfixes only09:16
lukimyabetter to play around with rolling release maybe, if want to take sneak peaks into kde future :)09:18
Yossarianuklukimya: I do also have Arch linux installed on my home desktop...09:25
lukimyaI use KaOS09:26
YossarianukWell in here the opensource/free community is nice.....09:30
Yossarianuknot the rapid mob than Lennart was talking about..... (im sure KDE/Kubuntu's is nicer than most...)09:34
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
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=== IdleOne is now known as Guest73180
BluesKajHey folks11:14
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
=== pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
ozooner__join #loggly11:51
=== facerias is now known as Galico
G___0_How can install KDE distro Rosa on Kubuntu ? I mean install KDM login , Icons Rosa and applications launcher13:03
G___0_How can install KDE distro Rosa linux on Kubuntu ? I mean install KDM login , Icons Rosa and applications launcher13:04
=== Fritigern is now known as Fritigern_AFK
schoppenhauerhello. I have my trackpoint and mouses made left-handed. but now my wacom stylus is interpreted in the wrong way (the keys exchanged).15:01
schoppenhaueris it possible to change this?15:01
schoppenhauerthere is only a setting for "key 2" and "key 3" ...15:02
=== Guest9486 is now known as RedDeath
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »16:13
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »16:14
Bomber_Does anyone know how to solve synaptics issues with touchpads(usingan Asus R510L)?17:02
Bomber_if so, please PM me17:02
notrevhi all, i'm trying to install project-noen5 packages, to try it, but i get an error when trying to install kio-extras. Did anybody get the same error?17:39
zero_coderctrl+space not working in emacs in kubuntu18:09
alvinI have here a dualboot system. Network works in Windows 8.1, but not in Kubuntu. Any ideas? I tried networkmangler with DHCP and static, and /etc/network/interfaces with DHCP and static. All with the last 3 kernels. The system detects cable connect/disconnect and when using DHCP, just keeps trying. I disabled UFW.18:42
alvinOh, and it used to work...18:42
lordievaderalvin: You don't get an IP address?18:47
alvinlordievader: Only wen setting one manually, but I can still ping nothing at all18:47
lordievaderalvin: Sorry, what?18:48
alvinAh, no. I misread. I don't get an IP address.18:48
lordievaderalvin: What do your logs report?18:49
alvinI mainly tried DHCP, even tried disabling IPv6 in networkmanager, but the logs still show tries on IPv618:49
alvinNothing out of the ordinary. Only the tries on and that nothing is received18:49
alvinI'd paste them, but I had to reboot in Windows to have network.18:50
lordievaderalvin: Sound like your dhcp server is not responding.18:50
alvinTried unloading the e1000e module and reloading. That works, but still. Nothing18:50
alvinThat's not it. Windows is also using DHCP, and I released the address there and asked a new one. I also restarted the DHCP service. On top of that, it's a pfsense box. They don't break ;-)18:51
alvinnm-tool just shows 'connecting' for the wired entry. That's it. The pc keeps trying.18:52
alvinThe pfsense logs show nothing, except when I use Windows.18:52
lordievaderalvin: Does your dhcp server see the request?18:53
alvinNo, it does not18:53
alvinCould it be the driver?18:54
alvinIn that case I'll have to use an experimental kernel. I'm just running plain Kubuntu 14.04 now, didn't update for a week now.18:54
lordievaderMight be, is it a very new machine?18:55
alvinYes, well, pretty much. The card is an Intel I217-V or something18:55
lordievaderalvin: Did you check if it is supported by your kernel?18:56
alvinBut installing Kubuntu was the first thing I did on that machine. And it has been working for months now. Only, I didn't use Kubuntu for a week on this machine, and now there's no network anymore.18:56
=== zippy is now known as Guest16668
kbroulikwhat can be the reason for various kde4/qt4 apps crashing with "*** Error in `amarok': realloc(): invalid pointer: 0x000000000060b1c0 ***" ? amarok for example, lightdm (which is quite inconvenient) as well..20:37
geniikbroulik: Probably want to install amarok-dbg and make a bug report20:38
kbroulikdoesnt seem application specific20:38
kbroulikhappens to varous kde4-/qt4-based apps20:39
lordievaderkbroulik: Sounds like it does some not allowed memory operation.20:40
kbroulikbacktrace is useless either. I have dbg installed, and all it does say "in raise.c sigabrt was raised because of the aforementioned issue"20:41
kbroulikoh stupid me, xd20:41
kbroulikhttp://paste.kde.org/peftxntca ← but I have no idea what changed that this suddenly started happening20:42
kbroulikI dont even have a qt4 dev setup anyway, so I could not have screwed that up compiling/buildig stuff. if 5 stuff, sure, but not qt4/kde4 apps20:43
sqphwhen running apt-get upgrade, it says the following packages have been held back (linux-generic ; linux-headers-generic ; linux-image-generic) and the following package will be upgraded (linux-libc-dev)20:50
sqphHowever, when I launch Muon Update Manager, it seems to prepare for upgrading all of the above20:51
sqphwhat's the difference?20:51
=== gonyere__ is now known as gonyere
sqphit seems I could add option --with-new-pkgs and it would upgrade all 4, plus install 4 new pkgs (linux-headers-3.13.0-37 ; linux-headers-3.13.0-37-generic ; linux-image-3.13.0-37-generic ; linux-image-extra-3.13.0-37-generic)21:00
sqphif doing so could brake something, then it seems strange that Muon Update Manager would do that as default21:03
=== dakaiser is now known as dhk
lordievadersqph: Muon runs "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"21:13
sqphoh really...like every time?21:14
lordievadersqph: Don't know. But if it install those kinds of updates, yes.21:14
tsimpsonit doesn't actually run that command, but it emulates its effects21:14
sqphso the whole stability of my kubuntu distro depends on apt-get "smart" conflict resolution system21:14
sqphah ok that's probably different21:15
sqphstill unsure what's better: muon or apt-get21:15
tsimpsonapt has pretty good conflict resolution so long as packagers use the appropriate options21:16
tsimpsonboth use the apt system21:16
sqphwhat's the difference between apt-get upgrade --with-new-pkgs and apt-get dist-upgrade ?21:16
sqphin the man page, there is no statement that --with-new-pkgs may remove packages, maybe the conflict resolution system is more conservative?21:18
sqph(but there is such statement for dist-upgrade)21:18
Bomberanyone know how to properlly install synaptic drivers?21:22
tsimpsonsqph: I don't know, it's probably burred somewhere in apt's documentation.21:26
sqphtsimpson: right. I guess it's not quite at the top of the list of additional things I need to learn yet.21:28
sinclairosyes yes21:50
=== dani is now known as Guest3209
=== Guest3209 is now known as DaniUser
DaniUserhi all22:30
DaniUseri have22:31
DaniUser one special question22:31
DaniUseri dont have any22:31
DaniUserhow to update my packages22:31
DaniUserin apt22:31
rww1) sudo apt-get update; 2) put questions all on one line, please22:34
DaniUserhow to change password22:35
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:35
=== gaysexsf is now known as DaniUser
DaniUserwith that   sudo passwd root etering the my password then entering the new password for root access22:39
ubottuWe do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.22:46
DaniUserscuse me22:54
DaniUserthis forum its for help22:54
DaniUserchat *22:55
DaniUseri just want to say what i found :x22:55
DaniUserbut yeah the  root its very danger account   someone who dont understand what can do it22:55
DaniUserhow to install lamp-server23:04
DaniUserdo  it possible:?23:04
DaniUserthe package no existing23:04
tsimpsonsee https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/ and specifically https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/web-servers.html23:05
=== Guest73180 is now known as IdleOne
DaniUseryou its very helplul23:08
ibsinHello all23:43
ibsinCan anyone help mewith the KAddress Book?23:44
valoriewhat difficulty are you having, ibsin?23:44
ibsinI'mtrying to import my Google contacts, and when I click OK, it pops up and says 'You must assign at least one column.'23:44
valorieI would try #kontact23:45
valorieif nobody speaks up here23:45
ibsinAlright, lemme give that one a go23:45
valorieunfortunately, it's night in Europe, where most of our people live23:46
bpromptibsin:      import to what again?23:51
ibsinImport myGoogle contacts into KAddress Book?23:51
ibsinOh, anyone know what the lil plus and minux sysmbols are that show up on the folders?23:51
ibsinI'm new to Kubuntu, so, I don't know some of things that are different xD23:51
bpromptibsin:    does google have that service?   I don't see it in kaddressbook itself23:51
ibsinI exported my contacts as a .csv file, which, I know KAddress Book takes.23:52
bprompt[+]  /   [-]  ?    expand / collapse folder23:52
bpromptibsin:    can you paste just a couple of lines from the .csv?   maybe is the formatting23:53
bprompt!paste | ibsin23:53
ubottuibsin: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:53

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